A Moral And Pitiefvl Comedie, Intituled, All for Money Plainly representing the manners of men, and fashion of the world noweadayes |
A Moral And Pitiefvl Comedie, Intituled, All for Money | ||
- Theologie.
- Science.
- Arte.
- Money.
- Adulation.
- Mischieuous helpe.
- Pleasure.
- Prest for pleasure.
- Sinne.
- Swift to sinne [Svvift to sinne].
- Damnation.
- Satan.
- Pryde.
- Gluttonie.
- Learning with money.
- Learning without mony.
- Money without learning.
- All for money.
- Neyther money nor learning.
- Moneyles and friendles.
- Gregorie graceles.
- Moneyles.
- William with the two wiues.
- Nychol.
- S. Laurence.
- Mother Croote.
- Iudas.
- Diues.
- Godly admonition.
- Uertue.
- Humilitie.
- Charitie.
The names of them that play this Comœdie.
A Moral And Pitiefvl Comedie, Intituled, All for Money | ||