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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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The Lay Folks Catechism.

The English of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction or Catechism for the People, from the authentic copy in his register at york.

Is that a gret clerk shewes in his bokes,
[A] Et est secundo sentenciarum distinctione prima,
Of all the creatures that god made in heuen,
And in erthe, in water, or in ayre, or in ought elles,
The soueraigne cause and the skill whi that he made thaime,
Was his owen gode will and his godenesse.
Thurgh whilk godenesse, als he is all gode,
He wold that som creatures of thas that he made
Were communers of that blisse that euermor lastes.
And for no creature might come to that ilk blisse
Withouten knawing of god, als that clerk techis,
—ubi supra—
He made skillwise creatures, angel and man,
Of witt and of wisdome to knaw god al-myghten,
And, thurg thair knawing, loue him and serue him;
And so come to that bliss that thai were made to.
This maner of knawying had oure forme-fadyr
In the state of innocency that thai were made in,
And so shuld we have had, if thai had not synned,
Noght so mikell als hali saules has now in heven,
Bot mikel mare than man has now in erthe:
For our forme-fadirs synned, sais the prophet,


And we bere the wickednesse of thaire misdede.
—Trenorum ultimo—
For the knawing that thai had of god almighten,
Thai had it of goddes giftt at thaire begynnyng
With-outen travaile or trey or passyng of tyme;
And all the knawyng þat we have in þis world of him,
Is of heryng, and leryng and techyng of othir,
Of the lawe and þe lare þat langes till halikirke,
The whilke al creatures that loues god almighten
Awe to knawe and to kun, and lede þaire lyue aftir;
And so com to that blisse that never more blynnes.
And forthi that mikill folke now in this world
Ne is noght wele ynogh lered to knawe god almighten,
Ne loue him, ne serue him als thai suld do,
Als thaire dedis ofte sithe openly shewes,
In grete peril of thaime to lyue and to sawle,
And perauenture the defaitor in thaime,
That has thaire saules to kepe, and suld teche thame,
Als prelates, parsons, vikers, and prestes
That er halden be dette for to lere thame—
Oure fadir the Ercebishop, that god almighten saue,
That als saint Paule sais of Iesu crist,
—Paulus ad Thimotheum secundo cao.—
Will that al men be saufe and knawe god almighten,


And namely thas underloutes that to him langes,
Has treted and ordayned for commune profet,
Thurgh the consaile of his clergie,
That ilkane that vndir him has kepynge of saules,
Openly on Inglis opon sononndaies
Teche and preche thaim, that thai haue cure of,
The lawe and the lore to knawe god all-mighten,
That principali mai be shewed in this sex thinges:
In þe fourtene poyntes that falles to the trouthe;


The lawe and the lore to knawe god all-mighten,
That principali may be shewed in this sex thinges:
In the fourtene poyntes that falles to the trouthe,
In the ten comandementeȝ that god has gyven us,
In the seuen Sacrementȝ that er in hali kirke,
In seuen dedis of merci until oure euen-cristen;
In the seuen vertues that ilk man sal use,
And in the seuen dedely sinnes that man sal refuse.
And he comandes and biddes in al that he may,
That all that haues kepyng or cure undir him
Enioygne thair parochiens and thaire sugettes,
That thai here and lere this ilk sex thinges,


And oft sithes reherce tham til that thai kun thaime,
And sithen teche tham thair childir, if thai any haue,
What tyme so thai er of eld to lere tham.
And that parsons and vikers and al paroche prestes
Enquere diligently of thair sugettes, in the lentyn tyme,
When thai come to shrift, whethir thai kun this sex thinges,
And if it be funden that thai kun thaim noght,
That thai enȝoygne tham opon his behalue,
And of payne of penaunce for to kun tham.
And forthi that nane sal excuse tham
Thurgh unknalechyng for to kun tham,
Our fadir the Ercebisshop of his godenesse
has ordayned and bidden that thai be shewed
Openly on inglis o-monges the folk.
Wharefore onentes the first of this sex thinges,
That is, to knaw the articles that falles to the trouth,
Als gret clerkes techis and shewes in thair bokes,
Thare falles un-to the faithe fourtene poyntes
Of whilk seuen falles to goddes godhede,
and othir seuen falles to christes manhede.
The first poynt that we sal trowe of the godhede
Is to trowe stedefastly in a trew god,


