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A pleasant Enterlude, intituled, Like will to Like quoth the Deuill to the Collier

Wherin is declared what punishments followe those that will rather liue licentiously : then esteeme and followe good Councell. And what benefits they receiue that apply them selues to vertuous liuing and good exercises



Fiue may easily play this Enterlude.

    For one.

  • The Prologue.
  • Tom Tospot.
  • Hākin hangman.
  • Tom Collier.

    For one.

  • Lucifer.
  • Rafe Roister.
  • Good Fame.
  • Seueritie.

    For one.

  • Haunce.
  • Vertuous Life.
  • Gods Promise.
  • Cutbert cutpurs

    For one.

  • Philip Fleming.
  • Pierce pickpurs
  • Honour.
  • Nichol Newfangle the Uice.