University of Virginia Library




The manuscript used is British Museum Cotton Caligula A. xi.

Square brackets denote editorial insertions or emendations.

I. Part I.

Engelond his a wel god lond ich wene ech londe best
Iset in þe on ende of þe worlde as al in þe west
Þe see geþ him al aboute he stond as in an yle
Of fon hii dorre þe lasse doute bote hit be þorȝ gyle
Of folc of þe sulue lond as me haþ iseye ȝwile
Fram souþe to norþ he is long eiȝte hondred Mile
& tuo hundred mile brod fram est to west to wende
Amidde þe lond as hit be & noȝt as bi þe on ende


Plente me may in engelond of alle gode ise
Bote volc hit vorgulte oþer ȝeres þe worse be
Vor engelonde is vol inoȝ of frut & ek of tren
Of wodes & of parkes þat ioye hit is to sen
Of foweles & of bestes of wilde & tame also
Of salt fichȝ & eke verss of vaire riuers þer to
Of wellen swete & colde inouȝ of lesen & of mede
Of seluer or & of gold of tyn & ek of lede
Of stel of yre & of bras of god corn gret won
Of wit & of wolle god betere ne may be non
Wateres he haþ ek inouȝ ac at uore alle oþere þre
Out of þe lond in to þe se armes as þei it be
Ȝware bi þe ssipes mowe come fram þe se & wende
And bringe alonde god inoȝ aboute in eche ende


Severne & temese homber is þet þridde
& þanne is as ȝwo seiþ þat pur lond amidde
Homber bringȝ bi norþe muche god & wide
Severne bi west souþ temese bi þe est side
So þat of god inoȝ þat in oþer londes his
Þer bi comeþ to engelond þat non defaute nis
Yles þer beþ manion aboute engelonde
Ac þer beþ at uore alle oþere þre ich vnder stonde

Commendacio Anglie.

Þe yle of man þat me clupeþ bitvene vs & irelonde
& þe gret yle of orkeneye bi ȝonde scotlonde
Þe þridde is toward normandie þe yle of wiȝt bi souþe
Þre þe beste yles þese beþ & mest couþe
Þe werste louerdes & maistres þat in engelond were
Þe chef tovnes hii lete in engelonde arere
Londone & everwik lincolne & leicestre
Golchestre & kanterbury bristowe & wircestre


Chichestre & grantebrugge and þanne cirencestre
Derccestre & winchestre and suþþe Gloucestre
& oþer grete tovnes þat were þo in wales
Þis was þo in engelond brutons were iwis
Engelond haþ ibe inome & iwerred ilome
Verst þoruȝ grete louerdes þe emperours of rome
Þat wroȝte & wonne engelond & þat lond nome
Suþþe þorȝ picars & scottes þat to engelond come
Þat werrede & destruede ac al clene ne wonne it noȝt
Suþþe þorȝ engliss and saxons þat hider were ibroȝt
Þorȝ brutons for to helpe hem & suþþe hom over come
Þe brutons þat hom heder broȝte & þat lond hom binome
Suþþe haþ engelond ibe iwerred ilome
Of þe folc of denemarch þat ne beþ noȝt ȝvt isome


Þat ofte wonne engelond and helde it bi maistrie
Þe vifþe time ȝwan engelond þat folc of normandie
Þat among vs wonieþ ȝvt & ssulleþ euere mo
We ssulleþ her after in þise boc telle of al þis wo
Brutons was þe verste folc þat to engelonde com
Voure kinges hii made þo in þis kinedom
Þe king of westsex and of kent & of norþhomber þe þridde
& þe kyng of þe march þat was here amidde

Commendacio Anglie.

Þe saxons & þe englisse þo hii hadde al an honde
Viue & þritti ssiren hii made in engelonde
Souþsex & soþereye kent & estsex
Barcssire & hamptessire & þanne middelsex
Dorsete & wiltessire & somersete al so
Deuenessire & cornewaille & gloucestre þer to


Ssropssire & wurcestressire & al so hereford
Chestressire & warewikssire Derbi & stafford
Lincolne & hontindone & al so bedeford
Bokingham & norþhamtone & of oxenford
Norfolc & souþfolc & grantebrugge al so
Hertford & leicestre & notingham þer to
Euerwik & cardoyl & norþhomberlond
Þes ssiren wiþ oute walis beþ alle in engelond
Seventene bissopriches in engelond beþ al so
Cardoyl & duram & everwik þer to
Of ely & of kanterburi of norþwik & of roucestre
Of londone & of salesbury of chichestre of wincestre
Of lincolne & of chestre & ek of wrcestre
Of hereford & of baþe & al so of eccestre
Þanne beþ þer in walis þre wiþ oute Mor
Sein dauid & landaf & suþþe bangor


Of everwik & kanterbury beþ erchebissopes tvo
Duram beþ & cardoyl vnder everwik ido
& alle þe oþere of engelond & also of walis
Vnder þe erchebissop beþ of kanterbury iwis
Þe saxons þo in her poer þo hii were so riue
Seve kynges made in engelond & suþþe bote viue
Þe king of norþhomberlond & of estangle al so
Of kent & of westsex & of þe march þer to

Descripcio Anglie.

Þe kyng of þe march þulke time hadde wel þe beste
Muchedel of engelond þe on half al bi weste
Wircestressire & warewik & also of gloucestre
Þat neiȝ is al o bissopriche þe bissopes of wrcestre
He hadde ek þer to chestre ssire & derbi ssire al so
& stafford ssire þat beþ alle in o bissopriche ido
Þe bissopriche of chastre & ȝut he hadde þer to
Scropssire som & aluendel of warewik ssire al so


Þis king hadde ek herefordssire þat o bissopriche is
Ac ssropssire ȝeldþ haluendel to þulke bissopriche iwis
& som of gloucestressire & of warewikssire al so
Ȝut hadde þe kyng of þe march wel more lond þer to
Norhamtessire & bokingham & þe ssire of oxenford
Leicestre ssire & lincolne & þe ssire of hertford
Þat is al o bissopriche þat of lincolne is
Þat ȝwile was at dercestre biside oxenford iwis
Ȝvt hadde þe king of þe march notingham ssire þer to
In þe bissopriche of everwik ac þo nas hit noȝt so
& al walis ȝvt þer to þat a gret lond is
Al þis was ȝwile icluped þe march of walis
Vor þe lond bitvene homber & þe water of temese iwis
Ich wene in þe bissopriche of lincolne hit is


And þe bissopriche of lincolne & bi weste al þat lond
Þe king wule of þe march adde al in his hond
Þe king of westsex adde þo al wiltessire iwis
& dorsete & barcssire þat a bissopriche his
Þe bissoprich of salesburi & al souþsex þer to
Þe welde & al þe bissopriche of chichestre al so
& souþhamtessire & souþereye þat on bissopriche is
Þe bissopriche of winchestre þat ȝvt is þere iwis

Descripcio Anglie.

& somersete þat to welles þulke time drouȝ
& nou it is þe bissopriche of baþe ȝe weteþ wel inoȝ
Ȝvt adde þe king of west sex al deuenessire iwis
& cornewaille þat in þe bissopriche of eccestre is
Þe king of kent was þo louerd of al þe lond of kent
Þat were tvo bissopriches & ȝvt nis it noȝt ivent
Þe bissopriche of kanterbury þat of engelond is hext
& þe bissopriche of roucestre þat in þe west side is next


Þe king of estangle king was of norþfolc
Þe bissopriche of norþwik & al so of souþfolc
& þe bissopriche of ely þat þe yle of ely is
& of grantebrugge ssire þat þer to valþ iwis
Þe kyng of norþhomberlond was king ich vnder stonde
Of al þe lond bi ȝonde homber anon in to scotlonde
Alle þes kinges were þo ac bote on nov þer nis
Vor þe king of westsex alle þe oþere wan iwis
& was suþþe al one kyng as oure kyng nov is
Her after in þis boce me ssal ihere al þis
In þe contrey of kanterbury mest plente of fiss is
& mest chas a boute salesbury of wilde bestes iwis
At londone ssipes mest & win at winchestre
At herevorde ssep & orf & frut at wircestre
Sope aboute couentre & ire at gloucestre
Metal as led and tyn in þe contreie of eccestre


Euerwik of fairest wode lincolne of feirest meN
Grantebrigge & hontendone mest plente of dep ven
Ely of fairest place of fairest siȝt roucestre
Evene est aien france stont þe contrei of cicestre
Norwich aien denemarch chestre aȝen irlonde
Duram aȝen norþwey as ich vnder stonde

Mirabilia Anglie.

Þre wondres beþ in engelond none more inot
Þat water of baþe is þat on þat euere is iliche hot
& verss & newe & euere springeþ ne be þe chele so gret
Swiche baþes þer beþ fale in clos & in þe stret
Vpe þe plein of salesbury þat oþer wonder is
Þat ston heng is icluped non more wonder nis
Evene vp riȝt & sviþe heiȝ þat wonder hit is to se
Þe stones stondeþ þere so grete none more ne mowe be
& oþere liggeþ heie aboue þat man may be of aferd
Þat eche man wondry may hou hii were ferst arered


Vor noþer gyn ne mannes strengþe it þencheþ ne may it do
Telle me ssal herafterward of þes wondres boþe tvo
& hou hii were verst imaked Þat oþer wonder is
Vpe þe hul of þe pek þe wind þere iwis
Vp of þe erþe ofte comþ of holes þei hit were
& blouþ vp of þulke holes so þat it wolde arere
& bere vp grete cloþes ȝif hii were þer nei
& bloue hom here & þere vp in þe luft anhei
Veire weies manion þer beþ in englonde
Ac voure mest of alle þer beþ ich vnderstonde
Þoru þe olde kinges imad ȝwar þorȝ me mai wende
Fram þe on ende of engelond vorþ to þe oþer ende
Fram þe souþ tilþ to þe norþ erninge stret
& fram est to þe west ykenilde stret
Fram douere in to chestre tilleþ watelinge stret
Fram souþest to þe norþwest & þat is somdel gret


Þe verþe is mest of alle þat tilleþ fram totenas
Fram þe on ende of cornewaille anon to cattenas
Fram souþwest to þe norþest to engelondes ende
Fos me clupeþ þilke wei þat bi mani a god toun deþ wende

De Mundicia et pulcritudine gentis terre.

So clene lond is engelond & so cler wiþ outen hore
Þe veireste men in þe world þer inne beþ ibore
So clene & vair & pur ȝwit among oþere men hii beþ
Þat me knoweþ hem in eche lond bi siȝte þar me hem seþ
So clene is al so þat lond & mannes blod so pur
Þat þe gret evel ne comeþ naȝt þer þat me clupeþ þat holi fur
Þat vorfreteþ menne limes riȝt as it were ibrend
Ac men of france in þulke vuel sone me sucþ amende


Ȝif hii beþ ibroȝt in to engelond ȝware þorȝ me may iwite
Þat engelond is londe best as hit is iwrite
Fram þe biginning of þe world to þe time þat now is
Seuene ages þer habbeþ ibe as seue times iwis
Þe verste age & time was fram oure ferste fader adam
To noe & suþþe þe oþer fram noe to abraham
Þe þridde was fram abraham vor te moyses come
Þe verþe was fram moyses to dauid þes kinedom
Þe vifþe was fram dauid to þe transmigracion
Of babiloyne & þe sixþe to þe incarnacion
Þat was vorte god was ibore þe seueþe was & is
Fram oure louerdes bur tyme to þe worldes ende iwis
Þo adam was verst imaked & his ofspreng wax wide
Hii begonne at on ende of þe world as al in þis est side


Suþþe it wax wide aboute fram londe to londe
So þat in þridde age it was ar it com to engelonde
For in þe time bi tvene abraham & moyses hit was
Men come verst to engelond ich wille telle þat cas
A bataile þer was ȝwile in þe contrey of rome
Þe meste þat euere was as me haþ iherd ilome
Þe bataile of troye þat ilast vale ȝer
Mani was þat gode bodi þat aslawe was þere

De excidio troie & genelogia bruti.

Vor þer nas god kniȝt in mani lond ne stalworþe man
Þat in þe on side þere nas & al vor a woman
Þat heleine was icluped þis bataile verst bigan
An hei man was þer bi vore þat me clupede dardan
Of him com þe gode brut þat was þe verste man
Þat louerd was in engelond as ich ȝow telle can


Dardan biȝet troye þat god man was & wis
Troye byȝet priamus & also anchis
Þes were in þisse bataile of mest miȝt & mayn
Anchis biȝet enias & enias ascayn
Ascayn biȝet silvi of ȝwan þe brut com
Vor enias after þe bataile ascayn is sone nom
& silui ascaynes sone & oþere þat þer were
& to þe lond of lombardie wende & wonede vorþ þere
Þo silui hadde biȝete a child wane he wolde iwite
ȝwat man þe child ssolde be þat he adde bi ȝete
A clerc þorȝ enchantement him bigan þo telle
Þat þat child ssolde verst fader & moder quelle
& suþþe he ssulde mani lond over passi & wende
& mani bataile over com & suþþe at þen ende
To a noble lond he ssolde come and þere a louerd be
& kynges come of his blod & þat me ssulde ise


Þat eneas bi gan is of spring to lombardie verst bringe
Þre þousend & sixe & twenti þer was fram þe worldes biginninge
Þo þe clerc adde iseid his enchanterie
Þer vore silui him let sle ac þat was lute maistrie
Vor hit com no þe later as he hadde iseyd
Vor in travail of his beringe is moder was verst ded
Þo þis child was ibore me let hit clupie brut
Verst louerd he was in engelond of ȝwam me spekeþ ȝvt

Brutus occidit patrem et exulat.

Þe child wax & wel iþeȝ as þe clerc seide er
Suþþe þo hit adde þe elde of viftene ȝer
As he wolde ssete an hert al aȝen is wille
To deþe he sset his owe fader þat he lai þer stille
Hit him of þoȝte sore inou & naþeles ȝvt he was
Out of þe lond idriue vor þe deolvol cas


In to þe lond of grece he wende & þo vond he þere
Of þe kinde of priamus mani men þat þere were
Þat were of his nexte blod þat were þer in seruage
Vor her eldrene were þer biuore inome in ostage
Fram þe bataile of troye wreche as hit were
Vor þe grete slaȝt and wo þat hore kunde dude þere
Þo brut among hom com to such prowesse he drou
Þat al þe kun þat him iseiȝ adde of him ioye inou
So þat atte laste þo he in stat was
& him þoȝte þat is per in þe world nas
Þat folc al of þulke blode to him drowe vaste
Þat he ssolde is owe kunde of þulke seruage caste
Hii come alle aboute him so þat brut isey
Þat þer was of hom gret poer & noble volc & hey


Hii ȝarked hom to gadere þat vair ost it was
To þe king of grece he sende þat ihote was pandras
Þat he ssolde þe noble folc þat of so noble blod com
Oout of seruage lete & out of þraldom
Oþer him ne ssolde noȝt wondri þei hii dede hor miȝte
Wiþ hor bodies þat aȝte be so fre vor to winne hor riȝte
Þis king adde in is þoȝt gret bisemare of þis þinge
He ȝarkede is ost anon him to gronde bringe
Þis brut aien him wiþ is ost wel wisliche drou
Hii smite þer an bataile hard an strong inou

Brutus vicit pandrasum regem grecorum.

Þe prouesse þat brut dede no tunge telle ne may
Mani was þe gode bodi þat him self slou a day
Ȝwat halt hit longe to telle his fon he ouercom
& pandras þe stronge king as prison he þer nom


Þis king þo he was inome her wille dede a non
& broȝte hom out of þraldom þo he ne sey oþer won
He bigan to loue brut so muche vor is faire cheance
Þat he wilnede mest of alle þing to him eliance
Brut he seide þou art nou þe beste bodi þat is
Vor þe noble kinne þat þou art of & vor þi prowesse iwis
Ich wille obligi me to þe & mi kinedom þer to
An doȝter ich abbe of gret pris noble & god al so
Ich ȝivis þe to þi wif & ȝif þou wolt bileue here
Þe þriddedel mi kinedom ich ȝiue þe to be mi fere
Ȝif þou wilt noȝt here be ac wolt fonde more
Gold & seluer icholde ȝiue þe & inou of eche store


And take þe mi doȝter vor man þou art iwis
To winne ȝvt a kinedom wel betere þan min is
Þis king & brut were at on þat to wiue he tok
His doȝter þat het Innogen ac his lond he vorsok
Þe king tok brut is oue bodi in ostage as it were
Vorte it were to gadere ibroȝt al þat hii wolde arere
He let sende is messagers into al grece wide
He let fulle corn & oyl & win bi eche side
Me chargede þre hondred ssipes & foure & twenti þer to
Þer wiþ & al oþer gode þat me miȝte þer inne do
Þo þis ssipes ȝare were & fol of alle gode
& þis mayde ispoused was of so heye blode
Þe king deliurede þat folc out of seruage
& brut deliurede þene king out of hostage


& nom is leue vaire of him & þonkede him alle god
& nom wiþ him al þat folc þat he vond þere of his blod


& his wif Innogen & to ssipe wende
Hii nuste to wuche londe bote as god hem sende
Þat deol þat made Innogen no tonge telle ne may
Heo criede & wep mid sorwe inou & ofte iswowe lay
Þat heo wende fram al hire kun & fram ech þat heo knew
& nuste an erþe ȝwderward bote as þe wind blew
& wuste þat heo ne ssolde neuere aȝen come ne go
Ne see vader ne oþer kun louerd þat hire was wo
Brut hire clupte & kuste & confortede hire inou
Ac he ne miȝte here herte change þat heo to sorwe ne drou
Tweie dawes hii wende in þe see fram þe lond of grece
So þat hii come to an yle me clupede leogece


Þere hii gonne ariue & brut sende vp þere
Þre hondred men iarmed wel to loke ȝwat lond þat were
Þis men wende aboute wide & man ne fonden hii non
Bote vair contre & bestes wilde manion
A temple hii vovnde vair inou & a maumet amidde
Þat ofte tolde wonder gret & ȝwat men bitidde
Þes men of þis wilde bestes slowe & caȝte inowe
& to astori hem of mete vaste to ssipe drowe
Of þe maumet hii tolde brut þat hii fonde þere
& he nom wiþ him twelf men þe hexte þat wiþ him were
& a clerc þat couþe of enchantement & to þis temple drow
& offrede to þis maumet & honoured it inow


Vor to wite in ȝwiche stede is woniigge were
Þo he adde is bone ido he werþ aslepe riȝt þere
Him þoȝte þe ymage in is slep tolde him is chance
Brut he sede passe vorþ al biȝonde france


Westward toward þulke stede as þe sonne drawþ aȝen eue
Þer þou ssalt finde an place god inne to bileue
An yle god & riche inou þe se geþ al aboute
Ȝwile þat lond was ifulde wiþ geans suiþe proute
& now it is as a wildernesse vor noman þer inne nis
To þe it wole be god & riche & to alle þine iwis
& it worþ as an oþer troye to þe & so god
Þat þer ssolle kinges come and springe of þi blod


Þo brut awok of is slep al þis he vnder stod
His men he tolde of þat cas wiþ wel bliþe mod
Hii ȝarkede hom & wende vorþ þe wind was god inou
So þat toward þe west þe ssiprene drou
So þat wiþinne þritti dawes to affric hii come
& arst hii wende ofte alond & fette hom preie ilome
& foȝte & slowe muchel folc vor noman hom at stod
Fram affric hii wende vorþ mid þe wind þat was so god
So þat hii found in a stede hor kinrede bi cas
Of þe noble man hercules þat wule of troye was
Corineus het hor souerein þat so strong was of honde
Þat him ne miȝte no man ne no geant at stonde
Þo þis folc to gadere com & brut corineus fond
Þe strengost man & mest him þouȝte of eni lond


Hii aqueynted hom a non & bi come frend riȝt gode
Boþe vor hor prowesse & vor hii were of one blode
Þo was þe compaynie strong & strengore þan it was er
Al in one compainie hii wende vorþ riȝt þer
In þe se wiþ god wind so þat atte laste
In to þe on ende of gascoine þe wind hor ssipes caste
Corineus þe stronge man þre hondred men nom
& wende alond to honti þo he to londe com


Vor to porchassi hom mete & þe king goffar
Þat was king of þe lond þo he was iwar
Þat such folc was ariued as me sede vp his londe
& nuste wat folc it was to hom he sende is sonde
To wite ȝweþer hii wolde pais oþer hii nolde non
His messagers as hii wende vorþ comen & mette echon


Corineus mid is compaignie as hii wende an honteþ þere
Hii esste anon at corineus hou hii so hardi were
To honti ope þe kinges lond bote þe king hom ȝeue leue
Corneus seyde þat he nolde noman esse leue
To honti & to winne is mete & to abbe solas & game
Þe maister of þe messagers Imberd was is name
He bende is bowe & sset anon to corineus to gronde
Corneus nom is bowe of him & ȝaf him ane wounde
Anowarde is scolle mid his owe bowe anon
Þat is scolle to brec in peces manion
His felawes þo hii seie þis bigonne to fle echon
& tolde þe king vore hou þe gome was al igon


Þe king made him vroþ inou & lute wonder it was
Þat strange men in is owe lond dude a such trespas
Þat asaileden is lond & to robberie drowe
& robbed is bestes & is game & is men so slowe
He wende viþ al is poer & asailed hom anon
Brut & corineus preste were & hor men echon
& smite an bataille strong þat no tunge telle ne may
Þe folc þat þer was aslawe in eiþer side a day
Corineus suerd sone brac so strong he smot & vaste
Vor no suerd ne miȝte mid is dunt longe dure ne laste
Mid him he adde an strong ax þat maniman broȝte to deþe
So strong & gret þat an oþer hit ssolde hebbe unneþe



Corineus herwiþ harde smot & stured him aboute
& made is wey bi eiþer side & percede þe route
Mid þre hondred kniȝtes a duc þat het syward
Asaylede corineus him sulf a uorþ ward
He smot corineus harde inou þat he it stronge velde
& ȝut he hente þene stroc muchedel mid is sselde
Corineus was þo somdel wroþ is ax an hei he drou
& smot him anowarde þat heued mid god ernest inou
& vor clef him al þat heued & þe bodi to gronde
Þo miȝte siward segge þat he adde is per ifounde
Þo corineus was alles wroþ so strong dunt he ȝef
Þat ech bodi þat he smot oþer heued he to clef


Oþer he smot of þen arm oþer hond oþer heued
No lim nas þat he smot mid þe bodi bileued
Amty place he made aboute þat folc fley him vaste
A wonder maister he was on þat hom so couþe agaste
So vaste hii slowe of þis men & adoun hom caste
Þat þe king mid a vewe men him self fleiȝ atte laste
Þo þis bataile was ido brut & corineus
& astored hom aboute mid richesse & chateus
Of corn & win & alle gode & to ssipe vaste drowe
& barnde al þe contreie & þat folc vaste slowe
Þo hii adde al bar imad þe contrei al aboute
& hii were hom sulf wel astored of no þing hii nadde doute


Hii wende hom to ssipe anon & euene hii gonne driue
To þe contreie of tours & þere hii gonne ariue
A veir place hii chose hom & þere hii gonne arere
Walles wide & stronge inou castles as it were
& astored it wel inou & hor god þuder in bere
& abide þen king ȝif he wolde asaily hom þere


Þe king goffar þuderward gret poer & ost nom
Of france & of oþer londes & toward tours com
Þo he sei þe grete walles castles as it were
Ouȝ he sede þe gret despit þat i se to me here
Þat þis vile cumelinges castles leteþ rere
Vpe min londe baldeliche as me vor to afere
Ne doþ hii me ssame inou hou miȝte hii do me more
Bote ich be þer of awreke ich ssal deie wel sore


Vor godes loue stalwarde men armieþ ȝow vaste
To sle þis proute cumelinges & hor castles adoun caste
Þis folc armed hom anon & hor baners gonne arere
& departede hor ost in tuelf parties þere
Brut ordeinede is ost & sette hom wisliche
& mid god herte aȝen þis folc wende baldeliche
Þere hii smite an bataile hard & strong inou
Þe stalworþe folc of troye of þe frensse vaste slow
Ȝe two þousend & mo in a lute stonde
So þat þe frensse were neiȝwat ibroȝt to gronde
& naþeles hor ferde wax vaste aboute & wide
Vor hii hadde suche þritti men as were in hor side


Vor hor poer & hor ost wax euere so vaste
Þat þis gode folc of troye ouercome were atte laste
& flowe in to hor castles vor hii nadde oþer won
Þe ost wiþoute of france biseged hom anon
& bi leye hom so vaste þat neȝ to gronde hom broȝte
So þat brut & corineus an quointise hom bi þouȝte
Þat þis corineus bi niȝte wende out wiþ gret route
At a posterne stilleliche þat hii nuste it noȝt wiþoute
A morwe brut wiþinne wiþ is ost out drou
& smot wiþ þis frensse men strong bataile inou


Þer were mani a þousend islawe in a stounde
Brut adde a neuew þat mony broȝte to gronde
Vor he slow mid is poer & broȝte to ssame
Six hondered as me seiþ tours was is name


Atte laste he was him sulf aslawe þer was deol inou
Þo þe bataile was ne do corineus vorþ him drou
Mid six þousend wiȝtemen out of an wode þere
& come vpe þis frensse men as hii al weri were
& slou hom to gronde al vor noȝt so þat atte laste
Hii þat miȝte ofscapie bigonne to fle vaste
Hii of troye siwede wiþ oute eni feintise
Vor ȝwanne strengþe faileþ me mot nime vorþ quointise
Þo brut & corineus adde hor wille of þis þinge
Hii lete hor men þat were aslawe veire an erþe bringe
& tours þe gode kniȝt þat so muche folc er slow
Brut let bringe an erþe wiþ honur inou


& let vair tabernacle in honur of him rere
& vair hous aboute him & þe cite bigan þere
Þat noble cite was & his & vor tours þat þere lai
Þe cite me clupeþ tours as me deþ ȝut to þis day
Brut & corineus þo hii adde hor wille of al þe lond
Hii wende aboute & preide hom ne miȝte noȝt atstonde
Hii chargeden hor ssipes vaste & wel mid alle gode
& wende vorþ mid god wind mid wel driuinde flode
& driue euere westward wiþ wel god pays
Hii come here to engelond to þe hauene of totteneis
To þe on ende of engelond as in þe west souþ
A lute bi norþe cornewaile as in an hauene mouþ


Þis was þre þousend & four score & þre ȝer
Fram þat þe world was verst imad þat hii ariuede þer


Ar god was ibore euene it was also
Enleue hondred ȝer & þritti þar to
Þus come verst to engelond þe verste men iwis
Þat euere wonede in engelond þat were brut & his
Þo brut & is men þus come verst to londe
Hii wende aboute wide inou þe contreies vor to fonde
Gret plente hii founde of fiss as hii wende bi þe weie
Of wodes & of riuers as is in þe contreie
Lond hii founde god inou to tulye on alle god
So þat to bileue þer hor herte wel astod
Hii founde an vewe geans vorbroide men as it were
Into cornewaile hii driue hom in to olde diches þere


Hii housede & bulde vaste & herede & sewe
So þat in a lute stounde gode cornes hom grewe
Corn & frut hom wax inouȝ & fiss inou hii founde
& of fless so þat hii were riche inou in a stounde
Brut bad corineus for to chese of ech contrei iwis
Ȝwich him were leuest abbe to him & to his
Cornewaile him likede best þer vore he ches þere
To him & to his of spring & vor þer geans were
Vor he willede to fiȝte mid geans & do hom ssame
Þat lond he clupede cornwaile after is owe name
Cornewaile after corineus & in þis manere iwis
Corineus bi wan cornwaile to him & to his
Brut huld him to engelond he ne dorste him naȝt pleine
& after brut his owe name he clupede hit brutaine
Brutons me clupede alle men þat were in engelonde
As me clupede hom longe suþþe vor te nou late ich vnder stonde


Gogmagog was a geant suiþe gret & strong
Vor aboute an twenti vet me seiþ he was long

Brutus rex.

A gret ok he wolde braide adoun as it a smal ȝerd were
& bere vorþ in is hond þat volc vor to afere
He com mid tventi geans & asailled brut vaste
Brut wiþ is poer slou þis geans atte laste
Alle bote gogmagog vor him ne slou he noȝt
Vor he ssolde mid corineus wrastli he adde iþoȝt
So þat corineus & he to gadere were ibroȝt
Þe wrastlinge bitvene hom was somdel toȝt
Þer was moni a strong breid so þat ribbes þre
Þe geant brac of corineus as me miȝte ise
In þe riȝt side tuo & in þe luft side on
Þo was corineus somdel vroþ he stured him anon


And kipte þis geant & to an hei roche him drou
Þat stod aboue þe se an hei & þere riȝt adoun him slou
So þat he was al to ranced pecemele in a stounde
Ech lime fram oþer among þe roches ar he com to gronde
Corineus was alone louerd of cornwaile þo
Ȝwanne þe geans were alle aslawe þat þer ne bileuede na mo
Brut wende vorþ in to engelond & aspiede vp & doun
Vor to seche an eysi place vor to rere an heued toun
He com & vond al vpe temese an place vair inou
In god contreie & plentiuous þat is herte muche to drou
Þat þe ssipes miȝte fram eche londe bringe to god iwis
Þere he rerede is heued toun þat londone icluped is
Ac so ne clupede he him noȝt ac þe niewe troye
Þer abbeþ kinges & mani oþere ofte ibe in ioie


Brut þis noble prince sones adde þre
His wif Innogen noble men & fre
Lotrin & kamber & albanac al so
& attelaste deide brut þo al þis was ido

Locrinus rex.

After þat he com to engelond In þe foure & twentiþe ȝere
Ibured he was in londone þat he let verst rere
Þis lond was þo ideled a þre amang þre sones iwis
Bi weste seuerne kember adde & so al walis
Albanac biȝonde homber ac lotrin adde best
Al out bitwene hom fram est to þe west
Vor þat he was eldest me lokede him mest bi riȝte
Þes were as þre kinges & men of muchel miȝte
Þe king of hongerie suþþe com homber was is name
Into scotlond to worri & to do albanac ssame


& werred vpe him vaste & atte laste him slou
Þo lotrin iseiȝ þis he was sori inou
After his broþer kamber hastiliche he sende
& beye mid gret ost toward þe king wende
& smite bataile strong inou strengore ne miȝte non be
So þat homber king of hongri suþþe bi gan to fle
In to a gret water þere & adreinte him silue mid ssame
Þer vore me clupede þat water þo homber after is name
As me deþ ȝut & euermo wule vor þis cas
Þat homber king of hongrie þer inne adreint was
Þo lotrin adde al is wille he astore wel is lond
Wiþ homber kinges god þat me of his wond
Þo vond he þere damaiseles gent & vair inoȝ
Þat homber wiþ him brouȝte to þe ones herte drouȝ
Þat was of hom cheuentein & þe kinges doȝter was
Of germain & as him þouȝte in þe worlde her pere nas


So ȝwit ne of suich color ne in eche manere so gent
King lotrines herte was al & clene vp hire iwent
He nom hire vorþ mid him mid gret honur inou
& þouȝte hire to spousi so his herte to hire drou

Locrinus rex.

Ac corineus duc of cornwaile wroþ inou was
Toward þe king lotrin þo he herde of þis cas
Vor he adde him a vorewarde is doȝter abbe to wiue
His gret ax he nom in is hond & toward him hiede bliue
His ax þo he to him com so grisliche he ssoc & vaste
Þat þe king kwakede & is men so sore hii were agaste
Seie he sede lotrin wat þencstow vor to do
Þencstow me corineus vor to bitraye so
Hastow vorȝute þe grete wo & moni harde wounde
Þat ich abbe iþoled for þi fader & þe mani harde stounde


Vor to winne him lond & ȝow & þou wost now vorsake
Mi doȝter þat ssolde be þi wif & to a kumeling take
Þou ne ssalt bi him þat made me ofskapie so liȝte
Þe ȝwile þer is in mi riȝt hond eni strengþe or miȝte
& þe ȝwile ich mai þer wiþ min handax vp a drawe
Ȝware wiþ ich abbe geans & maniman aslawe
He bigan to ssake is handax & bigan to adrawe anon
& kniȝtes cride & eode bitwene hom manion
So þat king lotrin vnder veng wel vain
& spouse is doȝter þat het gvendolein
& dude al is wille vor he lokede so rowe
More vor eye þane vor loue maniman serueþ howe
Ac noȝt vor þan þat oþer maide he louede more of inou
Astrild hire name was & more to hire he drou


He made hire vnder erþe a woniinge quointeliche
& huld hire þere to is wille longe priueliche
& drou to hire wanne he wolde þat noman it nuste
Bote it were eni priueman þat is priuete al wuste
Ȝwanne he wolde to hire go to his meine he sede
Þat he wolde to is godes his offringe lede

Locrinus rex.

And þat he adde to honouri hom an priue stude þere
To sacrefize to is godes þat noman iwar nere
Segge he wolde ek also to þe quene is spouse
& naþeles such sacrefice I ne kepte noȝt at min house
So longe hii dude such sacrefise & pleide such game
Þat hii adde an doȝter averne was hire name
& þe quene adde also in spoushod biȝite
An sone þat het madan as it is iwrite
Sone so þe quene fader corineus was ded
Þe king adde þer after wel sone inome is red


He vorsoc is owe wif & astrild made quene
He ne dradde noȝt þo þe handax as it was isene
Þo wende þe quene vorþ to cornewaile anon
& ȝonge stalwardemen gaderede manion
Þe poer þat was hire faderes & also of engelonde
So þat sso hadde sone gret poer an honde
& gret ost made & strong & vpe þe king sette
& þe king also aȝen hire so þat hii hom mette
& an bataile vpe stoure smite strong inou
& þe quene folc þe king lotrin slou
& muche of is folc ek bote hom þat flowe
So þat a luþer beuerege to hare biofþe hii browe
Þe king miȝte segge er þe wule he was oliue
Þat in a luþer time he striuede wiþ his wiue


Ȝif alle luþer holers were iserued so
Me ssolde vinde þe les such spousbruche do
Enleue hondred ȝer þis king was þus biuore
& eȝtetene ȝer aslawe ar god were ibore
Þo was þis sturne womman guendolein þe quene
King imad in þis manere vor heo was somdel kene

Madan rex. Mempricius rex. Eboracus rex. Brutus rex. Leil rex.

Astrild ire bedsoster hire louerdes concubine
& ire doȝter auerne heo let nime atte fine
& adreinte hom boþe tuo in þe water of seuerne
& vor it was ire louerdes doȝter þe maide þat het auerne
& vor honour of ire louerde & vor heo was of is kunde
Ȝo wolde þat ire name were eueremo in munde
& let clupie þe water after hire auerne
& suþþe þoru diuerse tonge me clupeþ it seuerne


& deþ a lettre þer to & namore iwis
In þis manere þulke water seuerne icluped is
Guendolein was king viftene ȝer þo
& ire louerd was king biuore hire ten ȝer & namo
& madan hire sone fourti ȝer þulke time þat samuel
Þe prophete wardede þat folc of israhel
Mempris madanes sone kyng was an tventi ȝer
Þo kyng saul was of israhel king & non er
Þis was as me may in bok reden & ise
Ar god were ibore a þousend ȝer & four score & þre
Ebrau meinprises sone sixti ȝer was king
He made þe toun of euerwik þat strong is þoru alle þing
After is name ebrau euerwik cluped it wel
Þulke time þat king dauid king was in israhel


Brut is sone king was þrettene ȝer & nanmo
& leir king vif & tuenti ȝer brutes sone was þo
He bigan þen toun of leicestre & nemnede is owe name
Þo þat salomon þe wise man of gret fame
King was of israel þat king dauid is sone was
Þat rerede þe temple of ierusalem such temple neuere nas
Leires sone þritti ȝer king was & nyne also
He rerede verst kanterbury & winchestre þer to
Baþulf is sone after him king was tventi ȝer
He bigan þe toun of baþe & þe hote baþes þer
In þe veines of þe water as þe water deþ vp walle
He let closy fur in metal quoynteliche wiþ alle


Þat as þe water comþ þer bi þer of it cacþ hete
Þe metal is nou iturnd al in to roches grete
Þat beþ euere iliche hote & þe wateres þer of al so
& eke þoru enchantement hit was verst ido
& vor þe king baþulf þat it made gret enchanteor was

Bladud rex. Leir rex.

& þat him miȝte suþþe rewe ich wolle telle þat cas
Vor þat men ssolde is enchantement se
He let him makie wengen an hei vor to fle
& þo he was iflowe an hei & ne couþe noȝt aliȝte
Adoun mid so gret eir to þen erþe he vel & piȝte
Þat al to peces he to rod þat betere him adde ibe
Abbe bileued þer doune þan ilerned vor to fle
Þis was þulke time þat þe prophete elye
In israhel prophete was & on vr louerd gan crie
Þat þer ne ssolde þre ȝer ne six monþes þer to
No rein come on erþe & it bi vel al so


After king baþulf leir is sone was king
& regnede þritti ȝer wel þor alle þinge
Vpe þe water of soure an cite of gret fame
He rerede & cluped it leicestre after is owe name
Þre doȝtren þe king adde þe eldost het gornorille
Þe midmeste het regan þe ȝongeste cordeille
Þe fader hom louede alle inou & þe ȝongost mest
Vor heo was best & veirest & to hautesse drou lest
Þo þe king to elde com alle þre he broȝte
Þe doȝtren bi vore him to witen of hor þoȝte
Vor he þoȝte his kinedom dele among hom þre
& lete hom spousi wel ȝwar he miȝte bise
To þe eldeste he sede verst doȝter bidde ich þe
Seie me al clene þin herte hou muche þou louest me


Min heie godes quaþ þis maide to wittnesse ich drawe echone
Þat ich louie more in min herte þi leue bodi one
Þane my soule oþer mi lif þat in mi bouke is
Þe fader was þo glad inou þo he hurde þis
Mi leue doȝter he sede þo vor þou ast in loue ido
Min olde lif biuore þin & biuore þi soule also
Ich þe wole marie wel mid þe þriddedel of mi londe
To þe nobloste bacheler þat þin herte wile to stonde
Þe oþer doȝter he esste þo þulke sulue askinge
Sire heo sede bi þe heie godes louerdes of alle þinge
Ich louie more þi swete [lif] þan al þat in þe worlde is
& þei al þe world were min & al þe richesse iwis


Al & eke min owe lif leuere me were lese
Þan þi lif þat me is so lef ȝif ich miȝte chese

Leir rex.

Þe fader was þo glad inou & bad ire vnderstonde
To ȝwan sse wolde imaried be mid þe þriddedel of is londe
Þe ȝongeste he esste þo as he adde þe oþere ido
Heo ne couþe of no vicelinge & ne ansuerede noȝt so
Sire heo sede ine leue noȝt þat min sostren al soþ sede
Ac auorneȝe me icholle soþ segge of þis dede
Ich þe louie as þe man þat my fader is
& euere abbe iloued as mi fader & euere wole iwis
& ȝif þou wole ȝut þer vppe more esse & wite of me
Al þe ende of loue & þe ground icholle segge þe


As muche as þou ast al so muche ȝou art worþ iwis
& as muche ich louie þe þe endinge lo is þis
Þe king was þo wroþ inou vor ȝo sede al þat soþ
& sede vor þou ne louest me noȝt as þin sostren doþ
Ac despisest me in min olde liue þou ne ssalt neuere iwis
Part abbe of mi kinedom ne of lond þat min is
Ac þine sostren ssolleþ abbe al vor hor herte is so kunde
& þou ssalt vor þin vnkundhede be out of al min munde
Ac ine segge noȝt ȝif ich may to mariage þe bringe
Þat inele wiþ oute lond wiþ some lutel þinge
Vor þou art mi doȝter & ich abbe more þan þin sostren boþe
I loued þe one þou ȝelst nou my loue wroþe


Þer after euene a tuo he delede is kinedom
& ȝef is tueie doȝtren half & half him sulf nom
& þe eldeste doȝter wiþ here del ȝef viþ oute faile
Þe king of scotlonde & þe oþer þe king of cornwaile
To abbe half is lond wiþ hom atte biginninge
& suþþe al is kinedom after is endinge
& þe gode cordeile vnmaried was so
Vor ȝo nolde vikeli as ire sostren adde ido
Ac god þouȝte ȝut on hire vor hire triwenesse
Vor þe king of france hurde telle of ire godnesse
& bed hire fader granti him þe gode cordeile
Þe king sende word aȝen þat it was wel is wille
Ac he nolde wiþ hire ȝiue tresor ne lond
Vor is tuo eldore doȝtren hit adde al an hond
Þo þe king of france hurde þis he ansuerede þer to
Þat he adde him sulf lond inou & tresour al so


& þat he ne kepte bote hire one wiþ oute alle oþer þinge

Leir rex.

Þat some eirs & children bituene hom miȝte bringe
So þat atte laste þis maide ispoused was
To þe heie king of france as god ȝef þat cas
Þo þis king leir eldore was he bigan to loþe
Vor he so longe liuede is leue doȝtren boþe
Hor louerdes hii entissede þat hii hulde to gadere vaste
& wonne al þis lond to hom & hor fader out caste
Þis tueie kinges nome hor ost & endede þis dede
& binome þis oldemannes lond as hor wiues hom bede
Ac þe king of scotlonde vor reuþe & for kundhede
[Hym nom to hym in to his hows aȝeyn ys wyues rede]


Sixti kniȝtes wiþ honour to vinde him al his lif
As wo seiþ vor a kinedom & vor honur of is wif
Wiþ inne tuo ȝer after hit of þouȝte þe luþer quene
Þat hire fader adde to muche & þat he wolde to muche spene
Heo made þat of sixti kniȝtes hire louerd wiþ drou
& made him holde to þritti & hom þouȝte inou
Þis leir was assamed þo & in wraþþe atte nende
To is doȝter quene of cornwaile gan wende
& plainede of þe unkundhede of is doȝter gornorille
& wende þer amendement abbe after is wille
Þulke doȝter him aueng mid honur as þe hende
Ac he was al vol of him ar þe ȝeres ende
Vor he entisede hire louerd þo þat he is kniȝtes echone
Vor coust binome him bote an vif men one


Wuche so hii were to serui him & þat was inou
Þo þis oldeman þis ihurde to sorwe is herte he drou
He nuste to ȝweþer doȝter betere truste þo
& naþeles he wende aȝen to þe oþer mid muche wo
& hopede vor to finde of hire betere mulce & grace
& heo suor bi hire heie godes anon in þe place
Þat he ne ssolde mid hire be bot it one were

Leir rex.

Wiþ one kniȝte wiþ oute mo þe ȝwile he him wel bere
& esste ȝwat sorwe him were wanne he nadde him sulf no god
To wilni so gret coust & be of so gret mod
Þis word dude muche wo to þis seli olde king
Þat heo atweste him is stat þat he nadde no þing
Þat word brac nei is herte muche he it onderstod
Þat is child atweste is pouerte þat adde al is god


Nere neuere king ne quene glad wanne hii him seie
Ac to þe Ioiuol day hopede wanne he ssolde deie
He bileuede as he nede moste vorþ mid one kniȝte
& þe quene is doȝter alle wo him dude fram dai to niȝte
So þat he moste vor fin miseise awey atten ende
Þe oþer doȝter þat he adde ifonded he ne dorste to hire wende
Þe quene of france þe þridde him þoȝte mid vnriȝte
Vor he misdude hire þat he ne dorste comen in hire siȝte
Ac attelaste þo he isei þat he moste attenende
Vor pur meseise vorfare leuere he adde wende
& bidde is mete ȝif he ssolde in a strange londe
Þan þere as he him sulf king was & such þing adde an honde


Attelaste in sorwe inou to þe se he wende
To do is beste in meseise ware so god him sende
In þe ssip oþer princes in gret prute he biheld
& he nadde mid him bote tueie men him þoȝte is herte veld
[He þoȝte on þe noblei þat he hadde in ybe
He wep þe terus ronne doun þat deol it was to se]
Mid ȝoxinge & gret wop þus he bigan is mone
Alas alas þou luþer wate þat vilest me þus one
Þat þus clene bringst me adoun woder ssal ich be broȝt
Vor wel more sorwe it deþ me wan it comþ in mi þoȝt
Þe nobleye þat ich abbe iheued & þat ich was iwoned to wende
Mid so moni hondred kniȝtes aboute in ech ende


& castles nime & tounes & min fon bringe to grounde
Þanne do al þe meseise þat ich am on ibounde

Leir rex.

Leue doȝter cordeille to soþ þou seidest me
Þat as muche as ich adde ich was worþ þei ine leuede þe
Þe wile ich oȝt adde ich was worþ & nou it is al agon
Min children þat ich ȝef mi god beþ min meste fon
Vor my god hii louede me & nou hii abbeþ eueridel
Hii nolleþ me ȝiue of min owe mid gode herte a mel
A wey doȝter cordeille woder ssal ich nou fle
So muche ichabbe þe misdo þat ine dar þe ise
Mid woch bodi dar ich come in þin siȝt ene
Þat bi nom þe My frendssipe vor þi soþnesse al clene


Þis men mowe her ensample nime to lete hor sones wiue
& ȝiue hom vp hor lond al bi hor liue
Vor wel may a simple frankelein in miseise him so bringe
Of lute lond wanne þer biuel such cas of an kinge
Þo þis king adde iwend aboute in such soruol cas
Attelaste he com to carric þer is doȝter was
He bileuede wiþ oute toun In wel grete fere
He sende þe quene is doȝter word wuch is aunters were
& þat pur meseise him þuder drof & defaute of biliue
& bad hire vor þe loue of god hire wraþþe him vorȝiue
Þe quene þo ȝo ihurde þis nei iswowe was
Alas heo sede is mi fader ibroȝt in such cas
Mid hou mani kniȝtes is he come þe oþer aȝen sede
Ma dame bote mid o man & ȝut þulke in feble wede


Alas quaþ þe quene þo is it nou mid him so
Nimeþ anon tresor inou þat he aþ neode to
& cloþeþ him mid þe beste cloþ þat ȝe mowe bise
& vourti kniȝtes wiþ him þat of is siwte beo
& doþ hom alle wel an horse as king bicomþ to
& wanne no defaute nis þat al nis wel ido
Sendeþ mi louerd word & me þat mi fader in þis lond is

Leir rex. Cordoille regina.

Wat halt it to telle longe ido was al þis
Þo þe king leir atired was & me hom word sende
Þe king & quene vaire inou aȝen þis oþer king wende
& mid gret honur him avenge þo he to hom come
& toke to is owe wille al clene þe kinedom
Þis was þo þe gode doȝter þat nolde vikeli noȝt
Ofte þing þat is ivikeled to worse ende is broȝt


Þe kying of fraunce after folc wide aboute sende
To awreke him of þe luþere men þat is frend so ssende
Þo he adde poer inou þe kyng leir he nom
& þe quene is doȝter & to þis londe com
Many kundemen of þis lond Mid king leir hulde also
Vor þe vnkunde suikedom þat is doȝtren adde ido
So þat of france & of þis lond poer he adde inou
& toward is fon mid hom alle mid god herte he drou
& ouercom þis false kynges & hor wiues also
& aȝen was in is kinedom mid grete honur ido
Cordeile is leue doȝter eir of al is lond
After is daye he made þo þat he so kunde fond
Bi þis tale me mai ise þat men triwest we seþ
& best me mai to hom truste þat of lest wordes beþ
Wiþinne þe ȝer þe king of france deide & þe king leir
& cordeille þe kinedom aueng as þe riȝt eyr


& hire fader let burie wiþ gret prute & honour
At leicestre þat he made him sulf bi side þe water of sour
Þis gode cordeille as king & quene þo
Bileuede her in þis lond vif ȝer & nanmo
Ar hire tweie soster sones stalwarde men þat were
Hennin & Morgan worre hire gonne arere
& adde despit þat womman king ssolde alonde beo
& naþeles wan mid all ritȝe hii were ner þan heo

Cunedag rex.

Hii gaderede vp hor aunte hor ost aboute wide
& destruede hire londes eiþer in is side
So þat attelaste to bataile hii come
& þe quene hor aunte in bataile hii nome
& in stronge prison broȝte & þe kinedom
Delde bitwene hem two & eiþer is del nom


Morgan king of scotlond as hii dele couþe
Adde al is lond bi norþe & þe oþer bi souþe
Wiþinne tuo ȝer þer after some to morgan come
& vor he of þe eldor soster was bed him nime gome
& sede him it was gret despit þat were in þis londe
Tueie kinges wanne it riȝt was þat he it adde al an honde
Þis king was entised so þat he nom atte last
His ost & upe is cosin bigan to werri vaste
& bigan berne & quelle & atte laste iwis
Þe oþer bigan to torne aȝen & drof him in to walis
& þer hii smite an bataile in þe souþ half of þe londe
& þere was morgan aslawe þat longe worþ vnder stonde
Þe stude þat he was on slawe me clupeþ ȝut Morgan
& euere wolle after him vor he was so worþe man


Cunedag was þo one & þat lond to him nom
& nobliche þre & þritti ȝer huld þis kinedom
Þe tweie holi prophetes were ose & ysaye
Þulke time in israhel & dude hor prophecie
Romulus & remeus þe tweie breþern iwis
Bigonne þo verst rome þat noble cite is
Four hondred ȝer it was & fourtene also
After þe bataile of troye þat þis was al ido
& rome was vif hondred þus imad bifore
& þre & vifti ȝer ek ar god were ibore
After þis king kunedag his sone þat het riual

Gorgont rex.

King was imad after him wisman þoru out al
After him gurgust is sone & suþþe anoþer sicille
& monion suþþe afterward of wan we mote be stille


So þat atte laste gurguont was kyng
Stalwarde man & hardy & god þorȝ alle þing
Muche þing þat is eldore lore þoru feintise
Mid strengþe he wan suþþe aȝen & þorȝ is quoyntise
Þe kyng of denemarch ber eche ȝer wiþ lawe
Truage to engelond & bigan him to wiþdrawe
Þe kyng him porueide of poer inou
& þere wiþ in gode ssipes to denemarche he drou
& þen king of denemarch in bataile slou
& wan þe truage aȝen þat he at huld wiþ wou
As þe king gurguont fram denemarch wende aȝe
Here toward engelond he mette in þe se
Þritti ssipuol of men & of wimmen al so
Of children & of oþer god þat hii adde wiþ hom ido


Þe king eschte wat hii were hii were adrad wel sore
Þe maister vel adoun akne & cride him milce & ore
Louerd he sede we beþ men wide idriue aboute
Fram contreie to contreie þat we ne dorre nower atroute
Of þe kunde of egipt vr verste more com
Vor þo þe folc of israhel moyses wiþ him nom
& ladde hom out of egipt in to þe liuerede se
& þe king adreinte & alle his þat hii ne come neuere aȝe
Among hom þat bileuede aliue strif me miȝte ise
Woch mest maisters were & louerdes ssolde be
So þat hii þat maisters were adde wel gret honde
To þe kun þat we come of & driue vs out of londe


Vor drede þat hii ne scholde noȝt hor maistres be
Þus hii were idriue awey & nuste wuder te

Gorgont rex.

Hii dude hom vorþ in to þe se & bi moni a londe wende
So þat in to spaine atte nende hom sende
Þere hii bileuede & woxe & alle þat of hom come
Vorte now þis oþer day þat we ne miȝte noȝt be isome
Vor þe kunde volc of þe lond adde to hom onde
& þat we to grete maistres were driue us out of londe
Oþer half ȝer we abbeþ now iwend wiþ oute reste
In þe grete se of occean vorto seche oure beste
Þat oure owe lif ous is loþ þat we nuste ware bileue
Þer vore we wolde bidde þe þat þou vs som place ȝeue


Þat were ampty In þine londe ware þou wost bi þenche
Þat we miȝte biswinke oure mete & libbe bi oure swenche
Þe kyng hom nolde granty no þing of is lond
Ac he sende hom bi god condut In to yrelond
Þat al ampty was of men þat no mon ne wonede þere
& þis were þe verste men þat in yrlonde were
A þousend ȝer hit was & tuo þat ido was al þis
After þat folc of israel of egipt wende iwis
Seue hondred ȝer & nyenty hit was ek biuore
Er þan oure louerd crist anerþe was ibore
Hit biuel þerafterward suiþe long inou
Þat out of þe lond of scicye oþer folc þuder drou
Vor in to þe grete se of occean a gret compainie
Of picars wende some time out of scicie


Fram londe to londe wide hii gonne wende
So þat hii come attelaste to yrlondes norþ ende
Aȝen þat folc of scotlond & þat folc þat hii founde þere
Of þis eldore kunde scottes icluped were
Þe picars bede þe scottes an ende of hor londe
To ȝiue hom to libbe by bi suench of hor honde
Þe scottes sede þat þet lond noȝt inou be
To hom boþe to libbe by as hii miȝte ise

Gorgont rex.

Ac þat hii miȝte ofte ise in cler weder þere
Estward as þe sonne aros a lond as it were
Murie & vair hit þoȝte inou & þat hii þuder wende
To wonie & to libbe þer & þat hii hom word sende
Ȝif enimon hom destourbede & þat hii wolde hii sede
Wardi hom fram alle men þat hom ne tidde no drede


Þis picars hom wende euere vorþ estward euere vaste
To þe norþende of engelonde hii come attelaste
Þulke ende hii founde al bar hii bileuede þere
& swonke & tylede hor liflode & al maistres were
Hii founde hom sustenance inou & liuede þus vorþ
Þe britons in þe souþhalf & hii In þe norþ
Þe picars founde ese inou & defaute none
To libbe in plente inou bote of wimmen one
Vor þer nere none among hom þeruore Into yrlonde
Hii wende to scottes þat þer were þat hii hom ssolde vnder stonde
& lene hom wimmen þat hii miȝte hor ospring eche so
Vor þing þat woneþ & noþing wexþ sone it worþ ido
Scottes hom sende wimmen In þis fourme þere
Þat wan a child were ibore & me in doute were


Wo were þe fader þat it ssolde name & eritage
Boþe abbe in þe moder half vor drede of outrage
Leste it heode out of kunde þorȝ child mis bi ȝite
Vor me mai bet soþnesse of þe moder þan of þe fader iwite
In þis manere picars mid scottes mengd hor blod
So þat it siwede þe wimmen wanne me out vnder stod
& wanne man wiþoute eir of him sulue to deþe were ibroȝt
His moder kun was is eir & is fader riȝt noȝt
& vor þe modres scottes were so vorþ it is icome
Þat þe scottes name is al aboue & þe picars bi nome
Þus scottes among picars come out of yrlonde
& þat lond me clupede after hom scotlonde

Gorgont rex. Lud rex.

Yrlonde is alre yle best wiþoute engelonde
Þe se geþ al aboute him ek as ich vnder stonde


More he is þan engelond & in þe souþhalf he is
Braddore & more of inou þanne in þe norþhal iwis
Aȝen þe lond of spaine he stont in þe norþ side riȝt
Selde snow þer inne liþ & nameliche þre niȝt
So euene hot þat lond is þat men dorre selde
Hor orf in house a winter bringe out of þe welde
Lese last þer alle winter bote more wonder be
Selde me ssal in þe lond eny foul worm ise
Vor neddren ne oþer wormes ne dorre þer be noȝt
Ac ȝif hii beþ þuder bicas fram oþer londe ibroȝt
Hii deieþ þoru smul of þe lond oþer þorȝ torchinge iwis
Ech gras þat þerinne wexþ aȝen venim is
Vor men þat beþ enuenimed þoru graces of þe londe
Idronke hii beþ iclansed sone þoru godes sonde


Hony & milc þer is muche Muche folc & bold
Þis is þe stat of yrlonde as ich abbe itold
After kyng gurguont kinges monion
Þer were here in engelond me ne may noȝt telle echon
Aboute ane four hondred ȝer after him þer com
A kyng þat was lud icluped þat wel huld þis kinedom
Grete tounes in engelond he amendede inou
& londone aller mest vor þer is herte mest drou
& folc he het of þe toune so noble bold arere
Þat in al engelond so noble cite þere
Walles he let make al aboute & ȝates vp & doun
& after lud þat was is name he clupede it ludes toun
Þe hexte ȝate of þe toun þat ȝut stont þere & is
He let hit clupie ludegate after is owe name iwis
He let him þo he was ded burie at þulke ȝate
Þer vore ȝut after him me clupeþ it lodegate


Cassibel rex.

Þe toun me clupeþ ludestoun þat is wide couþ
& now me clupeþ it londone þat is liȝtore in þe mouþ
& niwe troye hit het er & nou it is so ago
Þat londone it is now icluped & worþ euere mo
Engelond aþ ibe mid strengþe iwonne ilome
& verst as ich telle can þoru þe emperors of rome
After king lud þer was king his broþer cassibel
Þat noble prince was inou & þat lond gouerned wel
Iuly þe emperour of rome bi his daye com
& muchedel of þe world bi este to is poer nom
So þat he drou him westward & worrede in mony londe
& wan lond after oþer him ne miȝte non at stonde
Þo he adde iwonne france þe se he wende nei
& bihuld west & somdel of engelond isey


He eschte at men wat lond it were & wat folc þerinne was
Me sede him þat it was brutaine no betere lond nas
& þat þe folc was of troye & of brut icome
Þanne beþ hii quaþ þe emperour of þe kunde of rome
Vor after þe bataile of troye þe nobleman eneas
To lombardie com þat nou is rome & vre ferste fader was
& brut also com of him þat his fader slow
& þeruore was þenene idriue & to þulke lond drou
Þanne be we of one kunde ac bote ich þerto lie
Aȝen kunde hii beþ aȝen vs & of chiualerie
Vor þerof ne mowe hii conne noȝt Inot hou hii miȝte
To be bi hom sulue in an herne as þerof wiþ oute siȝte
Vor noȝt we ssolle hom ouercome ac naþeles as þe hende
We ssolle hom warni of oure þoȝt ar we þanne wende


Þe emperours messagers to engelonde come
Þat þe king abude is herte to þe noble stude of rome
As alle oþere kinges dude & is noble seruage
Dude to þe heye emperour & sende him is truage

Cassibel rex. Iuli[us] imperator p[ri]m[us] perquisitor Anglie.

