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The poems of William of Shoreham

... Re-edited from the unique manuscript in the British Museum by M. Konrath

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I. De septem sacramentis. De psalmo, Exercitatus sum et defecit spiritus.


Square and round brackets denote editorial insertions or emendations.


Sonderliche his man astoned
In his owene mende,
Wanne he note neuer wannes he comþe,
Ne wider he schel wende;
And more,
Þet al his lyf his here imengde
Wiþe sorwe and eke wiþe sore.


And wanne he deiþe, ne mey me wite
Woder he comeþ to wisse;
Bote as a stock þer liþe þet body,
Wiþe-þoute alle manere blisse.
Wat þenkeste?
And hondred winter ȝef a leueþe,
Þat his lyf mid þe lengeste.


Onneþe creft eny þat stat,
Ac some crefteþ þat halue;
And for siknesse lechecreft,
And for þe goute sealue
Me makeþe;
For wanne man drawiþ in-to oldeward,
Wel ofte his bones akeþ.



And be a man neuer so sprind,
Ȝef he schel libbe to elde,
Be him wel siker, þer-to he schel,
And his deþes dette ȝelde;
To gile
Ȝet meni ȝong man weneþ longe leue,
And leueþ wel litle wyle.


Þos we beþ al awey-ward,
Þat scholde her byleue;
And ȝet me seiþ ydemyd we beþe
In Adam and ine Eue
Te helle:
Waȝt hope his here of sauuement
Now time his for to telle.


Me seiþe þe riȝte woneȝyng
Ine heuene hyt his to manne;
Ac heuene his heiȝe, and we beþ heuy,
Howe scholde we þider þanne?
Bi leddre.
Howe mey þat be? wo dar þer-oppe steiȝe,
For douȝte of fotes bleddre?


Man, þy laddre nys nauȝt of wode
Þat may to heuene leste;
Ac on þer his, þat iakob iseiȝe
Þer he sleppe inne hys reste.
Now schewe þis:
Þis ilke laddre is charite,
Þe stales gode þeawis.


Her-on ihesus stawe vppe bi-fore,
Al for to teche ous styȝe;


Nowe hyȝe, man, and folwe wel,
A-doun þat þou ne syȝe
For yf þou nelt nauȝt climme þos,
Of heuene þou hest yfayled.


And þat man louye god and man,
Ase charite hyt hoteþ;
Þat he so wel yþeawed be,
Þat alle men hit noteþe:
Wat þanne?
Ȝet senne-les ne may he nauȝt be,
Ac a deyþe, and he not wanne.


Of brokele kende his þat he deiþe,
For hy ne moȝe nauȝt dury;
And aldey he to senne falleþ,
Her ne moȝe nauȝt pury
Of serewnessche.
Ȝet hope þou wel, man, for al þis,
Þat goȝde lyf wole þe wessche.


For deþe ne falt nauȝt into wanhope,
For god him self for þe deide;
Þe þridde day he aros aȝeyn
Of þe þrouȝ þer men hine leyde,
Ine tokene
Þat, man, þi body arise schel
Of deiþe, nan more to blokne.


Þe bible seyþe þat mannys blod
Hys ryȝt þer saule giste;


And water wasscheþ þe felthe a-wey,
Þer me wesscheþ by liste
Þe on-sounde:
To wesschen ous cryst schedde his blod
And water out of hys wonde.


Here-of spronge þe sacremens
Of holy chyrche digne;
And his to segge sacrement
Of holy þynge signe.
For gode,
Hou myȝte fayrer signe be
Þane of þe water and blode?


Man, þorwe þat blod þi soule his bouȝt
Fram þe fendes powere;
And þorwe þat water iwessche þart
Of þyne sennes here.
Nou loke,
Ȝoure Cristendom his tokene þrof
Of criste þat we toke.


For, ȝef þou uangest þane cristendom,
And for þan bi-lef[s]t clene,
Þou schelt be marked to þet stede
To wichen heuen his ymene;
To soþe,
Wanne þe bisschop bisschopeþ þe,
Tokene of marke he set to þe.


Ac cristendom hys sacrement
Of so grete powere,
Þat hit þorwe wasscheþ þane man
Of senne alle manere;
And glorie


Hit scheppeþ, ȝef man deyþe,
And schilt fram purgatorie.


And—for we beþ of nonn power
To weryen ous fram schame—
Þer der no fend acombry ous,
Crist is mid ous to-same(s);
And neade:
Tokene þer-of his goddes bodi
At cherche ine forme of brede.


And ȝet,—for man his so brotel
Ine his owene kende—
Þaȝ he torni to senne aȝen
Þorwe fondyng of þe feende,
By chaunce
Þat he may come to stat a-ȝeyn
Þorwe bare repentaunce.


Her-of we habbeþ tokene gode,
Wanne we fangeþ penaunce
For sennes þat we habbeþ idon̄,
To pynes allegaunce
Ine fere;
For þer we scholde hit vnder-go,
Bote we pinede hit here.


Þat man ne falle ine wanhope
A-last wiþ-oute bote,
Al þat he heþ iseneged her
Wiþ honden and wiþ foȝte,
Wyþ þoute,
Mouþe, nase, and earen, and wiþ siȝt,
Eliinge brengeþ hit to nouȝte.



Ȝet some heþe suche deuocioun,
Þat hym þingþe he his al ydel
For to libbe commun lif,
Bote ȝef he hedde a brydel;
Wet þinge
Of harder stat god graunteþ,
Wel tokne þrowȝ his ordini[n]ge.


Ȝet, þaȝ man mowe nauȝt lecherie
Forbere to donne ine dede,
Ȝet ne schal he nauȝt be for-lore,
For god ȝefþe hym to rede
Tokene þrof his þe wedding
At cherche, and biterewþing.


Cristendom, and bisschoppying,
Penauns, and eke spousinge,
Godes body ine forme of bred,
Ordre, and Aneliinge,
Þes seuene
Heþ holicherche sacremens,
Þat beþ tokenen of heuene.


God wescht, and markeþ, and forȝefþ,
And ioyneþ men an wyues,
And freuereþ þorwe his body man,
And grace sent, and lyues.
Ȝe, wanne?
Wanne we takeþ þe sacremens,
Þar we seþ hit þanne.



Þaȝ we ne mowe hyt nauȝt ise,
Ne forþe ine bodie iurede,
We seþe hit wel ine oure fey,
And fredeþ hit at nede
Wel eȝaþe:
God þorwe miracles keþeþ hit
A lyue and eke a deþe.


And bote he þorwe hys sacremens
Ous þos bi-redde,
Ne scholde we of his grace wite
Wanne we hit toke and hedde
To wisse;
Þer-fore, he þat bi-lefeþ hit nauȝt
Riȝt wyt neþ of blisse.


Al hit beþ cherche sacremens
Þet tokeneþ holi þynges,
As hali water, and haly bred,
Liȝt, and belryngynges
To leste;
And of alle oþer sacremens
Þes seuene beþ þe greste.

(1) [D]E baptismo.


Cristendom his þat sacrement
Þat men her ferst fongeþ;
Hit openeþ to ous þe heuene blisse,
Þat many man after longeþ
Wel sore;


For who þat entreþ þer
He his sauff euere more.


Nou ferst ich wille telle ȝou
Wet may be þe materie
Wer-inne cristning may be mad,
Þat bringeþ ous so merie
To honoure:
Hiȝt moȝt be do ine kende water,
And non oþer licour[e].


Þer-fore ine wine me ne may,
Inne siþere, ne inne pereye,
Ne ine þing þat neuere water nes
Þorȝ cristning man reneye;
Ne inne ale,
For, þie hiȝt were water ferst,
Of water neþ hit tale.


Ne mede, ne forþe no oþer licour
Þat chaungeþ wateres kende,
Ne longeþ nauȝt to cristendom,
Þaȝt some foles hit wende
For wete;
For suich is kendeliche hot,
Þaȝt þer no feer hit ne hete.


Ac water is kendeliche cheld,
Þaȝ hit be warmd of fere;
Þer-fore me mey cristni þer-inne,
In whaut time falþe a ȝere
Of yse;
So mey me nauȝt in ewe ardaunt,
Þat neþ no wateris wyse.



Al-so me may inne sealte se
Cristny wel mitte beste,
And eke inne oþere sealte watere,
Bote me in to moche kes(ch)te
Of sealte;
For ȝef þat water his kende lest,
Þat cristning stant te tealte.


Ac ȝyf þer were ymengd licour
Oþer wid kende wetere,
Ich woȝt wel, þrinne to cristnye
Hit nere nefur þe betere,
Ac wonde;
For bote þat water his kende haue,
Þat cristnynge may nauȝt stonde.


In water ich wel þe cristny her,
As gode him self hyt diȝte;
For mide to wessche nis noþynge
Þat man comeþ to so liȝte;
In londe
Nis non þat habben hit ne may:
Þat habbe hit wile, founde.


Þis beþe þe wordes of cristnyng
Bi þyse englissche costes:—
“Ich cristni þe ine þe uader name,
And sone, and holy gostes;”
And more,
“Amen!” Wane hit his ised þer-toe,
Confermeþ þet to-fore.


Þe wordes scholle be ised
Wiþe-oute wane and eche;


And onderstand, hi moȝe bi sed
In alle manere speche
Ine lede,
Þat euerich man hi sigge moȝe,
And cristny for nede.


Ac ȝif man scholde icristnid be
Þat neþ none deaþes signe,
Þe pope for te cristny hyne
So nere nauȝt te digne
Þe leste;
Þer-fore hi beþ in cherche brouȝt
To cristny of þe preste.


Ac he þat ȝif so large water
Þe fend fram ous te reaue,
In nede for to cristny men
Ȝef alle men ileaue
At felle;
Olepi mot hym ine þe water,
And eke þe wordes telle.


And wanne hi cristneþ ine þe founȝt,
Þe prestes so þries depeþ,
In þe honur of þe trinite,
Ac gode ȝeme kepeþ
Þe ned
On time a cloþe þat water ikest,
Ac ope þe heuede te bede.


