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The Widow's Tale

and other Poems. By the Author of Ellen Fitzarthur [i.e. by C. A. Bowles]

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The yellow beams of evening light
Down aspen glen were streaming bright:
On either side tall cliffs arose
In their deep shadows of repose,
But catching lights, obliquely glancing,
Touched many a crag's projecting edge,
And many a sun-bright bough was dancing,
Out-starting from its rocky ledge;
And a little stream, from stone to stone,
As it leapt with mirthful music down,
Glittered and gleamed in the slanting ray,
A scattered shower of diamond spray.


Half down one rifted side was seen
A little shelf, a platform green,
A nook of smiling solitude,
Lodged there in Nature's frolic mood.
There many an ash and aspen grey
From rent and fissure forced its way,
And where the bare grey rock peeped through,
Lichens of ev'ry tint and hue
Marbling its sides, and mossy stains
Enseamed their vegetable veins.
The streamlet gushed from that rocky wall,
And close beside its sparkling fall
A little cot, like a martin's nest,
Clung to that lonely place of rest.
The living rock its walls supplied
North, east, and south; the western side
With fragments of the pale grey stone
Was rudely built, whose silv'ry tone
Contrasted with its chaste repose
The hollyhock, and briar-rose.


Beneath the thatch, where woodbines clung,
In wicker-cage a blackbird hung,
And a ceaseless murmur met the ear
From the busy hum of a bee-hive near.
In many a crevice of the rock,
The wall-flower and far-fragrant stock
Sprung up, and ev'ry here and there,
Collected with industrious care,
A little patch of shallow mould
Was gay with flowers; there, spiked with gold
Tall rockets bloomed, and burrage blue,
And pinks, and sweet valerian grew;
There thyme and pennyroyal green,
And balm and marjoram were seen,
And many a herb of virtues known
To rustic pharmacy alone.
A narrow path, like a pale grey thread,
Now lost, now re-appearing, led


Down the craggy steep—the sight was rare
Of human form descending there;
But half way down a trav'ler now
Is gazing on the scene below.
In coarse and tattered garb is he,
And he looks like one returned from sea,
Whose sallow cheek and withered form
Has borne the brunt of sun and storm:
His wallet from his shoulder thrown,
And staff are laid on a jutting stone,
His hat is flung beside them there,
And the light breeze plays with his raven hair,
Perhaps, as on that lowly cot,
He looks, to some resembling spot,
Some glen as lovely and as lone.
Far far away his thoughts are gone,
And fancy, time and space o'erleaping,
Her mem'ry-mingled feast is keeping,
Restoring in that brief survey,
The scenes that long have passed away—


The things that have been and are not
His father's home, his native cot,
And the smiling group at its open door
That wont to welcome him of yore.
Brothers and sisters' joyous kiss,
Parental rapture's tearful bliss,
Or bashful childhood, fondly shy,
With curious half-averted eye,
Or, welcome, each, and all above,
The silent clasp of wedded love!
And are they gone? remains there none
Of all the kindred group, not one
To make the pilgrim's heart rebound
“With welcome home's” soul cheering sound?
The language of that glistening eye
Of no expected welcome tells:
The heart that heaves that deep-drawn sigh,
With no sweet hope exulting swells.
That sigh disperses fancy's dream,
As from the mirror of a stream,


A breezy whisper passing by
Sweeps the reflected imagery.
He grasps his oaken staff once more,
And slowly to the cottage-door
Descends the path (half path, half stair)
Thro' brake and bush conducting there.—
Close by the open door is placed
A high-backed wicker-chair—'tis faced
To the bright sunset—there sits one
Whose eyes towards that setting sun
Are turned in vain—its lustre falls
Unheeded on those sightless balls.
But on the silver hairs that stray
From her plaited coif, the evening ray
Reposes, and with mellow light
Edges the folds of her kerchief white.
That aged matron's chair beside,
A little damsel azure eyed


And golden haired, sings merrily,
The while her restless fingers ply
The tedious woof of edging fine;
And as across the length'ning line,
With lightning speed the bobbins fly,
The little maid sings merrily.
A moment since, the holy word
Of God, from her youthful voice was heard—
The sacred book of his written will
On the bench at hand lies open still:
Th' allotted evening-portion there
She has read aloud with duteous care,
Imparting to the ear of age,
The comforts of that holy page
That cheers the soul with inward light,
Tho' the dim eyes are sealed in night.
It was a scene might well engage
The soul's best feelings—youth and age—
The youthful voice, entoning clear
Those blessed truths, to Christians dear,


The shrivelled hands, and rayless eyes
To Him who dwelleth in the skies,
Uplifted in the sacrifice
Of prayer and praise—that simple rite,
Accepted incense in His sight,
Whose holy spirit, passing by
The claims of proud sufficiency,
Yet ever near to those who seek,
Dwells with the lowly and the meek.
A shadow falls on the cottage-floor,
A stranger stands at the open door—
Weary and poor, his prayer is said
In few, low words—“a crust of bread,
A cup of water”—in the name
Of Jesu asked—that sacred claim
Never by Christian coldly heard,
Is now to Christian hearts preferred,
And so dejected and distressed,
So way-worn looks th' unbidden guest,


Young Agnes' eyes a welcome speak
Before her lips their silence break,
And she turns to tell how faint and pale
The suppliant looks—but his simple tale
To the heart of the blind has found its way,
And with falt'ring tongue she bids him stay,
For his voice has something in its tone,
Like the voice of one that's dead and gone.
How freshly can a sound restore
The things, and scenes that are no more!
A strain of music heard before,
How from oblivion's darkest night,
As with a flash of mental light,
Doth it recall the very place,
The time, each dear familiar face,
Each object that begirt us round,
When last we listened to the sound.
But the magic of a voice! a word!
Uttered in accents long unheard—