& his lond huld of him & dude him omage
Laste þe heie emperour vor is outrage
Come & destruede al is lond & ȝut þat worse were
Þe blod schedde of is owe kunde & defoulede so þere
& þe olde heinesse of priamus worrede so
Of was kunde hii come echone & þat were him loþ to do
Vor þer ne scholde in al þe world no lond be uer bore
Þis was euene sixti ȝer ar god were ibore
Þe kyng sende þis word aȝen þo he hurde þis tiþinge
Cassibel king of brutaine to Iuly send gretinge


Wonder it is sire emperour of þi noble gentrise
Þat is so noble anerþe iwolt wiþ so vil coueitise
Þat worles nobleye as so muche alle manne mest
& vor coueitise art icome so ver fram þen est
To wilny oure lute god þat god vs wolde sende
Þat beþ here bi vs sulue at þe worles ende
& þat þou nart one ipaid vr tresour to nime at ene
Bote þou þerafter vs binime vr franchise al clene
To bringe us so fre as we beþ In to so gret seruage
Þat we bere þe & þine eueremo truage
Gret vilte þou askest ous wanne we of one kunde
Beþ icome ȝe & we as þou ast þi sulf in munde
Þanne aȝt it be inou wanne we beþ of one blode
Loue & frendssipe to aski us ȝif þou þe wel vnderstode


Þei þou ne askedest þer vppe þralhede euere mo
Siker þou be we ne conne noȝt of þralhede ne of wo
So muche we abbeþ euere ibe in franchise ȝut her to
Þat þei vr owe god vs wolde in þralhede do
Fondi we wolde aȝen hom vor oure franchise wiþstonde
Þei þou þer vore sire emperour gret poer abbe an honde

Cassibel rex.

Wite to soþe þat we wulleþ vor oure franchise fiȝte
& vor oure lond raþer þan we lese it wiþ vnriȝte
Þis was ek four hondred ȝer & four score & þrittene
After þat þe boru of rome verst was bigonne ich wene
Þo þe emperour hurde þis to schipes he wende vaste
& al is poer vorþ wiþ him & hor seiles vp caste


Hii entred In at temese mouþ & þere hii gonne ariue
Þo cassibel hurde þis he ȝarkede him wel bliue
Þo adde king lud is broþer ȝonge sones tueie
Androge & tennant þat to ȝonge were beie
Þo ȝare fader deide to holde þe kinedom
Þer vore cassibel þat lond to him nom
Ac þo nolde cassibel þat hii ssolde allinge faile
Tennant þe ȝongore he made erl of cornwaile
& androge erl of kent & ȝef him londone þer to
Beie hii were noble men þo þis dede was ido
Þe king adde ek an broþer nenni was is name
Stalwarþe kniȝt & hardi & mon of grete fame
Þe kinges chef conselers þes þre were of þis þinge
Alle hii come to kaunterbury atte biginninge
Þere þe king & is poer such conseil to gadere nome
To kepe þe emperours folc ar hii to ver in come
Vor ȝif hii adde o þing iwonne of castel oþer of toune
Wel þe worse it wolde be to bringe hom þer doune


Þe king wende toward þe se mid vair ost inou
& as þe emperour adde ipiȝt his pauilons he drou
Þo hii adde iordeined hor ost in eiþer side
Þe bataile hii smite strong inou þat couþ was wel wide
Mid arwen & mid quarels so muche folc verst me slou
And suþþe mid speres smite adoun þat deol it was inou
Þo hii were þoru out imengd mid suerd & mid mace
Mid ax & mid anlas so muche folc in þe place

Cassibel rex.

Me slou þat al þe erþe aboute stod as in flode
Ar þe bataile were ido al of rede blode
Nenny þe kinges broþer & þe erl of kent al so
Mid al þe poer of kent & mid londreis þer to
Abated hom to þulke ost þat þe emperor Inne was
So þat nenny isey þe emperour bicas


Anon he willede in is herte wiþ a so hei man to fiȝte
He asailede him & drou is suerd & smot mid al is miȝte
Ac þe emperour mid is suerd þen stroc hente inou
& adrou is suerd an hei & to grounde harde slou
& smot nenny þoru þe helm somdel toward þe braine
& suþþe toward þulke stude he smot mid more maine
To abbe icloue him al þat heued ac nennin is sseld nom
& dude bituene þat þe stroc so dep þer inne ne com
Þat þe emperour ne miȝte it out drawe mid al is mayn
Nennyn caste is owe swerd awei anon wel vain
& nom þat suerd to him þat so noble was & riche
Vor þer nas in al þe world suerd him iliche
Vor þer non wiþ him iwonded þat euere keueri miȝte
Þer vore it was rede deþ icluped & mid riȝte


Þo nennyn adde þis gode suerd aboute he smot to grounde
Ech man þat he þer wiþ smot he ȝef deþes wounde
Þe romeins leie sone adoun he made ampti place
& þe brutons arise vaste so þat þoru godes grace
Hii adde þe maistrie of veld þe romeins flowe bliue
Ac mony was þe moder child þat arst was ibroȝt of liue
Þe emperour & is poer to schipe flowe vaste
& to france flowe aȝen somdel hii were agaste
Hor folc hii lore in þe se þoru tempest monion
Wat in bataile wat in þe se & hore hors nei echon

Cassibel rex.

Cassibel was glad inou þo he adde þe maistrie
Vaire he þonkede is gode folc & gret corteisie
Of ȝiftes delde among hom euere as hii worþe were
So þat ioye & murþe inou among hom was þere


Ac þer was among hom deol inou vor nennin ibroȝt
Þat þe emperour þe wounde ȝef þat he miȝte hele noȝt
He lai uorpined in þe wounde & toward þe deþe drou
& deide þe vifte day mid sorwe & deol inou
At þe norþ ȝate of londone hii birede þis gode kniȝt
& burede wiþ him in is cheste þat swerd þat was so briȝt
Þat he wan of þe emperour wiþ onour inou
Þat rede deþ was icluped warewiþ he him slou
Ibured it was uorþ wiþ him as in tokninge
Of is prowesse þat he it wan of an so heie kinge
Cassibel þis gode king him gan euere vnderstonde
Þat þe emperour þoȝte ȝut worrie in is londe
Þe vif tounes of þe vif pors he let walli aboute
& so gode kniȝtes dude þer þat he nadde þer of no doute
Stakes of ire monion he piȝte in temese grounde
Aboue ssarpe & kene inou bineþe grete & rounde


Þat ȝif þer eni ssipes come ar me iwar were
Hii ssolde piche hom þoru out & adrenche so þere
Her was quointise inou he let also arere
Vpe þe water stronge hous þat hii vnwarned nere
& of þe ȝonge folc of þe lond þerinne dude inowe
To be prest to kepe hor fon wenne hii þuder drowe
Iulius þe emperour wiþ strong poer inou
Tuo ȝer after þe bataile to engelond aȝen drou
& þoȝte to sle al þat folc & winne þe kinedom
Ac he caste ambesas þo he to londe com

Cassibel rex.

Vor as þe ssipes wiþ gret eir come toward londe
In temese as þei al þe world ne ssolde hom atstonde
Þe pikes smite hom þoru out ar hii wuste wat hit were
& to dasste & drainte vourti ssipes þere
& a þousend gode kniȝtes þerinne were adreint
& al hor atir & tresour was also aseint


& so hii miȝte lerni wiche brutons were
Betere hom adde ibe at rome þan iiousted þere
Þe emperour wiþdrou him þo & bi anoþer ende
To londe he com wroþ inou þis lond vor to ssende
Þo king cassibel isei so muche folc vorlore
& adreint of is fon glad he was þeruore
& naþeles he was sori & made gret imone
Of hom þat ofscapede þat hii nere adreint echone
Þo þe romeins were icome to londe attelaste
Cassibel wiþ his poer aȝen hom sette vaste
Hii smite bataile strong inou þer was ido gret wo
& muche folc aslawe in eiþer half & of þe romeins mo
Vor þe brutons woxe vaste þe romeins bineþe were
Þo þe emperour isei þat his fare nas noȝt þere
Wiþ lute folc þat him was bileued to ssipe hii flowen vaste
Hit was folc of an gode londe þat hom so couþe agaste


Þe king cassibel anon vor ioie made his heste
Þat alle þe kniȝtes of is lond come to is feste
To londone at a certein day & hore wiues al so
Hor sacrefize to hor godes as riȝt was to do
Vourti þousend of ruþeren he let quelle þer to
& of fatte weþeren an hondred þousend al so
Of wilde bestes he let þritti þousend quelle
Of wilde foweles & of tame ne miȝte no tonge telle

Cassibel rex.

Þo þis feste ȝare was þat folc verst in is wise
To hor godes as hii wolde dude hor sacrefice
Þer after hii sete at hor mete wiþ gret nobleie echon
Þat me nuste þer biuore so noble feste non
After mete as riȝt was þe menestraus eode aboute
& kniȝtes & swaines In karole gret route


So þat þe kinges neueu & þe erles neueu of kent
Þe tueie ȝonge bachelers þat noble were & gent
In þat noble tresche strif bigonne arere
So þat þe herles neueu þen oþer slou riȝt þere
Þo was al þe court anuyd as he moste nede
Þe king verde ek vor wraþþe as he wolde awede
Androge he sende word þat he is neueu toke
& broȝte him vorþ to auonge þat þe court him wolde loke
Androge was adrad vor he nuste þe kinges wille
& loþ he adde is neueu to hongi oþer spille
Þe king he sende word aȝen þat he adde is franchise
In is owe court vorto loke domes & assise
& þat ȝif is neueu adde misdo In is owe court he ssolde
Ansuerie þat echman to him siwi wolde
Þo þe king hurde þis þat he ne miȝte bi no lawe
Iugi him þat his neueu broȝte of lifdawe


He greiþede is ost faste vpe þis erl of kent
To bringe is neueu mid strengþe to stonde to Iugement
Oþer mid fure oþer mid swerd bringe he wolde al out
Him to noȝte & al is þing nere he no so proute
Þis erl bi grete louerdes to þe king ofte sende
Þat he ssolde vor godes loue is herte somdel amende
& þat he vor is neueu wolde vorto abatie strif
Do hey amendement sauue lume & lif

Cassibel rex.

Þo þer nas oþer wey bote stonde al out to dome
Þe erl of anoþer wei bi þouȝte him ilome
& as he & is conseil stable conseil nome
Þe lettres he sende to Iuli þe emperour of rome
To Iuli emperour of rome androge erl of kent
Gretinge & stable loue after wraþþe sent


Sire wite to soþe þat sore ofþinkþ it me
Þat ich abbe vor oure kinges loue iholde aȝen þe
Þat ȝif mi poer nadde ibe þou addest him ouercome
Ac vor he aþ now þe maistrie such prute him haueþ inome
Þat nou me þoru wam he aþ of þe þe maistrie
Driue he wolde out of his lond mid grete vileinie
Ich him abbe iholde in is lond & mi mede þer of is
Þat he me wole driue of is lond vnofserued iwis
Vor oure godes ich take to witnesse þat oþer gult non þer nis
Bote þat inelle mi neueu þat a lute dude amis
Bitake him to Iugement to hongi oþer to drawe
Ac ich wolde to sauui lif & lume bringe him to ech lawe


Þer vore ich bidde þat ich mowe mi stat holde þoru þe
& þat þou vp him brutaine mowe winne þoru me
& ne þench þou sire noþing þat ich treson þenche
Vor siker þis is þe soþe wei wiþ oute eni mis wrenche
& god wole þat men ofte be in wraþþe & in sore
Þat after hor grete wraþþe hor loue be þe more
Þo þe emperour hurde þis he ne truste wel þer to
Wiþ oute siker ostage such þing to do
Þe erl þritti noble men þat were of is blode
Sende him & is owe sone þat were ostages gode

Cassibel rex.

Siker was þo þe emperour he ne leuede noȝt bihinde
Ac com here to engelond mid þe nexte winde
Þe king þe wule londone bisegede uaste
& destruede þe erles lond & is courtes adoun caste


Ac þo he hurde þat þe romeins icome were to þis londe
To hom he wende hasteliche & let londone stonde
Þo he com nei kaunterburi In a valeie biside
He sei þe emperours ost sprad aboute wide
Þe emperour verst in is half & he in is also
Ordeinede verst hor ost þe bataile to do
Ac mid vif hondred hors iwrie as it was bispeke
Þe erl of kent was in a wode him vor to awreke
Þer of nas noȝt þe king iwar ac wiþoute faile
Mid gode herte he wende vorþ to smite þis bataile
Bituene þe se & kaunterburi þis bataile was
Neuere ich wene more slaȝt in so lute wude nas
Þat folc vel doun vorwounded & aslawe in eiþer side
As þicke as leues doþ of tren aȝen winteres tide
Ac þo þe folc of þis lond nei adde þe maistrie
Com þe erl of kent mid is ost þoru is tricherie


Al verss bi hinde þe brutouns alas þulke stounde
So þat þis lond was ibroȝt þoru treson verst to grounde
Ac þe king & some of is defended hom so vaste
Þat hii vor hom alle aliue ofscapede atte laste
& nolde hom ȝelde for no þing ac among al or fon þere
Ofscapede vp an hei hul þer moni roches were
& þer hii kudde hor prowesse vor hii wuste hom þere anhei
Mid stones þat no mon ne dorste come hom nei
Ou louerd þe noble folc þat is of þis londe
Wanne hii þe emperour of rome þat no lond ne miȝte at stonde

Cassibel rex.

In bataile & al is ost ouercome twie
& euere wolde as ich wene ȝif nadde ibe tricherie


Þer vore ich wene þat þis lond neuere iwonne nere
Bote it þoru treson of þe folc of þe londe were
Þo þe emperour ne miȝte þe king mid strengþe ouercome
Þen hul he wuste vorte he adde mid honger him inome
Atte laste þo þe king was al ibroȝt to grounde
Þoru honger & defaute of mete alas þulke stounde
& he sei wel þat he moste nede vor honger deie
Oþer ȝelde him to þe emperour as al is men iseie
& þe emperours prison he dradde ek wel sore
Þer vore þe erl of kent he bisoȝte milce & ore
Þat he adde reuþe of him & uor is gentrise
Hadde is pes wiþ þemperour wiþ oute feintise
& þat þe kunde blod of þis lond of wam we boþe come
Nere þoru him ibroȝt to ssame & þat he toke gome
& þat ȝif he adde ouȝt misdo aȝen him mid wou
Þat he it wolde amendi aȝen him wel inou


Þo androge hurde þis somdel he was in þouȝt
Þe prinse he sede oþer king nis to preisi noȝt
Þat in time of worre as a lomb is boþe mek & milde
& in time of pes as leon boþe cruel & wilde
Min godes of heuene & of erþe wat segge nou ȝe
Mi louerd bisecþ nou mi grace þat miȝte er hote me
Mid þe emperour & me pes he secþ drawe
& we boþe of him biuore pes wilnede vawe
Þer vore he ssolde abbe biþoȝt þat þoru me he was aboue
& þoru me he miȝte abbe icome adoun & abbe ikud me loue

Cassibel rex.

Vor it is ech prince iwis & king vileinie
To defouli is kniȝtes þoru wam he aþ þe maistrie


Vor þe maistrie nis noȝt a kinges ne be no so god
Ac kniȝtes þat vnder him viȝteþ & ssedeþ hor blod
Naþeles icholle fondi to bringe him of is sore
Vor ichabbe of him wreche inou wanne he bisecþ min ore
Þe erl wende to þe emperour & sat adoun a kne
Sire he sede al þi wille þou ast þou miȝt ise
Of þe king þat is min vncle he is al at þin wille
Haue merci of him ich þe bidde & ne let him noȝt aspille
Wat wostou more of him bote þat he truage þe bere
Þe emperour was stille þo & ne ȝaf him non ansuere
Sire emperour quaþ þe erl þo ne be ȝe no so bolde
Vnder þat voreward ichabbe þe al iholde
To bringe þe king bineþe & þat þou wonne al is londe
Wat ssolde ich þe more do nastou al þis an honde


Nolde god þat ich soffrede mi louerd þat is & was
Þat bit me vorȝifnesse & to amendi is trespas
Þat he in þine bendes come god it ssilde me
Vor þou ne ssalt so liȝtliche him nime i segge þe
Þe wle ich libbe vor ich wolle in ech manere fonde
To helpe mi louerd & min vncle bote þou me vnderstonde
Þo þe emperour hurde þis he bigan him biþenche
& is wraþþe toward þe king [for drede of þe erl quenche
Þe emperour & þe king] in þis fourme acorded were
Þat þe king of þis lond to þe emperour bere
Þre þousend pound of seluer fram ȝere to ȝere
As þe truage to rome þat non vorbore nere
In þis manere was engelond Ibroȝt verst in seruage
& þoru treson of þe sulue lond verst ȝef truage
Þeruore a king ne mai noȝt among is kniȝtes be
To sturne of is iugement ac somdel him bise


Cassibel rex. Tennanci[us] rex.

Þat he aþ to hom nede he not wuche stounde
Vor a such wille as ȝe iseþ broȝte verst þis lond to grounde
Þe emperour þo & þe king to grete loue drowe
& hor eiþer oþer bitwene hom ȝiftes ȝeue inowe
& bileuede alne winter to gadere in þis londe
Ac aȝen somer þe emperour þo he adde al anhonde
Wende hom toward rome & mid grete loue
Nom wiþ him þe erl of kent þoru wane he was aboue
& þoru nobleie þat he was man of so gret fame
He let an monþe in þe ȝere clupie after is name
Iulius as he het him sulf þe monþe þat next is
Biuore heruest as me ȝut clupeþ þe monþe iwis
Cassibel þe gode king as god ȝef þat cas
Deide after seue ȝer þat he ouercome was


& ibured was at ȝork & þis kinedom
Tennaunt is broþer sone after him nom
Þat was erl of cornewaile & þe erles broþer of kent
Androge þat was to rome mid þe emperour iwent
Augustus was emperour after Iulij of rome
Þe truage fram þis lond fram ȝere to ȝere come
Þe kinges sone tennant kimbel was is name
He huld wiþ him at rome Man of noble fame
He ȝef him armes & made him kniȝt is owe honde
Þis kimbel after is fader king was of þis londe
So muche he louede þe emperour þat þei he miȝte oȝt
His truage atholde aȝen vor loue he nolde noȝt
Þo august adde ibe emperour tuo & fourti ȝer
He let make a descriuinge þat ido nas neuere er
He sende aboute is messagers as it is iwrite
To ech lond in to al þe world a certein vor to wite


Kymbel rex.

Hou mony ssire were in ech lond & tounes in eche ssire
& hou monimen in eche toune he was a gret sire
& þat echman paide a peni & me him þe panes bere
War þoru he wuste hou moni men in al þe worlde were
& me made þis descriuinge in þis lond as wel
As in eni oþer londe bi þe kinges daie kimbel
& naþeles ine leue it noȝt þat he ne dude it as wel þanne
Vor loue of þe panes as to wite þe noumbre of eche manne
Aboute ierusalem þis noumbringe he bigan
As in þe middel of þe world to noumbri eche man
Þulke time vr louerd was in bedleem ibore
Of marie to saui men þat were arst vorlore
Bi kimbeles dai þat was king of brutaine here
& in þe emperours august two & fourtiþe ȝere


Þat was icluped octouian in anoþer name
Þis emperour august was of so gret fame
Þat vor Iuli þe emperour þat biuore him was er
Hadde after him icluped an monþe in þe ȝer
Þe nexte monþe þerafter þat heruest monþe is
He let after him clupie august iwis
Þo august adde ibe emperour fourti ȝer & fiue
& wel iholde is poer he wende out of þis liue
Tibery is stepsone after him com
Þat nobliche huld is poer & is kinedom
Þe gywes & herodes þat hore king was
He adauntede hard inou & non harm it nas
Pilatus he sende þuder hor Iustise to be þere
Vorto holde hom harde inou as hii wel wrþi were
& ȝut for al þan bi is daie þoru hor luþer mode
Hii broȝte oure louerd ihesu crist to deþe on þe rode

Gwyþer rex.

Þre & tuenty ȝer emperour he was biuore is deþe
& after him was gayus vif ȝer vnneþe


Kymbel vr king of þis lond sones adde tweie
Gwider & aruirag noblemen beie
Gwider after is fader king was of þis londe
& claudius emperour after gay ich vnder stonde
Ymad he was emperour sixti ȝer ich wene
After god was ibore & aboute an eiȝtetene
& after vr louerdes deþ seue hondred ȝer
& euene eiȝte & nienti rome was imad er
Gwider vr king of þis lond is truage athuld sone
Of rome þat is eldore were iwoned to done
Claudius þe emperour þer of him gan bi se
Þe verþe ȝer þat he adde emperour ibe
Mid gret ost he wende in to engelonde
In þe contreie of souþhamptone hii ariuede ich vnder stonde
Þo king gwider vnderȝet þat hii ariuede þere
Him þouȝte imete mid is ost ar he at hom were


Hii mette hom togadere mid poer inou
Muche folc in eiþer half to gronde me slou
Þe king gwider more folc slou is owe honde
Þan muchedel of is folc as ich vnder stonde
Þis romeins were vor noȝt ouercome atte laste
Þat þe emperour mid is ost bigan to fle vaste
A cheuentein þat was wiþ him haym was is name
He sei þat hor partie ibroȝt was nei to ssame
He biþoȝte him of felonie & let him armi þere
Mid armes of brutons as he of þis lond were
He siwede ope þe romeins mid þe brutons so vaste
Þat oure king him louede wel & is herte al vpe him caste

Aruiragus rex.

He spac engliss vor he was at rome inorssed biuore
Mid ostages of þis lond me leued him þe bet biuore


He was euere oure kinge next & atte laste he adrou
His swerd ar me were iwar & oure king aslou
Þer was tricherie inou vor no mon ne mai bet do
Gile anoþer þan þulke þat he truste mest to
To his felawes he wende anon & bed hom hardi be
So þat þe brutons were vpe þe pointe to fle
Aruirag vr kinges broþer wende vorþ anon þere
& dude him on þe kinges armes he im sulf as it were
He lep on is stede & siwede & slou vaste is fon
& þe brutons wiþ him vor hii wende it were þe king echon
Hii were alle þo so hardi & þat folc slowe so vaste
Þat þe emperour bigan to fle mid is folc atte laste
To scipes & in to þe se mid wrechede inou
Ac þe luþer haym & is folc toward wode drou


Aruirag him siwede & to grounde slou
Atte laste is tricherie wel lute he bilou
He of tok him at an hauene & slou him riȝt þere
Lute harm þei trichors so alle iserued were
Þe hauene þer he was aslawe after haym is name iwis
Haymtone was icluped as he ȝut icluped is
Vor souþhamtone he is icluped & worþ euere mo
In þis manere þe brutons þis lond wuste þo
Claudius þe emperour nolde noȝt ȝut bileue
Ȝef he com mid is ost in to þis lond weue
Aruirag at winchestre mid is men was echon
Wiþ is poer þe emperour biseged him anon
Aruirag greiþed him & is folc aboute
& wende vorþ to ȝiue him bataile wiþoute


Aruiragus rex qui desponsauit filiam imperatoris Claudii.

Þo he com outward wiþ is folc þe emperour atstod
& dradde is hardiesse & þoȝte it nas noȝt god
To don is lif an aunter & is men al so
He þoȝte to speke of acord ȝif it miȝte be ido
To þe king he sende word þat he ssolde him bise
& make fourme of acord ȝif it miȝte so be
Vor wanne hii adde al ifoȝte & hor lif anauntre ido
& hor folc aslawe in eiþer side & peraunter hom sulf al so
Al vor a lute coueitise þe biȝete were þanne lute
Betere hit were acordi & bileue hor prute
Vor he was so god kniȝt & al so so noble king
He bed vor to ȝiue him is doȝter in spousi[n]g
Þe nobloste damaisele þat was in eni londe
& to spousy þe emperours doȝter hit nere him no ssonde


Vor wat he bere is truage as riȝt were to rome
As alle oþere kinges dude & is eldore ilome
Þe king vor his heie herte anon it wiþ seide
Ac naþeles is conseil him gan þer to rede
& sede þat it was to him gret prou & honour
To be in such mariage alied to þe emperour
Þe heiest prince of al þe world & þe maide so noble al so
& þat it nere him no ssame his truage to do
To þe noble stude of rome wanne þe oþer kinges echon
Hit dude þoru al þe world & in so noble fourme non
Þe king þei he hautein were ches þe beste won
& vnderstond is conseil so þat hii were at on
Þat he bere is truage as oþere dude to rome
& þat he þe emperoures doȝter in spoushod nome
Þis maide was to londe ibroȝt of so noble gentrise
Vairor wommon nas þo non ihote heo was gewise


Imperator Claudius. Aruiragus rex.

At a lute toun þat was þo bi este walis
Þat vpe seuerne stod ispoused hii were iwis
Þe king louede is wif anon so purliche & so vaste
Þat al is herte onliche on hire on he caste
Vor honur of þe mariage þe emperour & he
Þere as heo was ispoused rerde a gret cite
& after þe emperoures name þat claudius was
He let þis cite clupie claucestre vor þis cas
& þe emperour biȝet suþþe in þulke toun bicas
An sone þat me clupede glou þat gret man suþþe was
& hei duc of al þulke stude he clupede þen toun iwis
After his name gloucestre as he ȝut icluped is
Aboute foure & twenty ȝer as þis clerkes vnderstode
After þat oure louerd was idon on þe rode
Gloucestre þoru þe emperour verst þus arerd was
& souþhamptone þer bivore ȝe abbeþ ihurd þat cas


Seinte peter þer biuore so muche so it were
Pope was at rome verst cristendom to lere
& sende seint Marc þe ewangelist in to egypt vor to preche
Þen gospel þat he adde imaked & cristendom to teche
Seint poul ek þulke time to cristendom wende
Seint denis & monye oþer as oure louerd aboute him sende
Seinte peter vif & twenti ȝer pope bileuede so
Vorte it was þe laste ȝer of þe emperour nero
Þo þe emperour adde in þis lond is wille ido inou
He let þe king al iworþe & to rome aȝen drou
Þe king let diȝte þo þis lond nobliche wiþ alle
& let bulde vp grete tounes þat were ney adoun ivalle
Þo claudius þe emperour to is ende was ido
After him was emperour þe luþer man nero

Imperator Nero. Aruiragus rex.

Þrettene ȝer & an half & þat was longe inou
Vor seinte peter & seinte poul in his laste ȝer he slou


He bicom sone þer after pur gidy & wod
& vor he was in is moder wombe as he vnderstod
He þoȝte he wolde wite & ise hou vair þe chamber were
War inne he was ikenede ar is moder him bere
His moder he let quelle anon vor to se wiþinne
Hou vair þe inewarde was þat he kened was inne
Þo is moder aslawe was me blamed him þeruore
& sede þat heo him boȝte dere ar he were ibore
Ȝe is it quaþ he so strong mid childe to be bistonde
Bi þe fei þat ich owe to mahoun þat soþe icholle fonde
His fisicians he clupede & suor is oþ anon
Bote hii made him mid childe he wolde hom sle echon
Hii bispeke hom bitwene & þen deþ vor to fle
Hii ȝeue him an quointe drench mid childe vor to be


His wombe bigan to greti & euere þe leng þe more
So longe þat it þoȝte strong his wombe ok wel sore
He clupede is fisicians & suor gret oþ anon
Bote hii made him bere child he wolde hom honge echon
Hii ȝeue him anoþer drench to abbe child þer
So þat atte laste a sori child he ber
Vor þo it alles com vorþ it was a foul frogge
Vor gode me þinkþ lute harm þei it adde ibe a dogge
Ȝut þis gidie wrecche louede þis foule best
As wommon deþ hire child alle þing mest
& let hit rere a noble court mid gret quointise & ginne
At þe on ende of rome to norssi þe ssrewe þer inne


& clupede laterane after þe frogge iwis
Vor in þe langage of rome rane a frogge is

Imperator Vespasianus. Domicianus Imperator.

So is þe stude icluped nou & euere worþ wor þis cas
Feble was þe godfader after wam þe name was
Þe verste churche þat me let in þe world rere
Seint Iones de lateran me rerde suþþe þere
Þat stont ȝute & heued churche of al cristendom is
Ac betere chef þer is now þan þe frogge was iwis
Suþþe þe luþer emperour In is herte adde Ioye
To þenche of fure þat was in þe bataile of troye
Þo me barnde grete tounes & courtes day & niȝt
& þoȝte it was murie Ioie to se so vair liȝt
Þe gidie wrecche let sette þe toun of rome a fure
To abbe game of þat liȝt þe wile it wolde dure


Þo wende vorþ þe toun folc as hii moste nede
& nolde namore þolie þan ssrewe among hom a wede
& slowe þo þe ssrewe in vile deþ inow
& þus him vel vrecche of god vor he þe apostles slou
Vaspasyan þe emperour after nero com
Þat betere man was þan he & ne worrede noȝt cristendom
Þe gywes he worrede inou & broȝte hom verst to noȝte
Vor as muche as þe luþermen vr louerd to deþe broȝte
Vor he & titus is sone of vr louerd vnderstode
Vourty ȝer after þat he deide on þe rode
& wende to ierusalem & þen toun velde to gronde
& slowe þe luþer gywes alle þat hii founde
Bote a ssipuol þer of scapede þat were to fale ywis
War of com þat luþer brod þat among men ȝut is


Ten ȝer vaspasian Emperour was þo
& titus is sone after him tuo ȝer & nanmo
Domician tytusus broþer emperour þo was
Viftene ȝer after him no more ssrewe nas

Nerua imperator. Adrianus Imperator. Antoninus Imperator.

Vor he worrede cristendom as þe luþer nero
& let martri seint denis & moni oþere al so
Nerua was þo emperour a ȝer & somdel more
Traian com after him mon of grete lore
Nientene ȝer & an half emperour he was
Þe nobloste þat miȝte be bote þat he cristine nas
So riȝtuol he was þat þo he adde an dede him sulf ydo
Þat aȝen is lawes was & is sone al so
Vor woch dede a man ssolde þat is adde iwroȝt
Lese is on eye & he him sulf ne sparde him sulue noȝt


Ac let pulte out is owe eye & is sones al so
Vol vewe kinges me sucþ þat it wolde do
Þer uore seint gregori þo he alonde was
More þan vif hundred ȝer after þis riȝtuol cas
Þat a such mon ssolde in helle be he carede in is þoȝte
Þe soule þoru godes grace out of helle he broȝte
& to is bodi is ioinede & ȝef him cristendom
Ware wiþ as he worþe was to þe ioye of heuene com
A drian com þo next & tuenti ȝer & on
After him emperour he was of gywes ne louede he non
Þe boru of ierusalem he let somdel aȝen rere
Þat vaspasyan velde adoun þo he slou þe gywes þere
Ac he nolde þe gywes leue ȝiue uor no þing þat hii miȝte
Þat hii moste of þe boru enes abbe an siȝte


He dude hom ssame ynou & temprede hom vol wel
& made hom sone milde ynou þo hii were rebel
Antoyn was þo emperour & tuenti ȝer & tuo
& after him tueye breþeren in þe aumperye were ydo
Marcus & aurelius nientene ȝer hii were
Cristendom by hor daye me gan vaste lere
Vor eleutherie a god mon was þo pope of rome
Þoru wan verst cristenmen to engelond come
Icholle ȝou sone telle hou as ich vnder stonde
& telle after þis emperours of kinges of þis londe
After king aruirag of wan we abbeþ itold
Marin is sone was king quoyntemon & bold
& is sone was after him coyl was is name
Boþe it were quoyntemen & of noble fame
& hor truage dude to rome as hom þouȝte hii aȝte do
Vor þer nas non so noble prince þat ne dude al so


Lucie colyes sone after him king was
Vor as me may to soþe segge biuore him no betere nas
Vor he hurde ofte telle of miracles þat Come
Þoru cristen men wide aboute as wel as at rome
He wilnede and in is herte to auonge cristendom
Þer vore is messagers mid gode herte he nom
Þat to þe pope Eleuthery hasteliche hii wende
Þat he quic in to is lond cristendom him sende
Þat he miȝte serui god almiȝti vor he willede moche þer to
& he ne ssolde noȝt be glad ar þe dede were ido
Þe pope was her of glad & tweie holi men him sende
Fagan & diman is soule vor to amende
Þat riȝte bileue him teiȝte & ȝeue him cristendom
Þat folc vaste aboute wide þer to com
Þis was an hundred ȝer & sixti ȝer & tuo
After þat god was ibore þat þis dede was ido


Þus com lo verst here in to þis lond cristendom
Bote it were eny holi mon þat stilleliche arst it nom
Þer were arst in engelond hor false lawes to lere
Eiȝte & twenti chef studes bissopriches as it were

lucius rex.

& þre erche temples as it were hext of echon
Londone & Euerwik & in glanmorgan was on
Þis gode king & þis holimen let velle hom alle þere
& eiȝte & twenty bissopriches in hor stede lete rere
& þre erchebissopriches as þe erche temples were
As it were of alle chef cristendom to lere
Al þe bissopriches vnder Euerwik were ido
Þat binorþe humber beþ as hii beþ ȝut al so
Londone adde þo al þis lond þat bi souþe humber is
Fram douere to seuerne & al cornwaile iwis


Þe þridde erchebissopriche was at kayrleon in walis
Vpe vske in glanmorgan ac þe se adoune is
Ac endes of olde walles þer stondeþ ȝut euerne
Vnder him walis þulke adde & al bi weste seuerne
Þus com lo in to þis lond verst cristendom
Ac þoru a luþer emperour þat þer after com
Þat het dioclician it was suþþe ibroȝt to grunde
& heþenesse ybroȝt aȝen uort seint austin it adde vnbounde
Lucie þis gode king þat þus cristene bicom
Deyde aboute four ȝer after is cristendom
At gloucestre he deide ac eyr nadde he non
Þat acorede al þis lond & þe men echon
Seuer was emperour þulke tyme at rome
So þat þe tydinge sone to him come
Þat þe king of bruteyne wiþoute eyr was ded
Sone he þoru al is court þer of nom is red


& wende hider hasteliche wiþ poer ynou
& folc þat stod aȝen him to gronde vaste he slou
A duc þer was of þis lond fulgence was is name
He stod aȝen him mid is ost & dude him grete ssame


& vorto be þe sikerore he wende to scotlonde
& made him þere gret ost of landfolc in þe londe
& wende ofte vpen him & slou & barnde vaste
Ac euere adde þe emperour þe maistrie atte laste
Þe emperour here in þise lond weddede a wif
Þat was fulgences soster al in þis strif
Bi hire he adde an gode sone icluped basian
Anoþer he adde ihote gec þat he at rome biwan
Þo fulgence isei þat he ne miȝte aȝen stonde
To þe lond of scicye he wende out of þis londe


& a gret ost of picars was cheuentein he was
Of stalwardemen he gaderede to helpe him in þis cas
Þo he adde imad him a vair ost of þis ȝonge bachelerie
He com aȝen in to þis lond out of scicye
He bilay verst euerwik vpe þe emperour vaste
So þat þe emperour him ȝef bataile atte laste
Ac Mochedel of þis lond To fulgence toke
Vor he more of kunde was & þe emperour vorsoke
Bataile hii smite strong inou & slowe vaste to gronde
So þat fulgence þere adde deþes wounde
Ac þe emperour was al aslawe & ibured at euerwik
Ac fulgence deide suþþe þo he adde ileye sik
Þo þis men were boþe ded me moste abbe an king
Bituene þe romeins & þis lond þer wax þo striuing
Gec þe emperoures sone þe romeins to kinge nome
Vor he was of fader & moder of þe kunde of rome
Ac þe brutons of þis lond nome basian þer to
Vor is moder was of þis lond & is vncle al so


Þo þer were tueie kinges þus þer nas noȝt wel gret loue
Ne miȝte þei hii breþren were ar þe on was aboue
So þat hor eiþer vp oþer worrede vaste
& an bataile strong inou smite atte laste
& basian & is poer slowe get is broþer
& basian bileuede king þo þer nas non oþer

Carausius rex.

A Stalwarde ȝong bacheler in þis lond was þo
Coraus was icluped þat couþe of muche wo
Vor þo he adde moche in worre ibe & ido gret maistrie
& him sulf moche ifonded he þoȝte do tricherie
He wende & bed leue þo of þe emperour of rome
To wite þe se aboute þis lond fram strange men þat come
& bi het hom þat ȝif þer of wel avouwed hii were
To ȝelde more god to rome þan al brutaine þuder bere


Þo þe conseil of rome leuede is vair biheste
& þat he was stalwardeman of gret poer mid þe meste
Þe emperour mid gode chartre & mid is owe ceel
Him ȝef of þe se aboute þe warde eueridel
Þis false man wende þo mid is chartre aboute
& of willeuol men him gaderede a gret route
& bi het hom god inou of porchas þat god hom sende
& porueiede hom gode ssipes & in to þe se wende
& wonne hom sone Moche god mid strengþe & quointise
& suþþe mid robberie bote hii miȝte in oþer wise
Of is porchas so large he was to men þat hem founde
Þat he adde a gret ost in a lutel stounde
Þe yles he robbede in þe se & þe hauenes suþþe aboute
So þat men of porchas come to him so gret route
Þat þer nas no prince vnneþe þat him miȝte at route
His poer wax Euere so þat ech lond him gan doute


So þat he spac mid heie men here of þisse londe
& bi het hom vaire inou & dude hom to vnderstonde
Þat ȝif hii buyde to him & to hor king him nome
Þat he wolde hom al out bringe of þe daunger of rome
& deliueri þis lond of romeins & of straunge men echon
Þat so fre lond as þis ne ssolde be naur non
Þat folc him made þo hor king vor he was so quointe man
& he bigan to worri anon vpe þe king basian
& hor eiþer aȝen oþer gaderede hor ost vaste
So þat hii come & smite an bataile atte laste

Asclepiod rex.

Ac caraus of felonie him gan vnder stonde
& þouȝte þat picars were of strange londe
Þat were wiþ basian þe king þat fulgence is vncle broȝte
Þat hii wolde liȝtliche to him tourne he þoȝte


Mid hom he spac so quointeliche & mede hom gan bede
So þat þe king basian hii bitraiede in is nede
Vor þo hii come into bataile hii turnde aȝen him echon
Hii nuste woche were hor frend ne woche were hor fon
Ac basian & al is folc ȝede anon to gronde
& he him sulf & mani oþere islawe were in a stounde
Þo was þis false caraus king of þis londe her
Vuele it com him of kunde to be of such poer
Þis tidinge com to rome þat he dude hom such ssame
Hii nome an grete louerding allect was is name
& sende him here to þis lond & men wiþ him inowe
So þat in bataile þis caraus hii slowe
Þo þis bataile was ido hii bigone arere
Worre vpe men of þis lond vor hii mid caraus were


Þe brutons þo of þis lond to ssulde ȝam fran ssame
Chose hom a niwe king asclepiod was is name
Þat was erl of cornwaile he gaderede is ost anon
To worry & to stonde aȝen þe romeins is fon
He wende him to londone as king allect þo was
To honoury hor false godes as it vel þo bi cas
Þo þis king it vnderȝet þat þis folc þus com
He bileuede is sacrefize & is folc wiþ him nom
& wende out aȝen hom & strong bataile hii smite
So moche folc þer was aslawe þat deol it was to wite
Þis brutons were so egre & woxe euere so vaste
Þat þe romeins & hor king gonne fle atte laste
Þe brutons sywede after as hii aȝte to do
& slowe mani þousend & allect þe king al so
A louerding of þe romeins þat ihote was galle
Com & ȝelde him to ur king & is men nei wat alle


Asclepiod rex.

Þe king him nom to prison to londone he was ybroȝt
Þe king him wolde ȝiue lif ac is men nolde noȝt
Ne þolie þat þer were aliue eny of hor fon
Ac ladde him to londone & is men echon
To an vrninde water þat ȝut is þer ich wene
& smite of alle hor heued to bringe hom out of tene
And þe broc þere hii were aslawe Me clupede galbroc
After galle þulke prince þat þer is deþ tok
Þo was bruteine þis lond of romeins al mest lere
Ac albusy were it ten ȝer ar hii here aȝen were
Asclipiod him let þo crouny to kinge anon
& wuste aboute ten ȝer þis lond wel mid fon
Ac þoru romeins þat here come þat heþene were echon
þoru oþere cristendom was neiȝ wat al agon


Tueie emperours of rome Dioclician
& anoþer is felawe þat het maximian
Were boþe at one time þe on in þe est ende
& þe oþer in þe west of þe world cristendom to ssende
Vor þe luþer maximian westward hider soȝte
& cristen men þat he vond to stronge deþ he broȝte
Chirchen he velde al adoun þer ne moste non stonde
& alle þe bokes þat he miȝte finde in eni londe
He wolde lete berne echon amidde þe heie strete
& þe cristenmen alle sle & non aliue lete
Suþþe god was ibore þer nas uor cristendom
In so lute stounde ido so gret martirdom
Vor þer were wiþinne one monþe seuentene þousend & mo
Ymartred uor vre louerdes loue nas noȝt here gret wo


Wiþoute grete halwen þat hii helde longe in torment
As seinte cristene & seinte fei & al so seint vincent
As seint sebastian & mony oþere as me may in chirche rede
& Monion turnde aȝen to heþenesse uor drede
& among alle þes in þis lond þer were monion
Ymartred as þulke time Seint albon was on

Cole rex.

Þat was þe verste martir þat to engelond com
Dere aþ louerd monymon aboȝt cristendom
Vnder þis luþer emperours þer was a luþer man
& of hor luþer lawe þat moche vnder hom wan
Constance was is name he conquerde of spaine
Þe truage & of france & suþþe here of brutaine
Cole was a noble mon & gret poer adde an honde
Erl he was of colchestre here in þisse londe


& Colchestre after is name icluped is ich under stonde
Vre louerd among oþer þinges him sende a uair sonde
Þat he adde an holi doȝter at colchestre in þis lond
Þat Seint eleyne is icluped þat þe holi rode vond
Bituene ure king asclepiod & þis erl wiþoute faile
Þer wex a gret worre & þat hii smite bataile
& þe erl cole slou þen king & þo he adde þun ouer hond
King he let him crouni here of þis lond
Þat folc was þo of þis lond ypaid wel ynou
Þat he adde ywonne þe kinedom & he þe oþer slou
Þe tydinge to rome com þat þe king aslawe was
Þat hom adde ido so moche ssame hii were glad of þat cas
Þe noble prince hii sende hider þe gode kniȝt costance
Þat wan hom alle poer of spaine & ek of france


Þat he ssolde ek þis lond winne aȝen to rome
So þat þis noble prince and is men hider come
Þo þe king cole it vnderȝet he dradde in is mod
Vor he was so noble kniȝt þat nomon him ne wiþstod
To him he sende of acord ȝif it were is wille
Þat he wolde to rome abuye & lete al contek be stille
& þuder bere is truage as oþer dude biuore
Vor wat he hulde þe kinedom wanne þe truage were ybore
Constaunce it grauntede & nom is truage
& nom al so to be siker of him god ostage
& granted him þat kinedom & þat pes of rome
& bileuede in þis lond to gadere boþe isome

Constans rex & imperator. Constantinus rex & imperator.

A monþe it was þer after þat cole wel sik lay
& deide as god it wolde wiþinne þe eiȝteþe day


& oþer eir nadde he non bote seint eleyne þe gode
His doȝter þat suþþe fond þe swete holi rode
Constance uor ir eritage þis maide to wiue nom
& nom wiþ ire so þis lond & þis kinedom
& let him crouni to king & god king was afin
Bi hire he adde an gode sone icluped constantin
Þo constance adde ibe enleue ȝer king iwis
He deide at euerwik & ibured was þer & is
Constantin is ȝonge sone ikrouned was þo king
& noble mon he bicom & wis þoru alle þing
King he was þritti ȝer he ladde is kinedom
Riȝtuolliche & suiþe wel wiþ quoyntise & wisdom
A luþer emperour biuore þat het maximian
Þat was upe cristinemen as we sede so luþerman
An sone he adde ssrewe inou maxencius bi name
Him he made emperour monimon to ssame


He was as luþer as is fader gret ssrewe inou
Vor in strong martirdom seinte katerine he slou
& moni oþer martir & þat folc of rome al so
He vondede to deseriti & moni ssame do
So þat deserites into þis londe come
To constantin þe gode king uor defaute fram rome
& he hom vaire vnderueng so þat mo & mo
Þer come uor enlegeance to abbe of hor wo
So þat deserites bigonne alle on him grede
Sire hii sede vor godes loue bring us of þis wrechede
Of þe kunde blod of aunperie þer nis bileued nou
Ne þat bi kunde were emperour non bote þou
Hou longe woltou soffri þe ssrewes outrage
Go & win þi kunde lond & þin eritage


Þou ssalt abbe þer help inou of þin kunde londe
Wel þou wost þat lute wile þe ssrewe þe ssal at stonde


Constantin him vnder stod of is kunde londe
& god it were to abbe boþe þis & þat an honde
Moche þat poer of þis lond mid him uorþ he nom
& suþþ ef sone of france as he þer uorþe com
& wende toward rome to winnie þe aumperie
& to bringe þen ssreue adoun þat dude such robberie
As he wende he bi huld toward heuene an hey
& þo vp in þe firmament an aungel he sey
Þat huld an croiz & þer on ywrite was lo þis
Constantin þoru þes signe þou ssalt be Maister iwis
Constantin þis vnderstod heþene þei he were
An croiz in stede of is baner is men at vore him bere


Maxencius þo he wste him come he adde of him gret doute
He let at rome an stronge dich make al aboute
& Deop aȝen constantin & aȝen is route
Vor to holde hom þer þoru wanne hii come wiþoute
As he was aboute þis dich he ne gan noȝt muche winne
Vor he velle an alle midde & adreinte þer Inne
Þere þoru vertu of þe croiz he was sone ouercome
& constantin adde also sone þen toun inome
Constantin ne com nour in bataile non
Þat he nadde þoru þe croiz þe maistrie of is fon
So þat he him vnderstod of þe beste won
& of seint siluester þe pope he let him baptisi anon
& he was as it is iwrite pur mesel þo
& he bicom in is baptizinge hol of al is wo
Sein seluester was pope þo & þe verste þat þer com
Of alle popes þat deyde wiþoute martirdom


Vor þer nas non biuore him þat ymartred nas
Of þe luþer emperours vor ech heþene was
An churche of seint Ion þe baptist constantin let rere
& cluped is constantiniane vor he ybaptized was þere
Of seinte peter & seinte poul anoþer he rerde also
& in strong mastling he aþ þerinne boþe hor bones ido

Octauus rex.

Of Seint laurence he rerde anoþer of Seint anne ek on
& of oþer halwen þat ȝute stondeþ he rerde monion
Þo sende he seint eleine ys moder þat wis was wide ikud
To ierusalem to seche þe croiȝ þat þer was yhud
So þat he was þer yfounde þe biginingge of may
As ȝe abbeþ ofte yhurd þe holi rode day


Constantin let also In ierusalem cherchen rere
& wide aboute elles ware cristendom to lere
So þat þoru godes grace so noble mon he was
Þat þer nas prince in al þe world þat vnder is poer nas
Þre vnclen is moder adde þat on het leonyn
& traen þe oþer het & þe þridde marin
Alle þre constantin nom wiþ him to rome
& grete louerdes þoru him alle þre þer bi come
An erl þer was in þis lond octaui was is name
Romeins þat here were bileued he dude ofte ssame
& Slou vaste her & þer & þat me ssolde vewe ise
Þe brutons hii hin crounede þo hor king vor to be
Þo þis word com to constantin he þoȝte wat was to done
Traen is moder vncle hider he sende sone
Wiþ gret poer ynou to winne þis kinedom
At an hauene bi souþe þis folc alonde com


Þe king was of hom iwar aȝen hom he sette
Bi side winchestre in a feld to gadere hii hom mette
Bataile hii smite þer & to grounde slowe vaste
So þat octaui king aboue was atte laste
& traen & moche of is folc ywounded ney to deþe
Flowe to se in hor ssipes & ofscapede vnneþe
To scotlonde hii wende al bi watre & þer hii gonne ariue
& gaderede þere al niwe ost aȝen þis kinge bliue
& robbede uaste & barnde al þe contreie aboute
Vre king wende þuderward uast mid is route
IN westmorlond hii mette hom & gonne fiȝte bliue
Þat vre king octaui of scapede vnneþe aliue
Ac ofscapede in to norwei to winne him help vaste
Þo was traen al a louerd þe wule it wolde ylaste
Ac as he out of londone wende in an tyde
A gret erl him kepte þer in a wode bi syde


Mid an hondred kniȝtes yarmed wel ynou
Þis prince al an onywar toward hom drou
Hii come aȝen him onywar & slowen him al vor noȝt
Þis tidinge was ouer se to þe kinge ibroȝt
He com hider sone aȝe ioiuol inou
& þe romeins þat he vond to grounde vaste slou
Þo gaderede he so gret tresour & also so gret route
& so gret poer þat he nadde of no prince in þe world doute
Vor þer nas prince non þat him durste arere strif
So þat he huld þo þis lond in pes al is lif
He esste of is conseilers þo he to elde com
Hou he miȝte best do of þis kinedom
Vor he nadde bote an doȝter wo miȝte is eir be
Some of is conseilers hom gonne þus bise
Þat he ssolde nyme is neveu þat het conan
& Crouny him king of þis lond vor þat he was man


& lete is doȝter spousi mid richesse ynou
To anoþer prince ellesware þere as is herte to drou
[O]þer radde þat he ssolde al mid þe kinedome
[L]ete is doȝter spousy to an prince of rome
[&] þenne vor þe eliance þat were ȝam so bituene
[H]ii miȝte þis lond al in pes holde wiþoute tene
So þat þer was among hom gret strif vor þis dede
Craddok erl of cornwaile is auis sede
Þat a senatour of rome yhote maximian
Was of þe kunde of þis lond a suiþe noble man
Vor he was leolines sone þat eleyne vncle was
Þe gode constantines moder vor no betere nas
& wanne he was a prince of rome & he were ek þer to
King here of þis lond suiþe wel it were ido
Siker me miȝte þanne be to abbe here pays god
Vor he was ibore at rome & of þis londes blod


& vor he was of þis kinges kunde þat of þis londe was
Þe betere pays þer ssolde be uor þe riȝtuol cas
Conan þe kinges neueu þo he hurde þis
Was wroþ & destourbede al þe court iwis
& naþeles craddoc him held al euene & stille
& þen king stilleliche broȝte al to is wille
To rome he sende morice þat is owe sone was
Stilleliche to maximian to telle him of þis cas
Þer was þo contek at rome bituene maximian
& þe emperour þat was þo þat het gracian
Þo morice þuder com & vaire was vnderfonge
& yhurde þis contek þat ylaste longe
To þis senatour he sede Sire maximian
Wy artou so Sore adrad of þis gracian
Wanne þou miȝt of him god wey in to al þin wille yse
Vor com mid me to britaine & þou ssalt þere king be


Vor þe king nou in is elde naþ non eyr ywis
Kunde bote is doȝter one þat him vol lef is
& he aþ god wille to þe as me deþ him to vnderstonde
Þat þou ire spousedest uor þou art of kunde of þe londe
& Such miȝte wan it so is þou miȝt þer þoru avonge
Þat þou miȝt perauntre rome winne ar come ouȝt longe
Vor þi gode cosin constantin Rome wan al so
& mani oþere of ure kinges in þis manere com þerto
Þo þis maximian vnderstod al þis
He dude him sone hiderward mid gret poer ywis
He ariuede at souþ hamptone as þe wind hom adde ylad
Þo vre king hurde þer of he was somdel glad
Laste he vor vuel icome ac þo he wste wat he was
He vnderueng him vaire ynou & conseilede of þis cas


Some sede þat him betere were take is neueu conan
Þe kinedom of þis lond & some maximiaN
& some an heymon of þis lond þat he is doȝter toke
& þis kinedom wiþ ire vor he it wolde best loke
Ac is nexte conseil naþeles þat he mest vnder stod
Radde him to maximian þat was of so hey blod
Of þe gode quene eleyne & of þe gode constantin
Þat was king here of þis lond & emperour atte fin
& of þe kinges blod cole king of þis londe he com
Þat god it were to al þe lond to take him þe kinedom
Þe king & þe meste men hulde al þis wisdom
So þat þe kinges doȝter mid þis lond he nom
Ac conan þe kinges neueu ne likede noȝt þis game
He ȝarkede poer aȝen him to don him alle ssame
Ac is poer lute was vor þe king was euere aboue
So þat atte laste hii were ybroȝt in loue


Bi gracianes day þe emperour al þis was ich wene
Aboute þe ȝer of grace þre hundred & sixti & seuentene
Wiþinne vif ȝer her after þe king so prout bicom
Vor þe grete tresour nameliche þat he al day nom
Þat he nas noȝt one ypayd to abbe þis kinedom
Bote he adde france al so wiþ sstrengþe wiþoute dom
He nom wiþ him of is lond gret pore ynou
& to þe lond þat was icluped armore he drou
Þat bruteine is nou ycluped as he it nemde þo
Viftene þousend hors ywrie þer were aȝen him & mo
Of þe lond of france & of oþer lond bi syde
Þere hii smite a bataile þat couþ was wel wide
Þere was þe duc of france aslawe & al is folc ney
Þo þe king maximian þis grete slaȝt ysey
He was glad uor he wuste wel to winne al is wille
Conan þe quene cosin he clupede þo al stille


He bigan somdel to lyhe we abbeþ nou he sede
Ywonne an ende of france of þe oþer nis no drede
Þei ich be king of Bruteine þat was þin vncle lond
Ne be noȝt sori þer uore uor icholle abbe more an hond
Icholle þe make of þis lond king þou ssalt yse
& þis lond al be þin & þe oþer bruteine be
Vor honour of bruteyne to wan þou addest kunde
Þe oþer brutainel hit ssal hote as to abbe of þe munde
Deliuery we ssolle it of þis folc þat her Inne is
& of folc velle it vol of ure kunde ywis
Conan buyde adoun to him & þonkede uaste
& bihet him to serui triweliche þe wule is lif ylaste


Hii wende aboute in to al þat lond & heye tounes nome
& alle þe men þat hii founde hii slowe as hii come
& lete þe wimmen go aliue & þo hii adde al an honde
& adde yslawe al clene aboute þat folc of þe londe
In eche stude hii sette þer strong warnesture & god
Of folc of þis londe here & of hor owe blod
Þe king an hondred þousend men of þis londe ek let uett[e]
& þritti þousend kniȝtes hor wardeins hii sette
& delde among hom al þe lond & ȝef ech diuerse þing
& made conan of hom alle & of þe londe king
& þus was brutaine ywonne þoru vre princes here
& after þis lond britaine ycluped in þis manere
Maximian wende vorþ þoru is grete maistrie
& wan mid strengþe al france & suþþe normandie
Vor he ȝef echmon þat to him com is porchas in ech londe
So moche poer him com to þat him ne miȝte no þing atstonde


& gracian þe emperour at rome suþþe he slow
Þat uor is ardy dedes of him uor dradde ynou
Ac þoru þe emperour þat suþþe com yhote teodose
Maximian was suþþe aslawe maugre is nose
& so þei ssrewe robeours abbe hor wille an stounde
& cheui in hor robberie atte laste hit geþ to grounde
Þe brutons þat maximian of þis lond broȝte þo
In þe lasse bruteine bileueþ ȝut & worþ euere mo
& so þulke bruteine of þis londe com
More þoru strengþe as ȝe seþ þan þoru riȝt dom
Of þe lasse bruteine conan þat was þus king
Among hom nolde of þulke lond abbe non menging
Þe childern of þulke kunde þeruore he let sende
To heye men in þis lond aboute in ech ende
Þat of heie menne doȝtren maidens me nome
Enleue þousend atte leste & to him þat hii come


& of simple manne doȝtren sixti þousend god
Þat hii miȝte make hor kunde al clene of hor blod
Þis maidens were igadered & to londone come
Mani were glade þer of & wel sori some
Þat hii ssolde of londe wende & neuer eft hor frend yse
& some to lese hor maidenhod wiues vor to be
Þo hii were in ssipes ydo & in þe se ver were
So gret tempest þer com þat drof hom here & þere
So þat þe mestedel adreincte were in þe se
& to oþer londes some ydriue þat ne come neuere aȝe
A king þer was of hungry guayn was is name
& melga king of picardie þat couþe ynou of ssame
Þe wateres uor to loki aboute þe se hii were
A compaynie of þis maydens so þat hii mette þere


To hor folie hii wolde hom nime & hor men al so
Ac þe maydens wolde raþer deye þan encenty þer to
Þo wende uorþ þe luþermen & þe maidens slowe echone
So þat to þe lasse brutaine þer ne come aliue none
Of þe wowe þat þer aþ in þis lond ybe
Þoru þe emperours of rome here ȝe mowe yse
In oþer manere of scottes & picars as ich sede
Habbeþ iworred þis lond icholle telle þe dede
Guayn þe king of hungri & þe king of pycardie
Þo hii adde as ichabbe ysed mid so gret vileinie
Yslawe of þis maidens þat swete compaynie
Hii þoȝte to do þis lond more tricherie
Hii vnderstode þat þis lond was ymad al clene
Of god folc þoru maximian & conan as at ene


& þat hii miȝte þis lond al vor noȝt winne
Hii gaderede folc vaste þis worre to biginne
To þe se hii wende mid hor folc þat hii adde an honde
& come as hom leuest was verst in to scotlonde
Toward þis lond hii bigonne vorto robby vaste
Þat folc to sle & tounes & castles adoun caste
Þe simple men þat here were hor red þer of nome
& sende after beter help to þe emperour of rome
AN duc þat het gracian fram rome me sende
Þat mid gret poer ynou to þis lond hider wende
Þe lond volc þo he hider com to him turnede vaste
So þat þer was slaȝt gret þe wule it wolde ylaste
& þis king of picardye & al so is felawe
Were of come atte laste þat hii nuste wuder drawe


