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Poems and Songs Humorous, Serious and Satirical

By Alexander Rodger; Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Ford; New and Complete Edition

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My mither men't my auld breeks,
An' wow! but they were duddy,
And sent me to get Mally shod
At Robin Tamson's smiddy;
The smiddy stands beside the burn
That wimples through the clachan,
I never yet gae by the door
But aye I fa' a-lauchin'.
For Robin was a walthy carle,
An' had ae bonnie dochter:
Yet ne'er wad let her tak' a man,
Tho' mony lads had socht her;
But what think ye o' my exploit?
The time the mare was shoeing,
I slippit up beside the lass
An' briskly fell a-wooing.


An' aye she ee'd my auld breeks,
The time that we sat crackin',
Quo' I, “My lass, ne'er mind the clouts,
I've new anes for the makin';
But gin ye'll just come hame wi' me,
An' lea' the carle, your faither,
Ye'se get my breeks to keep in trim,
Mysel', an' a' thegither.”
“'Deed, lad,” quo' she, “your offer's fair,
I really think I'll tak' it;
Sae, gang awa', get out the mare,
We'll baith slip on the back o't;
For gin I wait my faither's time,
I'll wait till I be fifty;
But, na! I'll marry in my prime,
An' mak' a wife fu' thrifty.”
Wow! Robin was an angry man
At tynin' o' his dochter;
Thro' a' the kintra-side he ran,
An' far an' near he socht her;


But when he cam' to our fire-end,
An' fand us baith thegither,
Quo' I, “Gudeman, I've ta'en your bairn,
An' ye can tak' my mither.”
Auld Robin girn'd an' shook his pow,
“Guid sooth,” quo' he, “you're merry,
But I'll just tak' ye at your word
An' end this hurry-burry;”
So Robin an' our auld wife
Agreed to creep thegither;
Now I hae Robin Tamson's pet,
An' Robin has my mither.