The Cunning Lovers | ||
- Verona , the Duke of Verona.
- Prospero, the Prince his Son.
- Montecelso, a Peere of Verona.
- Embassadours from the Mantuan Duke.
- Cosmo, a Lord of Verona.
- Mantua, the Duke of Mantua.
- Clowne.
- Florence, the Duke of Florence.
- Ferrara, a Marquesse.
- Julio, a Mantuan Lord.
- Valentia, Daughter to the Mantuan Duke.
- Dutchesse.
- A Smith.
- A Mason.
- A Bricklayer.
- A Carpenter.
- Pilgrim.
- A Negromancer.
- A Spanish Lady.
- Bishop.
- Duke of Verona's Army.
The Names of the Actors.
The Cunning Lovers | ||