Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions Together with The Song of Songs Which is Solomons. First Turn'd, then Paraphrased in English Verse. The Second Edition, Corrected, with an Addition of a Sacred Poem on Dives and Lazarus [by John Mason] |
SONGS of PRAISE TO ALMIGHTY GOD, Upon Several Occasions. |
Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions | ||
SONGS of PRAISE TO ALMIGHTY GOD, Upon Several Occasions.
I. A General Song of Praise to Almighty God.
How shall I Sing that MajestieVVhich Angels do Admire?
Let Dust in Dust and Silence lie,
Sing, Sing ye Heav'nly Quire,
Thousand of Thousands stand Around
Thy Throne, O God, most High;
Ten Thousand times Ten thousand sound
Thy Praise; But who am I?
Thy Brightness unto them appears,Whilst I thy Footsteps trace.
A Sound of God comes to my Eares,
But they behold thy Face.
They Sing because thou art their Sun,
Lord, send a Beam on me,
For where Heav'n is but once begun
There Hallelujahs be.
Enlighten with Faiths Light my Heart,Enflame it with loves Fire,
Then shall I Sing and bear a part,
With that Celestial Quire.
I shall I fear, be dark and Cold,
With all my Fire and Light:
Yet when thou dost accept their Gold,
Lord treasure up my Mite.
How great a Being Lord is thineWhich doth all Beings keep!
To Sound so vast a Deep.
Thou art a Sea without a shore,
A Sun without a Sphear,
Thy Time is now and evermore,
Thy Place is every where.
How good art thou whose Goodness isOur Parent Nurse and Guide;
Whose Streams do water Paradise
And all the Earth beside.
Thine upper and thy Nether Springs
Make both thy Worlds to thrive.
Under thy warm and sheltring wings
Thou keep'st two Broods alive.
Thine Arm of might, most mighty King,Both Rocks and Hearts doth break.
My God, thou canst do every thing
But what would shew thee weak.
Thou canst not Cross thy self, or be
Less then thy self, or poor;
That canst thou do, and more.
VVho would not fear thy Searching Eye,Witness to all that's true?
Dark Hell and deep Hypocrisie
Lie plain before its View.
Motions and thoughts before they grow
Thy Knowledge doth Espy.
VVhat unborn Ages are to do
Is done before thine Eye.
Thy VVisdom, which both makes and 'mends,VVe ever much Admire.
Creation all our VVit Transcends;
Redemption rises Higher.
Thy wisdom guides stray'd Sinners home,
'T will make the dead VVorld rise,
And bring those Prisoners to their Doom.
Its Paths are Mysteries.
Great is thy Truth, and shall prevailTo Unbelievers shame.
Thou ever art the same.
Unbelief is a Raging wave,
Dashing against a Rock.
If God do not his Israel Save,
Then let Egyptians mock.
Most pure and Holy are thine Eyes,Most Holy is thy Name,
Thy Saints, and Laws, and Penalties
Thy Holiness proclaim.
This is the Devils scourge and sting,
This is the Angels Song,
VVho Holy, Holy, Holy Sing,
In Heavenly Canaans Tongue.
Mercy, that shining Attribute,The Sinners hope and Plea!
Huge Hosts of sins in their Pursuit
Are drown'd in thy Red-Sea.
Mercy is Gods Memorial,
And in all Ages prais'd.
That Mercy might be Rais'd.
Thy bright Back-parts, O God of GraceI Humbly here Adore.
Shew Me thy Glory and thy Face,
That I may praise Thee more.
Since none can see thy Face and live,
For me to die is best.
Through Jordan's streams who would not dive
To Land at Canaan's Rest?
II. Another [General Song of Praise to Almighty God].
What shall I Render to my God,For all his Gifts to Me?
Sing Heav'n, and Earth, reioyce and praise
His Glorious Majestie.
Bright Cherubims, swift Seraphims,
Praise Him with all your might.
Praise, praise Him all ye Hosts of Heav'n,
Praise Him ye Saints in Light.
Ye blessed Patriarchs praise the Lord,For his first-Fruits are ye,
Bless'd Prophets who dreamt here of God,
Praise Him, whom now you see.
Offer to God ye glorious Priests
Your Sacrifice of praise:
Sweet Psalmists, now your Hearts are fixt,
Your tuneful Voices raise.
Ye twelve Apostles of the Lamb,Who here proclaim'd your King,
And fill'd this World with holy Sounds,
Loud Hallelujah's Sing.
Triumphant Martyrs, ye did Fight,
And fighting ye did fall,
And falling ye took up a Crown,
Crown Him who Crown'd you all.
Praise, praise Him, all ye saved Ones,From whom Salvation came:
And praise the Glorious Lamb.
Praise, praise him, all ye Saints below,
Praise him both East and VVest:
Praise him, all ye Baptized Lands,
Praise, whom ye have Profess'd.
O Praise him, all ye Crowned Heads,That own the Christian Name:
Praise him, who is the King of Kings,
Raise and Enlarge his Fame.
Praise him, all Christian Magistrates,
Gain Credit to his wayes:
Praise him, ye Ministers of God,
Teach others him to Praise.
Praise him our Famous Christian Isle,Praise him with one accord.
Let every Tongue, let every Tribe
Be Taught to Praise the Lord.
Praise him, my Friends and Kindred all,
O Praise him all your dayes,
Joyn to advance his Praise.
O Let me praise thee, whilst I live,And praise thee, when I dye,
And Praise thee, when I rise again,
And to Eternity.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost:
The Father sent his Son;
The Son sends forth the Holy Ghost,
For Mens Salvation.
Mysterious depths of Endless LoveOur Admirations raise.
My God, thy Name exalted is
Far above all our praise.
III. A Song of Praise for Creation.
Thou wast, O God: And thou wast BlestBefore the world begun;
Of thine Eternity possest,
Before times Glass did Run.
