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or, Pharoah's Favovrite [by Robert Aylett]

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To the right honourable and reuerend Father in God, Iohn Lord Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale.
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To the right honourable and reuerend Father in God, Iohn Lord Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale.

VVhat need I any other Dedication?
Thy life & Iosephs are but one narratiō
He kept King Pharohs Seale which was his Ring
Thou art the great-Seale Keeper of our King,
And art the neerest seruant to his Throne,
And in his seate of Iudgment sitst alone.
By him the kingdomes waight, Church, peoples care
Committed to thy equall Ballance are,
Thus as to Pharoh Ioseph was at Nile,
So art Thou to the Monarch of this Ile:
God make thy seruice like good Iosephs proue,
And thee reward with Pharohs Grace and loue,
So Thou shalt giue thy Maister high content,
And make vs happy in thy Gouernment.
Your Lordships most humbly deuoted Robert Aylet.