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The Twickenham Hotch-Potch

For the Use of the Rev. Dr. Swift, Alexander Pope, Esq.; and Company. Being a sequel to the Beggars Opera, &c. Containing, I. The State of Poetry, and Fate of Poets, in the Reign of King Charles IId. II. Seriousities and Comicalities, by Peter Henning, a Dutchman. III. Two Dozen of Infallible Maxims, for Court and City. IV. The Present War among Authors, viz. Swift, Pope, Theobald, Rolli, Voltaire, Parson B---dy, and Mr. Ozell. V. The Rival Actresses, viz. Mrs. O---d, Mrs. P---r, Mrs. B---h, Miss Y---ger and Miss Polly Peachum. VI. A Poetical Catalogue of Polly Peachum's Gallants. VII. An Epistle from Signora F---na to a Lady. VIII. A True Copy of Polly Peachum's Opera. Also, her Panegyrick. Written by Caleb D'Anvers [i.e. Nicholas Amhurst]

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Seriosities and Comicalities By Way of HOTCH-POTCH, BY Peter Henning, a Dutchman,
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Seriosities and Comicalities By Way of HOTCH-POTCH, BY Peter Henning, a Dutchman,

Who bravely show'd a glorious Dissent To Those who first read Greek by Accent.

Oppositio est Pugna Rerum. Burgersdicius, Lib. 1. Cap. 22.


This Piece is Genuine, though I must honestly own, it is made publick without the Consent either of Mr. Alexander Pope, or Mr. Dean Swift.

Veritas odium parit.


To the Age.

Hail learned Age! with Pamphlets richly fraught,
Some very good, and others good for nought. [OMITTED]

Cætera desunt in MS.

On Scriblers.

IF He's an Author who to Paper
Sets Pen, and squeezes out some Sense;
Then He who just can cut a Caper,
A Dancing-Master may commence.
But none can by so small a Claim,
B' intitled to so great a Name;
For Men, who can't speak Sense, can Scribble,
As Children, who can't Spit, can Dribble.