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Serued out in 52. seuerall Dishes for euery man to tast without surfeting. By I. C. Gent [i.e. John Cooke]

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[Theres an out-landish man now newly landed]

Theres an out-landish man now newly landed,
With rare inuentions, rich conceited tires:
From Court vnto the Citty he is bandied,
To shew his wares which suddainely inspires.
The inconstant fancie of the foolish buyers,
The price is great, therefore the wares the better,
Halfe on't downe paid, halfe on't remaine his debtor
And this superfluous waste expence in spending,
Makes Courtiers euer borrowing, neuer lending.
Yet Ladies best speed when thy spend most of all
For spend they nere so much their wastes still small.