As if thy Joy could Fade.
Could'd thou have needed any thing,
Thou could'st have nothing made.
Great and Good God, it pleased TheeThy God-Head to declare.
And what thy Goodness did decree
Thy Greatness did prepare.
Thou spak'st, and Heaven and Earth Appear'd
And Answer'd to thy Call;
As if their Makers Voice they heard
Which is the Creatures ALL.
Thou spak'st the Word, most mighty Lord,Thy Word went forth with Speed,
Thy Will, O Lord, it was thy VVord,
Thy VVord it was thy Deed.
Thou brought'st forth Adam from the Ground,
And Eve out of his Side.
Thy Blessing made the Earth abound
VVith these two multiply'd.
Those three great Leaves, Heaven, Sea and LandThy Name in Figures shew.
Brutes feel the bounty of thy Hand,
But I my Maker know.
Should not I here thy Servant be,
Whose Creatures serve me here?
My Lord, whom should I fear but Thee,
Who am thy Creatures Fear?
To whom, Lord, should I Sing but Thee,The Maker of my Tongue!
Lo? Other Lords would Seize on Me,
But I to Thee belong.
As VVaters hast unto their Sea,
And Earth unto its Earth;
So let my Soul return to Thee
From whom it had its Birth.
But ah! I'm fallen in the Night,And cannot come to Thee.
Yet Speak the Word, Let there be Light;
It shall Enlighten me.
Thy Fallen Creature raise,
O make me o're again, and I
Shall Sing my Makers praise.
IV. A Song of Praise for Preservation.
Thou Lord, who raised'st Heaven and Earth,Dost make thy building stand,
The Weight whereof doth wholly rest
On thine Almighty Hand.
Should'st thou withdraw thine Hand of might,
The Earth would quit its place.
The shining Heaven would vanish streight
Into meer empty Space.
For as that Liquors Scent remains,Which first the Cask did Fill;
So Feeble Creatures hold the Scent
Of their first nothing still.
That boasts his High degree?
If one poor moment he be Left,
He Sinks, and where is He?
In Thee I live and Move, and am,Thou deal'st me out my dayes.
As thou renew'st my Being, Lord,
Let me renew thy praise.
From thee I am, through thee I am,
And for thee I must be.
'Tis better for Me not to live,
Then not to live to thee.
My God, thou art my glorious Sun,By whose bright Beams I shine,
As thou, Lord, ever art with Me,
Let me be ever thine.
Thou art my living Fountain, Lord,
Whose streams on me do flow.
My self I render unto thee,
To whom my self I ow.
As Thou, Lord, an Immortal SoulHast Breathed into me;
So let my Soul be Breathing forth
Immortal thanks to Thee.
V. A Song of Praise for Provision.
Come, let us praise our Masters HandVVhich gives us daily Bread.
Thy House, my Lord, is full of Guests,
Thy Table Richly Spread.
Earth is thy Table, where thy Guests
Do daily Sit and Feed.
Thy Hand Carves every One his part,
And suffers None to need.
Naked came I into the VVorld,And Nothing with me brought;
And nothing have I here deserv'd,
Yet have I lacked Naught.
My labouring Head or Chance.
Thy Providence, most Gracious God,
Is mine Inheritance.
Thy Bounty gives me Bread with Peace,A Table free from Strife.
Thy Blessing is the Staffe of Bread,
VVhich is the Staffe of Life.
The people Sate in Companies,
My Saviour Fed them all;
So all the Families of the Earth
Have Tables in Gods Hall.
The Vine and Olive branches tooAre Nourish'd by thy Care.
Mercies we Eat, Mercies we drink,
Mercies we daily wear.
Shall I repine against my God
That kept me all my dayes?
Then let my Tongue forget to tast,
When it forgets to praise.
VI. A Song of Praise for Protection.
My God, my only Help and Hope,My strong and sure Defence,
For all my safety and my peace
I Bless thy Providence.
The daily favours of my God
I cannot Sing at large.
Yet let me make this Holy boast;
I am th'Almighties Charge.
Lord, in the day thou art aboutThe pathes wherein I tread,
And in the Night, when I lye down,
Thou art about my Bed.
I travel thro' the wilderness,
Free from the Beasts of prey.
The Wolves and Lions mouths are stop'd,
The Serpents creep away.
In Preservation God Creates,Delivers in Protection.
Is like a Resurrection.
A thousand Deaths I daily 'scape,
I pass by many a Pit.
I Sail by many dreadful Rocks,
Where Others have been split.
I see blind People with mine Eyes,To Hospitals I walk,
I hear of them that cannot hear,
And of the Dumb I talk.
Lord, what am I that thou should'st shew
Such Favour unto me?
My Bones and Senses all must say,
Lord, who is like to Thee?
VII. A Song of Praise for Health.
Health is a Jewel dropt from Heav'n,Which Money cannot buy,
The Life of Life, the Bodies peace
And pleasant Harmony.
To such a lively Frame,
Skrew up my Heart-strings all, to make
Sweet Melody to thy Name.
Whilest Others in Gods Prisons Lie,Bound with Afflictions Chains;
I walk at large, secure and free
From Sickness and from Pains;
Their Life is Death, their Language Groans
Their Meat is Juice of Galls;
Their Friends, but strangers; Wealth, but want
Their Houses, Prison-walls.
Their earnest Cries do pierce the Skies,And shall I silent be?
Lord, was I sick as I am well,
Thou should'st have heard from me.
The Sick have not more cause to pray,
Then I to praise my King.
Since Nature teaches them to Groan,
Let Grace teach me to Sing.
I see my Friends, I taste my Meat,I'm free for mine Employ.
But when I do enjoy my God,
Then I my self enjoy.
Lord, who dost set me on my Feet,
Direct me in thy wayes.
O Crown thy gift of Health with grace
And turn it to thy praise.
