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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Re-edited from Ms. Cotton Nero, A. x., in the British Museum, by Sir Israel Gollancz. With introductory essays by Mabel Day and Mary S. Serjeantson

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Square brackets denote editorial emendations or insertions.

I. [PART I.]


Siþen þe sege & þe assaut watȝ sesed at Troye,
Þe borȝ brittened & brent to brondeȝ & askeȝ,
Þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wroȝt
Watȝ tried for his tricherie, þe trewest on erthe.
Hit watȝ Ennias þe athel & his highe kynde
Þat siþen depreced prouinces, & patrounes bicome
Welneȝe of al þe wele in þe west iles,
Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swyþe;
With gret bobbaunce þat burȝe he biges vpon fyrst,
& neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat;
Ticius to Tuskan, & teldes bigynnes;
Langaberde in Lumbardie lyftes vp homes;
& fer ouer þe French flod Felix Brutus
On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he setteȝ,
wyth wynne;
Where werre & wrake & wonder
Bi syþeȝ hatȝ wont þer-inne,
& oft boþe blysse & blunder
Ful skete hatȝ skyfted synne.


Ande quen þis Bretayn watȝ bigged bi þis burn rych,
Bolde bredden þer-inne, baret þat lofden,
In mony turned tyme tene þat wroȝten;
Mo ferlyes on þis folde han fallen here oft


Þen in any oþer þat I wot, syn þat ilk tyme.
Bot of alle þat here bult of Bretaygne kynges
Ay watȝ Arthur þe hendest, as I haf herde telle;
For-þi an aunter in erde I attle to schawe,
Þat a selly in siȝt summe men hit holden,
& an outtrage awenture of Arthureȝ wondereȝ;
If ȝe wyl lysten þis laye bot on littel quile,
I schal telle hit as tit, as I in toun herde,
with tonge;
As hit is stad & stoken
In stori stif & stronge,
With lel letteres loken,
In londe so hatȝ ben longe.


Þis kyng lay at Camylot vpon kryst-masse,
With mony luflych lorde, ledeȝ of þe best,
Rekenly of þe Rounde Table alle þo rich breþer,
With rych reuel oryȝt & rechles merþes.
Þer tournayed tulkes by tymeȝ ful mony,
Justed ful jolile þise gentyle kniȝtes,
Syþen kayred to þe court, caroles to make;
For þer þe fest watȝ ilyche ful fiften dayes
With alle þe mete & þe mirþe þat men couþe a-vyse;
Such glaumande gle glorious to here,
Dere dyn vp-on day, daunsyng on nyȝtes;
Al watȝ hap vpon heȝe in halleȝ & chambreȝ,
With lordeȝ & ladies, as leuest him þoȝt.
With all þe wele of þe worlde þay woned þer samen,
Þe most kyd knyȝteȝ vnder Krystes seluen,
& þe louelokkest ladies þat euer lif haden,


& he þe comlokest kyng þat þe court haldes;
For al watȝ þis fayre folk in her first age,
on sille;
Þe hapnest vnder heuen,
Kyng hyȝest mon of wylle,
Hit were now gret nye to neuen
So hardy a here on hille.


Wyle nw ȝer watȝ so ȝep þat hit watȝ [ȝister]n[eu]e cummen,
Þat day doubble on þe dece watȝ þe douth serued,
Fro þe kyng watȝ cummen with knyȝtes in to þe halle,
Þe chauntre of þe chapel cheued to an ende.
Loude crye watȝ þer kest of clerkeȝ & oþer,
Nowel nayted o-newe, neuened ful ofte;
& syþen riche forth runnen to reche honde-selle,
Ȝeȝed ȝeres ȝiftes on hiȝ, ȝelde hem bi hond,
De-bated busyly aboute þo giftes;
Ladies laȝed ful loude, þoȝ þay lost haden,
& he þat wan watȝ not wrothe, þat may ȝe wel trawe.
Alle þis mirþe þay maden to þe mete tyme;
When þay had waschen worþyly, þay wenten to sete,
Þe best burne ay abof, as hit best semed;
Whene Guenore ful gay, grayþed in þe myddes,
Dressed on þe dere des, dubbed al aboute,
Smal sendal bisides, a selure hir ouer,
Of tryed Tolouse [&] Tars tapites in-noghe,
Þat were enbrawded & beten wyth þe best gemmes
Þat myȝt be preued of prys wyth penyes to bye,
in daye;


Þe comlokest to discrye
Þer glent with yȝen gray;
A semloker þat euer he syȝe,
Soth moȝt no mon say.


Bot Arthure wolde not ete til al were serued,
He watȝ so joly of his joyfnes, & sum-quat child-gered,
His lif liked hym lyȝt, he louied þe lasse
Auþer to l[o]nge lye or to longe sitte,
So bi-sied him his ȝonge blod & his brayn wylde;
& also anoþer maner meued him eke,
Þat he þurȝ nobelay had nomen, he wolde neuer ete
Vpon such a dere day, er hym deuised were
Of sum auenturus þyng an vncouþe tale,
Of sum mayn meruayle, þat he myȝt trawe,
Of alderes, of armes, of oþer auenturus,
Oþer sum segg hym bi-soȝt of sum siker knyȝt
To joyne wyth hym in iustyng, in joparde to lay
Lede lif for lyf, leue vchon oþer
As fortune wolde fulsun hom þe fayrer to haue.
Þis watȝ [þe] kynges countenaunce where he in court were,
At vch farand fest among his fre meny
in halle;
Þer-fore of face so fere
He stiȝtleȝ stif in stalle,
Ful ȝep in þat nw ȝere,
Much mirthe he mas with-alle.


Thus þer stondes in stale þe stif kyng his-seluen,
Talkkande bifore þe hy ȝe table of trifles ful hende;


There gode Gawan watȝ grayþed Gwenore bisyde,
& Agrauayn a la dure mayn on þat oþer syde sittes,
Boþe þe kynges sister sunes, & ful siker kniȝtes;
Bischop Bawdewyn abof bi-gineȝ þe table,
& Ywan, Vryn son, ette wit hym-seluen;
Þise were diȝt on þe des, & derworþly serued,
& siþen mony siker segge at þe sidbordeȝ.
Þen þe first cors come with crakkyng of trumpes,
Wyth mony baner ful bryȝt þat þer-bi henged,
Nwe nakryn noyse with þe noble pipes,
Wylde werbles & wyȝt wakned lote,
Þat mony hert ful hiȝe hef at her towches.
Dayntes dryuen þer-wyth of ful dere metes,
Foysoun of þe fresche, & on so fele disches
Þat pine to fynde þe place þe peple bi-forne
For to sette þe sylu[eren] þat sere sewes halden,
on clothe;
Iche lede as he loued hym-selue
Þer laght with-outen loþe,
Ay two had disches twelue,
Good ber & bryȝt wyn boþe.


Now wyl I of hor seruise say yow no more,
For vch wyȝe may wel wit no wont þat þer were.
An oþer noyse ful newe neȝed biliue,
Þat þe lude myȝt haf leue lif-lode to cach;
For vneþe watȝ þe noyce not a whyle sesed,
& þe fyrst cource in þe court kyndely serued,
Þer hales in at þe halle dor an aghlich mayster,
On þe most on þe molde on mesure hyghe;
Fro þe swyre to þe swange so sware & so þik,
& his lyndes & his lymes so longe & so grete,


Half etayn in erde I hope þat he were;
Bot mon most I algate mynn hym to bene,
& þat þe myriest in his muckel þat myȝt ride;
For of bak & of brest al were his bodi sturne,
Bot[h] his wombe & his wast were worthily smale,
& alle his fetures folȝande in forme þat he hade,
ful clene;
For wonder of his hwe men hade,
Set in his semblaunt sene;
He ferde as freke were fade,
& ouer-al enker grene.


Ande al grayþed in grene þis gome & his wedes,
A strayt cote ful streȝt, þat stek on his sides,
A mere mantile abof, mensked with-inne
With pelure pured apert, þe pane ful clene,
With blyþe blaunner ful bryȝt, & his hod boþe,
Þat watȝ laȝt fro his lokkeȝ & layde on his schulderes;
Heme-wel haled hose of þat same grene,
Þat spenet on his sparlyr, & clene spures vnder,
Of bryȝt golde, vpon silk bordes, barred ful ryche,
& scholes vnder schankes, þere þe schalk rides;
& alle his vesture uerayly watȝ clene verdure,
Boþe þe barres of his belt & oþer blyþe stones,
Þat were richely rayled in his aray clene,
Aboutte hym-self & his sadel, vpon silk werkeȝ,
Þat were to tor for to telle of tryfles þe halue
Þat were enbrauded abof, wyth bryddes & flyȝes,
With gay gaudi of grene, þe golde ay in-myddes;
Þe pendauntes of his payttrure, þe proude cropure,
His molaynes & alle þe metail anamayld was þenne,
Þe steropes, þat he stod on, stayned of þe same,


& his arsounȝ al after, & his aþel s[k]urtes,
Þat euer glemered & glent al of grene stones.
Þe fole þat he ferkkes on, fyn of þat ilke,
A grene hors gret & þikke,
A stede ful stif to strayne,
In brawden brydel quik,
To þe gome he watȝ ful gayn.


Wel gay watȝ þis gome gered in grene,
& þe here of his hed of his hors swete;
Fayre fannand fax vmbe-foldes his schulderes;
A much berd as a busk ouer his brest henges,
Þat wyth his hiȝlich here, þat of his hed reches,
Watȝ euesed al vmbe-torne, a-bof his elbowes,
Þat half his armes þer-vnder were halched in þe wyse
Of a kyngeȝ capados, þat closes his swyre.
þe mane of þat mayn hors much to hit lyke,
Wel cresped & cemmed wyth knottes ful mony,
Folden in wyth fildore aboute þe fayre grene,
Ay a herle of þe here, an oþer of golde;
Þe tayl & his toppyng twynnen of a sute,
& bounden boþe wyth a bande of a bryȝt grene,
Dubbed wyth ful dere stoneȝ, as þe dok lasted;
Syþen þrawen wyth a þwong, a þwarle-knot alofte,
Þer mony belleȝ ful bryȝt of brende golde rungen.
Such a fole vpon folde, ne freke þat hym rydes,
Watȝ neuer sene in þat sale wyth syȝt er þat tyme,
with yȝe;


He loked as layt so lyȝt,
So sayd al þat hym syȝe;
Hit semed as no mon myȝt
Vnder his dyntteȝ dryȝe.


Wheþer hade he no helme ne hawb[e]rgh nauþer,
Ne no pysan, ne no plate þat pented to armes,
Ne no schafte, ne no schelde, to schwue ne to smyte,
Bot in his on honde he hade a holyn bobbe,
Þat is grattest in grene when greueȝ ar bare,
& an ax in his oþer, a hoge & vn-mete,
A spetos sparþe to expoun in spelle quo-so myȝt;
Þe hede of an elnȝerde þe large lenkþe hade,
Þe grayn al of grene stele & of golde hewen,
Þe bit burnyst bryȝt, with a brod egge,
As wel schapen to schere as scharp rasores;
Þe stele of a stif staf—þe sturne hit bi-grypte—
Þat watȝ wounden wyth yrn to þe wandeȝ ende,
& al bigrauen with grene, in gracios werkes,
A lace lapped aboute, þat louked at þe hede,
& so after þe halme halched ful ofte,
Wyth tryed tasseleȝ þerto tacched in-noghe,
On botounȝ of þe bryȝt grene brayden ful ryche.
Þis haþel heldeȝ hym in, & þe halle entres,
Driuande to þe heȝe dece, dut he no woþe,
Haylsed he neuer one, bot heȝe he ouer loked.
Þe fyrst word þat he warp, ‘wher is,’ he sayd,
‘Þe gouernour of þis gyng? gladly I wolde
Se þat segg in syȝt, & with hym-self speke
To knyȝteȝ he kest his yȝe,
& reled hym vp & doun,
He stemmed & con studie
Quo walt þer most renoun.



Ther watȝ lokyng on lenþe, þe lude to be-holde,
For vch mon had meruayle quat hit mene myȝt
Þat a haþel & a horse myȝt such a hwe lach
As growe grene as þe gres & grener hit semed,
Þen grene aumayl on golde [g]lowande bryȝter;
Al studied þat þer stod, & stalked hym nerre,
Wyth al þe wonder of þe worlde what he worch schulde.
For fele sellyeȝ had þay sen, bot such neuer are,
For-þi for fantoum & fayryȝe þe folk þere hit demed;
Þer-fore to answare watȝ arȝe mony aþel freke,
& al stouned at his steuen, & stonstil seten
In a swoghe-sylence þurȝ þe sale riche;
As al were slypped vpon slepe so slaked hor loteȝ
in hyȝe.
I deme hit not al for doute,
Bot sum for cortaysye;
Bot let hym þat al schulde loute,
Cast vnto þat wyȝe.


Þenn Arþour bifore þe hiȝ dece þat auenture byholdeȝ,
& rekenly hym reuerenced, for rad was he neuer,
& sayde, ‘wyȝe, welcum iwys to þis place,
Þe hede of þis ostel Arthour I hat;
Liȝt luflych adoun, & lenge, I þe praye,
& quat-so þy wylle is, we schal wyt after.’
‘Nay, as help me,’ quoþ þe haþel, ‘he þat on hyȝe syttes,
To wone any quyle in þis won, hit watȝ not myn ernde;


Bot for þe los of þe, lede, is lyft vp so hyȝe,
& þy burȝ & þy burnes best ar holden,
Stifest vnder stel-gere on stedes to ryde,
Þe wyȝtest & þe worþyest of þe worldes kynde,
Preue for to play wyth in oþer pure laykeȝ,
& here is kydde cortaysye, as I haf herd carp,
& þat hatȝ wayned me hider, i-wyis, at þis tyme.
Ȝe may be seker bi þis braunch þat I bere here
Þat I passe as in pes, & no plyȝt seche;
For had I founded in fere, in feȝtyng wyse,
I haue a hauberghe at home & a helme boþe,
A schelde & a scharp spere, schinande bryȝt,
Ande oþer weppenes to welde, I wene wel als;
Bot for I wolde no were, my wedeȝ ar softer.
Bot if þou be so bold as alle burneȝ tellen,
Þou wyl grant me godly þe gomen þat I ask,
bi ryȝt.’
Arthour con onsware,
& sayd, ‘sir cortays knyȝt,
If þou craue batayl bare,
Here fayleȝ þou not to fyȝt.’


‘Nay, frayst I no fyȝt, in fayth I þe telle,
Hit arn aboute on þis bench bot berdleȝ chylder;
If I were hasped in armes on a heȝe stede,
Here is no mon me to mach, for myȝteȝ [s]o wayke.
For-þy I craue in þis court a crystemas gomen,
For hit is ȝol & nwe ȝer, & here ar ȝep mony;
If any so hardy in þis hous holdeȝ hym-seluen,
Be so bolde in his blod, brayn in hys hede,


Þat dar stifly strike a strok for an oþer,
I schal gif hym of my gyft þys giserne ryche,
Þis ax, þat is heue in-nogh, to hondele as hym lykes,
& I schal bide þe fyrst bur, as bare as I sitte.
If any freke be so felle to fonde þat I telle,
Lepe lyȝtly me to, & lach þis weppen,
I quit-clayme hit for euer, kepe hit as his auen,
& I schal stonde hym a strok, stif on þis flet,
Elleȝ þou wyl diȝt me þe dom to dele hym an oþer,
& ȝet gif hym respite
A twelmonyth & a day;
Now hyȝe, & let se tite
Dar any her-inne oȝt say.’


If he hem stowned vpon fyrst, stiller were þanne
Alle þe hered-men in halle, þe hyȝ & þe loȝe;
Þe renk on his rounce hym ruched in his sadel,
& runisch-ly his rede yȝen he reled aboute,
Bende his bresed broȝeȝ, blycande grene,
Wayued his berde for to wayte quo-so wolde ryse.
When non wolde kepe hym with carp he coȝed ful hyȝe,
Ande rimed hym ful richly, & ryȝt hym to speke:
‘What, is þis Arþures hous,’ quoþ þe haþel þenne,
‘Þat al þe rous rennes of þurȝ ryalmes so mony?
Where is now your sourquydrye & your conquestes,
Your gry[n]del-layk & your greme & your grete wordes?


Now is þe reuel & þe renoun of þe Rounde Table
Ouer-walt wyth a worde of on wyȝes speche;
For al dares for drede, with-oute dynt schewed!’
Wyth þis he laȝes so loude þat þe lorde greued;
Þe blod schot for scham in-to his schyre face
& lere;
He wex as wroth as wynde,
So did alle þat þer were;
Þe kyng as kene bi kynde
Þen stod þat stif mon nere.


Ande sayde, ‘haþel, by heuen þyn askyng is nys,
& as þou foly hatȝ frayst, fynde þe be-houes;
I know no gome þat is gast of þy grete wordes.
Gif me now þy geserne, vpon Godeȝ halue,
& I schal bayþen þy bone þat þou boden habbes.’
Lyȝtly lepeȝ he hym to, & laȝt at his honde;
Þen feersly þat oþer freke vpon fote lyȝtis.
Now hatȝ Arthure his axe, & þe halme grypeȝ,
& sturnely stureȝ hit aboute, þat stryke wyth hit þoȝt.
Þe stif mon hym bifore stod vpon hyȝt,
Herre þen ani in þe hous by þe hede & more;
Wyth sturne schere þer he stod, he stroked his berde,
& wyth a countenaunce dryȝe he droȝ doun his cote,
No more mate ne dismayd for hys mayn dinteȝ,
Þen any burne vpon bench hade broȝt hym to drynk
of wyne.