Ac water ikest an oþer leme
Cristneþ þe man alyue,


Ac hit his sikerest in þe heeued,
Þer beþ þe wittes fyue.
Wel, broþer,
Ne non ne may icristned be
Ar he his boren of moder.


Ȝet gret peryl hy vndergoþe
Þat cristneþ twyes enne,
Oþer to ȝeue asent þer-to,
Oþer for loue of kenne
Wanne child ariȝt cristnyng heþ,
And þat oþer nauȝt for-bedeþ.


Bote hi þis conne, hit his peril
To þise medewyues;
For ofte children scheawiþ quike,
Ibore to schorte lyues,
And deyeþ:
Bote hi ariȝt icristned be,
Fram heuene euere hi weyeþ.


Ac ȝif þat child icristned his,
Ac me fot at me hit weneþ,
Þise habbeþ forme þer-of
A latin þat ham genieþ
To depe;
And ich schel seggen hit an englisch,
Nou þer-of neme ȝe kepe.


Þe prest takeþ þat ilke child
In his honden by-thuixte,


And seiþ: “ich ne cristni þei nauȝt,
Ȝef þou ert icristned;”
Eft sone:—
“Ac ȝyf þou nart, ich cristni þe;”
And deþ þat his to donne.


Ac ȝet þer beþ cristnynges mo,
Ac no man ne may diȝtti;
For hi beþ godes grace self,
Men of gode wil to riȝti
And wynne,
Wanne hi wolde icristned be,
And moȝe mid none ginne.


Þat on his cleped cristning of blode,
Wanne suche bledeþ for criste;
Þat oþer of þe holy gost,
Þat moȝe mid none liste
Be icristned,
And deyeþ so: wanne hi beþ deede,
Ine heuene hi beþ igistned.


Þe children atte cherche dore
So beþ yprimisined;
And þat hi beeþe eke atte fount
Mid oylle and creyme alyned
Al faylleþ;
Hiȝt worþeþ cristnyng, and þat child
Þer-to hit auailleþ.


(2) [D]E confirmatione.


Confermyng his a sacrement,
And oþer þat we foungeþ;
And wanne a man hit onderuangeþ,
Ine saule hit hine strangeþ,
Wel liȝtte;
For wanne a man yma[r]ked his,
Þe stronger he his to fyȝte.


And be þou siker þat mannes lyf
Is riȝt a kniȝt-hod ine londe;
And so seyþe iob, þe holy man.
Now mote we þanne stonde
To fiȝte:
Þe feend, þat flesch, and eke þe wordle,
Ageins ous beþ idiȝte.


Þe feend wiþ prede acombreþ ous,
Wiþ wreþe, and wiþ enuie;
Þat fleisch wiþ sleuþe and glotonie,
And eke wiþ lecherie,
Þe wordle, wiþ here falȝse scheawinge,
Schent ous wiþ coueytise.


Ac he þat ine saule is strang,
Þat he wiþ-stent hi alle,
And hardeliche hert oþre men,
A-doun þat hi ne falle,
Ac stonde,


So his ihert þorȝ conferming,
Þat for deþe nele nauȝt wonde.


Nou ich mot of þis sacrement
Ȝou telle þe materie,
Þat makeþ man so hardiliche
To stonde, and so merie
Ine goste,
Þat he ne may nauȝt yweid be
Wiþ blanding ne wiþ boste.


Hit his þe oyle and baume ymeng
Iblessed, and wi(le), lestne:
For oyle smereþ þane champion,
Þat me [ne] schel him festne,
Ne presse;
And baume his riche and tokened looz
Of þare holy prowesse.


A prince longeþ for te do
Þe gode kniȝtes dobbynge;
And so a prince of godes ost
Schel do þe confermynge,
Nonn loȝer;
Þer-fore hit mot a bisschopp be,
Nis non þer-to y oȝer.


Þat me wasche men ouer þe fant
After confirmement,


Nis nauȝt do bote for þat honour
Of þilke sacrement
Soe here;
Þer-fore me wescht and kerfþ þane clout,
And berneþ him in þe fere.


Þe bisschop þese wordes seþ—
And beþ wordes of selþe:—
“Ich signi þe wiþ signe of croys,
And wiþ þe creme of hel[þ]e
Ine þe foreheued þe crouche a set,
Felþe of fendes to bermi.


Ine þe foreheued he croucheþ hine,
Þat him ne schamie boute
(Bote) for to bi-knowe cristes name
Wiþ-oute alle manere doute;
And binne
Þorwe creymie anoynt strange he bi-comþe
His sauuement to winne.


Ac hou his hit, þer beþe so fele
Confermed of mankenne,
And þer so feawe stondeþ styf
To fytte aȝenis senne
For hi ne fongeþ nouȝt þat þing,
Bote þe bare signe.


Þe signe his of þis sacrement
Mid creyme þe markynge;


Ac þing þat þer bi-tokned his,
Strengþe his þat god schel bringg
Wiþ-oute god fey and god wil
Mey non þis þing foenge.


Ac nou þat wil þat is to gode
His al iset bi-hinde;
And þi bileaue of ihesu crist
His nou al weuerinde:
Þer-fore ne habbeþ nauȝt þat þing,
Bote þe bare signe.


Ac þare children take þat þing
In hare childhod so p(o)ure,
Hit leseþ wanne hi comeþ to wit
Þourȝ hare misauenture
Of senne:
Anon þe foend fondeþ hy so,
And he ne spareþ nenne.


Þat deþ þat hi nastondeþ nouȝt,
Ac ech oþren aschrencheþ;
Ac ȝet, hy mowe ȝet stonde bet,
Wanne hi ham bet bi-þencheþ
To leue,
And do ham to deuocioun,
Ȝef god ham strengþe ȝiue.


And þanne gode, þat his so god,
Anon hi stronge makeþ,


As hi habbeþ deuocioun,
And hie god fey takeþ,
And al his þorȝ þat sacrement,
Þeiȝe hit ne be nauȝt rehersed.


For wanne me takeþ þis sacrement,
His soule prente takeþ;
And þat hi nefermo for-lest,
Nauȝt hi þat god for-sakeþ,
Ac healdeþ
Ine stat þat sacrement ine man,
Wanne he ine gode byaldeþ.


And as þys ylke sacrement
Heþ þyng and toke hijs signe,
So habbeþ þe oþere sacremens
Syxȝe þat beþe so digne:
Her signe, droppinge in þe water,
And þyng hijs for-ȝeuynge.


Þys ylke sygne, and eke þys þyng,
In oure child-hode we hyt toke;
Ac after-ward we lore þat þyng,
Þo we to senne toke
By wylle.
Amend[e] we, þe prente lefþ
Ine oure saule wel stille.


Hym selue no man hebbe schel
To þe bischoppynge;


Ine tokne of feblesce of hijs goste
An oþer schel him brynge
And lefte,
Ase he ne miȝte nauȝt hym self
To confermynge crefte.


Ac her ich segge aperteliche,
Þys men and eke þis wyues,
Þat hi ne hebbe hare oȝe child
By hare quicke lyues,
And rede;
For ȝef hy doþe, man and hys wyf
Þer draweþ god-sibrede.


Of seue sacremens þre
Prente ine herte makeþ;
Þat beþ cristnyng, and confermyng,
And ordre þat men takeþ
Wel bliþe;
Þat hijs, for no man hy ne takeþ
Bote onelepy syþe.

(3) [D]E sacramento Altaris.


Nou hyȝt by-ualþ to telle ȝou—
And so ich moȝt wel nede—
Of godes flesch and eke hys blode
At cherche ine forme of brede
And wyne;
Þat freuereþ ous in oure exil,
And lyþeþ oure pyne.


Hȝe bliþe myȝten hy be
Þat folwede cryst in londe,


Þat myȝte hyne eche day yse,
Hijs swete loue to fonde
Ine keþþe!
So mowe we be, for ous neþ he
Hy-faylled neuer seþþe.


For þo hijs tyme was ycome
No leng to dwelle here,
Þat wete brede and honde he toke,
Þer he set atte sopere,
And seyde:
“Takeþ and eteþ, þys hijs my body”;
Of soþe he ham aueyde.


For-wy hyȝt moste nedes be
Al soþe þat he sede;
Þat alle þyng his ase he seiþ
Þy resoun wole þe rede.
Lo dede:
He seyde to al þe worlde, “be,”
And al was ase he sede.


Nammore maystrye nys hiȝt to hym
To be ine bredes lyche,
Þane hym was ine þe liche of man,
To keþen ous hijs ryche;
Þet makeþ
Þat hy beþ alle mis-by-leued
Þat oþer þrof for-sakeþ.


Þe fend hym-self him maky mey
Wel dyuerse liknynges,


Of best, of men, and of wymmen,
And mani oþer þynges,
To nusy:
Wel bet may god to oure prou
Dyuerse formes vsy.


Þo þat þe bred ytourned was
In to hys body selue,
He toke þe coppe wiþ þe wyne and water,
And seide eft to þe twelue
“Takeþ and drynkeþ euerech on
Of þis chalice here.


Þys hys þe chalis of my blode,
Of testament newe,
Þat schal be schad for manye men”;
And—ase we seyȝeþ gode and trewe
And kende—
“And doþ ȝe þos, wanne ȝe hyt doþe,
Doþ hyt in mine mende.”


Þo þat he sede: “doþ ȝe þos,”
Þe heyȝe kyng of heuene,
He ȝaf ham power to don hyt,
And forþ power to ȝeuene
Wel werþe,
Þaȝ he ne toke iudas out,
Þe worste man on erþe.



And nou þat power hys yȝiue
Fram bysschoppe to preste,
And so schel al so longe be,
Ase cristyndom schel leste;
Seþþe crist four ous an orþe come,
He nolde ous nauȝt for-lete.


Þaȝ he were inne hys manhode
Amanges ous to flotie,
Ȝet nere he nauȝt þanne ous so neȝ,
Ase nou we mowe hym notye
In vode:
We honorieþ hyne al iholliche
Ine flesch and eke ine blode.