VIII. A Song of Praise for Family-Prosperity.
Thy Blessing, Lord, doth multiplyOne Jacob to two Bands,
One Person to a Family,
Which thro' thy Blessing stands.
On all my Flock both great and small
Thy Sun doth Sweetly Shine.
Thy fruitful drops do gently fall
On every Branch of mine.
Thy Blessing made the loaves to grow,And multitudes were Fed.
It is an House of Bread.
How can I hear my Children Sing,
And not Sing unto thee?
Since they glad Newes from Heav'n do bring,
My God must hear from me.
Mine Olive Branches and my VineThrive by my Tables Side,
Whilst others wither and decline,
Who in Deaths Shade abide.
With Covenant-Blood my posts are Red,
'Tis on my Lintle found.
And Lo! the line of Scarlet thread
Is on my window bound.
'Tis not, my God, my self alone,But mine, to thee I ow.
Thou mad'st me many out of one,
So let thy praises grow.
Whatever Lord is done to thine,
Thou count'st it done to thee
I Count it done to me.
Let me be ever good to thine,Who art so good to me!
Let thine be mine and mine be thine,
And they twice mine shall be;
Then shall my House a Temple be,
Then I and mine shall Sing
Hosannaes to thy Majestie,
And praise our Heavenly King.
IX. A Song of Praise for good Success in Honest Affairs.
Is not the Hand of God in this:Is not this End divine?
Lord of Success, Thee will I Bless,
VVho on my paths doest shine.
I Reap the Fruit of Gods Design,
By Him it was foreseen.
Or it had never been.
I Blindly guess'd, but he sore knew,I wish'd, he did Command.
Wherefore I praise his careful Eye
And his Unerring Hand.
The Bow is drawn by Feeble Armes,
Aim taken in the Dark.
A Providential Hand doth Guide
The Arrow to the mark.
Except the Lord the City keep,The Watchman will be slain.
Except the Lord do Build the House,
The Builder Builds in Vain.
Buildings are Babels; Cities, Heaps;
When thou send'st Curse or Flame.
And labouring Heads that promise Fruit
Oft bring forth Wind and shame.
But thou hast Crown'd my actions, LordWith good Success to day.
At thy Blest Feet I lay.
Lord who art pleas'd to prosper Me,
To bless me in my wayes,
Prosper my weak endeavouring Heart
VVhich Aimeth at thy praise.
X. A Song of Praise for the Morning.
My God was with me all this Night,And gave Me sweet Repose;
My God did watch even whilst I slept,
Or I had never Rose.
How many Groan'd and wish'd for Sleep
Until they wish'd for day.
Meas'ring slow Hours with their quick Pains,
VVhilst I securely lay!
VVhilst I did sleep all dangers slept;No Thieves did me affright,
Those Evening VVolves, those Beasts of prey,
Disturbers of the Night.
The House that I was in,
I heard no dreadful cryes without,
No doleful Groanes within.
VVhat terrours have I 'Scap'd this NightVVhich have on others Fell,
My Body might have slept its last,
My Soul have wak'd in Hell.
Sweet rest hath gain'd that Strength to Me,
VVhich labour did Devour.
My body was in weakness Sown,
But it is Rais'd in Power.
Lord, for the Mercies of the NightMy humble thanks I pay.
And unto thee I dedicate
The first Fruits of the day.
Let this day praise thee, O my God,
And so let all my dayes.
And O let mine Eternal day,
Be thine Eternal praise.
XI. A Song of Praise for the Evening.
Now from the Altar of my HeartLet Incense Flames arise.
Assist me, Lord, to offer up
Mine Evening Sacrifice.
Awake my Love; Awake my Joy,
Awake my Heart and Tongue.
Sleep not when Mercies loudly call:
Break forth into a Song.
Man's Life's a Book of History,The Leaves thereof are dayes.
The Letters Mercies closely Joyn'd,
The Title is thy Praise.
This day God was my Sun and Shield,
My Keeper and my Guide.
His care was on my Frailty shown,
His Mercies multiply'd.
Minutes and Mercies multiply'dHave made up all this day;
Minutes came quick, but Mercies were
More Fleet and free then they.
New time, new Favours and new Joyes
Do a new Song require.
Till I shall praise Thee as I would,
Accept my Hearts desire.
Lord of my Time, whose Hand hath SetNew Time upon my Score,
Then shall I praise for all my Time,
When Time shall be no more.
XII. A Song of Praise for the Birth of Christ.
Away dark thoughts. Awake, my Joy.Awake, my Glory, Sing,
Sing Songs to Celebrate the Birth
Of Jacobs God and King.
Which makes the Blind to see!
The day-Spring from on High came down
To Chear and Visit thee.
The wakeful Shepherds near their Flocks,Were watching for the Morn.
But better Newes from Heav'n was brought,
Your Saviour is Born.
In Bethlem-Town the Infant Lies
Within a place obscure.
O Little Bethlem, poor in walls,
But Rich in Furniture?
Since Heaven is now come down to Earth,Hither the Angels Fly.
Heark how the Heavenly Quire doth Sing,
Glory to God on High.
The News is Spread; the Church is glad,
Simeon, o'recome with Joy,
Sings with the Infant in his Armes,
Now let thy Servant die.
VVise Men from far beheld the Star,VVhich was their faithful Guide,
Until it pointed forth the Babe,
And him they glorified.
Do Heaven and Earth rejoyce and Sing,
Shall we our Christ deny?
He's Born for us, and we for him.
Glory to God on High.
XIII. A Song of Praise for Christ.
I've found the Pearl of greatest price.My Heart doth Sing for Joy.
And Sing I must. A Christ I have;
O What a Christ have I!
Christ is the Way, the Truth and Life.
The Way to God and Glory,
Life to the Dead, the Truth of Types,
The Truth of Ancient Story
Christ is a Prophet, Priest and King:A Prophetfull of Light,
A King that Rules with Might.