As if the grave its silence drear
Dissolved, that thrilling tone we hear,
And all the past comes back again,
To the full heart, the teeming brain.
Agnes has spread the homely fare,
Their evening meal—the grandam's prayer
Of praise and thanksgiving is said
For daily blessings, daily bread,
And freely, for the Giver's sake,
She bids the stranger-guest partake.
But not like one by hunger prest
He shares the meal—a silent guest,
With thoughtful and abstracted air
He sits, and heart-corroding care
Seems lab'ring in the frequent sigh
That heaves his breast unconsciously,
And the dark sadness of his eye
Intently on the youthful face
Of Agnes dwells, as if to trace


A likeness to some face enshrined
In mem'ry's treasure-house, the mind.
She started at the deep, deep sigh
That ended his long scrutiny.
“Oh, grandam dear!” she whispered low,
“Could you but see how full of woe
He looks, how sadly upon me
His eyes are fixed, as used to be
Your own, dear grandam! many a day
Before God took your sight away.
Speak to him, grandmother! his eye
Disturbs me, yet I know not why:
'Tis only mournful, not severe—
Speak some kind words his heart to cheer.”
Not only to the ear addressed
That whisper came, the thoughtful guest
Its purport caught, “Alas, dear maid!”
He cried, “too truly hast thou said—


I am a man of sorrow; one
Whose stream of life o'er rocks has run,
Where all the joys and hopes that decked
Its earlier course are lost and wrecked.
Yes—on thy gentle face, my gaze
Intently rested—long past days
Were bright'ning o'er my spirit then—
A face I ne'er must see again
But in a dream—a face as mild,
As lovely as thine own, dear child!
Thy features had recalled, so plain,
The parting hour, the hour of pain,
When that dear face I looked on last
Before me in the vision past,
And then the thought across me came,
I might have borne th' endearing name
Of father, to a child like thee;
But I am here, a blasted tree—
The lovely vine that clung to me


Was scathed and withered to the root,
And perished with its unripe fruit.”
“Alas, my son!” old Alice cried,
“And has the will of God so tried
Thy Christian patience? May it be
His pleasure who afflicted thee
T' embalm thy bleeding wounds. My son!
There is no other med'cine, none
For broken hearts—‘A blasted tree,’
Poor wand'rer! art thou? Look on me—
Where are the goodly branches now
That flourished round me? limb nor bough
(All gone! all withered! all decayed!)
Is left this withered trunk to shade.
The shadow of perpetual night
Is over me—the blessed light
Of day, and yet more cheering sight
Of human features, is from me
Shut out for ever! Poverty


Abideth in our lonely cot,
The comforts of a former lot,
Contrasting with her aspect chill
And homely darkening frown; yet still
I am content—nay more—am blest.
For, Stranger! this is not my rest.
There is a Sun whose glorious light
Turns into day the darkest night—
There is a hope beyond the tomb—
Beyond the transitory gloom
Of this world's ills. My little maid!
Forgive me—thanklessly I said
That I was childless—but for thee,
Childless and helpless I should be.
Child of my child! bequeathed when he”—
“‘Child of thy child!’ But Robert too
Was married, and a father.”—“Who?
Robert thou said'st! and was my son
Known to thee, stranger? art thou one
To whom my other child was known,


My Reuben? He, too, is no more—
And have I seen thy face before?
Before—alas! I had forgot—
I hear thee, but I see thee not—
I hear thee—when my ear first caught
The accents of thy voice, they brought
Strange trouble to my heart—I thought,
But that I know my child is dead,
And fathoms deep above his head
That ocean rolls, I could have said
That voice was his—but tell me now,
When didst thou know us—where and how?”
I knew thy son—the ship that bore
Thy Reuben from his native shore
I sailed in, and I left behind,
Like him, all objects that could bind
The heart to life—so mutual grief
Made us companions, and relief,


And mournful pleasure, 'twas to keep
Our watch at midnight, when deep sleep
Had fallen on others—that calm hour
Was mem'ry's sabbath—and the power
By which she conjured up again
The buried past, more perfect then,
In the still solitude of night,
More clear, than when the garish light
Of day, with all its busy sound
Of human toil and voices, drowned
The inward vision—we communed
(Our hearts like instruments attuned
By kindred sorrows in one key)
Of those we never more should see.
Of those we never might—of thee,
Full oft and tenderly, thy son,
Thy Reuben spake—“There yet is one,
One left in England,” he would say,
“Who loves me well—Oh! she will pray
For her poor son—and if the day


Should ever come—if God restore
Me to my native land once more—
To that dear parent—it will be
All that of joy remains for me
To comfort her declining years,
With grateful love to dry the tears
Shed for my sorrows.”—Thus thy son
Remembered thee in absence—none
Save thee, he said, were left to mourn
His loss, or pray for his return—
Oh! yes—there was a brother too,
Whom he called Robert—well he knew
What int'rest he and his kind mate
Shared in the absent wand'rer's fate—
From broken sentences beside
I gleaned, how sharply God had tried
His heart with sorrow—the last stroke
Was recent, and he seldom spoke
Of that, or of past times—too well
Thou know'st his fate—I need not tell