Gawan, þat sate bi þe quene,
To þe kyng he can enclyne,
‘I be-seche now with saȝeȝ sene
Þis melly mot be myne.’


‘Wolde ȝe, worþilych lorde,’ quoþ [W]awan to þe kyng,
‘Bid me boȝe fro þis benche & stonde by yow þere,
Þat I wyth-oute vylanye myȝt voyde þis table,
& þat my legge lady lyked not ille,
I wolde com to your counseyl, bifore your cort ryche.
For me þink hit not semly, as hit is soþ knawen,
Þer such an askyng is heuened so hyȝe in your sale,
Þaȝ ȝe ȝour-self be talenttyf, to take hit to your-seluen
Whil mony so bolde yow aboute vpon bench sytten,
Þat vnder heuen, I hope, non haȝerer of wylle,
Ne better bodyes on bent þer baret is rered;
I am þe wakkest, I wot, and of wyt feblest,
& lest lur of my lyf, quo laytes þe soþe,
Bot for as much as ȝe ar myn em, I am only to prayse,
No bounte bot your blod I in my bode knowe;
& syþen þis note is so nys þat noȝt hit yow falles,
& I haue frayned hit at yow fyrst, foldeȝ hit to me;
& if I carp not comlyly, let alle þis cort rych,
bout blame.’
Ryche to-geder con roun,
& syþen þay redden alle same,


To ryd þe kyng wyth croun,
& gif Gawan þe game.


Þen comaunded þe kyng þe knyȝt for to ryse;
& he ful radly vp ros, & ruchched hym fayre,
Kneled doun bifore þe kyng, & cacheȝ þat weppen;
& he luflyly hit hym laft, & lyfte vp his honde,
& gef hym Goddeȝ blessyng, & gladly hym biddes
Þat his hert & his honde schulde hardi be boþe.
‘Kepe þe, cosyn,’ quoþ þe kyng, ‘þat þou on kyrf sette,
& if þou redeȝ hym ryȝt, redly I trowe
Þat þou schal byden þe bur þat he schal bede after.’
Gawan gotȝ to þe gome, with giserne in honde,
& he baldly hym bydeȝ, he bayst neuer þe helder.
Þen carppeȝ to sir Gawan þe knyȝt in þe grene,
‘Refourme we oure for-wardes, er we fyrre passe.
Fyrst I eþe þe, haþel, how þat þou hattes,
Þat þou me telle truly, as I tryst may.’
‘In god fayth,’ quoþ þe goode knyȝt, ‘Gawan I hatte,
Þat bede þe þis buffet, quat-so bi-falleȝ after,
& at þis tyme twelmonyth take at þe anoþer,
Wyth what weppen [s]o þou wylt, & wyth no wyȝ elleȝ
on lyue.’
Þat oþer on-swareȝ agayn,
‘Sir Gawan, so mot I þryue,
As I am ferly fayn
Þis dint þat þou schal dryue.’



‘Bi gog,’ quoþ þe grene knyȝt, ‘sir Gawan, me lykes
Þat I schal fange at þy fust þat I haf frayst here;
& þou hatȝ redily rehersed, bi resoun ful trwe,
Clanly al þe couenaunt þat I þe kynge asked,
Saf þat þou schal siker me, segge, bi þi trawþe,
Þat þou schal seche me þi-self, where-so þou hopes
I may be funde vpon folde, & foch þe such wages
As þou deles me to-day bifore þis douþe ryche.’
‘Where schulde I wale þe,’ quoþ Gauan, ‘where is þy pla[c]e?
I wot neuer where þou wonyes, bi hym þat me wroȝt,
Ne I know not þe, knyȝt, þy cort ne þi name.
Bot teche me truly þer-to, & telle me howe þou hattes,
& I schal ware alle my wyt to wynne me þeder,
& þat I swere þe forsoþe, & by my seker traweþ.’
‘Þat is in-nogh in nwe ȝer, hit nedes no more,’
Quoþ þe gome in þe grene to Gawan þe hende,
‘Ȝif I þe telle trwly, quen I þe tape haue,
& þou me smoþely hatȝ smyten, smartly I þe teche
Of my hous & my home & myn owen nome,
Þen may þou frayst my fare, & forwardeȝ holde,
& if I spende no speche, þenne spedeȝ þou þe better,
For þou may leng in þy londe & layt no fyrre,
bot slokes;
Ta now þy grymme tole to þe,
& let se how þou cnokeȝ.’
‘Gladly, sir, for soþe,’
Quoþ Gawan; his ax he strokes.



The grene knyȝt vpon grounde grayþely hym dresses,
A littel lut with þe hede, þe lere he discouereȝ,
His longe louelych lokkeȝ he layd ouer his croun,
Let þe naked nec to þe note schewe.
Gauan gripped to his ax & gederes hit on hyȝt,
Þe kay fot on þe folde he be-fore sette,
Let hit doun lyȝtly lyȝt on þe naked,
Þat þe scharp of þe schalk schyndered þe bones,
& schrank þurȝ þe schyire grece, & sc[h]ade hit in twynne,
Þat þe bit of þe broun stel bot on þe grounde.
Þe fayre hede fro þe halce hit to þe erþe,
Þat fele hit foyned wyth her fete, þere hit forth roled;
Þe blod brayd fro þe body, þat blykked on þe grene;
& nawþer faltered ne fel þe freke neuer þe helder,
Bot styþly he start forth vpon styf schonkes,
& ru[n]yschly he raȝt out, þere as renkkeȝ stoden,
Laȝt to his lufly hed, & lyft hit vp sone,
& syþen boȝeȝ to his blonk, þe brydel he cach-cheȝ,
Steppeȝ in-to stel-bawe & strydeȝ alofte,
& his hede by þe here in his honde haldeȝ;
& as sadly þe segge hym in his sadel sette
As non vnhap had hym ayled, þaȝ hedleȝ h[e] we[re],
in stedde;
He brayde his bluk aboute,
Þat vgly bodi þat bledde,
Moni on of hym had doute,
Bi þat his resounȝ were redde.



For þe hede in his honde he haldeȝ vp euen,
To-ward þe derrest on þe dece he dresseȝ þe face,
& hit lyfte vp þe yȝe-lyddeȝ, & loked ful brode,
& meled þus much with his muthe, as ȝe may now here.
‘Loke, Gawan, þou be grayþe to go as þou hetteȝ,
& layte as lelly til þou me, lude, fynde,
As þou hatȝ hette in þis halle, herande þise knyȝtes.
To þe grene chapel þou chose, I charge þe, to fotte
Such a dunt as þou hatȝ dalt, disserued þou habbeȝ,
To be ȝederly ȝolden on nwȝeres morn;
Þe knyȝt of þe grene chapel men knowen me mony;
For-þi me for to fynde if þou fraysteȝ, fayleȝ þou neuer,
Þer-fore com, oþer recreaunt be calde þe behoues.’
With a runisch rout þe rayneȝ he torneȝ,
Halled out at þe hal-dor, his hed in his hande,
Þat þe fyr of þe flynt flaȝe fro fole houes.
To quat kyth he be-com, knwe non þere,
Neuermore þen þay wyste fram queþen he watȝ wonnen.
What þenne?
Þe kyng & Gawen þare,
At þat grene þay laȝe & grenne,
Ȝet breued watȝ hit ful bare
A meruayl among þo menne.


Þaȝ Arþer þe hende kyng at hert hade wonder,
He let no semblaunt be sene, bot sayde ful hyȝe


To þe comlych quene, wyth cortays speche,
‘Dere dame, to-day demay yow neuer;
Wel by-commes such craft vpon cristmasse,
Laykyng of enterludeȝ, to laȝe & to syng,
Among þise kynde caroles of knyȝteȝ & ladyeȝ;
Neuer-þe-lece to my mete I may me wel dres,
For I haf sen a selly, I may not for-sake.’
He glent vpon sir Gawen, & gaynly he sayde,
‘Now sir, heng vp þyn ax, þat hatȝ in-nogh hewen.’
& hit watȝ don abof þe dece, on doser to henge,
Þer alle men for meruayl myȝt on hit loke,
& bi trwe tytel þer-of to telle þe wonder.
Þenne þay boȝed to a borde þise burnes to-geder,
Þe kyng & þe gode knyȝt, & kene men hem serued
Of alle dayntyeȝ double, as derrest myȝt falle,
Wyth alle maner of mete & mynstralcie boþe;
Wyth wele walt þay þat day, til worþed an ende
in londe.
Now þenk wel, sir Gawan,
For woþe þat þou ne wonde
Þis auenture forto frayn,
Þat þou hatȝ tan on honde.



This hanselle hatȝ Arthur of auenturus on fyrst,
In ȝonge ȝer, for he ȝerned ȝelpyng to here;
Thaȝ hym wordeȝ were wane when þay to sete wenten,
Now ar þay stoken of sturne werk, staf-ful her hond.


Gawan watȝ glad to be-gynne þose gomneȝ in halle,
Bot þaȝ þe ende be heuy, haf ȝe no wonder;
For þaȝ men ben mery in mynde quen þay han mayn drynk,
A ȝere ȝernes ful ȝerne, & ȝeldeȝ neuer lyke,
Þe forme to þe fynisment foldeȝ ful selden.
For-þi þis ȝol ouer-ȝede, & þe ȝere after,
& vche sesoun serlepes sued after oþer;
After crysten-masse com þe crabbed lentoun,
Þat fraysteȝ flesch wyth þe fysche & fode more symple;
Bot þenne þe weder of þe worlde wyth wynter hit þrepeȝ,
Colde clengeȝ adoun, cloudeȝ vp-lyften,
Schyre schedeȝ þe rayn in schowreȝ ful warme,
Falleȝ vpon fayre flat, flowreȝ þere schewen,
Boþe [þe] groundeȝ & þe greueȝ grene ar her wedeȝ,
Bryddeȝ busken to bylde, & bremlych syngen
For solace of þe softe somer þat sues þer-after
bi bonk;
& blossumeȝ bolne to blowe
Bi raweȝ rych & ronk,
Þen noteȝ noble in-noȝe
Ar herde in wod so wlonk.


After þe sesoun of somer wyth þe soft wyndeȝ,
Quen ȝeferus syfleȝ hym-self on sedeȝ & erbeȝ;
Wela-wynne is þe wort þat waxes þer-oute,
When þe donkande dewe dropeȝ of þe leueȝ,
To bide a blysful blusch of þe bryȝt sunne.
Bot þen hyȝes heruest, & hardenes hym sone,
Warneȝ hym for þe wynter to wax ful rype;
He dryues wyth droȝt þe dust for to ryse,


Fro þe face of þe folde to flyȝe ful hyȝe;
Wroþe wynde of þe welkyn wrasteleȝ with þe sunne,
Þe leueȝ laucen fro þe lynde & lyȝten on þe grounde,
& al grayes þe gres, þat grene watȝ ere;
Þenne al rypeȝ & roteȝ þat ros vpon fyrst,
& þus ȝirneȝ þe ȝere in ȝisterdayeȝ mony,
& wynter wyndeȝ aȝayn, as þe worlde askeȝ,
no [f]age.
Til meȝel-mas mone
Watȝ cumen wyth wynter wage;
Þen þenkkeȝ Gawan ful sone
Of his anious uyage.


Ȝet quyl al-hal-day with Arþer he lenges,
& he made a fare on þat fest, for þe frekeȝ sake,
With much reuel & ryche of þe Rounde Table;
Knyȝteȝ ful cortays & comlych ladies,
Al for luf of þat lede in longynge þay were;
Bot neuer-þe-lece ne þe later þay neuened bot merþe,
Mony ioyleȝ for þat ientyle iapeȝ þer maden.
For aftter mete, with mournyng he meleȝ to his eme,
& spekeȝ of his passage, & pertly he sayde,
‘Now, lege lorde of my lyf, leue I yow ask;
Ȝe knowe þe cost of þis cace, kepe I no more;
To telle yow teneȝ þer-of neuer bot trifel;
Bot I am boun to þe bur barely to-morne,
To sech þe gome of þe grene, as God wyl me wysse.’
Þenne þe best of þe burȝ boȝed to-geder,
Aywan & Errik & oþer ful mony,


Sir Doddinaual de Sauage, þe duk of Clarence,
Launcelot & Lyonel & Lucan þe gode,
Sir Boos & sir Byduer, big men boþe,
& mony oþer menskful, with Mador de la Port.
Alle þis compayny of court com þe kyng nerre,
For to counseyl þe knyȝt, with care at her hert;
Þere watȝ much derne doel driuen in þe sale,
Þat so worthe as Wawan schulde wende on þat ernde,
To dryȝe a delful dynt, & dele no more
wyth bronde.
Þe knyȝt mad ay god chere,
& sayde, ‘quat schuld I wonde?
Of destines derf & dere
What may mon do bot fonde?’


He dowelleȝ þer al þat day, and dresseȝ on þe morn,
Askeȝ erly hys armeȝ, & alle were þay broȝt;
Fyrst a tule tapit, tyȝt ouer þe flet,
& miche watȝ þe gyld gere þat glent þer alofte;
Þe stif mon steppeȝ þeron, & þe stel hondeleȝ,
Dubbed in a dublet of a dere tars,
& syþen a crafty capados, closed aloft,
Þat wyth a bryȝt blaunner was bounden withinne;
Þenne set þay þe sabatounȝ vpon þe segge foteȝ,
His legeȝ lapped in stel with luflych greueȝ,
With polayneȝ piched þer-to, policed ful clene,
Aboute his kneȝ knaged wyth knoteȝ of golde;
Queme quyssewes þen, þat coyntlych closed
His thik þrawen þyȝeȝ, with þwonges to tachched;
& syþen þe brawden bryne of bryȝt stel ryngeȝ
Vmbe-weued þat wyȝ, vpon wlonk stuffe;
& wel bornyst brace vpon his boþe armes,


With gode cowters & gay, & gloueȝ of plate,
& alle þe godlych gere þat hym gayn schulde
þat tyde;
Wyth ryche cote-armure,
His gold sporeȝ spend with pryde,
Gurde wyth a bront ful sure
With silk sayn vmbe his syde.


When he watȝ hasped in armes, his harnays watȝ ryche,
Þe lest lachet ouer loupe lemed of golde;
So harnayst as he watȝ he herkneȝ his masse,
Offred & honoured at þe heȝe auter.
Syþen he comeȝ to þe kyng & to his cort-fereȝ,
Lacheȝ lufly his leue at lordeȝ & ladyeȝ;
& þay hym kyst & conueyed, bikende hym to Kryst.
Bi þat watȝ Gryngolet grayth, & gurde with a sadel
Þat glemed ful gayly with mony golde frenges,
Ay-quere naylet ful nwe, for þat note ryched;
Þe brydel barred aboute, with bryȝt golde bounden;
Þe apparayl of þe payttrure & of þe proude skyrteȝ,
Þe cropore & þe couertor acorded wyth þe arsouneȝ;
& al watȝ rayled on red ryche golde nayleȝ,
Þat al glytered & glent as glem of þe sunne.
Þenne hentes he þe helme, & hastily hit kysses,
Þat watȝ stapled stifly, & stoffed wyth-inne;
Hit watȝ hyȝe on his hede, hasped bihynde,
Wyth a lyȝtly vrysoun ouer þe auentayle,
Enbrawden & bounden wyth þe best gemmeȝ


On brode sylkyn borde, & bryddeȝ on semeȝ,
As papiayeȝ paynted pernyng bitwene,
Tortors & trulofeȝ, entayled so þyk
As mony burde þer-aboute had ben seuen wynter
in toune;
Þe cercle watȝ more o prys
Þat vmbe-clypped hys croun,
Of diamaunteȝ a deuys,
Þat boþe were bryȝt & broun.


Then þay schewed hym þe schelde, þat was of schyr gouleȝ,
Wyth þe pentangel de-paynt of pure golde hweȝ;
He braydeȝ hit by þe baude-ryk, aboute þe hals kestes,
Þat bisemed þe segge semlyly fayre.
& quy þe pentangel apendeȝ to þat prynce noble,
I am in-tent yow to telle, þof tary hyt me schulde.
Hit is a syngne þat Salamon set sum-quyle,
In bytoknyng of trawþe, bi tytle þat hit habbeȝ,
For hit is a figure þat haldeȝ fyue poynteȝ,
& vche lyne vmbe-lappeȝ & loukeȝ in oþer,
& ay-quere hit is e[n]deleȝ, & Englych hit callen
Ouer-al, as I here, þe endeles knot.
For-þy hit acordeȝ to þis knyȝt, & to his cler armeȝ,
For ay faythful in fyue & sere fyue syþeȝ,
Gawan watȝ for gode knawen & as golde pured,
Voyded of vche vylany, wyth vertueȝ ennourned
in mote;
For-þy þe pen-tangel nwe
He ber in schelde & cote,
As tulk of tale most trwe,
& gentylest knyȝt of lote.