Christ's Manhood is a Temple, where,
The Altar, God doth Rest.
My Christ, He is the Sacrifice.
My Christ, He is the Priest.
My Christ, He is the Lord of Lords,He is the King of Kings.
He is the Sun of Righteousness
With Healing in his Wings.
My Christ, He is the Tree of Life
Which in God's Garden grows,
VVhose Fruits do Feed, whose Leaves do Heal,
My Christ is Sharone Rose.
Christ is my Meat, Christ is my Drink,My Physick and my Health;
My peace, my Strength, my joy, my Crown,
My Glory and my VVealth.
Christ is my Father and my Friend,
My Brother and my Love;
My advocate above.
My Christ he is the Heaven of Heaven,My Christ what shall I call?
My Christ is first, my Christ is last,
My Christ is All in All.
XIV. A Song of Praise for Redemption.
O that I had an Angels Tongue,That I might loudly Sing
The Wonders of Redeeming Love,
To thee my God and King.
But Man, who at the Gates of Hell,
Did pale, and speechless ly,
Must find a Tongue and Time to speak
Or else the Stones will cry.
Let the Redeemed of the LordTheir thankful Voices raise.
Can we be Dumb, whilst Angels Sing
Our great Redeemers Praise?
Glory to God on High,
Peace upon Earth, Good will to Men.
Amen, Amen, say I.
Poor Adam's Race was Sathan's prey,And Dust the Serpent's Food.
We that were doom'd to be devour'd,
Naked and Trembling stood.
A Wise Eternal Pity then
Did helpless Man befriend.
Our Help did in God's Bosom lie,
And thence it did descend.
Love Clothed with Humility,Built here an House of Clay.
In which it dwelt, and Rescu'd Man;
The Devil lost his Prey.
The spightful Serpent bruis'd Christ's Heel
But then Christ Brake his Head,
And left him Nail'd upon the Cross,
On which his Blood was Shed.
Sing and triumph in boundless Grace,VVhich thus hath set thee free,
Extol with shouts, my saved Soul,
Thy Saviours love to thee.
Give Endless thanks to God and say,
VVhat love was this in thee,
That thou hast not withheld thy Son,
Thine only Son from Me.
What were Ten thousand Worlds to Him,Thine Image and delight,
Had we been all cast down to Hell,
Justice had had its Right.
Thy Glory might have been distrain'd,
Our Torments should express,
Thy Pureness, Justice, Might and Truth
And Everlastingness.
Thus, Lord thy dreadful Attributes,Man might have serv'd to prove:
Thy Glorious Angels would have Sung
The Riches of thy Love.
Besides the Angels Quire?
Millions had Issu'd at thy Word,
As Sparks arise from Fire.
Mans Room had quickly been Supply'd,For, Lord, at thy Command
A New Creation should appear;
Thy Grace could make them stand,
Or Wouldst thou shew thy Pity, Lord?
Thou might'st have looked then
On Fallen Angels, Fallen Stars,
And not on Fallen Men.
But Fallen Angels must be left,And Fallen Men must rise,
For this the Son of God must fall,
A Bloody Sacrifice.
Thy Deep and Glorious Councels, Lord,
With Trembling I Adore.
Blessed, thrice blessed be my God,
Blessed for evermore.
XV. A Song of Praise for the Gospel.
Blest be my God that I was Born,To hear the Joyful Sound;
That I was Born to be Baptiz'd,
And bred on Holy ground.
That I was Bred where God appears,
In tokens of his Grace;
The Lines are Fallen unto me
In a most pleasant place.
I might have been a Pagan Bred,Or else a Veiled Jew.
Or Cheated with an Alchoran
Among the Turkish Crew,
Dumb pictures might have bin my book
Dark Language my Devotion,
And so I might with blinded Eyes
Have Drunk a deadly Potion.
So in a Dungeon dark as NightI might have Spent my dayes,
But thou hast sent me Gospel-Light,
To thine Eternal Praise.
And drove their Shades away;
His Healing Wings have reach'd the West
And turn'd our Night to Day.
England at first an Egypt was,Since that proud Babels Slave;
At last a Canaan it became,
And then my Birth it gave.
Blest be my God that I have slept
The dismal Night away,
Being kept in Providence's Womb
To England's brightest day.
Blest be my God for what I see,My God for what I hear;
I hear such blessed Newes from Heaven,
Nor Earth nor Hell I fear.
I hear my Lord for me was born,
My Lord for Me did dy;
My Lord for me did Rise again,
And did ascend on High.
On High he stands to plead my Cause,And will return again,
That I with Him may Reign.
Glory to God the Father be,
Glory to God the Son.
Glory to God the Holy Ghost.
Glory to God Alone.
XVI. A Song of Praise for a Gospel Ministry.
Fair are the Feet which bring the NewsOf Gladness unto Me;
What Happy Messengers are these,
Which my bless'd Eyes do see!
These are the Stars which God appoints
For Guides unto my Eyes.
To Lead me unto Bethlem-Town,
VVhere my dear Saviour Lies.
These are my Gods Ambassadours,By whom his Mind I know,
Gods Angels in his lower Heav'n,
Gods Trumpeters below,
The Trumpet Sounds, the Dead arise,
VVhich fell by Adam's Hand;
Set forth for Canaans Land.
The Servants Speak, but thou, Lord, dostAn hearing Ear bestow:
They Smite the Rock, but thou my God
Dost make the waters Flow.
They Shoot the Arrow, but thy Hand
Doth drive the Arrow Home.
They call, but Lord, thou dost Compell,
And then thy Guests are come.
Angels that Fly and VVormes that creep,Are both alike to Thee.
If thou mak'st VVormes thine Angels, Lord,
They bring my God to me.