And that nane othir is for to trowe in.
The tothir is, that the hegh fadir of heuen
Is stedefast and sothefast god almighty.
The third is, that Iesu crist goddes son of heuen
Is sothefastly god euen til his fadir.
The ferthe poynt is, that the hali gast,
That samenly comes of bothe the fadir and the son,
Is sothefastly god, and euen til tham bothe.
And though-whethir noght twa goddes the fadir and the son,
Ne thre goddes the fadir, and the son, and the haligast,
Bot thre se[r]e persons and noght bot a god.
The fift point is, that the trinite
Fadir and sone and haligast, thre persons and a god,
Is maker of heuen and of erthe and of all thinges.
The sext poynt is, that halikirk our modir
Is hali and allane thurgh-out the world,
That is communyng and felawred of al cristen folk,
That communes to-gedir in the sacrementȝ
And in othir hali thinges that falles til halikirk,
In forgyfnes of synnes, and hele of thair saules,
For withouten halikirke nis na saule hele.


The seuent article that us awe to trow
Is uprisyng of flesh, and lyfe withouten end,
For when that dede has sondred our bodies and oure saules
For a certeyne tyme, als our kynde askes,
Unto when that god sal deme the quick and the dede
Than our saules sal turne ogayn til our bodies,
And we, thas ilke, and naneothir than we er now,
Sothefastly sal rise up in bodi and in saule
That neuermare sal sondir fra that tyme forthe,
Bot samen, if we wele do whiles we er here,
Wend with god to that blis that euermare lastes,
And als if we ivel do, til endeles payne.
Thare er othir seuen poyntes of cristes manhede
That er nedefull to trowe til al that er cristen.
The first is, that Iesu crist, goddes sone of heuen,
Was sothefastely consayued of the maiden mari,
And toke flesh and blode, and bicome man
Thurgh might and strenth of the haligast
Withouten ony merryng of hir modirhede,
Withouten ony mynnyng of hir maidenhede.
That othir poynt, that we sal trow
That he, god and man bathe in a person,


Was sothefastly born of that blissed maiden,
Godde, geten of his fadir before ony tyme,
And man borne of his modir and brought forthe in tyme.
The third poynt that we sal trowe is cristes passion,
That he tholed bodily for synfulman kynd,
Howe he was traised with his disciple, and taken with Iues,
Beten with skourges that no skyn held,
Nailed and (on) the rode, and corouned with thornes,
And many othir hard paynes, and died atte last.
The ferthe article is, that when he was dede,
And his bodi tane doune, and wonden, and doluen
Yit, to whiles that his bodi lai in the graue,
The saule with the godhede went untill hell,
And heried it, and toke oute thas that wer his,
Als Adam and Eue, and othir forme-fadirs
Whilke he in his forloke wold that wer saued.
The fift poynt is, that on the third day
Aftir that he died, he ras fra dede un-to lyue,
Sothefast god, and man in bodi and in saule,
For als he died in sekenesse of our manhede,
Als he ras thurgh strenthe of his godhede,
And so destrueyd our dede thurgh his dieyng,
And whikend us un-to lyf thurgh his risyng.