The story of that day to thee,
Whose issue crowned with victory
The British arms.—Beside thy son,
Stationed with him at the same gun
Had been my post—but when the sea
Thro' ev'ry port-hole suddenly
Came rushing in, we sprang on deck,
Just as the ship, a found'ring wreck,
Went to the bottom—only I
Of all her gallant company
Was saved alive. They had just lower'd
From a French ship (to take on hoard
Some of their drowning mates) a boat,
Near which it was my chance to float;
So, 'mongst their own, they rescued me,
To pine in long captivity.
For since that day, in France I've lain
A pris'ner languishing in vain,
Year after year, for the release
That never came—till at last, peace


Unbarred our dungeon.—It might be
Mine own impatience to be free
That marred itself—for I had sought
The means (successfully, I thought,)
To escape from thence.—Our prison near,
Dwelt one, who in her heart right dear
Held all from England, which had been
Indeed her birth-place.—She had seen
And marked me, as, with care-worn mien,
I paced the high-walled court around
Beneath her window, and she found
That from the very spot I came,
Her native place, and that my name
Was one that to her ear, in youth,
Had been familiar, for in truth
I was her sister's son—a scene
Of many cares her life had been
Since, in an evil hour, (undone
By fatal confidence in one


Who ill deserved her love,) her home
And country she forsook, to roam
Where'er his wayward fortunes led,
And still more wayward will:—they fled
First to his native land, and there
Abode, till his detected share
In dark offences cast them out
From France for ever—then they sought
Her distant colonies, when he
(Whom naming, she called D'Aubigny)
The wreck of former wealth possessed.
Alas! to her that land of rest
Proved not a land of peace—her breast
Nourished the worm that dieth not—
A spirit self-arraigned—a lot
Uncheered by wedded love was hers,
And so, for many tedious years,
She dragged on life, till fate set free
Her future days, and D'Aubigny
Went to his last account.—Then she,


To whom, tho' late, the sacred name
Of wife was sealed, her widowed claim
Asserting, what was left secured
Of their small substance, and procured
Its secret transfer to the land,
To which, with yearning heart, she planned
Her own return—but then perforce
Th' unquiet times her homeward course
Compelled thro' France, and having gained
Her way thus far, she was detained
By sickness, in the very spot
Where chance (or my appointed lot
I should have said, for God's decree
Directeth all things) guided me.
She framed a project, that in sooth
Promised success, beneath her roof
To shelter me, till we should find
Occasion fair to leave behind
The land of bondage, and once more
Reach England's free and happy shore.


That neighb'ring refuge I attained
With little risk, but fate restrained
My farther progress. She who gave
That present shelter, to the grave
Drew near, and she indulged in vain
The fond hope to behold again,
England, the country of her birth,
And when she died, with its dear earth
To mingle her own dust. Alas!
Life was expending from its glass
The latest sands, and I but came
To close her eyes—a written claim
Dying she gave, that I might share
The little competence her care
Had stored in England, with some there
Dear to us both. “'T had been,” she said,
“Her hope long cherished, to have made
Her peace with those dear friends, but He
Who seeth not as mortals see,


Who cannot err, willed otherwise,
And unto him, the sacrifice
Of a resigned and contrite heart,
She meekly offered up. My part
Concluded in the last sad scene,
I turned my thoughts to what had been
Our project of escape—in vain,
I was discovered, and again
Dragged back to prison, where I found
A change of pris'ners had unbound
The chains of all my countrymen
During my absence—there was then
No hope for me—that dreary tomb
Enclosed me living in its womb,
Till peace at last unbarred the door,
And gave me to behold once more
My native country.—Oh, my God!
When first I stept on its dear sod,
And when a rapid glance of mind
Recalled the day I left behind


Those chalky cliffs—what words can tell
The warring and tumultuous swell
Of mixt emotions, that oppressed,
To agony, my heaving breast!
To what was I returned?—to whom?
Of those I loved, from the cold tomb
Who had been spared to welcome me?
The years of my captivity,
Tedious and sad, had crept away,
And I had longed to see this day,
With an intenseness of desire,
That like a slow consuming fire
Had brought me to the grave's dark brink—
Yet now, I almost wished to shrink
(As 'twere a sanctuary from pain)
Into my dungeon's gloom again,
But soon, that wild, ungoverned mood
Of o'erwrought feeling was subdued
To milder sadness, and I sought
(Preparing as a Christian ought


To bear the worst) the worst to know—
It was indeed a tale of woe,
That I had armed myself to hear,
Of all to whom I had been dear,
Of all whom I had loved, but one
Was left alive—the rest were gone
To their cold graves: those graves alone,
Hard by an ancient dwelling place,
Were the memorials of a race
Once strong and flourishing: our lands
Had passed into a stranger's hands—
A stranger met me at the door
Where kindred faces had before
Been used to greet me. Still, oh! still,
Methinks I feel the icy chill
That moment struck into my heart:
Before I turned me to depart,
I gained directions to the spot,
Yet distant, where a humble cot


To the survivor of our race
Affords a last abiding place.
I go to seek that poor abode;
But to thy dwelling on the road
I turned aside; methought 'twould be
A mournful luxury to thee
With one who saw thy Reuben last
To speak of him, and of the past.”
“Kind friend! kind stranger!” faltringly,
Old Alice cried, “God render thee
With int'rest back, thy care for me.
Well didst thou judge; a mother's ear
Can never words so welcome hear:
Such int'rest to a mother's heart
No voice can like his voice impart,
Who of a dear dead child can tell,
The latest words, the last farewell.
Alas! my child so hastily
Was called away, no time had he