Wat may amounti þat he wyle
So by-come oure fode?
Chaungeþ he auȝt, ase oþere mete,
In-to oure flesch and blode
By kende?
Nay, ac he chaungeþ ous in hym,
To maky ous gode and hende.


And ase gode þer his hole mete,
And sike hyt by-swikeþ,
So his þe mete dampnacion
To hem þat senne likeþ
To holde;
So he hyt tok and his lore,
Iudas, þat ihesus solde.



Þer-fore ich segge a godes half
To alle cristyne folke
Þat, wanne hy scholle yhouseled be,
Þat hy ne be a-bolke
In prede;
Let ounde and wreþe and coueytyng,
Sleuþe and lestes on-lede.


Nys none of wymman beter ibore
To seint Iohan þe baptyste;
And ȝet he quakede wel arȝ
Þo he touchede crist
Ine þe flomme:
Þanne auȝte we wel aryȝt to be
To fange hym on-tromme.


Þer-fore, ȝef þat ȝe fredeþ ȝou
Þat ȝe ne be nauȝt digne
For te be housled wyþ þys body
Ine þissre holy signe,
For, wo þat hyȝt takeþ ondygneliche,
Hys iugement he gnaȝeþ.


May somman segge:—hou schal me so
Fram þer houslyng dwelle?
Wanne god self aperteliche
Seiþ ous in þe gospelle—
Wel mende:—
“Who þat eteþ my flesch and drynkeþ my blod
Heþ lyf wiþ-oute ende.”


Þaȝ þou [ne] take hyȝt wyþ þe mouþe,
Ne myd teþ þer-on ne werche,


Þou takest hyt, man, ȝef þat þou art
A lyme of holy cherche,
To blysse,
Wanne eny prest his messe syngeþ:
Ilief hyt myd ywysse.


For on hys godes flesch to nemme
Ase mouþe þe mete takeþ,
An-oþer ase þe mete yȝete
In-to þe membres takeþ;
Ac here,
Crist hys þat heued, þe prest þe mouþe,
Þe lymes þat folke i-vere.


And ase þe bred to-gadere comþe
Of menye greynys to bake,
And ase þe wyne to-gadere flouþe
Of manye grapes ytake,
Cryst and hijs membrys, men,
O body beþe ine mystyke.


Wet hys mystyke ne mey non wete
Be no þynge a-founde,
Bote wanne þer hys o þyng yked,
An oþer to onder-stonde
Hy þat aredeþ þyse redeles
Wercheþ by þilke gynne.


So wane þat body hym hys ked
Of swete ihesu cryst[e],
Me may wel onder-stonde þer
By þulke selue lyste
An oþer:


Cryst and eke alle holy men
O body, my leue broþer.


Þer-fore god heþ þis sacrement
Ymad of suiche þynges
Þat myȝte of manye mak on,
As cryst and hys derlynges
Þenne scholde hy at one be
In loue þat scholde hyt fonge.


Nou onderstand: þe signe her,
Fourme hys of wyne and brede;
Doble hys þat þyng, ryȝt cristes body,
And body of quike and dede.
Ac broþer,
Ȝet ryȝte body þaȝ hyt be þyng,
Hyȝt hys signe of þat oþer.


Vor ase þe ryȝte bodyes lemes
Habbeþ dyuerse wyke,
So habbeþ ryȝt membrys eke
Of þe body ine mystyke:
Þat weldeþ
Hys honden, men beþ þat wel doþ,
Þe fet, þat wel op-heldeþ.


Alle takeþ þat ryȝt body
Þyse men at hare houslyng,
Ac some to prou, and some to lere,
Ine wyl of seneȝynge
To derye;
Ac one gode aryȝt hyt nomeþ,
Þat body ine hys mysterye.



Ac þaȝ we be tokned þer
Ine oure sauueoure,
Ne lef þou nauȝt þe[t] we be þer,
Ne forþe nauȝt of oure
Þat were;
Þaȝ þer be tokned þynges two,
Þer nys bote o þyng þere;


And þat hys swete ihesu cryst
Ine flesche and eke ine bloude,
Þat þolede pyne and passyoun,
And diaþ opone þe roude,
Wel soure;
Ne lef non oþer, crysteman,
For safour ne coloure.


For þat colour, ne þat sauour,
Ne beþ nauȝt þer inne cryste,
Þaȝ he þer-inne schewe hym
By hys myȝte-folle lyste,
So couþe;
Ne myȝte elles bet be seȝe,
Ne beter yured inne mouþe.


For ȝef he schewed hym in flesch,
Oþer ine blody þynge,
Hydous hyȝt were to þe syȝte,
And to þe tast wlatynge
And pyne
Þanne hys hyt betere in fourme of brede,
And eke in forme of wyne.


For bred strengeþ þe herte of man,
And wyn hys herte gledeþ;


And strengþe longeþ þe body,
And blice þe saule vedeþ:
And nede
Þer-fore hys double sacrement,
Of wyne, and eke of brede.


For he ybout heþ oure body,
In-to os he let hys sinke;
And uor þe saule ine þe blod,
Hys blod he let os drynke.
Nou woste
Wy þer hys double sacrement:
For note of body and goste.


Ac wen nauȝt þat cryst be to-schift,
Þaȝ he scheweþ ine boþe;
To wene hys body wyþ-oute blod,
By þa weye ne goþe
To þryfte;
For þer he hys, he hys al yhol,
Ne mey me hym to-schifte.


Þeȝ þer te-breke aȝt ine þe mouþ,
Oþer ine þyne honden,
Hyt nas nauȝt he þat hys to-broke;
Ensample þou myȝt fonden:
A[l þy] myrour þou myȝt fol wel,
Bote nauȝt þe ymage schifte.



By þyse ensample þou myȝt yse
He hys ine ech autere
Y-hol; þe prest hys messe syngeþ,
Þeȝ he ne be nauȝt yhere,
Ac wykke,
Ase þer beþ foles suiche fele,
Ysawe al to þykke.


Ac þaȝ þe prest hys messe do
Inne dedleche senne corse,
Þet sacrement, man, be þou syker,
For hym nys na þe worse;
For loke,
Þe sacrement nys na þe wors,
Þaȝ þat Iudas hyt toke.


Ac þaȝ hyt be neuer þe wors,
Þat sacrement an honde,
Þe bone þat swych prest þer byȝt
No stel ne schel hym stonde,
Ac derye;
For he despyseþ ihesu cryst,
Wanne he hym scholde herye.


Ac ȝyf þou wylt tak hyt to prou
For þe and þyne freende,
Ryȝt repentaunt and ryȝt deuout
Take hys deaþ in þy meende;
Naut lyȝt[e]:
Þe more þou þenkest so on hys deaþ,
Þe more hys þy meryte.


Manne, wanne þyt takest, ase oþer mete
In-to þy wombe hyȝt sedlyþ;


Ac ne defiþ nauȝt, ase þy mete
Wyþ þyne flesch medlyþ,
Ac keuereþ
Al oþer wyse, and so þy body
And þy saule hyȝt freuereþ.


Nabyd hyȝt nauȝt, ase oþer mete,
Hys tyme of defyynge,
And ryȝt anon hyȝt freuereþ
In þare oundervanginge;
Of syke men, þaȝ hy hyt keste op,
Ne helpþ hyt nauȝt þe lesse.


For yf þe syke man hys gode
In þe leue of holy cherche,
Þeȝ he hyȝt cast op, hyt bylefþ
Sauuacion to werche
Ryȝt þere;
For al at ones he mey be
Þer and elles-were.


He soffreþ wel to be kest op,
And ȝet to be honoured;
Ac he soffreþ (noȝt) to be to-trede,
And of bestes deuoured:
And neade,
Ase he by-leue assayþ in flesch,
He assayþ ine forme of brede.


Þat body hyȝt nys (naȝt) þat þer comþe op,
Ȝef þat a man hyȝt keste;


For al so longe hyt hys þat body,
Ase forme of brede schel leste;
Ine manne,
Ȝet þaȝ þe fourme of brede to-go,
Þat body by-lefþ ȝet þanne.


And ȝyf he passeþ nauȝt fram ous,
Wanne wey aryȝtt hym healdeþ,
Wat ned hys for to take hym efte,
Þer wyle he ous so wealdeþ?
For mende
Of hys deþe and hys passyon,
Ase he het atte hys ende.


Of pure wete hyt mot be,
And eke of pure wyne,
Þet schel be to þys sacrement
Ryȝt of þe grape of wyne
For iesus seyþ þe vygne he hys,
And eke þe greyn of wete.


And ȝef mannes deuocioun slakeþ,
Wanne he by-healdeþ—
For hyt þinkþ bote oþer bred
An heaȝ þat þe prest healdeþ—
By-þenche hym
Of þe uertue þat þer hys,
Þat non errour adrenche hym;


And tak en-saumple of þat he kneuþ,
Þe preciouse stone:
Þaȝ he lygge amang oþere ylyche,
Me honoureþ hym alone;
So swete


Mid al þy wyl þer uertue hys,
God self ine sacrement (ymete).


Na more ne greueþ hyt ihesus
Þane sonne itrede in felþe;
Þaȝ eny best deuoured hyt,
Oþer eny oþer onselþe,
Ech screade
Ȝet al so longe hys godes body,
Ase lest þe fourme of breade.


And al so longe hyt hys blod,
Ase lest þe forme of wyne;
Nauȝt of fynegre kende chald,
Ne offe water droppyng of wyne,
Ac trye:
So lyte water schel be me[n]gd,
Þat wyne habbe þe maystrye.


For water self nys nauȝt þat blod,
Ac hyt hys an-ylyke
To þe folke þat torneþ al to cryst
Ine þe body of mystyke.
Nou, broþer,
I-lef al þys ine gode fey,
For may no þyng be soþer.

(4) [D]E penitencia.


Wane man after hys crystendom
Heþ auȝt ido wyþ wronge,
Penaunce hyt hys, a sacrement
Þat men scholde fonge,
And mote.