Villiche hii were & wiþ strengþe idriue in to yrlonde
Þo adde gracian þis lond al clanliche anhonde
He let him crouny king & þo he al louerd was
Nomore ssrewe þan he bicom ich wene non nas
Þat lond folc ȝede vorþ & to gadere drowe
& ar he dude to muche wo þan foule ssrewe slowe
Þat þe king was aslawe it was sone wide couþ
In ech half fram londe to londe norþ & eke souþ
So þat it to þe kinges come þat wende to yrlonde
Hii porueyde þat hii adde folc ynou an honde
Of norwey of denemarch & also of scotlonde
& barnde & to grounde slowe vast in þisse londe
So þat þat folc of þis londe al clene was ouercome
For þe king adde arst of þis lond al clene þis kniȝtes inome


Eft sone he sende ȝut to rome wepinde wel sore
Þat hii ssolde hem in hore wo ȝut helpe more
& hii hom wolde obligi & sikernesse vinde gode
To bere hom clene hor truage ȝe wule þe worlde stode
Eft sone ȝut þe romeins hider poer sende
Kniȝtes & oþer worreours þat to þis londe wende
& in þe souþhalf ariuede & in þis londe her
Hii gaderede folc ynou þat hii adde gret poer
& wende eft sone vp hor fon þat ne miȝte ȝam noȝt at stonde
Vor some were a slawe sone & some flowe out of londe
Þo þis louerdinges of rome al hor wille adde
Hii nome hore conseil & þis folc of þis londe radde
Þat hii bitwene þis lond & scotlond ssolde an wal rere


Strong & hey in eche stude þer no water nere
Fram þen on se to þen oþer þat were ȝam bitwene
To lette ȝam wanne hii come hom to saui fram alle tene
Vor scotlond aþ euere ybe a luþer recet ylome
Wanne þer eni worreours toward þis lond come
Þe romeins sede ek þat hii nolde in none manere so wende
Out of hor lond hiderward ne hor poer so sende
Ne to rokky hom so in þe se ne hor lif an auntre do
Ac witye hor owe lond atom & hor god al so
& þat hii ssolde of hor ȝunge folc teche vor to fiȝte
Vor hii na more in þis lond nolde come ne miȝte
Þat folc þo of þis lond þo hii nuste oþer red
Bigonne to rere þon stronge wal as it was hom ised


Yrered he was strong ynou as þe stede is ȝut ysene
Muche me moste suinke er & þer aboute spene
Þo þe wal was ȝare ymad a conseil hii nome
Þat al þat conseil of þis lond to londone come
Þo hii were alle ycome wisliche to Rede
Þe bissop of londone in þis manere hom sede
Mi leue frend to telle ȝou as þis heie men me bede
Betere wille ich abbe to wepe þan to do oþer dede
Vor pite it is of þis lond & of vre wrechede
After þat maximian vre folc gan awey lede
Alle vre kniȝtes & swaines & alle vre ȝonghede
& astored þer wiþ oþer lond alas þe deluol dede
Vor ȝe beþ men bet iteiȝt to ssofle & to spade
To cartstaf & to ploustaf & a wissinge to wade
To hamer & to nelde & to mercandise al so
Þan wiþ suerd oþer hauberc eny bataile to do


Vor wanne ȝoure fon to ȝou comeþ ȝe ne conne bote fle
Ase ssep to vore wolues hou miȝte more wo be
& þe se biset ȝou al aboute bote tweie weies ȝe ne mowe þenche
Oþer ligge adoun & be aslawe oþer fle & adrenche
Worþ þer eni hope of ȝou bote clanliche of al þis lond
Al þe help & lokinge is in oþer mannes hond
& þe romeins beþ anud of hor trauail so sore
Of peril a se & eke a lond þat hii nolleþ come here nanmore
Hii wolleþ raþer bileue hor truage þat ȝe hom bereþ aȝere
Ne conne ȝe noȝt lerni þing þat ȝe ne dude neuer er


Change ȝoure hond & to þe vs of suerd & lance is do
Vor none men ne beþ strengor þen ȝe ȝif ȝe turnde þerto
Me may yse a bondemannes sone oþer wule kniȝt bi come
& some gromes squiers & suþþe kniȝtes some
Wanne ȝe abbeþ fourme of men beþ men an alle wise
& tourneþ ȝoure hond to manhede & wyteþ ȝoure franchise
Þis bissop þat het goscelin þoru hor alre rede
To þe lasse brutayne wende uor þis dede
King conan he uondede & anoþer of grete fame
King he vond in is stede andrew was is name
Sire king quaþ þe bissop ȝif þou wolt under stonde
Deol þou miȝt abbe in þin herte of þin kunde londe
Of þe more brutaine as þin elderne were ybore
Vor þou wost wel maximian & þe king conan her biuore


Þe bachelerie al þat aȝt was out of þulke lond nome
& astorede here þis lond & þe poer of rome
& þe londes abouten vs abbeþ wel under ȝite
Þat þer nis no volc bileued þat lond vor to wite
Hii slexþ & destrueþ al þat þer nis no þing bi leued
Ware bi men mowe libbe & al vor defaute of heued
& þer nis no mon þat kunde abbe þer to bote þou on
Help þin kunde eritage & þou worst þer king anon
Þe king bigan somdel to lyhe þo he hurde þis
Ich abbe he sede sire bissop such time yseye ywys
Þat inolde noȝt abbe uorsake þat lond wo me adde ibroȝt þerto
Ac so moche wrecchede þer is þat it nis noȝt nou so
& nameliche uor þe folc of rome þat so moche seruise abbeþ þere
Þat in such þralhede uor to be ech god man loþ were


Þis lond ichabbe so fre her þat ine ssal to non herre abuye
Bote wite me fram þe kinge of france þat me deþ ofte anuye
& vor to wite me fram him inele noȝt henne wende
Ac uor min eldore adde þulke lond ich segge þe attenende
To bringe it aȝen to hore kunde icholle þuder sende
Constantin my broþer þat god kniȝt is & hende
& wel yfonded in armes & tuo hondred kniȝtes al so
Wel ywrie wiþ þe atyl þat god dede mowe do
Mid þe folc of þe lond ȝif hii aȝtes beþ
& ȝe mowe him makie ȝoure king wanne ȝe tyme yseþ
Þis constantin was of send & þis kniȝtes al so
& ssipes & hor atyl prest such prowesse to do


Ac hii ne miȝte so raþe come þat þe kinges tueye
Nere icome out of yrlond wiþ gret poer beye
Of scottes & of picars of Denemarch of norþweye
Þat euere abbeþ þis lond yhated bote it were vor eye
Ver binorþe hii bigonne & hiderward vaste slowe
& caste adoun þis stronge wal & tounes grete ynowe
Þe brutons þat miȝte of scapie bigonne vaste to fle
Some in roches some in wodes þat reuþe it was to se
Constantin & is poer annon al þis wrechedom
Atte hauene of totenais stilleliche alond com
Glade were þo þis brutons & ioyuol & proute
Hii come out of þe wodes sone & of þe roches aboute
So þat constantin adde sone poer ynou
& toward þis luþer men norþward sone drou


Hii cudde þat hii were men & slowe to grounde
& þe prute of scottes & of picars abatede in an stounde
Vor hii flowe þat miȝte fle & some velle to grounde
Hii miȝte segge wan hii come hom þat hii hor per founde
To yrlonde hii flowe aȝen & elles woder hii miȝte
Hii ne þouȝte noȝt a gode wile wiþ brutons to fiȝte
Þe brutons nome constantin & glade þoru alle þinge
In þe toun of cicestre crouned him to hor kinge
Þat lond was þo wel iwust in pes wiþoute strif
Þer ne come no scottes þuder ne picards al is lif


Þre sones he adde al so constance was on
& aurel & ambrose gode children echon
Constance is eldoste sone in godes seruice
Monek he made at winchestre & dude as þe wyse
Godman he was ynou & gode lawes uorþ caste
& god pays was al is lif & to lute wule it laste
Vorþ þer com a pycard þat is maners wel wuste
Þat he louede wel ynou & muche to him truste
He ladde him in to an orchard as it gret neod were
To speke wiþ him priueliche þat no mon ywar nere
Ac þo hii were al bi hom sulue & no mon hom ney
He drou is knif & slou þe king þat no mon it ne sey
He was sone vorþ iwent ar eny mon were iwar
Þo me adde al isouȝt þe kinglai ded þar


Þo was þis lond king les wat halt it to telle longe
Gret word was among þat folc wo miȝte þe croune auonge
Vor þe eldoste sone monek was & þe tueie to ȝonge were
& to nime verrore of is kunne no riȝt it nere
V tiger þe quoynte suike þat was erl of cornwaile
Vor to do a suikedom no conseil ne ssolde faile
To þe eldoste sone þat was monek to winchestre he wende iwys
Lo he sede nou þou sucst þat þi fader ded is
& þine briþeren to ȝonge beþ uor to auonge þe croune
& þei þou be in oþer cloþes þi riȝte nis noȝt þer doune
Wel me wot eldost þou art & mid best riȝt king also
Ȝif þou wolt wel be mi frend & bi mi red al do
Icholle bringe al þat folc in wille to crouni þe to kinge
& þei þin ordre þer aȝen be þer to icholle þe bringe


Þe monek was ioyuol inou þo he hurde þis
& bihet him ȝif it were so euere mo to be his
Out of is abit anon vortiger him drow
& cloþes as to kinge bicome dude on him uaire ynow
& to vore al þe parlement to londone he gan him bringe
& sede he was purost eyr to be icrouned to kinge
Nomon ne miȝte it wel wiþ segge me may riȝt yse
Wanne he was þer & was pur eir þei he adde monek ybe
Vpe is owe peril it were bote he it miȝte wel do
Þe heiemen þoru vortiger auenge him alle þer to
Þe erchebissop of londone goscelin was þo ded
& non oþer him nolde crouni uor al þat þe erl hom bed
Vor he adde so longe in ordre ybe & he was so out ybroȝt
Vor as þan vortiger nolde bileue it noȝt


Ac him sulf him crounede & made him king so
His sacringe was lute worþ & naþeles it was ydo
Þo he was king ymad is heste he made anon
Þat clanliche to vortiger is men buyde echon
Vor him sulf nolde þenche noȝt bote take him al an honde
Vor he couþe wel bet þan he gouerny such a londe
Þo biþoȝte vortiger mest of alle þing
Hou he miȝte do quoyntelucst þat he him sulf were king
Vor þat was alwei is þoȝt & þeruore þe monek he nom
To be king vor he was nyce & ne couþe no wisdom
Þis tueie breþeren were ibroȝt out of cradele vnneþe
& þe heie men mest of þe lond were ibroȝt to deþe
Wiþ batailes & oþer wo þer fore he was so prout
& þe king nas him sulf bote as a ssade & let im worþe al out


To þe king he sede þat he moste is castles astore
Þanne wolde is fon aboute douty him þe more
& for þe picards were is fon somme he wolde take
To be priue wiþ þe king vor þulke ssolde make
Hor felaus þat were bileued at hom louie þat lond þe bet
Ac naþeles þer vore nas it noȝt þo it was al by set
Ac vor hii ne louede noȝt þe king & in trayson were cointe
Þat hii ssolde þen king sle wan hii come vpe pointe
Þe king graunted al his wille & for is gode he wende
After an hondred picars into scotlond he sende
Bi certeine messagers so þat hii gonne bringe
An hondred kniȝtes of picars þat bileuede mid vr kinge
Of is meste priue men þoru þis luþer vortiger
Of þe kinges tresour he delde eke aboute ver & ner
& mest of þe picars vor to hom mest loue he drou
Mid alle þat he wolde him sulf he made him beloued inou


Alle þat seruede þe king þoru him were echon
Þat ech mon were aboute vor to paye him on
& songe al day bi þe stret ase vor is onour
Worþ were vortiger to be king oþer emperour
Þo þis vortiger adde þis folc al in is hond
He sede he moste wende a wule out of þis lond
To porchaci more tresour þe king vor to spene
Vor he nadde noȝt inou is kniȝtes to soustene
At þe picars he nom is leue & at þe oþere þere
& wende hom to is In sori as he þeruore þo were
Þer was sor & del ynou among al þulke mayne
Þat he ssolde fram hom wende uor þer nas no king bote he
& nameliche among þe picars þat were of so luþer þoȝt
Þat he adde ido so muche honour & ne loued þe king noȝt


Wat hii sede wat is vs to lete þis badde king
Go þus aliue as a ssade þat nis worþ no þing
War to targe we so long to quelle him attenende
Þat vortiger were king þat aȝen us is so hende
In gret wraþþe & hastinesse to þe kinges chambre hii wende
& smite þer riȝt of is heued & to vortiger hit sende
Vortiger made deol inou & sori was þer uore
Ac naþeles so glad he nas suþþe he was ybore
Vor icompaced he adde þat atte biginningge
Verst þo he broȝte a so nyce man to kinge
& suþþe þo he let al is fon & picars to court bringe
Þat hatede þen king al it was for þis þinge
& þat he was so large & hende of is ȝiftes al so
Þo adde he al is wille uor wan it was al ido


& to such ende it was riȝt icome as he compaced in is þoȝt
& naþeles he fenede him þat me ne vnderȝete it noȝt
At londone þis king was aslawe he let nyme anon
Þe picars & þoru Iugement let smite of hor heueden echon
Þere he kudde wat he was vnkunde ssrewe & quoynte
& al it was þat me ne vnderȝete is suikedom in no poynte
And naþeles wel me it ortrowede & ne leuede noȝt is glose
Þe kinges ȝonge breþeren aurel & ambrose
Dradde vor hor eritage ymorþred to be
& hii þat hom adde awarde þeruore hom gonne bi se
& to þe lasse brutayne wende to þe kinge
& he sousteined hom wel uor drede of þis þinge


Þo vortiger alone was & non er nadde alonde
Sone he let him crouny king & þe poer nom anhonde
Princes oueral aboute of ech kinedom
Speke him vuel & hated him vor is suikedom
Þe picars were wroþe ek & þretnede him ynou
Þat he wiþ such vnkundehede hor felawes slow
Fram þe lasse bruteyne ek him com word ylome
þat þe tueie children gret poer to him nome
& þat it stalwarde children were of hor age
& þat hii wolde hider come to winne hor eritage
Such stronge tidinge in sorwe & in sore
Broȝte þis false king & euere þe leng þe more
Hors & hengist tueie men þat tuey breþeren were
Come to kent þulke tyme & ariuede þere


Mid þre ssipuol kniȝtes yarmed wel ynou
Þo þis folc com alond vorþ in to kent he drow
Þe king was þo at kaunterbury & herde her of anoN
Biuore him he let bringe þis kniȝtes euerichon
Þe king bi huld hom vaste ynou vor it mochel men were
& Nameliche þe tueie breþeren vor so grete none nere
He esste hom wanen hi were & wo him þider broȝte
& vor wat encheson hii come & wat þing hii soȝte
Sire heye king quaþ hengist þat vor alle oþer spac iwys
Of saxoyne we beþ ibore þat of germaine is
Þe manere is of þulke lond þat wanne þer is uorþ ybroȝt
So moche folc of men þat þe lond ne mowe hom susteny noȝt


Heye men of þe lond ssolle come biuore þe kinge
& alle þe ȝongemen of þe lond lete among hom bringe
Þe stalworþest me ssal bi choys & bi lot al so
Chese out & sende into oþer lond hor heste uorto do
& hii ssolle be such þat no prince ne dorre hom vorsake
Ac vor hor prowesse gladliche in to hor seruise hom take
Þis cas is to us ycome ychose we beþ þer to
Vor so moche folc is in þe lond vre beste we mote do
& vor to be maistres of þis folc we beþ ychose & ynome
Mi broþer & ich vor we beþ of dukes kunne ycome
Vor þoru ure godes in to þe se we wende ich vnderstonde
& mercurius us aþ ylad in to þin londe


Þo þe king hurde nemne mercurius in þis cas
He esste wat god & wat þing mercurius was
Oure bileue quaþ þis oþer in þe heye godes is ido
Saturnus & Iubiter & alle þe oþere al so
Þat holdeþ up þen world & in mercurius mest ywis
Þe heye god þat in vre tonge woden icluped is
Þer uore vr eldore him bitoc of þe wouke þen verþe day
In oure tonge ycluped in honour of him is wodnes day
After him we honoureþ venus mest þat frie ycluped is
In vre tonge & in þe wouke fryday uor him iwys
Her of ȝe ssolle vnderstonde þat in þe firmament beþ
Planetes yliche clere sterren seuene as ȝe seþ


Saturnus & Iubiter Mars & þe sonne ywis
Venus & Mercurius & þe Mone lowest is
After ech of hom in þe wouke ycluped is a day
Verst þe sonne & so þe oþere & þe seueþe saturday
& vor weder & oþer þing on erþe after hom moche is
Þis misbileuede men hom clupede godes wule ywis
Sori ich am quaþ vortiger þo he hurde þis
Vor ȝoure bileue þat ȝe seggeþ vor non bileue it nis
Ac of vor ȝoure kumes ich am glad wo so ȝou hider ladde
Were it god were it oþer vor al nede ichadde
Vor ich am mid min fon in eche half biset
& ȝif ichom may ouercome þoru ȝou þe bet
Ich ȝou wolle mid me atholde & in gret richesse ȝou do
Of ȝiftes & of chateus & of londes al so


Hii made certein couenant þat hii were al at on
So þat hii bileuede uorþ mid þe king echon
Hit nas naȝt longe þer after þat þe picars ne come
Out of scotlond souþward & tounes vaste nome
Þo þe tiþing her of to oure kinge com
Þen wey mid al is poer aȝen hom vaste he nom
So stronge bataile hii smite & þe saxons anon
So gode were þat þe oþere bigonne to fle echon
Þo vortiger þoru hom adde þe maistrie
He ȝef hom ȝiftes gret ynou & dude is corteysye
Hengist þat hor maister was he ȝef him lindeseye
Londes vaire & Rentes & tounes grete & heye
Ware þoru him & is men in vair warison he broȝte
Þo hengist adde þis vorþere more he þoȝte
Þo he adde þen king in priuete al clene at is wille
Sire he sede of derne cas icholle þe warny stille
Þin fon beþ in eche alf & þat he is mest to doute
Þat þin owe men ne loueþ þe noȝt þat þe beþ aboute


Hii þretneþ þe stilleliche & seggeþ hii wolleþ bringe
Þe tueie breþeren fram brutayne & crouni þe oþer to kinge
Þeruore ich rede þat me sende into my contreie iwis
To saxoyne after more help vor help ynou þer is
Vor abbe þou poer ynou þou miȝt be glad & bliþe
Ac o þing icholde bidde þe ȝif þou me woldest tiþe
Send after help quaþ þe king þat þou me noȝt bitraye
& icholle hor wule ȝelde so þat ichom wole wel paye
& bid of me wat þou wolt & icholle þe granty iwis
Vor elles ich were vnkunde ȝif it to granty is
Hengist vaire him þonkede & is heued lotte adoun
Þou hast he sede ȝiue me mony a uair toun
& naþeles such þing nabbe ich noȝt as it to duc bicome
Vor wanne ich am dukes sone it bicome to me


Vor to abbe som gret cite oþer castel me to ware
War Inne ich miȝte to þin nede mi folc abbe ȝare
Þer uore as ich am þi kniȝt & prest to þin nede al so
Graunte me castel oþer cite þin nede inne to do
Hengist hengist quaþ þe king hit nere me noȝt to done
Such þing as þou me bist to grante þe so sone
Vor þou art mon of strange londe & cristine mon non
& eke þei icholde myne barons hit wolde wiþ sege echon
Sire graunte me þanne quaþ hengist ȝif it is þi wille
As moche place as mid a þuong ich may aboute tille
Þat ich þeruppe mowe a siker bold rere
Þat ich me mowe in þine seruise wite ȝif it ned were
Þe king ne huld þat bote lute he grantede is bone
Hengist sende in to is contreie after more poer sone


Þo carf he an hole hude smal to an þuong
Þoru out þe wule it wolde ileste þo was it somdel long
In an harde rochi stede is þuong aboute he drou
& þer wiþinne al to is wille Markede place inou
& rerde þer an castel god ynou & strong
Þat þuongcaster oþer tangcaster icluped was for þis þuong
Þer come out of germaynie vnder þat ich wene
Ycharged mid gode kniȝtes ssipes eiȝtetene
& rowen hengistes doȝter among hom ybroȝt was
Þat vairor womman nour aboute in none londe nas
Þo þis castel ȝare was hengist þen king bisoȝte
To come to is castel & yse þe kniȝtes þat he broȝte


Þis king com þuder priueliche & þes kniȝtes ysey
& þis castel so sone arerd so strong & so hey
Mid al he was wel ypayed & bileuede atte mete
Þis maide out of chambre com þo hii adde neiȝ yȝete
Mid a coupe of golde vol of win side drou hire tail
Akne to þe king ȝo sede Louerd king washayl
Þe king bi huld hire suiþe ynou & bi huld hire vairhede
Vor so vair wommon nuste he non & askede wat ȝo sede
Men þat knewe þe langage sede wat was washail
& þat he ssolde to hire þat broȝte ansuerie drink hail
Drink hail quaþ þe king aȝen & bad hire drinke anon
Þe coupe he nom suþþe of hire & among hom eurichon


Kuste hire & sette hire adoun & glad dronk hire heil
& þat was lo in þis lond þe verste washail
As in langage of saxoyne þat me miȝte euere iwite
& so wel he paiþ þat folc aboute þat he nis noȝt ȝut vorȝute
No sire ne be þe day so long þe wule hii sitteþ abenche
& som of þe niȝt nimeþ þer to þe drinke vor to ssenche
Of an holi prechors word hii nolde noȝt so ofte þenche
As of þe murye word as hom þincþ of þe seli wenche
So foul lechour was þe king þat anon in þe house
He wilnede vor foul lecherie þis mayde abbe to spouse
Hengist wuste wel is wille & þat he was hastif
He him grantede in is felonie is doȝter abbe to wif


Vor ȝwat þe king ȝeue him þe contreie of kent ywis
Þe king in is foule wille grantede al þis
& weddede þis mayde in wel luþer cas
Vor þat he was cristine & ȝo payene was
Þat lond was vuel ypaid þer wiþ & is þre sones al so
Vortimer & castigen & passen þer to
Four hondred ȝer & fourty & nyne ich vnder stonde
Hit was of grace þat þe saxoyns þus com verst to londe
Þo were among cristinemen þis paiens þus imengd
Þat misbileue in to al þis lond among men was ysprengd
Hengist sede to þe king sire þou miȝt yse
Þat ich am in stede of þi fader & þi conseiler ssal be
Do al after Mi conseil & þou ssalt þoru me


Ouercome al þin fon to soþe ich segge it þe
Sende we ȝute after mi sones octo & ebyse
Þat quointe werreours beþ & stalwarde & wyse
In þe norþhalf ȝif hom lond ware þou wolt bise
Þat hii mowe bituene þe & þe scottes be
Þanne þou miȝt siker be bisouþe homber ywis
Þe king he sende after hom & grantede al þis
So þat wiþ þre hondred ssipes hii ariuede þer
Vol of armes & of men her was gret poer
Þe king wel vawe ȝef hom lond as hengist him bisoȝte
& hengist euere mo & mo ssipes hider broȝte
Þo þe brutons þis yseye of trayson hii were in drede
Vor þe lond was al of hom yfuld þer uore þe king hii bede
Þat he ssolde him vnderstonde & out of londe hom do
Vor it ne bicome noȝt to payens among cristine men be so


Vor it was aȝen hor cristendom & in moni studes me nuste
Woch was on ne woch was oþer & hii nuste to wuch truste
Some faderes were cristine & þe moderes heþene were
Me nuste to weþer hii bicome þe children þat hii bere
Þe king louede saxons uor loue of is wiue
& nolde uor al þe brutons out of is lond hom driue
Seint germayn þe bissop to þis londe com
Vor misbileue at þulke tyme & to amendy cristendom
& prechede as ned was & vair miracle wroȝte
So þat þe cristinemen in betere stat he broȝte
& hii aforcede hom þe more þe heþene awey to driue
Hii nolde bileue hor porpos vor þe king ne uor is wiue
Hii vorsoke þe king alout & binome him is poer
& is eldoste sone made king þat het vortimer


Þis vortimer wiþ gret poer & wiþ gret ernest ynou
Þoru conseil of seint germain aȝen þis heþene drou
Þe seueþe ȝer it was after þat hii to londe come
Þe king was gode þonk aboue in four batailes þat hii nome
Alle hii were In one ȝere & atte verste wiþoute one
Castigen þe kinges broþer mid is men echone
Asaylede hors & is ost so þat hii foȝte vaste
So þat þis castigen aslawe was atte laste
Þe king uor is broþer deþ sori was ynou
To þis hors he smot anon & amidde al is folc him slou
Þo þis stronge mon was aslawe þat so strong was in fiȝte
His men bigonne sone to fle & vawe þat hii miȝte
Þe þridde bataile þat hii smite was riȝt upe þe se
Þer com þe king mid is ost & hengist him aȝe
Þer was batayle strong ynou & mest was upe tweye
Vpe þe king & hengist þat were so stronge beye


Þe stronge duntes þat hii smite grisliche were to se
So þat hengist bigan atte laste to fle
He þat neuer er ne fley founde þer is per
He fley in to þe yle of tenet he ne durste astunte no ner
Ȝut eft hii foȝte in þe se & bi side þere
Ac þe brutons at eche tyme þe maistrie awey bere
Þe saxons yseye suþþe þat hii ne miȝte no leng astonde
To þe king hii sende þat hii moste wende to hor owe londe
Þo hii were alle henne ywend here was ioye inou
Þe king ȝef is men grete ȝiftes & gret loue to hom drou
& let rere chirchen vp þat þe ssrewen adoun caste
& bigan to makie a nywe lond ac to lute wule it laste


Þe deuel adde enuie þer to þat he susteinede cristindom
& in is stepmoder herte is woniinge he nom
So þat þe luþer womman of poyson hire biþoȝte
& apoysonde þe gode mon & to deþe him broȝte
Þe king þo he sey is deþ is kniȝtes he let of sende
& ssewede hom alle þen wey woder he ssolde wende
& ȝef hom gold & seluer & ȝiftes riche & gode
& bed hom vor þe loue of god þat hii hom vnderstode
& stabeliche helde to gadere to sauy þat lond
Þat neuere þe luþer payens it adde eft anhond
& ȝif he miȝte libbe leng he nolde drede noȝt
& wanne it alles so was þat he was to deþe ybroȝt
He bad þat wanne he were ded þat me is bodi nome
& bured it atte hauene þere þe paiens come


In an tumbe suiþe hey þat hii miȝte hit ver yse
Þat hii vor drede of þe siȝte miȝte sone fle
Hardy was is herte to hom wanne he wolde þat hii adde
Drede of is bodi ded wanne hii aliue adde
Þer was del & sorwe ynou þo þis godemon was ded
& naþeles hii ne bured him noȝt as he him sulf bed
Vor hom þoȝte it nas bote an wile ac as hii hom biþoȝte
In londone mid gret honour þis bodi an erþe hii broȝte
Vortiger þe luþer man þo is sone ded was
Vnder veng aȝen to him þe kinedom alas
Vor sone þoru is wiues red after hengist he sende
Þat he hider to him mid simple uolc wende
Vor he dradde ȝif he adde to gret poer an honde
Þat þer ssolde arise strif bituene him & þe londe


Þo hengist hurde telle þat vortimer was ded
He gaderede poer ynou & sone nom is red
& þre hondred þousend men mid him yharmed he nom
& mid al þe atyl þer to in to þis lond he com
Þo þe king & is conseil wuste of so gret compainye
Hii biþoȝte & dradde sore þat it were uor tricherye
& naþeles he sende hom word aȝen in is felonye
Þat in gret loue hider he com & ne þoȝte no vileinye
Bote uor drede of vortimer leste he aliue were
Such folc wiþ him he broȝte vor he adde of him fere
Ac wanne he nas aliue noȝt he bad þe king be hende
Þat he miȝte mid is folc upe is lond wende
Biuore him & is conseil at a certein time & place
Wiþoute eni maner harme to fondi is grace
& þat þe king of is men at helde woch he wolde
& driue aȝen ouerse þulke þat he nolde


Þe king was her of wel ypayd & sette him a day
& al is owe folc þat hii come þe uerste day of may
At ambresbury vor to speke of þis þing som ende
To atholde woch he wolle of hom & þe oþere aȝe sende
Þo þat folc in eyþer syde ywar were of þat daye
In a nywe maner hengist þoȝte þe king & is bytraye
He het al is kniȝtes þat mid hin þere were
Þat in is hose stilleliche ech of hom a knif bere
& wanne hii his semble among þis brutons come
Þat ech of hom an heyman In conseil to him nome
& suiþe vaire speke wiþ him & wanne he þanne sede
Nimeþ ȝour soxes þat ȝe anon mid þe dede


Drou is knif & slowe anon al an onywar
Þat hii miȝte of þe hexte men þat lond makie bar
Þis word was wel vnderstonde so þat þo hii come
In eiþer side to ambresbury þen day þat hii nome
& þe brutons al simpleliche In god pays hii vnderstode
& hengist spac wiþ þe king as it were uor gode
& þo he sei is time wel he bigan to grede anon
Nimeþ ȝoure sexes & is men þer wiþ Echon
Kipte hor longe kniues & slowe vaste to gronde
So þat hii slowe four hondred & sixti in an stounde
Of erles & of barons of þe hexte þat þer were
Alas þe deol to þis lond woch treson was þere
Nou ne couþe þe brutons non engliss ywys
Ac þe saxons speche it was & þoru hom ycome it is


Hengist anon wiþ þe word þen king hente vaste
Bi þe mantel & anon to is fet him caste
So þat þis godemen were ybroȝt mid trayson to grounde
Ac some þat ofscapede mid stones þat hii founde
& mid staues of hegges defended hom aboute
& slowe of þis luþer men manion in þe route
Eldol erl of gloucestre þat stalwarþe kniȝt was
Hente an stronge leuour þat him com anhonde bicas
Þo he sei is felawes ymorþred so villiche
God ernest he nom to him & sturede him hardeliche
He smot to gronde & liȝtliche he ne ȝef stroc non
Þat he ne brac heued oþer arm oþer som oþer bon
He ne ȝef of is lif noȝt is felawes to awreke
So þat he slou in þe place ar is staf gonne breke


Sixtimen & tene & woundede monyon
& ȝute he of scapede aliue uor hom echon
Þat luþer folc þat slou þus þat folc mid tricherie
Þun king hii bounde uaste ynou þat reulich he gan crie
& defoulede him mid bendes vorte he suor is oþ
Al hor wille euer eft to do nere him no so loþ
Þo wende vorþ þis luþer folc & nome londone
& Euerwik & Lincolne al þoru þis traysone
& suþþe winchestre bisouþe & oþer grete tounes mo
& robbede as hii wende & slowe & dude muche wo
Þis were lo vre faderes of wan we beþ suþþe ycome
Þat wiþ such trayson abbeþ þis lond þus ynome
Vortiger vre feble king þat lute was worþ þo
As he it adde of serued ynou he adde of wo


He fley in to walis þuder he com sone
He esste at is conseilers wat were best to done
Me radde him uor is castels al bi nome him were
Þat in some syker stude an castel hulde þere
Þere he miȝte sikerliche wite him fram is fon
Þe king an gode stude þer to let seche out anon
& bigan an strange castel of lym & of ston
& of quoynte vorcmen let bringe monion
Þo hii bigonne þis castel al þat hii made aday
A morwe wanne hii come þer to al clene adoune it lay
No betere sped hii nadde nere þe worc no so strong
Þe king esste at enchantors war on it were ylong
Þe enchantors sede þat me a child soȝte
Þat were biȝete wiþoute fader þat me it þuder broȝte


& slowe it & mid þe blod bi sprengde wel hor ston
& hor morter & it ssolde stonde þenne anon
Hom þoȝte it was vuel to do ac þei hii ne bileuede it noȝt
Þat in many a contreye a such child nas ysoȝt
So þat some þe messagers to kermerdin come
& hou children biuore þe ȝate pleyde hii toke gome
Þo sede on to an oþer merlin wat is þe
Þou faderlese ssrewe wy misdostou me
Vor icham of kinges icome & þou nart noȝt worþ a fille
Vor þou naddest neuere nanne fader þeruore hold þe stille
Þo þe messagers hurde þis hii astunte þere
& esste at men aboute wat þe child were
Me sede þat he ne bod neuere fader þat me miȝte vnder stonde
& is moder an kinges doȝter was of þulke londe


& wonede at seinte petres In an nonnerie þere
Þo þe messagers hurde þis Ioyuol ynou hii were
To þe baylif of þe toun hasteliche hii wende
Þat hii þe moder & þe sone to þe king sende
Þo hii wuste wat hii were hi ne dorste wiþ segge noȝt
So þat þe moder & þe sone to þe king were ybroȝt
Þe king bad þe womman to segge soþ & uor no þing lete
Þat heo ne sede in soþnesse wo þat child biȝete
Louerd king quaþ þis oþer to soþe ich segge þe
Þat neuere mon ney me ne com þat it biȝete on me
Ac of one þinge ichot wanne ich ofte was
In chambre mid mine felawes þer com to me bi cas
A suiþe vair man mid alle & bi clupte me wel softe
& semblant made vair ynou & custe me wel ofte


Þanne wende he vorþ as in ssade inuste hou ne ware
Þo he adde ysywed me longe in þisse fare
Attelaste in fourme of man ofte he lay by me
Ac oþermon neuere non to soþe ich segge þe
Þo þe king hurde þis gret wonder him þoȝte þere
He esste at is clerkes were it to leue were
Þe clerkes sede þat it is in philosofie yfounde
Þat þer beþ in þe eyr an hey ver fram þe grounde
As a maner gostes wiȝtes as it be
& me may ȝem ofte an erþe in wilde studes yse
& ofte in mannes forme wommen hii comeþ to
& ofte in wimmen fourme hii comeþ to men al so
Þat men clupeþ eluene & parauenture in þis manere
On of hom in þis womman biȝet þis child here
Þo Merlin adde al þis yhurd to þe king he wende nede
Sire king wi lete ȝe mi moder & me biuore þe lede


Min enchantors quaþ þe king me abbeþ þer to yrad
Þat a child þat nadde neuere fader biuore me were ylad
& þat þe worc mid is blode þat we abbeþ an honde
Bi sprengde þat ualþ al adoun & þanne it ssolde stonde
Let þine chantors quaþ merlin biuore me sone bringe
& icholle prouy biuore þe þat hii telleþ al lesinge
Þes enchantors were ybroȝt sone biuore þe kinge
Wat segge ȝe quaþ merlin of þis nywe þinge
Radde ȝe þat me by sprengd þat morter mid my blod
Here me ssal sone yse þat ȝe ne conne no god
Seggeþ me ȝif ȝe conne wat is binuþe þe gronde
Þat makeþ þat þe fondement ne stont none stounde
Þe oþer ne couþe ansuerie noȝt as it is iwrite
Louerd king quaþ merlyn ȝif þou wolt þat soþe ywite


Let delue vnder þe foundement & me ssal bineþe finde
A water pol þat aþ ymad þat þe worc is þus bihinde
Me dalf bineþe & founde þat water as merlin adde ysed
Wat segge ȝe maistres quaþ merlin þat ȝeue þan colde red
To binime my blod & mi lif wat is bineþe þere
Þe maistres sete stille ynou riȝt as hii doumbe were
Doþ out þis water quaþ merlin & wanne it is aweye
Ȝe ssolleþ ȝute bineþe finde holwe stones tweye
& in eiþer a dragon þer inne slepe vaste
Me let sone out of þis pol þat water al clene caste
Hii founde al as he adde ysed men wondrede ynou
& þoȝte þat is manhede to godhede drou
As þis king vortiger & þis men toke gome
Tueye grete dragons out of þis stones come


Þe on was red þe oþer wyt hii gonne to fiȝte vaste
Strong batale & þat fur out of þe mouþ caste
So þat þe wite was aboue as al þat folc ysey
& Drof þen rede al abac out of þe putte ney
Þe rede as vor sorinesse bi turnde him attenende
& asaylede þen wite & made him abac wende
As þe dragons foȝte þus þe king het merlin þere
Vor to segge ȝif he couþe wat þe signe were
Merlin bigan to wepe þo & bigan is prophecie
A wey he sede þe rede dragon uor is ende biginþ to hye
& þe wite dragon ssal in to is holes wende
Þat bitokneþ þe saxons þat þou lete after sende
Þe rede bitokneþ þe brutons & ȝoure kunde þat is
Þat þe saxons ssolde ȝut ouercome & bi nime hor lond ywis
Grete wateres worþen ȝut red of mannes blode
Cristendom worþ icast adoun & chirchen þat er stode


Ac ȝute ssolleþ þe brutons som tyme aȝen stonde
Vor þe bor of cornewaile ssal helpe þis londe
& þe saxons newen vnder is fet to trede
Mani yles winne he ssal lond & oþer stude
Louerd he worþ of france rome ssal is sturnede
Douty & quaky þeruore ac is lif worþ in drede
Þat folc ssal euere speke of him and is noble dede
Worþ to hom a suete mete þat it conne arede
Sixe þat comeþ after him ssolleþ holde þe seignorie
Ac after hom þer ssal arise a worm of germanye
& þe se wolf him ssal bringe vp & þanne þe religion
& holi chirche worþ ef sone ybroȝt al adoun
Change worþ of bissopriches & þe digne sege iwis
Worþ ybroȝt to kaunterbury þat at londone nou is
Al þis biuel afterward as ȝe ssolleþ ihure
Þe cornwelisse bor of wan he spek þat was þe king arþure


Þat so nobliche huld vp þis lond & is fon ouercom
& þoru is nobleye wan mani a kinedom
Of þe prophecye of merlin we ne mowe telle namore
Vor it is so derc to simplemen bote me were þe bet in lore
Gret wonder adde al þat folc of wisdom þat he sede
Of þing þat to comene was & of is ȝonghede
Þe king bed þo merlin þat he him tolde an dede
In wat deþ he ssolde deye & merlin him þis sede
Constantines sones fur fle ȝif þou miȝt
Vor hii ȝarkeþ hor ssipes toward þis lond riȝt
Hii bileueþ þe lond of armore þat þe lasse brutayne is
Hor seiles hii spredeþ in þe se & hider hii comeþ iwis
Þe saxons hii willeþ asayly & to grounde bringe
Ac hii wolleþ þe in þin owe tour sle atte biginninge
Þoru þi trayson luþermen hor fader slowe
& þoru þi trayson saxons in to þis lond þou drowe


Þou bede hom uor to helpe þe ac to þin wo hii beþ icome
Tweye sorwes beþ þe vpon & þe ne worþ noþer bi nome
Vor þe saxons destruyes þi lond in þe on ende
Þe tueye breþeren in þe on half vpe þi lond wole wende
To awreke on þe hor fader deþ þe ne tit no peys
Vor hii wolleþ tomorwe ariue at te hauene of toteneys
& wanne hengist is aslawe aureli worþ king
Pays he wole bringe aȝen & chirchen þoru alle þing
Apoysoned he worþ atte laste & after him worþ ido
His broþer in þe kinedom þat apoisond worþ al so
So gret trayson worþ among hom þat after þe ssolle come
Ac þe cornwaillisse bor hom ssal chasti some


Avreli & vter þe tueye breþern corteys
Wiþ gret poer amorwe ariued at totteneys
Þo þe tidinge sprong þat hii come attelaste
Þe brutons þat were helples aboute hom drowe vaste
Þat were to sprad her & þer hii were þo glad inou
Þat folc also of holi chirche aboute hom vaste drou
Þere hii made aureli king & omage him dude echon
& bede þat hii moste vpe þe saxons wende anon
Ac þe king aurely þer aȝen gan speke
Vor he þoȝte on vortiger is fader verst awreke
Vor is herte was so gret uor is fader deþe þere
Þat he ne miȝte glad be ar he awreke were
Vortiger was iflowe vor drede of him ywis
To an castel in irchenveld in þe est ende of walis
Aboue þe water of weye vpan hul an hey
Þe king aureli þuder com & þun castel isey
To eldol erl of gloucestre he spec in þis manere
Sire noble erl nim god ȝeme of þis castel here


Were he mowe þe luþer vortiger witie fram þe deþe
Þat ich in is Ineward mid suerd make a sseþe
Þat is alre manne worst þat ich euere ne sey mid eye
Þe deþ ne miȝte be to luþer þat he ssolde Inne deye
Vor mi fader constantin verst he bitraide amis
Þat sauede him & al þat lond fram þe picars ywys
Suþþe mi broþer constance he broȝte to kinge
Vor he him wolde bitraye & to deþe bringe
& suþþe þoru is tricherie þo he adde þis lond an honde
He mengde þe luþer paiens among ȝou in þis londe
Vor to holde me & mi broþer out of oure eritage
Ac al vpe is owe heued ybroȝt is is outrage
Vor þo þe luþer saxons vnder ȝete is luþer dede
Hii binome him is kinedom & þat is a riȝtuol dede


Ac of one þinge ichabbe deol þat þis payns þat luþer beþ
Þat he broȝte verst to londe as ȝe alle yseþ
Þe noblemen of þis lond þus to ssame broȝte
& þis lond þat was so riche wastede al to noȝte
& holi chirche & cristendom abbeþ ibroȝt to gronde
Fram þen on se to þen oþer alas þulke stounde
Nouþe kundemen of þis lond cuþeþ ȝoure manhede
& awrekeþ ȝou of þis luþermen of wan com þis wrechede
& suþþe turne we oure hond vpe ur oþer fon
& deliueri we þis lond of þe luþermen echon
Þis folc mid gode herte þen castel asaylede
Ac vor þe castel was so strong hor wille þo failede
Wiþ quointise hii caste fur & barnde þe castel wiþinne
& þe king vortiger was ybarnd to doust wiþinne


& þo miȝte he finde soþ þat merlin him er sede
Þat he constantines sones fur ssolde fle & drede
Þo was hengist sore adrad of þe king aureli þere
& nameliche vor þe noble los þat he hurde of him ere
Vor þer nas in non ende of france ne in no lond þer aboute
Þat in ioustes & in tornemens echmon him nolde doute
Vor þer nas so god kniȝt non nour aboute france
Þat in ioustes ssolde sitte þe dunt of is lance
Þat he ssolde adoun oþer is hors oþer boþe anon
Oþer þe lance ssolde breke in peces monion
Þeruore hengist was adrad to mete wiþ is lance
Ouer homber he fley anon to wite him fram meschance
& castles & cites astorede uaste þere
& In scotlond al so vor þulke londes were
A luþer recet euere aȝen engelonde
Vor ech þat wolde hider harm þere miȝte at stonde


Þo aureli wuste þat hii were yflowe to hurne
He was glad þat hii were aferd & þoȝte be hom sturne
He ȝarkede is ost & sywede after hom uaste norþ
& þo he sey þe contreys as he passede vorþ
& destrued & bar in eche half gret deol hii made þere
& nameliche uor chirchen þat icast adoun were
He bihet god almiȝti ȝif he sende him þe ouer hond
To rere vp aȝen þe chirchen aboute in to al þat lond
Þo hengist wuste þat he com toward scotlonde
He ȝarkede is ost uaste aȝen him uor to stonde
Eldol erl of gloucestre as he wende in þis verhede
Toward bataile to þe king þes wordes he sede
Sire king uor al þe dawes þat ichabbe anerþe y go
O day me wolde þinche ynou to libbe wiþ oute mo


Þat ich þe luþer hengist in bataile miȝte mete
Vor on of vs ssolde deye ar þe bataile lete
So moche sor ichabbe in min herte wenne ich þer on þenche
Þo we come to makie pais of is luþer wrenche
Þat of vre erles & ure barons þat noblemen were
Four hondred & four score mid treson he slou þere
Of hom þat were onywar & wiþ oute arme al so
Nou god leue þat þe wreche þer of bituene vs mote go
Þe king aurely is felawes confortede to fiȝte
& al is hope in godes sone dude & al is miȝte
As þe ost in eyþer side toward þe bataile drou
Hii come & mette hom baldeliche mid god ernest ynou
Hii smite harde & made moni an strange wounde
Hii ssedde blod & slowe in eiþer side to grounde


Aureli confortede þe cristinemen aboute
& hengist in is half þe heþenemen is route
Ac þe cristine þoru godes grace adde þe betere ende
So þat toward cornebury þe heþene gonne wende
& þe cristine afterward & to grounde broȝte ynowe
Vor al þat hii miȝte of take hii nome oþer slowe
Þo hengist ysey þe cristinemen sywi him so vaste
& þat he moste nede turne aȝen oþer deye attelaste
He bigan ordeiny is folc & to bataile aȝen drou
In eiþer side as me dude er to grounde me slou
Þe cri of þe folc þat me slou þe oþer broȝte in drede
Attelaste þe heþenemen bigonne ȝam to sprede
Þe cristine were þe baldore þe king harde sette
Vor to conforti is men & slou al þat he mette
Eldol erl of gloucestre al so in is syde
Barnde & kepte her & þer & slou aboute wyde
& moche his entente was hengist uor to mete
Hii mette hom atte laste ar þe bataile lete


Ou louerd þe duntes stronge þat bituene hom was þere
Þat fur smot out of þen yre liȝtinge as it were
So stronge kniȝtes boþe hii were & eke þe herte gret was
Gorlois erl of cornwaile bi hom com bi cas
As sone as eldol him ysey is herte vpward drou
Hengist bi þe helm bineþe he hente vaste ynou
& mid strengþe him drou adoun & loude bigan to grede
Cristinemen viȝteþ nou of noþing ȝe ne drede
God me aþ mi wille yȝiue vor ich im abbe nouþe
Him þat made al þis wo bi norþe & eke bi souþe
Cuþeþ nouþe þat ȝe beþ men vor þe maistrie al vre is
Þe cristine men to grounde slowe þo hii hurde þis
Hii ne finede neuermo ar þe oþere were at grounde
Some flowe to hulles & to wodes þat hii founde


Ac octa hengistes sone & is poer attelaste
Of scapede to euerwik & of strengþede þen toun vaste
Hengist was aliue ynome & yholde uaste
Þo þis bataile was ydo þis brutons attelaste
Nome þen toun of corneboru & þer Inne adde reste
Þre dawes & þre niȝt vor to þenche hor beste
Þe king let þe wule burie þe dede men þere
& do vnder lechecraft hom þat iwounded were
Þe king let bringe þer after hengist biuore him sone
& esste at erles & barons wat were mid him to done
Eldad þat bissop of gloucestre was
& þe erles broþer eldol hii were þere bi cas
Þo he sey hengist stonde biuore þe king þere
He stod vp & sede þe verdit vor al oþere þat þere were
Ȝif oþere he sede þat here beþ him wolde deliueri echone
To smale peces ichim wolde hakky alone


Vor icholde þe prophete wule samuel vnder stonde
Þat þo he adde þe luþer king agag vnder honde
He let him hewe to peces & al so he sede
As þou ast ymad mony wif deoluol lif lede
& moni child wiþoute fader & moni wif louerd les
Al so icholle make to day þine sones fader les
Also doþ bi þis mon þat so moche wo aþ ydo
So mony child ymad faderles diȝteþ him al so
Þis word was for dom yholde þe erl eldol him drou
& ladde him wiþoute þe toun mid god herte ynou
& smot of is heued þat so moche wo adde ydo
Þer was monimon awreke & monimon glad al so
Þis was euene vourty ȝer þat he adde is dom
After þat he mid is folc verst to þis londe com
Þo wende þe king mid is ost to euerwik anon
Vor to sle hengistes sone & is men echon
Þo octa it adde vnderȝet þat hii cominde were
He sey wel þat is poer nas noȝt aȝen hom þere


An raketeie of hire in is hond he nom
& wiþ þe hext of is men aȝen þe kinge he com
Sire he sede myne godes al ouercome beþ
& þi god is louerd one as we to soþe iseþ
& þat þus noblemen to þin wille bringþ in þisse manere
Þer uore us wiþ þis veteres vnder vong nou here
Þat to ech torment þat þou wolt us do we beþ ȝare in þis place
Bote þou wole of vs abbe here pite & grace
Þe king adde pite of him & as is conseil him ȝef þo
Nom of him sikernesse to be is þral euere mo
& of ech þat wiþ him was & in gret destresse
Biside scotlond hom ȝef an place al in wildernesse
To wonie þer inne in þralhede vnder þe king euer mo
Þo eosa & mony oþere þat yflowe were þo


Yseie þat þe king adde such milce hom ydo
To þe king hii wende as prisons & bede him milce al so
Þe king al in one manere hom ȝef milce & grace
To wonye al in þralhede in þulke wilde place
To wroþe hele al þis lond was he so milde þo
Vor þe ssrewen dude seþþe to þis lond suiþe moche wo
Þo al þis was ido þe king ar he wende
Let ordeiny in euerwik þis lond vorto amende
& let rere up chirchen & to al þat lond aboute
& bissopes dude in hor poer þat er were al wiþoute
After viftene dawes þat he adde yordeined þis
To londone he wende uor to amende þat þer was amys
He let amendy al þen toun of hous þat were adoune
& in þe contreye chirchen let rere & in þe toune


Gode lawes þat were aleyd nywe he let make
Þe londes þat were arst binome þe riȝt eyres he let take
Bote is wille clene was is lond uor to amende
& after al þis to winchestre fram londone he wende
Vor to amendy þulke syde & so to salesbury
& so vor to amendy more to þe doune of ambresbury
Þo he com to þulke place þat þe heye men inne laye
Þat hengist mid is sexes let sle & bi traye
Of þe morþere he adde deol & bigan to wepe sore
He þoȝte in is herte hou he miȝte þe place worþi more
Vor þer leye so gode men hit was wel ydo
Þat vor to defendi þat lond ymorþred were so
His conseil he nom þo hou he miȝte makie þere
Som wore in honour of hom þat euere in munde were
Þe erchebissop of walis sede is avys
Sire he sede ȝif þer is Enymon so wis


Þat beste red conne rede merlin þat is
Vor þer nis in þis kinedom so wisman iwys
To segge soþ of þinges þat to comene beþ
Ne of quoynte gynnes uor to rede as we al day iseþ
Merlin was þo in walis he was sone of soȝt
Mid messagers & yfounde & to þe kinge ybroȝt
Þe king made him Ioye inou & among alle
Bad him telle of som þing þat him ssolde biualle
Sire king quaþ merlin þo such þinges ywis
Ne beþ uor to ssewy noȝt bote ȝwanne gret ned is
Vor ȝif ich it sede in busemare oþer bote it ned were
Sone fram me he wolde wende þat gost þat deþ me lere
Þe king þo non oþer nas bad him som quoyntyse
Bi þenche aboute þulke cors þat were so noble & wyse
Sire king quaþ merlin þo ȝif þou wolt here caste
In honour of hom a work þat euere ssal ylaste


To þe hul of kylar send in to yrlonde
After þe noble stones þat þer abbeþ longe ystonde
Þat was þe treche of geans vor a quointe worc it is
Of stones al wiþ art ymad In þe world such non is
Ne þer nis noþing þat it ssolde wiþ strengþe adoun caste
Stode hii here as hii doþ þere euere hii wolde laste
Þe king bigan somdel to liyhe þo he hurde þis tale
Hou miȝte he sede suche stones so grete & so uale
Be ybroȝt fram so ver lond & ȝut þat mest of were
Me wolde wene þat in þis lond no ston to worke nere
Sire king quaþ merlin ne make noȝt an idel such lyhinge
Vor it nis an ydel noȝt þat ich telle þis tydinge
Vor in þe verroste stede of affric geans wule vette
Þulke stones vor medicine & in yrlond hom sette


Þe wule hii wonede in yrlonde to makie hor baþes þere
Þer vnder vor to baþie wanne hii sike were
Vor hii wolde þe stones wasse & þer inne baþie ywys
Vor þer nis no ston þer among þat of gret vertue nys
Þe king & is conseil radde þo þe stones vor to vette
& wiþ gret poer of bataile ȝif enimon hom lette
Ambrose þe kinges broþer þat vter het al so
In an oþer maner name Ichose was þer to
Wiþ viftene þousend men yarmed þis dede uor to do
& merlin vor is quoynte wit þuder wende al so
Gyneman was þulke tyme king of yrlonde
Þo me tolde him of þis brutons þat icome were in þis londe
Aȝen hom he wende anon mid gret poer ynou
Þo me tolde him hor erande he astunte & lou


No wonder he sede þei bruteine al day go to grounde
Wanne hii þat þer inne beþ such foles beþ yfounde
Wo as yhurd such folye wer þer ne be in non ende
Stones þat aȝte be bote hii hider sende
Armeþ ȝou vaste nou & witeþ ȝoure lond
Vor hii ne ssolleþ abbe þe leste ston þe wule ich may weld min hond
Vter & is compaynie yredy aȝen hom were
& a stronge bataile smite & þe yrisse to driue þere
& wende vorþ mid strengþe þo no mon ne lette
To þe hul of kylar þe stones vor to vette
Þo hii seye þe stones hom wondrede ynou
Of þe worc þat was so gret & wo hit þuder drou


Ȝe ȝongemen quaþ merlin cuþeþ ȝoure miȝte
Hou ȝe mowe þis stones best to ssipe diȝte
Hii stode & biþoȝte hom bet & cables vette ynowe
& laddren & leuours & uaste ssoue & drowe
Ac hii ne miȝte uor noþing come to ende mid hor wille
Merlin ysei þis & lou & bed hom stonde stille
He sette ys ginnes as he wolde & is quointise dude stille
Þat folc mid þe stones þo dude al hor owe wille
& let hom to ssipe bringe & so in to þis londe
Ac þer was som enchanterie þer to ich vnder stonde
To þe doune of ambresbury þes stones ybroȝt were
Aȝen þe feste of witesontyd as merlin gan lere
Four hondred ȝer & fourscore & aboute þe teþe ȝere
After þat god an erþe com yset hii were þere


Alle þe heyemen of þe lond þe king let of sende
Erles & barons & kniȝtes in ech ende
Bissopes & abbodes & oþere þat þere were
Þat þe feste of witesonetyd mid him were þere
Þe king a witesoneday þo hii come alle to is heste
Sette þe croune on is heued & huld noble feste
& alle þe foure dawes þe feste he huld þere
Bissopriches al so þat deliuered were
In onour of þulke stude þere he ȝef hom þo
As of euerwik & of walis & of oþere mo
Merlin mid enchantement & mid is quointise þer
Sette vp þe stones riȝt al so as hii stode in yrlond er
Þus was stonheng uerst ymad þat men al day yseþ
In onour of þe noblemen þat þere ibured beþ
Pascence vortigeres sone þo is fader ybarnd was
Fley in to germayne mid wel hastif pas


Þere he gaderede folc of saxons ynowe
Vor to awreke him of hom þat is fader slowe
In þe norþ ende of þis lond hii bigonne ariue
& vaste slowe & barnde & robbede bliue
Þat word to vre king com so þat he wende
Mid is poer among hom & hor prute ssende
Pascence & is men þat of scapede þer aliue
To ssipes flowe aȝen ech wule hom þoȝte viue
Aboute hii wende by þe se to yrlonde þo hii come
Gyneman þe king of yrlonde & hii gret conseil nome
& þis lond vorto ssende alle hii suore an oþ
Vor gyneman vor stonhenge was ȝut hyderward wroþ
So þat þe yrisse & hii mid gret poer ywis
Wende toward þis lond & ariuede in walis
In þe toun of seint dauit hii bileuede & aboute
& vor to asayli þis lond greiþed hor route
Kyng aureli at winchestre to gret syknesse drou
Gynemon & pascence were þeruore glad ynou
A quointe mon of þe saxons eope was is name
To pascence he wende anon þat god ȝiue him ssame


Wat woste he sede þulke mon to is mede ȝiue uawe
Þat þe king aurely broȝte sone of lifdawe
Ȝif ich miȝte quaþ pascence such mon vinde on
A þousend pound of seluer ichim wolde ȝiue anon
& make him euere vnder me maister of al mi lond
& þat ich im wolde mid treuþe sikery him vaste an hond
Þis vorewarde was uaste ymad nou couþe þis luþer man
Langage of þis londe as he were a cristineman
& þe manere of brutons as he adde among hom er ygo
& þe art of lechecraft al to moche as þo
His berd he let ssere verst & is croune al so
& suþþe monekes abit on him he let do
& nom wiþ him spicerie þat to fysike drou
& wende him to winchestre quointeliche ynou


& sede þe kinges meine þat he wolde him to hele bringe
Þat folc was sone glad ynou vor þe tydinge
So wisliche he made hit & so wel þat me leuede him uaste
Þe king ek in is syde is herte up on him caste
He ȝef him a luþer drench & þo he adde ydronke so
He bad him ligge & slepe wel þat it miȝte þe bet do
Þe king hopede wel to him & let him helie vaste
& stille was wiþoute noyse & lay & slep is laste
Vor þe poyson in is slep þe veines so þoru soȝte
Þat it of eode al þat body & to deþe him sone broȝte
Þe wule he slep þe traytor þen wey aweyward nom
Stilleliche bi halues þat me nuste ware he bicom
Riȝt aboute þe kinges deþe in þe firmament an hey
An sterre gret & vair ynou suiþe cler me sey



O cler leom wiþoute mo þer stod fram him wel pur
Yfourmed as a dragon as red ase fur
Out of þe dragons mouþe tueye leomes þer stode þere
Þe grettore tylde euene est ouer france as it were
Þe oþer adde seue branches alle clere ynowe
& toward þe yrisse se westward euene drowe
Þo þis sterre was yseye men wondrede ynou
Vter þe kinges broþer mid is ost þo drou
To walis to þis strange men to asayli hom & fiȝte
Adrad he was sore ynou of þis wonder siȝte
Merlin he clupede & esste anon hou it miȝte þer of be
Merlin wep anon so vaste þat reuþe it was to se
Alas he sede þe deoluul harm þat ys endeles
Alas þat folc of brutaine þat is nou help les
Ded he is þe noble king aurely þi broþer
Ac þe sterre þat me ysey bitokneþ anoþer