To leave a last farewell for me;
Or, if in death's last agony
He breathed my name, the wild waves drowned,
As they rolled over him, the sound.
But stranger, thou who shared his fate
To the last moment, canst relate
A thousand trifles, that to me
Treasures of priceless worth will be.
His words—his feelings—but of those,
As linked with deep and recent woes,
Thou saidst he spake reluctantly;
Then stranger! wilt thou hear from me
Our tale of sorrows? My poor son
The painful subject well might shun:
His heart was bleeding from a wound
Still fresh; but seasons have gone round,
Summers and winters, many a one
Since then, and I whose glass is run


So nearly out, whose hopes are strong
That I shall be restored ere long
To those I love, who are gone on
To our true country—I can find
Calm comfort, when I look behind
On sorrow's dark and gloomy vale—
Say, wilt thou hear the widow's tale?”
The tale of “narrative old age”
Lacked not of int'rest to engage
Attention from the stranger-guest;
But oft as it went on, he pressed
Across his brows (as if he tried
Th' emotions of his soul to hide)
His clasped hands—yet none espied
Save the young Agnes; none were near,
Save her, to mark the large round tear
From his veiled eyes that forced its way.
Thus ran the tale of Alice Grey:—


“Long years of happiness I knew,
A cherished wife: no wedded two
Than James and Alice Grey more blest
In ev'ry worldly interest.
We were not on the summit set
Of life's proud eminence, nor yet
On its mid-height by fortune placed:
Our happier, humbler lot was cast
Just where the hill with gradual swell
Slopes upwards from the lowly dell.
Rich flocks and lands had Grey; but he
Chose an unportioned wife in me.
Nor flocks, nor lands, nor hoarded gold,
My father owned—a village-fold
His only flock—their shepherd he,
The shepherd of their souls, and we
(I and my sisters, we were three)
His only wealth: he called us so,
And so esteemed us; yet to know


His Alice should become the bride
Of good James Grey—that when he died,
God would a shelter so provide
For my two sisters, if unwed,
Gladdened his heart; for then he said,
He should in peace lay down his head
Beside my mother's. He had wept
Her loss untimely, for she slept
Already in the grave, when we
Were infants, tott'ring round his knee.
“Yet in my father's cup remained
Two bitter drops; it was ordained
He should not to our love bequeath
My sisters—we were doomed to grieve
For our dear Elinor, who died,
Sweet creature! in the vernal pride
Of maiden loveliness. The day
That saw her to the house of clay
Borne from amongst us, was a day


Of lamentation, but there came
A darker soon—a day of shame.
'Twas then we proved (how bitterly!)
That when the young and sinless die,
Though heart-wrung are the tears that fall,
Bedewing their untimely pall,
Though long and deep the sad stream flows,
Such tears are balm, compared with those,
The burning, bitter drops we shed
For those who live, and yet are dead
In sin and trespasses—o'er whom
Guilt casts a pall of tenfold gloom.
“My sister Marg'ret, from a child,
Was ever diff'rent from the mild,
Meek Elinor: a spirit high
Had Marg'ret, one that dared defy
Temptation's most alluring shape,
Disdaining from the snare t' escape


By aught but her own strength. She loved
The path of virtue, and she moved
Fearless and radiant on the way,
‘Whence souls like hers could never stray;’
But Elinor mistrusted still
Her own best actions, her own will,
Her very thoughts—herself alone
Severely questioning, but prone
To charity's indulgent side,
When others' words and deeds were tried.
She could not with the lofty look
Of conscious virtue vice rebuke;
But she could weep, when virtue fell,
And seek repentance in the cell
Of self-abasement, and persuade
Those from the path of life who strayed
To turn and enter it again.
But Marg'ret blamed with high disdain
Her sister's weakness—they deserved,
She said, to suffer, who had swerved—


Vice was to her a hateful thing—
She turned, as from a serpent's sting,
From those who fell, and fallen, no tears
She gave to weakness such as theirs.
She was devout—with fervour prayed—
But not like Elinor, for aid
Against the deep deceitfulness
Of her own heart: such righteousness
Was his who in the Temple prayed,
Thanking the Lord that he was made
More just than other men. At length
The trial came, the proof of strength;
Vain was the proud one's lofty boast—
Defying danger, she was lost.
Base arts prevailed—unhappy maid!
By those and her own heart betrayed,
Despairing, from her home she fled,
And we deplored her, worse than dead.


In vain we sought, enquired in vain,
We never could a trace obtain
Of my lost sister.
“From the day
Of that affliction, swift decay
Gained on my father's green old age.
But e'er his mortal pilgrimage
Attained its goal, two sons of mine,
(My only children) with the sign
Of grace he sealed unto the Lord,
Then full of peace and hope restored
His patient spirit up. Our home
When he departed wore a gloom
Long undispelled—for old and young
Loved him alike—the infant-tongue
With its first accents learned to frame
(Lisping it out) his honored name,
And all resorted in their need
To him, and found a friend indeed.