Penaunce heþ maneres þre,
Þorȝ sorȝe, schryfte, and edbote.


Þy sorwe for þyne senne, man,
Mot be ine gode wylle,
Þat hy ne be nauȝt ine wanhope,
Þat made Iudas to spylle;
Ac crye
Mercy to swete ihesu cryst,
Mid wyl to lete folye.


And ȝet þy wylle mot be so gret,
And ine so gode faye,
Þat þou wenst þou noldest seneȝi eft,
Þer-fore þeȝ þou scholdest deye
Ine wytte;
For ȝef þou woldest for deaþ hyt do,
Þy sorȝe hys al to lyte.


Þeȝ sorȝe hele man a-non
Of velþ of sennes slyme,
Ȝet þanne were hyt nauȝt inouȝ
Þe for [t]e sorwy on tyme,
Ac euere,
Ase longe ase, man, þy lyf ylest,
Elles senne may keuere.


For so, man, senne greueþ in þe,
And eke in alle þyne,
Ase wed schel growen ouer þe corn,
Wyþ-oute medicyne
Of sorȝe.
Nou her-on þenche, man, day and nyȝt,
An euen and a morwe.



Þench, þourȝ þy senne þou hest ilore
Þy blys of heuene ryche,
And hest iwreþed þane kyng
Þat non hys yliche;
And here
Þou hest of-serued dygnelyche
Þe pyne of helle vere.


Draȝ into mende þet hydous siȝt
Of deade men a bere,
Þat nadde neuer deade ibe,
Ȝef senne of adam nere;
Bye drytte,
Ȝet þou aȝtest habbe more hydour
Of þyne oȝene vn-ryȝte.


Myd sucher sorȝe schryfte, man,
Wel stylle, and no þyng loude;
For repentaunce ondeþ þe hel,
And schreft hyt mot out-croude
Al clene:
For ȝef aȝt lefþ þat croude myȝt,
God so þou schelt ywenne.


Ne non ne may hym schryue aryȝt,
Bote ȝef he hym by-þoȝte
Of sennes þat he heþ ydo,
And hys lyf al þorȝ-soȝte
To kenne;


Ac manie desper to þe prest
Al one by seȝe of senne.


And vnderstand þat al ihol
Mot be þy schryfte, broþer;
Naȝt þar-of a kantel to a prest,
And a kantel to an-oþer;
And þanne
Tele, ȝef þou myȝt by-þenche þe,
Wet, hou, and wer, And wanne.


And ȝef þou wylt, man, þorȝ þy schryft
Lat þy senne al a-drouȝe,
Ne wynd þou naut þy senne ine selke,
Ac telle out al þat rouȝe
Tys laȝe;
Ȝef þou wenst deie, and nast no prest,
Schryf þe to anoþer felawe.


Ac þat ne schalt þou neuere do,
Bote þe wantrokye of lyue;
And ȝef þou comste to lyue aȝen,
Eft þrof þou most þe scryue
To preste,
Þat heþ power to assoyly þe,
Þorȝ power of þe greste.


Þaȝ man on tyme ihealde be
To schryue hym a ȝere,
To schryue hym wanne he seneȝed heþ,
Wel syker þyng hyt were,
And mete,
Wald ȝef he sodeynlyche deiþ,
And wald he hyt for-ȝete.



For wanne man sodeynleche deiþ,
Hys þoȝt þe sorȝe troubleþ;
And senne ony-schryue wanne he uor-ȝet,
Hys senne þer-be doubleþ
To nusy;
For mytter senne þat he dede
Þe sleuþe hine wyle acusy.


Man, schryf þe, and wonde none schame,
For-wy hyt hys to donne;
A lytel schame hys betere her,
Þane ouer-moche eft-sone
To crefte
By-uore god a domesday,
Amang al godes schefte.


For þaȝ man moȝe isauued be
Þorȝ bare repentaunce,
Wanne he ne may to schryfte come,
Ȝef hym valleþ þat chaunce
So holde,
Ȝet ne may he nauȝt y-sauued be,
Be he hym schriue wolde.


Þer-fore þy schryfte, man, schel be
Wyþ-oute stoneynge,
Myd herte loȝ, and, ȝef þou myȝt,
Myd þyn eȝene wepynge;
In treuþe,
Þet þer be non ypocrysye,
Bote repentaunce and reuþe.


And ȝyf þat þou to schryfte comst
Ine þyse manere to fa[y]re,


Þe schryft-uader þat uarþ aryȝt
Schal be wel de-bonayre
And loȝe;
He schel wystlyche þy senne hele,
Bet þane he wolde hys owe.


Ȝef he þe schel anoye aȝt,
Hyt wyle of-þenche hym sore;
And oþer-wyl anoye he mot,
Wanne he scheweþ þe lore
Of helþe,
Ase mot þe leche ine uoule sores,
Wanne he royneþ þe felþe.


Þer-fore ȝe mote þolyen hyt
Wyþ-oute alle manere tole,
And do þer-by ententyflyche,
Ȝyf ȝe wolleþ be hole
To liue;
And to a betere be leaue goþ,
Ȝef ȝoure prest can nauȝt schryue.


Te [þe] mo prestes þat þart ischryue
Myd alle y-hole schryfte,
Þe clenner þert a-ȝens god,
And of þe more þryfte;
Nauȝt nyce,
Ȝef hyt ne be nauȝt to þy prest
Malice ne preiudice.


Wanne man hys repentaunt ischriue,
He scholde don ed-bote;
And þe ferste hys, þat he by-fle
Chypeans, of sennes rote;
Ase quances,


He þat by-flek wel lecherye
Bi-ulekþ foule continaunce.


Edbote hys dede after god conseyl
Of gosslich medicine,
Wanne senne sor y-clensed hys,
To þolye a lytel pyne
Þet frete,
Þat he ne be þer-uore iwrete
In purgatoryes hete.


Þre maner peyne man a-fangeþ
For hys senne nede;
Bene hys þat on, þat oþer fastyng,
Þe þrydde hys almesdede;
Ac woste,
Bene hys and edbote yset
For senne do ine goste.


For senne in flesch
vestyng heþ þe flesch loþe;
Ac elmesdede senne bet
Of gost and flesche boþe;
For þencheþ
Þet almesdede senne quenkeþ,
Ase water þat fer a-quencheþ.


To byddyng contemplacion
Longeþ rede and wryte,
To here predicacioun won,
Lore, and herte smyte,
And werche


Dedes to ȝyue deuocioun
To men ine holy cherche.


Knewelyng, trauayl, baruot go,
Wolle-ward and wakynge,
Discipline and lyte mete,
Þes longeþ to vestynge;
And here,
Pelgrymage and beddyng hard,
Flesch fram lykynge te arere.


Ȝeue, and lene, and conseil,
Cloþyng, herberȝ, and fede,
Vysyty syke and prysones,
And helpe pouere at nede,
For to uor-ȝeuene trespas,
Tak dedes of elmesse.


And seue ȝer þou scholdest, man,
O dea[d]lyche senne pyny;
Þer-uore al þat þe prest þe hat
To done schalt þou nauȝt fyny,
Ac more,
For onneaþe hys þer eny prest
Þat peyne set so sore.


For hy habbeþ uisyk of men,
Hy more sette þe lesse;


And betere hys forte apeched be
Of more forȝefnesse
Þane wreche;
For ȝyf þou to lyte peyne hest,
Purgatorye hyt schal eche.


And ȝet þer hys anoþer cas
Þat prestes ȝyuet so lyte
Penaunce: þaȝ me telle ham
Ryȝt moche of sennes wyte,
Ine mone,
Me mot ham legge lytel on,
Oþer hy nolde do none.


Beter hys þat hy a lyte do
Her ine obedience,
And foluelle þat remenaunt
Ine purgatoryes tense
Nys nauȝt god to uor-lete a man
Þat eny-þing hys wyl bone.


Þe bydde ich, broþer, be nauȝt loþ
To do penaunce here;
For ȝet þer hys here som reles,
So nys nauȝt ine þe uere
Ne þorȝ þe ryȝt-uolnesse of god
Nys no sen onipeynid.


Man, wane þou seneȝyst, þre þou dest,
Þou wreþest god almyȝty,
To holy cherche on-bouxam þart,
Makest þy selue on-ryȝty:
Þos mote


Make þy pes wyþ alle þre
Sorwe, schryfte, and edbote.


Man[y] takeþ þys sacrement,
And geþ a-wey on-digne,
For he ne schryfþ nauȝt of þet þyng,
Bote of þe bare signe
To wynne.
Þe signe hys þat hys boute ydo,
Þat þynge hys grace bynne.


Two þynges her-wyþ-ynne beþ,
For-ȝefþe, and repentynge;
Ac repentaunce hys signe also
Of sennys for-ȝeuyng:
For so may man repenti hym,
Þat þer uolȝeþ no peyne.


Þat was iked wel inne þe þef
Ope caluaryes felde,
Þo he escusede ihesu cryst,
And hym gelty gan ȝelde
Mid sourwe;
He deide and come to paradys,
Na-bod he nauȝt fort a morwe.

(I. 5) [D]E uncione extrema.


Sacrement of an-Eliing
Nou her ich wolle telle,
Þat man uangeþ wane he ne wenþ
No lenge he myȝte dwelle
A lyue;
Þe bodyes euel þat libbe mey,
And sone, hit mey to-dryue.



Many for de-faute deiþe
Of þer anelyynge;
And ȝyf hys saule after hys deþe
Soffrey harde pynynge
In fere,
So scholde hy nauȝt, hedde he ihed
Ryȝt elyynge here.


For seint iames, in hys bok,
Wysseþ wyd gode mende
Þat, ȝyf eny by-falþe ryȝt syke,
Þe prest he scholde of-sende
To hys ende;
And he schel elye hym wyþ ele,
Hys sauement to wynne.


Seynt iame seyþe þat orysoun
Of þer holy by-leue
Of hijs siknesse helþe wynþe,
Þat no fend schal reue
Þe helþe;
And ȝef þat he ine sennys be,
For-ȝeue hys him þat felþe.