Hye nou þou noble duc þat þe batayle were ysmite
Vor king þou worst of brutayne & þe maistrie bi ȝite
Vor þe sterre bitokneþ þe & þe fury dragon al so
Þe lem þat out of is mouþ ouer france is ydo
Þat bitokneþ a child þat þou ssalt biȝite ywis
Þat ssal biȝite france & oþer londes in þe world such mon nis
Þe lem þat tylþ westward a doȝter þat is
Þat þou ssalt biȝite & ȝo ssal abbe sones ywis
Þat ssal ech after oþer king of bruteine be
Of som oþer al in contek & þis me ssal yse
Þe noblemon of wam he spac þat he ssolde biȝite
Þat was þe king arþure as ȝe ssolleþ ywite
Vter let al þis be vor he ne leuede it noȝt anon
& wende toward seint dauid to mete wiþ is fon
Þe oþer were of hom ywar & ȝarkede in hor side
Hor ost & let hom army wel bataile uor to abide


Hii come & smite þis bataile & vaste slowe to grounde
In eyþer side moche folc in a lutel stounde
Kniȝtes & oþer folc ac attelaste vre louerd þoȝte
In is cristine folc & þe maistrie hom broȝte
Vor þer was gynemon aslawe king of yrlonde
& pascence vortigeres sone þat so moche poer adde an honde


& moche of hor folc wiþ hom so þat vewe atten ende
Aliue þer of scapede þat to ssipe miȝte wende
& so hii ssolde lerny mid cristinemen to fiȝte
Vor vre louerd wole among is men euere cuþe þe riȝte
To vter of is broþer deþ þer com word atte laste
After þis bataile he wende to winchestre uaste
Ac arst was þe king ybured ar he miȝte come þere
Wiþinne þe place of stonheng þat he let him sulf rere


Vor he let þen stede halwy vor þe gode cors þat þer were
& bissopes & wurþe men is bodi þuder bere
Vter after is broþer deþ þe croune to him nom
& þoru þe heyemen of þis lond aueng þe kinedom
Of þe dragon he vnderstod þat yseie was an hey
& of þat merlin adde ysed & of siȝte þat me sey
Tueie riche dragons of golde he let makye anon
At þe heye munstre of winchestre he offrede þat on
Þe oþer he let biuore him bere in bataile wan he was
Me cluped him vter pendragon þer after vor þis cas
Þat was vter dragon heued & þat was to singnefie
Þat merlin him clupede dragon in is prophecye
Occe hengistes sone þe luþer saxon
& eose is cosin hii þoȝte of treson


Þe oþ þat to king aureli hii suore biuore
Hii þoȝte þo he was ded þat he were al uor lore
Hii þoȝte to do þis lond ssame to germayne hii sende lome
Þat is a lond of alemaine fram wan hii alle come
After more folc of hor kunde so þat þer come ynowe
At scotlond hii bigonne & vaste barnde & slowe
& so þat toward euerwik þe contreye adoun caste
Hii bi segede euerwik þo hii þuder come vaste
Þe king vter hurde her of þuderward vaste he drou
To gadere hii come & smite bataile strong ynou
Hii slowe & smite in eiþer side þat reuþe it was to se
Atte laste þis saxons bigonne vorto fle
& þis brutons after & slowe to grounde vaste
So þat some of scapede vpe monteyns atte laste
& some in to tounes & it drou to niȝte
So þat hii ne miȝte noþer leng yse to fiȝte



& þe brutons hom wiþdrowe & þe saxons hom reste
King vter nom is conseil woch red were þe beste
Gorloys erl of cornwaile þat wysost was iholde
& old & mest adde yseie is red verst he tolde
We mote he sede be hardy & stalwarde & wyse
Ȝif we wolleþ abbe vre lif & holde vre franchise
Wexinge euere beþ vre fon bi water & bi londe
& ȝif we abideþ longe we ne ssolleþ hom noȝt at stonde
Nou hii beþ al onywar hii wolleþ yswyke by daye
Þeruore I ne rede in no manere þis nede leng delaye
We ssolleþ hom abbe al uor noȝt I ne rede no leng abyde
Vor hii beþ naked & onywar & ysprad wyde
Þis conseil was wel yhurd hii heolede her to echon
Al by niȝte hii wende uorþ & soȝte out hor fon


Some hii founde ligge slepe hii demayde hom anon
Some hom wolde army ac wule nadde hii non
So þat hii slowe þere a þousend & mo
& nome octa & eose þat made al þe wo
& dude hom at londone in prison & þat was to rywe sore
Þat hii nadde hom aslawe uor sorwe hii dude ȝut more
Atte feste of estre þo þe king sende is sonde
Þat hii come alle to londone þe heyemen of þis londe
& þe leuedies also god to is feste wide
Vor he wolde croune bere vor þe heye tyde
Alle þe noblemen of þis lond to þis feste come
& hor wiues & hor doȝtren moni wiþ hom nome
Þis feste was noble ynou & nobliche ydo
Vor mony was þe vayre leuedi þat icome was þer to


Igerne gorloyses wyf was vairost of echon
Þat was contasse of cornwayle vor vairor nas þer non
Þe king bi huld ire vaste ynou & is herte up ire caste
& þoȝte þei ȝo were wif to do folie atte laste
He made ire semblant vair ynou to non oþer so gret
Þe erl nas noȝt þer wiþ ypayd þo he it vnder ȝet
After mete he nom is wif mid stourdi mod ynou
& wiþoute leue of þe kinge toward is contreye drou
Þe king sende to him þo to bileue al niȝt
Vor he moste of gret conseil abbe som in siȝt


Þat was vor noȝt nolde he noȝt þe king sende ȝut is sonde
Þat he were at is parlement vor neode of þe londe


Þe king was þo he nolde noȝt anguisous & wroþ
Vor þe despit he wolde be awreke he suor is oþ
Bote he come to amendement is poer attelaste
He ȝarkede & wende uorþ to cornwayle uaste
Gorloys is castles astorede uaste aboute
In a strong castel he dude is wif vor of hire was al is doute
In anoþer him sulf he was vor he nolde noȝt
Ȝif cas come þat hii were boþe to deþe ibroȝt
Þe castel þat þe erl inne was þe king bisegede uaste
Vor he miȝte is ginnes vor ssame to þen oþer caste
Þo he was þere seueniȝt he ne spedde noȝt
Igerne þe contesse so moche was in is þoȝt
Þat he nuste non oþer wit ne he ne miȝte ssame
Telle it bote a priue kniȝt vlfin was is name
Þat he truste mest to & þo þe kniȝt hurde þis
Sire he sede I ne can wite wat red her of is


Vor þe castel is so strong þat þe leuedi is Inne
Þat ich wene al þis lond mid strengþe ne ssolde it winne
Vor þe se geþ al aboute & entreie bote on þer nis
& þat is vpe harde roches & so nare wey it is
Þat þer ne may go on & on þat þre men wiþinne
Miȝte sle al þat lond ar hii come þer Inne
& noȝt for þan ȝif merlin at þi conseil were
Ȝif eni miȝte he couþe þe beste red þe lere
Merlin was sone of send ysed it was him sone
Þat he wolde þe beste red segge wat were to done
Merlin was sori ynou vor þe kinges folye
& naþeles sire king he sede her mot to maistrie
Þe erl aþ tueie men him next briȝthoel & Iordan
Icholle make þi sulue ȝif þou wolt þoru art þat ich can
Abbe al þe fourme of þe erl as þou were purliche he
& vlfin as Iordan & as briȝthohel me


Þis art was al clene ydo þat ychanged hii were
Hii þre in þe oþeres fourme hom sulue as it were
Aȝen eue hii wende vorþ nuste no mon þat cas
To þe castel hii come ariȝt as it eue was


Þe porter ysei is louerd come & is mest priue tueye
Wuþ god herte he let is louerd in & is serians beye
Þe contasse was glad ynou þo hire louerd to hire com
& hor eiþer in oþer armes mid gret ioye hom nom
& þo hii to bedde come þat so longe atuo were
Bituene hom was so gret delit þat bituene hom þere
Biȝite was þe beste bodi þat euere was in þis londe
King arthure þe noble mon þat euere worþ vnderstonde
Þo þe kinges men nuste amorwe were þe king was bicome
Hii verde as wodemen hii wende hii were ynome


Hii asaylede þen castel riȝt as he ssolde adoun anon
Hii þat wiþinne were ȝarkede hom echon
& smite out in an fole wille & foȝte wiþ hor fon
So þat þe erl was aslawe & of is men monion
& þe castel was ynome & þat folc to sprad þere
Ȝute þo hii adde al ydo hii ne founde noȝt þe king þere
Þe tyding to þe contasse sone was ycome
Þat here louerd was aslawe & þe castel ynome
Ac þo þe messager ysey þan erl as him þoȝte
Þat he adde so foule ilowe wel sore him of þoȝte
Þe contasse made somdel del for no soþnesse ȝe nuste
Þe king vor to gladye hire biclupte hire & kuste
Dame he sede ne sikstou wel þat les it is al þis
Ne sixtou wel icham aliue icholle segge hou it is


Out of þe castel stilleliche ich wende in priuete
Þat none of mine men it nuste vor to speke wiþ þe
& þo hii myste me to day & nuste war ich was
Hii verde ichot as gydie men mid wan no red nas
& foȝte wiþ þe folc wiþoute & abbeþ in þisse manere
Ilore þen castel & hom sulue ac wel þou wost icham here
Ac vor mi castel þat is ylore sori ich am ynou
& for mine men þat þe king & is poer slou
Ac oure poer is nou to lute þer fore ich drede sore
Leste þe king vs nime here & sorwe þat were more
Þerfore icholle hou so it be wende aȝen þe kinge
& make my pays wiþ him ar he to ssame vs bringe


Forþ he wende & het þe men ȝif þat þe king come
Þat hii ssolde him þe castel ȝelde ar he wiþ strengþe him nome


Þo he com toward is men is owe fourme he nom
& bileuede þe erles fourme & þe king vter bi com
Sore him of þoȝte þe erles deþ ac in oþer halue he founde
Ioye in is herte uor þe contasse of spoushod was vnbunde
Þo he adde diȝt al þat he wolde & ypaised wiþ is fon
To þe kontasse he wende aȝen me let him in anon
Wat halt it to telle longe bote hii were suþþe aton
In gret loue longe ynou wan it nolde oþer gon
& adde to gadere þis noble sone þat in þe world is per nas
Þe king arthur & an doȝter anne her name was
Octe & eose þis luþer saxoynes tueie
In prison were in londone as ich ȝou tolde beye


Mid hor wardein hii speke so þat hor wardein & hii ywys
Flowe in to germaynie þat in alymayne is
& gret poer gaderede of saxons þer
Ȝut it adde betere ybe þat me adde yslawe hom er
In scotlond hii ariuede & worrede vaste
& barnde & slowe to grounde & tounes adoun caste
Þe king lay þo sore syk hii were glad uor þis cas
An erl þer was of leicestre lot is name was
Þat stalwarþe kniȝt was & god þe king bi tok him is miȝte
& þe poer of þis lond wiþ þe heþene men to fiȝte
Also anne is doȝter he ȝef him to wiue
Þis noble erl wiþ þe brutons aȝen is fon wende bliue
& euere uaste slou & þe heþene al so god


Ac naþeles þe heþen folc vaste aȝen stod
Vor þe brutons nolde uor prute after þe erl do
Vor he nas noȝt king & þeruore þe worse hom com to
Þo þe tydinge com to þe king þat hom so febliche spedde
He was so sori & so wroþ þat he ney awedde
Biuore him he let bringe is men & bigan hom vaste blame
Þat hii vor hor prute broȝte þe lond to ssame
Þuder he sede he wolde him sulf þei he ne miȝte an fot go
Ȝif eny horsbere him wolde bere to awreke him of is fo
Mid gode wille he wende uorþ in an hors bere
& is folc vorþ wiþ him þat he baldere vor him were
Þe saxons were so proute vor þe king com so
Þat vnneþe hii wolde armes on hom do



Vor him hii sede it were ssame þat we yharmed were
Nis he more þan half ded ylad in an bere
Þe king sette up is herte hey & ordeined is folc uaste
Þe saxons he asaylede & to grounde hom caste
So þat sone dawes hom of þoȝte hor prute
Þat hii of þe noble mon þe king tolde so lute
Vor þer was octe aslawe & is cosin eose al so
& so it adde ybe betere þat me adde er ydo
Þe saxons þat miȝte fle bigonne to fle uaste
Þus þe samdede king couþe hom agaste
Lo he sede hii clupede me samdede king some
& ȝut ichabbe leuere samded hom ouercome
Þan hol & sound be ouercome & leuere al so me is
Vor to deye myd honour þan libbe in ssame ywys


Þe saxons were þo ouercome ac hii ne bileuede ȝut noȝt
Hor ssrewhede ac to wroþerhele were hii to deþe ybroȝt
Vor hor ost euere wax þer come euere mo & mo
Boþe by este & by norþe hii dude wel muche wo
Þe king wolde aȝen hom wende ac he ne moste uor is conseil
Vor þe feblore he was vor þe eror trauail
Þe saxons hom adde ymad in þis lond ywis
Kinges in þre stede þat al to on ycome ys
Hengist was verst king in kent & elle in souþsex
& suþþe last was certik king of west sex
Vor he & kenryk is sone com vp at ȝarnemouþe
& suþþe a gret duc þat het port com vp at portesmouþe
Hit was as In þe ȝer of grace þat god was ybore ich wene
Þat certyk com verst four hondred ȝer & four score & tene


King he was of westsex & is of spring al so
& atte laste þulke kunde alle þe oþere wan þer to
Vor port þulke grete duc com vp her bi souþe
Me clupeþ it þer he uerst com up after him portesmouþe
Þus were in worre & in wo ymeng þe saxons
Some tyme aboue & some bineþe her myd þe brutons
Ac al aboue neuere hii nere ar after þe king arþure
Ac suþþe hii wonne al clene out as ȝe ssulle after yhure
Vter þe gode king of wan we speke biuore
Was feble after þat he was in þe hors bere ybore

Vter Arthure

Þat he moste vor feblesse nede holde him stille
Þer uore þe luþer saxons so moche adde hor wille
& ȝute þo hii ne miȝte him sle hii þoȝte wiþ trayson
In some manere him bringe of liue oþer wiþ poyson


Hii sende hor felle messagers in pouere manne wede
Þat at doles in þe court mete wiþ oþere bede
Hii aspyede in þe court oueral of þinges alle
So þat hii vnder ȝete a welle ney þe halle
Of wan þe king ofte dronk uor he ne dronc in such cas
Lute þing bote þer of vor þat water so cold was
Wanne he dronc ek eni wyn þer among it was ydo
& me made metes in þe court mid þulke water al so
Þo þe traytors it vnderȝete hii enuenimed wiþinne
Þe welle aboute in eche stude mid hor luþer gynne
Þat þet water þat þer of com poyson was wel strong
Þe king was sone apoisoned þo he þer of drong
& mo þan an hondred of is men ar me wuste wer of it com
Moche ssame were hii worþe þat doþ such suikedom


Soþ him sede merlyn er þat he ssolde þoru poyson deye
Þe heye men of þe lond þo hii þis deþ iseye
Del & sorwe hii made ynou & þo þer nas non oþer red
Hii lete him burye by is broþer as he him sulf bed
Atte munstre of ambresbury at stonheng ywis
Wel aȝte þat be a wurþe stude wanne þer such sepulture ys
Arthure vteres sone of wam we tolde biuore
Ȝe abbeþ yhurd hou he was biȝite & ybore
Þo þis king was þus ded þe heye men alle come
Of þe londe to cilicestre & conseil þer of nome
Vor to make hom a king uor nede hom drof þer to
Vor þe saxons wuste þat þe king was ded so
Hii sende uorþ to alymayne after more poer bliue
& þoȝte þis brutons al clene out of londe driue
So þat hii adde ywonne al clene þe norþ lond
Fram homber to totenays & adde al in hor hond


Arþure was þo ȝong mon of viftene ȝer vnneþe
& ȝut al þe lond made him king after is fader deþe
& he bigan anon & eke er such mon vor to be
Þat me ne solde in no lond is per nour yse


So large he was & so hende & al so debonere
So hardi & so gentil & of so vair manere
Þat so moche folc to him com of kniȝtes ȝonge & olde
Þat he nadde noȝt wel war wiþ such menie up to holde
Ac is herte was euere god ȝong þei he were
Vor he þoȝte of þe saxons is spense vp arere
He bigan þo wel sone to arere vp is baner
Vor is prowesse he adde sone gret folc & poer
He wende toward euerwyk wiþ vair compaynye ynou
Þo þe saxons it vnderȝete þat he þuderward drou
Of scottes & of pycars & of hom sulue hii nome
Gret poer ynou & strong & aȝen hom come


Þer was slaȝt in eyþer syde no mercy þer nas
Ac king arthure atte laste as god wolde aboue was
& sywede in to euerwyk colgrim hor cheuenteyn
& him þo he was wiþinne by segede mid al is mayn
Baldulf colgrymes broþer six þousend men mid him nom
& is broþer uor to helpe toward euerwyk com
Þo he was fram euerwyk aboute an ten myle
He at stunte & þoȝte þat he wolde mid gyle
Vpe þe king arthure come an onywar bi niȝte
& so him & al is folc ssende ȝif he miȝte
Þe king was þer of ywar he þoȝte to do bote
Mid six hondred kniȝtes & þre hondred men auote
Cadur erl of cornwayle aȝen hom he sende
Þat aȝen hom com an onywar by a wey þat hii wende
& slowe & euere woundede & monye broȝte to deþe
So þat þis baldulf of scapede aliue vnneþe


Þe wule þat þe king arthure by segede euerwyk
Me tolde him of a gret duc þat het theldryk
Þat out of alymayne com to scotlonde so
Mid six hondred ssipuol of kniȝtes & al þe atyl þer to
Þer was lo gret poer yn to a londe ylad
Þo þe kinges conseil wuste þis hit was somdel adrad
Þe king arþure hii radde anon to londone to wende
To nyme þer is conseyl woch were þe best ende
Leste such poer come vpe him & him ssende
Þe king dude after hor red & to londone wende


Þere he huld is parlement wat were best to done
So þat he & is conseil at o red were sone
So þat to þe lasse brutaine þe king sone sende
To howel king of þe lond þat he to him wende
To helpe him in suche nede & þat he him vnderstode
Þat kunde it wolde þat he dude vor hii were of one blode


King arthures soster sone þe king howel was
& þe kinges sone of þe lasse brutayne no wer kunde þer nas
Þo þe messagers wiþ þe tydinge to king howel come
His conseil wol hastiliche in suche nede he nom
Vor to helpe is neveu & is kynedom
Wiþ fiftene þousend kniȝtes in to þis londe he com
At souþhamtone hii come vp & þo hii to gadere come
Þis tueye kinges hii custe hom & bi clupte ylome
Þo hii adde hor folc yset as riȝt was in such cas
Norþward toward lincolne hii wende mid god pas
Þere hii come & mette hom & strong bataile smite þere
So þat mo þan six þousend of þe saxons islawe were
Wat aslawe wat adreint so þat atte laste
Þo hii ne seye oþer won hii gonne to fle vaste
In to an wode þer by side þo hii þer inne come
Hem þoȝte hii were siker ynou & toke þe lasse gome


Þe king sywede vaste & bi segede hom aboute
Ac among þe tren hii wuste hom þat hii nadde no doute
Þo þe king arthure ysey þat hii nolde out come
Aboute þe wode he let fulle þe grete tren some
& leide ech ech vp oþer aboute in eche ende
Þat it was as it were a wal þat hii ne ssolde out wende
Þre dawes & þre niȝt meteles hii wuste hom so
Þat hii nuste hou on take ne wat for honger do
Þe king arthure hii bisoȝte mercy attenende
Þat he grantede hom in pes out of þisse londe wende
& hii grantede him al here god þat hii hider ladde
Gold & seluer & tresour al clene þat hii adde
Hii bihete him ek eche ȝer to bere him truage
Out of hor londe & þer to take him god ostage
Þe king þoru is conseil assentede wel þer to
& god ostage of hom nom þe truage vor to do



& at huld al hor god & let hom al bar wende
& ȝut him of þoȝte sone þat he was hom so hende
Mid hor gold & seluer & mid hor tresour hii miȝte
Sousteini a god ȝuile is ost aȝens hom wor to viȝte
& ȝut þis luþer false men in þe se come
& tornde aȝen to suikedom & an oþer red nome
Atte hauene of tottenays hii gonne arst ariue
& dude hom alond & robbede in deuenissire bliue
& so vorþ in somersete moche wo gonne do
Al anon to seuerne & to baþe al so
& bisegede þene toun ac wiþ oute hii were
Vor þe king bi norþe was hii gonne hor werre arere
Vor þe king was toward scottlond & awreke him he þoȝte
Of scottes & of picars þat euere euele him wroȝte
Þo þe tyding him com of þe saxons is fo
He nuste in weþer ende turne so uol he was of wo


Of scottes he wolde awreke be ȝif time him þer to ȝeue
Ac he nolde uor no þing þe saxons bileue
& howel is soster sone king of þe oþer brutayne
Mest in is herte was uor anguysse to playne
Vor he lay binorþe sik þat he ssolde bileue him þere
Leste þe scottes him dude ssame oþer þat he þe wule ded were
He bileuede him poer ynou & toward somersete
Wende toward þe saxons vor þat nolde he noȝt lete
Þo he com to somersete & þe saxons ysey
He houede & spac wiþ is men þes wordes al an hey
Vor þis luþer saxons abbeþ gret dedeyn
Vor to holde me treuþe ȝif ich abbe eny mayn
Icholle holde to ihesu crist treuþe ȝif ich may
& þat blod of my kunde folc awreke ȝut to day
Armyeþ ȝou nou hasteliche armeþ ȝou anon
Vor we ssolle to day mid godes help ouercome vr fon


Ac þe king atte biginninge let hangy echon
Hor ostages uor þe treson he ne bileuede noȝt on
Þo þis gode folc ȝare was in batayle to Ride
Sein dubric þe erchebissop of carleon gan abide
& wende vp a lutel hul amidde þe compaynie
Ȝe cristinemen he sede of so noble seynorye


Þat beþ godes owe lumes þoru ȝoure cristendom
Þencheþ on god þat vor us deide & on þis kinedom
Viȝteþ uor ȝoure kunde & defendeþ ȝoure riȝte
Þencheþ of þe nede of þe lond & of vre louerdes miȝte
& ȝif eny of ȝou is aslawe in þis ulke fiȝte
To saui þat lond folc & uor þe londes riȝte
He syweþ purliche god þat ȝef is owe lif her
To savy us sinuol men fram þe deueles poer
& wo so her is aslawe is deþ him sal be
In lesnesse of al is sinne & is soule ssal fle


& be ybroȝt biuore god ar þat bodi be cold
He asoylede al þat folc þat he adde þus ytold
Þat folc þoru is prechinge so god wille nom þere
Þat hom þoȝte ech wule viue ar hii in bataile were
Þe king was aboue yarmed wiþ auberc noble & riche
Wiþ helm of gold on is heued was non him yliche
Þe fourme of a dragon þer on was ycast
His sseld þat het þridwen was þonne yhonge vaste
Aboute is ssoldren & þeron ypeint was & ybroȝt
Þe ymage of vre leuedy on wam was al is þoȝt
Mid is suerd he was igurd þat so strong was & kene
Calibourne it was icluped nas nour no such ich wene
In is riȝt hond is launce he nom þat was ycluped Ron
Long & gret & strong ynou him ne miȝte at sitte non


He þoȝte al on ihesu crist & is men echon
Vpe þe doune aboue baþe hii mette mid hor fon
Hii smite bataile strong ynou þat al longe day ilaste
Þe saxons in hor syde stode euere aȝen vaste
Moche folc þer was ynou aslawe in eyþer side
Þo þe niȝt vpe hom com þat hii ne miȝte no leng abide
Vpe þe torret of an herre hul þe saxons wende þere
Þat þe heye hul to hom was a castel as þey it were
A morwe þo it day was adoun eft hii aliȝte
& in batayle strong ynou bigonne eft sone to fiȝte
& sloue uaste in eyþer alf þat reuþe it was ynou
Þo þe king arþure ysey þat me is men so uaste slou
His herte he gan vp arere þat he nadde þe maistrie
& dude is wille al to god & on is moder marie



& calybourne is gode suerd mid god ernest he drou
& smot aboute in eiþer side to grounde harde ynou
& four hondred men ar he reste is owe honde he slou
& sixti & tene al so þe asaut was somdel tou
& þerto nadde he oþer help bote god & seinte marie
& calibourne is gode suerd to do such maistrie
Þo is men iseye þis after vaste hii drowe
& to gronde aboute smite & þe saxons uaste slowe
& colgrim þat hor maister was & baldulf is broþer
Aslawe were at þulke asaut & al so moni an oþer
Vor mony a þousend þer were aslawe & teldrich attelaste
His felawes þo he sey aslawe bi gan to fle vaste
Þo þis batayle was ydo to þe king com message
Þat þe scottes & þe picars dude him gret outrage
& sire howel is neueu king of þe oþer brutayne
Þat sik lay as ich sede er bisegede mid al hor mayne


Þo þe king hurde þis him longede þuder sore
He ne miȝte þere longe abide þe saxons to sywy more
Cadour erl of cornwayle he bileuede þere
Mid ten þousend men uor to sywe hom þat ofscaped were
Þe erl sywede mid is men þe saxons uaste ynou
& strong batayle smite & teldric þe prince slou
& is compaynie þe mestedel bote an vewe atten ende
Mercy him cryde þat hii moste Into hor owe londe wende
& suore & toke him ostage þat hii ne ssolde neuere ywys
Þis lond eft asayly ne ssame do ne amys
So þat þet folc of saxons namore hider ne come
Þe wule þat þe king arthure wiste þis kinedome
Cadour erl of cornwayle þo he adde ydo al þis
To þe king is louerd wende to scotlond ywis


Þe king adde er among þe scottes ystured him uol wel
& deliuered of hom ar he come is neueu sire howel
& yslawe of hom monyon so þat in an yle
Hii of scapede atte laste bi norþe mony a myle
Þet water geþ al aboute & þer inne eke beþ
Sixti grete roches as men al day yseþ
Þer Inne nomon ne woneþ ac in ech roche þer is
In tyme of ȝere an ernes nest þat hii bredeþ inne ywis


Ech is in a roche him sulf vor hii ne mowe noȝt ney be
Vor hom by houeþ moche mete & hii ne mowe noȝt wel fle
Vor feblesse of hor brode ac wanne hor briddes rype beþ
Þer hii findeþ more mete in londes aboute hii fleþ


Þe king bilay þes scottes þere mid alle wo
Þat þer deide of hom vor honger a þousend & mo
& ȝut nolde þe ssrewen to none pays go
Gillam þe king of yrlonde to hom wende þo
Wiþ gret poer in þe water to helpe hom of þis cas
Þo þe king arthure it wuste prest aȝen him he was
& slou of hom to grounde so þat hii gonne wiþ drawe
& hii þat miȝte come aȝen aliue were wel vawe
Ac þe king hom adde afayted so þat hii ne kepte nanmore him mete
Ȝut he þoȝte afayty þe scottes ar he hom lete
He bi sette hom vaste ynou so þat attelaste þere
Þe bissops & oþer prelats þat of þe londe were
Com wiþ gret procession wiþ gret anguisse & fere
Wepinde biuore þe kinge & hor relikes wiþ hom bere


& oþer holy chirche þinges bareuot echon
Hii velle alle adoun akne biuore þe kinge anon
& bede him uor is suete loue þat deide on þe rode
Þat he adde reuþe of hom & is soule vnder stode
Wanne he adde þer biuore of hom aslawe ynowe
Þat he soffrede þulke libbe þat he folliche alle ne slowe
& þat he som hurne of þe lond grantede hom þere
Warinne hii leuede & eueremo seruage him bere
Þe king vor pite her of bigan to wepe sore
& nom of hom sykernesse þat hii ne ssolde mis do nanmore
& grantede hom an end lond to libbe inne in seruage
To bere þer of him & is euere mo truage
Nou wer þer wiþ him þre men þat of þe riȝte kunde come
Of kinges of þulke lond vor te saxons hom bi nome


Auncel & vrian & lot þe þridde was
Þat spoused þe kinges soster ȝe abbeþ yhurd þat cas
& adde bi hire tueie sones sire waweyn þe hende
Þe oþer het modred þat þe king bytrayde attenende
Þe keng arthure þes þre men kinges made þere
Ech of is riȝt eritage as hor elderne were


Auncel king of scotlond & vrian is broþer
King of þe lond of murifens vor he was ner þan an oþer
Of þe contreie of lodenesie Lot he made king
& of al þe contreie þat þer to uel & þat was gret þing
Þo he adde al þis lond ybroȝt & scotlond al so
Al clene in riȝte to is wille an oþer he moste do
He spousede a noble wif gwenwar ire name was
Of þe heye kunne of rome no vairor womman nas


As sone as somer com to yrlond he gan wende
Vor to afayti þat lond & to winne ech ende
Gillam king of þe lond ar he þuder com
Volc as it were wiþ oute noumbre aȝen him he nom
Hii come & mette hom sone & gret bataile smite
Ac þe king arthure was aboue as me may wel ywite
& þe king gyllam was inome & so al þat lond
Bi certein couenant was in king arthures hond
Fram þanne he wende sone to þe lond of yrlonde
& wan it al clene to him & al þat he vonde
Þo such tydinge aboute com as ech sende oþer sonde
Þat so noble mon he was þat him ne miȝte no lond at stonde
Deldam wende anon to him þat was king of godlonde
& ginnas king of orcadas his grace for to fonde


& bicome is men & bihete him to bere him truage
Ech ȝer & holde of him & of his in seruage
Of þisse brutaine he was king & adde al so scotlonde
& yslonde & orcadas vnder him & yrlonde
Þo winter was al ydo to þisse londe he wende
To bringe þe lond in god pais & þe lawes amende
Tuelf ȝer he bileuede þo here mid nobleye ynou
& þe hexte men of mani londes aboute him uaste drou
& bigan to strengþe is court & to eche is mainie
Mid so gret plente huld is hous & mid so gret corteisie
Þat me ne miȝte of so noble los man neuer vnderstonde
& þat þer nas nour aboute kniȝt of none londe
Þat me tolde of eny þing bote hii of sute were
Of king arthures hous oþer som signe þer of bere


Of robes oþer of armes & þe gode mon was so hende
Þat he aueng vawe echon þat to him wolde wende


Bote to sigge ssortliche þer nas ver ne ner
Of prowesse ne of corteisie in þe world is per
Is los sprong so wide sone of his largesse
Of strengþe & of is corteisie & off is prowesse
To þe verrost ende of þe world þat such nas nour non
So þat oþere grete kinges doutede him echon
Biȝonde þe se in ech stude & dradde ver & ner
Þat hii come & binome hor londes oþer hor poer
Hii bigonne hor heiȝe tounes & strengþede vaste aboute
Hor castles & astori þat hii miȝte be Inne in doute
Þo þis gode tidinge com to þis noble arthure
Mid gode herte he wolde such tydinge yhure


He þoȝte come bi hom & bringe some to lure
& to winne al europe ȝif he miȝte dure
Þe þridde del of al þe world europe icluped is
Þat tylþ ver fram biȝonde rome to þe west worles ende ywis
Him þoȝte he adde yrest ynou no leng he nolde abyde
Is poer he let someny þat ysprad was wel wyde
& greiþede is noble ost & dude him in þe weye
& dude him so in to þe se & verst to norþweye
Nou was þe king of norþwey ded þerbiuore bi cas
& Lot þat was is oþom þulke kinges neueu was
& þe king him adde ymad is eyr þerbiuore longe
Ac þe men of norweye nolde vor prute him vnder uonge
Ac adde ymade anoþer mon king of þe londe
Þat aȝen þe king arthure hopede wel at stonde


Child wawein lotes sone þulke time nas
Bote tuelf ȝer & þe pope of rome þat child bitake was
To norisy þoru þe king arthure & þulke time riȝt
Þe pope bitok him armes & is owe honde made him kniȝt
As þe king arthure as ich sede to norþweye com
Þe king of þe lond aȝen him sone þen wey nom
Mid is poer & smite an bataile strong ynou
& ssedde blod in eiþer side & moche folc me slou
Ac hor poer of norweye ydo was anon
Þe king him sulf was sone aslawe & is men monyon
Þe brutons hom sturede þo & slowe & barnde uaste
So þat hii wonne al clene norþwey atte laste


Þer after hii wonne denemarch uor to do seruage
To þe king arthure euermo & to bere him truage


He made Lot is oþom king of norþweye
Þer after toward france hii dude hom in þe weye
Nou adde france þulke tyme þe emperour leon
& he bi tok in warde an duc þat het ffollon
Þat hardy bodi was & god & poer adde ynou
Þo he wuste þat þe king arthur þuder drou
Alle þe kniȝtes & þat folc þat in is poer were
He nom & mette þe brutons & smite batayle þere
Ac al þat hom was lute worþ vor aȝen þe king arthure
& is poer hii miȝte lutel wule dure
Vor euere wan he nom a lond al þe bachelerie
Þat aȝt was in þe lond he nom in is compaynie
& of is mayngnage vp is coust & uor he was so hende
Ech noblemon vawe was mid him uor to wende
& þe beste party of france to him al so he drou
Vor he was so large & hende þat him com poer ynou


Vor me ne tolde wel ney of nomon noþer here ne þere
Bote he mid þe kinge arthure In som manere were
Þo þe duc follon ysey þat is poer no þing nas
He fley into paris mid wel quic pas
& astorede þen toun & strengþede him aboute
King arthure & is poer asegede hom wiþoute
So þat wiþinne a monþe þe duc follon ysey
Þat is men vor defaute & uor hunger deyde ney
& þat is poer nas noþing aȝen þe king arþure
He þoȝte do is owe body wat he miȝte dure
Vor he was strong ynou & hardy þe strengost of þis londe
To þe king arthure he sende þat he ssolde him vnder stonde
To do an batayle hom sulue tuo mid hor owe honde
& weþer so miȝte aboue be were louerd over oþeres londe


Þe king arthure hurde þis no gladdore mon nas
He sende word þat al prest to such batayle he was
Sikernesse & treuþe ypliȝt of þis voreward hii nome
So þat a certein day yset to þe batayle hii come
A lute wiþ oute paris atyled wel ynou
Moche was þat folc aboute þat to þis batayle drou


Hii fondede hor steden uerst hor lances suþþe hii nome
& wiþ hard dunt & gret eir to gadere sone hii come
King arthure aȝen þe brest is felawe verst ahitte
Aȝen þe brust þat a vul & ne miȝte no leng sitte
Ase sone as he miȝte turne is hors is suerd he drou þere
Vor to asaile him þerwiþ ac þe oþer was vp ere
& ȝef his stede wiþ þe spere aȝen þe brest deþes wounde
So þat boþe stede & king leye sone atte grounde


Þo þe brutons seye þis hii vorbere vnneþe
Þat hii ne breke couenant & broȝte þan oþer to deþe
Ac þe king arthur keuerede vp & asailede fullon vaste
& smite hor eiþer oþer her & þer & harde duntes caste
So þat fullon wiþ a stroc þe brutons sore agaste
Vor þe king arthur aȝen þe frount he smot atte laste
Þat ȝif he nadde wiþ þe sseld somdel þe dunt yhent
Siker he im adde aslawe oþer al out yssent
Þo king arthure it ivelede & ysei al so is blod
Vpe is hauberc & is sseld he was ney uor wraþþe wod
He adrou sire calibourne is suerd þat was so god
& anowarde þe helm mid wel stourdy mod
Þen oþer he smot & to clef þe heued mid þe wounde
He vel & ssoc þe helm & deide in a stounde


Þo þis dede was ydo & þe oþer was ded
Þe conseil of france sone nom hor red
& to þe king arthure hom ȝolde ech man þat was wys
& ȝolde him vp al þat lond & þe keyen of parys
Þis was lo þe cornwelisse bor of wan merlin spac ynou
& þe cler leom of þe sterre þat ouer france drou
Som was ycome as he sede of þis noble king arthure
Wel more me ssal herafter of him ȝut yhure
Þo he adde ywonne france þus & al þis was ido
Þis noble king arþure delde is men atuo
Þe king howel he bitoc & oþer princes al so
Þe o del of is ost to wende to peyto
Vor to winne þat lond & him sulf he wolde wende
Vor to winne seygnorie aboute in oþer ende
King howel wiþ is poer wan sone peyto
Al to king arthures wille & gascoyne al so



Þe king wan normandye & al so god angeo
& wiþinne a nye ȝer al þis was ydo
Þe king wende þo to parys þo he adde ydo al þis
& alle þe heye men of þe lond þuder come ywis
Hor omage of hom & hor seruise he nom
& lawes as he wolde im sulf sette in þe kinedom
He ȝef þat lond of normandye bedwer is boteler
& þat lond of aungeo kaye is paneter
& oþer þing oþer heyemen & syker it made ynou
& suþþe aboute leinte toward þis londe drou
Þo þe king arþure com here in to þis londe
& so moche lond adde ywonne & adde al so an honde
In ioye & blisse he was ynou & alle þat wiþ him were
& aȝen witesontyd hit was in þe ȝere


He þoȝte þe heye feste of wytesonetyd do
Wiþ honour among is men & þat alle come þerto
Boþe kinges & dukes & erles echon
Barons & kniȝtes & squiers monyon
Leuedies & maidens & ech mon þat aȝt were
In eny lond þat it was þat hii were alle þere
Of þis rounde table is ban aboute he sende
Þat ech a witesonetyd to carleon wende
A toun þat is in glammorgan vpe þe water of osk ydo
A lute bisyde seuerne in murye stude al so
Vor me may þere in þe souþhalf al bi þe se lede
Fram oþer londes god ynou to endy such a dede
In þe oþer half beþ grete wodes lese & mede al so
So þat þer nas non defaute such noble þing to do
Þer come to þis rounde table as he sende is ban
Auncel king of scotlond & al so vryan
Þat was king of murifens & king of norþwalis
Cadwal & al so scater king of souþwalis
Cador king of cornwayle & erchebissopes al so
Of Londone & of euerwyk & of carleon þer to


Erles þer come ek monion as þe erl of gloucestre
Moroud & Ingemer erl of leicestre
Mauron erl of warewik & cursal of cicestre
Gallut erl of salesbury Ionatal of dercestre


Kyninnar erl of kanterburi of baþe sire vrgen
Bose erl of oxenford þat were alle noblemen
Þe barons & kniȝtes þat of þis londe a day
At þis rounde table were noman telle ne may
Kinges þat were of yles as king of yrlonde
Gillam & al so malueys king of yslonde
Lot king of norþwey & doldam of godlonde
& þe king of orcadas & of denemarch ich vnder stonde
Kinges ek of byȝonde se as kay of aungeo
Bedwer of normandye Gwider of peyto
Ligger of coloyne & al so þe dosse pers
Of france were þer echon þat so noble were & fers
His neueu king howel of þe lasse brutayne al so
Mid so vair uolc þuder com & mid so gret charge þer to


Of mules & of cartes & of hors mid alle gode
Þat þer nas non so wyttimon þat it al vnder stode
Þer nas bituene þis & spayne no prince wiþoute al þis
Þat nas at þis rounde table & at is feste ywis
& no wonder uor þe kinges los so wyde sprong ynou
Of godnesse & of cortesye þat hor herte to him drou
Þo þis heymen were alle ycome & þe heye tyme al so
Of þe wytesonetid þe feste uor to do
Þe erchebissopes were ybroȝt to sette þe kinges croune
On is heued ac sein dubric of þe sulue toune
Was erchebissop him biuel þe croune on him do
& þe seruise ek of holi chirche þat biuel þer to
Þo þe croune was on is heued & ydo ech oþer þing
Tueye erchebissopes ladde þis noble king
To þe chirche of þe heye munstre & þat ȝede biuore him þere
Four kinges & four suerdes of golde biuore him bere


Verst þe king of scotlond & þe king of norþwalis
& þe king of cornwaile & þe king of souþwalis
Oþer bissopes & prelats biuore þis king arþure
& clerkes songe as riȝt was þat ioye it was to hure
In þe oþer half þe quene was of erchebissops al so
Ylad & ycrouned ek as riȝt was uor to do
& to anoþer munstre ylad & vour quenes biuore hire wende
Þe voure kinges wiues þat we biuore nemde


& foure wite colfren al so biuore hire bere
Þe compainye of leuedies wel gret al so were
Þo hii were to chirche ybroȝt eyþer in is side
So murye & so gret was þat song þat me song þerinne wyde
Þat þet folc stod þat þer was as hii were ynome
Ne hii nuste to weþer chirche murgore it was to come


Þe king was to is paleys þo þe seruise was ydo
Ylad wiþ is meyne & þe quene to hire al so
Vor hii hulde þe olde vsages þat men wiþ men were
Bi hom sulue & wymmen bi hom sulue al so þere
Þo hii were echon yset as it to hor stat bicom
Kay king of aungeo a þousend kniȝtes nom
Of noble men ycloþed in ermine echon
Of o sywte & seruede at þis feste anon
Bedwer þe boteler king of normandye
Nom al so in is alf a uayr compaynie
Of o sywte uor to serui of þe botelerye
Biuore þe quene it was al so wiþ a such corteisye
Vor to telle al þe nobleye þat þer was ydo
Þey my tonge were of stel me ssolde noȝt dure þer to
Womman ne kepte of no kniȝt as in druerye
Bote he were in armes wel yproued & atte leste þrie


Þat made lo þe wimmen þe chastore lif lede
& þe kniȝtes þe stalwordore & þe betere in hor dede
Sone after þis noble mete as riȝt was in such tyde
Þe kniȝtes atyled hom aboute in eche syde
In feldes & in medes to prouy hor bachelerye
Some wiþ launce & some wiþ suerd wiþoute vileynie
Wiþ pleyn de atte tables oþer atte chekere
Wiþ castinge oþer wiþ ssetinge oþer in som manere
& woch so of eny game adde þe maistrie
Þe king hom of is ȝiftes dude large corteysie
Vpe þe alures of þe castles þe leuedyes þanne stode
& bihulde þis noble game & wuche kniȝtes were gode
Alle þe þre hexte dawes laste þis nobleye
In halles & in veldes of mete & eke of pleye
Þis men come þe verþe day biuore þe kinge þere
& he ȝef hom large ȝiftes euere as hii worþe were



Bissopriches & chirches clerkes he ȝef some
& castles & tounes kniȝtes þat were ycome
Sein dauit was þe kinges vncle him he ȝef aday
Þe erchebissopriche of karleon as he him wel by say
Vor he was suiþe holyman & an munstre he let rere
Þat me clupeþ in walis sein dauid & ȝut he liþ þere
Þe bissopriche of wincestre a god mon he ȝef þo
Of chichestre an oþer & ȝut oþer mo
Þe wule þe king & is men aboute þis nobleye were
Þer come in tuelf olde men wiþ euene pas þere
Men of wel vair semblant & branches hii bere
Of oliue as in signe þat hii aȝen pays nere
A lettre hii toke þe kinge þat þo he hit let rede
Fram þe senatour of rome hii come & þus sede


Lucye senatour of rome to arþure þe kinge
Send þat he of serued aþ wiþoute gretinge
Moche me wondred & ouermoche of þine reuerye
Of þin cruel luþerhede & of þin robberye
& nameliche of þin vnriȝt ichabbe gret dedeyn
Þat þou to þe noble stude of rome dest mid al þi mayn
& þat þou nelt him iknowe ne do þin seruage
Ne vnderstonde hou luþer it is to do eny outrage
Oþer winny out þe noble stude þat al þe world abueþ to
Vor þine auncetres hit dude al þat we þe hoteþ do
& þou as in gret despit of so noble seignorie
Ne at halst noȝt one þi truage ac mid þi reuerye
Rauissest france & oþer londes þat bi weste beþ echon
Þat bere truage to rome & þoru þe ne deþ nou non


Vor þanne of þe gret despit þe noble court of rome
Riȝt wol abbe of þe ywis þat þou hom misdest ylome
Amidde haruest we þe setteþ day of þis nexte ȝere
At rome uor to ansuerye & þat þou be þi sulf þere
We þe hoteþ uor to auonge þat þe court þe wole deme
& bote þou do of one þinge nym wel god ȝeme
Þat icholle þe mi sulf seche out & þoru suerd restore
Al þat þi reuerye vs aþ binome & more
Þis was a prout mandement & an heiuol dede
Þe king adde þer of gret despit þo he hurde it rede


Vor þe uerste truage þat he sende to rome of seluer oþer of golde
Þat was lucyes body aslawe burye ȝif hii it wolde
Þe king clupede noȝt uor þan is conseil sone
To ansuere to þis mandement wat were best to done


Cadour erl of cornwayle stod & somdel lou
& verst sede is auys mid god wille ynou
Sire he sede her biuore ich abbe ybe sore adrad
Leste þat ydel lif þat þine men abbeþ ylad
Nou moni day out of los & in sleuþe hom broȝte
Vor wanne men beþ al ydel þat er batailes soȝte
Hor ydelnesse hom ssal bringe to sunne of lecherye
To tauerne & to sleuþe & to hasardrie
Hit is ney vif ȝer þat we abbeþ yliued in such vice
Vor we nadde noȝt to done & in such delice
& þer wiþ nis noȝt god ypaid þeruore he aþ ibroȝt
Þe romeins in such wille þat we nere to ydel noȝt
Ac þat we come to vr stat aȝen of vre verste prowesse
Leste we velle in dedlich sunne vor vre ydelnesse
Þo he adde ysed is auys & oþere him bere witnesse
Þe king arþure sede is al in gladnesse


Ȝe louerdinges he sede þat ich abbe in conseil & in batayle
Ifonded as uor anante me þat nolde me neuere faile
Doþ nouþe al ȝour wit þer to me wel to consayle
& ich hopie we ssolleþ þe lasse recche of þe romaynes tayle
Vor me þincheþ mid vnriȝt hii escheþ vs truage
Vor Iuli cesar hit nom verst mid strengþe & outrage
Vor descord & contek þat bituene vr eldorne was þo
He nom it verst mid vnriȝt & broȝte þat lond in wo
& þing þat is mid strengþe inome hou miȝte it be mid riȝte
Vor he naþ reson non bote robberie & miȝte
& mid as god reson mowe we of hom esse ywis
Bere he þanne þe truage þat bineþe is


Vor Iuli & oþere emperours hii seggeþ come þer to
Þat emperours were of rome ich may segge al so
Þat min auncetres of þe lond wule wonne rome
As bely þe noble king þat ȝe abbeþ yhurd ylome
& constantin eleyne sone ȝe witeþ wel rome nom
& suþþe maximian þat of hor beyre blod ich com


Min auncetres hii were alle þre & kinges of þis londe
& wonne þe aumperye of rome & boþe adde an honde
Of france & of oþer londes þat we wonne mid vre miȝte
We mowe segge þat we nabbeþ to ansuerye noȝt mid riȝte
Wanne hii vorsoke is & uorslewede & to none defense ne come
Þo we þoru chiualerie out of hor poer is nome


Vor hii ne mowe noȝt segge þat wiþ treson oþer stalþe it were ydo
Vor wiþinne nye ȝer non of hom ne com enes þer to
Howel king of þe oþer brutayne þo he hurde þis he sede
Þei ech of vs sete al day þe beste red to rede
Betere ansuere we ne ssolde vinde þen ȝe abbeþ nou ysed
Þeruore we aȝte onoury wel of so noble wit þi red
For ȝif we in þisse manere wendeþ we ne fayleþ on none wyse
Þat we ne wolleþ abbe þe maistrie wanne we defendȝ vre franchise
& wo so an oþer mannes god bi nime wole mid vnriȝte
Wiþ riȝte he may is owe lese ȝif þe defendour aþ þe miȝte
& wanne þe romeins aboute beþ vs to binyme vr riȝte
Wiþ reson we wolleþ hom bi nime ȝif we mowe to gadere fiȝte


Nou it worþ iended þat Sibile þe sage sede biuore
Þat þer ssolde of brutayne þre men be ybore
Þat ssolde winne þe aumperye of rome of þe tueye ydo it is
As of bely & constantin & þou art þe þridde ywis
Hye nou vaste uor to auonge þis noble honour al
To bringe hom vnder þe þat þe wolde makie þral
Hye to anhansi vs alle & inele noȝt be bi hinde
Ten þousend hors ywrye icholle þe þer to vinde
Auncel þat þe king adde ymad king of scotlonde
Glad ynou was mid þis word & uor ioye huld vp is honde
Vor þat he sede ich abbe yhurd so gret ioye ich abbe & blis
Þat inabbe no tonge þat mowe hit al ssewe ywis
Vor al þat we abbeþ of londes & of kinges her biuore
Ywonne mid chiualerie it þincþ me al uorlore


Bote we of romeins be awreke & of saxons al so
Þat vre elderne er þis so moche ssame abbeþ ydo
& nou þe time is icome þat we mowe be awreke
So glad ich am þat inot wat vor ioye speke
Vor ine wilnede neuere þing so moche as ich do hor blod
Ou iesu þat þulke day worþ me suete & god


Swete wolleþ þe wounden be to me & noþing stronge
Suete wole ek my deþ be ȝif ich im auonge
Vor to awreke vre faderes & to holde vp vre fraunchise
& vorto anhansy vre king as we ssolle on alle wyse
Seche we out þulke haluemen ne abyde we noȝt to longe
Þat we after hor wrecche deþ hor londes auonge


& icholle vre ost eche & vre bachelerye
Wiþoute archers & votmen wiþ tuo þousend hors ywrye
Of þe men here of þis lond þe king adde her wiþoute
Sixti þousend hors ywrye & þat was a uair route
Þe kinges of six yles ek as norþwey & yrlonde
Godlond & orcadas denemarch & yslonde
Seue kinges ek aboute france as brutayne & normandye
Gascoyne & aungeo & al so of pycardye
Of peyto & of oþer to & þe dosse pers of france
Among hom alle hii were siker al wiþ oute balance
Of an hondred þousend hors & four score þousend þer to
& þre þousend wel yrwye & tuo hondred al so
Wiþ oute votmen þat were so vale þat þer nas of non ende
Þis was a uair compaynye þoru al þe world to wende
Þo þis was syker & bi speke þe king hom het echon
Þat hii wende ech in is syde to hor contreye anon


& þat hii a lanmasse day mid hor poer come
Euerichone to barbesflet & þes veiage nome
Þe king sede to þe messagers þat hii þe senatour sede
Þat he wolde to rome come ac no truage him to lede
Ac vorto conquery of hom þulke sulue seruage
Þat hii askieþ of him villiche & mid outrage
& þat he wolde to rome come þe day þat he sette
Þe riȝte abbe weþer so miȝte wanne hii to gadere hom mette
Þus departede þo þe cour & ech in is syde
Ȝarked him aȝen þe day vor hii ne miȝte leng abyde
Lucye þe senatour þo he wuste þis mandement
Son he adde wide aboute is messagers ysent
Vor to gadery to is help al þat poer of rome
So þat aȝen lanmasse alle þes kinges to him come
Of affric & of grece of spayne & of scyrye
Of medes & of parkes of ytours of libye



Of egypt of babiloyne & of frygie
Of mesepoc of bytynie & of boecye
Alle þes kinges & alle oþere þat were bi este rome
& alle þat to rome ssolde seruise to him come
So þat fourty þousend hors & sixty hondred al so
Þat were þo hii ȝare were þis chiualerye to do
King arthure bitok modred is soster sone ich wene
Þis lond to loke þo he wende & gwenwayr þe quene
Vor he truste to hom mest as me þincþ he wel aȝte
Ac as ȝe ssolle her after yhure hii broȝte him suþþe to naȝte
Mid al is ost of þis lond to souþhamtone he wende
& dude him in to þe se mid wind þat god him sende
Þo he com ver in þe se & he aslepe was
At tyme of midniȝt of þe niȝt him mette a greuous cas


Him þoȝte he sey a grislich bere fle in þe eir an hey
Þat alle þe hauenes quakede of is fliȝt him þoȝte ek he sey
& a dreduol dragon fram þe west com mid him to fiȝte
Þat þe leom of is eyen al þe contreye liȝte
Ac þe dragon velde þulke bere & to grounde him caste
An oþer dragon com fram þen est & mid þulke dragon faȝt uaste
Þo þe king awok he tolde his meyne of þis cas
& some þoȝte & tolde wat þe bitokne was
Þat þe dragon of biweste bitokneþ þe king arþure
& þe bere som foul geant þat me ssolde of yhure
Þat he ssolde ouercome þe geant & þe dragon bi este
Bi toknede þe emperour of rome & þe bataile of þe beste
Ouercome bitoknede & þe romeins ssolde al so
Ac þe king ne Iugede noȝt þat it ssolde be so ydo
Þer after hii come to barbesflet & piȝte þer bi syde
Hor tentes & hor pauilons hor compaynie to abide


Vnder þat þer com word to þe king arþure
Þat þe meste geaunt þat mon ssolde of yhure
Out of þe lond of spayne come & adde ynome eleyne
Þat was so vair þe kinges nece howel of brutayne
& vpe þe mount of sein michel hire ladde atte laste
& þe kniȝtes of þe lond sywede after vaste
Ac hii ne miȝte noȝt aȝen hym do no weþer so hii wende
Bi water oþer bi londe anon riȝt he hom ssende


Mid gleyue oþer mid roches & vewe aliue he let
& some he mid strencþe nom & al quic hom vret
& al stilleliche wiþinne niȝt þe king nom is boteler
Bedwer þat no mon it nuste & kay is paneter
Vor he truste to hom mest & wende vorþ alone
Vor he nolde to such geant verdes lede none


Vor o body as wo seiþ & so moche ek he truste
To him sulue & to hardysi is men wan hii it wuste
Þo he com toward þis hul a gret fur þeruppe he sey
& anoþer vp a lasse hul þat þer bi syde was ney
Nou nuste hii to soþe vpe weþer þe geant were
Bedwer he sende vorto aspye stilleliche verst þere
Verst to þe lasse hul he wende by a ssip þat he vond
He wende al bi watere vor he ne miȝte noȝt alond
Þo he com vpe þe hul an hey he hurde atte biginninge
Of a womman a deoluol cry & a pitos wepinge
Verst he was sore adrad þat þe geaunt were þer ney
& naþeles he hente herte & drou more an hey
Þo vond he þere þat fur & a lute þer bi syde
A buryels al nywe ymad & a womman þat so cryede
Al uor olded sitte þere & anon so ȝo ysey
Þe king bedwer ȝo siȝte & bi gan to grede an hey


Alas alas þou wrecche mon woch mesaunture
Aþ þe ybroȝt in to þis stede alas hou ssalt tou dure
Alas þo pynes þat þou ssalt sone þolie of deþ
Þe pyte þat ich abbe of þe þoru out min herte geþ
Vor þis vorbroyde geant abbe he of þe an siȝt
Þi faire body so gentil vor swolwe he wole to niȝt
Vor he wole sone come þulke vorbroyde pece
Þat nom eleyne þat noble mayde king howeles nece
Þat ichabbe nouþe riȝt here ybured was norice ich was
Þat was al mi soule & al mi lif ich wene no such nas
& þe wule he wolde þis tendre þing wemmy foule ynou
& heo ne miȝte sofry noȝt Mid lecherye he hire slou
Þo eode he to me olde wrecche to endi þis foule case
To witnesse god ich take þat aȝen my wille it was


& dude bi me is lecherye alas þulke stounde
Þeruore fle þou hendy mon vor siker be þou yfounde


Wanne he comþ binne to ligge he wole þe limemele
To drawe & uorsuolwe par auenture at one mele
Bedwer bigan to conforti þe wommon In þe place
& bihet hire bote of hire wo bi tyme þoru godes grace
& wende aȝen to þe king & tolde al þis cas
Þe king was sori þo he wuste þat þet maide aslawe was
Ac anauntre he þoȝte him do & dude him in þe weye
Þis clene maide uorto awreke & is felawes beye
Ar hii come vpe þe hul arst he was ycome
Þis grisliche geant & adde an vatte barn ynome
& yspited him þoru out mid an yrene spite
& rostede in þis grete fur to abbe þe volle bite
Arthure bed is felawes to late him yworþe al one
Ac ȝif hii seye him in nede þat hii ne made targinge none


King arthure him blessede & baldeliche ynou
Toward þis grisliche fourme mid god herte him drou
Þis geant þo he sey him come bigan is mace adrawe
Þat tueye stalwarde men ne ssolde noȝt enes wawe
Toward þe heued þe king he smot ac he hente mid is sselde
Ac ȝut he buyde al adoun & wel harde it yvelde
Vor hit þoȝte al þe hul mid þe stroc was astoned
Arþure was liȝt ynou as he was ywoned
He hupte þo he ywraþþed was & is suerd adrou
& smot þen ssrewe in þe frount mid god ernest ynou
& þe vel & fless was so hard & þe scolle hard & þikke
Þeruore þei it ne come noȝt þoru þe dunt nas noȝt wikke


& is male he dude ek bituene ac þat blod adoun wende
So vast in eye & in face þat hit him ney ablende
Þe king hupte her & þer & leyde on euere vaste
So strong was þe ssrewe þat no dunt ne miȝte him adoun caste
He vemde & grunte & stod aȝen as it were a strong bor
Þat euere wole aȝen þe stroc vor te he ne may nammor
Þe king smot euere her & þer so þat atte laste
Ernest of herte he nom to him & adrou so vaste
Calebourne is gode suerd þat he þut scolle clef a tuo
Þat þat suerd was al þer Inne Ihud þat brayn orn out al so
So grisliche ȝal þat ssrewe þo & grislich was is bere
He vel adoun as a gret ok þat bineþe ykorue wer



Þat it þoȝte þat al þe hul mid þe vallinge ssoc
Þo stod þe king & lou & þei ech lime him ok
Vor he was wery yfaȝt bedwer he bed þere
Þat he corue of þe grislich heued & to þe castel it bere
So þat hii come to hor felawes in þe dawiinge
So noble los nas neuere yhurd as me bar þo þe kinge
His men truste þe bet to him & mony a blessinge
He adde uor he deliuerede men of an so voule þinge
Þo king arþures men ycome were echon
Sone hii drowe hom to ward france vor to seche hor fon
Hom com tydinge þat þe emperour of rome ycome was
Mid so gret folc him to seche þat such neuere yseye nas


