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My baby is sleeping overhead,
My husband is in the town;
In my large white bed uncurtained,
All alone I lay me down.
And dreamily I have said my prayers,
And dreamily closed my eyes,
And the youth in my blood moves sweetly
As my pulses fall and rise.
I lie so peaceful and lonely,
A maiden in spirit-land,
With the moonbeams in at the window,
And hand laid close to hand.


I wander forth in the moonbeams,
All free of heart alone,
Neither awake nor dreaming,
To-night it is all one.
Light of step across the carpet
Of the flower-entangled spring,
Light of spirit through the haunted
Wood pathways murmuring.
The earth is telling her secrets,
Never shy or strange to me;
My heart beating only silence,
One with her mystery.
All over the beautiful distance
The air is so fresh and pure,
The night is so cool and silvery,
The calm is so secure.
And afar, down into the sunrise,
The glittering dream-worlds shine;
And by this free heart triumphant
I pass on to make them mine.


O elfin maiden, turn homeward,
And dream not so cold and wild!—
Have I not turned a woman?
Have I not husband and child?