Þys his, broþer, and gret confort
For for-ȝetene sennes,
Þat oure foman aredy haueþ
Aȝeynys þat we goþ hennes,
Ac ȝef we aryȝt anelede beþ,
Hyȝt gayneþ ham wel lyte.


Ac þanne hys man aryȝt aneled,
Wanne he myd wyl hyt takeþ,


Myd by-leue of deuocioun,
And repentaunce makeþ
So digne;
And ȝyf he hyt oþere wyse fangeþ,
Ne takeþ ha bote þe syngne.


For þe sygne of þys sacrement
Þe elyyng ys boute;
Þat þyngge hys alleggaunce of euel,
To lyf ȝef he schel loute;
And hennes
Þaȝ he wende, þat þyng is eke
Alleggaunce of hys sennes.


And ȝet me schal anelye a man,
Þaȝ þat he lese hys speche;
For wet he þencheþ in hys mod
Ne may ous no man teche;
Ac stronge
He mot habbe deuocioun,
Þet schel a-ryȝt hyt fonge.


Þer-fore þis children eleþ me nauȝt,
Ne forþe none wode,
For hy ne conne mende haue
Of þilke holy gode;
Ac fonge
Þe wode mey þat sacrement,
Wane reles comeþ amonge.


A prest mot do þys sacrement,
For-why hyȝt hys wel werþe;
And þat seyde seynt Iames wel,
Þer-wyle he ȝede an erþe;
Ȝe hit hedde


Þo ich a lite her a-boue
Þes holye wordes redde.


Þe matyre of þis sacrement
Hys ryȝt þe oylle allone;
And wanne þe bisschop blesseþ hyt,
Baume ne me[n]gþ he none
For baume tokneþ lyues loos,
Oyle, mercy to wynne.


For wanne man deiþ, he let his lyf
Þer þe god los by-houeþ;
Ac senne, ȝef he farþe aryȝt,
To bi-reusy he proueþ;
To oure lorde
Mercy he cryþ, and biddeþ hym
Mercy and misericorde.


Þe wordes þat þer beþ ised,
Hyt beþ wordes of sealþe,
For hy biddeþ þe sike man
Of alle his sennes helþe;
In mende
Þer-to me an-eleþ þe wyttes fyȝf,
And feȝet, and breste, and lenden.


And for þe lecherye syȝt
In lenden of þe manne,
And, ase þe bok ous seyþ, hy sit
Inne nauele of þe wymman[e]:
To hele,
Me schel þe mannes lenden anelye,
Þe nauele of þe femele.



Þys beþ þe wordes wane me aneleþ:—
“By þisse an-eliinge,
And be hijs milse, for-ȝyue þe god
Al þine senneȝynge
Mid eyen”;
And so he seyþ be al hys lymes
Þat scholle þe oyle dreȝen.


Caracter, þet is prente ycliped,
Nys non of eliinge,
Ne furþ of penaunce ne þe mo,
Nof housel, nof spousynge,
In þede;
For man ofter þane ones takeþ
Þe sacremens for nede.

(I. 6) [D]E ordinibus ecclesiasticis.


Nou her we mote, ine þis sarmon,
Of ordre maky saȝe,
Þet was by-tokned suiþe wel
Wylom by þe ealde lawe
To agynne,
Þo me made godes hous,
And ministres þer-inne.


God ches folk specialliche
Hys holy folk amonge;
Þat was þe kenred of leuy,
Offyce for to fonge
Ase broþeren,
For to seruy ine godes house
By-fore alle þe noþeren.



To segge hys ‘leuy’ an englysch,
‘Fram þe noþeren ytake’;
So beþ of ordre itake men,
Ase wyte fram þe blake
Of lyue:
Gode ȝeue al yordrede men
Wolde aryȝt her-of schryue.


Ase þer beþ of þe holy gost
Ȝeftes ryȝt folle seuene,
So þer beþ ordres folle seuene,
Þat made cryst of heuene
An erþe,
And hedde hys ek ine hys monheþ,
To keþen hy wel werþe.


Þe ferste hys ‘doreward’ ycleped,
Þe secunde ‘redynge,’
Þe þrydde hys icleped ‘coniurement’
Aȝenys þe foule þynge
to werie þe;
Þe ferþe ‘acolyt’ hys to segge y-wys,
Tapres to bere wel worþe.


Þe ordre fifte ycleped hys
Þe ordre of ‘sudeakne,’


And hys þe syxte al-so ycleped
Þe holy ordre of ‘dekene’;
(And) þe greste
Þe seuen[d]e hys, and hys yclyped
Þe holy ordre of ‘prest[e].’


Ine þe elde lawe synagoge ferst
God let the ordres werche,
And þat was sched of þat hys lyȝt
Nou wroȝt ine holy cherche;
Ich schel telle hou hyt was þer,
And hou hyt hys now here.

(I. 6. i) [D]E hostiariis.


Ine þe ealde lawe dore-ward
Lokede dore and gate,
Þat þer ne scholde on-clene þyng
Ryȝt non entry þer-ate,
Wel couþe:
So doþ þes dore-wardes ek
Ine holy cherche nouþe.


And ȝef eny oþer hyt doþ,
Nys hyt ordre, ac ileaue
To helpe, wane þer nede iualþ;
Ac me ne schal nauȝt reaue
Þe office,
Wyþ-oute leue to don hyt:
Ne be no man so nice.


Þe bisschop, wanne he ordreþ þes,
Takþ hym þe cherche keyȝe,


And seyþ:—“takeþ and doþ fol wel,
Ase, wane ȝe scholle deye,
Scholde ȝelde
Acounte of þet hys þer-onder clos:”
Hardyst þet, wo-so hyt felde.


Ine þe temple swete ihesus
Þyse ordre tok at ones,
Þo þat he makede a baleys,
And bet out for þe nones,
Þo þat bouȝte and sealde ine godes hous,
Þat hys a hous of bene.

(I. 6. ii) [D]E lectoribus


Nou ich habbe of þe ferste yteld,
Þat oþer wyl ich trye.
Ine þe alde laȝe þe redere
Rede þe prophessye,
By wokke;
So schulle þe rederes now
Hyrede, and conne on-lowke.


Þer-fore, ere hy þys ordre haue,
Me schel hy wel assaye,
Of þat hy redeþ þat hy wel
Ham conne aueye;
Oþe-ren to reden schal me noȝt,
Ac soffry hyt for nede.


Þyse ordre swete ihesu cryst
Kedde wel þat he hadde,


Þo he toke ysaies bok
Ine þe synagoge, and radde
Wet welle.
Wet he þer redde, þou myȝt se
Ine seynt lukes god-spelle.


Þe bysschop, wenne he ordreþ þes,
Þe redyng bok hym takeþ,
And seyþ:—“tak and by-come redere
Of word þat of god smakeþ;
And blice
Schelt habbe ase god prechour,
Ȝef þou wolt do þyne offyce.”

(I. 6. iii) [D]E exorcistis.


Þe þrydde ordre [hys] coniurement,
And was ine þe ealde laȝe
To dryue out deuelyn out of men
Fram god þat were draȝe
Þanne he mot habbe a clene gost,
Þat schal þe on-clene out-dryue.


Þe bisschop, wane he ordreþ þes,
Takþ ham bok of Cristnynge,
Oþer of oþer coniuremens
Aȝeyns þe foule þynge,
And seggeþ:—
“Takeþ power to legge hand
Ouer ham þat fendes op biggeþ.”


Þyse ordre, swete ihesu cryst
kedde Wel þat he hedde,


Þo he drof deuelen out of men
Þat hym wel sore dredde.
Þe apryse
Ine þe elde laȝe hyt ferst by-gan
Kyng salomon, þe wyse.

(I. 6. iv) [D]E accolitis.


Þe Ordre ferþe, accolyt hys,
To bere tapres alyȝte,
Wanne me schel rede þe gospel,
Oþer offry oure dryte,
To þenche
Þat þet lyȝt by-tokneþ þat lyȝt
Þet noþyng may quenche.


And wanne þat he yordred hys,
Þe bisschop schel hym teche
Hou he schel lokke cherche lyȝt,
And wyne and water areche
To synge;
In tokne, taper and crowet
To hand me schal hym brynge.


Þet þys ordre hedde ihesus
We habbeþ wel a-founde,
By þet he seyde:—“ich [a]m þat lyȝt
Of alle þer wordle rounde
Wo-so lokeþ, ne geþ he nauȝt derk,
Ac lyȝt ine lyues route.”



Ine þe elde temple tokne was
Of þe ordre of acolytes,
Þo certeyne men lyȝte þat lyȝt,
Ase þe laȝe ȝef þe rytes
So brode;
Of weche lyȝt hys ywryte
Ine þe boke of exode.

(I. 6. v.) [D]E subdiaconis.


Þe ordre fifte, sudeakne hys,
Þat chastete en-ioy[n]eþ;
For sudeakne bereþ þe chalys
To þe auter and aloyneþ,
Ande weldeþ
Al bare, and eke þe corperaus
Onder þe deakne uealdeþ.


Ine þe alde lawe y-hote hyt hys,
Þat hy ham scholde clensy
Þat bere þat uessel of god,
And myd water bensy:
By ryȝtte,
Clenne schel he in herte be
Þat schal þe chalys diȝte.


And wanne þat he yordred hys,
He takeþ þe chalys bare,
And he auangeþ a crowet eke,
And a towaylle nare
For he schel honden helde weter
Þat serueþ to þe autere.



Þo hym wyþ a schete ihesus
After soper bygerte,
And water in ta bacyn
Myd a wel mylde herte,
And wesschte
Al hys apostlene ueet,
Þos ordre forþe he lesschte.

(I. 6. vi.) [D]E diaconis.


Nou of þe sixte telle ich schel,
Þat hys þe ordre of deakne,
Þet hys of more perfeccioun
Þane hys ordre of sudeakne;
He bryngeþ
To honde þet þe prest schel haue,
Wanne he þe masse singeþ.