As Sons of Thunder, first they come,
And I the Lightning Fear;
But then they bring me to my Home,
And Sons of Comfort are.
Lord, thou art in them of a Truth,That I might never Stray,
The Clouds and Pillars March before
And shew me Canaans way.
I Sing in Sions ways.
When shall I Sing on Sions Hill
Thine Everlasting praise?
XVII. A Song of Praise for Holy Baptisme.
Lord what is Man that Lump of Sin,Made up of Earth and Hell,
Not Fit to come within the Camp
VVhere Holy Angels dwell?
Man is a Leper from the VVomb,
An Ethiopian born,
A Traitour's Guilty Son and Heir,
VVorthy of pain and Scorn.
And dost thou look on such a one?Are not thine Eyes most pure?
But they are Eyes of Pitty too,
VVhere Griefs do beg a Cure.
This Leper is a Loathsom Sight,
But pity casts an Ey,
And bids him wash in Jordans Streams
To Cure his Leprosie.
This Ethiopian Skin is Chang'd,And made as white as Snow,
VVhen dipt in wonder-working Streams
VVhich from Christs Side did Flow.
As Adam slept, and from his Side
A killing Eve arose:
From my pierc'd Lord (that smitten Rock)
A pure Life-Fountain Flows.
Ah what a Tainted wretch is Man!And so he must have stood.
But Loe! an Act of Sovereign Grace
Restores him to his blood.
Save me, my God; for I am thine,
Lord, own thy Seal to me.
O wash my Soul till it be Cleans'd
And purify'd for thee.
Blest above Streams is Jordans FloodVVhich toucheth Canaans shore.
I'll Sing thy praise in Jordans Streams,
In Canaan Evermore.
XVIII. A Song of Praise for the Lords Supper.
O praise the Lord, praise him, praise him,Sing Praises to his Name.
O all ye Saints of Heav'n and Earth,
Extol and laud the same.
VVho Spared not his only Son,
But gave Him for us all,
And made Him drink the Cup of VVrath,
The VVormwood and the Gall.
Frail Nature shrunk and did RequestThat bitter Cup might pass,
But He must drink it off, and this
The Fathers Pleasure was.
Lo then I Come to do thy Will,
His Blessed Son Reply'd,
Yielding Himself to God and Man,
He stretch'd His Armes and dy'd.
He dy'd indeed, but Rose again,And did Ascend on High,
Might Live Eternally.
Good Lord, how many Souls in Hell
Doth Vengeance vex and tear?
Were it not for a dying Christ,
Our Dwelling had been there.
His Blood was shed in stead of ours,His Soul our Hell did bear,
He took our Sin, gave us Himself,
What an Exchange is here!
Whatever is not Hell it self,
For me it is too good.
But must we Eat the Flesh of Christ?
And must we drink his Blood?
His Flesh is Heavenly Food indeed,His Blood is Drink Divine,
His Graces drop like Honey falls,
His Comforts tast like Wine.
Sweet Christ, thou hast refresh'd our Souls
With thine abundant Grace;
For which we magnifie thy Name,
Longing to see thy Face.
When shall our Souls mount up to thee,Most Holy, Just and true,
To Eat that Bread and drink that Wine
Which is for ever New?
XIX. A Song of Praise for the Lords Day.
My Lord my Love was Crucified:He all the pains did bear.
But in the Sweetness of his Rest
He makes his Servants Share.
How Sweetly rest thy Saints above
VVhich in thy Bosom Ly?
Thy Church below doth rest in hope
Of that Felicity.
Thou, Lord, who dayly feed'st thy Sheep,Mak'st them a weekly Feast.
Thy Flocks meet in their several Folds
Upon this day of rest.
VVelcome and dear unto my Soul
Are these sweet Feasts of Love.
But what a Sabbath shall I keep
VVhen I shall rest above?
Bless thy wise and wondrous Love,Which binds us to be Free.
Which makes us leave our Earthly Snare
That we may come to Thee.
Come, I Wait, I Hear, I Pray.
Thy Footsteps Lord I Trace.
I Sing to think this is the way
Unto my Saviours Face.
These are my Preparation days;And when my Soul is Drest,
These Sabbaths shall deliver me
To mine Eternal rest.
XX. Another [Song of Praise for the Lords Day.]
Blest day of God, most Calm, most bright;The first and best of days.
The Lab'rours Rest, the Saints delight,
A day of Mirth and praise.
My Saviours Face did make thee Shine.
His Rising did thee Raise.
This made thee Heavenly and Divine,
Beyond the Common days.
The first Fruits do a Blessing proveTo all the Sheaves behind.
And they that do a Sabbath love,
An happy VVeek shall find.
My Lord on Thee his Name did Fix;
VVhich makes thee Rich and Gay.
Amidst his Golden Candlesticks
My Saviour walks this day.
He walks in's Robes, his Face shines bright;The Stars are in his Hand,
Out of his Mouth that place of Might
A Two-Edg'd Sword doth stand.
Grac'd with our Lords Appearance thus;
As well as with his Name.
Thou may'st demand Respect from us
Upon a double Claim.
This day God doth his Vessels broach;His Conduits Run with VVine.
He that loves not this Days approach
Scorns Heaven and Saviour shine.
And Garlick for their Feast,
Whilst Milk and Honey they refuse,
And the Almighty's Rest?
This Market day doth Saints EnrichAnd Smiles upon them all.
It is their Pentecost, on which
The Holy Ghost doth fall.
O Day of Wonders! Mercies Pawn,
The weary Souls Recruit,
The Christians Goshen, Heavens Dawn,
The Bud of Endless Fruit!
Oh could I love as I have lov'dThy Watches heretofore;
As England's Glory thou hast prov'd
May'st thou be so yet more.
This day must I for God appear,
For, Lord, the day is thine.
O let me spend it in thy Fear,
Then shall the day be mine,
That I to God may rest.