The sext poynt is, that we sal trowe,
That the fourtied day aftir that he ras
Thurgh strenth of him-self he stegh in-till heuen,
Where our kynd is now in his blissed person,
Noght anely euen no mete to his angels,
Bot hegher crouned kyng aboue all angels,
That before-tyme was lesse than kynd of angels.
The seuend poynt is, that right als he died,
And aftirward ras and stegh in-till heuen,
Right swa sal he cum opon the last day.
Bathe forto deme the quick and the dede;
Whare all the folk that euer was, or is, or sall be,
Sal sothefastly be shewed and sene befor him,
And ilkman answer of his owen dedis
And be dampned or saued whethir-sum he deserves,
For als his rightwisenesse is now menged with mercy,
So sal it than be withouten merci.
The secund thyng of the sex to knawe god almighten
Is the ten comandementȝ, that he has gyuen us,
Of the whilk ten, the thre that er first
Augh us haly to hald onentes our god,
and the seuen that er aftir, onentes our euen cristen.


The first commandement charges us and techis
That we leue ne loute nane fals goddes,


And in this commandement is forboden us
Alkyns mysbileues, and al mawmetries,
Al fals enchaunmentez, and al sorceries,
All fals charmes, and all witchecraftes;
All fals coniurisons, and al wicked craftes,
That men of mysbyleue traistes opon,
Or hopes ony help in, withouten god almighten.


The secund commandement biddes us noght take
In ydelship, ne in vayne the name of our god,
So that we trow noght in his name, bot that is stedefast;
That we swere noght be his name but behouely;
And that we neuen noght his name but worshipfully.


The third is, that we sal hald and halowe our haliday,
The Sononday, and all othir that falles to the yhere,
That er ordayned to halowe thurgh halikirk,


In whilk daies all folk lered and lawed
Awe to gyf tham godely to goddes seruice
To here it and say it aftir thair state is
In worship of god almighten and of his gode halowes,


Noght than for to tent to tary with the world,
Ne lyue in lykyng ne lust that the flesh yernes,
Bot gladly to serue god in clennesse of life.
The ferthe biddes us to do worship to fadir and to modir,
Noght only to fleshli fadir and modir
That getes and fosters us forthe in this world,


Bot til our gastly fadirs that has hede of us,
And techis us how to lif til hele of our saules.
And til our gastly modir, that is halikirke
To be buxom thar-to and saue the right of it,
For it is modir til all that cristenly lyfes,
And alswa til ilk man that worshipfull is,
for to do worship aftir that it is.


The fifth biddes us that we sla naman,
That is at say, bodili ne gastly nouthir,
For als mony we sla, in that at we mai,
Als we sklaundir or bacbite or falsly defames,
Or fandes for to confound tham that noght serues,
Or withdrawes lyuelade fra tham that nede haues,
If we be of haueing for to help tham.


The sext commandement forbedes us to syn
Or forto foly fleshli with any woman
Outhir sib or fremned, wedded, or unwedded,
Or any fleshly knawyng or deid haf with any,
othir than the sacrement of matermoyne escuse,
And the lawe and the lare of halikirke teches.


The seuent comandement biddes us noght stele;
In whilk is forboden robbyng and reuyng,
All wrangwise takyng or withhaldyng,
Or hiding or helyng of othir men godes
Ogayne thaire wit, and thaire will that has right to tham.


The aughtand biddes us we sall bere
No fals wittenes ogayne our euen-cristen;
In whilk is forboden al maner of lesyng,
Fals conspiracie, and forsweryng.
Whare-thurgh our euen-cristen mai lese thair catell,
Faith, favour, or fame, or any thing elles,
Whethir it be in gasteli or bodili godes.


The neynd is, that we noght yerne our neghtebur house;
In whilk is forboden all urangwise couatise
Of land, or of lithe, or of ought elles,
That mai noght be lifted ne raised fro the ground,
Als thing that is stedefast, and mai not be stirred.
The tend and the last is, that we yerne noght
The wife of our neghtebur, ne of our euen-cristen,
Ne his maiden, ne his knaue, his ox nor his asse:
In whilk is forboden us to yerne or to take
Ony thing that may be stirred of othir men godes,


As robes or richesse, or othir catell
That we have no gode title, ne no right to.
For what thing so we gete, or tas on othir wise,
We mai noght be assoiled of the trespas,
Bot if we make assethe in that at we may
To tham that we harmed, withaldand thair godes.
And in cas that we have thurgh fals athes,
Als in assizes or othir enquestes
Wittandly and willfalli gere our euen cristen
Lese thaire patrimoyne, or thair heritage,
Or falsly be desesed of land or of lithe,
Or fals diuorce be made, or any man dampned,
Of all we do, that we may, unto the party,
Yit may we noght be assoiled of our false athe,
Bot of our bisshop or him that has his power,
For swilk cas is riuely reserved til him seluen.