Ine þe ealde lawe beren hy
Þe hoche of holy crefte,
And nou þe stole a-fongeþ hy
Ope here scholder lefte,
To agynne,
And so for þane trauaylle her
Þe ryȝt half for to wynne.


And at ordres auangeþ hy
Þe bok of þe godspelle,
For þan, to rede þe gospel,
And sarmoun for to telle,
Hy þet slepeþ ine senne slep,
Amendement to maky.



Þyse ordre swete ihesu cryst
Ine hys trauayle kedde,
Þo he prechinde þet folk
To ryȝtte weye ledde;
Þe þridde
Was, þo he wakede hym self
Þe apostles for to bydde.

(I. 6. vii.) [D]E presbiteris.


Þe seuende ordre hys of þe prest,
An hys icleped þe ealde,
Bote nauȝt of ȝeres, ac of wyt,
Ase holy wryt ous tealde;
For ȝeres
Ne makeþ so nauȝt þane prest ald,
Ac sadnesse of maneres.


And wanne he y-ordred hys,
Hym falþ an holy gyse:
Hys honden beþ anoynte boþe
Þorȝ-out a crowche wyse,
Þer-inne godes oȝen flesch,
Þat fode is to þe stronge.


He takþ þe helye inne of eyþer half
Yioyned atte breste,
Þet no god hap ne heȝi hyne,
Ne non harm hyne don deste
In mode,
Ac þenche on hym þat þolede deaþ
For ous op-one þe roude.



He takþ þe chalys wyþ þe wyne,
And brede of þe pateyne;
He heþ power to sacry hyt,
And þet þrof hys þer seyne
Wel trewe.
Inne þe elde lawe þe ordre agan,
Ine tokne of þyssere newe.


Cryst kedde þat he hys a prest
Ryȝt in double manere:
Þat on, þo he sacrede hys body,
Þer he set atte sopere;
Þet oþer,
Þo he an rode offrede hys body
For ous, my leue broþer.

[D]E prima tonsura.


To þys ordre crounebet
Ys an apparyllyng,
Þat hys in holy cherche y-cleped wel
Þe furste scherynge
Of clerke;
Clerke hys to segge an englysch,
‘Eyr of godes werke.’


Ac godes werk an erþe was
Þe puple for to teche;
And also þourȝ hys holy deþe
Of sennes he was leche:
Þes werkes
Men takeþ after ihesu cryst,
Wanne hy by-comeþ clerkes.



And ȝyf hy douþ wel hare deuer
Ine þysse heritage,
Ne may hem falle after þys lyf
Non oun-worþ desparage;
To wysse,
Ryȝt ymarissched schelle hy be
In heuene-ryche blysse.


Þe croune of clerke y-opened hys,
Tokneþ þe wyl to heuene,
Þet habbe mot þat entri schel
Into eny of þe seuene;
And sedder
Tokneþ, ase he ine ordre aryst,
Þet hys þe croune breddour.


Þer drof bischop hys dignete
To maky þulke seuene;
And hyt by-tokneþ þane bisschop
In þe bisschopriche of heuene
So werthe,
Was vicary þe pope hys
I-maked here an erþe.


Þyse ordres to þys sacrement
By ryȝte longi scholle,
And þat mo be þat gode beþ,
Þes makeþ al þat folle
Be astente;
Þer-fore ich abbe ondo ȝou þos
For þyse sacrement[e].



And nou ich wolle ondo þys eft
By þe wey of mystyke;
For crystene man hys godes hous:
Hye mote habbe wyke
Nou lestlich schel ich on-louke þys,
Ase god wyle grace ȝyue.


Þet ine-wyt hys þe dore-ward,
Þe doren wyttes fyue;
He schel loky wel bysylyche,
Þat no lykynge in dryue
Þat stencheþ;
Þet inwyt hys þe reddere eke
Þat holy lore þencheþ.


Þet inne-wyt dryfþ þe fend a-wey
Myd meende of crystes pyne;
Þet inwyt lyȝt þer saule lyȝt
Myd þeawes gode and fyne;
To hele,
Þet inwyt wescht þe felþe awey,
And greydeþ þe fessele.


Þet inwyt redeþ þat gospel,
Wane hyt hereþ crystes lore;
And ȝet þer-to hys charge hyt berþ
Of left half swyþe sore,
To abyde
After þys lyf þe heuene blys,
And krefte þe ryȝt[e] syde.


Þat inwyt hys þe masse prest,
Þat ine þe herte slakeþ


Þane auter of deuocioun,
Wane man hys bene makeþ;
No lesse
Nys hyt, wane man stedeuast by-lefþ,
Sacrement of þe messe.


On inwyt mey al þys wel do,
And ine þe manne werche,
Ase on may al þys ordres haue
Ryt wel in holy cherche;
Ase here,
Ȝef her nys suiche mynystre non,
Þys temple stent iuere.


Þer-fore ech man þat crystene hys,
Hys wyttes loky fyue,
And þenche op-an þe lore of god,
And fendes fram hym dryue,
And lyȝte
Myd gode þewes al hys lyf,
And þer-to do hys myȝte;


And wessche and greydy hys fessel,
And do trewlyche hys charge,
And make offrynge of hys beden,
Myd wil do elmesse large:
Þys wyke
By þys ȝe iseoþ how ech mey do
Ine manere of mystyke.


Þe signe hys of þys sacrement
Þe bisschopes blessynge,


Forþ myd þe admynystracioun
Þat he deþ atte ord[r]ynge;
And grace
Of wyt and of auctoryte
Þet þyng hys ine þe place.

(I. 7) [D]E matrimonio.


Her longeþ nou to þys sarmon
Of spousyng for to werche,
Þet hys þe tokne of þe ioynyng
of Gode and holy cherche;
And woste,
Ryȝt holy cherche ycleped hys
Þat holy folk ine goste.


And ase þer mot atter spousyng
Be ryȝt a-sent of boþe,
Of man and of þer wymman ek,
Yn loue and nauȝt y loþe,
By-tuixe god and holy folk
Loue hys wel trye and ryche.


Þanne aȝte men here wyues loue,
Ase god doþ holy cherche;
And wyues nauȝt aȝens men
Non on-wrestnesse werche,
Ac þo-lye,
And nauȝt onwrest op-sechen hy,
Ne tounge of hefede holye.


Ine wlessche ioyneþ man and wyf,
Children to multeplye;


And god haþ taken oure flesch
Of þe mayde marye;
Wel ferren
Þerof springeþ þet holye stren
I-lykned to þe sterren.


Wel fayr þanne hys þys sacrement,
And marye was by-gonne
Þo hyt by-gan ine paradys,
Are adam were y-wonne
To senne;
Ac þo changede to uylenye
Þat stat of man-kenne.


For ȝef he hedde ihealde hym,
Ase god hym hedde y-maked,
He hedde y-brout forþe hys bearm-team
Wyþ-oute senne ismaked.
Wet þanne?
Ȝet holy stren by-tokned hys
By strenyng of þe mane.


Hyt was god self þat spousyng ferst
In paradys[e] sette;
Þe fend hyt was þat schente hyt al
Myd gyle and hys abette,
Spousoþ scheawyþ wet god þer dede;
Hordom, wat dede þe deuel.


For wanne man draȝþ to hordom,
He let hys ryȝt[e] spouse;


So dede adam ine paradys
Hys ryȝt[e] lord of house,
Of heuene:
Þe gode forhorede þe fend
Wyþ hys blaundynge steuene.


Þat deþ þat god menteyneþ wel
Ryȝt spousyng her an erþe,
And euer mo schel go to schame
Hordom, and þet hys werþe;
Ȝhet some weneþ ligge in spoushoþ,
And liþe ine hordome.


Þer-fore ich wylle telle ȝou
Þe lore of ryȝt spousynge,
Þat ȝe ne take horedom,
Wanne takeþ weddynge.
Nou lestneþ
Þe lore al of þe laȝe y-wryte
Þat holy cherche festneþ.


Ase to god, hyt were y-now
Þat bare assent oof boþe,
Wyþ-oute speche and by-treuþynge,
And alle manere oþe.—
And speche?
Þer mote be speche, of hare assent
Holy cherche to teche.


And ȝef þe man oþer þat wyf
By cheaunce doumbe were,
Ȝef [me] may wyten hare assent
By soum oþer abere,
And deaue,


Hy mowe be wedded wel ȝeng
By holy cherche leue.


Two manere speches beþ iwoned
Þer two men for to nomene,
Þat one of þyng þat hys nou,
Þat oþer of te comene,
Wel couþe:
“Her ich þe take” wordes beþ
Of þyng þat hijs nouþe.


And ȝef me seyþe:—“ich wille þe haue,
And þer-to treuþe plyȝte,”
He spekeþ of þyng þat his to come,
Þat scholde be myd ryȝte
Of treuþe;
Ac þat ferste ne faylleþ nauȝt,
Þat oþer may for sleuþe.


And ȝyf an oþer treuþeþ seþe
Wyþ word of þat hys nouþe,
Þe ferste dede halte beþ,
Ne be hy nase couþe,
As none,
Bote ȝef þer folȝede þat treuþyng
A ferst flesch ymone.


For þet compleþ þet spoushod
After þe by-treuþyng,
Þat hyt ne may [nauȝt] be ondon
Wyþ none wyþ-seggynge,
By ryȝte;
And þaȝ hyt were her ondo,
Hyȝt halt wyþ oure dryȝte.



And her may treuþyng be ondo
Þorwe fal[s]nesse of partye,
And for de-faute of witnessyng,
Wyþ wrang and trycherye;
Me weddeþ suyche, and liggeþ so
For þan ine hordome.


Ne hyȝt ne may no man ondo
By lawe none kennes,
And so by-leueþ euer-mo
Fort oþer wendeþ hennes:
So bryngeþ hem in suche peryl,
Þat hy ne mowe aryse.