Now let me Talk with God, and Walk
With God, and I am Blest.
XXI. A Song of Praise for the Patience of God.
Almighty God, how hast thou bornWrongs not to be exprest,
Daring Rebellion, Injur'd Love,
Light quenched in my Breast!
Man would be God, and down he fell
To teach him better Skill:
Yet he lifts up his bruised Bones
Against his Maker still.
Lord, what a Monster is base ManThus given to Rebel!
O that thou dost not Cleave the Earth,
And send him quick to Hell!
His Sins for Wages loudly Cry,
Justice with dreadful Sound
Cries too, Cut down this fruitless Tree,
VVhy Cumbers it the Ground;
But God waves his AdvantagesOf Right and Vengeance too,
And by his single Patience
Doth daring Man out-do.
The Creature doth disdain his God,
By whom he is Maintain'd.
Yet God Maintains this Rebel-worm
By whom he is disdain'd.
Fool, Ask not where th'Almighty is.All Glory to Him give.
Is not his Power most fully prov'd
In Suffering thee to Live?
Was He not God, he could not bear
Such Weights as on Him ly;
Weak things are quickly set on Fire,
And to their Weapons Fly.
Why should not Patience make me Sing,When Hell would make Me Roar?
Lord, let thy Patience End in Love,
I'll Sing for Evermore.
XXII. A Song of Praise for Pardon of Sin.
My God a God of Pardon is,His Bosom gives me Ease;
I have not, do not please my God,
Yet Mercy Him doth please.
My Sins aloud for Vengeance call,
But Lo! a Fountain Springs
From Christ's pierc'd Side, which loude crie
And speaketh better Things,
My Sins have reach'd up to the Heav'ns,But Mercies Height exceeds.
Gods Mercy is above the Heav'ns,
Above my sinful deeds.
My Sins are many, like the Stars,
Or Sands upon the Shore;
But yet the Mercies of my God
Are infinitely more.
My Sins in Bigness do ariseLike Mountains great and Tall,
Covers these Mountains all.
This is a Sea that's Bottomless,
A Sea without a Shore.
For where Sin hath abounded much,
Mercy abounds-much more.
Manasseh, Paul and MagdalenWere pardon'd all by Thee.
I Read it and Believe it, Lord,
For thou hast pardon'd Me.
When God shall search the World for Sin,
VVhat trembling will be there?
O Rocks and Mountains Cover us,
VVill be the Sinners prayer.
But the Lambs wrath they need not fearVVho once have felt his Love.
And they that walk with God below
Shall dwell with God above.
Rage Earth and Hell, come Life, come Death,
Yet still my Song shall be,
God was and is and will be good
And Merciful to Me.
XXIII. A Song of Praise for Peace of Conscience.
My God, my reconciled God,Creator of my Peace,
Thee will I Love, and praise, and Sing,
Till Life and Breath shall Cease,
My thoughts did Rage, my Soul was tost
'Twas like a troubled Sea.
But what a Mighty Voice is this
Which winds and waves Obey?
God spake the word, Peace and be still,My Sins, those Mutineers
With speed went off and took their flight
Where now are all my fears?
The World can neither give nor take,
Nor yet can understand
That Peace of God, which Christ hath bought,
And gives me with his Hand.
This is my Saviours Legacie,Confirm'd by his decease;
In Me ye shall have Peace.
And so it is; The World doth Rage,
But Peace in Me doth Reign.
And whilest my God maintains the Fort,
Their Batt'ries are in vain.
The burning Bush was not Consum'd,Whilest God remained there:
The Three, when Christ did make the Fourth,
Found Fire as meek as Air.
So is my Mem'ry stuff'd with Sins,
Enough to make an Hell;
And yet my Conscience is not Scorch'd,
For God in Me doth dwell.
Where God doth dwell, sure Heav'n is there,And Singing there must be.
Since, Lord, thy Presence makes my Heav'n
Whom should I Sing but Thee?
My God, my reconciled God,
Creator of my Peace,
Thee will I Love, and praise, and Sing,
Till Life and Breath shall Cease.
XXIV. A Song of Praise for Ioy in the Holy Ghost
My Soul doth magnifie the Lord,My Spirit doth rejoyce
In God my Saviour and my God.
I hear his Joyful voice.
I need not go abroad for Joy,
VVho have a Feast at Home.
My Sighs are turned into Songs.
The Comforter is come.
Down from above the Blessed DoveIs come into my Breast,
To witness Gods Eternal Love;
This is my Heavenly Feast.
This makes me Abba Father Cry
VVith Confidence of Soul.
It makes me Cry, my Lord, my God,
And that without Controul.
There is a Stream, which Issues forthFrom Gods Eternal Throne,
Clear as the Cristal Stone;
This Stream doth water Paradise,
It makes the Angels Sing;
One Cordial drop Revives my Heart;
Hence all my Joys do Spring.
Such Joys as are UnspeakableAnd full of Glory too,
Such hidden Manna, Hidden Pearls,
As VVorldlings do not Know,
Ey hath not seen, nor Ear hath heard,
From Fancy 'tis Conceal'd
VVhat Thou, Lord, hast laid up for thine;
And hast to me reveal'd.
I see thy Face, I hear thy Voice,I tast thy Sweetest Love;
My Soul doth leap; But O for wings,
The wings of Noahs Dove!
Then should I Flee far hence away,
Leaving this world of Sin;
Then should my Lord put forth his Hand
And kindly take me in.
Then should my Soul with Angels FeastOn Joys that always last;
Blest be my God, the God of Joy,
VVho gives Me here a tast.
XXV. A Song of Praise for Grace
O God of Grace, who hast Restor'dThine Image unto Me,
VVhich by my Sins was quite defac'd,
VVhat shall I render Thee?
Thine Image and Inscription, Lord,
Upon my Heart I bear;
Thine own I render unto Thee,
O God, my God most dear.