This ten Comandementȝ that I haue nowe rekend
Er umbilouked in twa of the godspell,
Luce xo. capo.
The tane is we love god ouer al thinges,
The tothir that we love our euen-cristen als we do oure selven.
For god augh us to love halye with hert,
With al our might, with al our thought, with word and with deid:
Our euen-cristen alswa augh us to loue
Un-to that ilk gode that we loue us selven,
That is, that thai welefare in bodi and in saule,
And cum to that ilk blisse that we think to.
Who-so dos this twa fulfilles the othir.
The third thing of the sex that I first touched
Is the seuen sacrementz that halikirk gifes


Thurgh prelates and othir prests that has the power.
Of whilk seuen, the first fyve ilk a cristen man
Augh lawfully to take aftir his eld is;
And twa lies in thair wille that ressayves tham,
The first sacrement of seuen is our baptisme,
That we take the first tyme that we becum cristen,
In whilk bathe the first syn that we er born with,
And alkyn othir syn, is wasshen oway,
that we er filed with ar we take it;
And the trouthe of halikirk is taken thare-in
Withouten whilk na synfulman saule may be saued.
And to this sacrement falles foure thinges,
If it sal rightly be taken als halikirk techis:
Ane is right saying and shap of the wordes
That him augh for to sai, that gyffes this sacrement
That er thise: I baptize the in the name
Of the fadir & the son, & the hali gast.
Another is, that it be done anely in water,
For nanothir licour is leuefull tharfore.


The third is, that he that gyffes this sacrement
Be in wit and in will for to gyff it.
And the ferthe is, that he that takes it
Be nouthir of lered, ne of lawed, baptized before;
For if the prest be in were of him that sal take it,
Whethir he be baptized or he be noght,
Than sall he sai the wordes opon this wise—
If thou be noght baptized, I baptize the
In the name of the fadir and the son and the haligast.
The secund sacrement is confermyng
That the bisshop gives to tham that er baptized,
That giffes thurgh his power to tham that tas it
The grace and the giftes of the haligast
To make tham mare stalworth than thai ware before
To stand ogaynes the fend, and dedely syn,
That nane has power to do bot bisshop allane
That has the state and the stede of cristes apostels.
The third sacrement is cald penaunce,
That is sothefast forthinking we have of our syn


Withouten will or thoght to turne ogayne to it.
And this behoues haue thre thinges if it be stedefast:
Ane is sorow of our hert that we have synned;
Anothir is open shrift of our mouth how we haf synned,
And the third is rightwise amendes makyng for that we haf synned.
This thre, with gode will to forsake our syn,
Clenses us and wasshes us of alkyn synnes.
The ferthe is the sacrement of the auter,
Cristes owen bodi in likeness of brede,
Als hale as he toke it of that blessed maiden;
Whilk ilk man and woman, that of eld is,
Aught forto resceyve anes in the yhere,
That is at sai, at paskes, als hali kirke uses,
When thai er clensed of syn thurgh penaunce,
Of payne of doyng out of hali kirke.
Bot if thai forbere it be skilwise cause,
That aught to be knawen to thaim that sal gif it,
For he that takes it worthili, takes his salvation,
And who-so unworthili, takes his dampnation.