Ac ȝef eny hys ine þe cas,
Redich þat he be chaste;
And ȝyf hys make mone craueþ,
Ine leyser oþer in haste,
He moȝt hyȝt do wyþ sorye mod
And—skyle wert—wepynge.


Ȝyt he mot gret penaunce do
Þe dayes of hys lyue,
And ȝet þe more, ȝef [he] haþ maked
An hore of hys wyf[e],
Þat ere
Ȝef þat he hedde y-wedded hy,
A goud wymman hyt were.


For suche laȝe is þat manye beþ,
Men oþer wymmen of elde,


Þar suche contraȝt y-maked hys,
Þat moȝe ryȝt proue ȝelde,
And scholle;
And ȝet of no lees þane of tuo
Nys proue to þe folle.


And ȝyf ryȝt contract ys ymaked
Wyȝþ-oute wytnessynge,
Ȝef hy by-knoweþ openlyche
By-fore men of trewynge,
Te take
To-gidere y-hoten scholle hy be,
Þaȝ oþer eft for-sake.


Þat hys, bote hy wedded be
To oþren er hy hyȝt by-knewe;
For þaȝ hy by-knowe hyt,
Ne hys nauȝt y-helde trewe
By lawe;
For ȝef hy were, hyt scholde be
Þese spousebrechene sawe.


Of ham þat scholde ywedded be
Her þe age þou myȝt lerne:
Þet knaue child for-tene ȝer
Schel habbe, ane tuel þe þerne.
At seue ȝer me maky may,
Ac none ryȝt weddynge.


For þeȝ hy were by assent
Ryȝt opelyche ywedded,
And, ase þyse childre ofte beþ,
To-gadere ryȝt y-bedded,
By ryȝte,


Bote ȝef hy ȝyue ine tyme assent,
Departed be y myȝte.


And þe tyme is, wane aþer can
Oþer fleschlyche yknowe;
For wanne hy habbeþ þet ydo,
Ne mowe hi be to-þrowe.
In saȝe
Hy beþ icliped puberes,
Þat hys a word of lawe.


Ne no treuþyng stonde ne schel
Wyþ strenþe ymaked ine mone,
Bote þer folȝy by assent
Ryȝt flesch y-mone
Ine dede;
For þet foluelleþ þat spoushoþ,
As ich before sede.


And ȝyf hy boþe by assent
Þe þrydde treuþe leyde,
Her eyþer oþer for to haue,
Oþer word to asenti seyde,
Oþe[r] swore,
Ȝef hy soffreþ hym mone of flesch,
Hys wyf and nauȝt hys hore.


And ȝef þer hys condicioun
Yset atter treuþynge,
Ȝef hyt hys goud wyþ-oute qued,
Hyt letteþ þe weddynge
Bote ȝef þer ulesches ymone be
Folȝynde, ase ich ear tealde.



And hit is wykked condicioun,
Couenaunt of schreawed-hede;
Ase ȝef he seyþ:—“ich wille þe haue
Ȝef þou deist suche a dede
Of queade;”
Þaȝ þet couenant be nauȝt y-do,
Hy scholle hem weddy nede.


Bote þat quead be aȝeins spoushoþ,
Ase ich schel here teche:
And ȝef man seyþ:—“ich wolle þe haue
Ȝyf þou wilt be spousbreche,
Oþer wealde
For te destruwen oure stren,”
Þat treuþyng darf nauȝt healde.


Sudeakne mey be ywedded nauȝt,
Monek, muneche, ne no frere,
Ne no man of religion,
Profes ȝef þat he were
To leste:
Of chaste[te] professioun
Hys solempne by-heste.


Ac ȝef man of religion
Be hys ryt fre wille
Ouer tyme of professioun
Heldeþ hym þrynne stylle,
Schel hym nauȝt be religioun,
Þaȝ he be nauȝt professed.



Ac ȝef þer were ryȝt treuþyng
Þat may nauȝt be relessed,
Ere hye in-to suche ordre came,
And here hi be professed,
To soþe,
Hy scholde aȝen to þe spousyng,
And lete al þat to noþe.


Hye þat þe man for-leyen heþe
Vnder hys ryȝt[e] wyf[e],
Oþer ȝyf hy hosebonde heþ
Ine þet spousbreche alyue,
Bi dome,
Ȝet hi myȝte be wedded eft,
Ȝef hy sengle by-come.


Bote ȝef hy by-treuþede hem
Wyþ worde of nouþe itake,
Oþer bote hy by-speke his deþe
In hare senuolle sake,
To slaȝe;
For þanne scholde hy weddi nouȝt,
By none ryȝt[e] lawe.


Meseles mowe y-wedded be,
Ȝef hi asenti wylle,
An, þaȝ oþer bicome mesel,
To-gadere healde hem stylle;
To nomene,
Bote þe treuþinge bare be
Wyþ wordes of to comene.


For ȝef þet hy by-treuþed be
Wiþ worde of nou ytake,


Oþer wyd wordes of to come,
Wiþ dede of flesches sake,
Þer, broþer,
Scel be renoueled þet a-gonne hijs,
And ayþer folȝy oþer.


Bote þe syke in-to a spytel hous
Entry, þer beþ museles,
Þanne der þe hole nauȝt
Þer-ine folwy hijs meles,
Ne hijs gyfte;
Falþe ham nauȝt in such compaigni
To-gadere be anyȝt.


And ine þe weddynge ne gaynet nouȝt
Þaȝ þon þe oþer by-swyke,
Wanne þon weneþ þe oþer be hol,
And wedded þane syke,
Ne beþ no þynges bote two
Þat oundoþ þe weddyng:


Þat on hys, wanne he weddeþ þe þral,
And weneþ þe frye take;
Þat oþer, wanne he weddeþ one oþer
Þane hys ryȝte make,
Þe lawe of god ne senteþ nouȝt
Þat man be so by-wyled.


And ȝyf þet one weddeþ þe þral,
And weneþ þe frye weddy;
And ȝyf a spyet þat soþe þrof,
And wondeþ nauȝt to beddy
Ine mone,


Ȝef he by wyl serueþ þat flesch,
Ryȝt partyng worthe hym none.


And ȝyf þy wyf hebbeþ a child,
Wane þou he hest for-leye,
Ne myȝt [þou] nauȝt weddy þat childe
Eft, þaȝ þat þy wyf deye,
By lawe;
Ne forþe þe moder þet hyt beer,
Ne woldest þou nase y-faȝe.


And ȝyf þou hebbest so a child,
Þe lawe y-wryte hyt sede,
Þy wyf, þat his þyn oȝe flesch,
Draȝeþ eke þe godesybred[e],
Þat hy ne may weddy þat child,
Ne fade[r] þet hyt biȝete.


Þet ilke þat y-crystned hys
Ne may weddy by laȝe
Him þat hym crystneþ, ne hys child,
Ne wolde nase uaȝe,
Ac lete,
And eke hem þat hym hebbeþ so,
And alle hare biȝete.


And forþe, fader and moder
Þat hyne fleschlyche forþ wyseþ
Gostlyche for hym by-sebbe beþ
To ham þat hine baptiȝeþ;
And heuen
Þer-fore, þaȝ hy ham wedded eft,
Ne myt[e hy] so by-leuen.


And ase þe gossybrede draȝþ
Ryȝt to ous after crystnynge,


So gossibrede draȝeþ ek
Ryȝt after confermynge
By lawe,
Þat so ne moȝe hy weddy nauȝt,
Ne wolde hy nase y-uaȝe.


More godsibrede nys þer nauȝt
Þane hys y-meneȝed here,
Godfader wedded godsones child
Fol wel, my leue fere;
No senne
Neþ man and wyf þat weddeþ ham,
Godfader þeȝ he habbe enne.


And ȝyf a man hebbeþ þy child,
And nauȝt bye þyne wyfe,
Þy wyf may weddy þane man
Wel after þyne lyue,
And libbe;
And in þat cas þou myȝt weddy
To þyne wyfes gossibbe.


And [þaȝ] þat lawe for-bede nauȝt
Þat man and wyf ymene
Toe-hebbe a child, ȝet scholdy nauȝt
Honestete so ȝwene,
Ne wette
Schrewede tonge for te speke,
For sclaunder me schal lette.


Þe sibbe mowe to-gadere nauȝt
Þe foerþe grees wyþ-inne;
Ne me ne scholde telle þe stok,
Ac after hym by-ginne
To telle;


And ȝef oþer þe fifte of-takeþ,
To-gare moȝe hy dwelle.


Ȝef þou myd word of þet hys novþe
Aryȝt bi-treuþest one—
Oþer þaȝ þet [þou] bi-treuþy hy nauȝt—
And hast flesches mone,
By lawe
Alle here sybbe affinite
To þe for þan schel drawe.


And þet ine þe selue degre
Þat hy beþ here by-sybbe;
And ȝef þou weddest eny of ham,
In inceste scholle ȝe lybbe
An erþe,
Ȝef hy ysibbe ine degres
Ryȝt wyþ-inne þe ferþe.


And so drawyþ hy affinite
Wyþ alle þyne sibbe,
Ase þou of hire sibben draȝst
For þan, þaȝ hy ne libbe;
Wat deþ hyȝt?
Hyt deþ þe Inonynge ine flesch,
Þeȝ non ne wyte ne se hyȝt.


And holy cherche y-hote heþ,
Me schal maky þe cryes
At cherche oppe holy dayȝes þre
By-fore þe poeple þryes,
To assaye,
To sech contrait ȝef me mey
Of destorber a-uaye.



For, erþe þe banes [be] y-gred,
He þat þe treuþe makeþ
Farþ ase he þat great work by-gunþ,
And þanne conseil takeþ,
And teyleþ;
Ac mani man þat so by-gunþ
Wyþ grete harme fayleþ.


And þaȝ þe weddyng were maked
Ase hyt mytte by lawe,
Ȝet hyt myȝte eft be ondo,
And eft al-so to-drawe.
Wet wyse?
Ȝef þer ne mey noþere kendelyche
Do þe flesches seruyse.