Þeruore nas noȝt þe king adrad ac vorþore he wende by syde
& bigan to picche is pauilons him vor to abyde
Þe erl of oxenford he nom & an oþer erl al so
& sire wawein is soster sone þo al þis was ydo
& to lucye þe senatour in þis manere hom sende
To hote him þat he hasteliche out of france wende
Oþer þat he com amorwe batayle uor to do
Vor to cuþe weþer adde betere riȝt þer to
Þis noble kniȝtes wende vorþ & hete lucye al so
Vor to wende out of france oþer þe batayle do
Quintylian is neueu ansuerede atten ende
Þat he nas noȝt þuder ycome out henne uor to wende
Ac to gouerni france þat of riȝte of rome was
& þat bote ȝelpinge & bost mid brutons noþing nas


Sire wawein þe gode kniȝt was þo wroþ ynou
& among al þat folc hupte ner & is suerd adrou
& smot of þat heued anon & þat heued wiþ him nom
& wiþ is felawes to is hors vor hom alle ȝut he com
Ac wat an horse wat auote þe romeyns hom sywede ynou
Vor to awreke hor grete mayster þat sire wawein slou
Geryn erl of carcoys þat mid king arþure was
He biturnde him þo he sey þe romeins luþer pas
& on þoru out þat body he smot mid is lance
Þe erl of oxenford ek þoȝte of is cheance
He biturnde him & mid is launce þoru þe þrote smot on
& þus þis þre gode kniȝtes sturede hom among hor fon



Þo was þer on þat het marcel þat fonded mid al is mayn
Vor to awreke quintylian to quelle sire waweyn
Sire wawein him biturnde & an stroc him ȝef
& al þat heued & þe breste al clanliche him to clef
Go he sede to quintilyan in helle þer he is
& seye him þat sire wawein him sende word þis
Þat suiche strokes þe brutons conne ȝiue ywis
Þat he seiþ þat mid hom bote ȝulpinge & bost nis
Vor ichot þuder þou ssalt þin del þou miȝt him ssewe
His felawes he bad turne aȝen al þei hii were vewe
Hii turnde aȝen ech of hom atte laste on slou
Ac euere þe romeins after sywede uaste ynou


So þat þer com out of an wode as it was bi speke
An six þousend of brutons hor felawes uor to awreke
Hii come out mid god eyr & asaylede uaste
Þe romeins & monye slowe & some adoun caste
Þo to petreye a gret romeyn þes tydinge com
Ten þousend hors ywrye mid him sone he nom
Vor te helpe is felawes & þo þe oþer ne miȝte be
Toward þe wode wanene hii come þe brutons gonne to fle
Ac þo hii come among narwe hegges hii stode aȝen anon
& turnde þe brest aȝen & vaste slowe hor for
& þe romeins stode aȝen so þat þer was gret slaȝt
Þe erl of oxenford ysey þat þis fare nas naȝt
Þulke þat he mest truste to as a gret compaynye
He bed hom sywy treweliche to do chiualerye


Þo þis voreward was ymad þoru out þis ost he drou
& percede þe ost þoru out & uaste aboute slou
So þat to hor maister petreye he com
& uaste as he adde iþoȝt bineþe þe nekke he him nom
& wraste him adoun of is hors & him sulf al so
Anoward him he vel adoun as he adde iþoȝt to do
Þe romeyns sturte to anon hor prince vor to arere
Þe brutons to helpe hor alf vaste aboute were
Þer was pultinge & ssouinge & stroc monyon
So þat þe brutons atte laste among al hor fon
Mid strengþe ladde vorþ petreye hor prince þere
Þo þe romeyns were wiþoute chef desconforted hii were


& to spradde hom her & þer & þe oþere after vaste
& slowe & despoylede & to grounde hom caste


& astorede hom mid hor armes & þe hexte aliue nome
So þat mid gret prowesse to þe king arþure hii come
Welle þat þe king vor he nuste her of noȝt
Vayre ȝifte he hom ȝef & wel mo he adde iþoȝt
Þe prisons amorwe to parys he sende
To holde in prison & wiþ hom god condut þer wende
Þe romeins þoȝte þis wel & as þe maystres hete
Viftene þousend þer wende þis prisons to mete
Þo þe brutons come mid þe prisons þar
Þe romeins come aȝen hom al an onywar
& wende hom to ssende anon ac þe brutons aȝen stode
& defended hom þe wule hii miȝte wiþ wel stourdy mode
So þat vor defaute of help hii were wel ney issend
Ac þo com þe duc of peyto as god adde þe grace ysend


Mid þre þousend hors ywrye & her of was ywar
Þo were þe brutons glade ynou & þen feld made bar
& þen king of Scyrie & mony oþere hii slowe
& louerdinges þat hii nome to prison vaste hii drowe
Þo hii to þe king come & ssewede hor stalwardhede
Þe king was þo glad ynou vor him þoȝte he nadde no drede
Lucye þe senatour in gret þoȝt was sone
In such hard cas as him biuel wat were best to done
So þat he þoȝte stilleliche In to a strong cyte to wende
Vorte þe emperour him miȝte more poer sende
King arþure was þer of ywar & þoȝte ar he slepe
Wiþ al is poer bi þe wey somwar him kepe


Vorþ he wende mid is ost & þo he was ycome
To þe stude þer he wolde be cheuenteins he made some
As þe king of cornwayle & of scotlond al so
Of norþweye of denemarch of bruteyne of peyto
Of gascoyne of normandye & erles ȝut þer to
Of carcois of oxenford of leicestre al so
& sire wawein is neueu flour of corteysye
His ost he delde a seuene & in ech compaynye
Vif þousend & vif hundred he dude of hors ywrye
& vifti & viue & þat was vair seignorie


Þe eiȝteþe ost to him sulue he adde þer wiþoute
Six hundred & six þousend þer were in þulke route
& sixti & sixe & is dragon arerd of golde
As in stude of is baner & þanne ȝif eni wolde
Come as to defense þat vorwounded were
Oþer wery as in castel recetted were þere


Þo he adde þis ost yset he bigan hom Rede
& in þis batayle to conseyli & þes wordes sede
Min leue priue kniȝtes þat euere abbeþ god ybe
Vor nou as wide as is þe world me ne ssal ȝoure pers yse
Ȝe abbeþ ymad leuedy brutayne ȝoure owe lond
Of þrettene kinedoms þat we abbeþ in vre hond
Vor þer ȝe abbeþ nou vif ȝer of batayle vn vsed be
Ȝut in ȝoure noble prowesse wel durinde ich ȝou se
Þat so gret folc of romeins ȝe vewe made fle
In to þis toun her biuore þat sone wolleþ out te
& ȝe ssolleþ hom mete & quelle as so mony ssep uor naȝt
Hii wende wel hor owe sleuþe on ȝou abbe ycaȝt


Wanne hii wolde of ȝoure lond so villiche habbe truage
& so noblemen as ȝe beþ bringe in so vil seruage
Nuteþ hii noȝt þe chiualerye þat ȝe abbeþ in france ydo
In norþweye & in denemarch & in oþer londes al so
Of hor stinkinge seruise þat ȝe abbeþ out ybroȝt
Þis haluemen ȝe ssolle winne wel liȝtloker & uor noȝt
Woch honours wolde ȝou come ȝif ȝe hom ouercome
Vor we wolde anon þer after vorþ & winne rome
Of tresours þat ȝou þanne worþ ne of tounes ne of tours
Ne of londes non ende ne worþ ne of oþere honours
Þat folc bi het him þo echon prest vor to be
To deye raþer in þe felde þan þe bataile fle
Lucye þe senatour al so in is dede
Ordeynede & radde is ost & þes wordes sede


Mine noble kniȝtes to was poer & heste
Alle londes ssolle abuye to by este & bi weste
Þencheþ on ȝoure elderne þat were so noble on miȝte
Þat ne dradde noȝt vor to ssede hor blod vor to winne hor riȝte
Ac euere vouȝte as hom nere deþ issape non
& so hii wonne hor seignorye & ouercome hor fon


& adde seruage of al þe world were it nou wel bi gonne
Þat we lore þe nobleye þat hii so nobliche wonne
Oure fon al ȝare beþ bote we vaste hye
Seche we hom in þe feld vor vre is þe maystrye
An ern in stude of is baner he sette vp of golde
& wende toward þis batayle abyde wo so wolde


Hii made hor cry in eyþer half & to gadere smite
Wo so nuste neuere of slaȝt þere he miȝte ywyte
Þat folc vel to grounde aslawe as leues doþ of tre
Þe brutons adde þe worse verst vor hom was loþ to fle
Þe king bedwer was þer aslawe vor þe king of medes him slou
Mid an launce þoru þe þrote as he toward him drou
Kay is felawe him wolde awreke king of aungeo
& to deþe was in þulke verde ywounded al so
& ȝut as a noble kniȝt is felawes body he nom
& þer wiþ ded as it was to þe kinges dragon com
Ou louerd þe deol þat þer was of hom of normandye
Þo hii seye hor king aslawe flour of chiualerye
Þe deol of hom ek of aungeo þo hii hor king yseye
Wiþ woundes to Raunced so þat he moste nede deye


Hyrel bedweres neueu þo is vncle aslawe he sey
He verde as a witles mon hit was deol to be him ney
Mid þre hundred hors ywrye In is wod rage he wende
Vor to awreke is vncle deþ as fur is herte tende
He percede ost & oþer vorte he ysey ynou
Þe kinges baner of medes þat is vncle slou
So gret was is herte þat of deþ he ne roȝte no þing
To grounde he smot him & is & a slou þen king
& þere as is vncle ded lay is foule caroyne he broȝte
& riȝt þer bi pecemele hakked it al to noȝte
Þo gradde he to is felawes mid god herte þere
To legge on vaste þe luþermen þe wule hii versche were
Vor þe prowesse þat he adde ydo hii sturede hom alle vaste
& foȝte & in eyþer half þat folc adoun caste


In þe romeyns alf to deþe þer were ydo
Þe king of babiloyne & þe king of spaine al so
& tueye grete senatours & oþer folc wiþ oute ende
In is half þer were aslawe noblemen & hende


Sire leger duc of boloyne & an oþer duc al so
& þe erl of salusbury & of cycestre þer to
& þe erl of baþe al so so þat þoru þis cas
Þe compaynie of þis alf moche aneþered was
Þo com þe king of brutayne & sire wawein þe hende
Mid hor nywe ost al verss & stured hom in ech ende
So þat þer were among hom þo to deþe ydo
A gret duc & tuo þousend of oþer men al so


Þe king howel & sire wawein þat so gode bodyes were
Euere hii were yliche versse & slowe her & þere
Bote hii som mon broȝte adoun vewe duntes hii smite
Weþer of hom betere were strong it were to wite
Sire waweyn willede euere mid al is miȝte
Mid lucye þe senatour in batayle to fiȝte
Lucye ne wilnede noþemo no þing somoche alonde
As to fiȝte mid a such kniȝt him sulue uorto fonde
So þat hii mette hom þere boþe hii were wel vawe
Þere were duntes ariȝt & suerdes wel adrawe
Þe romeins come to hor maistres sone to helpe him in such cas
So ney þat sire wawein ney ybroȝt to grounde was
Þe king arthure it vnderȝet & com sone in an stounde
Wat doþ ȝe he sede sire kniȝtes quelleþ on to grounde


Wy lete ȝe þis haluemen þus longe aliue go
Þencheþ on þe batailes þat ȝe abbeþ ar þis ydo
On vre elderne þat þes wrecches worrede mid vnriȝte
On vre franchise þat hii wolde binime vs ȝif hii miȝte
Ne leteþ non aliue go to grounde smiteþ ȝoure fon
Sire calibourne is suerd he bi gan to ssake anon
& slou to grounde her & þer ac he ne smot noȝt on
Þat he ne slou him oþer his hors & among hom echon
Þe king of lybye & of bytynie him sulf gan to quelle
Mid calibourne & sende hor heþene soule to helle
Þe brutons as hii versse were to grounde þo slowe
& þe romeins in hor alf uaste ek aȝen drowe


Lucye to hardissi is men prikede here & þere
& bigonne as a nywe batayle riȝt as hii versse were
Moroud erl of gloucestre mid is ost bi syde
In an valeye houede þe endinge uor to abyde


Atte laste mid is versse volc to hom he com þar
& biclosede þis romeins bi hinde an onywar
Þo were þe brutons al aboue hii slowe þo to grounde
Ȝe mony þousend of þe romeins in a lutel stounde
Lucye þe senatour was mid a spere þoru ysmite
Þo adde þe brutons þe maistrie al bi ȝite
Þe romeins þat miȝte of scapie flowe uaste some
& þe brutons after vor te hii were al ouercome
Armes hii adde þere & hors & alle richesse ynou
Þe king þo al þis was ydo toward reste drou


& let þe bodies of is men þat aslawe were
Gaderye out & burye nobliche ynou þere
Kinges in to hor owe lond he let lede al so
As bedwer in to normandye & kay in to aungeo
& an oþer in to flaundres & oþere of þe route
Kniȝtes he let burye in abbeyes þer aboute
Men bysyde of þe lond he let burye is fon
Vor he ne kepte uor reuþe þat þer were vnbured non
Ac lucyes body he sende hom to rome
& bed hom hor maystres body vor is truage þat hii nome
& þat he nolde neuermo oþer truage hom sende
Ac he wolde him sulf ȝut þuder & seche hom in echende
Grettore batayle þan þis was ich wene nas neuere non
Bote it were þulke of troye vor þer nas vnneþe non


Prynce in al þe world þat ne moste be þere oþer sende
Fram þe west syde of þe world to þe est most ende
Þo adde king arþure ywonne fram þe west moste se
Anon to þe mouns al þat lond & ar he come aȝe
He þoȝte winne al clene rome & al þat lond þer aboute
& vor to passy vorþ þe mouns he ȝarkede uaste is route
& as he was prest to do þulke noble dede
A messager com fram þis lond & nywe tydinge sede
Þat modred is neueu wam he bitok þis lond
Hadde ynome þis kinedom clanliche in is hond
& ycrouned him sulue king þoru þe quene rede
& huld hire in spousbruche in vyl flesses dede


Alas þe luþer trycherye hou miȝte be more
Þo was þe king arþure vol of sorwe & sore


In woch half turne he nuste þo weþer est þe west
Ac to awreke him of is luþer neueu his herte bar alre best
Þe veage toward rome he bileuede vor þis cheance
& þe king howel of brutayne mid þe poer of france
He bileuede þer to wardy is londes bi ȝonde þe se
& hopede to wyinne rome wanne he com eft aȝe
Mid þe poer of þe lond hiderward he drou
& mid þe kinges her bisyde hom þoȝte er longe ynou
Ac modred þe luþer suike þer biuore bi soȝte
Chelrik king of saxons þat he help þuder broȝte


& he bi het him & his al kent ver & ner
Al þat hengist adde wule bi þe kinges day vortiger
He bi het him & is al so al nor homber lond
& al þat lond fram homber anon in to scotlond
So þat eiȝte hundred ssipes in to þis londe he broȝte
Vol of saracens yarmed as he him bi soȝte
Gret poer of yrlonde Modred him wan al so
Of picars & of scottes & of ech maner men þer to
Þat he wuste þat no loue to þe king arþure ne bere
So þat eiȝte score þousend of hors ywrye þer were
In is ost þo hii were ygadered in þis cas
Wat of cristine wat of payens & al to moche þat was
Þo arþure mid is poer ariuede in þis lónde
Modred bi gan mid is ost aȝen him uaste at stonde
Atte hauene an batayle hii smite wiþ gret mayn
Þer was aslawe þe hende kniȝt þe noble sire wawein


& auncel þe king of scotlond & mony þousend al so
& þe luþer modred attelaste þo al þis was ydo
Fleu mid al is poer to winchestere uaste
So þat þe king arþure þe veld adde atte laste
Þo gwenwar þe luþer quene hurde of þis cas
Fram euerwik to karleon ȝo fleu mid quic pas
& bicom nonne þere to libbe in chaste liue
Som wat ȝo was er adrad ar he hiede so bliue
Heo ne hiede noȝt aȝen hire louerd to welcome him to londe
Ȝut hire was betere nonne to be þen come vnder is honde
Þo king arþure adde ybured is folc þat ded was
He sywede after þe traytour mid wel quic pas


Þe ssrewe ȝarkede is ost & aȝen him com
& wiþoute winchestre anoþer batayle nom


Þere hii dude sorwe ynou & slowe to grounde uaste
Ac þe traytour was bineþe & fley atte laste
To cornwaile mid gret eyr he ne dorste no ner abyde
Þere he gaderede him nywe ost aboute in eche side
So þat he adde vnder al wiþ þat him bileuede er
Sixti þousend hors ywrye al to moche was þer
His ost he diȝte suiþe wel al hou it ssolde be
& suor he wolde raþer deye þan euere eft fle
King arþure was anguisous in is compaynye
Þat þe luþer traytour adde ofscaped so tuye
He sywede mid is folc to cornwayle uaste
Bisyde þe water of tamer hii mette hom atte laste
Þere hii smite an batayle deoluol ynou
Þat deol it was so muche volc in eyþer syde me slou
Vor þer ne bileuede in noþer syde non heymon vnneþe


King ne duc ne oþer þat nas ybroȝt to deþe
Ac modred þe traytour adde more folc of ynou
Þo þe king arþur ysey þat me is folc so slou
& þe king of denemarch was aslawe & þe king al so
Of norweye & of is oþer men mony a þousend þer to
& he sey þat is fon stode euere aȝen vaste
To þe lutel folc þat he adde he spac atte laste
Sulle we he sede vre lif dere ar we be ded
& icholle sulle min dere ynou wanne þer nis oþer red
Habbe ich aslawe þe false suike þe luþer traytour
Hit worþ me þanne vor to deye gret ioye & honour
He drou calibourne is suerd & in eyþer side slou
& vorte he to þe traytour com made him wey god ynou


He hente verst of is helm & suþþe mid wille god
Anne stroc he ȝef him mid wel stourdy mod
& þoru hauberc & þoru is coler þat nere noþing souple
He smot of is heued as liȝtliche as it were a scouple
Þat was is laste chiualerye þat vaire endede ynou
Vor þat folc so þikke com þe wule he hor louerd slou
Aboute him in eche half þat among so mony fon
He aueng deþes wounde & wonder nas it non


Ac ouercome nas he noȝt þei is wounden dedlich were
Þo he adde is laste chiualerye þus nobliche ydo þere
He ȝef þe croune of þis lond þe noble constantin
Þe erl cadoures sone of cornwayle þat was is cosin


& he let him lede in to an yle vor to hele is wounde
& deide as þe beste kniȝt þat me wuste euere yfounde
& naþeles þe brutons & þe cornwalisse of is kunde
Weneþ he be aliue ȝut & abbeþ him in munde
Þat he be to comene ȝut to winne aȝen þis lond
& naþeles at glastinbury his bones suþþe me fond
& þere at uore þe heye weued amydde þe quer ywis
As is bones liggeþ is toumbe wel vair is
In þe vif hundred ȝer of grace & vourty & tuo
In þis manere in cornwaile to deþe he was ydo
Constantin was þo king after þe king arþure
Ac þe saxons sette aȝen him þe wule hii miȝte dure
& modredes tueye sones þe wule hii durste abide
Ac constantin hom to drof eyþer in is syde


Þen anne in to winchestre & þere wiþ sorwe ynou
In chirche at uore þe heye weued constantin him slou
Þe oþer fley to londone & þoru constantin al so
Þere biuore þe heye weued to deþe he was ydo
Conan slou suþþe constantin in þe þridde ȝere
At stonhenge he was ybured as is elderne were
Seint dauid deyde þer biuore bissop of walis
& þere he was vaire ybured in is owe chirche ywis
Constantines neueu aurely was king þo
& leuede in is kinedom tuo ȝer & nammo
Vortipor was þo king vour ȝer vnneþe
Þe saxons he broȝte al bineþe & monyon to deþe
Malgo com þo after him þat þe vairost king was
Þat me wuste euere in þis lond & al so þer nas
Strengore man bi is daye vor he wan ek to þis londe
Þe six yles þat beþ aboute & heoldis al an honde


As godlond & orcadas & al so yrlonde
Norþweye & denemarch & al so god yslonde
Carrik was king after him þat stalwarde man was
Ac to prout he was & to fals þat ssende þis lond alas
Vor þe saxons & englissemen were euere in þis londe
& adde aȝen þe brutons euere worre an honde
Þo hii seye þe falshede of þis king karrik
Hii wende after godmound þat was king of affrik
To helpe hom winne þis lond & bihete hom vaire ynou
Þe king godmound mid is ost hiderward sone drou
& mid an hondred þousend men & sixti þousend þer to
He com here mid þe saxons þis worre vor to do
Þe saxons & þat grete folc þat com so of affrik
Asaylede vaste þe brutons & hor king carrik
Mony bataile hii smite & sywede vpe him vaste
& fram toune to toune him driue so þat atte laste


Hii driue him to cirencestre & biseged him þer inne
Þen toun hii barnde vpe him ar hii him miȝte winne
Þere hii smite an bataile & suþþe hii driue ywis
Carrik in to seuerne west in to walis
Vor þe kunde men of þis lond recetted were þere
Euere wanne of straunge men yworred hii were
Þe luþer heþene volc barnde þo so vaste
& destruede al þis lond & þe tounes adoun caste
Wat mid fure wat mid suerd hii destruede al þat hii founde
Hii ne sparede prest ne chirche þat hii ne broȝte to grounde
Hii þat miȝte of scapie vaste flowe þere
To walis & to cornwaile & hudde hom vor fere
Þe erchebissop of londone & of euerwik al so
Þo hii seye þat cristendom to grounde was al ydo
& þe chirchen ycast adoun þe relikes hii nome ywis
Þat hii adde of holy men & flowe in to walis


Þe relikes nolde hii noȝt bileue ac bere wiþ hom vor fere
Vor raþer hii wolde ymartred be þan hii yperissed were
& in to þe lasse brutaine men flowe so þikke
So þat here nas noȝt bileued bote heþene & wikke
So þat fram norþ in to þe souþ no cristendom nas
Ne fram seuerne in to þe est se ac pur heþenesse was
Alas þe gode arþure to ver he was þo
His deþ broȝte to þis lond moche sorwe & wo

Saxones plene Dominantes.

Saxons þe englisse & hor compaynye
Adde þo of þis lond al clene þe maystrie
& made hom kinges of þis lond as hii adde biuore
Ac þe brutons nadde neuer er so clene hor miȝte vor lore


Þe saxons & þe englisse in pes hulde þo
Ech king is kinedom þat hii dude er in wo
Six kinges þer were in some time as of kent & of estsex
Of estangle of norþhumber of þe march of west sex
In þe biginning of þis boc me may rede & noȝt lye
Hou moche lond ech of hom adde to is partye
Þe verste king þat of saxons was þat was king of kent
Hengist þoru wan þis lond verst was yssent
Hit was eiȝte & vifty ȝer after hengistes kinedom
Ar eny king of saxons In westsex com
Vor hengist was king vourty ȝer & in þe eiȝteþe ȝere
After is deþ at ȝarnemouþe ariued þer were
Vif ssipuol of saxons yarmed wel ynou
Certik het hor cheuentein þat to þis lond hom drou


Wel seue ȝer þer after a duc þat was wide couþ
Ycluped port mid is ost atte hauene of portesmouþ
& after port þat was is name þe hauene me clupede so
So þat hor poer euere wax þe brutons ssame to do
& moni a bataile hii smite so þat atten ende
Þe saxons wonne al þe lond as al þe souþ ende
Euere bi souþe tamese fram est in to þe west
Certik hii made þere king vor he was þer to best
Westsex hii clupede is kinedom as ȝe abbeþ yhurd ylome
Þis was a lute biuore ar þe king arthure come
Þe verste king of norþhumber in þe ȝer of grace bigan
Vif hundred & seuene & fourty as me telle can
After king arþure it was & þo was kinrik
Noble king of westsex after is fader certik


Vor þo þe englissemen in þis lond adde poer
Hii worrede norþward & wonne ver & ner
So þat hii wonne humberlond & an bacheler
Þat het yde hii made king þer nas nour þo is per
He com of woden þe olde louerd as in þe teþe kne
Þat þe saracens weneþ þat he an hey god be
Vor þulke woden þe grete louerd sones adde þre
Weldeg & wiȝtleg & beldeg þat was so fre
Of weldeg com þe king of kent & þe king of march of þe oþer
Þe king of westsex & of humber of þe þridde þat was hor broþer
Þulke woden adde a wif þat ycluped was dame frye
A latin dame venus as ich abbe ysed nou tuye


Þeruore þe englisse clupede after woden wodenesday
Þat is a day in þe wouke & after frye fryday
Vor þe heþene englissemen þat misbileued were þo
Bileuede þat in heuene godes hii were bo
& þat to tueye sterren þat me sucþ ylome
Venus & Mercurius hii weneþ þat hii bicome
Þe saxons & þe englisse come in to þis londe
As wo seiþ at o tyme as ich vnder stonde
Hor londes suþþe as hii miȝte hii delde as hii couþe
Þe englisse in þe norþhalf þe saxons bi souþe
As estsex & middelsex & souþward al souþhsex
& so al west bi souþe temese al clene westsex
Þe englisse norþfolc & souþfolc adde al in hor honde
& al west binorþe temese & al norþhumberlonde
Ac þe kinges of westsex lengost gonne dure
& alle þe oþere wonne to hom as ȝe ssolle her after yhure


Þe brutons as ich abbe ytold in west walis were
& worred euere as hii dorste fram ȝere to ȝere
Vor bi þe kinges daye chenling þat was kenrikes sone
Hii dude hom vorþere in þis lond þan hii were in wone
& wonne þe middel of þis lond to bedeford anon
& strengþede castles & astorede monyon
So þat at bedeford come þe saxons
& smite an batayle & to driue þe brutons
& nome þre of hor castles þat stronge were al so
Eynesham & bunsintone & axlesbury þer to
So þat cristendom was al clene vor lore
& heþenesse in to al þis lond as ich sede biuore
& ylaste aboute an fourti ȝer vor te seint austin com
& þoru sein gregory þe pope broȝte cristendom


Seint austin mid is felawes to engelonde com
Þoru þe pope seint gregori to prechi cristendom
Maurice was þo emperour & þer adde ybe biuore
Vifty emperours at rome suþþe god was ybore
In þe vif hundred ȝer of grace seint austin hider com
& four score ȝer & tuo to prechi cristendom
& aboute an hondred ȝer it was & fyfty al so
After þat saxons & englisse verst come þis lond to
& after king arþures deþe aboute an fourty ȝer
Þat so noble king was of þis lond as we abbeþ ytold er
Þo seint austin & is felawes þus come to þis lond
Wippe was king of þe march & adelfred of humber-lond
Colrik was king of westsex & of kent king aylbriȝt
Of estsex is sostersone þat me clupede king selbriȝt
Wel an fourti holy men & monekes echone
Seint austin adde wiþ him & þo nas he noȝt alone


Þo hii come in to þis lond to king aylbriȝt of kent
In was lond hii ariuede hii sende hor maundement
Þat hii were fram rome ycome In hey messages ywis
Þat to gret ioye ssolde turne to him & to alle his
& to ioye wiþouten ende ȝif he him vnder stode
Suche bi hestes quaþ þe king me þenches beþ gode
Leteþ hom vinde mete ynou & þat hii abbeþ nede to
Vor te ich abbe wiþ hom yspeke & wite wat hii wolleþ do
Vor þe king wel vnderstod of þe cristendom
Þat biuore hom was in þis lond & þoru hom to grounde com
So þat atte laste wat halt to telle longe
Þe king bigan & is volc cristendom auonge


& of Seint peter & seint pol an chirche he let rere
At þe est ende of kaunturbury þat þe chef chirche were
Erchebissop of kaunterbury seint austin was þer
Þe verste þat euere was vor at londone þe se was er
Þo com merlynes word to soþe atte nende
Þat þe dingne sege to canterbury of londone ssolde wende
At roucestre þat is a toun In kent of gret fame
Seint austin made a bissop sein Iuste was is name
Þat was a monk is felawe so þat atte fin
Seint Iuste was þe verste bissop after seint austin
Seint Mellit þe holymon In to est sex wende
To prechi þere cristendom as seint austin him sende
Nou departeþ euere temese est sex fram kent
Sebriȝt he vond þere king þo he was þuder ywent


He turnde him to cristendom & þe contreye al so
Sebriȝt & þe king of kent þo al þis was ydo
At londone of seint poul an heued chirche gonne arere
Þat ȝut is & seint Mellit bissop made þere
Þus com lo cristendom aȝen in to þis londe
Among þe heþene saxons as ich vnder stonde
Ac among þe brutons in walis was euere cristendom
Suþþe it verst þoru þe king lucye hider com
& þat was biuore þis tyme vour hundred ȝer
& aboute & foure & tuenti as we abbeþ ywrite er
Þe pope eleuthery þat sende verst hider cristindom
Was þe þretteþe pope þat after seinte peter com
Þe deciples þat he hider sende cristendom to bringe
Bileuede in an wildernesse after hor prechinge
Þat me clupeþ nou glastingbury þat desert was þo
& þere hii bigonne monekes & nome to hom mo


& þere mid hor owe honde hii rerede verst an chirche
Of herdles & of ȝerden as hii couþe wurche
& þat was þe verste chirche þat in engelond com
& þe eldost hous al so as in lawe of cristendom
Þeruore me it aþ euere ycluped þe olde chirche ywis
Moni is þe holi halwe þat þere ybured ys
Nour so moni in engelond to soþe y segge þis
& as me aþ wule ysed grettere oþ non nis
Þan bi þe holde chirche of glastingbury wo so dep oþ nome
Vor þer was chirche four hondred ȝer ar seint austin hider come
& seint patric was þere monek & suþþe abbot þer
Ȝe ar seint austin come mo þen an hundred ȝer
& in þe riȝt alf of þe weued ybured was þer al so
Six score ȝer & on he was old ar deþ him come to


Þus was at glastinbury verst yholde vp cristendom
& suþþe þer after þat þet folc of englich hider com
& þe brutons were ydriue al in to west walis
Hii hulde uorþ cristendom & bissopes ywis
So þat seint austin com among hom he vond
Bissopes & monekes manyon in þe lond
In þe cite of bangor a gret hous þer was
Þat were vnder seue cellen & þer of non nas
Þat þre hondred monekes nere Inne oþer mo
& alle leuede bi hor suench loke ȝif hom nas wo
Dinoc het hor abbot þat gret clerc was & god
Seint austin was wel ypayd þat hor bileue was so god
& naþeles he hom enioynede bocsomnesse do
To þe erchebissop of kaunterbury & to englisse men al so
& among englissemen vorþ mid him cristendom to amende
Wende aboute & prechi as þe pope hom sende


Þe bissopes him ansuerede & þe abbot dinoc
Al wiþ grete reysons & wit of hor boc
Þat wanne hii adde hom sulue erchebissop & king
Hii ne ssolde to englissemen abuye riȝt no þing
Vor þe folc of englisse & saxons hor lond hom bi nome
& hor kunde eritage mid trayson & suikedome
Ware uore hii nolde uor no mon nammore to hom wende
Þan to so moni houndes bote hit were hom to ssende
Ȝif ȝe nolleþ quaþ seint austin mid ȝoure breþeren in peys be
Þat beþ as ȝe witeþ wel cristine as wel as ȝe
& ȝif ȝe nolle englissemen godes lawes teche
& vorþ mid me among hom cristendom preche
Ȝoure fon ssolle hor poer among ow wide reche
& bringe ȝou to deþe monion & þat ssal be ȝoure wreche


After seint austines day to soþe come al þis
Ac þe wule he was aliue noȝt as ȝe mowe yhure ywis
Kyng aylbriȝt gret despit adde in þis þoȝt
Þat þe brutons nolde Seint Austin abuye noȝt
Edelfred þat was king of norþhumberlond
He enticede oþer kinges here of þis lond
Þat hii wende to walis & þe brutons ssende
Þe kinges þo hii preste were mid hor poer þuder wende
Atte cite of kairleon þe ost of brutons was
Þe englisse anon þuderward drowe mid god pas
A gret bataile hii smite þer In a lutel stounde
Ac brocmayl duc of brutons was þere ybroȝt to grounde
Vor he fley & bileuede is folc þo he nuste oþer won
Some aslawe & some ywounded & bineþe echon


Nou were þer icome fram bangor monekes monion
In vastinge & in orisons to bidde aȝen hor fon
& ermites & monekes of oþer studes bi syde
Bede god þat þe brutons þe maystrie moste by tyde
Þo such folc of þis holymen king edelfred ysey
Sitte & bidde vor hor folc & crie on god an hey
& me sede him þat hii bede vor þe brutons echon
Ȝif it so is quaþ þe king þat hii biddeþ vor vre fon
Þanne viȝteþ hii aȝen vs as moche as is hor miȝte
Mid hor armes toward god þei hii mid arme ne fiȝte
Sleþ hom hastiliche anon as oure puyre fon
Þat folc was prest þerto & to grounde slou anon
So þat tuelf hondred of holymen hii martrede þere
& aboute an vifti ofscapede aliue vor fere


Þo was hit to hom ycome þat seint austin hom sede
& noȝt vorþan god dude wreche of þe luþer dede
Vor þe king edelfred wende toward bangor þo
To destruye þe brutons wat he founde mo
Þe louerdinges þat þere were ȝarkede hom anon
& ordeynede hor ost to fiȝte mid hor fon
So þat mo þan ten þousend were of þe englisse ybroȝt to deþe
& þe king edelfred vorwounded þat ofscapede aliue vnneþe
Ac bedwer duc of cornwayle aslawe was þo
& moni of þe brutons ac of þe englisse wel mo
& þe englisse flowe ouer humber uaste
A parlement þe brutons made þo atte laste
To chese hom a nywe king & chose hom þe king cadwan
Þat was among hom alle þe stalwordoste man


Þo þis king ycrouned was hii ȝarkede hom anon
& in to homberlonde sywede vp hor fon
Þe king edelfred in is half mid þe poer of is londe
& of oþer londes ȝare was aȝen hom vor to stonde
Þo hii were to þis batayle prest in eyþer syde
Som frend biþoȝte him bet & bituene hom gan ride
& made acord bituene hom þat þe king adde al þat lond
Edelfred biȝonde homber al clene in his hond
& king cadwan bi souþe homber & al is owe lond walis
Þoru hard oþ & god ostage yconfermed was al þis
Bituene þis tueie kinges anon so gret loue þer was
Þat hor noþer nadde noþing þat to oþeres wille nas
Bituene þe king edelfred & þe quene is wif
Þerafter þoru luþer wille wax a gret strif
Þat þe king hire drof awey mid childe as ȝo was
& nom him an oþer wif & þat was a deoluol cas


To þe king cadwan þe quene wende þo
& cryede on him þat he ssolde helpe hire in hire wo
Þe king cadwan was þo aboute bituene hire & þe kinge
To make acord bi his poer & ne miȝte uor none þinge
So þat he huld vor þe quene In is owe house
Mid childe helples as ȝo was mid þe quene is owe spouse
Þat mid childe was as wel as heo & of one time ney
& þo þe children were ybore þat of kunne were so hey
Hii clupede edwyne þe kinges sone of norþhomberlond
& cadwal þe kinges sone here of þis souþ lond
Þis children were wel ȝonge ysend to salamon þe kinge
Of þe lasse bruteyne to gode norrissinge
Þe king hom noryssede wel & mid him priue ynou
& þo hii to elde come to armes hom drou
So þat stalwarde kniȝtes boþe hii bi come
& wel yfonded in armes & in batailes ylome


Eylbriȝt king of kent þat þoru seint austin nom
As we abbeþ ytold biuore verst cristendom
Deide as in þe ȝer of grace six hundred & sixtene
& he was six & fifty ȝer king as ich wene
His sone was king after him Edbal was is name
Þat spousede suþþe is fader wif him to grete ssame
& ne tolde noȝt of is cristendom & þe king sebriȝt al so
Cristine king of est sex þo he was of liue ydo
His þre sones he bileued eyrs of is kinedom
Þat were payns alle þre & aȝen cristendom
So þat hii come at one tyme in hor luþer Rede
To seint Mellit bissop of þe lond & at is masse sede
Sire bissop wu ne ȝifstus of þine wite brede
Þat þou est þi sulf at þi masse in þine vayre wede


Þat þou ȝeue vre fader wule & ȝut ȝifst þat folc al so
Ȝif ȝe wolleþ quaþ þe bissop as ȝoure fader dude do

152 lines omitted in Cotton MS. after 4920. Copied from Harleian MS.

[& be yuolled in holy water & myd cristendom monge
Ȝe mowe sauflyche þet holy þyng as he dude auonge
We nolleþ noȝt quaþ þys oþer þey þou vs bede
Wyþynne þulke water come for we nabbeþ non nede
Ac in alle manere we wolleþ ete of þulke brede
Þe byssop yt nolde grante ac outlych yt wyþ seyde
To ȝyue hym þulke holy þyng bote hii y uolled were
Hii suore anon in wraþþe ȝyf he ensentan nere


To ȝyue hem so lute þyng & bote he yt hem ȝeue
Þat he ne ssolde in her lond in non manere byleue
Hii dryue hym out of her lond & ys men echon
Þys holy man seyn Mellyt to Kent wende anon
To speke wyþ þe erchebyssop laurence & al so
Wyþ yuste byssop of rouchestre wat were best to do
Seynt austyn nou al by ys daye to erchybyssop nom
Laurence & made after hym to susteyne Cristendom
Þys þre byssopes bytueyne hem nom hem þus to rede
Þat hii myȝte in her owe lond holyor lyf lede
And wyþoute peryl sykerore þan to byleue þere
Among mys bylyuede men bote þer eny bote were
So þat seynt Iuste & seynt mellyt to france þo wende
& lete þe luþer men yworþþe vorte God yt wolde amende
Ac nas noȝt long þer after aþ god wreche of hem nome
Þat after her fader deþe worrede cristendom


For aȝen þat folc of westsex hii nome an batayle
& þere hii were ybroȝt to grounde & yssend wyþoute fayle
Vor her folc was muche aslawe & ybroȝt to deþe
& hii vor her luþerhede of scapede alyue vnneþe
Laurence þe erchebyssop al prest hym made also
Vorto wende out of þys lond as ys felawes adde ydo
Þe nyȝt þet he adde imund vort abbe ywend amorwe
He lay muchedel of þe nyȝt in wo & in sorwe
To bydde god vor holy chyrche and vor cristendom
So þat aslep atte laste vor werynysse hym nome
Seynt Petur to hym come as þe slep hym toke
& tormented hym sore ynou þat hech lyme hym oke


& esste of hym wy he adde so vyllyche ys ssep vorsake
Wyþoute warde among þe wolues þat in warde hym were bytake
& wy of god ne of hym ensample he ne nom
Þat deyde boþe in rode to susteyny cristendom
Þys erchebyssop was adrad wel sore þo he awok
He hyede to þe kyng vor ech lyme hym ok
& ssewed hym al þat cas & ys wounden some
& bed hym ys lyf amende oþer vp hym sulf yt ssolde come
Þe kyng anon for drede ys false wyf vor soke
Þat he huld in such hordom & cristendom toke
And after Seyn Iust & Seynt Mellyt þe tueye byssopes sende
So þat aȝen to þys lond þys gode men boþe wende


& hii of rouchestre Seyn Iust to her byssop vayre toke
Ac þe Londres Seyn Mellyt al clanlyche versoke
Ac huld hem to her heþenesse & in þys manere com
Kyng edbald after ys fader vorst to cristendom
After Laurences deþe as god ȝef þat cas
Erchebyssop Seyn Mellyt of Kanterbury was
Erchebyssop he was vyf ȝer & after hym me nom
Seyn Iust to erchebyssop to sauy crystendom
Cadwal þe kynges sone þat was of þys lond
As ych seyde er & edwyne of norþhomberlond
Þat in brutayne were hom hii gonne wende
After her fader deþe eyþer in ys ende
& auonge her erytage & louede hem wel boþe
Atte bygynnynge wel ynou & suþþe somdel wroþe
For þo hii adde an tuo ȝer ybe louerdes in her londe
Edwyne sende to cadwal þat hym ssolde vnderstonde


& soffry hym in ys owe lond þat he ycrouned were
As veruorþ as he in ys & as ryȝt was croune bere
Kyng cadwal nom ys conseyl & sende hym word so
Þat ys conseyl ne ȝef hym noȝt ne ensentede þerto
Þat in one kynedom þat of one croune were
Þat yt were departed & þat me tueye crounen bere
Edwyne was wroþ vor þys & suor ys more oþ
To be ycrouned wyþoute hym ner hym no so loþ
Cadwal suor ys oþ aȝen ȝyf he croune bere
Vorto smyte of ys heued vnder ys croune þere
Þus wax stryf bytuene hem hii greyþed her host vaste
And by norþe homber mette hem atte laste


Mony þousend þer were ybroȝt of cadwales men to deþe
& he hym sulf wyþ vewe men of scapede alyue vnneþe
& fleu hym vorþ in to þe see al þoru scotlond
& so vorþ euere in to þe see vorte he com to yrlond
Edwyne wende þo anon out of ys owe lond
& destrude wyde aboute þat cadwal adde an honde
Alle ys stedes ver & ner & to grounde caste
Cadwal in yrlonde ys ost ȝarkede vaste
& vorþ toward þys lond þe veage nome
Ac euere wanne he myd ys ost to eny hauene com
Edwyne was aȝen hym & drof hym aȝe
So þat he ne myȝte aryue ac huld hym in þe see
Ac anchanteor edwyne adde of Spayne wyþ hym þo
Þat couþe hym segge of ys dedes al hou yt ssolde go


Þoru ys chantement so þat cadwal
Ne dude noþyng þat edwyne þoru hym yt nuste al
Cadwal nuste þo oþer rede bote myd al ys mayne
Wende to porchacy hym help to þe lasse brutayne
Tempest hym drof in þe see here and þer vaste
So þat in þe yle of gerneseye hii aryued atte laste
Þo cadwal com to reste þer so gret deol he nome
Þat he adde so ys folc vorlore & ys kynedom
Þat he lay syke in ys bed vor deol & vor sore
Þat he ne ete non mete þre dawes þer vore
Þe verþe day to veneson hym þoȝte ys herte drou
Bryan ys owe priue man was þerof glad ynou
Hys bowe he nom & soȝte a best aboute mony a myle
& he ne myȝte ssolde he deye vynde non in al þe yle


Sory was þys bryan þo þat he non grace nadde
For he hopede yt were ys louerdes hele vor þe wylle þat he adde
He ne vnderstod of non oþer fless þat þe kyng yknowe ne couþ
Þat yt nere non veneson wanne yt were in ys mouþe
He byþoȝte hym of harde ynou to abbe ys louerdes lyf
A gret pece of ys owe þy he kerf out wyþ a knyf
And helde þe wounde wanne he myȝte loke ȝyf he nas trewe
Þe kyng he broȝte yt wel yrosted vor veneson newe
Newe and verss yt was ynou þe kyng ete þerof anon
Hym þoȝte þat so suete mete he ne ete neuere non
Ne so sauery in ys mouþ so þat he turnde to hele
& hol was þe þrydde day vor þulke suete mele


Hym longede after veneson þer after longe sore
Ac uer gode of þulke beste ne com in ys mouþ nanmore
To þe lasse brutayne wyþ ys folc þo he drou
& of þe kyng Salomon was vnderuonge vayre ynou
& byleuede wyþ hym alle wynter vorte after þe ȝeres ende
& greyþede her poer hyder vorto wende
Kyng edwyne adde ywonne er al out þe Brutons lond
More þan eny englyss kyng euere er adde an hond
Al byȝonde seyn dauid & al walys al out
By uore hym nas non englyss kyng so ryche ne so prout
Heþen man he was ywys & to Cristendom
Þoru erchebyssop of euerwyk seyn paulyn he com


Cadwal kyng þat aȝte be of brutons londe
Myd poer þat kyng Salomon hym adde ytake an honde
Þat was ten þousend knyȝtes & myd ys owe poer
Aryuede bysyde toteneys come somdel ner
In þe toun of exestre mony brutons were
& a luþer kyng of þe marche byseged hem þer
Penda þat heþene was vnder edwyne þe kyng
Cadwal þo he wuste þys ne made no targyng
Ac smot to hym myd ys ost & þer wyþoute fayle
At eccestre strong ynou hij smyte an batayle
Penda þys heþene kyng was sone ouercome
& ys folc muche aslawe & he hym sulf ynome
Þo he in prison was ydo & oþer couþe ne yse
He byhet cadwal myd hym myd al ys poer be
& þat he ssolde vor hym þe bet kyng edwyne ouercome
Of þys was sykernesse ydo & ostages ynome


Penta ȝarked ys poer & cadwal ek ys route
Of brutons þat vor defaute of help to sprad were wyde aboute
Þo þys ost al ȝare was vorþward vaste hij drowe
And in norþhomberlond þat folc vaste hij slowe
Kyng edwyne adde al so in ys half gret poer
Igadered of englysse kynges & of ys owe ver & ner
In to þe veld of haduele ech of hem drow
Myd her ost & smyte þer an batayle strong ynou]
King edwine was þer aslawe & offrid is sone al so
& godbold king of orcadas & hor folc ney þer to
Cadwal was al aboue þe wule it wolde ylaste
Þe englisse & þe saxons he slou þo wel vaste
He ne sparde old ne ȝonge ne womman mid childe
Þat he ne slou wanne he vond he nas no þing milde
An oþer bataile suþþe he smot aȝen osric strong ynou
Þat king was after edwine & þere he him slou


& is tueie neueus þat after him kinges ssolde be
& cadan king of scotlond aslawe hii were alle þre
Enfryd edwines broþer þo he sey þis wo aboute
To cadwal he wende & mercy him cryede vor doute
Cadwal him & tuelf þousend þat mid him come slou
Þis ȝer was among hom of feble grace ynou
& þat was of hom gret harm vor after hor cristendom
To heþenesse hii turnde aȝen & þo such wreche hom nom
King cadwal & þe brutons hor wille adde al so
& stured hom among hor fon þat hom adde er ssame ydo
Seint oswald enfrides broþer king was ymad þo
Of al norþhomberlond among al þis wo
Þat holimon was & god þe betere is grace was
& king cadwal to him to sturne verst nas


Þis was in þe ȝer of grace six hundred ȝer ywis
& aboute vour & þritti þat ydo was al þis
Seint birin þe bissop an holimon was
Þat in to þis lond þoru þe pope honory ysend was
To turne þe king of west sex kingilf to cristendom
& þat lond of west sex in to þis lond he com
Sein birin him to cristendom turnde þoru godes grace
& as god wolde seint oswald was in þulke place
& of þe holi vantston þis grete king nom
& is godfader was in is cristendom
Seint oswald & þis oþer king þoru vre louerdes grace
Purueyde seint birin to is wille an place
Þat dercchestre is ycluped þat biside oxenford is
As in þe estesouþ an seue mile ywis


Þere sein birin bissop was þe uerste þat was ywis
Vor þe se was þere of bissop þo þat at lincolne nou is
Þere he deyde & þere he lay vorte suþþe þer after longe
Þat he was to winchestere ylad as he ȝut is uaire auonge
Cadwal king of brutons worred euere uaste
& penda vpe seint oswald vorte suþþe atte laste
Þat at þe toun of mersfeld binorþe baþe hii come
Seint oswald & þe duc penda an bataile nome
Penda þere þe luþer duc in batayle slou
& Martrede seint oswald & al is body to drou
& mony a þousend of is men aslawe ek þer were
Þis was of þe ȝer of grace In þe six hundred ȝere


& vour hondred vor seint oswald in þe ȝer king was
& of eiȝte & þriȝti ȝer old þo him biuel þis cas
Oswy seint oswaldes broþer king was ymad þo
He biþoȝte him of pes to libbe wiþoute wo
He acordede wiþ king cadwal & tresour him ȝef ynou
Vorto be is priue frend wiþoute worre & wou
Þe fourme of pes was vaste ymad bituene hom & hore
Þat ne miȝte noȝt wel be ybroke bote treuþe were uorlore
Ac penda þe heþene duc adde euere god wille
To worry him & don him ssame & þoȝte in is herte stille
Ac he ne dorste vor cadwal & naþeles atten ende
To þe king at is parlement to londone he gan wende


& alle þe dukes of brutayne & þe englisse kinges echone
Ycome were to þis parlement bote king oswi one
Penda esste þe king anon wy king oswy nere þere
Þe king sede he vnder stod þat he sik were
Sire quaþ þe oþer to soþe hit nis noþing so
Ac he gadereþ uaste is poer us ssame to do
& he aþ ysend biȝonde se after saxons mo
& wole awreke is broþer deþ he suereþ on vs tuo
Þeruore ȝif me mid poer leue þuder to wende
& bringe him to ssame & bineþe er þan he vs ssende
To breke is triwe couenaunt þe king was loþ þer to
& naþeles is conseil him ȝef þat he it moste nede do
Þo penda þis leue adde he nom poer ynou
& toward þis king oswy over homber drou


& barnde vaste & robbede & to grounde slou
Þe king oswy him let esse wy he dude him so wou


& bed him vor godes loue abbe of him reuþe
& of is lond & þenche bet of foreward & of treuþe
Þo penda nolde oþer do þe oþer aȝen him sette
& dude him al in godes grace & mid is ost him mette
& an bataile smite strong ynou & þoru godes grace
King oswy þe cristinemen bileuede in þe place
Vor penda þe heþene duc aslawe was þere
& þritti oþer dukes þat mid him al so were
Six hundred ȝer it was of grace & in þe viftiþe ȝere
Þer biȝet penda lute cristinemen to afere


Þo cadwal king of brutaine nobliche adde ynou
Ybe king eiȝte & fourty ȝer & to elde drou
He deide after martin masse riȝt þe sixte day
Þe brutons made deol ynou þo he ded lay
& made a kinges fourme of bras al holu wiþinne
Vpe an hors ride of bras & þat bodi dude wiþinne
& vpe þe west ȝate of londone sette hit wel heye
In signe of is nobleie þat men wel wide yseie
& þe siȝte þer of þe saxons aferde
An chirche of sein Martin þer bineþe hii rerede
War inne me ssolde godes seruise do
& singe vor is soule & vor alle cristine al so
Cadwallad is sone was þer after ymad king
ȝong bacheler & stalwarde atte biginning


& þoru out wel wuste is lond & sauede þe brutons
Stifliche al an tuelf ȝer aȝen þe saxons
Ac þo vel he in siknesse & sorwe vpen oþer
Þe brutons voȝte her & þer ech vpon oþer
& lore as wo seiþ grace of god & þat he gan hom ssewe
Vor he sende hom so moche hunger & luþer ȝeres arewe
Þat þet folc was meteles bote wo so couþe myd ginne
Oþer mid bowe & arwe eny wilde best winne
So gret qualm com ek among mon þat hii þat bileuede aliue
Ne miȝte noȝt al burye þat folc þat deide so Riue
Vol of siknesse & of qualm & sorwe þis lond was þo
Of hunger & of vuele ȝeres hou miȝte be more wo


Þat folc gret compainye & oþer mid sorwe & wop ynou
Wanne hii miȝte abbe ssipes in to oþer londe drou


Þe king him let ek in sorwe & in siknesse lede
Toward þis lasse brutaine & þis deoluol pleinte sede
Awey awey we sunuol men Alas vre wrecchede
Þat we abbeþ þus god agult mid moni a sunuol dede
We & vre elderne ek þe wreche ich vnder stonde
Þat þus wrecchedliche vs drifþ out of vre kunde londe
Þat þe romeins ne miȝte mid bataile neuere do
Ne scottes ne picars ne þe saxons þer to
Nou we beþ þoru wreche of god vor vre sunuol dede
Y Driue out al clene wiþoute hope wiþ sorwe & wrechedhede


Vor naȝt we abbeþ so ofte vpe hom ywonne þat lond
Wanne god nel noȝt þat it be lengore in vre hond
Vor þe soþuast god þo he ysey þat we nolde uor no þing
Fram vre sunnes vs wiþdrawe ne þat no prince ne king
Ne miȝte us bringe out of þe lond he þat miȝtfol is
Deþ after vre decerte & pult us out ywis
Comeþ nou aȝen ȝe romeins & ȝe scottes also
Pycars & saxons & englisse þer to
Þat so moche abbeþ desired þat lond ȝe mowe hit finde nouþe
Al bar wiþoute defence binorþe & eke bisouþe
& al þat þoru wreche of god & þoru our poer noȝt ydo
Vor poer þat ȝe alle adde ne miȝte it bringe þer to


Ac þoru þe miȝte of ihesu crist we beþ ybroȝt to grounde
Þat we wraþþede euermo & nou we it abbeþ yfounde
Alas þat by myne daye suche wreche ssolde come
Þat y nadde be dedbore bote god adde þe soule ynome
Þe deol ne may no tonge telle þat þe king to him nom
So þat to þe lasse brutayne mid þis sorwe he com
To þe kinges neueu salomon Aleyn þat was king þo
& vaire of him was vnderuonge in is mochele wo
Þo þe brutons þer after were al as out of munde
After volc þe saxons sende of hor kunde
To come & wonye in þis lond þat no mon aȝen hom nas
& þut lond to hor wille al bar aȝen hom was
Þo þis strange men hurde þis ynou of folc hii nome
Of men & of wimmen ek & to þis londe come
& anon fram cornwayle to norþhumberlond
Bote it were of pouerayl al bar hii founde þat lond



Þe pouerail ouer Seuerne fley þat þer was þo
& bileuede vorþ in walis in sorwe & in wo
Wel longe þer afterward þo it com to amendement
& bote of hunger & of qualm vre louerd adde ysent
Som help of þe king alein þe king cadwallad bisoȝte
& þat he in to is kunde lond þoru help of him him broȝte
Þe king him grantede anon & as hii were aboute
Eyþer in is half to gadery gret ost & gret route
To king cadwallad an angel in auision broȝte
Fram heuene & bad him wiþdrawe of þat he þoȝte
Vor it nas noȝt godes wille þat of þe brutons kunne
Regnede more in engelond & al uor hor sunne
& nameliche at þulke tyme þat in is prophecye
Merlin sede to arþure þat nolde noþing lye


Vor he sede þat þe brutons me ssolde ȝut yse
Winne hor riȝte kinedom ac it ssolde arst longe be
Wanne þe relikes of halwen yfounde were & ykud
Þat vor drede of saxons er wide were yhud
To sergi þe pope þat þo was to rome he bed him wende
& do þere is penance þat god him wolde sende
& bileue al erþlich þoȝt þen deuel vor to ssende
& he ssolde among holimen to heuene atten ende
Þe king þis auisyon þat þe aungel him sede
Þe oþer king tolde priueliche him þer of to rede
Þe king alein let þo anon in is bokes aspye
Boþe of sybile þe sage & of merlines prophecye
Were hii to is auision acorded in eche þinge
& þo he vond þat bituene hom nas non discordinge
He radde þe king cadwallad to þenche nammore
Of engelond ac do al out þe angeles lore


& wende to rome holy lif to lede
Þe king cadwal dude al out þat þe aungel & he him bede
& at rome was of þe pope vayre vnder vonge
& In penance & holy lif liuede þere longe
& þe nyenteþe day of aueryl out of þis worl he wende
To þe Ioye of heuene as god after him sende
Hit was seue hondred ȝer bote on ȝer lasse vnneþe
After þat god an erþe com þat þis king com þus to deþe
Þe englisse þo & saxons þat al one þo were
Grete tounes & castles bigonne bulde & rere
Þat hii adde er ycast adoun & louerdes were þo
& þe brutons clene al out mid sorwe & mid wo
& lore þo boþe al clene name & eke lond
Vor þat was bruteyne ycluped er me clupeþ nou engelond


Þe vewe þat were of hom bileued as in cornwaile & walis
Brutons nere namore ycluped ac waleys ywis
After walon þat was hor duc hii adde verst þe name
& ne miȝte neuere eft þis lond keuere ac libbeþ mid alle ssame
Bote hii þus mid scolkinge vpe þe englisse wende
& doþ eni skek feble ynou & abbeþ þe worse ende
Ac as þe angel sede er & merlin ek biuore
Hii ssolleþ ȝut keuery moche lond þat hii abbeþ y lore
Al walis & al þe march & al middel lond ywis
Þat is al þat bituene temese & homber is
Al est toward londone þis me ssal ȝut yse
Ac vpe godes wille it is wanne it ssal be
Here we englisse men mowe yse some
Mid woche riȝte we beþ to þis lond ycome


Ac þe wrecche welissemen beþ of þe olde more
In woche manere ȝe abbeþ yhurd hou hii it abbeþ ylore
Ac þe feble is euere bineþe Ivor hii þat abbeþ miȝte
Mid strengþe bringeþ ofte þat wowe to þe riȝte
Po brutayne was þus ylore & þe londes name
To þe name of engelond yturnd hom to gret ssame
Seue kinges hii adde longe as þe king of est sex
Of kent of homberlond of estangle of souþsex
Of þe march of westsex of alle þes echon
Wule þer were kinges þat nis nou bote on
Vor eche bigan to worre mid oþer & oþeres lond bi nom
& hii of denemarch among hom vorte alle to one com


Þe king of west sex adde euere þe ouere hond
So þat atte laste he won alle þe oþeres lond
Ac souþsex ne laste noȝt longe ne est sex naþemo
Þe king of westsex sone hom wan bote viue nere þer þo
Þe kinedom of þe march ylaste longe & wel ynou
Vorte þe kunde king seint kenelm in martirdom me slou
King kenulf is fader god mon was þat þe hous of winchecoumbe
Rerde uerst & þere liþ him sulf in an coumbe
Þo sein kenel ymartred was is vncle seowulf
King was after him ymad þe kinges broþer kenulf
He nas king bote on ȝer ar on bernulf com
& þoru strengþe him caste out of is kinedom
Egbriȝt was king ymad as oþer biuore him were
Of west sex in þe ȝer of grace eiȝte hondred ȝere