The fift sacrement is the last enoynting
With oyle that is halowed and handeled of prest
To tham that he wate er of skillwise elde,
And that he seis sikerly in peril of dede,
In lightenes and alegeaunce of their sekenesse,
If god wil that thai turne ogayne until hele,
And als in forgyuenesse of venyale synnes,
And in lessyne of payne, if thai passe hethen.
The sext sacrement of halikirke is Ordir,
That giffes power to tham that rightwisely tas it
For to serve in halikirk aftir thair state is,
And to tham that takes the ordir of prest
For to serue and for to minister sacrementȝ of halikyrk, that to tham falles
Aftir the state that thai haue, and thair degree askes.
The sevent sacrement is Matirmonye,
That is, a lawefull festenyng betwix man and woman,
At thair bother assent for to lyve samen
Withouten ony lousyng to thair life lastes,
In remedi of syn, and getyng of grace,
If it be taken in gode attent and clennesse of lif.


The ferthe thing of the sex to knaw god almighten,
That us behoues fulfill in al that we mai,
Is the seuen dedis of merci until our euen-cristen
That god sal reherce us opon the dai of dome,
and wit how we haf done tham here in this lyfe,
Als saint matheu mas mynde in his godspell.
—xxvo. capitulo.—
Of whilk the first is to fede tham that er hungry.
That othir, for to gif tham drynk that er thirsty.
The third, for to clethe tham that er clatheless.
The ferthe is to herber tham that er houselesse.
The fifte, for visite tham that ligges in sekenesse.
The sext, is to help tham that in prison er.
The sevent, to bery dede men that has mister.
Thise er the seuen bodily dedis of merci
That ilk man augh to do that is mighty.
Unde versus , vestio, poto, cibo, redimo, tego, colligo, condo.


Thare er of merci allso seuen gasteli dedis
That us augh to do to tham that has nede til us:
Ane is to consaile and wisse tham that er will.
A nothir is to withdrawe tham that will wirk ill.
The third is to solace tham that er sorowfull.
The ferthe is to pray for tham that er sinful.
The fifte is to be tholemode when men misdos us.
The sext gladly to forgyf when men has greued us.


The seuent, when men askes us for to her tham,
if we can mare than thai for to lere tham.
Unde versus, Consule, castiga, solare, remitte, fer, ora,
Instrue si poteris: sic cristo carus haberis.
Thise til our neghtebors er ful nedefull,
And to tham that dos tham wondir medefull,
For he sal find merci that mercifull is,
And man withouten merci of merci sal misse.
The fifte thing of the sex to knaw god Almighten
Is the seuen vertues that haliwrit techis,


Of whilk seuen the thre first, that er heued thewes,
Teches us how to haue us unto god almighten,
And the four techis us swa for to lyf
Bathe onentes our self and our euen-cristen
That it be bathe likand to god and to man.
The firste vertue is trouthe, whar thurgh we trow
Anely in a God, that made al thinges,
With al the othir articles I touched before;
And this is nedefull til all that cristen lifes,
For trouthe is beginyng of al gode werkes:
For nouthir is trouth worth withouten gode werkes,
Ne ne werk withouten trouth mai pai god almighten.
The tothir gode thewe and vertue is hope,
That is a siker abyding of gastely gode
Thurgh goddes godeness, and our godedis,
For to come to that blisse that never mare blinnes
Not anely in traiste of goddes godeness
Ne alanely in traist of our godededis,
Bot in traist of tham when thai er bathe samen.
For nouthir sal we fall so ferr in al wanhope
That we ne sall traist to have blisse if we wele do,
Ne we ne sal noght come so ferre in-til our hope
That we sal traist so mikel of goddes godeness,


That we sal hope to have blisse withouten gode dedis.
The third vertu or thew is charite,
The whilk is a dere loue that us augh to haue
Unto god almighten and all our euen-cristen
Unto god almighten al for him-selven,
And al our euen-cristen for god almighten
For the tane may nought be loued withouten the tothir,
For als that saint Iohan sais in his epistell
—cao. iiijto.—
That comandement, he sais, we have of god almighten,
That wha-soeuer loues god, loues his euen cristen;
For he that loues noght his brothir, wham he mai se,
how suld he loue god almighten that he seis noght.
The ferthe vertu or thewe is rightwisenesse,
That is to yheld to al men that we augh tham,
For to do til ilk man that us augh to do,
For to worship tham that er worthi,