Þet hys, ȝef þat ere þe weddynge
Folle þat ylke lette,
Þat oþer were so ilet,
To do þe flesches dette
By kende;
For ȝef þat lettyng velle seþe,
Ne scholde hy nouȝt to-wende.


And þaȝ þet on bi-wichched be
Þanne hy to-gadere come,
Þat hy ne myȝte don ryȝt nauȝt,
Ne a-sayde [hy] nase lome,
And wolde:
Ȝet þre ȝier hy abyde scholde,
To-do ere hi be scholde.


And þaȝ þat seruyse be foul,
Ȝet hyt hys tokne of gode;


For hyȝt by-tokneþ þe takyng
Of oure flesch and blode
Ine cryst[e]:
No stren may non encressy
Wyþ-oute flesches loste.


And dette hyȝt hys in spousod,
Wanne þe oþer hyȝt wolde;
For ȝyf hyt þoþer nolde do,
Destrayned be he scholde
By rytte
To do hyt, ȝyf þat he may:
Þe lawe heþ seche myȝte.


And þaȝ man habbe bysemer
Of seche manere destresse,
Be hem wel syker, hyt hys ydo
For wel grete godnesse
Of lyue;
For elles nolde þe laȝe nauȝt
Of suche þynge schryue.


In spoushod beþ godnesse þre,
Treuþe, streny[n]g, and signe.
Treuþe hys, þat þer no gile be
Þourwe spousebreche maligne;
Ac, broþer,
Þat on may spousbreche by-come
For de-faute of þet oþer.


Þat oþer godnesse hys strenyng,
Þer me may children wene;
Ac ȝyf þat on þoþren warneþ hys flesch,
Ne myȝt[e] hy naut strene:


Þo scholde þat godnesse be
By-twene ham in lette.


Þe þrydde godnesse hys sacrament,
Þat hijs þe holy signe
Of the ioynyng of god self
And holye cherche digne,
Þat avayleþ;
And ȝyf [þon] þoþren warnþ hys flesch,
Þat sacrement hem fayleþ.


By þyse þre hy moȝe ise
Wanne hy ine flesche seneȝeþ,
Wanne hy wyþ-oute þyse þre
Wyþ fleschlich mone me[n]geþ:
hare oþer,
Þe more hy hyt doþ, þe wors hi beþ,
And god al-so þe loþer.


Ase ȝef hy hyȝt myȝte wel a-come
To letten oþer wyle,
And lesse do hyt þane hy doþ,
Wyþ-oute oþeres peryl[e],
Ac blondeþ,
And—nys nō ned—wyþ foule handlyng
Oþer oþer afondeþ.


Ne hy ne wondeþ messeday,
Ne none holy tyde,
Ne holy stede, wyþ-oute peryl
Þaȝ hy myȝte abyde;
Spy, felþe!
Þer hy myȝte hyt do kendelyche,
On-kende hys hare onselthe.



Hyt nys nauȝt aȝens sacrement
Of god and holy cherche,
Þay hy nolde by goud purpos
Ine hare flesche werche,
So ferde marye and ioseph,
By assent þat clene hem held.


For þey hye wolde [by assent]
In flesch by-leue clene,
Ȝet aȝeyns treuþe nere hyt nouȝt,
Ne forþe aȝeyns strene.
Hou scholde hyȝt
Aȝe gode purpos of strene [be],
Bote oþer of ham wolde hyȝt?


Ne hyȝt nys aȝeyns sacrement
By assent þaȝ hy be clene
In spoushoþ, ȝef hy louieþ hem,
And wel libbeþ imene;
Cryst and þys holy saulen eke,
Al louieþ hem ine clannesse.


And ȝyf boþe beþ of god wylle,
And of assent at emne,
To take to religion
And makye a vou solempne,
Hy mytte
In chastyte for euere mo
Seruy oure drytte.



And ȝef þat eyþer oþer may
Kendelyche serue,
Ne moȝen hy aȝeins wyl to-go,
Er þane oþer schal sterue;
No sauue,
Bote ȝef þat on for-houred be,
He may de-partyng haue.


And ȝef hy so departed be,
Chastite he mote take,
So longe ase þoþres lyf ylest
Þat whas hys ryȝt[e] make;
Nyst gabbe,
Ȝef he oþer þane hy for-lyþ,
Aȝen a schel hys habbe.


Þaȝ hy mysdede, ȝet, and he wyle,
Eft aȝeyn he may craue,
Þaȝ þer such a departyng be,
And hijs wyf aȝeyn haue,
And scholde;
Þaȝ hy wyþ-seyde hyt openlyche,
And aȝeyn come nolde.


Ac vnder-stond for þet hordom
Þat makeþ þes to stryue,
Þat eche hordom ne parteþ nauȝt
Þe man al fram hys wyf[e].
Nou lestne:
Ȝef þe oþer oþren so by-swykeþ,
No moȝe hy nouȝt onuestne.


Ne þaȝ a wyf by-gyled be
Of an oþer by wrake,
And weneþ wel to for-leye be
Of hyre ryȝtte make;
Ȝet more,


Þaȝ hy be strengþe be for-leye,
Takþ he nauȝt houre lore.


Ne ȝef þon þoþer profreþ
Wyþ any oþer to beddy;
Ne ȝef þon wenþ þis oþres deþ,
And he anoþer weddy:
Þaȝ come
Þe make aȝen, ne schelde hy be
To-do for hordome.


Ac ȝet, nou ounderstand for ham
Þat gooþ a pylgrymage:
On wēddeþ, þoþer abyde schel
Wet oþer passeþ age
By kende,
Oþer wat þat þer be of hys deaþ
Ryȝt god and certayn mende.


And ȝyf [þe] man halt ase hys wyf
After þe gelt hys spouse,
Þaȝ he by hyre ne ligge nouȝt,
Oþer halt hys ine hys house,
In tome,
Ne schal hy nauȝt de-parted be
Fram hym for hordome.


Þe signe hys of þe sacrement
Þe treuþynge wel couþe,
Oþer couþe signe of þet asent,
Wyþ worde [of] þat hijs nouþe;
And dygne


Þynges þer beþ her mo þan on,
Onder þys ylke signe.


Þet o þyng hys þet hol assent
By-tuixte man an wyf[e],
Wat byndi[n]g hys of þe spousehoþ,
To helde to ende of lyf[e];
And, broþer,
Þys ilke þyng a signe hys eke
Of þyng to-forin an-oþer.


And þat þyng hys, as ich seyde her,
Þo ich her-an gan werche,
Þe holy ioynyng of godself
And of al holy cherche;
In tome
Of spou[s]hoþ þys aueyement
Loukeþ ȝou for hordome.


Þo seynt Iohan in þe apokalips
Seȝ priuetes of heuene,
He seȝ a bok was fast ischet
Wyþ strong[e] lokes seuene;
A wonder!
Ne myȝte hy no man ondo
Aboue in heuene and onder.


And þo þat seint iohan y-seȝ þat,
Wel sore he gan to wepe;
Þo seyde an angel:—“wep þou nouȝt,
Ac take wel gode kepe:
Þys sygne


Þat holy lambe þat slaȝen hys
To ondo hyt hys wel dygne.”


Þys ylke bok þe mistyk ys
Of þese sacrementis,
Þat were ischet fram alle men,
Wat god hymself out sent hys
To tounne;
For, be þou syker, hy were in god,
Er þan þe wordle by-gounne.


For ase he wyste wel [ynoȝ]
We scholde be by-gyled,
So euer wyste he þat þe feend
Scholde aȝen be by-wyled
Þorȝ cryste;
Ac he hyt hadde wel priue
For saternases lyste;


Al what os com þet ilke lambe,
Ihesus, þat was y-slawe,
Þat onne-schette þe queynte loken
Þat spek of þe alde lawe,
And seuene
So kedde out þyse sacremens,
By-neþe and boue in heuene.


Þe ferste loke onleke ihesus,
Ase he wel coude and myȝte,
Þo nychodemus to hym come
At one tyme by nyȝte,
To lerny,
And he ondede hym cristendom:
No leng he nolde hyt derny.


Þat lok [he] on-leak of confermyng
Þer hijs apostles leye


Slepynde, þo þat he ham bed
Aryse for to preye
Þat hy ne uolle into fondyng,
Ac þat hye weren stronge.


Þe þrydde loke on-leke ihesus
Þer he set atte sopere,
Þo he sacrede hys flesch and blod,
Ase ich ȝou seyde hyt here,
So holde,
In fourme of bred and eke of wyn,
Þat we hyt notye scholde.


And þo peter in ore nyȝt
Þryes hedde hyne for-sake,
And he by-held hyne þer a set,
Ryȝt atte hys pynyng stake,
Nem kepe,
Þer he on-leke penaunce loke,
Þo peter gan to wepe.


Þe fyfte, þat hys Elyynge,
Cryst on-leke to oure wayne,
Þo hand and fet and al hys lymes
I-persed were ine payne
For al þe sennes of oure lemes:
Anon so be we anelede.


Þe syxte on-leke swete ihesus,
Of ordre noþyng orne,
Þo he a-ueng for oure loue
Þe croune of scharpe þornes;
Wel wyde


Ondede þe lok of ryȝt spousyng
Þe wounde onder hys syde.


For ase wymman com of þe ryb
Of þe mannes ryȝt syde,
So holyche[rche], spouse of god,
Sprang of þane wonden wyde;
Nou leste
Hou þat was hed conseyl ine god
Sprounge hijs out at hys brest[e].


Nou, lord, þat coudest maky open
Þet no man coude ounschette,
And canste wel schetten þet hy[s] open,
Þat none oþer can dette,
To hopye
So graunte ous þyne sacremens,
Þat non errour ne (ous) a-scapye;


And þat we hys mote aredy haue,
Lord, her at oure nede,
Þat no deueȝl ne a-combry ous,
Lord, þou hyȝt ham for-bede
And for þe tokene þat we neme,
Lat ouse þy dole fonge.
Oretis pro anima domini Willelmi de Schorham, quondam vicarii de chart, iuxta Ledes. Qui composuit istam compilationem de septem sacramentis.