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Thrifts Eqvipage

Viz. Fiue Diuine and Morall Meditations, of 1. Frugalitie. 2. Prouidence. 3. Diligence. 4. Labour and Care. 5. Death [by Robert Aylett]

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[I Meddle not with newes of Parlament]

I Meddle not with newes of Parlament,
Court-Fauourites, or Kingdomes gouernement;
I on Kings secrets, and affaires of State,
Nor know, nor need, nor care to meditate:
Let gods, who haue the charge of all, beare sway,
The Muses must not censure, but obay.
I sing what most I wish; what's that? to thriue,
Without least wrong to any man aliue:
A gratefull Worke to all, to young and old,
That seeke to get or to increase their gold:
But why goes Death then with this thriftie traine?
Because I hold, it is the greatest gaine
To die well: For we no man truely call
Or rich, or happie, till his Funerall.