My self I ow Thee for my selfVVhom Thou didst make of Earth.
But Thou hast made me o're again,
Thou gav'st a Second Birth.
Twice born and twice Endu'd with Life,
I hast to come to Thee,
To pay my Vows, my Thanks, my Heart
VVith all Humility.
O was I Born first from Beneath?And then Born from above?
Am I a Child of Man and God?
O Rich and endless Love!
VVhen I had broke the Tables, Lord,
New Tables Thou didst Hew,
And with thy Finger didst Engrave
Thy Laws on them anew.
Earth is my Mother, Earth my Nurse,And Earth must be my Tomb.
Yet God, the God of Heav'n and Earth
My Father is become.
Hell enter'd Me, and into Hell
I quickly should have Run.
But O! kind Heaven laid hold on Me;
Heav'n is in Me begun.
This Spark will rise into a Flame,This Seed into a Tree;
My Songs shall rise, my Praises shall
Loud Hallelujahs be.
XXVI. A Song of Praise for Answer of Prayer.
What are the Heav'ns, O God of Heaven?Thou art more bright, more High.
What are bright Stars, and brighter Saints
To thy bright Majesty?
Th'art far above the Songs of Heaven
Sung by thy Holy Ones.
And dost thou Stoop and Bow thine Ear
To a poor Sinners Groans?
God minds the Language of my Heart,My Groans and Sighs he hears.
He hath a Book for my Requests,
A Bottle for my Tears.
But did not my dear Saviours blood
First wash away their Guilt,
My Sighs would prove but empty Air,
My Tears would all be Spilt.
Lord, thine Eternal Spirit wasMy Advocate within;
My Prayer was mixt with Sin,
But then Christ was my Altar, and
My Advocate above,
His blood did clear my Prayer, and gain'd
An Answer full of Love.
It could not be that thou shouldst HearA Mortal sinful VVorm.
But that my Prayers presented are
In a more glorious Form.
Christs precious Hands took my Requests,
And turn'd my dross to Gold;
His blood put warmth into my Prayers,
VVhich were by Nature cold.
Thou heard'st my Groans for Jesus sake,VVhom thou dost Hear alwayes.
Lord, Hear through that prevailing Name
My Voice of Joy and Praise.
XXVII. A Song of Praise for Deliverance from Enemies.
Great God, who dost the VVorld Command,Thou Check'st both winds and waves.
The Devils, which like Lions Roar,
Are thine Enchained Slaves.
The Sons of Rage are Smoaking Brands
And Idols Fear'd in vain;
Thou Lord, the only, only God
Their Fury doth restrain.
Thou Lord didst Smooth fierce Esaus BrowAnd Change his Murm'ring Breath;
Thou gav'st to him a Brothers Heart,
Who Vow'd his Brothers Death.
Angels have Arm'd at thy Command;
And Stars have Shot their Dart;
Nature hath fought; and Miracles
Have took thy Churches part.
Thee, Lord, who still thy Church dost Love,All Creatures must obey.
And when for thine thou dost Arise.
Their En'mies where are they?
I to my God did Flee;
He with Compassion heard my cry,
He did Arise for Me.
With humble Fear and thankful Joy,Lord, at thy Feet I Fall,
Unfeignedly acknowledging,
That thou alone dost all.
Thou art all Power, thou art all Love,
And so thou art to Me.
Blest be my God, now and henceforth,
And to Eternity.
XXVIII. A Song of Praise for Deliverance from spiritual Troubles.
I that am drawn out of the Depth,Will Sing upon the Shore.
I that in Hells dark Suburbs lay,
Pure Mercy will Adore.
The Terrours of the living God
My Soul did so affright,
I Fear'd, left I should be Condemn'd
To an Eternal Night.
Kind was the pity of my Friends,But could not Ease my Smart;
Their words indeed did reach my Case,
But could not reach my Heart.
Ah then what was this World to Me,
To whom Gods Word was dark!
Who in my Dungeon cou'd not see
One Beam or shining Spark.
What then were all the Creatures Smiles,When the Creator frown'd?
My Days were Nights, my Life was Death,
My Being was my wound.
Tortur'd and wrack'd with Hellish fears,
VVhen God the blow should give,
Mine Eyes did fail, my Heart did sink,
Then Mercy bid me live.
Gods Furnace doth in Sion stand,But Sions God Sits by;
As the Refiner Views his Gold
VVith an observant Ey.
Gods Thoughts are high, his Love is wise,
His VVounds a Cure intend.
He loves unto the End.
Thy Love is constant to its Line,Tho' Clouds oft come between.
O could my Faith but pierce these Clouds,
It might be alwayes seen.
But I am weak, and forc'd to Cry,
Take up my Soul to Thee,
Then as thou ever art the same,
So shall I ever be.
Then shall I ever, ever Sing,Whilest thou dost ever Shine,
I have thine own dear Pledge for this,
Lord, thou art ever mine.
XXIX. A Song of Praise for Deliverance from imminent danger of Death.
Lord of my Life, length of my Days,Thy Hand hath resen'd me.
Among the Dead was Free.
My dearest Friends I had resign'd
Unto their Makers care;
Me thought I only time had left
For a concluding Prayer.
Me thoughts Death laid his Hand on meAnd did his Pris'ner Bind;
And by the Sound me thought I heard
His Masters Feet behind.
Me thoughts I stood upon the Shore,
And nothing could I see,
But the Vast Ocean with my Eyes,
A Vast Eternity.
Me thoughts I heard the Midnight Cry,Behold the Bridegroom comes.
Me thoughts I was call'd to the Bar,
Where Souls receive their Dooms.
The World was at an End to me,
As if it all did Burn.
But Lo! there came a Voice from Heav'n,
VVhich order'd my Return.
Lord, I return'd at thy Command.VVhat wilt thou have me do?