For to helpe the pouer that er nedy,
For to do gile ne wrang unto naman,
bot for to do that skill is unto ilkman.
The fift vertu or thew sleghe or sleghness
That wisses us to be war with wathes of the world,
for it kennes us to knaw the gode fra the yvel,
And als-so to sundir the tane fra the tothir,
and for to leue that is yvel, and take to the gode;
and of twa gode thinges to chese the better.
The sext vertu is strength or stalworthnesse,
Noght anely of bodi, but of hert and of will,


Euenly to sofir the wele and the wa,
Welthe or wandreth, whethir so betides,
And that our hert be noght to hegh for no welefare,
Ne ouer mikel undir for nane yvel fare,
But saffely for to stand ogaynes our faes,
Whethir thai be bodili or thai be gastely,
So that na foule fandyng make us to fall,
Or be fals in our faithe ogayne god almighten.
The seuent vertu and the laste is methe or methefulnsse,—temperancia
That hedis us fra outrage, and haldes us in euen
Lettes fole lykynges and lustes of the flesch,
And yhemes us fro yernynges of worldely godes,
And kepes us in clennesse of bodi and of saule:
For methe is mesur and met of al that we do,
If we lyff skillwisely als the lawe techis.
The sext thing and the last of thas I first touchid
Is the seuen heued synnes or dedely synnes,
That ilkman augh for to knawe to fle and forhoue,
For man mai noght fle tham bot he knawe tham,
Pride, enuy, wrath, and glotony, covatis and slauth, and licheri.


And forthi er thai cald seuen heued synnes,
For that al othir comes of tham,
And forthi er thai cald dedli synnes,
For thai gastely sla ilk mannes saule,
That er hanked in al or in any of tham.
Wharefore the wise man biddes in his boke,
—Ecclesiast. xxio.—
Als fra the face of the neddir, fand to fle syn,
For als the venyme of the nedder slaes mannes bodi,
Swa the venyme of syn slaes mannes saule.
The first of this seven synnes is pride,
That is, a likand heghnesse of a mannes hert
Of office, or hegh state, or othir nobillay,
That he outhir has of kynd or of grace,
Or that he hopes that he has mare than a nothir.
And of this syn comes mani sere spices,
Bost, and auantyng, and unbuxumnesse,
Despite, and ypocrisie, and unshamefulnesse,
And othir that er oft sithe sene omang proude men.
The secund dedeli syn is hatten enuy,
That is a sorowe and a site of the welefare,
And ioy of the yuel fare of our euen-cristen;
Of whilk syn many spices springes and spredes.
Ane is hatered to speke or here ought be spoken
That may soune un-to gode to tham that we hate:
Anothir is false iuggeyng or dome of thair dedis,


And ay turne until yuel that thai do to gode;
The third is bacbityng, to sai behynd tham
That we wil noght auow ne say befor tham,
Whare noght anely he that spekes the yuel,
Bot he that heres it be spoken, is for to blame,
For war thar no herer, thar wer no bacbiter.
The third dedely syn or heued syn is wrath,
That is, a wiked stirryng or bolnyng of hert
Whare-thurgh a man wilnesse for to take wrake
Or wickedly to venge him opon his euen-cristen,
And of this syn comes striuyng, and flityng,
With mony fals and mony foule wordes;
Sklaundir, for to fordo a mannes gode fame,
Feghtyng, and felony and oft mannes slaughter,
And many ma than now is nede to be neuened.
The ferthe dedeli syn is glotony,
That is ane unskilwise likyng, or loue,
In taste, or in takyng of mete and of drynk;
And this trespas dos men opon sere wise.
Ane is ouer areli or ouer late, or ouer oftt sithes
For to ete or to drynk, bot if nede ger it;
Anothir is for to lyue ouer delicately;
The third is for to ete or drink ouer mikel;
The ferthe is ouer hastily to ete or to drynk;
The fift is to compas upon what wise
We may gete deliciouse metes and drynkes,


