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Georgia, a Poem

Tomo Chachi, an Ode. A Copy of Verses on Mr. Oglethorpe's Second Voyage to Georgia [by Thomas Fitzgerald]

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The attribution of this poem is questionable.

------ Plures in Pace Triumphi.
Whilst Europe round us pants with dread Alarms,
And mourns her total Continent in Arms,
Alone Britannia, uninvolv'd in Woes,
Enjoys a steady Calm, and sweet Repose.
Her Monarch, Great and Good, pursues an Aim
Beyond what wild Ambition knows to frame:
'Tis His, in Glory's genuine Paths to move,
And rule despotick in his People's Love;
For them no Toil to shun, no Danger fear,
And plan their Welfare with unweary'd Care,
Of Wealth and Joy to open ev'ry Spring,
And still to join the Father with the King.


Yet O! thus happy as he shines confest,
His People blessing, by his People blest,
He grieves to hear the neighb'ring Nations' Moan,
And mourns the Wounds of Subjects not his own.
Hence hostile Pow'rs his kind Persuasions hear,
And Discord slackens in her mad Career.
He speaks, and Armies in each other's Sight,
Restrain their Rage, and hesitate to fight;
Conscious that He at last can turn the Scale,
And send his Thunder where his Counsels fail.
Thus when fair Lisbon views by his Command,
The British Navy speeding to her Strand,
Her Succour entring with the friendly Tide,
And in her Port our floating Bulwarks ride;
Instant she slights whate'er the Foe design'd,
And gives her anxious Terrors to the Wind:
Her Frontiers dread the threat'ning Hosts no more,
And hostile Fleets glide harmless by her Shore;
Forgetful of the Spoil, in Haste they fly,
Whilst Gold and Diamonds pass unheeded by.
Safe their full Freight Brasilia's Carracks bear,
The promis'd Wealth, and Harvest of the Year,
Amaz'd what Pow'r unknown dissolves their Fright:
And now their great Deliverers in Sight,
At once the Streamers fly, the Salvo roars,
And Tagus triumphs from his echoing Shores.


With such Surprize and Joy the Trojans gaz'd,
Snatch'd from the Storm which restless Juno rais'd,
When in the midst of Horror and Despair,
The Gloom was scatter'd, and the Day was fair:
'Twas then his Head the Sea's great Sov'reign rear'd,
(The Sea subsided as the God appear'd)
He bade the Winds and Waves their Rage forego,
And sav'd the Trojan Flota from the Foe.
Well then, Great Prince, since other Nations share
Such happy Fruits of thy protecting Care,
Well thy own Britons, far as Oceans roll,
May range from Sun to Sun, from Pole to Pole.
Thy Arts are still dissever'd Realms to bind,
To aid, to better, to exalt Mankind;
To bid rich Commerce all her Rights enjoy;
To give the Hand of Industry Employ;
To plant the Colony, to rear the Town,
With smiling Plenty the wild Waste to crown;
By Reason's Rules the Savage to improve,
To awe by Kindness, to subdue by Love,
And shew, performing the Creator's Will,
There's something more Heroick, than to Kill.
See where beyond the spacious Ocean lies
A wide waste Land, beneath the Southern Skies!
Where kindly Suns for Ages roll'd in vain,
Nor e'er the Vintage saw, or rip'ning Grain;


Where all things into wild Luxuriance ran,
And burden'd Nature ask'd the Aid of Man.
In This sweet Climate, and prolifick Soil,
He bids the eager Swain indulge his Toil;
In free Possession to the Planter's Hand
Consigns the rich uncultivated Land:
Go you, the Monarch cries, Go, settle there,
Whom Britain from her Plenitude can spare:
Go, your old wonted Industry pursue,
Nor envy Spain the Treasures of Peru.
Still has it been the gen'rous Briton's Praise,
To rise to worthy Ends by worthy Ways;
To form for Use what Nature's Bounties yield;
To fix the Staple, or to till the Field;
To Life's essential Arts their Cares confine,
And earn the Gold while Others dig the Mine.
But well to execute the glorious Plan,
Each Ill to obviate, and each Need to scan;
To waft the chosen Band in Safety o'er,
And fix th'Adventurer on his promis'd Shore;
To watch the various wayward Turns of Fate,
And guard with Parent Arms the Infant State:
Who shall for This their private Cares postpone,
And make the universal Cause their own?
Behold a List of Patriots, wise and just,
Glow for the Work, and court the Godlike Trust!