Fyrst he watȝ funden fautleȝ in his fyue wytteȝ,
& efte fayled neuer þe freke in his fyue fyngres,
& alle his afyaunce vpon folde watȝ in þe fyue woundeȝ
Þat Cryst kaȝt on þe croys, as þe crede telleȝ;
& quere-so-euer þys mon in melly watȝ stad,
His þro þoȝt watȝ in þat, þurȝ alle oþer þyngeȝ,
Þat alle his forsnes he fong at þe fyue joyeȝ
Þat þe hende heuen quene had of hir chylde;
At þis cause þe knyȝt comlyche hade
In þe [inner]-more half of his schelde hir ymage depaynted,
Þat quen he blusched þerto, his belde neuer payred.
Þe fyft fyue þat I finde þat þe frek vsed,
Watȝ fraunchyse & felaȝschyp for-be al þyng;
His clannes & his cortaysye croked were neuer,
& pite, þat passeȝ alle poynteȝ,—þyse pure fyue
Were harder happed on þat haþel þen on any oþer.
Now alle þese fyue syþeȝ, forsoþe, were fetled on þis knyȝt,
& vchone halched in oþer, þat non ende hade,
& fyched vpon fyue poynteȝ, þat fayld neuer,
Ne samned neuer in no syde, ne sundred nouþ[er];
With-outen ende at any noke i-[wis no-]quere fynde,
Where-euer þe gomen bygan or glod to an ende.
Þer-fore on his schene schelde schapen watȝ þe knot
Ryally wyth red golde vpon rede gowleȝ,
Þat is þe pure pentaungel wyth þe peple called,


with lore.
Now grayþed is Gawan gay,
& laȝt his launce ryȝt þore,
& gef hem alle goud day,
He wende for euer more.


He sperred þe sted with þe spureȝ, & sprong on his way
So stif þat þe ston-fyr stroke out þer-after;
Al þat seȝ þat semly syked in hert,
& sayde soþly al same segges til oþer,
Carande for þat comly, ‘bi Kryst, hit is scaþe
Þat þou, leude, schal be lost, þat art of lyf noble!
To fynde hys fere vpon folde, in fayth, is not eþe;
Warloker to haf wroȝt had more wyt bene,
& haf dyȝt ȝonder dere a duk to haue worþed;
A lowande leder of ledeȝ in londe hym wel semeȝ,
& so had better haf ben þen britned to noȝt,
Hadet wyth an aluisch mon, for angardeȝ pryde.
Who knew euer any kyng such counsel to take,
As knyȝteȝ in cauel[aci]ounȝ on cryst-masse gomneȝ?’
Wel much watȝ þe warme water þat waltered of yȝen
When þat semly syre soȝt fro þo woneȝ
þad daye;
He made non abode,
Bot wyȝtly went hys way,
Mony wylsum way he rode,
Þe bok as I herde say.


Now rideȝ þis renk þurȝ þe ryalme of Logres,
Sir Gauan, on Godeȝ halue, þaȝ hym no gomen þoȝt;


Oft leudleȝ alone he lengeȝ on nyȝteȝ,
Þer he fonde noȝt hym byfore þe fare þat he lyked,—
Hade he no fere bot his fole bi frytheȝ & douneȝ,
Ne no gome bot God bi gate wyth to karp,
Til þat he neȝed ful n[e]ghe in to þe Norþe Waleȝ;
Alle þe iles of Anglesay on lyft half he haldeȝ,
& fareȝ ouer þe fordeȝ by þe for-londeȝ,
Ouer at þe Holy Hede, til he hade eft bonk
In þe wyldrenesse of Wyrale; wonde þer bot lyte
Þat auþer God oþer gome wyth goud hert louied.
& ay he frayned, as he ferde, at frekeȝ þat he met,
If þay hade herde any karp of a knyȝt grene,
In any grounde þer-aboute, of þe grene c[h]apel;
& al nykked hym wyth nay, þat neuer in her lyue
Þay seȝe neuer no segge þat watȝ of suche hweȝ
of grene.
Þe knyȝt tok gates straunge
In mony a bonk vnbene,
His cher ful oft con chaunge,
Þat chapel er he myȝt sene.


Mony klyf he ouer-clambe in contrayeȝ straunge;
Fer floten fro his frendeȝ fremedly he rydeȝ;
At vche warþe oþer water þer þe wyȝe passed,
He fonde a foo hym byfore, bot ferly hit were,
& þat so foule & so felle þat feȝt hym by-hode.
[S]o mony meruayl bi mount þer þe mon fyndeȝ,
Hit were to tore for to telle of þe tenþe dole.
Sumwhyle wyth wormeȝ he werreȝ, & with wolues als,
Sumwhyle wyth wodwos þat woned in þe knarreȝ,
Boþe wyth bulleȝ & bereȝ & boreȝ oþer-quyle,


& etayneȝ þat hym anelede, of þe heȝe felle;
Nade he ben duȝty & dryȝe, & dryȝtyn had serued,
Douteles he hade ben ded & dreped ful ofte.
For werre wrathed hym not so much, þat wynter was wors,
When þe colde cler water fro þe cloudeȝ schadde,
& fres er hit falle myȝt to þe fale erþe;
Ner slayn wyth þe slete he sleped in his yrnes
Mo nyȝteȝ þen in-noghe in naked rokkeȝ,
Þer as claterande fro þe crest þe colde borne renneȝ,
& henged heȝe ouer his hede in hard ysse-ikkles.
Þus in peryl & payne & plytes ful harde
Bi contray ca[yr]eȝ þis knyȝt tyl kryst-masse euen,
al one;
Þe knyȝt wel þat tyde
To Mary made his mone,
Þat ho hym red to ryde,
& wysse hym to sum wone.


Bi a mounte on þe morne meryly he rydes
Into a forest ful dep, þat ferly watȝ wylde,
Hiȝe hilleȝ on vche a halue, & holt-wodeȝ vnder
Of hore okeȝ ful hoge a hundreth to-geder;
Þe hasel & þe haȝ-þorne were harled al samen,
With roȝe raged mosse rayled ay-where,
With mony bryddeȝ vnblyþe vpon bare twyges,
Þat pitosly þer piped for pyne of þe colde.
Þe gome vpon Gryngolet glydeȝ hem vnder
Þurȝ mony misy & myre, mon al hym one,
Carande for his costes, lest he ne keuer schulde


To se þe seruy[se] of þat syre, þat on þat self nyȝt
Of a burde watȝ borne, oure baret to quelle;
& þerfore sykyng he sayde, ‘I be-seche þe, lorde,
& Mary, þat is myldest moder so dere,
Of sum herber þer heȝly I myȝt here masse
Ande þy matyneȝ to-morne, mekely I ask,
& þer-to prestly I pray my pater & aue
& crede.’
He rode in his prayere
& cryed for his mysdede,
He sayned hym in syþes sere
& sayde ‘Cros-Kryst me spede!’


Nade he sayned hym-self, segge, bot þrye,
Er he watȝ war in þe wod of a won in a mote,
Abof a launde, on a lawe, loken vnder boȝeȝ
Of mony borelych bole, aboute bi þe diches,
A castel þe comlokest þat euer knyȝt aȝte,
Pyched on a prayere, a park al aboute,
With a pyked palays, py[n]ned ful þik,
Þat vmbe-teȝe mony tre mo þen two myle.
Þat holde on þat on syde þe haþel auysed,
As hit schemered & schon þurȝ þe schyre okeȝ;
Þenne hatȝ he hendly of his helme, & heȝly he þonkeȝ
Jesus & say[n] Gilyan, þat gentyle ar boþe,
Þat cortaysly hade hym kydde & his cry herkened.
‘Now bone hostel,’ coþe þe burne, ‘I be-seche yow ȝette!’
Þenne gedereȝ he to Gryngolet with þe gilt heleȝ,
& he ful chauncely hatȝ chosen to þe chef gate
Þat broȝt bremly þe burne to þe bryge ende
in haste;
Þe bryge watȝ breme vp-brayde,
Þe ȝateȝ wer stoken faste,


Þe walleȝ were wel arayed,
Hit dut no wyndeȝ blaste.


Þe burne bode on bonk, þat on blonk houed,
Of þe depe double dich þat drof to þe place,
Þe walle wod in þe water wonderly depe,
Ande eft a ful huge heȝt hit haled vpon lofte,
Of harde hewen ston vp to þe tableȝ,
Enbaned vnder þe abataylment, in þe best lawe;
& syþen garyteȝ ful gaye gered bi-twene,
Wyth mony luflych loupe þat louked ful clene;
A better barbican þat burne blusched vpon neuer;
& innermore he be-helde þat halle ful hyȝe,
Towre[s] telded bytwene, trochet ful þik,
Fayre fylyoleȝ þat fyȝed, & ferlyly long,
With coruon coprounes, craftyly sleȝe;
Chalk-whyt chymnees þer ches he in-noȝe,
Vpon bastel roueȝ þat blenked ful quyte;
So mony pynakle payntet watȝ poudred ay-quere
Among þe castel carneleȝ, clambred so þik
Þat pared out of papure purely hit semed.
Þe fre freke on þe fole hit fayr in-n[o]ghe þoȝt
If he myȝt keuer to com þe cloyster wyth-inne,
To herber in þat hostel, whyl halyday lested,
He calde, & sone þer com
A porter pure plesaunt,
On þe wal his ernd he nome
& haylsed þe knyȝt erraunt.


‘Gode sir,’ quoþ Gawan, ‘woldeȝ þou go myn ernde
To þe heȝ lorde of þis hous, herber to craue?’


‘Ȝe, Peter,’ quoþ þe porter, ‘& purely I trow[e]e
Þat ȝe be, wyȝe, welcum to won quyle yow lykeȝ.’
Þen ȝede þe wyȝe [ȝare & com] aȝayn swyþe,
& folke frely hym wyth, to fonge þe knyȝt;
Þay let doun þe grete draȝt & derely out ȝeden
& kneled doun on her knes vpon þe colde erþe
To welcum þis ilk wyȝ, as worþy hom þoȝt;
Þay ȝolden hym þe brode ȝate, ȝarked vp wyde,
& he hem raysed rekenly & rod ouer þe brygge;
Sere seggeȝ hym sesed by sadel, quel he lyȝt,
& syþen stabeled his stede stif men in-noȝe.
Knyȝteȝ & swyereȝ comen doun þenne
For to bryng þis buurne wyth blys in-to halle;
Quen he hef vp his helme, þer hiȝed in-noghe
For to hent hit at his honde, þe hende to seruen,
His bronde & his blasoun boþe þay token.
Þen haylsed he ful hendly þo haþeleȝ vch one,
& mony proud mon þer presed, þat prynce to honour;
Alle hasped in his heȝ wede to halle þay hym wonnen,
Þer fayre fyre vpon flet fersly brenned.
Þenne þe lorde of þe lede louteȝ fro his chambre
For to mete wyth menske þe mon on þe flor;
He sayde, ‘ȝe are welcum to w[on]e as yow lykeȝ;
Þat here is, al is yowre awen, to haue at yowre wylle
& welde.’
‘Graunt mercy,’ quoþ Gawayn,
‘Þer Kryst hit yow for-ȝelde,’
As frekeȝ þat semed fayn
Ayþer oþer in armeȝ con felde.



Gawayn glyȝt on þe gome þat godly hym gret,
& þuȝt hit a bolde burne þat þe burȝ aȝte,
A hoge haþel for þe noneȝ, & of hyghe eldee;
Brode, bryȝt watȝ his berde, & al beuer-hwed,
Sturne, stif on þe stryþþe on stal-worth schonkeȝ,
Felle face as þe fyre, & fre of hys speche;
& wel hym semed forsoþe, as þe segge þuȝt,
To lede a lortschyp in lee of leudeȝ ful gode.
Þe lorde hym charred to a chambre, & c[h]e[f]ly cumaundeȝ
To delyuer hym a leude, hym loȝly to serue;
& þere were boun at his bode burneȝ in-noȝe
Þat broȝt hym to a bryȝt boure, þer beddyng watȝ noble
Of cortynes of clene sylk wyth cler golde hemmeȝ,
& couertoreȝ ful curious with comlych paneȝ,
Of bryȝt blaunner a-boue enbrawded bisydeȝ,
Rudeleȝ rennande on ropeȝ, red golde ryngeȝ,
Tapyteȝ tyȝt to þe woȝe, of Tuly & Tars,
& vnder fete, on þe flet, of folȝande sute.
Þer he watȝ dispoyled, wyth specheȝ of myerþe,
Þe burn of his bruny & of his bryȝt wedeȝ;
Ryche robes ful rad renkkeȝ h[y]m broȝten,
For to charge & to chaunge & chose of þe best.
Sone as he on hent, & [watȝ] happed þer-inne,
Þat sete on hy[m] semly, wyth saylande skyrteȝ,
Þe ver by his uisage verayly hit semed
Wel neȝ to vche haþel alle ou[er] hwes,
Lowande & lufly, alle his lymmeȝ vnder.
Þat a comloker knyȝt neuer Kryst made,


hem þoȝt;
Wheþen in worlde he were,
Hit semed as he m[o]ȝt
Be prynce with-outen pere
In felde þer felle men f[o]ȝt.


A cheyer by-fore þe chemne, þer charcole brenned,
Watȝ grayþed for sir Gawan grayþely with cloþeȝ,
[Qu]yssynes vpon queldepoyntes, þa[t] koynt wer boþe;
& þenne a mere mantyle watȝ on þat mon cast,
Of a broun bleeaunt, enbrauded ful ryche,
& fayre furred wyth-inne with felleȝ of þe best,
Alle of ermyn in erde, his hode of þe same;
& he sete in þat settel semlych ryche,
& achaufed hym c[h]efly, & þenne his cher mended.
Sone watȝ telded vp a ta[b]i[l] on tresteȝ ful fayre,
Clad wyth a clene cloþe þat cler quyt schewed,
Sanap & salure & syluer-in sponeȝ;
Þe wyȝe wesche at his wylle, & went to his mete.
Seggeȝ hym serued semly in-noȝe
Wyth sere sewes & sete, sesounde of þe best,
Double-felde, as hit falleȝ, & fele kyn fischeȝ;
Summe baken in bred, summe brad on þe gledeȝ,
Summe soþen, summe in sewe, sauered with spyces,
& ay saw[s]es so sleȝe, þat þe segge lyked.
Þe freke calde hit a fest ful frely & ofte,
Ful hendely, quen alle þe haþeles re-hayted hym at oneȝ
as hende,—
‘Þis penaunce now ȝe take,
& eft hit schal amende.’


Þat mon much merþe con make,
For wyn in his hed þat wende.


Þenne watȝ spyed & spured, vpon spare wyse,
Bi preue poynteȝ of þat prynce, put to hymseluen,
Þat he be-knew cortaysly of þe court þat he were,
Þat aþel Arthure þe hende haldeȝ hym one,
Þat is þe ryche ryal kyng of þe Rounde Table;
& hit watȝ Wawen hym-self þat in þat won sytteȝ,
Comen to þat krystmasse, as case hym þen lymped.
When þe lorde hade lerned þat he þe leude hade,
Loude laȝed he þerat, so lef hit hym þoȝt,
& alle þe men in þat mote maden much joye
To apere in his presense prestly þat tyme,
Þat alle prys & prowes & pured þewes
Apendes to hys persoun, & praysed is euer;
By-fore alle men vpon molde his mensk is þe most.
Vch segge ful softly sayde to his fere,
‘Now schal we semlych se sleȝteȝ of þeweȝ
& þe teccheles termes of talkyng noble;
Wich spede is in speche, vnspurd may we lerne,
Syn we haf fonged þat fyne fader of nurture;
God hatȝ geuen vs his grace godly forsoþe,
Þat such a gest as Gawan graunteȝ vs to haue,
When burneȝ blyþe of his burþe schal sitte
& synge.
In menyng of manereȝ mere
Þis burne now schal vs bryng,
I hope þat may hym here
Schal lerne of luf-talkyng.’



Bi þat þe diner watȝ done, & þe dere vp,
Hit watȝ neȝ at þe [n]yȝt neȝed þe tyme;
C[h]aplayneȝ to þe chapeles chosen þe gate,
Rungen ful rychely, ryȝt as þay schulden,
To þe hersum euensong of þe hyȝe tyde.
Þe lorde loutes þerto, & þe lady als,
In-to a comly closet coyntly ho entreȝ;
Gawan glydeȝ ful gay & gos þeder sone;
Þe lorde laches hym by þe lappe & ledeȝ hym to sytte
& couþly hym knoweȝ & calleȝ hym his nome,
& sayde he watȝ þe welcomest wyȝe of þe worlde;
& he hym þonkked þroly, & ayþer halched oþer,
& seten soberly samen þe seruise-quyle.
Þenne lyst þe lady to loke on þe knyȝt;
Þenne com ho of hir closet with mony cler burdeȝ,
Ho watȝ þe fayrest in felle, of flesche & of lyre
& of compas & colour & costes of alle oþer,
& wener þen Wenore, as þe wyȝe þoȝt.
He ches þurȝ þe chaunsel, to cheryche þat hende;
An oþer lady hir lad bi þe lyft honde,
Þat watȝ alder þen ho, an auncian hit semed,
& heȝly honowred with haþeleȝ aboute.
Bot vn-lyke on to loke þo ladyes were,
For if þe ȝonge watȝ ȝep, ȝolȝe watȝ þat oþer;
Riche red on þat on rayled ay-quere,
Rugh ronkled chekeȝ þat oþer on rolled;
Kerchofes of þat on wyth mony cler perleȝ,
Hir brest & hir bryȝt þrote bare displayed,
Schon schyrer þen snawe þat schede[ȝ] on hilleȝ;
Þat oþer wyth a gorger watȝ gered ouer þe swyre,
Chymbled ouer hir blake chyn with [cha]lk-quyte vayles,


Hir frount folden in sylk, enfoubled ay-quere,
Toret & treleted with tryfleȝ aboute,
Þat noȝt watȝ bare of þat burde bot þe blake broȝes,
Þe tweyne yȝen & þe nase, þe naked lyppeȝ,
& þose were soure to se & sellyly blered;
A mensk lady on molde mon may hir calle,
for Gode;
Hir body watȝ schort & þik,
Hir buttokeȝ bay & brode;
More lykker-wys on to lyk
Watȝ þat scho hade on lode.