“We trained our sons to venerate
The mem'ry of the dead—our state
Prospered with flourishing increase
Of this world's goods; domestic peace
Abode with us—our children grew
In stature and in wisdom too,
Our noble boys! perhaps undue
And over anxious was our love
Of those dear children, from above
Weaning our hearts, and making this,
This world, the centre of their bliss.
We left our sons unbiassed, free
To choose what each in life would be.
Well pleased was I, when Robert's voice
Proclaimed the rural life his choice,
His father's fruitful fields to till,
To share our home and station still;
But to my heart the sound struck cold
When Reuben's plans and hopes were told.
A spirit ardent, active, bold,


A restless and enquiring mind
Were Reuben's—secretly he pined
The perils of their life to share
Who plough the sea in ships, and there
Behold the wonders of the Lord,
His works in the great deep!—A hoard
Of wondrous tales his mem'ry stored
Of wild adventures on the seas,
Achievements and discoveries,
Islands, where shipwrecked seamen thrown,
Had founded kingdoms of their own;
Countries where crystal waters flow
O'er golden sands, where diamonds glow
On walls and pavements, with their rays
Out-sparkling noon's meridian blaze.
“We had a friend (our kinsman he)
Who from his youth up, on the sea
Had been a voyager—on his knee,


When he could spare the leisure time
To visit us, would Reuben climb,
While yet a little one, to hear
Those wondrous tales—all eye, all ear.
With flushing cheek, and lips apart,
With indrawn breath, and beating heart,
He listened, wondered, and believed—
And so, his youthful mind received
The stamp that with his years became
Deeper and deeper, like a name
Carved on a sapling tree, a mark
Expanding with th' expanding bark.
The die was cast:—our child declared
His wish, his choice; and we prepared
Our hearts to part with him:—God knows
What ill suppressed, what bitter throes,
That parting wrung from mine! the day
When a dear child goes first away
From his own home, is one at best
Of sad and solemn interest—


How many thoughts are busy then
In a fond mother's heart! but when
She sends him forth from that safe home
O'er oceans' trackless paths to roam—
T' encounter hardships, dangers, all
The chances that to seamen fall:
Oh! never from that hour she knows
Sweet peace, or undisturbed repose—
She shudders if the rough wind blows:
Or, when 'tis still—‘ev'n now’ thinks she,
‘Who knows! there may be storms at sea!’
Her waking thoughts, when others sleep,
Are wand'ring, wand'ring o'er the deep—
Or if she sleep, sad dreams fulfil
Her waking auguries of ill:—
They paint him struggling with the wave,
She stretches out her arms to save,
But cannot reach him:—with a cry
That ends that mortal agony
She starts from slumber, yet to lie


Gasping and breathless—‘it may be,’
She thinks, ‘a warning sent to me:’
And then she longs, how fearfully!
With sick'ning hope, for news from sea.
“The kinsman I have mentioned, owned
A ship, in frequent traffic bound
To foreign parts:—with him, our son
Made his first voyage—a prosp'rous one—
Speedy and safe it proved, and we,
In little time, right joyfully
Welcom'd our sailor home:—but then
Not long to stay:—the Rose again
Sailed for a foreign port, and bore
Our Reuben from his home once more.
He went; returned:—that second trip
Was long and boist'rous, and the ship
Arrived in port, was laid up there
A battered hull for long repair;


And Reuben (the advent'rous flame
Damped, tho' not quenched within him,) came
Once more amongst us, with a mind,
Far more than heretofore inclined
For patient tarrying; and to bind
His heart to home, e'er long there grew
A tender int'rest.—
“'Mongst the few
That dwelt around us, was a pair
Of orphan girls—an uncle's care
To them the guardianship supplied
Of tender parents, who had died
When they were infants—I had known
Their mother.—Daughters of my own
Had God denied me, and these two
Like daughters in my bosom grew.
Dear orphans! and it pleased us well,
When Robert's choice, our first-born, fell


On Jane the eldest.—They had been
Six months betrothed, and just nineteen
Was Jane when she became a wife:
A year less forwards Lucy's life,
When home from sea, a welcome guest,
Came Reuben to the marriage-feast.
Brideman and maid, the younger pair,
Reuben and Lucy acted there—
And we looked on, and prophesied
That Lucy soon would be a bride;
And soon she was, for joyfully
We gave consent that she should be
Our Reuben's wife—Oh! who than we
Were happier, when that double tie
Made us one house, one family!
For spacious was our home, and well
Our children were content to dwell
Beneath its shelter.—Thus ran o'er
Our cup with bliss; but I adore


The hand that dashed it from us—Yea,
‘The Lord that gave hath ta'en away,
And blessed be his name.’
“While we
All unsuspecting ills to be,
Were lulled in sweet security.
A cloud (a little speck at first)
Was gath'ring o'er our heads, to burst
In hideous ruin:—silent—slow—
Came on the lowering storm of woe.
At first such casualties as all
Who till the ground at times befall,
Fell to our lot—the land of late
Had yielded scanty crops, but great
Was this year's promise—the ripe grain
Waved in our fields—the latter rain
A robe like spring's young green had spread
O'er all the late mown vales, where fed


Our flocks and herds, the chiefest they
Of all our substance—but a day
Drew near of havoc and dismay—
Lord! where is he, the man who knows
That he shall reap the land he sows?
The hail came down, the floods arose,
The river, rushing from its bed,
Up-swoln, o'er all the lowland spread.
There was no help.—Man's hand in vain
Would have been stretched out to restrain
The torrent's fury—so we stood
And gazed on the destroying flood.
Three days the ministers of wrath
Career'd on their triumphant path,
But when up-rose the third day's sun,
Their rage was spent—their work was done—
Oh, Heaven! when that third morning shone,
On what a prospect did we gaze—
The river, by a thousand ways