Illustrious Souls! by Principle combin'd,
Lovers of Virtue, Friends of Human Kind,
Whose Actions all in one sweet Tenor move,
Whose Views are Mercy, and whose Life is Love.
These, these assume the delegated Care,
And first to George prefer their duteous Pray'r:
O grant, nor other Auspicy we claim,
To grace the Country with our Sov'reign's Name!
But not content in Counsel Here to join,
A farther Labour, Oglethorpe, is thine:
In each great Deed thou claim'st the foremost Part,
And Toil and Danger charm thy gen'rous Heart:
But chief for This thy warm Affections rise,
For Oh! thou view'st it with a Parent's Eyes:
For this thou tempt'st the vast tremendous Main,
And Floods and Storms oppose their Threats in vain,
Till Thee the first, their wish'd-for Shore possest,
Thy Voyagers behold before the rest
Spring to the Beach; each Heart with Ardor glows,
And from That happy Æra Georgia rose!
And now to Heav'n their just Devotions paid,
For past Deliv'rance, and for future Aid,
All with one Voice the needful Task demand,
And long to build the Town, and clear the Land.
Not more intent their busy Labours ply
The swarming Bees beneath the vernal Sky;


When yet unhous'd their fragrant Cells they found,
And seize on all the flow'ry District round.
Instant at Work a thousand Hands appear,
These fell the Trees, and these the Fabricks rear;
The vigorous Ax resistless wins its Way,
And bids th'eternal Woods admit the Day:
A sprightlier Scene succeeds the awful Shade,
And distant Landskips open thro' the Glade;
The sunny Hills afar, and prostrate Plains,
Invite the Labours of the lusty Swains;
Their Annual Stores already seem possest,
And future Harvests wave in ev'ry Breast.
Mean time their Leader, Stranger to Repose,
Looks round, and guards against impending Foes:
Thro' distant Nations traverses the Land,
And bears the peaceful Olive in his Hand;
Makes various States his friendly Terms embrace,
And binds in Social Leagues the Savage Race:
Their hoary Chiefs the youthful Heroe greet,
And lay their homely Presents at his Feet;
Aw'd by his Wisdom, by his Sweetness won,
They bow submissive to the British Throne;
Each Heart its voluntary Homage pays,
And owns the mighty Monarch He obeys.
Pleas'd with plain Nature, yet concern'd to find
How faint the Sallies of th'unaided Mind;


He meditates to clear their glimmering Ray,
And guide bewilder'd Reason on its Way;
Heaven's Will reveal'd to teach them to explore,
And know the God whom blindly they adore.
To This new World, Britannia, turn thy View,
From Clime to Clime the pleasing Scene pursue;
From the cold Pole-Star to the Burning Line,
See what a Length of Continent is thine!
Rul'd by thy Laws, protected by thy Arms,
To Thee each fertile Region yields its Charms;
With copious Fruits the rich Plantations smile,
To freight thy Fleets, and bless their Parent Isle.
Nor asks, tho' yet for Tributes unprepar'd,
Thy last, thy youngest Child the least Regard:
With nobler Products see thy Georgia teems!
Chear'd with the genial Sun's directer Beams.
Here the wild Vine to Culture learns to yield,
And purple Clusters ripen thro' the Field.
Now bid thy Merchants bring their Wines no more,
Or from th'Iberian, or the Tuscan Shore;
No more they need th'Hungarian Vineyards drain,
And France herself may drink her best Champaign.
Behold at last, and in a subject Land,
Nectar sufficient for thy large Demand;
Delicious Nectar, pow'rful to improve
Our hospitable Mirth, and social Love.


Hence Joys shall rise, unknown to former Times,
And Spleen no more reproach our happy Climes;
Ev'n jarring Factions shall their Feuds resign,
And loyal Healths go round in Georgian Wine.
This for thy jovial Sons—Nor less the Care
Of thy young Province to oblige the Fair:
Here tend the Silkworm in the verdant Shade
The frugal Matron, and the blooming Maid;
Th'expiring Insect's curious Work resume,
And wind Materials for the British Loom;
Our Web to these shall all the Beauties owe,
Which Asia boasts, and Eastern Pride can show;
With skilful China's richest Damasks vie,
And emulate the Chint's alluring Dye.
When This shall lend its tributary Grace
To each sweet Form, and each Angelick Face;
When thus adorn'd our Nymphs shall shine compleat,
What Eyes must dazzle, and what Hearts must beat!
Admiring Strangers that in Crowds resort,
To view the Splendor of our Birth-Day Court,
Shall own was never so Majestick seen,
As in her home-wrought Silks, the British Queen:
And when each Princess of her high-born Race,
Whom all her Mother's Charms and Virtues grace,
Shall see some Monarch, her appointed Spouse,
Confess her Chains, and breathe his ardent Vows,


Thy Product, Georgia, shall her Conquest aid,
And add new Lustre to the Royal Maid.
Thus, O ye Guardian Pow'rs! still thus maintain
The steady Tenor of your George's Reign;
And let th'admiring World One Sovereign know,
Of Good all studious, and without a Foe;
With such high Worth let Him the Age adorn,
And call forth other Nations yet unborn;
Still by new Colonies enjoy the Stores
Of other Climates, and remoter Shores;
And see unenvy'd his Domains increase,
The Work of Wisdom, and the Gifts of Peace.