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The Mirrovr of Maiestie

or, the Badges of Honovr conceitedly emblazoned: with emblemes annexed, poetically vnfolded [by Sir Henry Goodere?]

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TO THOSE NOBLE Personages rancked in the CATALOGVE.

My feebler Muse farre too too weake to sing,
Ha's got your Honours on her staggring wing,
And borne them to the loftiest pitch she may:
Therefore (submissiue) she do's humbly pray,
That when her tongue reeles, or Inuention haults,
Your Fauours will giue crutches to her faults.
Your Lordships in all dutifull obseruancie, H. G.

Poems addressed to individuals accompany their coats of arms; other poems accompany emblems appearing with the text