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The Avncient Order, Societie, and Unitie Laudable, of Prince Arthure

and his Knightly Armory of the Round Table. With a Threefold Assertion frendly in fauour and furtherance of English Archery at this day. Translated and Collected by R. R. [i.e. Richard Robinson]

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To the Right worshipful M. Thomas Smith Esquier chiefe Customer to her Maiestie in the port of London, and to the worshipfull Socyety of Archers, here yearely celebrating the renowmed memory of the magnificent Prince Arthure and his Knightly traine of the Round Table, Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Plenitude of temporall and eternall Beatitude in Christ Iesus our onely Lord and Sauiour, Amen.
The Glory of the Rich, Of the Honorable, and of the Pore, is the feare of God. Eccles. 10.