(Deep gullies furrowed by its force)
Retreating to its former course,
With its dark waters, whirled along
Cows, oxen, sheep, a countless throng:
And barns, and ricks, and trees o'erthrown
(A mingled wreck) were rushing down.
And lo! the fruit of ten years' toil—
Those fertile fields—the very soil
Washed from their surface—mud and sand
Bequeathed instead—on either hand
Fences demolished, prostrate trees
Choking up rivulets—from these
The pathway bridges torn, that crossed
To paths, themselves now choked and lost,
Oh! 'twas a sight of—not despair,
For we were Christians!—yet to bear
The trial as became us best,
He only to that painful test
Who brought us, could have giv'n us grace—
He did not turn away his face;


We called on Him in our distress,
And we were not left comfortless.
“Our lands extended far—in vain
Should we have sought to stock again
(Unpeopled thus) such wide domain,
We sold it, purporting to rent
A smaller farm, with which intent,
Till we had time to look around,
And one that suited us was found,
We placed the sum our own had brought
In a friend's hands—safe hands we thought.
A little farm that suited well
Our straight'ned means soon vacant fell:
We called it Zoar; for, we said,
The Lord appointed when we fled
Our refuge here—so we arose,
We and our children, (for they chose
Still to go with us,) we arose


And went to our new home—and soon
Sweet comfort, like the silv'ry moon
When breaking from a stormy sky
She looketh down so peacefully,
The troubled sea's vexed waves caressing,
Sweet comfort and the kindred blessing
Her sister peace, returned once more
To dwell amongst us, as of yore—
Part of our little wealth we spent
To stock the farm; the rest was lent
At int'rest to our friend—a stay
To lean on in a stormy day.
“Short was the halcyon calm—in vain
We sowed that year the fruitful grain:
We found the land exhausted—drained
To barrenness—for us remained
The uphill labour to renew
Its wasted vigour—so we knew
That year our profits must be few.


But strong in patient hope, we bore
The burden of our toil:—‘once o'er,’
We said, ‘this barren year, a day
Of future harvest will repay
Our present labour; but, alas!
That harvest never came to pass.
My dear kind husband taxed his strength
Too long, too hardly, till at length
The burden weighed him down—there came
A fever raging through his frame,
With deadly strife—three weeks of dread,
I and his children round his bed
Watched night and day—immediate doom
Was then averted, but the tomb
Shut not her jaws—the dread decree,
The fiat had gone forth, and we
Saw with sad hearts, from day to day,
The father, husband, waste away
In pale consumption's slow decay.


He wondered that his wasted strength
Returned so slowly—but at length
(Dear soul!) he said he should regain
His wonted vigour, and again
Share his son's toils; and then he drew
Schemes for the future—things to do,
‘If it pleased God,’ next year—and spoke
So cheerfully, it almost broke
Our hearts to hear him, for we knew,
Alas! too well, how short, how few
Would be his days on earth—the pain!
The hard, hard trial to restrain
The anguish of our souls, and smile
Approval of such schemes, the while
We watched life's ebbing flood retire
Wave after wave—and that false fire
That in the sunk eye gleamed so bright:
Oh! how we shuddered at the sight,
And sickened, when the fev'rish blush
Burnt on his cheek with sudden flush.


Yet sometimes (for affection clings
Ev'n like a drowning wretch, to things
That cannot save) in Reason's spite
We almost fancied that false light
Was health's returning flame. So past
The long, long winter, and at last
A hope sprung up in ev'ry breast,
(A hope half whispered, half represt,)
That if he lived till spring—the rest
Looks only uttered—half confined
To looks, that interchange of mind.
He lived till spring—its balmy breath
Was grateful to his soul—and death
His darkest frown withdrew—we cast
Our worst fears from us, for ‘'tis past,
Surely,’ we said, the worst is past,
The bitterness of death. One day,
The loveliest of a lovely May,
Its thirtieth morning, my dear Grey


Had risen from slumber, so renewed
In healthful vigour, that subdued
By grateful joy, I wept apart,
And in the fulness of my heart
Gave thanks to God. That day was one
Of twofold joy, for to my son,
My eldest son, a child was born,
His Jane's first pledge. Since early morn
Reuben and he had been away
'Mongst the first hay-crops, and the day
Was now far spent, when they returned
Home from their labour—westward burned
A flood of glory, and its light
Rested on Zoar—where a sight
(Oh, what a sight for Robert!) drew
As they approached the brethren's view
Towards our porch. Their father there
Awaited them, and with an air
Of tender welcome cried, ‘My son,
Receive and bless this little one


Whom God hath sent thee—may he be
Thy duteous child, as thou to me
Hast proved from tender infancy,
Ev'n to this day.’ So having prayed
With pious fervency, he laid
The babe in Robert's arms. We met,
As was our custom, for the debt
Of daily blessings, to adore
Our heav'nly Father—to implore
That he would give his angels power
To keep in the defenceless hour
Of sleep, their watch around our bed;
Then, from the book of life, we read
Some chance-allotted part. The book
That night fell open where St. Luke
Tells how the blessed virgin brought
Her infant to the Temple, taught
By the Lord's Spirit, that the law
Might be fulfilled; where Simeon saw


And hailed the holy child. Of late
My husband's long enfeebled state
Had made him (though reluctantly)
Unto his children or to me
Yield the priest's office; but that night
We heard again (with what delight
The sound of his loved voice—'twas low,
But clear and steady, and with slow
And solemn fervour he went through
The part of prayer: the chapter next
Began—but coming to the text,
Where he, the just and the devout,
Beholding Jesus, crieth out
In faith, ‘According to thy word,
Now lettest thou thy servant, Lord,
Depart in peace’—just then we found
A tremour in his voice—the sound
Faltered a moment—murmured—stopt—
Then, gently, gradually he dropt