O let me wholly live to Thee,
To whom my Life I ow.
Faine would I dedicate to Thee
The Remnant of my Days.
Lord, with my Life renew my Heart,
That both thy Name may praise.
XXX. A Song of Praise for the Hope of Glory.
I soiourn in a Vale of Tears.Alas, how can I Sing!
My Harp doth on the VVillows hang,
Dis-tun'd in every String.
My Musick is a Captives Chains,
Harsh Sounds my Ears do Fill.
How shall I Sing Sweet Sions Song
On this Side Sions Hill?
Yet Lo I hear a Joyful SoundSurely I quickly come.
Like a full Honey Comb.
And dost thou come my dearest Lord?
And dost thou surely come?
And dost thou surely quickly come?
Me thinks I am at Home.
Come then my dearest, dearest Lord,My Sweetest, surest Friend.
Come, for I Loath these Kedar Tents,
Thy Fiery Chariots send.
What have I here; My thoughts and Joys,
Are all pack'd up and gone.
My Eager Soul would follow them
To thine Eternal Throne.
What have I in this barren Land?My Jesus is not here.
Mine Eyes will ne're be Blest until
My Jesus doth Appear.
My Jesus is gone up to Heav'n
To get a place for Me.
For 'tis his Will that where he is,
There should his Servants be.
Canaan I view from Pisgahs top;Of Canaans Grapes I tast.
My Lord who sends unto me here
Will Send for Me at last.
I have a God that Changeth not.
Why should I be perplext?
My God that owns Me in this World,
Will own Me in the next.
Go fearless then, my Soul, with God,Into another Room.
Thou who hast walked with him here,
Go see thy God at Home.
View Death with a Believing Ey.
It hath an Angels Face.
And this kind Angel will prefer
Thee to an Angels place.
The Grave is but a Fining PotUnto Believing Eyes:
For there the Flesh shall lose its dross,
And like the Sun shall rise.
Hath mock'd Me with its Lies.
How gladly could I leave behind
Its vexing Vanities?
My dearest Friends they dwell above,Them will I go to See,
And all my Friends in Christ below
Will soon come after Me.
Fear not the Trumps Earth rending Sound,
Dread not the Day of Doom.
For He that is to be thy Judge,
Thy Saviour is become.
Blest be my God that gives me Light,Who in the dark did Grope.
Blest be my God, the God of Love,
Who causeth me to hope.
Here's the Words Signet, Comforts Staffe,
And here is Graces Chain.
By these thy Pledges, Lord, I know
My Hopes are not in Vain.
XXXI. A Song of Praises, Collected out of the Book of Psalms.
O Praise the Lord, Praise him, Praise Him,Praise Him with one accord.
Praise Him, praise Him all ye that be
The Servants of the Lord.
Sing Praises to our God, Sing Praise,
Sing Praises to our King.
Praise to the King of all the Earth,
With understanding Sing.
My Soul give Laud unto the Lord;My Spirit shall do the same,
And all the Secrets of my Heart,
Praise ye his Holy Name.
Come let us Bow and Praise the Lord;
Before him let us Fall;
And kneel to Him with one accord;
For He hath made us all.
He is the Lord; He is our God,For us He doth provide.
His Sheep, he doth us Guide.
I will give thanks unto the Lord,
Because he hath heard Me,
And is become most lovingly
A Saviour unto Me.
The Lord is my defence and strength,My Joy, my Mirth, my Song.
He is become for me indeed
A Saviour most strong.
Thou art my God, I will Confess
And render thanks to Thee.
Thou art my God, and I will praise
Thy mercy towards Me.
O give Ye thanks unto the Lord,For Gracious is He:
Because his Mercy doth endure
For ever towards Me.
XXXII. Another [Song of Praises, Collected out of the Book of Psalms.]
To render thanks unto the LordHow great a Cause have I,
That heard so willingly?
Thou art my strength, thou hast me Stay'd,
O Lord, I Sing to Thee.
Thou art my Fort, my Fence and Aid,
A Loving God to me.
What thing is there that I can wishBut Thee in Heav'n above?
And in the Earth there is nothing
Like Thee that I can Love.
For why? the Well of Life so pure
Doth ever flow from Thee;
And in thy Light we are full sure
The lasting Light to see.
My heart would faint, but that in meThis hope is Fixed fast,
The Lord Gods good Grace shall I see
In Life that ay shall last.
For this God is our God, our God
For evermore is He.
This God of ours even unto Death
Our faithful Guide will be.
When I awake I shall beholdIn righteousness thy Face.
And I shall be most like to Thee,
Even filled with thy Grace.
Full Joys are in thy presence Lord,
(A Sweet and precious Store)
My God at thy right Hand there are
Pleasures for evermore.
Ye Angels which are great in PowerPraise Ye and Bless the Lord,
VVhich to obey and do His will
Immediately accord.
Yea all his workes in every place
Praise ye His Holy Name.
My Heart, my Mind and all my Soul
For ever praise the same.
XXXIII. A Song of Praise Collected from the Doxologies in the Revelation of St. Iohn.
To Him that lov'd us from Himself,And dy'd to do us good
In His own purest Blood,
And made us Kings and Priests to God
His Father Infinite,
To Him Eternal Glory be,
And Everlasting Might.
The Lamb is worthy that was slain,To have all power and wealth,
All Honour, Glory, VVisdom, Strength,
Thanks for his Saving Health.
Thanks, Honour, Glory, Power to him
That on the Throne doth Sit;
And to the Lamb for ever and
For ever so be it.
Thousands of Thousands of the SaintsVVhich stand before their King,
VVith Shining Robes and Spreading Palmes
Loud Hallelujahs Sing.
Ascribe Salvation to our God
VVho Sits upon the Throne,
Ascribe Salvation.
Spiritual Songs, or, Songs of Praise to Almighty God Upon several Occasions | ||