Bi is daye seint kenelm to deþe ybroȝt was
Þe kinedom was þer after lute vor wreche of þat cas
Vor bernolf of wam we tolde noȝt þre ȝer king nas
Ar egbriȝt king of westsex made him fyki pas
Vor an bataile at elendone hii smite mid hor ost
Þe king bernulf was þer bineþe & binome him al þis bost
& is folc moche aslawe & he fley mid moche wo
In king egbriȝtes poer is kinedom was ydo
Eiȝte hundred ȝer & tuenty & sixe þer to
As in þe ȝer of grace þis batayle was ydo
Þe king of westsex her after adde al þe kinedom
Of þe march oþer eche ȝer truage of hom nom
In egbriȝtes kinedom þe four & tuentiþe ȝere
Hit was ar þis batayle at elendone were
Bernulf suþþe in est angle of men of þe londe
& þoru egbriȝtes poer was aslawe ich under stonde


& þat folc of estangle vnder uenge þere
King egbriȝt to hor souereyn & truage him bere
King egbriȝt was þo prout vor is seygnorye
Adelwolf is sone he sende mid vair bachelerye
To winne kent & estsex & soþereye mid maystrie
To þe lond of kent hii wende verst mid hor chiualerye
Kent hii wonne timeliche & balred þe king
Fley ouer temese & bileuede is owe þing
Estsex & souþsex & soþereye al so
Hii wonne ar hii come aȝen & þo al þis was ydo
Egbriȝt king of westsex al þis to him nom
Al to be vnder him & vnder is kinedom
Al þat lond bisouþe clene he adde þo
Vnder him oþer in is hond winne he þoȝte mo


Aȝen hom of norþhumberlond mid ost he com at dore
Hii dude him anon hor manhede & ne contekede nammore


Þo þe king egbriȝt adde ybe king þre & þritti ȝer
Þat folc of denemarch hider com as it adde ydo er
Scheþeye hii robbede verst & suþþe Innore mo
Ac þe king egbriȝt hom drof aȝen ar hii dude to moche wo
Þo king egbriȝt adde ybe king seuene & þritti ȝer
He deyde as a noble mon ac is londes he delde er
Adelwolf is eldore sone he ȝef þo al west sex
Þat was as is eritage & suþþe al souþsex
His ȝongore sone aþelston he ȝef & kinedom
Of kent & of estsex þat of is porchas com
Hit was eiȝte hundred ȝer & nyene & þritti þer to
As in þe ȝer of grace þat he deyde so
Of þe batayles of denemarch þat abbeþ ybe in þis londe
Þat worst were of alle oþere we mote abbe an honde


Worst hii were vor oþere somwanne adde ydo
As romeins & saxons & wel wste þat lond þer to
Ac hii ne kepte hit holde noȝt bote robby & ssende
& destrue & berne & sle & ne couþe abbe non ende
& bote lute it nas worþ þei hii were ouercome ylome
Vor mid ssipes & gret poer as prest ef sone hii come
King adelwolf of þis lond king was tuenty ȝer
Þe deneys come bi him riuore þan hii dude er
Vor in þe allor verste ȝer of is kinedom
Mid þre & þritti ssipuol men hor prince hider com
& at souþhamptone ariuede & at an hauene bisouþe
An oþer gret ost þulke tyme ariuede at portesmouþe


Þe king nuste weþer kepe is ost he delde atuo
Þe deneys adde þe maystrie þo al þis was ydo
& bi estangle & ludeseye hii wende vorþ atte laste
& so hamward al by kent & slowe & barnde vaste
Aȝen winter hii wende hom anoþer ȝer eft hii come
& destruede kent al out & londone nome
Þus al an ten ȝer þis lond hii broȝte þer doune
So þat in þe teþe ȝer of þe kinges croune
Al bisouþe hii come alond & þat folc of somersete
Þoru þe bissop alcston & þat londfolc of dorsete


Hii come & smite an batayle & þere þoru godes grace
Þe deneys were al bineþe & þat lond folc adde þe place
& more prowesse dude þo þan þe king miȝte biuore
Þeruore gode bonde men ne beþ noȝt al vor lore


Þe king was þe boldore þo & þe more aȝen hom drou
& is foure gode sones woxe uaste ynou
Adelbold & adelbriȝt adelred & alfred
Þis was a stalwarde tem & of gret wisdom & red
& kinges were alle foure & defended wel þis lond
& þe deneys dude ssame ynou & þat me vol wel fond
In þe sixteþe ȝere of þe kinges kinedom
Is eldoste sone adelbold gret ost to him nom
& is fader also god & oþer heyemen al so
& wende aȝen þis deneys þat moche wo adde ydo
Vor mid tuo hondred ssipes & an half at temese mouþe hii come
& londone & kaunterbury & oþer tounes nome
& so vorþ in to soþereye & slowe & barnde vaste
Þere þe king & is sone hom mette atte laste


Þer was batayle strong ynou ysmite in an þrowe
Þe gode kniȝtes leye adoun as gras þat me doþ mowe
Heueden þat were of ysmite & oþer lymes al so
Flote in blode al fram þe grounde ar þe batayle were ydo
Wanne þe blod stod al abroc nas þere wo ynou
Nis it reuþe vorto hure þat so me folc slou
Ac vre suete louerd atte laste ssewede is suete grace
& sende þe cristine englisse men þe maystrie in þe place
& þe heþene men of denemarch bineþe were echon
Nou nas þer ȝut in denemarch cristendom non


Þe king þer after to holy chirche is herte þe more drou
& teþegede wel al is lond as hii aȝte wel ynou
Seint swithin at winchestre bissop þo was
& alcston at ssirebourne þat amendede moche þis cas
Þe king was wel þe betere man þoru hor beyre red
Tventi winter he was king ar he were ded
At winchestre he was ybured as he liþ ȝut þere
His tueye sones he ȝef is lond þat eldoste were
Adelbold þe eldore þe kinedom of estsex
& souþsex adelbriȝt & kent & westsex

Aldred Alfred

Eiȝte hundred ȝer it was & seuene & fifty al so
After þat god an erþe com ar þis dede were ydo


Boþe hii wuste bi here time wel hor kinedom
Ac þe vifte ȝer adelbold god of liue nom
Ac at ssirebourne he was ybured & is broþer adelbriȝt
Þis kinedom adde after him as lawe was & riȝt
Bi is daye þe worre com of þe heþene men wel prout
In hampte ssire & destruede wincestre al out
& þat folc of hamtessire hore red þo nome
& of barcssire & foȝte & þe ssrewen ouercome
Adelbriȝt was king ȝeres folle tene
& of westsex bote viue þo he deyde ich wene
Edelred was after him king ymaked in þe place
Eiȝte hundred ȝer & seuene & sixty as in þe ȝer of grace
Þe verste ȝer of is kinedom þe deneys þikke come
& robbede & destruede & cites faste nome


Maistres hii adde of hor ost as it were dukes tueie
Hinguar & hubba þat ssrewen were beye
In estangle hii bileuede to reste hom as it were
Mid hor ost alle winter of þe verste ȝere
Þe oþer ȝer hii dude hom vorþ & ouer homber come
& slowe to grounde & barnde & euerwik nome
Þer was bataile strong ynou vor islawe was þere
Osric king of humberlond & monio þat wiþ him were
Þo humberlond was þus yssent hii wende & tounes nome
So þat atte laste to estangle aȝen hii come
Þere hii barnde & robbede & þat folc to grounde slowe
& as wolves among ssep reuliche hom to drowe
Seint edmund was þo hor king & þo he sey þat deoluol cas
Þat me morþrede so þat folc & non amendment nas


He ches leuere to deye him sulf þan such sorwe yse
He dude him vorþ among is fon nolde he noþing fle
Hii nome him an scourgede him & suþþe naked him bounde
To an tre & to him ssote & made him mony a wounde
Þat þe arwen were on him so þikke þat no stede nas on him bileued
Atte laste hii martred him & smite of is heued
Þe sixteþe ȝer of þe cournement of aldred þe king
A nywe ost com in to þis lond gret þoru alle þing

Aldred Alfred

& anon to Redinge robbede & slowe
Þe king & alfred is broþer nome men ynowe


& mette hom & ane batayle smite vpe assesdoune
Þer was many moder child þat sone lay þer doune
Þe batayle laste uorte niȝt & þere were aslawe
Vif dukes of denemarch ar hii wolde wiþdrawe
& mony þousend of oþer men & þo gonnen hii to fle
Ac hii adde alle be ssent ȝif þe niȝt nadde ybe
Tueye batayles her after in þis sulfe ȝere
Hii smite & at boþe þe heþene maystres were
Þe king aldred sone þo þen wey of deþe nom
As it vel þe vifte ȝere of is kinedom
At wymbourne he was yburd as god ȝef þat cas
Þe god alfred is broþer after him king was
Alfred þis noblemon as in þe ȝer of grace he nom
Eyȝte hundred & sixty & tuelue þe kinedom


Arst he adde at Rome ybe & uor is gret wisdom
Þe pope leon him blessede þo he þuder com
& þe kinges croune of þis lond þat in þis lond ȝut is
& elede him to be king ar he were king ywis
& he was king of engelond of alle þat þer come
Þat verst þus yeled was of þe pope of rome
& suþþe oþer after him of þe erchebissop echon
So þat biuore him pur king nas þer non
In þe souþside of temese nye batayles he nom
Aȝen þe deneys þe verste ȝer of is kinedom
Nine ȝer he was þus in þis lond in batailes & in wo
Ofte siþe aboue he was & bineþe ofter mo
So longe þat him nere bileued bote þre ssiren in is hond
Hamtessire & wiltessire & somersete of al is lond


A day as he weri was & a suoddringe him nom
& is men were ywent a visseþ seint cuthbert to him com
Icham he sede cuthbert to þe icham ywent
To bringe þe gode tydinges fram god ich am ysent
Vor þat folc of þis lond to sunne hor wille al ȝeue
& ȝut nolleþ hiderto hor sunnen bileue
Þoru me & oþer halwen þat in þis lond were ybore
Þat for ȝou biddeþ god wan we beþ him biuore


Vre louerd mid is eyen of milce on þe lokeþ þeruore
& þi poer þe wole ȝiue aȝen þat þou ast ney vorlore
& þat þou þerof soþ yse þou ssalt abbe tokninge
Vor þine men þat beþ ygo to day avissinge


In lepes & in coufles so moche viss hii ssolleþ hom bringe
Þat ech mon ssal wondry of so gret cacchinge
& more vor þe harde vorst þat þut water yurore is
Þat þe more aȝen þe kunde of fissinge it is
Of serue it wel aȝen god & lef me is messager
& þou ssalt þi wille abide as ich þe abbe ytold her
As þis king her of awok & of þis sixte þoȝte
His vissares come to him & so gret won of fisse him broȝte
Þat wonder it was & nameliche vor þat weder was so cold
Þo leuede þe godemon wel þat seint cuthbert adde ytold
In deuenissire þer after þer ariuede of deneys
Þre & tuenti ssipuol men al aȝen þe peys


Þe kinges broþer of þe march duc of þe ost was
Oure kinges men of engelond mette hom bi cas
& smite þer an batayle & hor grete duc slowe
& eiȝte hundred & fourty men & hor caroines to drowe
Þo king alfred hurde þis is herte gladede þo
Þat londfolc to him com so þikke so it miȝte go
Of somersete of wiltessire of hamtessire þer to
Euere as he wende & of is owe folc al so
So þat he adde poer ynou & atte laste hii come
& an batayle at edendone aȝen þe deneys nome
& slowe to grounde & wonne þe maystrie of þe velde
Þe king & is grete dukes bigonne hom þo ȝelde
To king alfred to is wille & ostage him toke
Vor to wende out of is lond ȝif he it wolde loke
& ȝute þerto uor is loue vor to auonge cristendom
King gurmund hor hexte king verst þer to com


King alfred is godfader was & baptized ek þer were
Þritty of hor hexte dukes & moche of þat folc þere
King alfred hom huld wiþ him tuelf dawes as þe hende
& suþþe he ȝef hom large ȝiftes & let hom hom wende
Hii þat nolde cristine be of londe flowe þo
& biȝonde se in france dude wel moche wo

Alfredus Edwardus

Ȝut þe ssrewen come eft aȝen & moche wo here wroȝte
Ac king alfred atte laste to ssame hom euere broȝte
King alfred was wisost king þat longe was biuore
Vor þey me segge þat lawe s beþin worre tyme uorlore


Nas it noȝt so bi is daye vor þei he in worre were
Lawes he made riȝtuolore & strengore þan er were
Clerc he was god ynou & ȝut as me telþ me
He was more þan ten ȝer old ar he couþe is abece
Ac is gode moder ofte smale ȝiftes him tok
Vorte bileue oþer pley & loky on is bok
So þat by pur clergye as riȝte lawes he vond
Þat neuere er nere ymad to gouerny is lond
& vor þe worre was so moche of þe luþer deneys
Þe men of þis sulue lond were of þe worse peys
& robbede & slowe oþere þeruore he by vond
Þat þer were hondredes in ech contreye of is lond
& in ech toune of þe hondred a teþinge were al so
& þat ech man wiþ oute gret lond In þe teþinge were ydo


& þat ech man knewe oþer þat in teþinge were
& wuste somdel of hor stat ȝif me þefþe vpe hom bere
So streit he was þat þei me leyde amidde weyes heye
Seluer þat nomon ne dorste hit nyme vor beye hor eye
Abbeys he rerde monion In mony studes ywis
At winchestre he rerde on þat nywe munstre ycluped ys
His lif eyȝte & tuenti ȝer in is kinedom ylaste
After is deþ he was ybured at winchestre atte laste
Edward is gode sone king was ymad þo
In þe ȝer of grace nyen hundred ȝer & on & nammo
Foure & tuenty ȝer he was king & to more poer com
Þan euere is fader dude ac noȝt to so gret wisdom


He wan þe kinedom of þe march mid is dedes bolde
So þat of him he was after warde yholde
& þat lond of estangle & of norþhomberlond
& walis he wan þoru batayle al vnder is hond
& he nas neuere in batayle bineþe in þis londe
He biuond uerst an quoyntise aȝen þe deneys to at stonde
Vor þe heye tounes in þe lond & þe castles þer to
Mid gode kniȝtes let astory & mid sustinance al so


So þat ware þe king were & þer come hor fon
In eche contreye prest hii were mid þe lond folc anon
& smite mony batayle þat þe king it nuste
So þat þoru strengþe of heye tounes ech contrey him sulf wuste
His soster he let spousy þat yhote was elfled
To þe king þat huld þe march of him þat yhote was eþelred


So þat heo mid childe was & þoȝte hire so sor
Ar þat child were ybore þat he ne willed it nammor
Come nammor to þulke stoupe vor me ne miȝte hire bringe
Þat ȝo wolde euere eft in monnes bedde come vor eny þinge
Ac euere sede wanne ȝo was of such þinge bisoȝt
Þat kinges doȝter as ȝo was hit ne bi com noȝt
Such fol delit for to do ne such dede naþemo
Þat were encheson afterward of such pine & wo
Ac ȝif þe biginninge were ȝut as strong as is þe ende
Ich wene ȝut moni womman þulke wey wolde wende
Þe luþer ed wolf was þe kinges broþer edward
& vor pur hate aȝen is broþer held as a ssreward


Þe deneys were in homberlond to hom he gan drawe
Hii auenge him vayre ynou & were wiþ him wel vawe
& made him hor king anon is broþer uor to ssende
Sone hii greyþede hor ost þo souþward vor to wende
& asaylede estsex & nome þat lond anon
Vor þe maystres of þe lond ȝolde hom to hom echon
Þo wende hii in to þe march & moche sorwe made
& robbede & destruede uaste anon to crekkelade
So hii passede temese & dude wo ynou
King edward sone mid is ost toward hom drou
& drof hom in to humberlond mid wel quic pas
Ac king edwolf þer after sone aslawe was
Vor þe king edward & is men hamward ywend were
Þat folc of kent aȝen is wille bileuede bihinde þere


Þo edwolf & þe deneys wuste hom so bileue
To hom hii smite anon & batayle hom ȝeue
Þe kenteys stode vaste aȝen & þe king edwolf slowe
Heye & lowe þer were aslawe in eyþer alf ynowe
King edward þe niþe ȝer of is kinedom
Þe castel made of hereford & to god ende com

Edward Aþe[l]ston

Þe ȝer þerafter þe deneys wende fram leycestre to norhamtone
Toward oxenford vaste & at hogenortone
Slowe moche volc ynou & in þe contreye aboute
Atte laste þe contreye folc com mid gret route
& driue hom al to noȝte & hor preye nom
Suþþe in þe endlefte ȝer of þe kinedom


Þe deneys come & robbede norþ walis vaste
So þat to yrchenefeld hii come atte laste
Out of þe castel of hereford þat folc uaste þo com
& of þe contreye al aboute & batayle wiþ hom nom
& slowe of hom þe hexte duc & oþer men monyon
Hii þat miȝte ofscapie aliue of londe flowe echon
Alfled quene of þe march strong wommon was & quoynte
In batayle & yholde as king In eche poynte
Al walis ȝo ouercom & þe march þer to
Stafford ȝo wan & leycestre & warewik al so
& bruges & euerwik & þe contreye al so
Of euerwik to hire com hire wille vorto do
At tamewurþe heo deyde suþþe & ybured heo was ywis
In seinte petres porche at gloucestre as þe abbey ȝut is


Þe kinedom þo of þe march king edward to him nom
As in þe sixe & tuentiþe ȝere of is owe kinedom
King edward adde þre sones þe eldost aþelston
& edmund & eldred þat kinges were echon
& suþþe he deyde at farendone as god ȝef þat cas
& in þe munstre at winchestre bi is fader ybured was
Aþelston was þo king þat was edwardes sone
& þoru þe heymen of þe lond ycrouned at kingestone
In þe nyen hundred ȝer & four & tuenty of grace ycrouned he was
& bote aboute vourtene ȝer king þer after he nas
Holi chirche he louede wel & rerde manyon
Þe verste ȝer of is kinedom ybore was seint dunston


Nywe abbeys he made vaste þe gode aþelston
& þer nas of olde house in þe londe non
Þat he ne amendede wiþ som lond oþer mid buldinge
Oþer mid boc oþer riche cloþ oþer som oþer riche þinge
Norþhomberlond he wan & walis & scotlond
& þe kinges & hor lond heold al in is hond


Him þoȝte it was more nobleye þo he adde an honde al þis
Vor to maky kinges þan to be king ywis
Aȝen he made kinges þat kinges er were
Bote þat hii were vnder him & truage him bere
Þo hii adde hor lond aȝen þe king of scotlond
Constantin & analf king of homberlond


Vpe þis king aþelston gaderede men ynowe
& here bisouþe humber mid hor ost drowe
Analf was god kniȝt & stalwarde & quoynte
Menestral he was god ynou & harpare in eche poynte
To aþelstones pauylon mid is harpe he wende
& so wel wiþoute harpede þat me after him sende
Þere he harpede so wel þat he payde al þe route
Ac euere were is eyen in eche hurne aboute
After mete þo hii nolde nammore of is pley
Hii ȝeue him siluer uor is gle & lete him go is wey
Of þe siluer he adde hoker vor he ne com þuder vor non
Ac is wille he adde þo he sey þe stat of is fon
On þat adde ybe mid him þe king tolde þer
Þe king him blamede þo þat he nadde ytold him er


Sire he sede ich was ysuore to him ar to þe
& ȝif ichadde him bisuike þe wors þou wost leue me
Ac remwe in to anoþer stude þi pauilon bi mi rede
Oþer þou miȝt ȝut to niȝt of som treson drede
Þe pauilon was remewed þo & þe king & alle his
Ac a bissop & is men þer uorþ come ywis
& piȝte þere hor pauylon & bileuede al niȝt þere
& þis luþer men come aniȝt & wende þe king it were
& slowe bissop & al is men þat gult nadde non
& suþþe hii wende vorþore mo & soȝte aþelston
Of hom nas he noȝt ywar ar þo atte laste
Ac sone he & is men armede hom wel vaste


& edmund is broþer mid him & þo hii preste were echon
Hii wende vorþ to þis batayle & mette mid hor fon
Þe king to is suerde drou & þo ne vond he non
Ac was mid treson him binome hard cas was þat on
On god al miȝti & seint aldelm þe king cryde vaste þo
& hii sende him bi uair miracle bote of is wo


To is scauberc he pulte is hond al prest a suerd he vond
Þerinne þoru god ysend no betere nas in þe lond
In þe kinges tresorie þat suerd iwust ys
As uor noble relike ȝut to þis daye ywis


Yegged it is in þe on half & in þe oþer noȝt
Þer ne miȝte neuere gold ne seluer þer on ben ybroȝt
Þis noble king aþelston þo þis gode suerd to him com
Nobliche & wel he faȝt & so god ernest to him he nom
Þat fram þat þe sonne aros vorte hit derc niȝt was
Þe batayle ylaste & neuere wery he nas
Wat þoru is stalwardhede wat þoru godes grace
Mony was þe gode body þat he slou in þe place
Þe batayle was at brymesbury & þer were of deneys
& of scottes aslawe & al so of yreis
Vif ȝonge kinges proute þoru alle þing
& þe proute constantin þat of scotlond was king


& of oþere þat were aslawe me ne miȝte non ende yse
Hii þat of scapede aliue bigonne vaste to fle
Þus þe king aþelston agaste þo is fon
& vor hii ne ssolde in is lond abbe recet non
Þe castel of euerwik to grounde he let caste
Vor is fon were ofte þer inne þe wule he ylaste
Þat hii nadde no recet vor to greuy is lond
Also of ech maner purchas þat com bi is hond
Oþer þat eny of is as in purchas nome
He vorbed þat neuere more among is spence ne come
Ac to hous of religion þat me hit al clene bere
& to poueremen aboute þat meseyse were
Alle þe kinges of walis he broȝte al to lawe
To hereford al vnder him to is wille uawe


Þat tuenty pound of golde ech of hom bere
& þritti pound of seluer fram ȝere to ȝere
& tuenti þousend oxen ek to þis golde
& hauekes & houndes as mony as he wolde
To certein woniinge he hom broȝte boþe lowe & heye
So þat hor woniinge were al bi weste weye
& no þing in þe est alf so þat weye ywis
Ȝut to þis day to delþ engelond & walis


& þoru king aþelston þat was verst ydo
Men of cornwayle he broȝte to certeyn stude al so
Vor biȝonde þe water of tamer he hom adde alle ybroȝt
To wonye þer as in hor owe & a þis alf noȝt


Vor hii wonede þer biuore anon to excestre riȝt
& þe welisse ver in engelond vorte he it adde ydiȝt
King aþelston louede moche malmesbury ywis
He ȝef hom of þe holy croys som þat ȝut þere is
& he was at is ende day vaire ybured þer
King he arst adde ybe aboute an viftene ȝer
Edmond aþelstones broþer after him was king
Godmon & doutede god þoru alle þing
In þe ȝer of grace it was nyen hondred & fourty ȝer
Þat he was king ymad & old he was er
Eyȝtetene ȝer he was king & six ȝer & a day
Vour & tuenti ȝer he was old ar he aslawe lay


Saracens þat were þer ȝut bileued in engelonde
In lincolne & in leycestre & in derby ich vnder stonde
In stafford & in notingham he hom drof al to noȝte
& cristine men aboute in hor studes broȝte
Þat hous of glastingbury he louede wel ynou
& made seint dunston abbot þer & to is conseil him drou
& þoru is conseil chirchen wide he let rere
& abbeys & prioryes aboute her & þere
Into þe hous of glastingbury gret þing he ȝef þo
& gret franchise hom grantede þat lasteþ euermo
Þat hii adde hor franchise as veruorþ as þe king
& mid god chartre þat ȝut is þer made þe conferming
Edwyne is sone was þat luþer was ynou
& Edgar þe ȝongore þat to alle godnesse drou


King Edmund atte laste mid luþer deþes wounde
Pitosliche was aslawe alas þulke stounde
Vor a traytour of is lond lof was is name
Yflemd was out of engelond mid wrecchede & ssame
Suþþe aday as þe king sat at is mete
At pokelchirche bi side bristowe & somdel adde yȝete
Lof þis luþer traytour mid is cloþes ychanged þere
Com in & biuore him et anoþer mon as it were

Edmond Edred

At seint austines day it was as it valþ in may
Þe king bi huld aboute & þe traytour ysay
& auisede him suiþe wel wat man it were
& þo he sey þat þis lof þis traytour sat þere
He hupte him vp fram þe bord in gret wraþþe ynou
& hente þis lof bi þe top & fram þe bord him drou


& defoulede him vnder him mid hond & mid fote
Þis þef þat lay bi neþe þoȝte on luþer bote
& smot þen king þat lay bineþe in þe brust dep ynou
To grete harm of al þe lond þe gode king so slou
Þat folc to drou þat traytour ech lime pece mele
Þe king bigan bi is lif is god wol wyde dele
& þe toun of pokele chirche & oþere þat þer were
He ȝef in to glastingbury & let him burye þere
& þere he liþ ȝut to þis day ac ynot to wuche dome
Þe toun suþþe of pokel chirche fram glastingbury come
Seint dunston was at glastinbury þo þe king ywounded was
Ȝut þoru ioye of þe deuel he wuste of þat cas


Vor þe deuel com biuore him & hoppede & lou
& saylede & pleyde & made ioye ynou
Þis holy mon wuste anon wy is ioye was
& þat for some meschaunce of þe king he made so glad pas
Toward pokele chirche he wende hastiliche & bliue
& me tolde him bi þe weye þat he was out of þis liue
Edred was þo king anon after edmund is broþer
Vor is tueye sones so ȝonge were þat me ne miȝte abbe hor noþer
God man edred was ynou & to godnesse drou anon
& moche louede holy chirche & þe godemon sein dunston
Men of norþhumberlond were aȝen him vaste
& of scotlond al so ac hor poer lute ylaste
Vor wat wiþ loue wat wiþ eye he broȝte hom alle to is wille
& hor olde seruage made hom holde al stille


Vourtene ȝer he was king & at is ende day
Me tolde sein dunston vore þat he sik lay
To him he wende hastiliche bi þe weye ywis
He hurde angles singe an hey bi þe luft þis
Þe king edred nou aslepe in our louerd is
Þo wuste seint dunston þat he was ywent to heuene blis


Suiche gode kinges me ssolde non finde among
Þat angles of hor ending miȝte make hor song
Edwyne Edmundes sone after edred king was
Fals & luþer vor no worse in is kunde nas
Ase a nywe herodes in such poer he com
& vpe is poer destruede & apeyrede cristendom
A fol womman in spousbruche he huld vnder is wif
Sein dunston him sede wel þat it was a luþer lif


Ase seint Ion þe baptist calanged hore misdede
Wroþ was þe king & is hore þat he hor folie wiþsede
& þe womman fondede him to deþe bringe
So þat seint dunston was þoru hire & þoru þe kinge
Yflemed out of engelond & to flaundres wende
Þe gode man ne tok neuere gome þat me him so foule ssende
Abbeys þis luþer mon broȝte ek in alle wo
& þe hous of malmesbury þat an old hous was þo
Of tuo hundred ȝer & seuenty he arerd þer biuore
He made hit stable to his hors as it were al uor lore
So luþer man was þis king þat þe heye men of þe londe
Bigonne ase hii nede moste aȝen him vaste at stonde
& binome him moche of is lond & bitok edgar is broþer
Vor he drou to alle godnesse & betere was þan þe oþer


Þis edwine was þus king þre ȝer & somdel more
& þat lond vor is deþe ne wep no þing sore
& ȝut for alle ssrewede as it ywrite is
Þoru biddinge of seint dunston is soule com in to blis
Edgar edwines broþer & edmondes sone þe king
King was after Edwin god man þoru alle þing
No licchere is broþer him nas þane wolf is a lomb
Of manere ne of dede þei hii were in one womb
Vor þulke tyme þat edgar of is moder was ybore
Seint dunstan was at glastingbury þer after & biuore
Þo hurde he þulke tyme angles singe ywis
Vpe in þe luft a murye song & þat song was þis
To holy chirche & to þe lond pays ys ybore & blis
Bi þulke childes time þat nouþe ybore is


Suþþe þo seint dunston wuste þat child ybore riȝt þo
He wuste þat al engelond he ssolde bringe of wo


& so he dude for þo he was after is broþer king
He broȝte al þat lond in pes þat er was in striuing
He vndude alle þe luþer lawes þat me huld biuore
& gode lawes broȝte vorþ þat er were as uorlore
Scotlond & norþhumberlond & walis al so
Wiþoute heste to him come is wille vor to do
Þe erþe ȝeld betere & þet weder was murgore bi is daye
& lasse tempeste in þe se þan me er ysaye
Me tolde him of seint dunston þat is broþer drof of londe
After him he sende anon & he com þoru is sonde
& is abbeye aueng in pes fram wan he was so longe
& was þe kinges conseiler & vaire was vnderuonge


Erchebissop of kaunterbury þoru þis gode kinge
Sein dunston was suþþe ymad þe more god to bringe
Þis king also at glastingbury as he þeruorþ com
Seint aþelwold þat was þere monek out of þe house he nom
& ȝef him an place in barkssire þat moche is in mone
Vif mile bisouþe oxenford þat me clupeþ abindone
Þis holy mon seint aþelwold bulde þere uaste
& a uayr abbeye þer bigan þat euereft aþ ylaste
Verst abbot he was þere him sulf & monekes to him nom
In þis manere abindone verst to abbeye com
Hit biuel þat þe bissop of winchestre was ded
Þe king him made bissop þer þoru sein dunstones red
Atte heye chirche of winchestre þere is se was ydo
Þat me clupede chirche cathedral & ȝut me deþ al so


Canons þer were seculers þo he verst þuder com
Ferce men & proute þat moche were in hordom
Þe king & seint aþelwold aȝen hom sette vaste
& out of hor hous & of hor rentes ech after oþer caste
& made an hous of monekes to holde hor ordre bet
Þe monekes out of abendone verst were þuder yuet
Of seint swithin þat hous was as it is ȝut al so
So þat out of abendone hit was verst ydo
In þe secunde ȝere þat he verst bissop was
Þis gode king & he dude þis gode cas
& ek in þe vifteþe ȝere of þe kinges kinedom
Seint aþelwold verst bissop was & þe bissopriche nom


Þis gode king Edgar & he sein swithin atte fine
Þat longe adde vnder erþe ybe verst broȝte in to ssryne


Yssryned he was nyn hondred & on & seuentiþe ȝere
After þat vre louerd aliȝte in is moder here
King edgar & seint aþelwold In winchestere arerde al so
An oþer hous of Monekes þat ȝut stondeþ boþe tuo
& ȝut þat þridde þere al so hii rerde of seinte marie
Of womman of religyon & made a nonnerye
Þe priorie of hely þere a bissopriche is
& þe abbeye of petresboru hii rerde al so ywis
& þorneye & rameseye & oþere monyon
Vor eyȝte & fourty abbeys hii rerde in þis londe echon
Ar vre king þat we abbeþ nou adde yrerd so vale
To monye him wolde þenche viftene bi tale


As þis king edgar an honteþ ywend was
Al one he com fram is men as god ȝef þat cas
So þat he aliȝte adoun & aslepe lay
Þo þoȝte him in is slep þat he an hey tre ysay
Stonde þere bi syde him & as he bi huld an hey
Vpe þe hexte bowe tweye applen he sey
& þe bowes of þe on appel smite þe oþer vaste
So harde þat he vel adoun in þe water atte laste
A voys sede as him þoȝte þes wordes þoru þe soun
Wel is þe wel is þe as he vel adoun
Þo he awok him þoȝte wonder of þis cas
His gode moder alfife he tolde al hou it was
Ȝe leue sone quaþ þe moder þe tokninge her of is
Þat heye tre þat þou yseye bitokneþ þe ywis


Þe tueye applen bitokneþ ȝif þou wolt ywite
Tueie heye sones of þe þat þou ssalt biȝite
Þat þe ones bou smit þen oþer adoun to grounde
Þat is þat þe ones frend ssal sle þen oþer mid wounde
Þe voys þat sede wel is þe to tokny þat is
Þat him worþ wel ynou vor to heuene he wend ywis
Al þis biuel afterward vor sones he adde tweye
Seint edward & aeldred þat kinges were beye
& þe ones kinrede þen oþer suþþe slou
& he wende to heuene & was wel ynou


He adde Edward bi is uerste wyf as ich abbe ysed
& bi alfred is oþer wif he adde aeldred


& alfiue is gode moder let rere ywis
Verst þat hous of ssaftesbury as seint edwardes body is
King edgar adde vnder him alle þe kinges here aboute
Vor þer nas non ywis þat nadde of him doute
Þer uore þe king of walis as in gret seygnorye
He het þat he him sende ech ȝer by maystrye
Þre þousend of wolues in name of truage
Þe welisse king vpe is poer dude him þe seruage
& sende him þes wolues fram ȝere to ȝere
Þre þousend at certein terme vor te þat lond deliuered were
Þre ȝer he huld is rente ac þe verþe was bihinde
Vor he sende þe kinge word þat he ne miȝte namo vinde
& þat was lute wonder vor to vale þer were by viue
Vor al þat lond were þe wors adde hii bileued aliue


Boþe walis & engelond þe betre is þeruore ȝute
& þeruore þe godeman it dude more þan vor prute
Þis gode king edgar þat so stalwarde kniȝt was
& wys & hardi þoru out al bote lute of body he nas
Þeruore þe king of scotlond enuye adde þer to
& as he sat atte mete & mony oþer kniȝt al so
He sede a wel hey word among is gustes echon
Þat he adde gret hoker & wonder nas it non
Of a so lute half man as king edgar was
Þat þer nas lond ne prince non þat of him adrad nas
Þis word com to king edgar þeruore he þoȝte him teche
Woch were þe haluemon ȝif he him miȝte of reche
He com & mette him in a wode & bed him abyde
& he adde uor þe nones tueye suerdes bi is syde


He drou out boþe to & bed him nime an honde
& chese weþer he wolde & þen aluemon fonde
& loke weþer þe aluemon him miȝte oȝt at stonde
Vor dereyny hii wolde hom sulue tuo & take godes sonde
Þe oþer vel adoun akne anon Riȝt vor drede
& cryede him mercy uor godes loue of þat þat he mis sede
Kyng edgar adde reuþe of him so reulich he gan crye
Sire king he sede ech god mon hit is vileynye
To be of bold word atte mete & coward in þe velde
Vnderstond þe bet ef sone & hold me þin helde
Þe godnesse al of king Edgar no tonge telle ne may
Mony was þe gode abbey þat he rerede bi is day


Seint Edward þe martir as ich sede er was is sone
Bi is raþere wiue & seint Edithe of wiltone
He deyde & wende to heuene nyen hundred ȝer ich wene
As in þe ȝer of grace & sixty & viftene
Seint Edward þe martir is eldore sone
After him was king ymad as lawe was & wone
Þe godnesse of þis ȝonge king ne may no tonge telle
Vor he was meok & mylde ynou & vair of flesse & felle
Debonere to speke wiþ & wiþ pouere men mest
Chaste & wis of conseyl & prute he louede lest
Wylde men ne louede he noȝt þat recheles were of þoȝte
Ac wisemen he drou to him & after hom he wroȝte
Ech gret dede þat he dude þe mestedel ssolde go
After þe erchebissop sein dunston þat was þo
God pais þer was in engelond & loue & Ioye ynou
& richesse bi is daye vor elles it were wiþ wou
To þe godnesse of þe holymon þe deuel adde enuye
& þe luþer quene is stepmoder þat vol was of tricherye


Vor heo þoȝte niȝt & day ȝif heo miȝte þoru eny þing
Þat seint edward were aslawe & hire sone ymad king
Þe ȝer þat he ymartred was þe hexte men of þe londe
In þe toun of calne were as ich vnder stonde
As hii sete in an chaumbre an hey in conseil of speche
Þe flor to brac vnder hom as it were uor wreche
& hii velle & to brusede some anon to deþe
& some ymaymed & some yhurt so þat eny vnneþe
Wiþ oute gret harm of scapede bote sein dunston bicas
Þat hente him by a bem and ysaued was
Wat bitoknede þis þat þis heyemen velle so
Bote þat hii & al þat lond bineþe ssolde be ydo
Þoru folc of strange londe & þat me ssolde yse
Vor hii soffrede hor king so villiche ymartred be
Vor a day as seint Edward an honteþ wende bi cas
In an wode in dorsete þat byside warham was


Þat vair wode was þulke tyme a gret wille him com to
Vor to se is ȝonge broþer vor anon he þoȝte it do
Vor he was a lute þer bi side as is stepmoder was
In a toun þat me clupede corf þat bote þre myle þanne nas

Sanctus Edwardus

A strong castel þer is nou ac þo nas þer non þere
Longe þoȝte seint edward at is broþer ar he were
An vewe men mid him he nom & þuderward gan Ride
His men pleyde bi þe wey & spradde aboute wyde
So þat þis holy king al one was sone
& alone wende vorþ as he þoȝte to done
Þo is luþer stepmoder al one ysey him come
Heo þoȝte do hire wille of him as heo adde hire red ynome
Þo þis holymon was ney ycome þe quene aȝen him ȝeode
Wiþ noble mayne ynou & gret loue him gan beode


Þe feste þat heo wiþ him made no tonge telle ne may
Heo suor þat he ssolde aliȝte & bileue wiþ hire al day
Certes ma dame quaþ þe king so ne may it noȝt be
Ac lat me speke mid my broþer vor me longeþ him to se
Vor ar ich him abbe yseye ine worþ noȝt bliþe ywis
Min herte is so moche on him & no wonder it nis
A sire quaþ þis luþer quene wanne it ne may oþer be
Verst icholle to þe drinke & suþþe þou ssalt him yse
As me him drinke tok on was prest ynou
& þoru is wombe smot a knif & is gottes to drou
A long knif it was & smal ynou as me may ȝut yse
Atte churche of kaueresham as he aþ ȝare ybe


Þis holi man sat vpriȝt & ysei is deþes wounde
He ne rod bote lute wey ar he vel to grounde
& let þere is suete lif & to heuene wende
Awey lute vuel þoȝte he þo me is wombe rende
Þo þis holymon ymartred was hii þat him broȝte þer to
Biþoȝte hou hii miȝte best mid þe holy bodi do
Hii porueiede an derne stude & þer inne hit caste
Villiche & stilleliche & burede it þere vaste
Þo þis dede was al ydo þe quene adde al ire wille
Vor me halt euere mid þe quike þe dede was sone stille
Seint Edward þe vifte ȝer of is kinedom
Aȝen eue aday aslawe was in such martirdom
Aeldred þe quene sone þat king was ymad þo
Nas bote of ten ȝer old þo is moder dude þis wo
Ne of þis dede nuste he noȝt bote as god ȝef þat cas
In þe luft he hurde an hey as he al one was


His broþer þat was aslawe pitosliche grede
Þat child criede & sore wep & is moder þat cas sede


Welle þat þis luþer quene anguisous was þo
Þat child heo hente vaste anon he ne moste an vot go
Ȝerd ne vond heo preste non þat child uorto bete
An hondfol heo hente of condlen longe & grete
Þat child heo bet so stronge mid þe condlen longe & towe
Heo ne bileuede noȝt ar he lay at hire vet yswowe
War þoru þis child afterward such heymon as he was
Was þe worse wan he ysey candlen vor þis cas
Wat halt it to telle longe þis child me made king
Ac sein dunstan wel vnneþe wolde do þe sacring


Vor þe godemon spek ȝut þerof wel longe þer biuore
Þo he baptised þis aeldred sone so he was ybore
Vor þat child fuled in is hond þat water & þe vantston
Biuore bissops þat þer were & heyemen monyon
& dude is kunde fulþhede seint dunston sede anon
Þat he ssulde of sunne encheson be & of wrecchede monion
& þo he ssolde king be þis godemon seint dunston
Hatede muche to crony him ȝif he it miȝte vorgon
Ac þo he it moste nede do þoru pur londes lawe
Sire king he sede uor þou art mid vnriȝt her to ydrawe
Vpe þin owe heued it ssal come þi moderes luþer plawe
Þoru ssedinge of þi broþer blod þat þus is ybroȝt of dawe


& uor englisse men were wel ypayd
In ssedinge of þi broþer blod þat so was bi trayed
Þeruore hor poer ssal al clene hom be bi nome
& þou al so uor strange uolc of strange londe ssal come
& þis lond worþ in seruage & to grounde ybroȝt
& al þat ssal come bi þine daye & bi myne noȝt
& atte laste vr louerd wole of hom vnder stonde
& al þis word to soþe com suþþe to engelonde
Ȝut elfred þe luþer quene þat seint Edward slou
Of ire trespas biuore ire deþ repentant was ynou
& rerede tuo nonneryes worewelle þe on was
& ambresbury þat oþer to bete hire trespas
& adde grace ȝif god wole hir sunnes vor to bete
& com to god amendement ar heo þat lif lete
Þe þridde ȝer as it wolde be of aildredes kinedom
Þe biginning of þis sorwe to engelonde verst com
Vor of þe volc of denemarch þer ariuede þo
Atte hauene of souþhamtone seue ssipuol & nammo



& robbede þen toun vaste ac hor poer noþing nas
Þis was as a tokne þat to comene was
Ac bi sein dunstones daye nammore þer ne com
Vor he deyde þe teþe ȝere of þe kinges kinedom
& nyn hondred ȝer & eiȝte & eiȝtety after þat god was ybore
& þe bissop seint aþelwold was ded þer biuore
& seint oswald þe bissop after þre ȝer
As in þe þritteþe ȝer þat þe king croune ber
Þe betere pays it was uor hom þe wule hii were aliue
Ac after hor daye sone þe sorwes spronge bliue
Þe king adde bi is verste wif an stalwarde sone
Þat uor is stalwardhede euere worþ in mone
Vor me ne vond non so god kniȝt ware so he wende wide
Me clupede him uor is stalwardhede Edmund yrensyde


Þe sorwes as ich abbe ytold spronge aboute ylome
Vor þat folc of denemarch sone to londe come
As a uour alf þis land þe hauene hii adde ysoȝt
So þat norþhumberlond was al to grounde ybroȝt
Kent hii destruede al so god & þe est contreye wide
Eccestre hii barnde al adoun & in þe west syde
Vr king worrede ofte aȝen as he miȝte do
Ac wreche of is broþer deþ wel harde him com to
Vor is poer was lute worþ ac he ȝef hom atten ende
Four þousend pound of sterlinges hom aȝen to wende
So þat is quene deide & of sorwe & sore
Him com in ech half euere þe leng þe more
Vor þe deneis come aȝen & in euerich ende
Him worrede her & þer þat he nuste wuder wende
He biþoȝte him wel narwe ȝif þer miȝte be eny red
Þoru wiuinge oþer þoru eny þing vor is wif was ded


He vnderstod þat richard duc of normandye
Was mon of gret poer & of gret seygnorye
Vor emme is gode doȝter he sende ofte is sonde
To spouse hire & to make hire quene of Inglonde
Þat he miȝte þoru þe aliance eny help vndergo
To wite him fram hem of denmarch þat dud them such wo
So þat þo hii were at one þis spousing was ydo
As in þe ȝer of grace a þousend ȝer & two
& of þe kinges corouning in þe foure & twenty yere
Þo þoȝte þe king þat he adde of is fon ye lesse fere


& here sprong lo þe uerste more as of hom of normandye
Ware þoru hii come in to þis lond & abbeþ þe maystrye
Vor þe kynge adde bi þis emme tueie sones ywis
Alfred & seint edward þat at westmunstre yssrined is


& þoru þulke blode suþþe willam bastard com
As ȝe ssolle her after ihure & wan þis kinedom
Þat poer muche of denemarch in pes wiþoute strif
Was hom ywent to denemarch ar þe king weddede wif
Þe king uor is grete poer as of is wiuinge
Alle þe deneis þat were bileued he let to deþe bringe
In a seinte bryce day & in one day echon
Þat non nere of oþer ywar ne þat þer ofscapede non
Suan þe duc of denemarch þo he hurde of þis cas
Made him wroþ & wod ynou & ech þat wiþ him was
Hii greiþede hom mid gret poer & to engelond come
As in þe vif & tuentiþe ȝere of þe kinges kinedome
& in þe ȝer of grace a þousend & þre
Hii slowe & sorwe dude ynou non more ne miȝte be
Þo þikce hii come þat þet lond oueral hii gonne fulle
As þikke as ameten crepeþ in an amete hulle


Bi norþe & bi souþe in þe est & in þe west
So þicke hii come þat me nuste in wuche alf kepe best
Hii ne sparede prest ne clerc þat hii ne slowe to grounde
Ne men of religion ware so hii eni founde
Ne wommon ne soukinde child ne doȝter ne sone
Hii vorbarnde norþwich & þe toun of wiltone
Þat a reulich lond was engelond & vol of sorwe ynou
Hii miȝte acorci þe fole quene þat seint Edward slou
Vor suan þe luþer duc adde euere is yuere
Þre velawes þat next him were ech in þat manere
Brenningge & robberye & quellinge atte laste
Þis were is þre felawes þat he huld euere vaste
Wanne at an gode monnes house is men were at inne
Verst hii wolde ete & drinke þat hii founde þer inne
& suþþe þe louerd of þe hous quelle & alle his
& suþþe brenne al is hous al uor hor scot ywis


Suche were lo þe gistes þat hider come þo
Moche aþ þis lond ar þis idrive in sorwe & wo
Mest wo hii dude in barcssire & vpe assesdoune
& so aboute quichelmeslewe & so in mani a toune


Atte laste king aildred þo he was to grounde ybroȝt
& Muche of þe lond aslawe & destrued al to noȝt
Suan þe duc of denemarch he ȝef atten ende
Folle þritti þousend pound to denemarch to wende
& bileue þis lond in pes so þat þis was ydo
Ac lute it was ar þer com wel more wo þer to
Vor þe king aildred isey is lond al bar
Of þe folc of denemarch he nolde noȝt ȝut be ywar
Ac let gadery a nywe ost þoru al engelond wel wide
Of heyemen & of lowe ek ygadered bi þe hide
Þat euere eiȝte hide lond an man him ssolde finde
Wiþ helm & hauberc & þe atil þat non nere bihinde


& greiþede him ssipes in þe se ac al nas worþ a fille
Vor þo is coust was al ydo he miȝte bet abbe be stille
To suan þe duc of denemarch þe tidinge sone com
His ost & is poer wiþ him sone he nom
& in þe a þousend ȝer of grace & þe teþe ȝer al so
& of vr kinges crounement þritti ȝer & tuo
In an haly þoresday to þis lond he com
& þen toun of gypeswich mid strengþe sone nom
& robbede aboute in þe lond & tounes adoun caste
Ac þe contreye of grantebrugge aȝen hom stod uaste
& foȝte ase stalwardemen þe wule hor poer ylaste
Ac hii were as hii nede moste bineþe atte laste
& þer was þe kinges soster sone islawe aþelston
& barons & kniȝtes & heiemen monion


Aboute heruest þis deneis as rotes arnde
Bi chilterne & to oxenford & þen toun barnde
Þo wende hii vorþ of denemarch & robbede al est sex
& grantebruggessire & estangle & al so middelsex
Bokinghamssire & oxenfordssire & hertfordssire al so
Bedeuord ssire & haluendel hontindone ssire þer to
Norþhamtone & bisouþe temese barcssire
& soþereye & souþsex & souþhamtessire
& muchedel of wiltessire & þo al þis was ydo
Hii drowe hom toward kanterbury to robbi þere al so
In þe a þousend ȝer of grace & endlefte þer to
Þis folc com to kanterbury robberye to do
Bituene vre leuedi day þe late & misselmasse day
Þis folc bisette kaunterbury & uaste it bi lay



& gret raunson of hom wiþinne esste to be out of wo
Ac þe erchebissop of þe toun seint alfe þat was þo
Was vaste þer aȝen to ȝiue eni raunsoun
Þe deneis vor wraþþe þo asailede uaste þen toun
& wonne him & vaste slowe & þo hii wiþinne come
Heye men þat inne were & seint alfey hii nome
& monekes & þen toun barnde & adoun caste
Þe erchebissop seint alfe hii hulde & bounde uaste
& ladde him biside londone to þe toun of greneswich
& helde him þere in prisoun þat he nas no mon ilich
Half ȝer & somdel more & suþþe in þe ȝer of grace
A þousend & tuelf ȝer hii ladde him in an place


Wiþoute þe toun of greneswich & henede him wiþ stones
As me henede seinte steuene & tobrusede is smale bones
Atte laste mid an deueniss ax me smot him to gronde
In þe heued þat he lay & deyde in an stounde
Þe saterday þe ester wouke þis holy man hii slowe
Ac vewe þer were atte dede þat þe beuerege bilowe
Vor some bicome cancrefrete & some blinde oþer wode
& som deyde verlich vpriȝt as hii stode
So þat vor drede of þis wreche þe deneis were agaste
& wiþ drowe hom of hor luþerhede þe wule it wolde ylaste
& þer was þe betere pays a ȝer & vnneþe
Vor in þe ȝer of grace a þousend & þretteþe
Suan þe duc of denemarch bigan to turne is hond
& after þat he adde destrued þe souþhalf of þis lond


He wende & robbede of þis lond al þe norþ side
Norhumber & lindeseye & destruede wyde
Euere fram watelinge stret & so bi oxenford
Hii come & nome winchestre & so walinford
Fram walingford hii wende & þen toun of baþe nome
So þat suan was king yholde ware so he euere come
Ac þe king of engelond in such sor & morninge
Carede of is ȝonge sones mest of alle þinge
Leste hii were defouled oȝt vor hii ne couþe of fiȝtinge
Þeruore in to normandie he let hom sone bringe
Boþe alfred & seint edward & þe quene hor moder also
Wiþ þe duc richard þe quene broþer vorte such wo were ydo
Ac is eldoste sone Edmond yrene syde
Vor he was hardi & god kniȝt at hom he let abide



Þat luþer folc of denemarch robbede & slowe uaste
Chirchen & abbeys barnde & adoun caste
Men leye vnbured to drawe þat reuþe it was ynou
Þat feble folc to wildernesse & to wodes faste drou
Aildred king of Engelond ysei al þis wou
Hou me destruede is lond & is folc so slou
To midewinter he wende anon þo he ne sey oþer red
To normandie & huld him þer uorte þe duc suan was ded
Suan deide in þe ȝer of grace a þousend & fourteþe
His folc made euere uaste worre ȝut after is deþe
& made is sone king after him knout was is name
Þat dude as wel as is fader engelond gret ssame
& false kniȝtes of engelond hulde mid him vaste
Ac hii þat trewe & gode were aȝen hom hor herte caste
& sende after king aildred in to normandie stille
& he com sone to engelond & wende abbe is wille


Ac þo king knout it vnder ȝet he was vol of rage
He wende anon to sandwich & men þere in ostage
Þat were bitake is fader vor heye men of þe londe
He nom & let hom smite of boþe vet & honde
Nou adde heyemen of þe lond itake þer bi uore
His fader ostage god ynou & deop oþ ysuore
Wiþ him to holde treweliche & breke þo hor oþ
Þer uore þe king knout wiþ hom was þo so wod wroþ
& for wraþþe let bilimie hor ostages þat were
Suþþe he wende in to westsex & robbede þere
& in dorsete dude & wiltessire & somersete gret wo
King aildred lay sik in þe toun of cosham þo
In þe west ende of wiltessire vor he was feble & old
& wiþ care & sorwe ouercome as me aþ itold
& fram cosham to londone he ofscapede vnneþe
Vor to witie him fram is fon þat hii ne broȝte him to deþe


Þere he huld him in þe toun mid muche sorwe & sore
Þat of al is lond of engelond he nadde an vot more
Þe ȝates he made vaste & wuste him wiþinne
His fon asailed þene toun wiþ oute mid al hor ginne
Atte laste þis king aildred as in al þis strif
In a seint gregories day wende out of þis lif
As in þe ȝer of grace a þousend & sixteþe
Febleliche he liuede al is lif & deyde in feble deþe

Edmund iren side

In such sorwe he was king seuene & þritti ȝer
He adde moni a sori day & mochel anguisse her
& for wreche of is broþer deþ al such sorwe him com
Þat lute ioye he adde al is lif of is kinedom
Edmond yren syde king aildredes sone
So god kniȝt of bodie was þat he worþ longe in mone


Me nuste so god in none londe & atte biginninge
After is fader deþ me ches him to kinge
Þe heye men of þe lond þat fals ne luþer nere
Ac monie hulde mid king knout þat false & trichors were
EDmond vor is strengþe was ycluped yrensyde
Dreduol he was to is fon þat him dorste vewe abide
Debonere & milde he was to alle þat gode were
Quointe & suiþe hardimon as mon wiþoute fere
Verst he wende to westsex & þere ech contreye
Abuyede al to is wille boþe uor loue & eye
As leon hardi ynou he wende aboute wide
& wan contreye & oþer aboute in eche side
Þat knout nadde poer non aȝen him vorto stonde
Ȝif false traytors nadde ybe here of engelonde
Þat hulde mid þe king knout traytours as hii were
So þat noþer of þis kinges abuyinde to oþer nere


Ac eiþer gaderede gret ost & of oþeres men slowe
Atte laste mid hor ost to gadereward hii drowe
& mette hom after midsomer þe feste of seint Ion
A gret bataile smite bi side þe toun of sserston
& slowe to grounde muche folc & þo al was ydo
Þe kinges & muche of hor folc aliue partede atuo
Þo wende king Edmund to londone mid is route
& al þat folc of denemarch destruede þer aboute
& drof hom out of þis lond & ȝut nolde he noȝt blinne
Ac wende in to westsex þulke contreis to winne
Þo he was fram bi este ywent þe deneis mid al hor ginne
Bisegede londone ac hii ne miȝte noȝt come wiþinne
So wel he was wiþinne ywust þoru men þat þer were
Þat þe deneis hom wiþdrowe þo hom ne spedde noȝt þere
& wende estward in to kent & robbede þere vaste
& hor preye at medeweie in to ssipes caste


King edmond hom sywede þo he hurde þis
& passede temese at breinford ywis


& slou aboute vaste ynou moni þat he vond
& Monie flowe her & þer aboute in þe lond
Batailes hii smite monion as we bigonne to telle er
Vor eiȝte batailes hii dude ney wat wiþinne half ȝer
As at sserston & elleswere & þe sixte bataile was
Vpe þe hul of assesdoune icholle telle þat cas
Þis tueye noble kinges mid hor poer hom mette
& smite þer an bataile & faste to gadere sette
Iordeined hii adde hor ost wel in eyþer syde
& edmond diȝte is stondard ware he ssolde him sulue abide
& is dragon vp sette & þis bataile ysmite
Hii slowe to grounde in eiþer side þat deol it was to wite


In is standard edmund was as riȝt was uor to abide
He sey þat me slou is folc aboute in eche syde
His herte him nolde soffri noȝt abide uor te time were
Ac to þe bataile smot anon as man wiþoute fere
& bileuede dragon & standard & sturede vaste is honde
& slou to grounde as noþing him ne ssolde at stonde
Sone adde is gode body yperced þe ost þoru out
He made is wei roume ynou vorte he com to king knout
Þer were duntes ariȝt ismite bituene hom tueie
Of þe helmes þat fur sprong out vor hii were stronge beye
A duc þer was mid king Edmund Edric was is name
Þat was traytour & louerd suike þat god ȝiue him ssame
Vor he fondede him bitraie vor king knoutes loue
Þo he sey þat Edmund was as he dradde al aboue


& king knout ney ouercome vp an hul an hey
He wende wiþ is suerd adrawe þat þet folc him al ysey
He adrou is blodi suerd & loude bigan to grede
Englissemen englissemen fleþ anon ich rede
Vor edmond vre noble king to deþe he is ydo
Him sulf he gan uerst to fle vor oþere ssolde al so
Englissemen him leuede wel & flowe after bliue
& al it was to bitraye is louerd þat was aliue
Þo king Edmond þis isey þat is folc vnderstod
Þat he was to deþe ybroȝt & þeruore hii flowe vor wod
He arnde vpe a lute hul & gradde in þe place
Is folc & dude of is helm & ssewede is face
& sede turneþ faste aȝen ich am aliue ywis
Is folc turnde anon aȝen þo hii hurde þis


& smite vorþ þis bataile grettore ne miȝte non be
& foȝte uorte it was niȝt þat hii ne miȝte no leng ise


Ac þe englisse adde ybe aboue ȝif it nadde ybe uor niȝte
Ac hii departede as hii nede moste as uor defaute of siȝte
Hii greiþede hom þer after an oþer bataile to do
& ef sone come to gadere up assedoune al so
& bataile smite strong ynou ac knoutes poer uaste
Wexinge was þat he wan þe maistrie atte laste
Sori was edmond þo to gloucestere he wende
To porueye him more help ȝif god him grace sende
King knout sywede after mid an longe tayle
So þat aboute gloucestre þe eiȝteþe batayle
Vpe seuerne hii smite in a stude & so vaste me slou
Þe gode bodies in eiþer half þat it was deol ynou
Mid blod þe erþe was iheled þat pite it was to wite
& noþer partye ne miȝte þe maistrie al bi ȝite


Ne hii ne miȝte yse uor þe niȝte þe batayle to fol ende
Hii departede mid sor ynou amorwe aȝen to wende
& king edmond of seuerne was in þe west side
& king knout bigan mid is ost in þe est alf abide
& seuerne was bituene hom & knoutes poer
Of folc of bi ȝonde se wax euere ver & ner
As edmond sat mid is ost aniȝt in such solas
As folc miȝte þat vorwounded & sor & wery was
& speke of þis batayle hou it miȝte be god
An old kniȝt þer ros vp & biuore þis folc stod
Ich am he sede mest fol þeruore as foles wolle
Mi fole red ȝif ȝe wolle ihure uerst ssewi icholle
Muche þing we abbeþ yseye & vr elderne vs ek sede
Anguisse & sorwe we abbeþ ynou of wel more we mowe drede
We fiȝteþ & beþ ouercome & no maistrie we ne seþ
Hou miȝte we be bote ouercome þat þus defouled beþ


