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The Tragedie of Gorbodvc

where of three Actes were wrytten by Thomas Nortone, and the two laste by Thomas Sackuyle
Thargument of the Tragedie.

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Thargument of the Tragedie.

Gorbodvc , king of Brittaine, deuided his Realme in his lyfe time to his Sōnes, Ferrex and Porrex. The Sonnes fell to dyuision and discention. The yonger kylled the elder. The Mother that more dearely loued thelder, for reuenge kylled the yonger. The people moued with the Crueltie of the facte, rose in Rebellion and slewe both father and mother. The Nobilitie assembled and most terribly destroyed the Rebelles. And afterwardes for want of Issue of the Prince wherby the Succession of the Crowne became vncertayne. They fell to Ciuill warre in whiche both they and many of their Issues were slayne, and the Lande for a longe tyme almoste desolate and myserablye wasted.