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The Second Punick War Between Hannibal, and the Romanes

The whole Seventeen Books, Englished from the Latine of Silius Italicus: with A Continuation from the Triumph of Scipio, To the Death of Hannibal. By Tho: Ross

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[Could Hannibal, and Scipio, in whom]

Could Hannibal, and Scipio, in whom
All the vast Hopes of Carthage, and of Rome,
Were fix'd, Revive, and see how eas'ly You,
By Your sole Virtue, Kingdoms can Subdue;
How from the Rage of War, without the Stain
Of Blood, You Sacred Crowns, and Triumphs gain:
They would no more contend, who best might claim
Priority; but yield it to Your Name.
Rome would her Gen'ral, Carthage Hers refuse,
And jointly You the World's Commander chuse.
Tho: Ross.