Despoiled & vorwounded & vr strengþe leseþ vaste
Vre felawes & vre owe lif we dredeþ ek atte laste
Wanne ssal vre reste come & þe endinge of vre wo
& among vs sikernesse & pais ich drede neuere mo
Edmond ne mai be ouercome uor is strengþe ywis
Ne þe king knout vre fo uor he so quoynte ys
Wat may þanne vre ende be bote wanne þis kniȝtes echone
In eyþer side beþ aslawe & vr maystres bileued one


Oþer hii mote þanne acordi oþer fiȝte hom sulue tuo
Wat reson is þat hii ne mowe as wel nouþe so
Þe wule hii abbeþ eni aliue þat hom mowe serui & drede
Nere hom noȝt boþe uairor so wuwat is þis gidihede
Þer were wule in engelond at on time kinges fiue
& alle hii were riche ynou & of noble liue


& nou to lute to hom tueye al engelond is
& ofte wo so coueiteþ al al leseþ ywis
Ȝif eiþer king so moche wilneþ to be louerd her
Þat hor noþer nele abbe felawe ne per
Fiȝte hom sulue tueye þat louerd wole be one
Wy nere hom noȝt so betere nou þane wanne hor kniȝtes echone
& hor folc were aslawe al & hii bileued al bare
& ne founde wo hom seruede in anguisse ne in care
Ne wo mid hom in nede þat lond defendi miȝte
Her of þat soþe seggeþ ȝe as bi ȝoure in siȝte
Nadde þis kniȝt folliche is reson ysed
Þat is felawes nadde sone ynome hor red
& sede alle mid one mouþe we ensenteþ þer to
Þat þis tueie kinges acordi oþer bataile hom sulue do


Þis king edmund þo he hurde þis fol was of ioye & blis
Þe bataile he sede he wolde nime mid god herte ywis
Þat word he sende amorwe to knout among is fon
& he grauntede is owe bodi þe batayle to do anon
Hii lete hom armi beye & in to an yle mid god pas
Amidde seuerne hii wende þat olenege icluped was
Þerinne hii were hom sulue tuo & þat water al aboute
Hor ost was eiþer in is side alonde bileued wiþoute
Mid gret ernest & god ynou hor suerdes hii adrowe boþe
Þis kinges þo hii to gadere come & mad hom boþe wroþe
To grounde hii smite & harde mid stalwarde honde
Þat wonder was hou oþer miȝte oþeres dunt at stonde


Þo king edmond ywraþþed was & wiþinne hot
He ssoc is suerd & gronte & mid such ernest smot
Þat þat fur sprong out mid ech dunt out of þe helm so þere
Þat it þoȝte mid ech dunt þat þat heued afure were
As þonder þat soun was þe siȝt as liȝting
So þat ech dunt þoȝte liȝt as it were & þondring
Me seiþ of a stalwarde kniȝt ac me wondred on þere
Yblessed be þe moder wombe þat him to monne bere


Þe king knout was so debrused þat he stod vnneþe
He dradde wanne he lore þat lif & were ybroȝt to deþe
He adde leuere þan eni þing þat hii acorded were
Ac he ne dorste is feblesse telle edmund vor fere


Laste ȝif he vnderȝete þat he were so ouercome
Þat he nolde fine ar he adde is lif him binome
Þo he him adde an wule yrest is armes he gan to caste
& wiþ gret ernest step ner & asailede edmond vaste
Mid al þe strengþe þat he miȝte & ssewede more þer to
& al uor he ne ssolde wene þat he were ouercome so
Þis knout bigan to reste þo is asaut was ydo
& bed edmond as in pes a word hure oþer tuo
King edmond him grauntede & somdel him wiþ drou
& lenede vp is sseld & herknede him ynou
Ichabbe quaþ knout ywilned þi kinedom ar þis
& nou wel more þan þi lond þi sulue ich wilni ywis


Vor þou nart noȝt one worþe be of engelond king her
Ac to be prince of al þe world uor in þe world nis þi per
Ich abbe al þat lond of norþweye & of denemarch anhonde
Ine wende noȝt þat eni mon min dunt ssolde atstonde
Ac þou ne atstonst it noȝt one ac art al clene aboue
Ware uore ich desiri mest þin grace & þin loue
Þat þou of alle min londes me be felawe & per
& ich mot ek of engelond be þi parciner
Vor ȝif we to gadere beþ & al clene of one rede
Norþwey & ech oþer lond & ech prince vs wole drede
Þeruore ich biseche þe haue half mi lond mid me
& ich as þi parciner half engelond mid þe
Edmond þo he hurde þis is grete herte wiþ drou
& ensentede to is red & bi com milde ynou


& abuide to is milde word þat mid suerd was aboue
Hii caste awei sseld & suerd & turnde al to loue
& biclupte hom & custe & hor folc in eyþer side
Þo hii seye hom acorded uor ioye loude hii cride
& songe te deum laudamus eiþer in is route
& to gadere wende & custe hom ech oþer aboute
Bi tuene þis tueye kinges was a certein fourme ydo
& forewarde among al hor folc ar hii departed atuo
Wat eiþer adde to is del of lond & oþer þinges
& departede wiþ loue atuo & bileuede boþe kinges


& ȝif hii adde in gode loue longe iliued beye
Me adde þoru al cristendom yspeke of hom tueye
& ech prince & ech lond ydouted hom tuo
Ac edmond was al to raþe alas to deþe ydo
Vor þe luþer duc edric þoȝte euere to bitraye
King edmond is owe louerd knout uor to paye


A luþer gadeling was is sone boþe at one rede
Hii fondede mid alle gile to do þis luþer dede
Þo hii ne miȝte anoþer wise þis dede bringe to ende
In to an chaumbre foreine þe gadeling gan wende
Þat king edmond com ofte to & in þe dunge þar
Hudde him bineþe in þe dunge þat nomon nas ywar
Þo þe king þer to com is nede uor to do
Þe luþer þef ȝare was mid is arme þer to
& smot him þoru þe fondement & þoru þe gottes riȝt
Edmond þe noble king þat was so noble kniȝt
Wiþ a long ipointed knif iegged in eiþer side
Þus senduolliche he him slou aboute seint andrewes tide
At oxenford he was aslawe þoru þis luþer lore
Mid treson & gile ynou inot hou miȝte be more
Þe beste bodi & noblost þat in eni lond þo was
Islawe was þoru a gadeling so villiche alas


Ar men miȝte aboute come þen þef to seche þare
Of scaped he was & iflowe nomon nuste ware
Me greiþede þis gode king wanne non oþer nas
& broȝte him vaire an erþe as he wel wurþe was
In þe abbey of glastingburi biuore þe heye weued an hey
Vor he wilnede vorto ligge is grantsire ney
Þe king edgar þe gode king þat þere ybured is
Þere hii liggeþ uaire ynou boþe ȝut ywis
Ac þis luþer gadeling þat þe king so slou
To king knout wende anon glad & prout ynou
He grette him anon & sede hail þou be king one
So nis it noȝt quaþ þe king uor mi kinedom is ymone
Vor an felawe ich abbe þer to þat ich louie ynou
Vor gode sire king quaþ þis þef uor þi loue ich him slou
Here is þat knif al blodi þat ich broȝte him wiþ of dawe


& smot in þoru þe foundement & so in to þe mawe
Þi loue ich abbe wel dere aboȝt & mi lif an auntre ydo
Þer nis non aliue nou þat þe abbe yserued so


Þeruore vnder stond þe wel & ȝeld min mede bliue
Vor ich abbe ydo þe more god þan alle men aliue
Þou seist soþ quaþ þe king þou ast muche ydo vor me
Icholle wel þin mede ȝelde bi þe treuþe ich ou to þe
Icholle make þe hey mon bi time ich abbe iþoȝt
Þat þou ne ssalt of þin liflode neuere carie noȝt
Edric þe luþer suike is fader com al so
Sire king he sede ich abbe muche loue þe ydo
Vor sake edmond min owe louerd & bitrayd uor þe
& let him sle uor þi loue hou woltou it ȝelde me


Þo sede king knout aȝe traytour þou art ywis
& muche aȝen god & aȝen me þou ast ydo amys
Wanne þou ast þin owe louerd as þou me tellest vore
To so vile deþe ybroȝt þat was mi broþer ysuore
His blod þat þou madest ssede ssal harde come on þe
Vor þin owe mouþ þe aþ ydemd bi þat þou seist me
He let caste þis traitour in þe eueninge late
At an fenestre in temese noise vorto abate
& let him stilleliche adrenche uor monnes speche þere
& þat was lo is noble mede to lute þei it were
Þe luþer traitour is sone auaunced was ȝut bet
Vor is robe & is dignete was al wel bi set
He ȝef him such auauncement as he wolde he suor is oþ
Þat he ne dorste neuer eft carie of mete ne of cloþ


A robe he let him ssape uerst of blod red scarlet þere
Þe ssarpe stones bi þe stret is tailors were
Vor he let him mid hors to drawe fram strete to strete
Þat þe peces folle of is ffless aboute moni & grete
Þe tailors corue so moni peces uor is robe ne ssolde powȝe
He ne dorste carie noȝt of þe winter cowȝe
Suþþe he let smite of is heued bi þe ssoldren as me sey
& let it sette vp on þe tour of londone an hey
& so he was hey man ymad as he bihet him to is mede
Alle traitours & louerd suiken god late hom so spede
Knout was þo al one king as wo seiþ of engelonde
Of norþwei of denemarch & gret poer adde an honde


Ac edmond þe gode king þat so villiche me slou so
Adde tueye ȝonge sones ar he were to deþe ydo
Edward & edmond & breþeren also tueye
Seint edward & alfred þat in normandie were beye
Vor þes were king edmond next & is eirs al so
King knout þoȝte hou he miȝte best her offe do
To binime hom hor eritage & mid woch wrong he miȝte
& mid woch treson bote he adde som colour of riȝte
Vor wanne man may do wat he wole & vnriȝt ynou
Ofte he bringþ uor coueitize to riȝt þe pur wou
He made a gret parlement & broȝte heyemen þer to
As wo seiþ inele no þing wiþoute lokinge do
Þo bed he þe court segge soþ & riȝt vnderstonde
Wat vorewarde þer were ymad & fourme of engelonde
Bituene him & king edmund þe wule he was aliue
& wan edmond made is eir of is lond wiþoute striue


& wan of is ȝonge sones wardein ek ydo
& wat þing he adde asigned to is breþeren al so
Her of he let hom segge soþ as it were in glosinge
Vor he ne kepte he sede mid vnriȝt of none monnes þinge
Þo stode þer some vp þat adde inome hor rede
Vorto paye king knout & noȝt edmond þat was ded
& sede biuore al þe court þat king edmond biqueþ
Is kinedom & al is lond king knout biuore is deþ
& þe warde of is tueye sones vor te hii of elde were
Alas alas þe tricherie þat me miȝte ise þere
Vor þe dede was vorȝite & þe quike uor to paye
Hii bitoke þe qued hor soule þe kunde eirs to bitraye
Þis word was iholde stable & iloked uor dom
King knout of edmondes londes anon seisine nom


& huld him þo al clene king of al engelonde
Of norþwey & of denemarch gret poer he adde an honde
Ech þoȝte he was gode next þat miȝte abbe is grace
Of so gret poer þer biuore me ne kneu non in no place
Þo he was of al engelond king wiþoute mone
He bigan to cuþe anon þat he was king one
Alle þat were þo oȝt isibbe edmond þe kinge
Oþer in aliance of eni loue to deþe het bringe
Oþer flemde hom out of engelonde none bileued nere
Bote is tueye ȝonge sones þat so feble & tendre were
He ne miȝte uor worldes ssame hom to deþe bringe
He sende out of engelond to an heie kinge
Of biside denemarch þat he hom to deþe broȝte
So ver in vnekoþe lond þat no mon of hom ne roȝte
Awey seli ȝonge þinges frendles were hii þere
Þat so uer as milde lomb to deþe ylad were


Þo hii to þe kinge come þat he hom to deþe broȝte
Vor þe heie blod of wan hii come þe king him bi þoȝte
& adde gret reuþe of hom & is wille gan wiþdrawe
& ne miȝte uor reuþe uor no þing bringe hom of lif dawe
To þe king of hongri þis seli children tueie
He sende uor to norisi þat he wardede hom wel beye
Þe king hom vaire vnderueng & anourede in eche wise
& gret deinte tolde of hom uor hor gentrise
So longe þat he let edmond þat was þat o broþer
Spousi is owe doȝter & suþþe he made þe oþer
Þat het edward spousi þe emperours mowe
Þo adde hii boþe iwiued wel & noȝt to lowe
Ac edmond leuede lute wule & no child nadde aliue
Ac edward þe oþer adde þre children bi is wiue


An sone þat het edward & doȝtren al so tueie
Margarete & cristine þat gode wimmen were beye
Þis gode children aȝte be eueremore in munde
Vor engelond ȝif hii nere were ȝut out of kunde
As ȝe mowe ihure herafterward in king henries lif
Hou engelond com to kunde aȝen þoru þe gode quene mold is wif
Þat þes margarete doȝter was mold þe gode quene
Vor þis lond were ȝut out of kunde ȝif heo nere ich wene
King knout of al engelond was þo king al out
Me ne dar noȝt esse weþer he were kene þo & prout
Þo he was of edmondes sone & of alle þat mid him were
Deliuered he was fers ynou ac somdel he was in fere
Of edmondes tueie breþeren þat wonede in normandie
Alfred & seint edward leste hii gonne astie


Þoru þe duc of normandie þat hor vncle was
Him þoȝte were he siker of hom him ne doutede in no cas
Seint edwardes moder þeruore he of sende
Emme quene of engelond þat heo hider wende
Þoru conseil of ire broþer þat was þe duc richard
& þoru ensent of ire tueie sones alfrèd & seint edward
& were ispoused him to wiue & vre quene were also
Wat halt it to telle longe þis dede was ido
Vor king edmond was aslawe at seint andrewes tide ich wene
As in þe ȝer of grace a þousend & sixtene
& to þe lammasse þer after he spousede þe quene
As in þe ȝer of grace a þousend & seuentene
Ȝut to be þe sikerore after þe spousinge
He let is barons of engelond to oxenford bringe
A þousend in þe ȝer of grace & þe eiȝteteþe ȝere
& a parlement uor is stat of hom made þere


So þat ȝif þer eni was þat aȝen him herte bere
Him þoȝte is poer noþing nas ac uor noȝt as it were
Ac was to him al clene ysuore þer nas non bi hinde
Þo was he al clene louerd to binde & unbinde
A wif þat het ailiue he adde er of gret fame
Bi hire he adde an sone harald was is name
Þat of þe kunde was of denemarch in eiþer half al out
Bi emme he adde an oþer sone þat het hardeknout
Þat beye were kinges after him as me ssal sone rede
Þis king was þo þoru out al mon of noble dede
Þo he was al one king of þe grete londes þre
Him þoȝte al þe world ne miȝte aȝen is poer be
& naþeles he bigan is herte in bocsomnesse amende
& þoȝte on þe vaire grace þat vr louerd him sende
& louede englissemen & engelond þer to
& muche louede holi chirche & susteinede al so
& restorede abbeis þat destrued were biuore
& chirchen let vp arere þat were arst as uorlore


& let arere moni anywe & in studes mest þer
As he adde men aslawe & batailes ydo er
& vp assedoune & þer aboute mest chirchen he let rere
As uor hore soulen þat islawe were þere
Vor he & þe king edmond mest armes þere bere
& mest manslaȝt þoru hom & batailes þere were
Sein alfeyes body þat ymartred was
At grenewich þoru is fader as we tolde þat cas
At seint poules of londone as it was anerþe ydo
His owe honde nom it up & as it biuel þer to
He let it uaire anouri & sende it atte fine
To þe munstre of kaunterburi as he liþ in ssrine
Þe þridde ȝer ich vnderstonde þat he was al one king
Fram is lond of denemarch me broȝte him tiding
Þat he was þere iworred uaste of is fon


He nom wiþ him of engelond kniȝtes gode monion
& mid gret poer & muche folc þuderward wende anon
& so þat he sone com bi side is fon Echon
& bileuede him þere al niȝt & is ost al so
& þoȝte anon amorwe strong bataile to do
A gret erl of þis lond godwine was is name
Mid is poer mid him was þat monimon dude ssame
Vor þis lond as me ssal ihure ofte he dude bi traie
He þoȝte þo hou hii miȝte king knout best paye
Bi niȝte him & is poer he let armi þere
& wende so an onywar as þe kinges fon were
& fond hom as aslepe he leyde on hom to grounde
& slou & to drof hom alle in a lute stounde
A morwe þo þe king wolde wende vp is fon
& miste godwine & is men of gile he dradde anon


Þat englisse men him bitraye wolde he þoȝte of luþer won
Vor to sle þis godwine & þe englisse men echon
& naþeles he wende to is fon mid al is poer uaste
Vor to smite an bataile & þo ne vond he atte laste
Noȝt of hom bote caroine & þe bodies dede also
Þo he vond þat godwine such an dede adde ydo
& deliuered of is fon & ibroȝt him al so aboue
Euereft he louede him þe more & al englisse uor is loue
Þo he sey þat englissemen so god in nede uere
& is fon ouercome of noþing he nas in fere
Þo he adde one þe kinedom of grete londes þre
Him þoȝte al þe world ne miȝte aȝen is poer be
Of alle is proute dedes ine may uorbere noȝt
Þat ine mot ȝou telle of on nou it comeþ in mi þoȝt
A þousend as in þe ȝer of grace & on & tuenti þer to
& in þe vifte ȝer þat king knout in such poer was ydo


He wende aboute as noble sire fram londe to londe
Þat him þoȝte al þe world ne ssolde him at stonde
As he wende aboute bi þe se & such poer adde an honde
Vppe a chaere he sat adoun al vpe þe se sonde
& enresonede is men as hii biuore him stode
So þat þe time com of þe se flode
Þat it bigan to wexi uaste ase it deþ atte tide
Þe king bihuld þe wexinge an hoker al an side
So þat þe water uaste wax vpward hei & wide
Þoȝte þis grete louerd ȝut icholle abide
Þo it was nei to him icome baldeliche he spac
& sturneliche to þis water þo it alles out brac
Water he sede wat þencst þou ich rede ne com no ner
Vnderstond þat þou art al clene in mi poer


Vor þat lond vp wan þou ernst & vp wan ich sitte her
Is clene min al aboute vor þou wost inabbe no per
Þeruore ich hote þe þin wexinge þat þou lete
Þat þou ne be so hardi noȝt þin louerdes cloþes to wete
No is limes ac vp min owe let me in pes sitte
Oþer bi þe fey ich owe to god icholle rekeni mitte
Þat water dude uorþ is kunde & wax euere uaste
So þat to þis grete louerd it com atte laste
& watte is sson & is vet so longe it wax an hey
Þat it watte is brech al aboute & euere vpward it stey
So þat is hupes smorte & of cale were ney
Þis grete louerd sturte him vp þo he oþer ne sey


& wod him vp to londe him þoȝte late inou
& bi held toward þe water & is grete herte wiþ drou
Wite he sede alle men þat an erþe wonieþ her
Þat it nis bote þe pure mase eni kinges poer
Ne þat no mon nis wurþe to be icluped king
Bote þe heie king of heuene þat wroȝte alle þing
Þat haþ heste of water & of erþe al so
Of heuene of helle of ech þing mot nede is heste do
& abowe him as louerd vor man non ywis
Þeruore me to clupie king mid vnriȝt it is
Þeruore ich bihote god þat ine ssal kinges croune
Neuere bere an erþe vor mi poer is þer doune
He wende him uorþ to chirche & biuore þe rode com
& mid mek herte pitoslicche is kinges croune nom


& sette is vpe þe rode heued & sede þat he alone
Was worþe to croune bere & oþer kinges none
He bileuede þe croune þere sikinge wel sore
& þer after vp is heued ne com he nammore
& me seiþ þat he ne bar neuere þe croune of engelonde
Ac he ne bar þulke ne non oþer þer after ich vnder stonde
Suiþe god mon he bi com & aforcede him ynou
& bihet god euereft afterward to bileue wou
& god & holi chirche to louie mid al is miȝte
& to make gode lawes & to sosteine ech riȝte
Þis biheste he huld vol wel & gode lawes ynou
He made þe beste þat miȝte be & to eche godnesse drou
Vor þe manslaȝt þat he adde ydo & þe vnriȝt ilome
& vor þe moni god cas þat him ofte come


He bihet god to wende þen holi wei to rome
So þat he & is kniȝtes wiþ gode herte þen wei nome
& as he toward rome wende bi moni londe
Wanne he eny luþer lawes in eni stude vonde
Þe prince oþer louerd of þe stude sone he ne oȝt soȝte
& bote he grantede him amendement mid is tresour he it boȝte
& vor he was mon of such poer vewe aȝen him wroȝte
So þat euere ware he com gode lawes he broȝte
Gentil men þat he vond in prison ek ydo
Oþer in warde mid vnriȝt he boȝte hom out al so
At rome he was vaire auonge & asoiled al so
Aȝen he wende to engelond þo al þis was ydo
Þo he com aȝen at glastingbury him longede ar he were
Vor loue of king edmund þat yburyed was þere


Þat he clupede is broþer uor þe treuþe þat bituene hom was er
Þat bodi he onourede ynou þo he com þer
& al þe stude uor is loue & dude uair offringe
& amendede þat hous mid moni riche þinge
& ȝef hom lond & rentes & confermede al so
Þe ȝiftes þat oþer kinges adde er iȝiue þer to
Of rentes & of londes as þe king cuþred
& king crutwine & Iue & suþþe king alfred
Edward & aþelston Edmund & edgar
Hor ȝifte he confermede to make ech mon ywar
He confermede hor londes as frelich to holde ywis
Bi gode chartre & hor rentes as þe king huld is
Þis king knout was tuenti ȝer king of engelonde
& in þe a þousend ȝer of grace & þritti ich vnder stonde
& sixe he deide at ssaftesburi & at winchestre wiþ gret prute
At sein swithines he was ibured þere as he liþ ȝute


Harald þe kinges sone knout after him was king
Ykrouned he was at oxenford a ssrewe þoru alle þing
Of þe kunde he was of denemarch of þe eror wif ybore
Þe lasse he louede englissemen & engelond þeruore
Þe verste ȝer þat he was king Emme þe gode quene
He drof out of engelond & is ssrewede made isene
Is stepmoder is fader wif þat quene adde ybe tueie
Of engelond & þat is fader let vette in normandie
Þo þis quene was of londe ydriue þoru hire wiþerwine
Heo wende to þe erl of flaundres þat het baldewine
Þis erl hire vaire vnder veng þat was hende & fre
& toc hire þe castel of bruges Inne vorto be
Þere was þis gode quene wiþoute eni striuing
Vorte hire stepsone was ded harald þe luþer king
Vor he was king bote four ȝer & six monþes vnneþe
Ar he lay at oxenford & drou toward þe deþe
& deide þer in pine inou & suþþe is bodi me ber
To þe abbei of westmunstre & burede it uaire þer


In þe ȝer of grace an þousend & on & fourtiþe ȝere
Þis king deide in aueril moni glad mon was þere
Hardeknout is broþer þo þen wei sone nom
Fram denemarch to engelond & to sandwich com
Þoru þe baronie of engelond & of denemarch al so
Ichose he was to be king uor hii encentede þerto
Vor he adde somdel to engelond More kunde þan þe oþer
Vor he was in is moder half seint edwardes broþer
Sone so he was king ymad after is moder he sende
Þe quene emme to flaundres & bigan hire stat amende
& huld hire uaire as riȝt was is moder & quene al so
Ac þis hardeknout nas king noȝt folliche ȝeres tuo
Vor þer failede of ten dawes þat he ne deide ywis
At lamhuþe he was ded & ybured he was & is
At seint suithines at winchestre bi is fader þat liþ þere
Kinges of denemarch in þis manere were


Kinges here of þis lond kinges ech after oþer
Þe sone verst after þe fader þe broþer after þe broþer
& engelond was out of kunde six & tuenti ȝer
In pine & worre & sorwe inou as seint dunston bi het er
Ac þo þis þre kinges were ded of denemarch þer nere
Bileued nammo in engelond þat of þe kunde were
Þo moste it nede come aȝen to þe riȝt eir of kunde
Þe holimon seint edward þat euere worþ in munde
Vor aldred is eldore broþer was arst aslawe here
Wiþ treson in engelond icholle telle in wuch manere
A time to speke mid is moder to engelond he com
& gret folc of normandie wiþ him hider nom
& þe ualse erl of engelond godwine was is name
Þat euere adde wiþ treson þis londe ydo ssame
An doȝter he adde god he þoȝte he wolde fonde
To make hire ȝut ȝif he miȝte quene of engelonde


Þat aldred nolde noȝt spousi is doȝter he was in fere
Vor prute & is heynesse ȝif þat he king were
To þe ȝongore broþer seint edward is hope was more inome
Vor he was simple & milde & eþ to ouercome
Þeruore þo he sei alfred so gret heinesse drawe
He þoȝte hou he miȝte do þat he were of lifdawe
To þe heie men of engelond uaste he wende aboute
& sede engelond miȝte be of aldred in gret doute
Vor he þoȝte ȝif he were king þat folc of normandie
Al maistres make in engelond þoru strengþe & tricherye
& deseriti hom also þoru normannes he þoȝte
Þeruore mid him of normens so muche folc he broȝte
So þat heie men of þe lond he broȝte al to is wille
Þat hii nome aldred & is folc mid tricherie & stille
& ladde hom uaste ibounde to guldeforde al so
Awei seli gultelese men lute hadde hii mis do


Þo hii come to guldeforde þe erl godwine þe ssrewe
Let þis gultelese men sette al arewe
& telle out euere þe teþe mon & þe nine þoru out he nom
& let smite of hor alre heued & made a reufol dom
Þo þe teþe was aliue he þoȝte of more wou
Him þoȝte þer were to monye aliue of ynou
Alle þat were aliue bileued arewe ef sone he drou
& tolde of hom þe teþe out & þe nine slou
So þat þer bileuede aliue vewe þo
& þulke out of engelond he drof mid muche wo
Alfred hii ladde to ely & pulte out boþe is eye
& huld him þere in prison vorte þe selimon gan deye
Nas þis of þis godwine a ssrewe & luþer dom
Ȝut our louerd ar he deide gret wreche þer of nom


Seint Edward in normandie was þo bileued al one
As bar as wo seiþ of þe kunde as he sprong of þe stone
He dradde uor he was al one of þe tem bileued there
& uor þe traitours of engelond so ualse & luþer were
Leste he were of is fon þoru treson iboȝt
& vor loue of is eritage so to deþe ybroȝt
To god he made is pleinte ofte wepinde wel bliue
& nameliche þe wule is fon of denemarch were aliue
Help me he sede in þis wo louerd bidde ich þe
Vor min frend & mi nexte ney stondeþ aȝe me
My fader þat leuede here in worre & in strif
In worre & sorwe & sor ynou he endede is lif
Min breþeren beþ boþe aslawe þoru treson al so
Min neueus beþ boþe yflemd & out engelond ido
& mi moder iwedded to mi meste fo
& ich al one bileued woder ssal ich louerd go


Hii þat of min eritage al louerdes beþ
Wilneþ alle þinge mest min deþ as men yseþ
& al pouere louerd ich am to þe bileued ywis
& þou wolt louerd help be to him þat faderles is
Al to soþe it is icome þat sein dunston gan telle
Þe wreche of min vncle deþ þat is stepmoder let quelle
Mi fader aboȝte it dere ynou & min breþeren bo
So þat þer nis non bileued bote ich louerd & nammo
Nis it viue & sixti ȝer louerd nou non ago
Þat to engelond uor þulke deþ uerst com such wo
Hou longe ssal hit ylaste louerd wiþ draw þin hond
Of þi wreche send sum ende and reu of engelond
Þo þis kinges of denemarch alle þre were dede
& alfred al so aslawe þe barons nome to rede
And oþer heiemen as god ȝef þat cas
And chose seint edward to king þat kunde eyr þo was


As he was þer to ichose er þan he was ibore
Þo was it to soþe icome þat ised was biuore
Þat seinte peter at glastinbury to bissop briȝtwold sede
Þo com verst pais to engelond after þe wrecchede
Me sende after him to normandie to engelond þat he come
& lute folc of normandie mid him hider nome
So þat mid lute onekeþ folc to engelond he drou
Þe heiemen come aȝen him mid ioye & prute inou
& vnderuenge him as hor louerd vaire þoru alle þing
& an esterday at winchestre crouned him to king
Isacred he was þo to king of erchebissopes tuo
Of kanterbury of euerwik & of oþere al so
Hit was in a þousend ȝer & fourti & tuo
After þat god an erþe com þat he was icrouned so
Þo was ioye in engelond aboute in eche side
His godnesse & is gode los aboute sprong so wide


Þat þer nas no god prince ne king in none londe
Þat ne wilnede enqueintaunse of him ich vnderstonde
Þe emperour of rome to him in god loue iwis
Obligede bi his messagers alle þing þat was his
Vor þat edmundes sone yrenside þat his broþer was
Hadde ywedded is cosine he was glad of þut cas
& seint edward nei kun was þe king of france al so
Þat ech þing clene þat is was obliged him to
So þat nas prince nour þat at his wille nas
Bote he one of denemarch þat euere is fo was
Seint edward vor al is god debonere was ynou
& nameliche to pouere men to none prute he ne drou
Reufol he was to nedi men of is almes large & fre
Of more deuocion nomon in chirche ne miȝte be
He was selde iseie wroþ ne in glotonie ne in prute
Þei is tresour were ilore þer of he tolde lute


So holi lif he ladde & god so chast & so clene
Þat þe heiemen of þe lond wolde hom al day mene
Þat hii nadde non eir of him & þat gret peril it was
Vor þer miȝte come to al þe lond gret wo uor such cas
Vor ȝif he adde an kunde eir biȝite bi is wif
Þe sikerore were þat lond wiþoute worre & strif
Þerl godwine þe false mon þat þe kinges broþer slou
Aldred as ich tolde er an doȝter god ynou
Of holi lif & clene adde Edithe was hire name
Þat as it is of hire iwrite & of ire holi fame
Þat as þe rose springþ of þe brer þat ssarp & kene is
Also com þat clene maide of þe luþer man iwis
Þis luþer mon was uaste aboute to heiemen ylome
To bringe it þer to ȝif it miȝte þat þe king is doȝter nome


Me sede þe king þat he moste nede wedde wif
& þat þet maide was him best uor hire clene lif
Þe king him bi þoȝte priueliche & stille
Þat in such cas god it was to do þe londes wille
& uor heo was so clene maide & of so clene liue
Þat betere him were in holinesse nime hire to wiue
Þan an heie kinges doȝter of veire londe ybroȝt
Þat to is holi liue nolde acordi noȝt
& weddede þis maide þat so holi & clene was
More uor to paie þat lond þan vor eni oþer cas
Longe hii were to gadere þis gode king & quene
Ac of oȝt bote of holinesse lute it was isene
Vor god as hii sede ofte hii toke to witnesse
Þat bituene hom neuere nas no þing bote clannesse
Boþe hii were at one worde to libbe in clene liue
So þat hii were wiþoute eir me þincþ vor al is wiue


Þe king of denemarch & is men þretnede him wel vaste
So þat hii greiþede hom hiderward atte laste
A witesoneday as seint edward at is masse stod
& bed vor þe pes of þe lond þat god it sende god
Riȝt atte sacringe he stod as he lowe
In þe churche at westmunstre as men bihulde ynowe
Hii þat him were mest priue askede wy it were
Þe king þo he hom com & wy he made such chere
Certes sires quaþ þe king ihered be godes sonde
Þe luþer men of denemarch mid hor king of þe londe
To hor olde luþerhede iturnd adde hor þoȝt
To worry vr suete pais þat ur louerd vs aþ ibroȝt
& to day in þis gode tyme hor poer clene hii nome
& þe wind hom paide wel & to þe se hii come
Vor to destrue engelond as hii abbeþ ofte ydo
& þulke time þat ȝe iseye þat ich somdel lou so


Þe king bi an laddre to þe ssip clam an hey
& þreu vp to doun in þe se & adreincte as ich sey
& is men as in wanhope wende hom aȝen bliue
So þat ich hopie to god pais þe wule ich am aliue
Messagers to denemarch sone isend were
& as þe king adde ised al clene hii founde þere
Neuereft hii of denemarch hiderward ne come
Vor god prince al a lond varþ þe bet ylome
Vor þe lond was viue & sixti ȝer in worre & in sore
As ȝe abbeþ ihurd biuore is day & afterward ȝut more
As ȝe ssolle yhure her after ac þe wule he was king
Þat lond was in god loue & pes wiþoute ech striuing
Ac ȝut eir nadde he non ywis uor al is liue
Vor he nadde neuere bote in clannesse to doiinge wiþ is wiu[e]


II. Part II.

Seint edward broȝte in to engelond out of normand[ye]
Men þat him adde fleme ydo god & corteysye
& Roberd an clerc he louede mest vor he ȝef him þe bissop[riche]
Of londone & suþþe of kanterbury þe erchebissopriche
Þo he was erchebissop luþer he was & prout
Þe king him louede & alle is dedes þoru him dude al out
Þer was vpe þe quene emme þe kinges moder ydo
A luþer sclandre & vpe þe bissop of winchestre al so
Þat hii in contenance to folliche hom bere
Þe erchebissop tolde þe king more þan þer were
Þat þer was foul lecherye bituene hom ydo
& þat þoru þe quene hire sone was Alfrede to deþe ido


& he ne miȝte noȝt bileue bote he amendment toke
Of so vil dede wanne he adde hor soules to loke
Þe king leuede him wel ynou & suor he nolde abide
Þat he nolde uerst nyme vengaunce in is side
Þe bissop he binom verst al is lay fe
& suþþe he broȝte him in prison & bi nom him is se
His moder he dude ek in warde & scars liflode ire fond
In þe abbeye of worewelle & binom hire al ire lond
Þis quene made deol ynou & ire lettres wide sende
To bissopes þat he truste to ire stat uorto amende
& þat heo wolde þoru furi yre ȝif me wolde þat heo bere
Oþer trede ssewi þat heo gulteles were
Þe king was mek & milde ynou & as þe bissopes him bade
Wolde is moder do al out bote as þe oþer it made
& naþeles hii were at on as hii wolde desire
Þat is moder ire skere ssolde wiþ fury ire


Þe erchebissop roberd hurde of þis dom
& þei he nere noȝt ibede to þis conceil he com
Þe bissopes he ladde a conseil louerdinges he sede
Ich wene vor is moder mi louerd þe king ȝe bede
Þat nis as no womman ac as þe deuel ich doute
Þat uorto ssende ire owe sone þe king is aboute
Þat seiþ he is amansed vor ire copinere
Þe bissop he deþ in warde of wan heo wole hire skere
Ȝif heo skerþ hire of him hou wole heo verþore mo
Skere of þat heo aþ ido hire sones gret wo
Of þat heo alfred hire sone radde to deþe bringe
& þat heo porueyde poyson to hire sone þe kinge
Ac ȝif heo hire skeri wole of ech of þis þinge
And heo hire skeringe do after mi lokinge


And heo of scapie harmles þe gultes echon
Icholle nime vor me & vor þe king þat gult naþ þerof non
& grante þat mi dignite me be al binome
& þat heo & þe bissop ek to hor state aȝen come
Lat nime foure yrene ssares vor hire sulue al a fure
& fiue uor þe bissop & ȝif heo it mai dure
Wanne hii liggeþ in þe flor to steppe vp echon
After oþer bareuot þat heone bileue noȝt on
Þat heo ne steppe mid folle vot wiþoute quakinge
& ȝif hire vet beþ þanne sauf wiþoute wemminge
Graunteþ hom alle quit ac ȝif heo quakieþ out
Oþer stepþ biside oþer hire vet in eny wemme be ybroȝt


Holdeþ hom gulti of þe dede & lateþ hom al so
Al hor lif as wikked men in strong prison be ydo
Þo me tolde þe quene vore heo was glad ynou
So þat þoru al engelond þis word sone drou
Þat þo dai was icome so muche folc þer com
Þat me nuste ware hom Inny vor to yse þis dom
And þe heyemen ney of engelond were þere ech one
To se godes grace of þe quene bote þe erchebissop one
Ac he feinede him somdel sik and ney þe se to be
He bileuede at douere ȝif ned were to fle
Þe quene þoru þe kinges heste ybroȝt was al so
Fram worewelle to winchestre þis Iugement to do
To sein swithines ssrine þen wei heo nom wel riȝt
Gladliche þo heo þuder com & bileuede þer al niȝt
In wop & in orisons þat reuþe it was to se
And euere bed þe holimon hire help uor to be


As heo vel in a lute slep sein swiþin to hire com
Doȝter he sede be studeuast to vnderuonge þis dom
Ich am swithin wam þou bidst & uorȝif þi sone þis dede
And to passe þe fury yre naue þou none drede
Þe quene was glad þo heo awok of þat þis godemon sede
Þat folc com þikke amorwe to se þis wonder dede
And þe heyemen come echon þen dom to hure sone
And þe king þen dom uor to ȝiue an hey sat on is trone
Biuore him uor to auonge hir dom þe quene me broȝte al so
Þe king hire esste sturneliche wer heo wolde þe dom do
Þe quene wepinde wel sore þe king ansuerede þis
Sire king þou art mi louerd and mi sone ywis
Ich emme þat þe ber and uor þe gronede ylome
Þe wule þou in mi wombe were & ar þou fram me com[e]


A sclaundre is vp me ibroȝt of min children tueye
Of þe & of alfred þi broþer þat my sones were beye
Þat ich ssolde atte rede be þin broþer to deþe bringe
And þe vor to apoisony & ȝut of þe þridde þinge
Þat ich sunne of lecherie Mid aylwine al so
Þat is bissop of winchestre ssolde abbe ydo
Ich clupie god to witnesse þat he me to day yhure
Þat ȝif ich of eni gulti am þat ich mote þoru þis fure
Brenne bi neþe & perissy þat me mowe yse þe wreche
& ȝif ich gultles am þer of god þat soþe teche
Þe quene was þo vorþ ilad mid moni a wepinde eye
Of bissopes & of heyemen & of oþere þat it yseye
Hire riche cloþes were of ydo bote þat heo was bi weued
Hire bodi wiþ a mantel a wimpel aboute hire heued


Hire legges bare bineþe þe kne þat me miȝte ech stape ise
A wey vuele bicom it quene so bar uor to be
Me broȝte vorþ þis fury ssares and leide is al arewe
In þe bar erþe isuope godes grace to ssewe
Þe bissopes blessede þe ssares and þe quene al so
And ladde ire uorþ in eiþer alf þis Iugement to do
Þe quene þoȝte al on god an to heuene caste ire eye
And ne lokede noþing donward & as hii alle yseie
Heo stap vpe þis furi yre euerich stape al clene
Nuste heo hire sulf hou it was ne bleincte noȝt ene
Þer was ioye & blisse ynou & moni a wepinde eye
Verst uor fere & suþþe vor Ioye þo hii þis iseye
Þe bissopes þat hire ladde vor ioye wepe al so
& herede god & sein swithin þo þis miracle was ydo


An ladde ire outward of þe chirche þe quene bigan to crie
Vor þe loue of ihesu crist ne doþ noȝt þe vileinie
To do my penaunce wiþoute ac in alle manere
As it me it iloked was In holi chirche here
Ma dame quaþ þis bissopes þou it ast ido iwys
So helpe me god quaþ þe quene Inuste noȝt er þis
No fur ine velede ne ne sei in þis place
Bote nou ich it verst ise ihered be godes grace
Ledeþ me þanne to mi sone þat he mowe yse
Min fet aboue & ek bineþe wer hii ywemmed be
Þo hii broȝte hire to þe king þe king ligginge hii founde
Wepinde & ope heued to sprad al to þe grounde


Hit was longe ar he miȝte speke vor deol þat he made
Atte laste he ros vp as þe bissopes him bade
& vel to is moder vet aduun anon akne
Moder he sede ich abbe misdo aȝen god & þe
Þat i nam noȝt wurþi to be þi sone ac par seinte charite
Vor pite þat of þe Magdalein god adde uor ȝif it me
Sone quaþ þe moder þo as al þis men iseþ
God aþ vaire issewed þat we gultelese beþ
Atte biginninge þeruore aȝen þe bissop ich rede
Amendement do þat is gultles of þe dede
& suþþe þou miȝt aȝen me vor ich mot nede be milde
As kunde of moder wole & blod aȝen my childe
Þo þe bissop was icome wepinde wel sore
Þe king vel doun to is vet & criede him milce & ore


Þe bissop wepinde al so uorȝef it him anon
So þat þoru þe kinges bone þe bissopes ech on
Ech after oþer asoilede þe king of þis trespas
Mid ȝerden in is naked rug and þat gret pite was
Þre strokes þe moder ek wepinde wel sore
Ȝef him him to asoily & ne miȝte uor reuþe more
Þo custe þe king is moder & þe bissop suþþe al so
& herede ȝerne seint swithin þat such miracle adde ido
Þe king þo mid gode herte deliuery het anon
Boþe quene & bissop hor maners echon
Nine tounes þe quene anon of þat ire owene was
Ȝef þe house of sein swithin vor þis holi cas


& þe bissop oþer nine of is eritage ywis
Vor þe nine fury ssares iȝiue was al þis
Þe king confermede hor ȝiftes & him sulf ȝef al so
Tueie gode maners sein swithin þer to
Þat wolde be tuenty vnder al and þat nas noȝt lute þere
Vor it wolde finde hom lec & worten inowe bi þe ȝere
Vor gode þe nexte king Edward þat after him suþþe com
Ne ȝef hom noȝt folliche so muche wiþinne is kinedom
Þe abbey of sein denis seint edward ȝef al so
Þe priorie of derheste & londes þat þer beþ to
Þe erchebissop of kanterbury sori ynou was þo
Þo he hurde of þe quene al hou it was igo
Him þoȝte wel longe ar he were ouer se
& bileuede al is bissopriche & ne com neuer eft aȝe
Þe quene & eke þe bissop þe wule hii aliue wer
Muche honourede sein swithin fram ȝere to ȝer


Þo wende heo out of þisse liue emme þe gode quene
In þe aþousend ȝer of grace & tuo & fifti ich wene
Seint edward held at windelsore a uair feste wiþ alle
An as ȝong mon biuore him seruede in þe halle
He spornde wiþ is o vot þat he vel almest abrod
Ac he hente mid is oþer vot so þat he abod
Þe erl godwine þe false mon sede þo þat þe on broþer
As ȝe seþ in nede helpeþ þere þat oþer
Þo ansuerede þe king & sede so miȝte me
Mi broþer helpe godwine ȝif he moste uor þe
Þo was þis luþer godwine of ssamed suiþe sore
Sire he sede ȝut me þincþ þat in ortrou þou art more
To me of þi broþer deþ & leuest hom ich ise
Þat in falsnesse þe tolde þat ich ssolde þi traytour be
As wis deme god þat soþe þat of ech þing wot ende
& al so late þis mossel bred þoru mi þrote wende


Wiþoute harm as inadde neuere in no cas
Gult of þi broþer deþ ne þi traitour neuere inas
Þe mossel he dude in to is mouþ ac þe king it blessed er
Hit bileuede amidde is þrote astrangled he was riȝt þer
& deide atte borde al stif wiþ ssendnesse ynou
Out al bineþe þe borde harald is sone him drou
A þousend in þe ȝer of grace & þre & fifti þis was
Lute harm þei ech traitor endede in þis cas
Of al is kunne in engelond seint edward nad noȝt on
Vor is breþeren were aslawe oþer iflemd ech on
Þeruore þo þis holimon as in to elde wende
To þe emperour of rome after is neueu he sende
Edward edmondes sone þat was yrenside
Þat is eir were after him ȝif he miȝte aliue abide
Þis emperour him sende mid gode loue & fre
Edward and agace is wif and hor children þre


Þe ȝonge edward adeling and al so margarete
And cristine hire soster þat gode were & suete
Þo hii come to engelond glad was þe king þo
Vor he nadde in is fader half kunnesmen nammo
Þis was in aþousend ȝer & seuene & fifti þer to
As in þe ȝer of grace þat þis dede was ydo
Ac edward deide sone & ibured was wiþ grete prute
At sein poules at londone as is bones beþ ȝute
And is sone edward bote ȝong and tendre nas
Þer uore þe king uor is deþ þe soriore was
Vor þet child was wel ȝong eir & king to be
& he wuste wel þat in þe lond muche wo me ssolde ise
And vor is vncle in normandie him adde susteined er
Þo he was fleme & frendles mo þan þritty ȝer
He wolde þat is sone sone after him king were
Willam duc of normandie riȝt lawe þei it nere


Vor he was in is moder alf next of is blod
And þer nas non in is fader alf þat þer to was so god
Þeruore þis willam bastard engelond he bi het
And biqueþ in is deþ vuel ar he þat lif let
And þat muche uor þe londes prou uor is neueu so ȝong was
Hou willam bastard was biȝite icholle telle þat cas
Richard duc of normandie emme broþer þe quene
Adde an sone þat het roberd þat duc was suþþe ich wene
Roberd þis noble duc as he wende ouerlond
A wel vair maide as him þoȝte In a tresche he vond
Þis maide him paide suiþe wel mid god herte he ire nom
And huld ire as is lefmon as wo seiþ in hordom
& biȝet on hire þis willam & uor he was so ibore
Out of spoushod me clupede him william bastard þeruore


Ar þat child were ibore a wel wonder cas
Þe moder matte bi hore childe þat in ire wombe was
Þat is gottes were to drawe aboute al normandie
And eke aboute al engelond & þat was to signefye
Þat he ssolde be duc of normandie and king of engelonde
And boþe as it suþþe vel holde in is honde
Þat child ek þo it was ibore & to grounde com
Out of is moder wombe uerst is honden boþe it nom
Vol of þe poudre of þe erþe sturneliche ynou
An closed is to gadere & is vestes boþe adrou
Þo was it iIugged þat he ssolde be wiþoute fayle
Hardi kniȝt & stalwarde & muche do of bataile
Al it com to soþe suþþe he bigan ȝong ynou
To kuþe wat he wolde be þat so ȝonge is fustes adrou


Þis child wax so wel & þeu as iseie fremde & sibbe
Þat he wolde be a noble mon ȝif he moste libbe
His fader adde of him ek gret ioye & pris
Þat so god signe adde so ȝong to be stalwarde & wis
Ar he were seue ȝer old þoru out moni a lond
Þe pope sende croiserie in to þe holi lond
Roberd duc of normandie þe crois nom atten ende
And ȝarkede him wiþ oþere to þe holy lond to wende
At fescamp ar he wende uorþ he made al normandie
Suerie helde is ȝonge sone as to seignorie
Ȝong duc he was on of seue ȝer vnneþe
Vor þe fader ne com neuere aȝen ar he was ido to deþe
And þis ȝonge child bileuede duc & gret þing adde an honde
Þis was ar seint edward were king of engelond


& seint edward bileuede uorþ mid him as he adde er ido
Mid is fader in is nede and mid is grantsire al so
Þeruore þo he was king gret loue he gan bede
Þis willam uor hii susteinede him so in is nede
So þat suþþe in is elde þo is lif was nei ido
As in þe ȝer of is kinedom tuenty & tuo
Of þe croune of engelond he nuste wat best do
Vor edgares neueu is sone wel ȝong was þer to
To be king of engelond & is owe lif ssort was
& he dradde of gret contek alonde uor þat cas
Him þoȝte to ȝiue willam þat lond it was best ido
Vor he was wurþe & of o blod & best it couþe wite al so
Þeruore he ȝaf it him as he bihet him biuore
& sende to him mid þe ȝifte to normandie þeruore
Þe erl harald þe quene broþer as me wende & oþer mo
Ac soþ it is þat þe erl harald passede þe se þo


Wiþ gret poer & folc inou so þat as god it wolde
Wiþ winde he was in strange londe idriue þer he nolde
Þere hii were as strange men grimliche vnderuonge
& inome to abbe of hore & ibroȝt in bendes stronge
Sire gwy of pountin was is name þat hom broȝte in bende
& askede hom gret raunson of prison vor to wende
Harald was of heye herte & suor raþer he wolde
Ȝiue þe duc of normandie of tresour & of golde
Þat al so noble duc was & god þan a such half mon as he was
To þe duc he sende sone to helpe him in þat cas
Þe duc sende to sire gwy so þat sire gui anon
Ladde harald to þe duc & is felawes ech on
Þe duc vaire him vnderueng & onoured him ynou
So þat as riȝt was gret loue bituene hom drou


Harald uor to paye him wel sede him sone is sonde
Hou þe king him made after him is eir of engelonde
& þat he wolde take him to wite þat lond he vnder stod
To is bihefþe & þat he wolde wardein be him god
As strong uorewarde as hii miȝte hii made & as hard
& vpe holi relikes harald suor to willam bastard
Treuliche to wite engelond to him vorte he come
& þat he is one doȝter to wiue al so nome
Þat ȝong was at þulke time so þat þis þinges tuo
Mid as gret oþ he suor hom as mon miȝte do
Þo þis vorewarde was ymad hard & strong ynou
Harald toward engelond wiþ gode loue drou
Þe king he tolde al þat cas þat bituene hom was ydo
Hou he wolde willam trewe be & is doȝter spousi al so


Þo was þe king glad ynou þat he wel to him truste
& bitok him þat lond þat he wel to þis willam it wuste
Seint edward wuste of is deþ ar he henne wende
Vor seint Ion þe ewangelist biuore longe him word sende
& sende him tokne bi a ring þat at westmunstre ȝut is
Þat seint edward þer biuore sein Ion ȝef ywis
Þe king þo þet word him com & þen ring isey
He þonkede god þat he wuste þat is deþ was so ney
His god he delde pouere men & made is bernes bare
& is tresorie al so god & made him to god al ȝare
Glad he was of westmunstre þat he let him sulf rere
Þat biuore him was to grounde ibroȝt þoru luþer kinges þat þer were


Ac vor þe chirche vn halewed was þeruore him was wo
He þoȝt lete it halwy to Midewinter anon þo
Þei seinte peter him sulf ihalwed him adde er
Ȝut he moste ef sone vor þe nywe worke þer
He sende after is barony at midewinter mid him to be
Þo þe feste igadered was deol me miȝte ise
Vor þo it ssolde Murgost be þe king vuelede anon
& naþeles glad he was him sulf vor he wuste wuder gon
& uor ioye of is deþe & uor þe heye feste al so
Þe trauail he nom to him al þat him wolde valle to do
He ber þe croune & huld þe deis mid oþer atil al so
& mid gret semblant þe feste huld vorte þre dawes were ydo


A sein Iones day he sey þat al com to god endinge
He made a confermement to westmunstre of ech þinge
Þat þoru him hom iȝiue was oþer þoru eni oþer kinge
So þat no king after him ne dude no destourbinge
Þe chirche he let halwy as a childermasse day
Wel feble he was þere him sulf as al þat folc isay
In a þousend ȝer of grace & six & sixti þer to
Hit was þat þis holimon þis dede let do
Þo it was al wel ido & ibroȝt to god ende
Þe king feble & sik ynou to is bed gan wende
Þo was þer deol & sorwe ynou of men þat wuste þat cas
Vor hii wuste þat to engelond muche wo to come was
Worre & slaȝt & oþer wo & honger & gret wou
Þe quene vel bi him adoun & biclupte him vaste ynou
Vor to hete is colde limes þat non hete ne com to
Þoru hete of ire owe bodi & of ire cloþes al so


Þe king lai as he were isuowe al mest dawes tuo
He gan as he awoke of slepe is eyen þo vndo
He sat him vpward vp is bed is honden huld vp an hey
Louerd he sede þat ech þing madest quointe & sley
& changest poer & kinedom al at þin owe rede
& mannes sones wreche sendst of hor fader misdede
Ȝif þing þat ich nou ysey come of þin owe soþnesse
Ȝif me poer hit to telle in al mi feblesse
Vor to ssewy þi poer þat hii þat it yseþ
Douti þe of þe sunne þat hii inne beþ
Repenti mowe & þer of hom amendi so
Þat hii ssilde hom fram þe harm þat þou þencst hom do
Anon as þis holiman adde is orison ydo þere
Stalwarde mon of speche he was hol as þei he were


Þo gan he to tellen þis þat vlke tyme ich was
As man fleme in normandie me com mani god cas
Men of religion ich louede wel ynou
And to hom þat beste were at uor alle oþere ich drou
An tueye holimen at uore alle oþere mest ich louede þere
Nou wot ich wel þat mani day in heuene boþe hii were
Nou come hii boþe to me and þe anguisses some
Hii tolde me þat to engelond after me ssolle come
Hii sede me of þe wrechede þat alond aþ ȝare ibe
Þe wreche hieþ & comeþ sone & þat me ssal yse
Vor prustes mid vnclene honden & mid lechors mod
Al isoyled sacrieþ godes fless & is blod


Ssephurdes hii beþ luþere vor hii ne witeþ noȝt
Hor ssep fram þe wolues vor be hom ibroȝt
Þe milc & þe wolle clene of oþer þing hii nolleþ telle
Þe ssephurdes & þe ssep al so ssolleþ to þe pine of helle
As god heiemen of þe lond robbeors felawes beþ
Poueremen þat hii moweþ ouer hii huldeþ as ȝe iseþ
Nou wole vr louerd ssake is suerd is bowe is ibend
& prest aþ imad uor to smite men þat beþ mis wend
Þo sede ich mid dreri mod ȝif hii wolle turne hor þoȝt
& sori be & bete hor sunne wole vr louerd uor ȝiue hom oȝt?
Þat is uor noȝt þe oþer sede vor þe folkes herte is
So iharded þat hii beþ deue & blinde iwys


Þat hii nolleþ no god þing ihure ne yse
Þo sede ich were vr louerd wolle euere wroþ be
Wer he nolle grace do & be of milce more
Wanne þat lond after so gret ioye so uol worþ of sore
Wat ende ssal þer of be & wanne eni blis
Oþer confort after such wo þo sede þe oþere þis
A grene wexinge tre þat is fram þe more
Ismite adoun & þe brede of þre londes þer fram ybore
Wanne it is eft bi him sulue wiþoute ech monnes red
Itornd aȝen to is riȝte more þat er was as ded
& biginþ to blowe & suþþe to bere frut
Ȝut me may wo it isucþ to bote hopie ȝut
Þo þe quene & ire broþer harald hurde þis
& roberd þat wardein was of þe paleys ywis


Hii wepe & made deol ynou vor hii seye þe soþnesse
In wuch lecherie & oþer sunne þe prestes songe hor messe
& hou þe heiemen of þe lond þe pouere to grounde broȝte
Þe wreche þat god wole do nas noȝt uor noȝt hii þoȝte
Þe siȝte bitokneþ þus as it was vnder stonde
Þis tre þe noble kinedom bitokneþ of engelonde
Þe more bitokneþ þe riȝte kunde þat ech of oþere come
Fram king alfred þe kunde more þat uerst was yeled at rome
To seint edwardes fader & to him sulue al so
Ac þo he deide wiþoute riȝt eir þe wexinge was ydo
& þat tre ismite fram þe more ouer þre londes brede
Vor þre kinges were of engelond of vnkunde sede
Verst harald þe quene broþer & willam bastard al so
& suþþe is sone willam þe rede king þer to


Ac after þat willam þe rede king issote was bi cas
& þe gode henry is broþer after him king was
Seint edwardes nece þat of is fader kunde com
& of þe riȝte kunde of engelond king henry to wiue nom
Þat was mold þe gode quene þat in gode time was ybore
Þo smot uerst þis tre aȝen to is kunde more
& normandie þoru þe king & þoru þe quene engelond
Iioyned were þo kundeliche as in one monnes hond
Þo seint edward adde þis itold he closede boþe is eye
In þe verþe day of Ieniuer In þis manere he gan deye
In a þousend ȝer of grace & sixe & sixti riȝt
After þat vr suete louerd in is moder was aliȝt
King he was þre & tuenti ȝer & six monþes þer to
& þre wouke & six dawes ar is lif were ydo
Al þe franchise of engelond & al þe ioye of blis
Mid him was uaste ibured þo me burede him ywis


& þat me vond sone afterward mid moni deoluol cas
At westmunstre a tuelfte day þis godemon ibured was
Harald þis false erl þo seint edward ded lay
Him sulue he let crouni king þulke sulue day
Falsliche uor seint edward so wel to him truste
Þat he bitok him engelond þat he it wel wuste
To willames biofþe bastard duc of normandie
Ac him sulue he made king mid such tricherie
Ac þe gode trywemen of þe lond wolde abbe ymad king
Þe kunde eir þe ȝonge child edgar aþeling
Wo so were next king bi kunde me clupede him aþeling
Þeruore me clupede him so vor bi kunde he was next king
Ac harald made his wey biuore as mid suikedom
Mid ȝiftes & mid uaire biheste aueng þe kinedom


So þat some him chose al out & some hom hulde stille
And sofrede as hii noȝt ne miȝte al þe oþeres wille
So þat harald was king to wroþerhele þe kinedom
And seint edwardes siȝte bi him to soþe com
Vor þo bigan þe wowe verst as me miȝte yse
Þat ssolde as seint edward sede bi þre kinges daye be
Vor coste haraldes broþer þat he drof in to flaundre
Bi þe kinges daye edward him sulf to grete sclaundre
He com anon þo upen him mid gret poer & heye
Mid harald darfager king of norþweye
& mid gret poer of norþhumber to euerwik hii come
& muche folk in þe souþ side boþe slowe & nome
King harald com to hom aȝen mid poer strong ynou
Bi side euerwik his ost aȝen him drou


