University of Virginia Library


I. The Church of England.


The good old Church of England!
With Her Priests through all the land,
And Her twenty thousand churches,
How nobly does She stand!
Dissenters are like mushrooms,
That flourish but a day;
Twelve hundred years, through smiles and tears,
She hath lasted on alway!


The brave old Church of England!
She hath conquer'd many a foe;
She had Martyrs to Her children
A thousand years ago;
She hath princes more than I can tell,
Who by Her side have stood;
Like King Charles the Blessed Martyr,
And old King George the Good!


The true old Church of England!
She alone hath pow'r to teach:
'Tis presumption in Dissenters
When they pretend to preach:
They might take away Her churches,
They might take Her lands away;
But She would be the true Church,
And base intruders they.


God bless the Church of England!
The poor man's Church is She;
We were nourish'd at Her bosom,
We were fondled at Her knee.


God bless the Church of England!
The good, the true, the brave!
She baptis'd us in our cradle;
She shall bear us to our grave.