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Russia Re-Born

by F. W. Bourdillon

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Russia Re-born.

Hark! There is thunder above the din of battle,
A throb of sound thro' the tumult of the sea,
Trembling of earth amid the roar and rattle
Where men lie as green fruit shaken from the tree.
A noise as of earthquake from the Northward sounding,
Loud, as in ruin an iceberg toppling falls,
Loud, as an avalanche awful and astounding
Roars in cataract down the mountain walls.
A throne has fallen, an Empire is shaken,
And kingdoms tremble from the mountain to the main.
A multitude, slow from slumber to awaken,
Stirs huge limbs yet stiffened from the chain.


The long night is waning; the day dawns, ending
The sighing of the prisoner, the groaning of the slave.
The bands of iron break, the walls of brass are rending,
When the People arises resistless as a wave.
There is heaving as of earthquake; a giant strength is turning,
Struggling to freedom thro' earth piled deep above.
There are flames as of Etna, for fires long pent are burning,
And the surge of the lava o'erwhelms the fields of love.
Look to the North! The Northern night is breaking.
Look to the East! The Eastern day begins.
Thrones are tottering, Tyrannies are quaking,
Vainly repentant of unforgiven sins.


Look to the North, where Freedom, long in labour,
Brings to the birth a Nation born anew!
Million-handed for the sickle or the sabre,
Million-voiced, to claim the birthright due.
Look to the East, where the hosts of the Oppressor
Are scourged and driven from the garden of the Lord!
Trampler of Man's law, of God's law transgressor,
With foul fierce gospel of the Harem and the sword.
Light, light at last! And all the waves of ocean
To Eastward and Westward are crested with the ray.
Tidings of hope! And the night-psalm of devotion
Changes to lauds on the lips of them that pray.
Send out the message to those who man the trenches!
Flash forth the word to those who watch at sea!


Above the battle-roar, above the brine that drenches,
Above the groan of anguish the shout of joy shall be.
Cry, cry aloud in the hearing of the foemen!
Wave the new banner that blazons Freedom's name!
To us name of victory, to them name of omen,
The name that kindles the nations as a flame.
Freedom, whose title is greater than our praises,
Freedom, whose music is sweeter than our songs;
Star of the East, to which the whole world gazes,
Law of the Heaven, to which the whole world longs.
Aye, we have heard, our fathers too have told us,
How at that name the thrones of earth were thrilled,
Thrilled and shaken the powers that bought and sold us,
The sceptred Tyrannies with fear and trembling filled.


Long, long delaying, as morning slow in breaking,
Bright on the summit but darkling in the vale;
The soul long enslaved, shall it not be slow in waking?
The heart long in prison, shall it not quake and quail?
Nay, though it stay, the noon comes brightly gleaming;
Nay, though it linger, the summer breaks at last.
Above lies the snow, but below the earth is teeming;
The babe unseen in the bosom waxes fast.
And thou, great Eagle, whose home is 'twixt the oceans,
The twain world-waters to Eastward and to West,
Watching o'er-long our wars and wild commotions,
Thou to whom Freedom was nursling of the breast!


Hail now the new-born! Haste to the baptizing!
Aye, tho' in blood must the sign of faith be made!
Strong from the cradle behold the babe arising
To strangle the serpents! Oh, haste, too long delayed!
Tremble ye, tremble ye, Tyrannies, Oppressions,
Slaveries, Terrors, Powers of the sword!
Who now will plead for you, who make intercessions,
When the wrath of the People is the judgment of the Lord?
Make strong your fortresses, high your fencèd cities!
Marshal by millions your unrebellious slaves!
There are more against you, sorrows, sanctions, pities,
Souls of the slain arising from their graves.


Fling your crowns from you! That shall not avail you.
Flee from your thrones! No help shall lie that way.
Though ye fall to prayer, the gods ye serve shall fail you,
What time the trumpet sounds proclaiming Judgment Day.
Fight, fight on, ye men of might and glory,
Ye who laugh in Death's face, with life held out in hand,
Glorious as those who fought in ancient story
For the hope of the Cross and the help of Holy Land!
Fight, fight on, ye souls of deathless daring,
Day and night bearing the danger of the sea,
Glorious as those who in days of old sea-faring
Fought wolf and sea-wolf to set the sea-wave free!


Stout hearts and stalwart, weary not nor weaken,
Fierce though the strife be, and far away the goal!
It shines, it shines, a golden-flaming beacon,
A lamp to the feet and a signal to the soul.
Hear, ye free People, the voice of all free nations
Lifted in gladness of the sister latest born!
Join the great company with songs and aspirations
Marching to meet the new triumphal Morn!
Behold her, behold her, simple-souled and tender,
With brow unadorned, new-lightened of the crown!
But faith upon her forehead is as a stone of splendour,
And joy in her eyes as a jewel of renown.