For to fill the likyngs and lustes of the flesh,
Othir than we may godely lede our lyve with.
Unde versus, Prepropere, laute, nimis, ardenter, studiose.
The fift dedely syn is covatise, that is a urang-wise wilnyng
Or yernyng to hafe any kyns gode that us augh noght,
and this is principaly done opon twyn wise:
Ane is wrangwisely to gete any thing
That oure likyng or oure loue lightes opon,
Als be sacrilege, or be symonie,
Stalthe, falshede, or oker, or othir gilery,
Whilk this worldis men is wont for to use,
That castes thaire conandnesse so unto couatise
That thai ne reck whethir it be bi right, or bi wrang,
Bot at thai mai gete that at thaire hert yhernes.
Anothir is wrangwisely to hald that is geten;
That is when we will noght do to god almighten,
Ne til halikirk, ne til our euen-cristen,
That us augh for to do bi dett and by lawe,
Bot anely haldes that we have, for ese of us selven;
Whare noght anely he that wrangwisely getes,
Bot he that wrangwisely haldes, falles in the syn.
The sext dedely syn is slauthe or slawnes,


That is ane hertly anger or anoye til us
Of any gastely gode that we sal do,
And of this syn comes sum sere speces;
Ane is latsumnesse or lite to draw opon lenthe
Any gode dede that we sal do,
That mai turne us til help or hele of our saules.
Anothir is a dulnesse or heuynesse of hert
That lettes us for to luf our lord god almighten,
Or any likyng to haue in his seruice.
The third is yde[l]ship that ouer mikel is haunted,
That makes men lathe to begyn any godededis,
And lightely dos us to leue when ought is begunnen,
And thar ar we er kyndely borne for to swink
Als the foughel is kindly born for to flegh,
Job. vto. cao.
It haldes us euermare in ese ogaynes our kynd,
For idelnesse is enmy to cristen man saule
Stepmodir and stameryng ogayne gode thewes,
And witter wissyng and wai till alkyns vices.
The seuent dedely syn is lecheri,
That is a foule likyng or lust of the flesch;
And of this syn comes many sere spices.
Ane is fornication, a fleshly syn
Betwix ane aynlepi man, and ane aynlepi woman,
That forthi that it is ogaynes the lawe
And the leue, and the lare that hali kirk haldes,
It is dedely syn to tham that dos it.
An other is auoutry, that is spousebrek,
Whether it be bodily or it be gastely,


That greuouser and gretter is than that othir.
The third is incest, that is when a man synnes
Fleshly with any of his sib frend,
Or any othir that is of his affinite,
Gastely or bodili, whethir so it be.
Othir spices many ma springes of this syn,
That ouer mikel er knawen and kennd in the werld,
With tham that ledis thair lifs als thaire flesch yhernes.
This er the sex thinges that I have spoken of,
That the lawe of halikirk lies mast in
That ye er al halden to knawe, and to kun,
If ye sal knawe god almighten, and cum un-to his blisse:


And for to gif yhou better will for to kun tham,
Our fadir the ercebisshop grauntes of his grace
Fourti daies of pardon til al that kunnes tham,
Or dos thair gode diligence for to kun tham,
And ratifies als-so that othir men gifes,
So mikel couaites he the hele of yhour saules,
For if ye kunnandly knaw this ilk sex thinges
Thurgh thaim sal ye kun knawe god almighten,
Wham, als saint Iohn saies in his godspel,
Conandly for to knawe swilk als he is,
It is endeles life and lastand blisse,
To whilk blisse he bring us [,that bought us].