His head, like one by sleep oppressed,
And so, to everlasting rest
His spirit passed away.
“His head
Was scarcely laid in earth's cold bed,
When fortune, that so long had frowned,
With cares and crosses hemmed us round.
The produce of our farm was small;
And sickness, with its heavy call,
Had more than drained the little all—
Rent-day approached—no other way
Was left us, but its claims to pay
From that small store remaining yet
In our friend's hands. We were in debt
And could not choose—it must be done—
So to the neighb'ring town my son,
My Reuben, went with heavy heart,
To claim our little hoard. A mart


Of commerce was that sea-port town,
Where he we trusted carried on
A thriving trade.—So Reuben went,
And spoke, at parting, his intent
To be at home e'er night—but day
Closed in, and still he was away,
And many a thought of anxious dread
Soon crept into his Lucy's head,
In vain, to comfort her, I said,
‘Perhaps our friend so warmly pressed,
That Reuben will remain his guest
And sleep to night.’—It would not do—
‘Oh, no! she was assured, she knew,
At such a time, he would not stay.’—
She was expecting ev'ry day
To be a mother; and I too
Felt, tho' I hid my fears, how true
Was all she said. The night wore on:
Cheerless arose the morrow's dawn;


Then Robert took the town-ward way
To seek his brother—what a day!
Oh! what a day we lingered through;
Our terrors more distracting grew
With ev'ry moment—noon passed o'er,
And neither came—the day once more
Faded to twilight—at the door,
List'ning to ev'ry sound, we stayed,
Straining our sight, to pierce the shade
Of dusky evening—to the ground
If a leaf fell, we thought the sound
A step approaching; if a bough
Waved o'er the winding footpath, Now
(Jane's voice and mine cried out) they come!
But Lucy trembled and was dumb.
“Thus baffled oft, at last we feared
To speak our hopes—but then appeared
Two human forms, so near, so plain,
We could not be deceived again.


We called, and Robert's voice replied—
Then Lucy, starting from my side,
Rushed on to meet them—Robert tried
(He came the foremost) to restrain
Her flying eagerness.—In vain—
To Reuben's arms she hurried by,
But then we heard a piercing cry,
And when we reached her, there she hung
A dead cold weight; for she had flung
Her arms about the neck of one
Who was not Reuben.—Oh, my son!
Though years since then have passed away,
Ev'n now, as fresh as yesterday,
Thrills through thy mother's heart again
That moment's agonizing pain.
“Soon told was Robert's tale:—he found,
On reaching Leith, 'twas rumoured round
Our friend had failed—that Reuben Grey
Had sought him the preceding day


With fruitless claims, and finding vain
All hope our pittance to regain,
With heavy heart had turned away
Toward Zoar.—In the roads there lay
Two frigates, waiting to complete
Their crews to join a distant fleet—
The press was hot, and in the street
'Twas Reuben's evil chance to meet
Those cruel men.—They saw him wear
A sailor's garb, and some were there
Remembered he had been at sea.
Vain was my poor son's urgent plea
That many looked to him for bread;
‘The King must be served first,’ they said;
So he was hurried off—and so
Concluded Robert's tale of woe.
But Lucy heard it not—she lay
Long lifeless—pale and cold as clay.
Our neighbour, who had come from town
With Reuben, laid her gently down


(Reaching our cottage) on that bed,
From whence, poor lamb! her gentle head
In life she never raised again—
Yet she awoke to feel the pain
A mother bears so patiently
In heart sustaining hope. But she,
The poor forlorn one, unsustained
By that sweet hope, (for she remained
Unconscious,) could not struggle through
The trying hour, nor ever knew
Its sweet reward, for she expired
Just as the babe, so long desired,
Drew its first breath.—'Twas like a dream,
All that had passed—a frightful dream!
Still in my ears rang Lucy's scream—
Still her fixt look I seemed to see
Of frenzied, speechless agony.
But now—while all around her wept
Save me (I could not weep), she slept


In such untroubled loveliness,
With face so calm, so passionless,
As if that tumult of distress
Had never been—and could it be?
I asked myself, half doubtingly—
And my poor Reuben! where was he?
Then all the dreadful certainty,
Then first I seemed to comprehend,
Were these the tidings I must send
To cheer his heart?—No soothing friend
Beside him, when the dreadful blow
Fell on him, with its weight of woe—
‘Mother! take comfort, I will go
And seek my brother,’ Robert cried:
‘Still in our roads the frigates ride,
And sure I shall not be denied
Access to Reuben.’—So he went
On his sad errand—but th' intent
Of breaking gradually the pain
To our poor Reuben proved in vain—


Just as he neared the ship, she weighed
Her anchor up, and signal made
Of sailing to the rest—on board
Our Reuben stood, but scarce a word
Passed 'twixt the brethren.—Reuben cried,
As leaning o'er the vessel's side
He grasped his brother's hand, ‘What cheer
From home, my brother? are all there
In health and safety? is all well
At Zoar? Is my’—Lucy well,
He would have said, but his voice fell
Leaving the name unspoken.—‘Well,
Well is thy Lucy, and at rest’—
Faltered out Robert, as he pressed
The hand that grasped so eagerly
His trembling hand—‘God comfort thee!’
Those words told all—they were the last,
Those few sad words, that ever past
Between the brethren.—Robert's look
Had shunned his brother's, while he spoke,


But when he felt the strong, firm grasp
Of Reuben's hand, its hold unclasp,
And his own dropt, a sudden weight—
He raised his eyes (but then too late)
Towards his brother—he was gone.
And while he gazed, the ship sailed on,
And so they parted, never more
To meet again on sea or shore.
“From that day forward, woe on woe
Thickened around us—ev'ry blow
Succeeded by some heavier one.
News came from sea—of my poor son.
Our English squadron had engaged
The fleet of France—the conflict raged
In dread suspense from morn to night—
A summer's day—but England's might
Prevailed in the unequal fight.
Then through the land a shout arose,
‘England has triumphed o'er her foes!’