When Gawayn glyȝt on þat gay þat graciously loked,
Wyth leue laȝt of þe lorde he [l]ent hem aȝaynes;
Þe alder he haylses, heldande ful lowe,
Þe loueloker he lappeȝ a lyttel in armeȝ,
He kysses hir comlyly & knyȝtly he meleȝ;
Þay kallen hym of a-quoyntaunce, & he hit quyk askeȝ
To be her seruaunt sothly, if hem-self lyked.
Þay tan hym bytwene hem, wyth talkyng hym leden
To chambre, to chemne, & chefly þay asken
Spyceȝ, þat vn-sparely men speded hom to bryng,
& þe wynne-lych wyne þer-with vche tyme.
Þe lorde luflych aloft lepeȝ ful ofte,
Mynned merthe to be made vpon mony syþeȝ,
Hent heȝly of his hode, & on a spere henged,
& wayned hom to wynne þe worchip þer-of
Þat most myrþe myȝt meue þat crystenmas whyle;


‘& I schal fonde, bi my fayth, to fylter wyth þe best,
Er me wont þe wede, with help of my frendeȝ.’
Þus wyth laȝande loteȝ þe lorde hit tayt makeȝ,
For to glade sir Gawayn with gomneȝ in halle
þat nyȝt,
Til þat hit watȝ tyme
Þe [lord] comaundet lyȝt;
Sir Gawen his leue con nyme
& to his bed hym diȝt.


On þe morne, as vch mon myneȝ þat tyme
Þat dryȝtyn for oure destyne to deȝe watȝ borne,
Wele waxeȝ in vche a won in worlde for his sake;
So did hit þere on þat day, þurȝ dayntes mony;
Boþe at mes & at mele messes ful quaynt
Derf men vpon dece drest of þe best.
Þe olde auncian wyf heȝest ho sytteȝ;
Þe lorde lufly her by lent as I trowe;
Gawan & þe gay burde to-geder þay seten
Euen in-myddeȝ, as þe messe metely come;
& syþen þurȝ al þe sale, as hem best semed,
Bi vche grome at his degre grayþely watȝ serued.
Þer watȝ mete, þer watȝ myrþe, þer watȝ much ioye,
Þat for to telle þerof hit me tene were,
& to poynte hit ȝet I pyned me parauenture;
Bot ȝet I wot þat Wawen & þe wale burde
Such comfort of her compaynye caȝten to-geder
Þurȝ her dere dalyaunce of her derne wordeȝ,
Wyth clene cortays carp, closed fro fylþe,
[Þat] hor play watȝ passande vche prynce gomen,
in vayres;


Trumpeȝ & nakerys,
Much pypyng þer repayres,
Vche mon tented hys,
& þay two tented þayres.


Much dut watȝ þer dryuen þat day & þat oþer,
& þe þryd as þro þronge in þerafter,
Þe ioye of sayn Joneȝ day watȝ gentyle to here,
& watȝ þe last of þe layk, leudeȝ þer þoȝten.
Þer wer gestes to go vpon þe gray morne,
For-þy wonderly þay woke, & þe wyn dronken,
Daunsed ful dreȝly wyth dere caroleȝ.
At þe last, when hit watȝ late, þay lachen her leue,
Vchon to wende on his way þat watȝ wyȝe str[a]nge.
Gawan gef hym god day, þe god-mon hym lachcheȝ,
Ledes hym to his awen chambre, þe [c]hymne bysyde,
& þere he draȝeȝ hym on dryȝe, & derely hym þonkkeȝ
Of þe wynne worschip [þat] he hym wayned hade,
As to honour his hous on þat hyȝe tyde,
& enbelyse his burȝ with his bele chere.
‘I-wysse, sir, quyl I leue, me worþeȝ þe better
Þat Gawayn hatȝ ben my gest at Goddeȝ awen fest.’
‘Grant [m]erci, sir,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘in god fayth hit is yowreȝ,
Al þe honour is your awen, þe heȝe kyng yow ȝelde;
& I am, wyȝe, at your wylle, to worch youre hest,


As I am halden þer-to in hyȝe & in loȝe,
bi riȝt.’
Þe lorde fast can hym payne
To holde lenger þe knyȝt,
To hym answreȝ Gawayn
Bi non way þat he myȝt.


Then frayned þe freke ful fayre at him-seluen
Quat derue dede had hym dryuen, at þat dere tyme
So kenly fro þe kyngeȝ kourt to kayre al his one,
Er þe halidayeȝ holly were halet out of toun.
‘For soþe, sir,’ quoþ þe segge, ‘ȝe sayn bot þe trawþe,
A heȝe ernde & a hasty me hade fro þo woneȝ,
For I am sumned my-selfe to sech to a place,
I [ne] wot in worlde wheder-warde to wende hit to fynde;
I nolde bot if I hit negh myȝt on nwȝeres morne
For alle þe londe in-wyth Logres, so me oure Lorde help!
For-þy, sir, þis enquest I require yow here,
Þat ȝe me telle with trawþe, if euer ȝe tale herde
Of þe grene chapel, quere hit on grounde stondeȝ,
& of þe knyȝt þat hit kepes, of colour of grene.
Þer watȝ stabled bi statut a steuen vs by-twene
To mete þat mon at þat mere, ȝif I myȝt last;
& of þat ilk nwȝere bot neked now wonteȝ,
& I wolde loke on þat lede, if God me let wolde,
Gladloker, bi Goddeȝ Sun, þen any god welde!
For-þi, i-wysse, bi ȝowre wylle, wende me bihoues;
Naf I now to busy bot bare þre dayeȝ,
& me als fayn to falle feye as fayly of myyn ernde.’


Þenne laȝande quoþ þe lorde, ‘now leng þe byhoues,
For I schal teche yow to þa[t] terme bi þe tymeȝ ende,
Þe grene chapayle vpon grounde greue yow no more;
Bot ȝe schal be in yowre bed, burne, at þyn ese,
Quyle forth dayeȝ, & ferk on þe fyrst of þe ȝere,
& cum to þat merk at mydmorn, to make quat yow likeȝ
in spenne;
Dowelleȝ whyle newȝeres daye,
& rys & raykeȝ þenne,
Mon schal yow sette in waye,
Hit is not two myle henne.’


Þenne watȝ Gawan ful glad, & gomenly he laȝed,—
‘Now I þonk yow þryuandely þurȝ alle oþer þynge,
Now acheued is my chaunce, I schal at your wylle
Dowelle, & elleȝ do quat-[so] ȝe demen.’
Þenne sesed hym þe syre & set hym bysyde,
Let þe ladieȝ be fette, to lyke hem þe better;
Þer watȝ seme solace by hem-self stille;
Þe lorde let for luf loteȝ so myry,
As wyȝ þat wolde of his wyte, ne wyst quat he myȝt.
Þenne he carped to þe knyȝt, criande loude,
‘Ȝe han demed to do þe dede þat I bidde.
Wyl ȝe halde þis hes here at þys oneȝ?’
‘Ȝe, sir, forsoþe,’ sayd þe segge trwe,
‘Whyl I byde in yowre borȝe, be bayn to ȝow[r]e hest.’


‘For ȝe haf trauayled,’ quoþ þe tulk, ‘towen fro ferre,
& syþen waked me wyth, ȝe arn not wel waryst
Nauþer of sostnaunce ne of slepe, soþly I knowe;
Ȝe schal lenge in your lofte & lyȝe in your ese
To-morn quyle þe messe-quyle, & to mete wende,
When ȝe wyl, wyth my wyf, þat wyth yow schal sitte
& comfort yow with compayny, til I to cort torne;
ȝe lende;
& I schal erly ryse,
On huntyng wyl I wende.’
Gauayn granteȝ alle þyse,
Hym heldande, as þe hende.


‘Ȝet firre,’ quoþ þe freke, ‘a forwarde we make;
Quat-so-euer I wynne in þe wod, hit worþeȝ to youreȝ;
& quat chek so ȝe acheue, chaunge me þer-forne;
Swete, swap we so—sware with trawþe—
Queþer, leude, so lymp lere oþer better.’
‘Bi God,’ quoþ Gawayn þe gode, ‘I grant þer-tylle,
& þat yow lyst forto layke, lef hit me þynkes.
‘Who bryngeȝ vs þ[e] beuerage, þis bargayn is maked,’
So sayde þe lorde of þat lede; þay laȝed vchone.
Þay dronken & daylyeden & dalten vntyȝtel,
Þise lordeȝ & ladyeȝ, quyle þat hem lyked;
& syþen with frenkysch fare & fele fayre loteȝ
Þay stoden & stemed & stylly speken,
Kysten ful comlyly & kaȝten her leue.
With mony leude ful lyȝt & lemande torches


Vche burne to his bed watȝ broȝt at þe laste
ful softe;
To bed ȝet er þay ȝede,
Recorded couenaunteȝ ofte;
Þe olde lorde of þat leude
Cowþe wel halde layk a-lofte.



Ful erly bifore þe day þe folk vp rysen,
Gestes þat go wolde, hor gromeȝ þay calden,
& þay busken vp bilyue, blonkkeȝ to sadel,
Tyffen he[r] takles, trussen her males,
Richen hem þe rychest, to ryde alle arayde,
Lepen vp lyȝtly, lachen her brydeles,
Vche wyȝe on his way þer hym wel lyked.
Þe leue lorde of þe londe watȝ not þe last
A-rayed for þe rydyng, with renkkeȝ ful mony;
Ete a sop hastyly, when he hade herde masse,
With bugle to bent-felde he buskeȝ by-lyue;
By þat any day-lyȝt lemed vpon erþe,
He with his haþeles on hyȝe horsses weren.
Þenne þise cacheres þat couþe, cowpled hor houndeȝ,
Vnclosed þe kenel dore & calde hem þer-oute,
Blwe bygly in bugleȝ þre bare mote[ȝ];
Braches bayed þerfore, & breme noyse maked,
& þay chastysed & charred, on chasyng þat went;
A hundreth of hunteres, as I haf herde telle,
þe best;
To trystors vewters ȝod,
Couples huntes of kest,


Þer ros for blasteȝ gode
Gret rurd in þat forest.


At þe fyrst quethe of þe quest quaked þe wylde;
Der drof in þe dale, doted for drede,
Hiȝed to þe hyȝe, bot heterly þay were
Restayed with þe stablye, þat stoutly ascryed.
Þay let þe hertteȝ haf þe gate, with þe hyȝe hedes,
Þe breme bukkeȝ also with hor brode paumeȝ;
For þe fre lorde hade de-fende in fermysoun tyme
Þat þer schulde no mon meue to þe male dere.
Þe hindeȝ were halden in, with hay & war,
Þe does dryuen with gret dyn to þe depe sladeȝ.
Þer myȝt mon se, as þay slypte, slentyng of arwes;
At vche wende vnder wande wapped a flone,
Þat bigly bote on þe broun, with ful brode hedeȝ.
What! þay brayen & bleden, bi bonkkeȝ þay deȝen,
& ay rachches in a res radly hem folȝes,
Huntereȝ wyth hyȝe horne hasted hem after,
Wyth such a crakkande kry as klyffes haden brusten.
What wylde so at-waped wyȝes þat schotten,
Watȝ al to-raced & rent at þe resayt,
Bi þay were tened at þe hyȝe, & taysed to þe wattreȝ;
Þe ledeȝ were so lerned at þe loȝe trysteres,
& þe gre-houndeȝ so grete, þat geten hem bylyue
& hem to-fylched as fast as frekeȝ myȝt loke,
þer ryȝt.
Þe lorde for blys abloy
Ful oft con launce & lyȝt,


& drof þat day wyth joy
Thus to þe derk nyȝt.


Þus laykeȝ þis lorde by lynde-wodeȝ eueȝ,
& G[awayn] þe god mon in gay bed lygeȝ,
Lurkkeȝ quyl þe day-lyȝt lemed on þe wowes,
Vnder couertour ful clere, cortyned aboute;
& as in slomeryng he slode, sleȝly he herde
A littel dyn at his dor, & derfly vpon;
& he heueȝ vp his hed out of þe cloþes,
A corner of þe cortyn he caȝt vp a lyttel,
& wayteȝ warly þider-warde, quat hit be myȝt.
Hit watȝ þe ladi, loflyest to be-holde,
Þat droȝ þe dor after hir ful dernly & stylle,
& boȝed to-warde þe bed; & þe burne schamed
& layde hym doun lystyly & let as he slepte.
& ho stepped stilly & stel to his bedde,
Kest vp þe cortyn & creped with-inne
& set hir ful softly on þe bed-syde
& lenged þere selly longe, to loke quen he wakened.
Þe lede lay lurked a ful longe quyle,
Compast in his concience to quat þat cace myȝt
Meue oþer amount, to meruayle hym þoȝt;
Bot ȝet he sayde in hym-self, ‘more semly hit were
To aspye wyth my spelle [in] space quat ho wolde.’
Þen he wakenede & wroth & to-hir-warde torned
& vn-louked his yȝe-lyddeȝ & let as hym wondered,
& sayned hym, as bi his saȝe þe sauer to worthe,
with hande.


Wyth chynne & cheke ful swete,
Boþe quit & red in blande,
Ful lufly con ho lete,
Wyth lyppeȝ smal laȝande.


‘God moroun, sir Gawayn,’ sayde þat [gay] lady,
‘Ȝe are a sleper vn-slyȝe, þat mon may slyde hider.
Now ar ȝe tan astyt, bot true vs may schape,
I schal bynde yow in your bedde, þat be ȝe trayst;’
Al laȝande þe lady lauced þo bourdeȝ.
‘Goud moroun, g[ay],’ quoþ Gawayn þe blyþe,
‘Me schal worþe at your wille, & þat me wel lykeȝ,
For I ȝelde me ȝederly & ȝeȝe after grace,
& þat is þe best, be my dome, for me by-houeȝ nede;’
& þus he bourded a-ȝayn with mony a blyþe laȝter;
‘Bot wolde ȝe, lady louely, þen leue me grante,
& de-prece your prysoun & pray hym to ryse,
I wolde boȝe of þis bed & busk me better,
I schulde keuer þe more comfort to karp yow wyth.’
‘Nay, for soþe, beau sir,’ sayd þat swete,
‘Ȝe schal not rise of your bedde, I rych yow better,
I schal happe yow here þat oþer half als,
& syþen karp wyth my knyȝt þat I kaȝt haue;
For I wene wel, iwysse, sir Wowen ȝe are,
Þat alle þe worlde worchipeȝ, quere-so ȝe ride;


Your honour, your hendelayk is hendely praysed
With lordeȝ, wyth ladyes, with alle þat lyf bere.
& now ȝe ar here, iwysse, & we bot oure one;
My lorde & his ledeȝ ar on lenþe faren,
Oþer burneȝ in her bedde, & my burdeȝ als,
Þe dor drawen, & dit with a derf haspe;
& syþen I haue in þis hous hym þat al lykeȝ,
I schal ware my whyle wel quyl hit lasteȝ,
with tale;
Ȝe ar welcum to my cors,
Yowre awen won to wale,
Me be-houeȝ of fyne force
Your seruaunt be, & schale.’


‘In god fayth,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘gayn hit me þynkkeȝ,
Þaȝ I be not now he þat ȝe of speken;
To reche to such reuerence as ȝe reherce here
I am wyȝe vn-worþy, I wot wel my-seluen;
Bi God, I were glad, & yow god þoȝt
At saȝe oþer at seruyce þat I sette myȝt
To þe plesaunce of your prys,—hit were a pure ioye.’
‘In god fayth, sir Gawayn,’ quoþ þe gay lady,
‘Þe prys & þe prowes þat pleseȝ al oþer,
If I hit lakked oþer set at lyȝt, hit were littel daynte;
Bot hit ar ladyes in-noȝe þat leuer wer nowþe
Haf þe, hende, in hor holde, as I þe habbe here,
To daly with derely your daynte wordeȝ,
Keuer hem comfort & colen her careȝ,
Þen much of þe garysoun oþer golde þat þay hauen;


Bot I louue þat ilk lorde þat þe lyfte haldeȝ,
I haf hit holly in my honde þat al desyres,
þurȝe grace.’
Scho made hym so gret chere,
Þat watȝ so fayr of face;
Þe knyȝt with speches skere
A[n]swared to vche a cace.


‘Madame,’ quoþ þe myry mon, ‘Mary yow ȝelde,
For I haf founden, in god fayth, yowre fraunchis nobele;
& oþer ful much of oþer folk fongen hor dedeȝ,
Bot þe daynte þat þay delen for my disert nysen;
Hit is þe worchyp of your-self þat noȝt bot wel conneȝ.’
‘Bi Mary,’ quoþ þe menskful, ‘me þynk hit anoþer;
For were I worth al þe wone of wymmen alyue,
& al þe wele of þe worlde were in my honde,
& I schulde chepen & chose, to cheue me a lorde,
For þe costes þat I haf knowen vpon þe, knyȝt, here,
Of bewte & debonerte & blyþe semblaunt,
& þat I haf er herkkened & halde hit here trwee,
Þer schulde no freke vpon folde bifore yow be chosen.’
‘I-wysse, worþy,’ quoþ þe wyȝe, ‘ȝe haf waled wel better;
Bot I am proude of þe prys þat ȝe put on me,
& soberly your seruaunt my souerayn I holde yow,
& yowre knyȝt I be-com, & Kryst yow forȝelde!’
Þus þay meled of much-quat til myd-morn paste,


& ay þe lady let lyk a hym loued mych;
Þe freke ferde with defence & feted ful fayre.
Þaȝ [ho] were burde bryȝtest, þe bur[n]e in mynde hade
Þe lasse luf in his lode, for lur þat he soȝt
boute hone;
Þe dunte þat sc[h]ulde hym deue,
& nedeȝ hit most be done.
Þe lady þenn spek of leue,
He granted hir ful sone.


