University of Virginia Library


[XXXVIII] [B.] In what estate so euer I be
Timor mortis conturbat me.


Taken from Bodl. Ms. Engl. Poet. e. 1.


As I went in a mery mornyng,
I hard a byrd boye wep & syng,
Thys was ye tenowr of her talkyng:
timor &c.


I asked yat byrd what sche ment,
I am a musket boye fayer & gent,
for dred of deth I am al schent:
timor &c.


What I schal dey I know no day,
what countre or place I can not sey,
wherfor yis song syng I may:
timor &c.


Jhesu cryst whane he schuld dey,
to hys fader he gan sey:
fader, he sayd, in trinyte
timor &c.


All crysten pepull behold & se,
yis world is but a vanyte,
& replet with necessyte,
timor [&c]


Wak I or sclep, ete or drynke,
whan I on my last end do thynk,
for grete fer my sowle do shrynke,
timor &c.


God graunte vs grace hym for to serue,
& be at owr end whan we sterue,
& frome ye fynd he vs preserue!
timor &c.