Shudd'ring I heard—alas! to me
It was a dear-bought victory.
The ship where fought my gallant son—
But stranger! thou who 'scaped alone,
When she with all her crew went down,
Thou know'st too well my Reuben's fate.—
Then I blessed Heaven that his sweet mate,
His Lucy, had been called away
In mercy, e'er that fatal day.
I had no time to mourn—the rod
Was still extended—oh, my God!
Not yet on this devoted head
The vial of thy wrath was shed
To the last drop. Disease and death
Assailed us with contagious breath—
Soul-chilling want, stern handmaid! pressed
Her cold weight on each youthful breast.
I weathered out the storm; my blood,
Already chilled by age, withstood


The dreadful malady, that proved
Its fatal power on those I loved
Than my own life how dearer far!
Oh, Lord, how dread thy judgments are!
Thy awful dealings set at nought
Man's wisdom—calculation—thought.—
In youth, with hope's precursive gaze,
Forward he looks to length of days—
The aged know their time must be
Just verging on eternity—
Yet oft, beyond the age of man,
God lengthens that exhausted span,
And cuts the thread, whose strength appears
To promise long extended years—
So spares the lightning some old oak,
Withered and bare, to spend its stroke
On the young cedar, that on high
Lifts its green branches to the sky.
Me the destroying tempest left
In mine old age, despoiled, bereft


Of all my children—all save one,
One helpless innocent—my son,
My duteous Robert, and his Jane,
Their precious babes (a lovelier twain
Parents' fond eyes ne'er doated on!)
All in one short, short month were gone—
My Reuben's orphan child, alone”—
“Then she is mine! my Lucy's child!
It glanced across me, when she smiled
So like her mother. Oh! I thought”—
And to his heart the stranger caught
The youthful Agnes. “Mine own child!”—
And then with looks and voice less wild,
He faltered—“Oh, my mother! bless
Thy long lost son.” But joy's excess,
And wonder, in old Alice wrought
Such strange confusedness of thought,
Such strong emotion, that her tongue,
Denied the power of utt'rance, clung
To its parched roof—but when he flung


His arms about her withered neck,
And when she felt upon her cheek
His tears and kisses, when her ear
Caught that fond whisper, low and near,
“My mother!” its electric sound
At once her spell-like trance unbound,
And all at once her speech was freed.—
“Art thou my very son indeed?”
Trembling exceedingly, she cried—
Then, her old palsied hand applied
(Its touch supplying sight) to trace
The features of that unseen face.
Short was the trembling scrutiny—
“I'm old and blind, yet verily
I do believe that thou art he!”
So saying, on his neck she fell,
And their tears mingled.
They who dwell
In that neat farm by the hill side
Have a sweet home! look far and wide,


None more inviting may be found,
A sweet-briar hedge encircles round
That flowery patch of garden-ground
Before the dwelling—to the right,
An orchard stretches out of sight.
The hill slopes up behind—a rise
Of ancient beech, and westward lies
The yard, where barns and granaries,
And golden ricks (the farmer's pride),
A goodly show! stand side by side.
And morn and eve brings home again
To those full stalls a lowing train
(That rosy maids, and Giles's care,)
To yield their milky burdens there.
A cherry-tree, whose ev'ry bough
Is garlanded with blossoms now,
Whitens the front—that gable grey,
The structure of a long passed day.
Crosses of mould'ring mossy stone
Surmount the double peak, and one


With ivy bands so thickly wound
As if a little turret crowned
The antique roof—the porch beneath,
Arched over with a knotted wreath
Of bare grey stems, that, like a vine,
Their ragged sinews intertwine,
Shall soon its summer shade resume—
Sweet jess'mine shade, its lovely gloom,
Studded with clust'ring blossoms white
Like stars upon the pall of night.
A blackbird in that sunny nook
Hangs in his wicker cage—but look!
What youthful form is hers, whose care
Has newly hung the fav'rite there?
'Tis Agnes!—Hark that peal of bells
Its Sabbath invitation swells,
And forth they come, the happy three,
The re-united family.


The son leads on with cautious pace
His old blind parent, in whose face,
Age-worn and care-worn though it be,
The bright reflection you may see
Of new-born happiness—and she
With restless joy who bounds along,
Beginning oft the oft checked song
(Checked by remembrance of the day).
A moment then, less wildly gay,
She moves demurely on her way,
Clasping her new-found father's hand.
But who can silence at command
The soaring sky-lark's rapt'rous strain?
The mountain-roebuck, who can rein?
Agnes' gay spirit bursts again
Discretion's bonds—a cobweb chain!—
And off she starts, in frolic glee,
Like fawn from short restraint set free.
Go, happy child! thy present joys
No painful retrospect alloys—


But they who follow thee look back
On long affliction's gloomy track,
Where many they have loved right dear
Are left behind.—If they were here!
Thought whispers—but a low breathed sigh
Is all its language:—gratefully
To the Lord's temple they repair,
To pour out thanks and praises there
For present blessings—for past pain,
Not dull oblivion to obtain,
But resignation—and to find
That holy calm, that peace of mind,
By which, ev'n here on earth, is given
A foretaste of the joys of Heaven.