Þenne ho gef hym god day, & wyth a glent laȝed,
& as ho stod, ho stonyed hym wyth ful stor wordeȝ:
‘Now he þat spedeȝ vche spech, þis disport ȝelde yow!
Bot þat ȝe be Gawan, hit gotȝ [not] in mynde.’
‘Quer-fore?’ quoþ þe freke, & freschly he askeȝ,
Ferde lest he hade fayled in fourme of his c[o]stes;
Bot þe burde hym blessed, & bi þis skyl sayde,
‘So god as Gawayn gaynly is halden,
& cortaysye is closed so clene in hym-seluen,
Couth not lyȝtly haf lenged so long wyth a lady,
Bot he had craued a cosse bi his courtaysye,
Bi sum towch of summe tryfle at sum taleȝ ende.’
Þen quoþ Wowen, ‘I-wysse, worþe as yow lykeȝ;
I schal kysse at your comaundement, as a knyȝt falleȝ,
[Þat] f[e]re[s] lest he displese yow, [s]o plede hit no more.’
Ho comes nerre with þat, & cacheȝ hym in armeȝ,


Louteȝ luflych adoun & þe leude kysseȝ;
Þay comly bykennen to Kryst ayþer oþer;
Ho dos hir forth at þe dore with-outen dyn more,
& he ryches hym to ryse & rapes hym sone,
Clepes to his chamberlayn, choses his wede,
Boȝeȝ forth, quen he watȝ boun, blyþely to masse,
& þenne he meued to his mete þat menskly hym keped,
& made myry al day til þe mone rysed,
with game;
W[atȝ] neuer freke fayrer fonge
Bitwene two so dyngne dame,
Þe alder & þe ȝonge,
Much solace set þay same.


And ay þe lorde of þe londe is lent on his gamneȝ,
To hunt in holteȝ & heþe at hyndeȝ barayne;
Such a sowme he þer slowe bi þat þe sunne heldet,
Of dos & of oþer dere, to deme were wonder.
Þenne fersly þay flokked in, folk at þe laste,
& quykly of þe quelled dere a querre þay maked;
Þe best boȝed þerto with burneȝ in-noghe;
Gedered þe grattest of gres þat þer were,
& didden hem derely vndo as þe dede askeȝ;
Serched hem at þe asay summe þat þer were,
Two fyngeres þay fonde of þe fowlest of alle;
Syþen þay slyt þe slot, sesed þe erber,
Schaued wyth a scharp knyf, & þe schyre kitten;
Syþen rytte þay þe foure lymmes & rent of þe hyde,
Þen brek þay þe bale, þe b[oue]leȝ out token,


Lystily for laucyng [þe l]ere of þe knot;
Þay gryped to þe gargulun & grayþely departed
Þe wesaunt fro þe wynt-hole & walt out þe gutteȝ;
Þen scher þay out þe schuldereȝ with her scharp knyueȝ,
Haled hem by a lyttel hole, to haue hole sydes;
Siþen britned þay þe brest & brayden hit in twynne;
& eft at þe gargulun bigyneȝ on þenne,
Ryueȝ hit vp radly ryȝt to þe byȝt,
Voydeȝ out þe a-vanters, & verayly þerafter
Alle þe rymeȝ by þe rybbeȝ radly þay lauce;
[S]o ryde þay of by resoun bi þe rygge boneȝ,
Euend[ou]n to þe haunche, þat henged alle samen,
& heuen hit vp al hole & hwen hit of þere,
& þat þay neme for þe noumbles bi nome as I trowe,
bi kynde;
Bi þe byȝt al of þe þyȝes
Þe lappeȝ þay lauce bi-hynde,
To hewe hit in two þay hyȝes,
Bi þe bak-bon to vnbynde.


Boþe þe hede & þe hals þay hwen of þenne,
& syþen sunder þay þe sydeȝ swyft fro þe chyne,
& þe corbeles fee þay kest in a greue;
Þenn þurled þay ayþer þik side þurȝ bi þe rybbe,
& henged þenne a[y]þer bi hoȝes of þe fourcheȝ,
Vche freke for his fee as falleȝ forto haue.
Vpon a felle of þe fayre best fede þay þayr houndes


Wyth þe lyuer & þe lyȝteȝ, þe leþer of þe pauncheȝ,
& bred baþed in blod blende þer-amongeȝ;
Baldely þay blw prys, bayed þayr rachcheȝ,
Syþen fonge þay her flesche folden to home,
Strakande ful stoutly mony stif moteȝ.
Bi þat þe daylyȝt watȝ done, þe douthe watȝ al wonen
In-to þe comly castel, þer þe knyȝt bideȝ
ful stille;
Wyth blys & bryȝt fyr bette,
Þe lorde is comen þer-tylle;
When Gawayn wyth hym mette,
Þer watȝ bot wele at wylle.


Thenne comaunded þe [syre] in þat sale to samen alle þe meny,
Boþe þe ladyes on loghe to lyȝt with her burdes,
Bi-fore alle þe folk on þe flette, frekeȝ he beddeȝ
Verayly his venysoun to fech hym byforne;
& al godly in gomen Gaway[n] he called,
Techeȝ hym to þe tayles of ful tayt bestes,
Scheweȝ hym þe schyree grece schorne vpon rybbes.
‘How payeȝ yow þis play? haf I prys wonnen?
Haue I þryuandely þonk þurȝ my craft serued?’
‘Ȝe, i-wysse, 'quoþ þat oþer wyȝe, ‘here is wayth fayrest
Þat I seȝ þis seuen ȝere in sesoun of wynter.’
‘& al I gif yow, Gawayn,’ quoþ þe gome þenne,
‘For by a-corde of couenaunt ȝe craue hit as your awen.’


‘Þis is soth,’ quoþ þe segge, ‘I say yow þat ilke;
[Þat] I haf worthyly [wonnen] þis woneȝ wyth-inne,
I-wysse with as god wylle hit worþeȝ to ȝoureȝ.’
He hasppeȝ his fayre hals his armeȝ wyth-inne,
& kysses hym as comlyly as h[e] couþe awyse:
‘Tas yow þere my cheuicaunce, I cheued no more,
I wowche hit saf fynly, þaȝ feler hit were.’
‘Hit is god,’ quoþ þe god-mon, ‘grant mercy þerfore;
Hit may be such, hit is þe better & ȝe me breue wolde
Where ȝe wan þis ilk wele, bi wytte of [ȝ]or seluen.’
‘Þat watȝ not forward,’ quoþ he, ‘frayst me no more;
Forȝe haf tan þat yow tydeȝ, trawe ȝe non oþer
ȝe mowe.’
Þay laȝed & made hem blyþe
Wyth loteȝ þat were to lowe,
To soper þay ȝede asswyþe,
Wyth dayntes nwe in-nowe.


And syþen by þe chymne in chamber þay seten,
Wyȝeȝ þe walle wyn weȝed to hem oft,
& efte in her bourdyng þay bayþen in þe morn
To fylle þe same forwardeȝ þat þay by-fore maden,
Þat chaunce so bytydeȝ, hor cheuysaunce to chaunge,
What nweȝ so þay nome, at naȝt quen þay metten.


Þay acorded of þe couenaunteȝ byfore þe court alle;
Þe beuerage watȝ broȝt forth in bourde at þat tyme;
Þenne þay louelych leȝten leue at þe last,
Vche burne to his bedde busked bylyue.
Bi þat þe coke hade crowe[n] & cakled bot þryse,
Þe lorde watȝ lopen of his bedde, þe leudeȝ vch one,
So þat þe mete & þe masse watȝ metely delyuered,
Þe douthe dressed to þe wod, er any day sprenged,
to chace;
Heȝ with hunte & horneȝ
Þurȝ playneȝ þay passe in space,
Vn-coupled among þo þorneȝ
Racheȝ þat ran on race.


Sone þay calle of a quest in a ker syde,
Þe hunt re-hayted þe houndeȝ þat hit fyrst mynged,
Wylde wordeȝ hym warp wyth a wrast noyce;
Þe howndeȝ þat hit herde hastid þider swyþe,
& fellen as fast to þe fuyt, fourty at ones;
Þenne such a glauer ande glam of gedered rachcheȝ
Ros þat þe rochereȝ rungen aboute;
Huntereȝ hem hardened with horne & wyth muthe;
Þen al in a semble sweyed to-geder
Bitwene a flosche in þat fryth & a foo cragge,
In a knot, bi a clyffe at þe kerre syde,


Þer as þe rogh rocher vn-rydely watȝ fallen,
Þay ferden to þe fyndyng, & frekeȝ hem after;
Þay vmbe-kesten þe knarre & þe k[erre] boþe,
Wyȝeȝ, whyl þay wysten wel wyt[h]-inne hem hit were,
Þe best þat þer breued watȝ wyth þe blod-houndeȝ.
Þenne þay beten on þe buskeȝ & bede hym vp ryse,
& he vnsoundyly out soȝt seggeȝ ouer-þwert,—
On þe sellokest swyn swenged out þere,
Long sythen f[ro] þe sounder þat [synglere] for olde,
For he watȝ b[ronde] bor alþer-grattest,
Ful grymme quen he gronyed; þenne greued mony,
For þre at þe fyrst þrast he þryȝt to þe erþe,
& spede [hym] forth good sped, boute spyt more;
[Þ]ise oþer halowed hyghe! ful hyȝe, & hay! hay! cryed,
Haden horneȝ to mouþe, heterly rechated;
Mony watȝ þe [m]yry mouthe of men & of houndeȝ
Þat buskkeȝ after þis bor with bost & wyth noyse,
To quelle;
Ful oft he bydeȝ þe baye
& maymeȝ þe mute inn melle,
He hurteȝ of þe houndeȝ, & þay
Ful ȝomerly ȝaule & ȝelle.


Schalkeȝ to schote at hym schowen to þenne,
Haled to hym of her areweȝ, hitten hym oft;


Bot þe poynteȝ payred at þe pyth þat pyȝt in his scheldeȝ,
& þe barbeȝ of his browe bite non wolde,
Þaȝ þe schauen schaft schyndered in peceȝ,
Þe hede hypped aȝayn, were-so-euer hit hitte;
Bot quen þe dynteȝ hym dered of her dryȝe strokeȝ,
Þen, brayn-wod for bate, on burneȝ he raseȝ,
Hurteȝ hem ful heterly þer he forth hyȝeȝ, u
& mony arȝed þerat & on lyte droȝen.
Bot þe lorde on a lyȝt horce launces hym after,
As burne bolde vpon bent his bugle he bloweȝ,
He rechated, & r[o]de þurȝ roneȝ ful þyk,
Suande þis wylde swyn til þe sunne schafted.
Þis day wyth þis ilk dede þay dryuen on þis wyse,
Whyle oure luflych lede lys in his bedde,
Gawayn grayþely at home, in gereȝ ful ryche
of hewe;
Þe lady noȝt forȝate,
Com to hym to salue,
Ful erly ho watȝ hym ate
His mode forto remwe.


Ho commes to þe cortyn & at þe knyȝt totes,
Sir Wawen her welcumed worþy on fyrst,
& ho hym ȝeldeȝ aȝayn ful ȝerne of hir wordeȝ,
Setteȝ hir sofly by his syde, & swyþely ho laȝeȝ,
& wyth a luflych loke ho layde hym þyse wordeȝ:
‘Sir, ȝif ȝe be Wawen, wonder me þynkkeȝ,
Wyȝe þat is so wel wrast alway to god,
& conneȝ not of compaynye þe costeȝ vndertake,


& if mon kennes yow hom to knowe, ȝe kest hom of your mynde;
Þou hatȝ for-ȝeten ȝederly þat ȝisterday I taȝtte
Bi alder-truest token of talk þat I cowþe.’
‘What is þat?’ quoþ þe wyghe, ‘I-wysse I wot neuer;
If hit be sothe þat ȝe breue, þe blame is myn awen.’
‘Ȝet I kende yow of kyssyng,’ quoþ þe clere þenne,
‘Quere-so countenaunce is couþe, quikly to clayme;
Þat bicumes vche a knyȝt þat cortaysy vses.’
‘Do way,’ quoþ þat derf mon, ‘my dere, þat speche,
For þat durst I not do, lest I deuayed were,
If I were werned, I were wrang, i-wysse, ȝif I profered.’
‘Ma fay,’ quoþ þe mere wyf, ‘ȝe may not be werned,
Ȝe ar stif in-noghe to constrayne wyth strenkþe, ȝif yow lykeȝ,
Ȝif any were so vilanous þat yow de-vaye wolde.’
‘Ȝe, be God,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘good is your speche,
Bot þrete is vn-þryuande in þede þer I lende,
& vche gift þat is geuen not with goud wylle;
I am at your comaundement, to kysse quen yow lykeȝ,
Ȝe may lach quen yow lyst, & leue quen yow þynkkeȝ,
in space.’
Þe lady louteȝ a-doun
& comlyly kysses his face,
Much speche þay þer expoun
Of druryes greme & grace.



‘I woled wyt at yow, wyȝe,’ þat worþy þer sayde,
‘& yow wrathed not þer-wyth, what were þe skylle
Þat so ȝong & so ȝepe as ȝe at þis tyme,
So cortayse, so knyȝtyly, as ȝe ar knowen oute,
& of alle cheualry to chose, þe chef þyng a-losed
Is þe lel layk of luf, þe lettrure of armes;
F[or] to telle of þis teuelyng of þis trwe knyȝteȝ,
Hit is þe tytelet token & tyxt of her werkkeȝ,
How l[edes] for her lele luf hor lyueȝ han auntered,
Endured for her drury dulful stoundeȝ,
& after wenged with her walour & voyded her care
& broȝt blysse in-to boure with bountees hor awen.
& ȝe ar knyȝt com-lokest kyd of your elde,
Your worde & your worchip walkeȝ ay-quere,
& I haf seten by your-self here sere twyes,
ȝet herde I neuer of your hed helde no wordeȝ
Þat euer longed to luf, lasse ne more;
& ȝe, þat ar so cortays & coynt of your hetes,
Oghe to a ȝonke þynk ȝern to schewe
& teche sum tokeneȝ of trweluf craftes.
Why! ar ȝe lewed, þat alle þe los weldeȝ,
Oþer elles ȝe demen me to dille your dalyaunce to herken?
For schame!
I com hider sengel & sitte
To lerne at yow sum game,
Dos techeȝ me of your wytte,
Whil my lorde is fro hame.”



‘In goud fayþe,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘God yow forȝelde!
Gret is þe gode gle, & gomen to me huge,
Þat so worþy as ȝe wolde wynne hidere
& pyne yow with so pouer a mon, as play wyth your knyȝt
With any-skynneȝ countenaunce,—hit keuereȝ me ese.
Bot to take þe toruayle to my-self to trwluf expoun
& towche þe temeȝ of tyxt & taleȝ of armeȝ
To yow þat, I wot wel, weldeȝ more slyȝt
Of þat art, bi þe half, or a hundreth of seche
As I am oþer euer schal, in erde þer I leue,
Hit were a fole fele-folde, my fre, by my trawþe.
I wolde yowre wylnyng worche at my myȝt,
As I am hyȝly bihalden, & euer-more wylle
Be seruaunt to your-seluen, so saue me dryȝtyn!’
Þus hym frayned þat fre & fondet hym ofte,
Forto haf wonnen hym to woȝe what-so scho þoȝt elleȝ,
Bot he de-fended hym so fayr þat no faut semed,
Ne non euel on nawþer halue nawþer þay wysten,
bot blysse;
Þay laȝed & layked longe,
At þe last scho con hym kysse,
Hir leue fayre con scho fonge,
& went hir waye iwysse.


Then ruþes hym þe renk & ryses to þe masse,
& siþen hor diner watȝ dyȝt & derely serued.
Þe lede with þe ladyeȝ layked alle day,
Bot þe lorde ouer þe londeȝ launced ful ofte,


Sweȝ his vncely swyn, þat swyngeȝ bi þe bonkkeȝ
& bote þe best of his bracheȝ þe bakkeȝ in sunder,
Þer he bode in his bay, tel bawe-men hit breken,
& madee hym, maw-gref his hed, forto mwe vtter,
So felle floneȝ þer flete when þe folk gedered;
Bot ȝet þe styffest to start bi stoundeȝ he made,
Til at þe last he watȝ so mat, he myȝt no more renne,
Bot in þe hast þat he myȝt, he to a hole wynneȝ
Of a rasse, bi a rokk, þer renneȝ þe boerne;
He gete þe bonk at his bak, bigyneȝ to scrape,
Þe froþe femed at his mouth vnfayre bi þe wykeȝ,
Whetteȝ his whyte tuscheȝ; with hym þen irked
Alle þe burneȝ so bolde þat hym by stoden,
To nye hym on-ferum, bot neȝe hym non durst
for woþe;
He hade hurt so mony byforne
Þat al þuȝt þenne ful loþe
Be more wyth his tuscheȝ torne,
Þat breme watȝ [&]! brayn-wod bothe.


Til þe knyȝt com hym-self, kachande his blonk,
Syȝ hym byde at þe bay, his burneȝ bysyde;
He lyȝtes lu[f]lych adoun, leueȝ his corsour,
Braydeȝ out a bryȝt bront & bigly forth strydeȝ,
Foundeȝ fast þurȝ þe forth þer þe felle bydeȝ.
Þe wylde watȝ war of þe wyȝe with weppen in honde,
Hef hyȝly þe here, so hetterly he fnast,
Þat fele ferde for þe freke, lest felle hym þe worre;
Þe swyn setteȝ hym out on þe segge euen,


Þat þe burne & þe bor were boþe vpon hepeȝ
In þe wyȝt-est of þe water,—þe worre hade þat oþer;
For þe mon merkkeȝ hym wel, as þay mette fyrst,
Set sadly þe scharp in þe slot euen,
Hit hym vp to þe hult, þat þe hert schyndered,
& he ȝarrande hym ȝelde, & ȝedoun þe water
ful tyt;
A hundreth houndeȝ hym hent,
Þat bremely con hym bite,
Burneȝ him broȝt to bent
& doggeȝ to dethe endite.


