University of Virginia Library


Many a story told,
Earth! thy tale survives;
In a quiet fold,
Leading happy lives,
Dwell this old world's old
Fathers with their wives.
From the tight packed box,
O'er the carpet spread,
Oh, what peaceful flocks
In the fire-light red
Wander, from rude shocks
Duly shepherded.
Loved with equal love,
Prized with equal care,
Raven, then, and Dove;
But the dearest there
Are still the spotted Ladybird
And the springing Grasshopper.
Now does childish play
That sweet tale rehearse
Told by Prophet grey,
Sung in Sibyl's verse,
Of a Coming Day,
Of a vanquish'd curse.
See the Cow and Bear
Together dwell and feed,
Ox and Lion there
In sweet peace agreed;
Wolf and Lamb one pasture share,
With a little Child to lead.
Dora Greenwell.