There watȝ blawyng of prys in mony breme horne,
Heȝe halowing on hiȝe with haþeleȝ þat myȝt;
Brachetes bayed þat best, as bidden þe maystereȝ,
Of þat chargeaunt chace þat were chef huntes.
Þenne a wyȝe þat watȝ wys vpon wod-crafteȝ
To vnlace þis bor lufly bigynneȝ;
Fyrst he hewes of his hed & on hiȝe setteȝ,
& syþen rendeȝ him al roghe bi þe rygge after,
Braydeȝ out þe boweles, brenneȝ hom on glede,
With bred blent þer-with his braches rewardeȝ;
Syþen he britneȝ out þe brawen in bryȝt brode [s]cheldeȝ,
& hatȝ out þe hastletteȝ, as hiȝtly bisemeȝ;
& ȝet hem halcheȝ al hole þe halueȝ to-geder,
& syþen on a stif stange stoutly hem henges.
Now with þis ilk swyn þay swengen to home;


Þe bores hed watȝ borne bifore þe burnes seluen
Þat him for-ferde in þe forþe þurȝ forse of his honde
so stronge;
Til he seȝ sir Gawayne
In halle hym þoȝt ful longe,
He calde, & he com gayn
His feeȝ þer for to fonge.


Þe lorde ful lowde with lote laȝed myry
When he seȝe sir G[awayn]; with solace he spekeȝ.
Þe goude ladyeȝ were geten, & gedered þe meyny,
He scheweȝ hem þe scheldeȝ & schapes hem þe tale
Of þe largesse & þe lenþe, þe liþerneȝ alse,
Of þe were of þe wylde swyn, in wod þer he fled.
Þat oþer knyȝt ful comly comended his dedeȝ,
& praysed hit as gret prys þat he proued hade;
For suche a brawne of a best, þe bolde burne sayde,
Ne such sydes of a swyn segh he neuer are.
Þenne hondeled þay þe hoge hed, þe hende mon hit praysed,
& let lodly þerat þe lorde forto here.
‘Now, Gawayn,’ quoþ þe god-mon, ‘þis gomen is your awen,
Bi fyn for-warde & faste, faythely ȝe knowe.’
‘Hit is sothe,’ quoþ þe segge, ‘& as siker trwe
Alle my get I schal yow gif agayn, bi my trawþe.’
He [hent] þe haþel aboute þe halse & hendely hym kysses,


& efter-sones of þe same he serued hym þere.
‘Now ar we euen,’ quoþ þe haþel, ‘in þis euen-tide,
Of alle þe couenauntes þat we knyt, syþen I com hider,
bi lawe.’
Þe lorde sayde, ‘bi saynt Gile,
Ȝe ar þe best þat I kn[a]we;
Ȝe ben ryche in a whyle,
Such chaffer & ȝe dr[a]we.’


Þenne þay teldet tableȝ, trestes alofte,
Kesten cloþeȝ vpon, clere lyȝt þenne
Wakned bi woȝeȝ, waxen torches
Seggeȝ sette, & serued in sale al aboute.
Much glam & gle glent vp þer-inne
Aboute þe fyre vpon flet, & on fele wyse,
At þe soper & after, mony aþel songeȝ,
As coundutes of kryst-masse & caroleȝ newe,
With alle þe manerly merþe þat mon may of telle.
& euer oure luflych knyȝt þe lady bi-syde;
Such semblaunt to þat segge semly ho made,
Wyth stille stollen countenaunce, þat stalworth to plese,
Þat al for-wondered watȝ þe wyȝe, & wroth with hym-seluen,
Bot he nolde not for his nurture nurne hir a-ȝayneȝ,
Bot dalt with hir al in daynte, how-se-euer þe dede turned
to wrast;
Quen þay hade played in halle
As longe as hor wylle hom last,


To chambre he con hym calle,
& to þe chem-ne þay past.


Ande þer þay dronken & dalten, & demed eft nwe
To norne on þe same note on nweȝereȝ euen;
Bot þe knyȝt craued leue to kayre on þe morn,
For hit watȝ neȝ at þe terme þat he to schulde.
Þe lorde hym letted of þat, to lenge hym resteyed,
& sayde, ‘as I am trwe segge, I siker my trawþe
Þou schal cheue to þe grene chapel, þy charres to make,
Leude, on nwȝereȝ lyȝt, longe bifore pryme,
For-þy þow lye in þy loft & lach þyn ese,
& I schal hunt in þis holt & halde þe towcheȝ,
Chaunge wyth þe cheuisaunce, bi þat I charre hider;
For I haf fraysted þe twys & faythful I fynde þe,
Now þrid tyme, þrowe best, þenk on þe morne,
Make we mery quyl we may, & mynne vpon joye,
For þe lur may mon lach when-so mon lykeȝ.’
Þis watȝ grayþely graunted & Gawayn is lenged,
Bliþe broȝt watȝ hym drynk & þay to bedde ȝeden
with liȝt;
Sir G[awayn] lis & slepes
Ful stille & softe al niȝt;
Þe lorde þat his crafteȝ kepes,
Ful erly he watȝ diȝt.


After messe a [m]orsel he & his men token,
Miry watȝ þe mornyng, his mounture he askes;


Alle þe haþeles þat on horse schulde helden hym after
Were boun busked on hor blonkkeȝ, bi-fore þe halle ȝateȝ;
Ferly fayre watȝ þe folde, for þe forst clenged,
In rede rudede vpon rak rises þe sunne,
& ful clere c[a]steȝ þe clowdes of þe welkyn.
Hunteres vnhardeled bi a holt syde,
Rocheres roungen bi rys, for rurde of her hornes;
Summe fel in þe fute þer þe fox bade,
Trayleȝ ofte a tra[u]eres, bi traunt of her wyles;
A kenet kryes þerof, þe hunt on hym calles,
His felaȝes fallen hym to, þat fnasted ful þike,
Runnen forth in a rabel in his ryȝt fare;
& he fyskeȝ hem by-fore, þay founden hym sone,
& quen þay seghe hym with syȝt, þay sued hym fast,
Wreȝande h[ym] ful [w]eterly with a wroth noyse;
& he trantes & tornayeeȝ þurȝ mony tene greue,
Hauilouneȝ & herkeneȝ bi heggeȝ ful ofte;
At þe last bi a littel dich he lepeȝ ouer a spenne,
Steleȝ out ful stilly bi a strothe rande,
Went haf wylt of þe wode with wyleȝ fro þe houndes,
Þenne watȝ he went, er he wyst, to a wale tryster,
Þer þre þro at a þrich þrat hym at ones,
al graye;
He blenched aȝayn bilyue
& stifly start onstray,
With alle þe wo on lyue
To þe wod he went away.



Thenne watȝ hit li[st] vpon li[f] to lyþen þe houndeȝ,
When alle þe mute hade hym met, menged to-geder,
Suche a sorȝe at þat syȝt þay sette on his hede
As alle þe clamberande clyffes hade clatered on hepes;
Here he watȝ halawed when haþeleȝ hym metten,
[Ȝ]onde he watȝ ȝayned with ȝarande speche,
Þer he watȝ þreted & ofte þef called,
& ay þe titleres at his tayl, þat tary he ne myȝt;
Ofte he watȝ runnen at when he out rayked,
& ofte reled in aȝayn, so Reniarde watȝ wyle.
& ȝe he lad hem bi lag-mon, þe lorde & his meyny,
On þis maner bi þe mountes, quyle myd-ouer-vnder,
Whyle þe hende knyȝt at home holsumly slepeȝ
With-inne þe comly cortynes, on þe colde morne.
Bot þe lady for luf let not to slepe,
Ne þe purpose to payre, þat pyȝt in hir hert,
Bot ros hir vp radly, rayked hir þeder,
In a mery mantyle, mete to þe erþe,
Þat watȝ furred ful fyne with felleȝ wel pured,
No hwe goud on hir hede, bot þe haȝer stones
Trased aboute hir tressour be twenty in clusteres;
Hir þryuen face & hir þrote þrowen al naked,
Hir brest bare bifore, & bihinde eke.
Ho comeȝ with-inne þe chambre dore & closes hit hir after,
Wayueȝ vp a wyndow & on þe wyȝe calleȝ,


& radly þus re-hayted hym with hir riche wordeȝ,
with chere:
‘A! mon, how may þou slepe?
Þis morning is so clere.’
He watȝ in drowping depe,
Bot þenne he con hir here.


In dreȝ droupyng of dreme draueled þat noble,
As mon þat watȝ in mornyng of mony þro þoȝtes,
How þat destine schulde þat day [dele hym] his wyrde
At þe grene chapel, when he þe gome metes
& bi-houes his buffet abide with-oute debate more;
Bot quen þat comly he keuered his wyttes,
Swenges out of þe sweuenes & swareȝ with hast,
Þe lady luflych com laȝande swete,
Felle ouer his fayre face & fetly hym kyssed;
He welcumeȝ hir worþily with a wale chere;
He seȝ hir so glorious & gayly atyred,
So fautles of hir fetures & of so fyne hewes,
Wiȝt wallande joye warmed his hert;
With smoþe smylyng & smolt þay smeten in-to merþe,
Þat al watȝ blis & bonchef þat breke hem bi-twene,
& wynne.
Þay lauced wordes gode,
Much wele þen watȝ þer-inne;
Gret perile bi-twene hem stod,
Nif Mar[y]e of hir knyȝt [con] mynne.



For þat prynce[s] of pris de-presed hym so þikke,
Nurned hym so neȝe þe þred, þat nede hym bihoued
Oþer lach þer hir luf oþer lodly re-fuse;
He cared for his cortaysye, lest craþayn he were,
& more for his meschef, ȝif he schulde make synne
& be traytor to þat tolke þat þat telde aȝt.
‘God schylde,’ quoþ þe schalk, ‘þat schal not befalle!’
With luf-laȝyng a lyt he layd hym by-syde
Alle þe specheȝ of specialte þat sprange of her mouthe.
Quoþ þat burde to þe burne, ‘blame ȝe disserue,
Ȝif ȝe luf not þat lyf þat ȝe lye nexte,
Bifore alle þe wyȝeȝ in þe worlde wounded in hert,
Bot if ȝe haf a lemman, a leuer, þat yow lykeȝ better,
& folden fayth to þat fre, festned so harde
Þat yow lausen ne lyst, & þat I leue nouþe.
And þat ȝe telle me þat, now trwly I pray yow,
For alle þe lufeȝ vpon lyue layne not þe soþe
for gile.’
Þe knyȝt sayde, ‘be sayn Jon,’
& smeþely con he smyle,
‘In fayth I welde riȝt non,
Ne non wil welde þe quile.’


‘Þat is a worde,’ quoþ þat wyȝt, ‘þat worst is of alle;
Bot I am swared forsoþe, þat sore me þinkkeȝ;
Kysse me now comly, & I schal cach heþen;


I may bot mourne vpon molde, as may þat much louyes.’
Sykande ho sweȝe doun & semly hym kyssed,
& siþen ho seueres hym fro, & says as ho stondes,
‘Now, dere, at þis de-partyng, do me þis ese,
Gif me sumquat of þy gifte, þi gloue [i]f hit were,
Þat I may mynne on þe, mon, my mournyng to lassen.’
‘Now iwysse,’ quoþ þat wyȝe, ‘I wolde I hade here
Þe leuest þing for þy luf þat I in londe welde;
For ȝe haf deserued, forsoþe, sellyly ofte
More rewarde bi resoun þen I reche myȝt;
Bot to dele yow for drurye, þat dawed bot neked,
Hit is not your honour to haf at þis tyme
A gloue for a garysoun of Gawayneȝ gifteȝ,
& I am here [on] an erande in erdeȝ vncouþe,
& haue no men wyth no maleȝ with menskful þingeȝ;
Þat mislykeȝ me, lade, for [your] luf at þis ty[m]e,
Iche tolke mon do as he is tan, tas to non ille
ne pine.’
‘Nay, hende of hyȝe honours,’
Quoþ þat lufsum vnder lyne,
‘Þaȝ I [n]ade oȝt of youreȝ,
Ȝet schulde ȝe haue of myne.’


Ho raȝt hym a riche rynk of red golde werkeȝ,
Wyth a starande ston stondande alofte,
Þat bere blusschande bemeȝ as þe bryȝt sunne;
Wyt ȝe wel, hit watȝ worth wele ful hoge.


Bot þe renk hit renayed, & redyly he sayde,
‘I wil no gifteȝ for Gode, my gay, at þis tyme;
I haf none yow to norne, ne noȝt wyl I take.’
Ho bede hit hym ful bysily, & he hir bode wernes,
& swere swyfte [by] his sothe þat he hit sese nolde;
& ho sore þat he forsoke, & sayde þer-after,
If ȝe renay my rynk, to ryche for hit semeȝ,
Ȝe wolde not so hyȝly halden be to me,
I schal gif yow my girdel, þat gaynes yow lasse.’
Ho laȝt a lace lyȝtly þat leke vmbe hir sydeȝ,
Knit vpon hir kyrtel, vnder þe clere mantyle,
Gered hit watȝ with grene sylke, & with golde schaped,
Noȝt bot arounde brayden, beten with fyngreȝ;
& þat ho bede to þe burne, & blyþely bi-soȝt,
Þaȝ hit vn-worþi were, þat he hit take wolde.
& he nay þat he nolde neghe in no wyse
Nauþer golde ne garysoun, er God hym grace sende
To acheue to þe chaunce þat he hade chosen þere.
‘& þerfore, I pray yow, displese yow noȝt,
& letteȝ be your bisinesse, for I bayþe hit yow neuer
to graunte.
I am derely to yow biholde
Bi-cause of your sembelaunt,
& euer in hot & colde
To be your trwe seruaunt.’


‘Now forsake ȝe þis silke,’ sayde þe burde þenne,
‘For hit is symple in hit-self,—& so hit wel semeȝ?


Lo! so hit is littel, [þe] lasse hit is worþy;
Bot who-so knew þe costes þat knit ar þer-inne,
He wolde hit prayse at more prys, parauenture;
For quat gome so is gorde with þis grene lace,
While he hit hade hemely halched aboute,
Þer is no haþel vnder heuen to-hewe hym þat myȝt;
For he myȝt not be slayn for slyȝt vpon erþe.’
Þen kest þe knyȝt, & hit come to his hert,
Hit were a juel for þe joparde þat hym iugged were,
When he acheued to þe chapel, his chek forto fech;
Myȝ[t] he haf slypped to be vn-slayn, þe sleȝt were noble.
Þenne he þulged with hir þrepe, & þoled hir to speke,
& ho bere on hym þe belt, & bede hit hym swyþe,
& he granted, & [ho] hym gafe with a goud wylle,
& bisoȝt hym, for hir sake, disceuer hit neuer,
Bot to lelly layne f[ro] hir lorde; þe leude hym acordeȝ
Þat neuer wyȝe schulde hit wyt, iwysse, bot þay twayne,
for noȝte.
He þonkked hir oft ful swyþe,
Ful þro with hert & þoȝt.
Bi þat on þrynne syþe
Ho hatȝ kyst þe knyȝt so toȝt.


Thenne lachcheȝ ho hir leue & leueȝ hym þere,
For more myrþe of þat mon moȝt ho not gete;
When h[o] watȝ gon, sir G[awayn] gereȝ hym sone,


Rises & riches hym in araye noble,
Lays vp þe luf-lace þe lady hym raȝt,
Hid hit ful holdely, þer he hit eft fonde.
Syþen cheuely to þe chapel choses he þe waye,
Preuely aproched to a prest, & prayed hym þere
Þat he wolde lyfte his lyf & lern hym better
How his sawle schulde be saued when he schuld seye heþen.
Þere he schrof hym schyrly & schewed his mysdedeȝ
Of þe more & þe mynne, & merci besecheȝ,
& of absolucioun he on þe segge calles;
& he asoyled hym surely & sette hym so clene
As domeȝ-day schulde haf ben diȝt on þe morn.
& syþen he mace hym as mery among þe fre ladyes,
With comlych caroles & alle kynnes ioye,
As neuer he did bot þat daye, to þe derk nyȝt,
with blys;
Vche mon hade daynte þare
Of hym, & sayde, ‘iwysse,
Þus myry he watȝ neuer are,
Syn he com hider, er þis.’


Now hym lenge in þat lee, þer luf hym bi-tyde!
Ȝet is þe lorde on þe launde, ledande his gomnes.
He hatȝ forfaren þis fox þat he folȝed longe;
As he sprent ouer a spenne, to spye þe schrewe,
Þer as he herd þe howndes þat hasted hym swyþe,
Renaud com richchande þurȝ a roȝe greue,
& alle þe rabel in a res, ryȝt at his heleȝ.
Þe wyȝe watȝ war of þe wylde & warly abides


& braydeȝ out þe bryȝt bronde & at þe best casteȝ;
& he schunt for þe scharp & schulde haf arered,
A rach rapes hym to, ryȝt er he myȝt,
& ryȝt bifore þe hors fete þay fel on hym alle
& woried me þis wyly wyth a wroth noyse.
Þe lorde lyȝteȝ bilyue & [l]acheȝ [h]y[m] sone,
Rased hym ful radly out of þe rach mouþes,
Haldeȝ heȝe ouer his hede, haloweȝ faste,
& þer bayen hym mony bra[þ] houndeȝ;
Huntes hyȝed hem þeder, with horneȝ ful mony,
Ay re-chatande aryȝt til þay þe renk seȝen;
Bi þat watȝ comen his compeyny noble,
Alle þat euer ber bugle blowed at ones,
& alle þise oþer halowed, þat hade no hornes;
Hit watȝ þe myriest mute þat euer men herde,
Þe rich rurd þat þer watȝ raysed for Renaude saule
with lote;
Hor houndeȝ þay þer rewarde,
Her hedeȝ þay fawne & frote,
& syþen þay tan Reynarde
& tyruen of his cote.


& þenne þay helden to home, for hit watȝ nieȝ nyȝt,
Strakande ful stoutly in hor store horneȝ;
Þe lorde is lyȝt at þe laste at hys lef home,
Fyndeȝ fire vpon flet, þe freke þer-by-side,
Sir Gawayn þe gode þat glad watȝ with-alle,
Among þe ladies for luf he ladde much ioye;


He were a bleaunt of blwe þat bradde to þe erþe,
His surkot semed hym wel, þat softe watȝ forred,
& his hode of þat ilke henged on his schulder,
Blande al of blaunner were boþe al aboute.
He meteȝ me þis god-mon in-myddeȝ þe flore,
& al with gomen he hym gret, & goudly he sayde,
‘I schal fylle vpon fyrst oure forwardeȝ nouþe,
Þat we spedly han spoken þer spared watȝ no drynk;’
Þen acoles he [þe] knyȝt, & kysses hym þryes
As sauerly & sadly as he hem sette couþe.
‘Bi Kryst,” quoþ þat oþer knyȝt, ‘ȝe cach much sele
In cheuisaunce of þis chaffer, ȝif ȝe hade goud chepeȝ.’
‘Ȝe, of þe chepe no charg,’ quoþ chefly þat oþer,
‘As is pertly payed þe [pray] þat I aȝte.’
‘Mary,’ quoþ þat oþer mon, ‘myn is bi-hynde,
For I haf hunted al þis day, & noȝt haf I geten
Bot þis foule fox felle, þe fende haf þe godeȝ,
& þat is ful pore for to pay for suche prys þinges
As ȝe haf þryȝt me here þro, suche þre cosses
so gode.’
‘I-noȝ,’ quoþ sir Gawayn,
‘I þonk yow, bi þe rode;’
& how þe fox watȝ slayn
He tolde hym as þay stode.


With merþe & mynstralsye, wyth meteȝ at hor wylle,
Þay maden as mery as any men moȝten;


With laȝyng of ladies, with loteȝ of bordes,
Gawayn & þe gode-mon so glad were þay boþe,
Bot if þe douthe had doted oþer dronken ben oþer.
Boþe þe mon & þe meyny maden mony iapeȝ,
Til þe sesoun watȝ seȝen þat þay seuer moste;
Burneȝ to hor bedde be-houed at þe laste.
Þenne loȝly his leue at þe lorde fyrst
Fochcheȝ þis fre mon, & fayre he hym þonkkeȝ:
‘Of such a selly soiorne as I haf hade here,
Your honour at þis hyȝe fest, þe hyȝe kyng yow ȝelde!
I ȝef yow me for on of youreȝ, if yowre-self lykeȝ,
For I mot nedes, as ȝe wot, meue to-morne,
& ȝe me take sum tolke, to teche, as ȝe hyȝt,
Þe gate to þe grene chapel, as God wyl me suffer
To dele on nwȝereȝ day þe dome of my wyrdes.’
‘In god fayþe,’ quoþ þe god-mon, ‘wyth a goud wylle;
Al þat euer I yow hyȝt, halde schal I rede.’
Þer asyngnes he a seruaunt to sett hym in þe waye
& coundue hym by þe downeȝ, þat he no drechch had,
For to f[e]rk þurȝ þe fryth & fare at þe gaynest
bi greue.
Þe lorde Gawayn con þonk,
Such worchip he wolde hym weue;
Þen at þo ladyeȝ wlonk
Þe knyȝt hatȝ tan his leue.


With care & wyth kyssyng he carppeȝ hem tille,
& fele þryuande þonkkeȝ he þrat hom to haue,


& þay ȝelden hym aȝay[n] ȝeply þat ilk;
Þay bikende hym to Kryst, with ful colde sykyngeȝ.
Syþen fro þe meyny he menskly de-partes;
Vche mon þat he mette, he made hem a þonke
For his seruyse & his solace & his sere pyne
Þat þay wyth busynes had ben aboute hym to serue;
& vche segge as sore to seuer with hym þere
As þay hade wonde worþyly with þat wlonk euer.
Þen with ledes & lyȝt he watȝ ladde to his chambre
& blyþely broȝt to his bedde to be at his rest;
Ȝif he ne slepe soundyly, say ne dar I,
For he hade muche on þe morn to mynne, ȝif he wolde,
in þoȝt.
Let hym lyȝe þere stille,
He hatȝ nere þat he soȝt;
& ȝe wyl a whyle be stylle,
I schal telle yow how þay wroȝt.



Now neȝeȝ þe nwȝere & þe nyȝt passeȝ,
Þe day dryueȝ to þe derk, as dryȝtyn biddeȝ;
Bot wylde wedereȝ of þe worlde wakned þeroute,
Clowdes kesten kenly þe colde to þe erþe,
Wyth nyȝe in-noghe of þe norþe, þe naked to tene;
Þe snawe snitered ful snart, þat snayped þe wylde;


Þe werbelande wynde wapped fro þe hyȝe
& drof vche dale ful of dryftes ful grete.
Þe leude lystened ful wel, þat leȝ in his bedde,
Þaȝ he lowkeȝ his liddeȝ, ful lyttel he slepes;
Bi vch kok þat crue he knwe wel þe steuen.
De-liuerly he dressed vp er þe day sprenged,
For þere watȝ lyȝt of a lau[m]pe þat lemed in his chambre.
He called to his chamberlayn, þat cofly hym swared,
& bede hym bryng hym his bruny & his blonk sadel;
Þat oþer ferkeȝ hym vp & fecheȝ hym his wedeȝ
& grayþeȝ me sir Gawayn vpon a grett wyse.
Fyrst he clad hym in his clopeȝ, þe colde for to were;
& syþen his oþer harnays, þat holdely watȝ keped,
Boþe his paunce & his plateȝ, piked ful clene,
þe ryngeȝ rokked of þe roust of his riche bruny;
& al watȝ fresch as vpon fyrst, & he watȝ fayn þenne
to þonk;
He hade vpon vche pece,
Wypped ful wel & wlonk,
Þe gayest in-to Grece;
Þe burne bede bryng his blonk.


Whyle þe wlonkest wedes he warp on hym-seluen,—
His cote wyth þe conysaunce of þe clere werkeȝ,
Enu[ire]ned vpon veluet vertuus stoneȝ,
Aboute beten & bounden, enbrauded semeȝ,
& f[e]r[ly] furred with-inne wyth fayre pelures.


Ȝet laft he not þe lace, þe ladieȝ gifte,
Þat for-gat not Gawayn, for gode of hym-seluen.
Bi he hade belted þe bronde vpon his balȝe hauncheȝ,
Þenn dressed he his drurye double hym aboute,
Swyþe sweþled vmbe his swange swetely þat knyȝt,
Þe gordel of þe grene silke þat gay wel bisemed
Vpon þat ryol red cloþe þat ryche watȝ to schewe.
Bot wered not þis ilk wyȝe for wele þis gordel,
For pryde of þe pendaunteȝ, þaȝ polyst þay were,
& þaȝ þe glyterande golde glent vpon endeȝ,
Bot forto sauen hym-self, when suffer hym by-houed,
To byde bale with-oute dabate, of bronde hym to were,
oþer knyffe;
Bi þat þe bolde mon boun
Wynneȝ þeroute bilyue,
Alle þe meyny of renoun
He þonkkeȝ ofte ful ryue.


Thenne watȝ Gryngolet grayþe, þat gret watȝ & huge,
& hade ben soiourned sauerly & in a siker wyse,
Hym lyst prik for poynt, þat proude hors þenne;
Þe wyȝe wynneȝ hym to, & wyteȝ on his lyre,
& sayde soberly hym-self & by his soth swereȝ,
‘Here is a meyny in þis mote þat on menske þenkkeȝ;
Þe mon hem maynteines, ioy mot [he] haue!


Þe leue lady on lyue, luf hir bityde!
[Þus] þay for charyte cherysen a gest,
[Þat] halden honour in her honde; þe haþel hem ȝelde
Þat haldeȝ þe heuen vpon hyȝe, & also yow alle!
& ȝif I myȝt lyf vpon londe lede any quyle,
I schuld rech yow sum rewarde redyly, if I myȝt.’
Þenn steppeȝ he in-to stirop & strydeȝ alofte;
His schalk schewed hym his schelde, on schulder he hit laȝt,
Gordeȝ to Gryngolet with his gilt heleȝ,
& he starteȝ on þe ston, stod he no lenger
to praunce;
His haþel on hors watȝ þenne,
Þat bere his spere & launce.
‘Þis kastel to Kryst I kenne,
He gef hit ay god chaunce!’


The brygge watȝ brayde doun, & þe brode ȝateȝ
Vnbarred & born open vpon boþe halue;
Þe burne blessed hym bilyue, & þe bredeȝ passed;
Prayses þe porter, bifore þe prynce kneled,
Gef hym God & goud day, þat Gawayn he saue;
& went on his way with his wyȝe one
Þat schulde teche hym to tourne to þat tene place
Þer þe ruful race he shulde re-sayue.
Þay boȝen bi bonkkeȝ þer boȝeȝ ar bare,
Þay clomben bi clyffeȝ þer clengeȝ þe colde;


Þe heuen watȝ vp-halt, bot vgly þer-vnder
Mist muged on þe mor, malt on þe mounteȝ;
Vch hille hade a hatte, a myst-hakel huge;
Brokeȝ byled & breke bi bonkkeȝ aboute,
Schyre schaterande on schoreȝ, þer þay doun schowued.
Welawylle watȝ þe way þer þay bi wod schulden,
Til hit watȝ sone sesoun þat þe sunne ryses
þat tyde;
Þay were on a hille ful hyȝe,
Þe quyte snaw lay bisyde;
Þe burne þat rod hym by
Bede his mayster abide.


‘For I haf wonnen yow hider, wyȝe, atþis tyme,
& now nar ȝe not fer fro þat note place
Þat ȝe han spied & spuryed so specially after;
Bot I schal say yow forsoþe, syþen I yow knowe,
& ȝe ar a lede vpon lyue þat I wel louy,
Wolde ȝe worch bi my wytte, [yow] worþed þe better.
Þe place þat ȝe prece to ful perelous is halden;
Þer woneȝ a wyȝe in þat waste, þe worst vpon erþe;
For he is stiffe & sturne, & to strike louies,
& more he is þen any mon vpon myddelerde,
& his body bigger þen þe best fowre
Þat ar in Arþureȝ hous, Hestor oþer oþer.
He cheueȝ þat chaunce at þe chapel grene,
Þer passes non bi þat place so proude in his armes
Þat he ne dyn[g]eȝ hym to deþe with dynt of his honde;
For he is a mon methles, & mercy non vses,


For be hit chorle oþer chaplayn þat bi þe chapel rydes,
Monk oþer masse-prest oþer any mon elles,
Hym þynk as queme hym to quelle as quyk go hym-seluen.
For-þy I say [yow] as soþe as ȝe in sadel sitte,
Com ȝe þere, ȝe be kylled, may þe knyȝt rede,
Trawe ȝe me þat trwely, þaȝ ȝe had twenty lyues
to spende;
He hatȝ wonyd here ful ȝore,
On bent much baret bende,
Aȝayn his dynteȝ sore
Ȝe may not yow defende.’


‘For-þy, goude sir Gawayn, let þe gome one,
& gotȝ a-way sum oþer gate, vpon Goddeȝ halue;
Cayreȝ bi sum oþer kyth, þer Kryst mot yow spede;
& I schal hyȝ me hom aȝayn & hete yow fyrre
Þat I schal swere bi God & alle his gode halȝeȝ,
As help me God & þe halydam & oþeȝ in-noghe,
Þat I schal lelly yow layne & lauce neuer tale
Þat euer ȝe fondet to fle for freke þat I wyst.’
‘Grant merci,’ quoþ Gawayn, & gruchyng he sayde,
‘Wel worth þe, wyȝe, þat woldeȝ my gode,
& þat lelly me layne, I leue wel þou woldeȝ.
Bot helde þou hit neuer so holde, & I here passed,
Founded for ferde for to fle, in fourme þat þou telleȝ,
I were a knyȝt kowarde, I myȝt [n]ot be excused.
Bot I wyl to þe chapel, for chaunce þat may falle,
& talk wyth þat ilk tulk þe tale þat me lyste,


Worþe hit wele oþer wo, as þe wyrde lykeȝ
hit hafe;
Þaȝe he be a sturn knape
To stiȝtel, & stad with staue,
Ful wel con dryȝtyn schape
His seruaunteȝ forto saue.’


‘Mary!’ quoþ þat oþer mon, ‘now þou so much spelleȝ
Þat þou wylt þyn awen nye nyme to þy-seluen,
& þe lyst lese þy lyf, þe lette I ne kepe;
Haf here þi helme on þy hede, þi spere in þi honde,
& ryde me doun þis ilk rake, bi ȝon rokke syde,
Til þou be broȝt to þe boþem of þe brem valay;
Þenne loke a littel on þe launde, on þi lyfte honde,
& þou schal se in þat slade þe self chapel
& þe borelych burne on bent þat hit kepeȝ.
Now fareȝ wel on Godeȝ half, Gawayn þe noble,
For alle þe golde vpon grounde I nolde go wyth þe
Ne bere þe felaȝschyp þurȝ þis fryth on fote fyrre.’
Bi þat þe wyȝe in þe wod wendeȝ his brydel,
Hit þe hors with þe heleȝ as harde as he myȝt,
Lepeȝ hym ouer þe launde & leueȝ þe knyȝt þere
al one.
‘Bi Goddeȝ self,’ quoþ Gawayn,
‘I wyl nauþer grete ne grone,
To Goddeȝ wylle I am ful bayn,
& to hym I haf me tone.’



Thenne gyrdeȝ he to Gryngolet & gedereȝ þe rake,
Schowueȝ in bi a schore at a schaȝe syde,
Rideȝ þurȝ þe roȝe bonk ryȝt to þe dale;
& þenne he wayted hym aboute, & wylde hit hym þoȝt,
& seȝe no syngne of resette bisydeȝ nowhere,
Bot hyȝe bonkkeȝ & brent vpon boþe halue,
& ruȝe knokled knarreȝ with knorned stoneȝ;
Þe skweȝ of þe scowtes skayned hym þoȝt.
Þenne he houed & wyth-hylde his hors at þat tyde,
& ofte chaunged his cher þe chapel to seche;
He seȝ non suche in no syde, & selly hym þoȝt,
Saue a lyttel on a launde, a lawe as hit we[re],
A balȝ berȝ bi a bonke þe brymme by-syde,
Bi a forȝ of a flode þat ferked þare;
Þe borne blubred þer-inne as hit boyled hade.
Þe knyȝt kacheȝ his caple & com to þe lawe,
Liȝteȝ doun luflyly & at a lynde tacheȝ
Þe rayne, & hi[t] riche[d] with a roȝe braunche;
Þenne he boȝeȝ to þe berȝe, aboute hit he walkeȝ,
Debatande with hym-self quat hit be myȝt.
Hit hade a hole on þe ende & on ayþer syde,
& ouer-growen with gresse in glodes ay-where,
& al watȝ holȝ in-with, nobot an olde caue,
Or a creuisse of an olde cragge; he couþe hit noȝt deme
with spelle,
‘We, lorde,’ quoþ þe gentyle knyȝt,
‘Wheþer þis be þe grene chapelle?
He[re] myȝt aboute myd-nyȝt
Þe dele his matynnes telle.’



‘Now i-wysse,’ quoþ Wowayn, ‘wysty is here;
Þis oritore is vgly, with erbeȝ ouer-growen;
Wel bisemeȝ þe wyȝe wruxled in grene
Dele here his deuocioun on þe deueleȝ wyse;
Now I fele hit is þe fende, in my fyue wytteȝ,
Þat hatȝ stoken me þis steuen, to strye me here;
Þis is a chapel of meschaunce,—þat chekke hit by-tyde!
Hit is þe corsedest kyrk þat euer I com inne.’
With heȝe helme on his hede, his launce in his honde,
He romeȝ vp to þe roffe of þo roȝ woneȝ;
Þene herde he of þat hyȝe hil, in a harde roche,
Biȝonde þe broke, in a bonk, a wonder breme noyse.
Quat! hit clatered in þe clyff as hit cleue schulde,
As one vpon a gryndelston hade grounden a syþe;
What! hit wharred & whette as water at a mulle.
What! hit rusched & ronge, rawþe to here.
Þenne ‘bi Godde,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘þat gere a[s] I trowe,
Is ryched at þe reuerence me, renk, to mete
bi rote;
Let God worche; we loo,
Hit helppeȝ me not a mote.
My lif þaȝ I for-goo,
Drede dotȝ me no lote.’


Thenne þe knyȝt con calle ful hyȝe,
‘Who stiȝtleȝ in þis sted, me steuen to holde?


For now is gode Gawayn goande ryȝt here,
If any wyȝe oȝt wyl, wynne hider fast,
Oþer now oþer neuer, his nedeȝ to spede.’
‘Abyde,’ quoþ on on þe bonke abouen ouer his hede,
‘& þou schal haf al in hast þat I þe hyȝt ones.’
Ȝet he rusched on þat rurde rapely a þrowe,
& wyth quettyng a-wharf, er he wolde lyȝt;
& syþen he keuereȝ bi a cragge & comeȝ of a hole,
Whyrlande out of a wro wyth a felle weppen,
A deneȝ ax nwe dyȝt, þe dynt with [t]o ȝelde,
With a borelych bytte bende by þe halme,
Fyled in a fylor, fowre fote large,
Hit watȝ no lasse, bi þat lace þat lemed ful bryȝt.
& þe gome in þe grene gered as fyrst,
Boþe þe lyre & þe leggeȝ, lokkeȝ & berde,
Saue þat fayre on his fote he foundeȝ on þe erþe,
Sette þe stele to þe stone & stalked bysyde.
When he wan to þe watter, þer he wade nolde,
He hypped ouer on hys ax, & orpedly strydeȝ,
Bremly broþe on a bent þat brode watȝ a-boute,
on snawe.
Sir Gawayn þe knyȝt con mete,
He ne lutte hym no þyng lowe,
Þat oþer sayde, ‘now, sir swete,
Of steuen mon may þe trowe.’


‘Gawayn,’ quoþ þat grene gome, ‘God þe mot loke!
I-wysse þou art welco[m], wyȝe, to my place,
& þou hatȝ tymed þi trauayl as truee mon schulde;
& þou knoweȝ þe couenaunteȝ kest vs by-twene:
At þis tyme twelmonyth þou toke þat þe falled,


& I schulde at þis nwe ȝere ȝeply þe quyte.
& we ar in þis valay verayly oure one,
Here ar no renkes vs to rydde, rele as vs likeȝ;
Haf þy helme of þy hede, & haf here þy pay;
Busk no more debate þen I þe bede þenne
When þou wypped of my hede at a wap one.’
‘Nay, bi God,’ quoþ Gawayn, ‘þat me gost lante,
I schal gruch þe no grwe for grem þat falleȝ;
Bot styȝtel þe vpon on strok, & I schal stonde stylle
& warp þe no wernyng to worch as þe lykeȝ,
He lened with þe nek & lutte
& schewed þat schyre al bare
& lette as he noȝt dutte,
For drede he wolde not dare.


Then þe gome in þe grene grayþed hym swyþe,
Gedereȝ vp hys grymme tole, Gawayn to smyte;
With alle þe bur in his body he ber hit on lofte,
Munt as maȝtyly as marre hym he wolde;
Hade hit dryuen adoun as dreȝ as he atled,
Þer hade ben ded of his dynt þat doȝty watȝ euer.
Bot Gawayn on þat giserne glyfte hym bysyde,
As hit com glydande adoun on glode hym to schende,
& schranke a lytel with þe schulderes for þe scharp yrne.
Þat oþer schalk wyth a schunt þe schene wyth-haldeȝ,
& þenne repreued he þe prynce with mony prowde wordeȝ:


‘Þou art not Gawayn,’ quoþ þe gome, ‘þat is so goud halden,
Þat neuer arȝed for no here by hylle ne be vale,
& now þou fles for ferde er þou fele harmeȝ;
Such cowardise of þat knyȝt cowþe I neuer here.
Nawþer fyked I ne flaȝe, freke, quen þou myntest,
Ne kest no kauelacion in kyngeȝ hous Arthor.
My hede flaȝ to my fote, & ȝet flaȝ I neuer;
& þou, er any harme hent, arȝeȝ in hert;
Wherfore þe better burne me burde be called
Quoþ G[awayn], ‘I schunt oneȝ,
& so wyl I no more,
Bot þaȝ my hede falle on þe stoneȝ,
I con not hit restore.


Bot busk, burne, bi þi fayth, & bryng me to þe poynt,
Dele to me my destine & do hit out of honde,
For I schal stonde þe a strok, & start no more
Til þyn ax haue me hitte, haf here my trawþe.’
‘Haf at þe þenne,” quoþ þat oþer, & heueȝ hit alofte,
& wayteȝ as wroþely as he wode were;
He mynteȝ at hym maȝtyly, bot not þe mon ryneȝ,
With-helde heterly h[i]s honde er hit hurt myȝt.
Gawayn grayþely hit bydeȝ & glent with no membre,
Bot stode stylle as þe ston oþer a stubbe auþer
Þat raþeled is in roche-grounde with roteȝ a hundreth.
Þen muryly efte con he mele, þe mon in þe grene,


‘So now þou hatȝ þi hert holle, hitte me bihou[e]s.
Halde þe now þe hyȝe hode þat Arþur þe raȝt,
& kepe þy kanel at þis kest, ȝif hit keuer may!’
G[awayn] ful gryndelly with greme þenne sayde,
‘Wy, þresch on, þou þro mon, þou þreteȝ to longe,
I hope þat þi hert arȝe wyth þyn awen seluen.’
‘Forsoþe,’ quoþ þat oþer freke, ‘so felly þou spekeȝ,
I wyl no lenger on lyte lette þin ernde
riȝt nowe.’
Þenne tas he hym stryþe to stryke
& frounses boþe lyppe & browe,
No meruayle þaȝ hym myslyke
Þat hoped of no rescowe.


He lyftes lyȝtly his lome & let hit doun fayre
With þe barbe of þe bitte biþe bare nek;
Þaȝ he homered heterly, hurt hym no more
Bot snyrt hym on þat on syde, þat seuered þe hyde;
Þe scharp schrank to þe flesche þurȝ þe schyre grece,
Þat þe schene blod ouer his schulderes schot to þe erþe.
& quen þe burne seȝ þe blode blenk on þe snawe,
He sprit forth spenne-fote more þen a spere lenþe,
Hent heterly his helme & on his hed cast,
Schot with his schuldereȝ his fayre schelde vnder,
Braydeȝ out a bryȝt sworde, & bremely he spekeȝ,—


Neuer syn þat he watȝ burne borne of his moder,
Watȝ he neuer in þis worlde wyȝe half so blyþe—
‘Blynne, burne, of þy bur, bede me no mo;
I haf a stroke in þis sted with-oute stryf hent,
& if þow recheȝ me any mo, I redyly schal quyte
& ȝelde ȝederly aȝayn, & þer-to ȝe tryst,
& foo;
Bot on stroke here me falleȝ,
Þe couenaunt schop ryȝt so,
[Fettled] in Arþureȝ halleȝ,
& þer-fore, hende, now hoo!’


The haþel heldet hym fro & on his ax rested,
Sette þe schaft vpon schore & to þe scharp lened
& loked to þe leude þat on þe launde ȝede,
How þat doȝty dredles deruely þer stondeȝ,
Armed ful aȝleȝ; in hert hit hym lykeȝ.
Þenn he meleȝ muryly wyth a much steuen,
& wyth a ry[n]kande rurde he to þe renk sayde,
‘Bolde burne, on þis bent be not so gryndel;
No mon here vn-manerly þe mys-boden habbe[ȝ],
Ne kyd bot as couenaunde at kyngeȝ kort schaped.
I hyȝt þe a strok & þou hit hatȝ, halde þe wel payed,
I relece þe of þe remnaunt of ryȝtes alle oþer;
Ȝif I deliuer had bene, a boffet, paraunter,
I couþe wroþeloker haf waret, to þe haf wroȝt anger.
Fyrst I mansed þe muryly with a mynt one,
& roue þe wyth no rof-sore, with ryȝt I þe profered
For þe forwarde þat we fest in þe fyrst nyȝt;


& þou trystyly þe trawþe & trwly me haldeȝ,
Al þe gayne þow me gef, as god mon schulde.
Þat oþer munt for þe morne, mon, I þe profered;
Þou kyssedes my clere wyf, þe cosseȝ me raȝteȝ;
For boþe two here I þe bede bot two bare myntes
boute scaþe;
Trwe mon trwe restore,
Þenne þar mon drede no waþe;
At þe þrid þou fayled þore,
& þer-for þat tappe ta þe.


For hit is my wede þat þou wereȝ, þat ilke wouen girdel;
Myn owen wyf hit þe weued, I wot wel forsoþe;
Now know I wel þy cosses & þy costes als
& þe wowyng of my wyf,—I wroȝt hit myseluen.
I sende hir to asay þe, & sothly me þynkkeȝ,
On þe fautlest freke þat euer on fote ȝede;
As perle bi þe quite pese is of prys more,
So is Gawayn, in god fayth, bi oþer gay knyȝteȝ.
Bot here yow lakked a lyttel, sir, & lewte yow wonted,
Bot þat watȝ for no wylyde werke, ne wowyng nauþer;
Bot for ȝe lufed your lyf, þe lasse I yow blame.’
Þat oþer stif mon in study stod a gret whyle;
So agreued for greme, he gryed with-inne,
Alle þe blode of his brest blende in his face,
Þat al he schrank for schome þat þe schalk talked.
Þe forme worde vpon folde þat þe freke meled,—
‘Corsed worth cowarddyse & couetyse boþe!
In yow is vylany & vyse þat vertue disstryeȝ.’
Þenne he kaȝt to þe knot & þe kest lawseȝ,


Brayde broþely þe belt to þe burne seluen:
‘Lo! þer þe falssyng, foule mot hit falle!
For care of þy knokke cowardyse me taȝt
To a-corde me with couetyse, my kynde to forsake,
Þat is larges & lewte þat longeȝ to knyȝteȝ.
Now am I fawty & falce, & ferde haf ben euer;
Of trecherye & vn-trawþe boþe bityde sorȝe
& care!
I bi-knowe yow, knyȝt, here stylle,
Al fawty is my fare,
Leteȝ me ouer-take your wylle,
& efte I schal be ware.’


Thenn loȝe þat oþer leude, & luflyly sayde,
‘I halde hit hardily hole, þe harme þat I hade;
Þou art confessed so clene, be-knowen of þy mysses,
& hatȝ þe penaunce apert of þe poynt of myn egge,
I halde þe polysed of þat plyȝt & pured as clene
As þou hadeȝ neuer forfeted syþen þou watȝ fyrst borne.
& I gif þe, sir, þe gurdel þat is golde-hemmed;
For hit is grene as my goune, sir G[awayn], ȝe maye
Þenk vpon þis like þrepe þer þou forth þryngeȝ
Among prynces of prys, & þis a pure token
Of þe chaunce of þe grene chapel, at cheualrous knyȝteȝ.
& ȝe schal in þis nwe ȝer aȝayn to my woneȝ,
& we schyn reuel þe remnaunt of þis ryche fest
ful bene.’


Þer laþed hym fast þe lorde,
& sayde, ‘with my wyf, I wene,
We schal yow wel acorde,
Þat watȝ your enmy kene.’


‘Nay, for-soþe,’ quoþ þe segge, & sesed hys helme
& hatȝ hit of hendely & þe haþel þonkkeȝ,
‘I haf soiorned sadly, sele yow bytyde,
& he ȝelde hit yow ȝare þat ȝarkkeȝ al menskes!
& comaundeȝ me to þat cortays, your comlych fere,
Boþe þat on & þat oþer, myn honoured ladyeȝ,
Þat þus hor knyȝt wyth hor kest han koyntly bigyled.
Bot hit is no ferly þaȝ a fole madde
& þurȝ wyles of wymmen be wonen to sorȝe;
For so watȝ Adam in erde with one bygyled,
& Salamon with fele sere, & Samson eft-soneȝ,
Dalyda dalt hym hys wyrde, & Dauyth þer-after
Watȝ blended with Barsabe, þat much bale þoled.
Now þese were wrathed wyth her wyles, hit were a wynne huge
To luf hom wel & leue hem not, a leude þat couþe,
For þes wer forne þe freest, þat folȝed alle þe sele
Ex-ellently of alle þyse oþer vnder heuen-ryche
þat mused;
& alle þay were bi-wyled
With wymmen þat þay vsed,
Þaȝ I be now bigyled,
Me þink me burde be excused.’



‘Bot your gordel,’ quoþ G[awayn] ‘God yow for-ȝelde!
Þat wyl I welde wyth guod wylle, not for þe wynne golde
Ne þe saynt ne þe sylk ne þe syde pendaundes,
For wele ne for worchyp ne for þe wlonk werkkeȝ;
Bot in syngne of my surfet I schal se hit ofte
When I ride in renoun, remorde to myseluen
Þe faut & þe fayntyse of þe flesche crabbed,
How tender hit is to entyse teches of fylþe;
& þus quen pryde schal me pryk for prowes of armes,
Þe loke to þis luf-lace schal leþe my hert.
Bot on I wolde yow pray, displeses yow neuer:
Syn ȝe be lorde of þe ȝonder londe þer I haf lent inne,
Wyth yow wyth worschyp,—þe wyȝe hit yow ȝelde
Þat vp-haldeȝ þe heuen & on hyȝ sitteȝ,—
How norne ȝe yowre ryȝt nome, & þenne no more?’
‘Þat schal I telle þe trwly,’ quoþ þat oþer þenne,
‘Bertilak de Hautdesert I hat in þis londe,
[þat þus am aȝlych of hwe & al ouer brawden]
Þurȝ myȝt of Morgne la Faye, þat in my hous lenges,
& koyntyse of clergye, bi craftes wel lerned;
Þe maystres of Merlyn, mony ho [hatȝ] taken;
For ho hatȝ dalt drwry ful dere sum tyme
With þat conable klerk, þat knowes alle your knyȝteȝ
at hame;


Morgne þe goddes,
Þer-fore hit is hir name;
Weldeȝ non so hyȝe hawtesse
Þat ho ne con make ful tame.


Ho wayned me vpon þis wyse to your wynne halle,
For to assay þe surquidre, ȝif hit soth were,
Þat rennes of þe grete renoun of þe Rounde Table;
Ho wayued me þis wonder, your wytteȝ to reue,
For to haf greued Gaynour & gart hir to dyȝe
With g[l]opnyng of þat ilke gomen þat gostlych speked
With his hede in his honde bifore þe hyȝe table.
Þat is ho þat is at home, þe auncian lady;
Ho is euen þyn aunt, Arþureȝ half-suster,
Þe duches doȝter of Tyntagelle, þat dere Vter after
Hade Arþur vpon, þat aþel is nowþe.
Þerfore I eþe þe, haþel, to com to þy naunt,
Make myry in my hous, my meny þe louies,
& I wol þe as wel, wyȝe, bi my faythe,
As any gome vnder God, for þy grete trauþe.’
& he nikked hym naye, he nolde bi no wayes;
Þay acolen & kyssen, [bikennen] ayþer oþer
To þe prynce of paradise, & parten ryȝt þere
on coolde;
Gawayn on blonk ful bene
To þe kyngeȝ burȝ buskeȝ bolde,
& þe knyȝt in þe enker grene
Whider-warde-so-euer he wolde.



Wylde wayeȝ in þe worlde Wowen now rydeȝ
On Gryngolet, þat þe grace hade geten of his lyue;
Ofte he herbered in house & ofte al þeroute,
& mony a venture in vale [he] venquyst ofte
Þat I ne tyȝt at þis tyme in tale to remene.
Þe hurt watȝ hole þat he hade hent in his nek,
& þe blykkande belt he bere þeraboute,
A-belef as a bauderyk, bounden bi his syde,
Loken vnder his lyfte arme, þe lace, with a knot,
In tokenyng he watȝ tane in tech of a faute;
& þus he commes to þe court, knyȝt al in sounde.
Þer wakned wele in þat wone when wyst þe grete
Þat gode G[awayn] watȝ commen, gayn hit hym þoȝt;
Þe kyng kysseȝ þe knyȝt, & þe whene alce,
& syþen mony syker knyȝt þat soȝt hym to haylce,
Of his fare þat hym frayned, & ferlyly he telles,
Biknoweȝ alle þe costes of care þat he hade,—
Þe chaunce of þe chapel, þe chere of þe knyȝt,
Þe luf of þe ladi, þe lace at þe last.
Þe nirt in þe nek he naked hem schewed,
Þat he laȝt for his vnleute at þe leudes hondes
for blame;
He tened quen he schulde telle,
He groned for gref & grame;
Þe blod in his face con melle
When he hit schulde schewe, for schame.


‘Lo! lorde,’ quoþ þe leude, & þe lace hondeled,
“Þis is þe bende of þis blame I bere [on] my nek,


Þis is þe laþe & þe losse þat I laȝt haue
Of couardise & couetyse þat I haf caȝt þare;
Þis is þe token of vn-trawþe þat I am tan inne,
& I mot nedeȝ hit were wyle I may last;
For non may hyden his harme bot vnhap ne may hit,
For þer hit oneȝ is tachched, twynne wil hit neuer.’
Þe kyng comforteȝ þe knyȝt, & alle þe court als,
Laȝen loude þer-at, & luflyly acorden
Þat lordes & ladis þat longed to þe Table,
Vche burne of þe broþer-hede a bauderyk schulde haue,
A bende a-belef hym aboute, of a bryȝt grene,
& þat, for sake of þat segge, in swete to were.
For þat watȝ acorded þe renoun of þe Rounde Table,
& he honoured þat hit hade, euer-more after,
As hit is breued in þe best boke of romaunce.
Þus in Arthurus day þis aunter bitidde,
Þe Brutus bokeȝ þer-of beres wyttenesse;
Syþen Brutus, þe bolde burne, boȝed hider fyrst,
After þe segge & þe asaute watȝ sesed at Troye,
Mony auntereȝ here-bi-forne
Haf fallen suche er þis;
Now þat bere þe croun of þorne,
He bryng vs to his blysse!