In a stude þat me clupede staunford brugge þo
Ac nou me clupeþ it bataile brugge uor þe bataile þat was þo
Þere hii smite to gadere & made a sori pley
Vor þere was þis cost aslawe & þe king of norþwey
& hor side al bineþe to ende it com so
Þat seint edward biuore sede of þulke breþeren tuo
Þat hii ssolde to gadere fiȝte & harald aboue be
Þer me miȝte of þulke word þe soþnesse yse
Fram anon amorwe uorte mid ouer non
Þe bataile ilaste strong ar he were idon
Þe englisse ouer þe brugge driue þe oþere atte laste
Ac þo þat water was bituene hii stode aȝen vaste
O bodi þer was of norþwey betere nare þer none
Vor he at stod vpe þe brugge mid an ax alone


& drof þe englisse men aȝen him ne miȝte non at stonde
& slou mo þan vourty of hom mid is owe honde
& wuste hom so uorte after non vor te on mid gile nom
A ssip and ar he were iwar vnder þe brugge com
& smot him ar he were ywar vnder þe fondement lowe
Mid a spere & so an hey þat he deide in an þrowe
A stalwarde pece þat was nou god cuþe is soule loue
Þo þoȝte þe englisse uor is deþ þat hii were al aboue
& passede þe brugge anon & slowe to grounde
So þat þe oþer partie bineþe was in a stounde
Þo harald isey is broþer aslawe & þe king arfager
Of norþweie & hor folc he ne held no mon is per
He ne ȝeld noȝt wel hor mede þat wiþ him is fon slowe
Þeruore is men þe lasse hor herte to him drowe


& þat hii kudde him afterward aȝen willam bastard
As ȝe ssolle sone ihure vor he was euere a ssreward
Mvche aþ þe sorwe ibe ofte in engelonde
As ȝe mowe her & er ihure & vnderstonde
Of moni bataile þat aþ ibe & þat men þat lond nome
Verst as ȝe abbeþ ihurd þe emperours of rome
Suþþe saxons & englisse mid batayles stronge
& suþþe hii of denemarch þat hulde it al so longe
Atte laste hii of normandie þat maisters beþ ȝut here
Wonne hit & holdeþ ȝut icholle telle in wuch manere
Þo willam bastard hurde telle of haraldes suikelhede
Hou he adde ymad him king & mid such falshede
Vor þat lond him was bitake as he wel wuste
To wite hit to him wel & he wel to him truste


As þe hende he dude verst & messagers him sende
Þat he vnderstode him bet is dede vor to amende
& þoȝte on þe grete oþ þat he him adde er ydo
To wite him wel engelond & to spousi is doȝter also
& hulde him þerof vorewarde as he bihet ek þe kinge
& bote he dude bi time he wolde sende him oþer tidinge
& seche him out ar tuelf monþe & is riȝtes winne
Þat he ne ssolde abbe in al engelond an herne to wite him Inne
Harald him sende word þat folie it was to truste
To such oþ as was ido mid strengþe as he wel wuste
Vor ȝif a maide treuþe ipliȝt to do an fole dede
Al one priueliche wiþoute hire frendes rede


Þulke vorewarde were uor noȝt & watloker it aȝte her
Þat ich suor an oþ þat was al in þi poer
Wiþ owte conseil of al þe lond of þing þat min noȝt nas
Þeruore nede oþ isuore nede ibroke was
& ȝif þou me wolt seche in engelond ne be þou noȝt so sturne
Siker þou be þou ne ssalt me finde in none hurne
Þo willam hurde þat he wolde susteini is tricherie
He let of sende is kniȝtes of al normandie
To conseili him in þis cas & to helpe him in such nede
& he gan of hor porchas largeliche hom bede
As hii founde suþþe in engelond þo it iwonne was
Þe betere was toward him hor herte uor þis cas
Þe duc willam is wille among hom alle sede
Þat four þinges him made mest biginne þulke dede


Þat godwine haraldes fader to deþe let do
So villiche alfred is cosin & is felawes al so
& uor harald adde is oþ ibroke þat he suor mid is riȝt hond
Þat he wolde to is biofþe witie engelond
& uor seint edward him ȝef engelond al so
& vor he was next of is blod & best wurþe þer to
& uor harald nadde no riȝt bote in falshede
Þes þinges him made mest biginne þulke dede
& uor he wolde þat alle men iseye is trewehede
To þe pope alisandre he sende in such cas him to rede
Haraldes falshede þo þe pope ysey þere
& parauntre me him tolde more þan soþ were
Þe pope asoilede & blessede willam & alle his
Þat into þis bataile mid him ssolde iwis
& halwede is baner þat me at uore him bere
Þo was he & alle his gladdore þan hii er were
So þat þis duc adde aȝen heruest al ȝare
His barons & kniȝtes mid him uorto fare


To þe hauene of sein walri þe duc wende þo
Mid þe men þat he adde & abide mo
After heruest þo hor ssipes & hii al preste were
& wind hom com after wille hor seiles hii gonne arere
& hiderward in þe se wel glad þen wei nome
So þat biside hastinge to engelond hii come
Hom þoȝte þo hii come alond þat al was in hor hond
As sone as þe duc willam is fot sette alond
On of is kniȝtes gradde hold vaste willam nou
Engelond uor þer nis no king bote þou
Vor siker þou be engelond is nou þin iwis
Þe duc willam anon uor bed alle his
Þat non nere so wod to robby ne no maner harm do þere
Vpe þe lond þat it was bote hom þat aȝen him were
Al an fourtene niȝt hii bileuede þer aboute
& conseilede of batayle & ordeinede hor route


King harald sat glad ynou at euerwik atte mete
So þat þer com a messager ar he adde iȝete
& sede þat duc willam to hastinges was icome
& is baner adde arerd & þe contreie al inome
Harald anon mid grete herte corageus ynou
As he of nomon ne tolde þuderward uaste he drou
He ne let noȝt clupie al is folc so willesfol he was
& al for in þe oþer bataile him vel so vair cas
Þo duc willam wuste þat he was icome so nei
A monek he sende him in message & dude as þe sley
Þat lond þat him was iȝiue þat he ssolde him vp ȝelde
Oþer come & dereyni þe riȝte mid suerd in þe velde
Ȝif he sede þat he nadde none riȝte þer to
Þat vpe þe popes lokinge of rome he ssolde it do
& he wolde þer to stonde al wiþoute fiȝte
Wer seint edward hit him ȝaf & wer he adde þer to riȝte


Harald sende him word aȝen þat he nolde him take no lond
Ne no lokinge of rome bote suerd & riȝt hond
Þo hit oþer ne miȝte be eiþer in is side
Conseilede & ȝarkede hom bataile uor to abide
Þe englisse al þe niȝt bi uore uaste bigonne to singe
& spende al þe niȝt in glotonie & in drinkinge
Þe normans ne dude noȝt so ac criede on god uaste
& ssriue hom ech after oþer þe wule þe niȝt ylaste
& amorwe hom let hoseli mid milde herte ynou
& suþþe þe duc wiþ is ost toward þe bataile drou
An stounde he gan abide & is kniȝtes rede
Ȝe kniȝtes he sede þat beþ of so noble dede
Þat nere neuere ouercome ne ȝoure elderne naþemo
Vnder stondeþ of þe kunde of france þat ȝoure elderne dude so wo


Hou mi fader in paris amidde is kinedom
Mid prowesse of ȝoure faderes mid strengþe him ouercom
Vnderstondeþ hou ȝoure elderne þe king nome also
& held him uorte he adde amended þat he adde misdo
& richard þat was þo a child iȝolde normandie
Þat was duc herbiuore & þat to such maistrie
Þat at eche parlement þat he in france were
Þat he were igurd wiþ suerd þe wule he were þere
Ne þat þe king of france ne his so hardi nere
Ne non atte parlement þat knif ne suerd bere
Vnder stondeþ ek þe dedes þat þulke richard dude al so
Þat he ne ouercom noȝt kinges alone ac wel more þer to
Ac he ouercom þe deuel & adoun him caste
To gadere as hii wrastlede & bond is honden vaste


Bihinde at is rugge of such prowesse ȝe þenche
Ne ssame ȝe noȝt þat harald þat euere was of luþer wrenche
& bi uore ȝou was uor suore þat he wolde mid is taile
Turne is wombe toward vs & is face in bataile
Vnderstondeþ þe suikedom þat is fader & he wroȝte
& hii þat mid him here beþ þo hii to deþe broȝte
So villiche alfred mi cosin & my kunesmen al so
Hou miȝte in eny wise More ssame be ido
Monie þat dude þulke dede ȝe mowe her ise
Hou longe ssolle hor luþer heued aboue hor ssoldren be
Adraweþ ȝoure suerdes & loke wo may do best
Þat me ise ȝoure prowesse fram est to þe west
Vor to awreke þat gentil blod þat so villiche was inome
Of vr kunesmen vor we mowe wel vr time is nou icome


Þe duc nadde noȝt al ised þat mid ernest gret
His folc quicliche to þe bataile sscet
A suein þat het taylefer smot uorþ biuore þer
& slou anon an engliss mon þat a baner ber
& ef sone anoþer baneur & þe þridde almest al so
Ac hom sulf he was aslawe ar þe dede were ydo
Þe uerst ende of is ost biuore harald mid such ginne
So þikke sette þat no mon ne miȝte come wiþinne
Wiþ stronge targes hom biuore þat archers ne dude hom noȝt
So þat normans were nei to grounde ibroȝt
Willam biþoȝte an quointise & bigan to fle uaste
& is folc uorþ mid him as hii were agaste
& flowe ouer an longe dale & so vp anhey
Þe engliss ost was prout ynou þo he þis isey


& bigonne him to sprede & after þen wey nome
Þe normans were aboue þe hul þe oþere vpward come
& bi turnde hom aboue al eseliche as it wolde be donward
& þe oþere bineþe ne miȝte noȝt so quicliche vpward
& hii were biuore altosprad þat me miȝte bitwene hom wende
Þe normans were þo wel porueid aboute in eche ende
& stones adonward slonge vpe hom ynowe
& mid speres & mid flon vaste of hom slowe
& mid suerd & mid ax uor hii þat vpward nome
Ne miȝte no wille abbe of dunt as hii þat donward come
& hor vantwarde was to broke þat me miȝte wiþinne hom wende
So þat þe normans uaste slowe in ech ende


Of þe englisse al uor noȝt þat þe valeie was nei
As heie ifuld mid dedemen as þe doune an hei
Þe ssetare donward al uor noȝt vaste slowe to gronde
So þat harald þoru þen eie issote was deþes wounde
& a kniȝt þat isei þat he was to deþe ibroȝt
& smot him as he lay bineþe & slou him as uor noȝt
Fram þat it was amorwe þe bataile ilaste strong
Vorte it was hei midouernon & þat was somdel long
Moni was þe gode dunt þat duc willam ȝef aday
Vor þre stedes he slou vnder him as me say
Vorpriked & uor arnd aboute & uor wounded also
& debrused aȝen dedemen ar þe bataile were ido
& ȝut was willames grace þulke day so god
Þat he nadde no wounde war þoru he ssedde an drope blod


Þus lo þe englisse folc vor noȝt to grounde com
Vor a fals king þat nadde no riȝt to þe kinedom
& come to a nywe louerd þat more in riȝte was
Ac hor noþer as me may ise in pur riȝte nas
& þus was in normannes hond þat lond ibroȝt iwis
Þat anaunter ȝif euermo keueringe þer of is
Of þe normans beþ heyemen þat beþ of engelonde
& þe lowemen of saxons as ich vnderstonde
So þat ȝe seþ in eiþer side wat riȝte ȝe abbeþ þerto
Ac ich vnderstonde þat it was þoru godes wille ydo
Vor þe wule þe men of þis lond pur heþene were
No lond ne no folc aȝen hom in armes nere
Ac nou suþþe þat þet folc auenge cristendom
& wel lute wule hulde þe biheste þat he nom
& turnde to sleuþe & to prute & to lecherie
To glotonie & heyemen muche to robberie


As þe gostes in auision to seint edward sede
Wu þer ssolde in engelond come such wrecchede
Vor robberie of heiemen vor clerken hordom
Hou god wolde sorwe sende in þis kinedom
Bituene Misselmasse & sein luc a sein calixtes day
As vel in þulke ȝere in a saterday
In þe ȝer of grace as it vel al so
A þousend & sixe & sixti þis bataile was ido
Duc willam was þo old nyne & þritti ȝer
& on & þritti ȝer he was of normandie duc er
Þo þis bataile was ydo duc willam let bringe
Vaire is folc þat was aslawe an erþe þoru alle þinge
Alle þat wolde leue he ȝef þat is fon an erþe broȝte
Haraldes moder uor hire sone wel ȝerne him bisoȝte
Bi messagers & largeliche him bed of ire þinge
To granti hire hire sones bodi an erþe vor to bringe


Willam hit sende hire vaire inou wiþoute eny þing ware uore
So þat it was þoru hire wiþ gret honour ybore
To þe hous of waltham & ibroȝt an erþe þere
In þe holi rode chirche þat he let him sulf rere
An hous of religion of canons ywis
Hit was þer vaire an erþe ibroȝt as it ȝut is
Willam þis noble duc þo he adde ido al þis
Þen wey he nom to londone he & alle his
As king & prince of londe wiþ nobleye ynou
Aȝen him wiþ uair procession þat folc of toune drou
& vnderueng him vaire inou as king of þis lond
Þus com lo engelond in to normandies hond
& þe normans ne couþe speke þo bote hor owe speche
& speke french as hii dude atom & hor children dude also teche


So þat heiemen of þis lond þat of hor blod come
Holdeþ alle þulke speche þat hii of hom nome
Vor bote a man conne frenss me telþ of him lute
Ac lowe men holdeþ to engliss & to hor owe speche ȝute
Ich wene þer ne beþ in al þe world contreyes none
Þat ne holdeþ to hor owe speche bote engelond one
Ac wel me wot uor to conne boþe wel it is
Vor þe more þat a mon can þe more wurþe he is
Þis noble duc willam him let crouny king
At londone amidwinter day nobliche þoru alle þing
Of þe erchebissop of euerwik aldred was is name
Þer nas prince in al þe world of so noble fame


Of þe heyemen of þe lond þat hii ne ssolde aȝen biturne
He esste ostage strong inou & hii ne ssolde noȝt wurne
Ac toke him ostage god at is owe wille
So þat ȝif eny aȝen him was huld him þo stille
Ȝif toward edgar aþeling eni is herte drou
Þat was kunde eir of þis lond him huld þo stille ynou
So þat þo þis edgar wuste al hou it was
Þat him nas no þing so god as to feky cas
His moder & is sostren tuo mid him sone he nom
To wende aȝen to þe lond fram wan he er com
A wind þer com þo in þe se & drof hom to scotlonde
So þat after betere wind hii moste þere at stonde
Macolom king of þe lond to him sone hom drou
& vor þe kunne fram wan hii come honoured hom ynou


So þat þe gode Margarete as is wille to com
Þe eldore soster of þe tuo in spoushod he nom
Bi hire he adde an doȝter suþþe þe gode quene mold
Þat quene was of engelond as me aþ er ytold
Þat goderhele al engelond was heo euere ybore
Vor þoru hire com suþþe engelond in to kunde more
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & sixti þer to
King Macolom spousede Margarete so
Ac king willam þerbiuore aboute an tuo ȝer
Wende aȝen to normandie fram wan he com er
As in þe verste ȝere þat he ueng is kinedom
Ac sone aȝen to engelond a sein nicolas day he com
& kniȝtes of biȝonde se & oþer men al so
He ȝef londes in engelond þat liȝtliche come þer to
Þat ȝute hor eirs holdeþ alonde monion
& deseritede moni kundemen þat he huld is fon


So þat þe mestedel of heyemen þat in engelond beþ
Beþ icome of þe normans as ȝe nou iseþ
& men of religion of normandie al so
He feffede here mid londes & mid rentes al so
So þat vewe contreies beþ in engelonde
Þat monekes nabbeþ of normandie somwat in hor honde
King willam bi þoȝte him ek of þe folc þat was uor lore
& aslawe ek þoru him in þe bataile biuore
& þere as þe bataile was an abbeye he let rere
Of sein Martin uor hor soulen þat þere aslawe were
& þe monekes wel inou feffede wiþoute fayle
Þat is icluped in engelond abbey of þe batayle
Þe abbeye al so of cam he rerde in normandie
Of seinte steuene þat is nou ich wene a nonnerye
He broȝte vp moni oþer hous of religion also
To bete þulke robberie þat him þoȝte he adde ydo
& erles eke & barons þat he made here also
Þoȝte þat hii ne come noȝt mid gode riȝte þer to


Hii rerde abbeis & priories vor hor sunnes þo
As teoskesburi & oseneye & aboute oþer mo
King willam was to mildemen debonere ynou
Ac to men þat him wiþ sede to alle sturnhede he drou
In chirche he was deuout inou vor him ne ssolde no day abide
Þat he ne hurde masse & matines & euesong & ech tide
So varþ monye of þis heyemen in chirche me may yse
Knely to god as hii wolde al quic to him fle
Ac be hii arise & abbeþ iturnd fram þe weued hor wombe
Wolues dede hii nimeþ vorþ þat er dude as lombe
Hii to draweþ þe sely bonde men as hii wolde hom hulde ywis
Þey me wepe & crie on hom no mercy þer nis


Vnneþe was þer eni hous in al normandie
Of religion as abbey oþer priorie
Þat king willam ne feffede here in engelonde
Mid londes oþer mid rentes þat hii abbeþ here an honde
As me may wide aboute in moni contreye ise
Ware þoru þis lond nede mot þe pouerore be
King willam adde ispoused as god ȝef þat cas
Þe erles doȝter of flaundres mold hire name was
Sones hii adde to gadere & doȝtren boþe tuo
As roberd þe courtehese & willam þe rede king al so
Henry þe gode king was ȝongost of echon
Doȝtren he adde al so cecile het þat on
Þe eldoste þat was at cam nonne & abbesse
Constance þe oþer was of brutayne contesse
Þe erles wif alein adele ȝongost was
To steuene bleis ispoused as god ȝef þat cas
& bi him adde ek an sone steuene was is name
Þat suþþe was king of engelond & endede mid ssame


Macolom king of scotlond & edgar aþeling
Þat best kunde in engelond adde to be king
Hulde hom euere in scotlond & poer to hom nome
To worri vpe king willam wanne god time come
& gret compainie of heyemen here in engelonde
Þat ne louede noȝt king willam were þo in scotlonde
Vor king Macolom vnderueng þat aȝen king willam were
& drou hom to him in scotlond & susteinede hom þere
Vor edgar is wiues broþer was kunde eir of þis londe
So þat hii adde of boþe þe londes gret poeir sone anhonde
Ar king willam adde ibe king volliche þre ȝer
Þat folc of denemarch þat þis lond worrede er
Greiþede hom mid gret poer as hii dude er ilome
& mid þre hondred ssipuol men to engelond hii come
Hii ariuede in þe norþ contreye & edgar aþeling
& king Macolom were þo glade þoru alle þing


To hom hii come at homber mid poer of scotlond
& were alle at o conseil to worri engelond
Hii worrede al norþhomberlond & uorþ euere as hii come
So þat þe toun of euerwik & þe castel ek hii nome
& monye heyemen al so of þe contreie aboute
So þat þet folc binorþe ne dorste nour at route
& þo hii adde al iwonne þe contreie þer bi side
Hii ne come no uer souþward ac þer hii gonne abide
Bi tuene þe water of trente & of ouse al so
Þere hii leuede in hor poer vorte winter were ido
Þe king willam abod is time vorte winter was al oute
& þo com he mid gret poer & mid so gret route
Þat hii nadde no poer aȝen him uor to stonde
Ac lete þe king þe maistrie & flowe to scotlonde


& hom to hor owe lond þe deneis flowe aȝe
Þe king destruede þe contreie al aboute þe se
Of frut & of corne þat þer ne bileuede noȝt
Sixti mile fram þe se þat nas to grounde ibroȝt
& al þat þe deneis no mete ne founde þere
Wanne hii come to worri & so þe feblore were
So þat ȝute to þis day Muche lond þer is
As al wast & vntuled so it was þo destrued ywis
King willam adauntede þat folc of walis
& made hom bere him truage & bi hote him & his
Þe seueþe ȝer of is kinedom an alle soule day
Þe quene mold is wif deide þat er longe sik lay
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & seuenti & þre
Anon in þulke sulue ȝere as it wolde be
Þe king willam uorto wite þe wurþ of is londe
Let enqueri streitliche þoru al engelonde


Hou moni plou lond & hou moni hiden al so
Were in euerich ssire & wat hii were wurþ þer to
& þe rentes of ech toun & of þe wateres echone
Þet worþ & of wodes ek þat þer ne bileuede none
Þat he nuste wat hii were worþ of al engelonde
& wite al clene þat worþ þer of ich vnder stonde
& let it write clene ynou & þat scrit dude iwis
In þe tresorie at westmunstre þere it ȝut is
So þat vre kinges suþþe wanne hii raunson toke
Iredy wat folc miȝte ȝiue hii founde þere in hor boke
Þer was bi king willames daye worre & sorwe inou
Vor no mon ne dorste him wiþsegge he wroȝte muche wou
To hom þat wolde is wille do debonere he was & milde
& to hom þat wiþsede strong tirant & wilde


Wo so come to esse him riȝt of eni trespas
Bote he payde him þe bet þe wors is ende was
& þe more vnriȝt me ssolde him do ac among oþere naþeles
Þoru out al engelond he huld wel god pes
Vor me miȝte bere bi is daye & lede hardeliche
Tresour aboute & oþer god oueral aperteliche
In wodes & in oþer studes so þat no time nas
Þet pes bet isusteined þan bi his time was
Game of houndes he louede inou & of wilde best
& is forest & is wodes & mest þe niwe forest
Þat is in souþhamtessire vor þulke he louede inou
& astorede wel mid bestes & lese mid gret wou
Vor he caste out of house & hom of men a gret route
& binom hor lond ȝe þritti mile & more þer aboute
& made it al forest & lese þe bestes uor to fede
Of poueremen deserited he nom lutel hede


Þeruore þerinne wel mony mis cheuing
& is sone was þer inne issote willam þe rede king
& is o sone þat het richard caȝte þer is deþ al so
& richard is o neueu brec þere is nekke þer to
As he rod an honteþ & par auntre is hors spurnde
Þe vnriȝt ido to poueremen to such mesaunture turnde
Wo so bi king willames daye slou hert oþer hind
Me ssolde pulte out boþe is eye & makye him pur blind
Heyemen ne dorste bi is day wilde best nime noȝt
Hare ne wilde swin þat hii nere to ssame ybroȝt
Þer nas so heymon non þat him enes wiþ sede
Þat me ne ssolde him take anon & to prison lede
Monye heyemen of þe lond in prison he huld strong
So þat muchedel engelond þoȝte is lif to long


Bissopes & abbodes were to is wille echon
& ȝif þat eni him wraþþede adoun he was anon
Þre siþe he ber croune aȝer to midewinter at gloucestre
To witesonetid at westmunstre to ester at wincestre
Þulke festes he wolde holde so nobliche
Wiþ so gret prute & wast & so richeliche
Þat wonder it was wenene it com ac to susteini such nobleye
He destruede þat pouere folc & nom of hom is preye
So þat he was riche him sulf & þat lond pouere al out
Sturne he was þoru out al & heiuol & prout
Suiþe þikke mon he was & of grete strengþe
Gret wombede & ballede & bote of euene lengþe
So stif mon he was in armes in ssoldren & in lende
Þat vnneþe enimon miȝte is bowe bende


Þat he wolde him sulf vp is fot ridinge wel vaste
Liȝtliche & ssete also mid bowe & arblaste
So hol he was of body ek þat he ne lay neuere uaste
Sik in is bed vor non vuel bote in is deþ vuel atte laste
As he wolde some time to normandie wende
Al þat aȝt was in engelond he let somony in ech ende
To salesburi to uore him þat hii suore him alle þere
To be him triwe & holde þe wule he of londe were
Þer to he nom gret peine of hom & fram salesburi to wiȝt
He wende & fram þanene to normandie riȝt
& þe wule he was out of engelond edgar aþeling
Þat riȝt eir was of engelond & kunde to be king
Made is ȝonge soster as god ȝef þat cas
Nonne in þe hous of romeseye cristine hire name was


Þat folc com þo of denemarch to engelond sone
& robbede & destruede as hii were iwoned to done
Þat word in to normandie to king willam com
So gret poer of þulke lond & of france he nom
Mid him in to engelond of kniȝtes & squiers
Speremen auote & bowemen & al so arblasters
Þat hom þoȝte in engelond so muche folc neuere nas
Þat it was wonder ware þoru isousteined it was
Hii of denemarch flowe sone vor hii nadde no poer
Ac þet folc of biȝonde se bileuede alle her
Þat vnneþe al þat lond sustenance hom vond
& þe king hom sende her & þer aboute in engelond
To diuerse men to finde hom mete more þan hor poer was
So þat in ech manere þat lond destrued was
Frut & corn þer failede tempestes þer come
Þondringe & liȝtinge ek þat slou men ilome


Manne orf deide al agrounde so gret qualm þer com þo
Orf failede & eke corn hou miȝte be more wo
Seknesse com ek among men þat aboute wide
Wat vor honger wat uor wo men deide in ech side
So þat sorwes in engelond were wel mony volde
Þe king & oþer riche men wel lute þer of tolde
Vor hii wolde euere abbe ynou wanne þe pouere adde wo
Sein poules chirche of londone was ek vor barnd þo
King willam to normandie þoȝte suþþe atte laste
He sette is tounes & is londes to ferme wel vaste
Wo so mest bode þeruore & þei a lond igranted were
To a man to bere þeruore a certein rente bi ȝere
& anoþer come & bode more he were inne anon
So þat hii þat bode mest broȝte out monion


Nere þe vorewarde no so strong me boȝte is out wiþ wou
So þat þe king in such manere suluer wan ynou
Þo he adde iset is londes so mid such tricherye
So heye & al is oþer þing he wende to normandie
& þere he dude wowe ynou mid slaȝt & robberye
& nameliche vpe þe king of france & vpe is compainie
So þat in þe toun of reins king willam atte laste
Vor eld & uor trauail bigan to febli vaste
Þe king phelip of france þe lasse þo of him tolde
& drof him to busemare as me ofte deþ þan olde
Þe king he sede of engelond halt him to is bedde
& liþ mid is grete wombe at reins a child bedde
Þo king willam hurde þis he made him somdel wroþ
Vor edwit of is grete wombe & suor anon þis oþ
Bi þe vprisinge of ihesu crist ȝif god me wole grace sende
Vor to make mi chirchegong & bringe me of þis bende


Suche wiues icholle mid me lede & such liȝt atten ende
Þat an hondred þousend candlen & mo icholle him tende
Amidde is lond of france & is prute ssende
Þat a sori chirchegong ichcholle him make ar ich þanne we[nde]
Vorewarde he huld him wel inou vor to heruest anon
Þo he sey þat feldes were vol of corne echon
Al þe contreie vol of frut wanne he miȝte mest harm do[n]
He let gadery is kniȝtes & is squiers al so
& þat were is wiues þ at he wiþ him ladde
He wende him in to france & þe contreie ouer spradde
& robbede & destruede him ne miȝte noþing lette
Þe grete cite of medes suþþe afure he sette
Vor me ne miȝte no chirchegong wiþoute liȝte do
Þe cite he barnde al clene & an chirche al so


Of vr leuedi þat þer inne was & an auncre godes spouse
Þat nolde vor no þing fle out of hire house
& monimon & womman ek þer vel in meschaunce
So þat a sori chirchegong hit was to þe king of france
King willam wende aȝen þo al þis was ido
& bigan sone to grony & to febly al so
Vor trauail of þe voul asaut & vor he was feble er
& par auntre vor wreche al so vor he dude so vuele þer
Þo he com to reins aȝen sik he lay sone
His leches lokede is stat as hor riȝt was to done
& iseye & sede al so þat he ne miȝte ofscapie noȝt
Þere was sone sorwe ynou among is men ybroȝt
& he him sulf deol inou & sorwe made al so
& nameliche uor þe muche wo þat he adde anerþe ydo


He wep on god vaste ynou & criede him milce & ore
& bihet ȝif he moste libbe þat he nolde misdo nammore
Er he ssolde þat abbe ydo vor it was þo late ynou
Atte laste þo he isei þat toward is ende he drou
His biquide in þis manere he made biuore is deþ
Willam þe rede al engelond is sone he bi queþ
Þe ȝongore al is porchas ac as lawe was & wone
Normandie is eritage he ȝef is eldoste sone
Roberd þe courtehese & henry þe ȝongoste þo
He biqueþ is tresour vor he nadde sones nammo
He het dele ek poueremen Muche of is tresorie
Vor he adde so muche of hom inome in robberye
Chirchen he let rere al so & tresour he ȝef ynou
To rere vp þe chirche of france þat he barnde wiþ wou


Þe prisons he let of engelond Deliuery echone
& of normandie al so þat þer ne leuede none
Þo deide he in þe ȝer of grace a þousend as it was
& four score & seuene as god ȝef þat cas
He was king of engelond four & tuenti ȝer al so
& duc er of normandie vifty ȝer & tuo
Of elde he was nyne & fifty ȝer þo god him ȝef such cas
Þe morwe after seinte mari day þe later ded he was
In þe abbey of cam ibured was þis king
& henry is ȝonge sone was at is buriing
Ac noþer of is oþer sones vor in france þo
Roberd courtehese was in worre & in wo
& willam anon so is fader engelond him bi queþ
He nolde noȝt abide vor te is fader deþ
Ac wende him out of normandie anon to engelonde
Vorto nime hastiliche seisine of is londe


Þat was him þo leuere þan is fader were
So þat þer nas of is sones bote þe ȝonge henry þere
Willam þe rede king anon so he adde tiþing
Of is fader deþe he let him crouni king
Biuore Misselmasse he was icrouned þre dawes & namm[o]
Of þe erchebissop of Kanterbury lanfranc þat was þo
At westmunstre it was ido wiþoute long targinge
Vor it nas noȝt fourtene niȝt after is fader buriinge
He sende anon as quicliche as he miȝte is sonde
Holde oþes þat men him suore þoru al engelonde
Vor of is eldore broþer he was euere in doute
So þat me suor him holde oþes Into al þe lond aboute
From londone to winchestere he wende to se þere
Þe vaire halle & oþer bold þat is fader let rere
Of is fader tresorie þat was in þulke stude
He delde uor is soule as he adde him sulf ibede


To chirchen & to poueremen he ȝef verst as he ssolde
To abbeys & to priories largeliche of is golde
& to eche chirche of þe lond vif ssillinges me ber
& to eche contreie an hondred pound to dele poueremen þer
Vor me nom it er muchedel of pouere monne god
& þe sone þei he were ssrewe þen vader wel vnderstod
Vor strengþe of wisdom vr louerd him here sende
& atte biginninge þulke tuo to gode al he it wende
Þe wule þe erchebissop lanfranc broȝte him to god red
Ac to vuel he it turnde al þo lanfranc was ded
Ar is fader wonne engelond longe he was ibore
Ac ȝut roberd courtehese þe eldore broþer biuore
Stalwarde was & hardi & god kniȝt þoru alle þing
In batayle & in tornemens er þan he were king


Þe verste ȝer þat he was king worre gret & strong
Bituene him & roberd courtehese þer sprong
Vor muche of þis lond willede roberd courtehese
To be king of engelond ȝif hii miȝte chese
& vor roberd was eldore & eir gret folc he sende al so
Fram normandie to worry & is fader biquide vndo
Ac þe vif pors of engelond kepte hom in þe se
& adreinte & slowe þat hii ne come nammore aȝe
Freinsse men in engelond þer were þere monion
Bissopes & kniȝtes mid king willam echon
Þe bissop ode wiþ him was so wel ich vnder stonde
Þat he tok him poer as wo seiþ of al engelonde
& he bigan mid treson mest to be is fo
& to drawe to him þe heyemen þat in poer were þo
As in þe ȝer of grace a þousend ȝer it was
And four score & eiȝte þat bigan þis cas


In þe gote time of leinte þis false bissop ode
& þe frensse kniȝtes of engelond of þis trayson vnderstode
& heyemen monye of engelond were ek at one rede
Anon after estere hii gonne hom to sprede
And robbi aboute & berne & tounes adoun caste
And wo so eni castel adde astored him wel vaste
A bissop þat het geffray & oþer heyemen mo
Þat þe castel wuste of bristowe such castel as was þo
Baþe & al þe contreie hii robbede in hor route
& þe oþer side berkeleye & þe contreye al aboute
& þe castel of bristowe astorede vaste ynou
Þe barons of herefordssire dude al so gret wou
& þat folc of ssropssire vor hii nome hom alle to rede
& robbede wircestressire In lengþe & in brede


& al þe contreie aboute & to þe toune riȝt
Ac hii founde in þe toun mony a god kniȝt
Vor þe bissop of wurcestere þat þo was seint wulston
In þe castel was of wurcestre & bissopes monion
Sein wulston cride on god to ssulde hom fram hor fon
Þe kniȝtes wel iarmed wende hom out anon
& þoru bone of sein wolston & þoru godes grace
Hii slowe & ouercome vif þousend in þe place
A uerde þer was binorþe þat robbede al so uaste
Þe contreye of norþhumberlond & þe tounes adoun caste
An oþer þer was more souþ þat leicestre ssire
Robbede & destruede & norþhamtessire
So þat engelond was vol of eche wrechede
& to soþe com þat seint edward biuore is deþe sede
Þe bissop ode þat was of þis wowe cheuentein
In kent was & robbede þere mid al is mayn


King willam isei þat he was in alle sorwe ibroȝt
& bote he adde help of is men is fare nas riȝt noȝt
To is barons he sende aboute þat he mest truste to
& bed hom helpe him in is nede oþer is poer were ido
He bihet hom þe beste lawes þat euere were ifounde
To be is help aȝen is fon þat he nere ibroȝt to grounde
Þe heyemen of engelond to abbe hor lawes gode
Come to him in is nede þo hii him vnderstode
& mid gret ost wende uorþ & mid stourdi mode
Toward þe castel of roucestre to seche þe bissop ode
To þe castel of tonebrugge bi þe wey hii come
& asailede him vaste inou & attelaste him nome
Þo tolde me þat bissop ode at pewneseye was
Þis ost wende þuderward mid wel quic pas
& bisegede þen castel six wuke wel vaste
So þat þet folc wiþinne ȝolde hom atte laste


& bissop ode uerst þo þe king him vond
He made him vor is treson vorsuerie engelond
Ac uor þe castel of roucestere & þe toun al so
In þe bissopes poer was & is folc þer inne ido
Þe king him made þuder wende mid is owe folc to Make
Þe folc þat þer Inne was þen castel him vp take
Þo þe bissop & þe kinges men to roucestere come
Hii wiþinne turnde aȝen & hom alle nome
& þe kinges men echone In strong prison caste
Þo þet word to þe king come þuderward he wende vaste
& þen castel bisette & hom wiþinne agaste
So þat hii ȝolde þe king vp þen castel atte laste
& þe king hom made echone þat he þer Inne vond
& þe bissop ode al so vorsuerie engelond
Þo hii were out of engelond hii were bineþe ybroȝt
& alle þat hulde wiþ hom er vor hor poer nas noȝt


Þo þe king was al aboue of noþing he nas aferd
He suor he wolde awreke be of is broþer roberd
To normandie mid is ost in gret wraþþe he gan wende
Vor to winne normandie & is broþer ssende
His broþer gaderede is poer & aȝen him vaste stod
So þat þe worre strong was & gret ssedinge of blod
Hii acordede atte laste in such fourme þere
Þat weþer of hom tueye lengore aliue were
Þat he ssolde be oþeres eir of al þat he adde
Ȝif he of him sulf biȝite non oþer eir nadde
Þis acord was vaste imad þoru strong treuþe inou
Vaste ipliȝt in eiþer side þat noþer ne wiþ drou
So þat þis tueye breþeren gode frend were þo riȝt
Þoru god fourme & strong inou þoru strong treuþe ipliȝt
Þe wule hii were in normandie & engelond so bar
Macolom king of scotlond þer of was iwar


& edgar al so aþeling vor mid gret poer
Hii wende her in to engelond & robbede ver & ner
& barnde & destrude þe norþ contreie vaste
Þer of com to normandie þe tiþinge attelaste
Þe king & Roberd is broþer hor beire poer nome
& wiþ gret ost & strengþe inou to engelond come
& sette vaste aȝen hom so þat in lute stounde
Hor poer of scotlond was ibroȝt to grounde
Þo wende uorþ roberd courtehese & edgar aþeling
& acordede Macolom & willam ur king
So þat þis Macolom nere he no so prout
Dude king willam omage & bicom is man al out
And acorded hii were alle voure as willam vr king
And king Macolom & roberd & edgar aþeling
Þo bileuede roberd almest uorte cristemasse
Mid is broþer in engelond bote tueye dawes lasse


Ac in wiȝt he wende þo & so to normandye
& edgar aþeling mid him as in god compaynie
Þo adde willam vr king in pes al engelond
& to him vaste iobliged þe king of scotlond
Luþer he was arst inou & wel wors he was þo
He dude abbeys & priories in þat lond wel wo
His strengþe & is wisdom as ich abbe er ised
He turnde to luþernesse þo lanfranc was ded
Tweye luþer lawes he adde wiþ him al out
In speninge he was fol large In herte þoru out prout
Vor is prute he ne tolde of god ne of man riȝt noȝt
Ne after no red he nolde do bote after is luþer þoȝt
Milce nas þer mid him non ne no Manere Mekhede
Ac as a tirant tormentor in speche & ek in dede
Vor he was no fol large as robbeour he was
And destruede al þat lond þat no god alonde nas


Þer ne ssolde no mete ne drinke bote it ouer dere
Come wiþinne is wombe ne cloþ ouer is suere
Wanne it come biuore him he nolde þer of noȝt
Nere it no so lute worþ bote it were ouerdere yboȝt
As is chanberlein him broȝte ar he aros aday
Amorewe uor to werie a peire hosen of say
He esste wat hii costnede þre ssillinges þe oþer sede
Fi a debles quaþ þe king wo sey a so vil dede
King to werye eny cloþ bote hit costnede more
Buy a peire of a marc oþer þou ssalt acorie sore
A worse peire of inou þe oþer suþþe him broȝte
& sede hii were of a marc & vnneþ so ibouȝte
Ȝe belamy quaþ þe king þes were wel iboȝt


In þis manere serue me oþer þou ne ssalt me serue noȝt
Þe tour he made of londone willam þe rede king
& þe muchel halle of westmunstre þat so noble is þoru alle þing
Þo he to þis halle com he chidde & made him wroþ
Vor he was bi þe haluendel to lute he suor is oþ
Him ne roȝte hou he spende ne wat he was so prout
Þeruore he destruede þat londfolc al out
So þat in is luþerhede to gloucestere he wende
& þere þei it lute were siknesse god him sende
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & four score & þrettene
Hit was þat he lay sik at gloucestre ich wene
Þo dradde he sore of is deþ & is misdede of þoȝte sore
& bi het god þat he nolde be luþermon nammore


Ac þat he wolde to engelond & to holi chirche also
Be god & amendi þat he adde misdo
King Macolom hurde telle þerof in scotlonde
To him to gloucestere sone he sende is sonde
& bed him vor is trywenesse þe vorewarde abbe in þoȝt
Þat bituene hom was ymad þat he breke it noȝt
Þe king him sende word aȝen to be triwe & hende
And bed him al sauf to him to gloucestre wende
And Make him obligacion & ostage him gan sende
Þat he ssolde to him come al sauf in ech ende
Macolom ileuede þis & to gloucestere þen wey nom
Ac þe king he vond in such point þo he þuder com
Þat he ne miȝte wiþ him speke aȝen he wende wroþ
& þer of he wolde be awreke he suor is more oþ
Vaste he ȝarkede is poer þo he com to scotlonde
& wende aȝen to worri her vp engelonde
& robbede & barnde & sone þoru godes sonde
He vond hard encontre in norþhumberlonde


Vor þe erl of norþhomberlond sire roberd de Mounbrey
Nas noþing wel ipaid mid king Macolomes pley
Þat he destrued so is lond he ȝarkede vaste
His poer & ȝef him bataile atte laste
Þer was king macolom aslawe & edward is sone al so
Þat was is sone & is eir & muche of is folc þer to
Þe tiþinge sone com to Margarete is wif
Þat boþe ire louerd & ire sone adde ilore þat lif
Heo let hire ssriue & hoseli & vnneþe out et
Ar heo uor deol & sorwe & anguisse þat lif let
Þo was willam oure king al quit of þulke fon
Vor þer ne bileuede of hor children aliue bote on
Mold þat was þe gode quene þat euere worþ in munde
Vor þoru hire com uerst engelond aȝen to riȝte kunde
Kyng willam keuerede aȝen to hele al to sone
& dude alonde wou inou as is wone was to done


A god pope was þulke time at rome þat het vrban
Þat prechede of þe croyserie & croysede moni a mon
Þer of he sende prechors þoru al cristendom
& him sulf a þes half þe mouns & to france com
And prechede so vaste & wiþ so gret wisdom
Þat aboute in eche londe þe crois vaste me nom
In þe ȝer of grace aþousend & fourscore & sixtene
Þis grete croiserie bigan þat longe was isene
Of so muche folc nyme þe croys ne to þe holy londe go
Me ne sey no tyme biuore ne suþþe naþemo
Vor sulue wimmen ne bileuede þat hii ne wende þuder vaste
Ne ȝong folc þei hii feble were þe wule þe veage ilaste
So þat roberd courtehese þuderward is herte caste
& among oþere gode kniȝtes ne þoȝte noȝt be þe laste


He wende here to engelond vor þe croiserye
& leide willam is broþer to wedde normandye
& borewede þer uppe of him an hondred þousend mare
To wende wiþ to þe holy lond & þat was somdel stare
He adde arst duc of normandie nye ȝer ybe
Þo he adde þis tresour he gan him bet bi se
Þe erl roberd of flaundres mid him wende al so
& eustans erl of boloyne & moni god kniȝt þer to
Þer wende þe due geffray & þe erl baldewine þere
& þe oþer baldewine al so þat noblemen were
& kinges suþþe alle þre of þe holy lond
Þe erl steuene þe bles wende ek þat gret poer adde an hond
Þat roberdes soster courtehese ispoused adde to wiue
Þer wende ȝut oþer kniȝtes þe beste þat were aliue
As þe erl of sein gile þe gode reimond
& vel þe kinges broþer of france & þe erl beaumond


& tancred is neueu & þe bissop al so
Of podie & sire hue þe grete erl þer to
& folc also wiþoute tale of al þis west ende
Of engelond of france þuderward gonne wende
Of normandie of denemarch of norþweye of brutayne
Of walis & of yrlonde of gascoyne & of spayne
Of prouence & of saxoyne & of alymayne
Of scotlond & of grece of rome of Aquitayne
Me ne hurde neuere þat god so vair grace an erþe sende
Þat so muche folc at o tyme to þe holy lond wende
Þis folc at constantinoble biuore þe emperour
Alex þat was þo come wiþ gret honour
Suþþe hii dude hom in þe se and ariuede atte laste
Suþþe þe toun of nyce hii bisegede vaste
Hii departede verst hor ost as in vour partye
And at ech of þe vour ȝates sette an compaynie
Vor roberd courtehese Mid þe poer þat was his
& þe erl of flaundres were iset at þe est ȝate ywis


Atte norþȝate was tancred & þe duc biaumond
Atte souþȝate was þe bissop & þe gode erl reimond
And þe duc godefray & steuene de bleys al so
And sire hue þe grete erl atte west ȝate were ido
Hii bigonne an hal þores euen þen toun to asaili þere
Stalwardliche & vaste inou noblemen as it were
Hit þoȝte þat al þe eir aboute vol was of cri anon
& þat me ne miȝte noȝt ise bote arwen & flon
& stones out of liþeren & of magnels al so
Muche was þe manslaȝt þat þere was ido
Vor hii wiþinne versse were wiþoute trauail & tene
& adde hor ginnes to sseten out & þe wal hom was bitwene
Þe cristine failede of al þis war þoru in a stounde
Alas muchedel of hom was ibroȝt to grounde


And naþeles as noblemen hii assailede euere vaste
So þat to þe toun walle hii come atte laste
And þe oþere hadde ilore hor ssute of bowe & of arblaste
Ne hii ne miȝte vor oþer ginnes stones vp hom caste
Þe cristinemen dolue vaste & þen wal velde adoun
So þat þe sarazins ȝolde hom þen toun
Þat was þe chef cite of þe lasse asye
So þat þe cristinemen adde þer þe maistrie
& tresour founde & stor inou hii astorede hom wel þere
& reste hor gode bodies þat wel wery were
After six wouke & þre dawes þat hii þuder come
Hii greiþede hom & þen wey to antioche nome
Out of nyce hii wende þo of Iul þe verste day
Ich wene a uair compainie neuere mon ne say
Vor aboute seue hondred þousend of gode bodies þer were
& ȝut þer was al to muche bihinde aslawe þere


As hii wende toward antioche hii bihulde an hey
So þat in þe firmament þat folc hom þoȝte hii sey
A long suerd red as fur þe point ssarp inou
& ouer painime estward þat point hom þoȝte drou
Of þis siȝte hii were glad vor hom þoȝte it was tokninge
Þat god wolde þe sarazens In hor poer bringe
Hor compainie þat was þo wair hii delde verst atuo
In þe one roberd cortehese cheuentein was ido
& þe erl beumond & tancred & þe gode kniȝt richard
De prices & euerard de ponsat & achard
De monmerloy & mony oþere & þo þis was al ȝare
Vorþ hii wende & þe oþer folc bi an oþer wei elles ware
As þis gode compainie þen riȝte wey uor nome
Þe heþene were of hom iwar & aȝen hom come


Þre hondred þousend & sixty þousend wiþoute folc of arabie
So muche þat þer nas non noumbre of hor compainye
Þe cristine were of þe sarazins an onywar biset
& vor þe sarazins were ywar hom spedde wel þe bet
Batayle hii smite strong inou ac as icholde noȝt
Vor þe cristinemen were nei to grounde ibroȝt
Of trompes & of tabors þe sarazins made þere
So gret noyse þat cristinemen al destourbed were
Vor hor hors were al astoned & nolde after wille
Siwe noþer spore no bridel ac some stode stille
& some lepte her & þer so þat hii were icome
In wille to fle cristinemen & bigonne to fle some
Þo arnde uorþ þe noble kniȝt roberd courtehese
Kniȝtes he sede wat wolle ȝe vuele ȝe doþ chese
Ne se ȝe þat ȝare hors beþ suiftore þan ȝoure be
Þat ȝe beþ dede anon ȝif ȝe wolle fle


Deie we raþer wiþ onour & siweþ me in þis place
Vor icholle mi lif dere inou sulle þoru godes grace
He turnde is stede wiþ god eir & atte biginninge
He smot þoru out wiþ a launce on of hor hexte kinge
And an oþer gret maister he slou & ef sone þe þridde
His felawes smite uorþ wiþ him & were sone amidde
Boþe tancred & biaumond & Richard de prince al so
And þis oþere gode kniȝtes gode herte hom nome to
& smite al anywe bataile & to grounde slowe vaste
So þat fram þe oþer ost þer com atte laste
Sire hue þe grete erl & auncel de ripemond
Mid an hondred kniȝtes pur versse & sound
& þe sarazines ost wax al so vaste
So þat tueie of oure princes aslawe were atte laste
Vor willam tancredes broþer an heþene king com to
& smot him þoru mid a lance & he him al so


So þat hii were boþe dede & al so sire godefray
De mount scabiouse was aslawe weilaway
Vor as he an kniȝtes heued of arabie of smot
& he & his armure were þoru out hot
On sset him þoru out mid an arwe þere
So þat þis tueye gode kniȝtes of cristine aslawe were
Þis batayle laste þus fram morwe vor to non
So þat þe verste cristine ost was nei wat ydon
Vor þer adde vewe aliue ofscaped in þe place
Ȝif vr louerd hom nadde isend help þoru is grace
Vor hor felawes of þe oþer ost al versse to hom drowe
Verst þe duc godefray mid gode kniȝtes ynowe
& in þe riȝthalf of is ost þe baldewines tueye
Were & gouernede þe ost mid hor poer beye
& steuene þe bleis mid is ost þe luft side nom
& Roberd erl of flaundres after þulke ost com


Mid is poer gret inou ac þe ost in þe riȝt side
Sywede þe gode reimond mid is ost wel wide
& vot folc wiþoute noumbre & þanne þe bissop drou
In anoþer alf of an hul wiþ gret poer ynou
Þe sarazins in no bataile neuere ȝut so uaste
Foȝte ne so stifliche þe wule hor poer ylaste
Ac þo þis noble kniȝtes al verss up hom come
Hii þat miȝte of scapie sone hor red nome
& hor duc soliman & bigonne to fle vaste
So þat þis cristinemen bileuede atte laste
Maistres in þe velde mid gret wo þei it were
& of armes & of oþer þinge gret preye awey bere
So þat hii were þe bet astored & hor ost al so
In þe bigininge of Iul þis bataile was ido
Þo wende uorþ þis compainye wiþ moni a noble man
& wonne tars wiþ strengþe & suþþe toxan


& to yrenebrugge fram þanene hii wende
& vr louerd atte laste to antioche hom sende
Þat in þe biginning of þe lond of sirie is
Anon vpe sein lukes day þuder hii come ywis
& bisegede þe cite & asailede vaste
& hii wiþinne aȝen hom stalwardeliche caste
So þat after cristemasse þe sarazins red nome
& þat folc of ierusalem & of damache come
Of alef & of oþer londes gret poer ynou
& to socouri antioche uaste þuderward drou
So þat þe erl of flaundres & beumond atte laste
Mid tuenti þousend of men aȝen hom wende vaste
& smite an bataile wiþ hom & þe ssrewen ouercome
& þe cristine wende aȝen mid þe preye þat hii nome
In þe monþe of feuerer þe sarazins ef sone
Ȝarkede hom a gret ost as hii were iwoned to done
& wende toward antioche to helpe hor kunde blod


Þe compainie of cristinemen þis wel vnderstod
To bisegi þis castel hor votmen hii lete
& þe kniȝtes wende uorþ þe sarazins to mete
Iarmed & an horse wel & in six partye
Ar hii wende to ver hii delde hor compainye
Of þe verste roberd courtehese hii chose to cheuentein
& of þe oþer þe noble duc godefray of alimain
Of þe þridde þe gode remound þe verþe þe gode manne
Þe erl of flaundres hii bitoke & þe vifte þanne
Hii bitoke þe bissop of podye þe sixte partie þo
Þe gode tancred & beumond þo nere þer nammo
Þes tueye adde þe meste ost þat as standard was þere
Vor to helpe hor felawes wanne hii weri were
Þis cristine & þis sarazins to gadere hom sone mette
& as stalwardemen to gadere vaste sette


& slowe to grounde her & þer ac þe heþene side
Wax euere verss & verss of folc þat com wide
So þat þis cristinemen were al at grounde nei
Þo beumond wiþ is ost þis grete sorwe isei
He & tancred & hor men þat al versse were
Smite vorþ as noblemen in to þe bataile þere
& sturede hom so nobliche þat Ioye it was to se
So þat hor felawes þat were vpe þe point to fle
Nome to hom gode herte & voȝte vaste inou
Robert uerst courtehese is gode suerd adrou
& smot anne vpe þe helm & an such stroc him ȝef
Þat þe scolle & þe teþ & nekke & ssoldren he to clef
Þe duc godefray al so god vpe þe scolle smot on
& uorclef him al þat bodi to þe sadel anon
Þe on half vel adoun anon þe oþer bileuede stille
In þe sadel þei it wonder were as it was godes wille


Þis hors bere uorþ þis haluemon among is felawes anon
& hii uor þe wonder cas in drede velle echon
Wat uor drede þer of & uor strengþe of hor fon
More ioye þan þer was nas neuere iseie non
In biginninge of leinte þis bataile was ydo
& ȝut sone þer after an oþer com al so
Vor þe sarazins in paynime ȝarkede volc inou
& þat folc þo it ȝare was to antioche drou
Þo þe cristine it vnderȝete aȝen hii wende vaste
So þat hii mette hom & smite an bataile attelaste
Ac þe cristine cride al on god & god ernest nome
& þoru þe grace of ihesu crist þe paens hii ouercome
& slowe to grounde here & þer þe oþer flowe anon
So þat at a narwe brugge þer adreintte monion
Þer ofscapede vewe aliue so narw þe brugge was


Þat hii nere adreint oþer aslawe & þat was a uair cas
Þe vrninde water was of hor blod al red
Wat adreint wat aslawe tuelf princes þer were ded
Þat me clupeþ amirails a uair cas it was on
Þe cristinemen adde of hom of armure gret won
Of gold & of seluer ek & þer after hii nome
Þe haueden of þe hexte Maisters & to antioche come
& leide is in hor ginnes & in to þe cite is caste
Þo hii wiþinne iseie þis sore hii were agaste
Þat hor maistres were so aslawe hii gonne drede sore
Hii hulde it lute worþ þen toun to wite More
Þe cristine men hom wuste ek so vaste wiþoute
Þat hom ne miȝte come no mete þe more was hor doute
A maister þat was wiþinne sende to þe erl beumond
To ȝelde vp is warde to ben hol & sound


Ar his felawes were iwar he ȝeld him vp þere
Þre toures of þe cite þat in is warde were
Þo beumond þer inne was is baner anon let rere
Þo sarazins it iseie hii were somdel in fere
& hulde hom al ouercome þe cristine anon come
& þis toun vpe þis luþermen as vor noȝt hii nome
& slowe al þat hii founde bote wuch so miȝte fle
& astorede hom of hor tresour as me miȝte ise
Þus was þe þridde day of Iun antioche inome
& as al in þulke side þe sarazins ouercome
Þis was sone wide in painime ibroȝt
So þat þe princes of painime were in gret þoȝt
& sende euerich to oþer so þat corboran
Þat was maister of þe grete ost vnder þe soudan
& þe king of Ierusalem & of damache al so
Gaderede as gret poer as hii miȝte do
& come vpe þis cristinemen mid gret ost atte laste
Mid þe grete strengþe of painime & bisege hom uaste


Her adde lo þis cristinemen as ȝe ssolle ihure
Muche wo þe wule god wolde þat it ssolde dure
Hii bisegede vaste þe toun so þat þe þridde day
Þe cristine ost smot him out þo he time isay
& hopede do gode nede ac bote lute worþ it nas
Vor of þe luþer sarazens so gret poer þer was
Þat þe cristinemen aȝen flowe In wel vawe
& ȝute manie ar hii come in were ibroȝt of dawe
In þe toune hii hulde hom & vawe þat hii miȝte
Vor hii nadde poer ynou wiþoute vor to fiȝte
Þe sarazins wiþoute wuste so euerich ende
Þat no maner liflode ne miȝte to hom wende
So þat þo hii adde ispend þat wiþinne was
More honger þan hii adde neuere iseye nas
Vor an ey to tueie ssillinges wel vawe þo hii boȝte
& an hen vor viftene & vawe þat me is broȝte


& a note vor a peni so þat hii ete
Hor hors & hor hiden & assen ar hii lete
Wo þat miȝte weodes abbe & þe roten gnawe
Oþer seþe & Make potage was þer of wel vawe
Vor honger deide monion hou miȝte be more wo
Muche was þe sorwe þat among hom was þo
No maner hope hii nadde to amendement to come
Vor hii ne miȝte armes bere so hii were ouercome
Atte laste vr suete louerd þoȝte on þis dede
& com to an holi man & þes wordes sede
Go seye þe cristinemen of þe west ende
Þat ich abbe her biuore ibe hom god & hende
& þat ich made hom verst winne of nice þe cite
& moni oþer bataile þe wule hii seruede me
& þe cite of antioche þat so strong was in ech ende
& þo ichom adde al þis ido fram me hii gonne wende


& dude sunne of lecherie & þat is mest in mi munde
Mid wimmen of painime hii dude hor foule kunde
War of þe stench com in to heuene an hey
Þe godemon to vr louerdes vet vel þat þis isey
Louerd ȝif it is þi wille In þis grete nede he sede
Help hom & vorȝif hom þulke sunuol dede
Ich hom abbe quaþ vr louerd iholpe er ywis
& ȝut icholle her after more go & seie hom þis
Þat hii turne aȝen to me & icholle to hom saun faile
& wiþinne vif dawes mid hom be mi sulf in bataile
Here ȝe mowe ise þat an vewe wiþ sunne of lecherie
Mowe binime grace of god to al an compaynie
Þis holimon wende vorþ & tolde þis men vore
Þat hii adde iwonne grace & wy hii it adde vor lore


Þo hii adde iwonne grace gret Ioye was þere
In vastinge & in orisons þre dawes hii were
Massen & processions hii made monion
Wiþ wop & god deuocion hii lete hom ssriwe echon
Þo hii were wel issriue wiþ god deuocion
Wepinde hii armed hom þe teres orne adoun
Hor ost hii delde a seuene & þe verst hii toke
Þe erl of flaundres & sire hue þe gret erl to loke
Þe oþer þe due godefrai & þe erl baldewine al so
Þe þridde roberd courtehese þat best it couþe do
Vor he was best kniȝt of alle no felawe hii nolde him loke
Þe bissop of podye þe verþe ost hii toke
& sire willam de Monpeilers þe vifte hii toke riȝt
Sire Richard de prince & tancred þe gode kniȝt
Þe sixte þe erl of rusinole & þe erl beumond al so
Hii bitoke to gouerni þo al þis was ydo


In onour of þe holi gost þe seueþe hii made þo
& made þer of cheuentein sire Reinaud & nammo
Sire reinaud wiþ god compainie þen toun wuste bihinde
Þat hor men ȝif hii nede adde recet miȝte vinde
Þo al was prest as hii wolde hii blessede hom echon
& toke hom alle to godes grace & to bataile wende anon
Þer was gret criinge on god & moni a wepinde eye
Of hom þat bileuede at om & þe bataile iseye
Of bissopes & prestes & men of religion
& clerkes þat þer were mid gret deuocion
Reuestede hom in chirche & on god gonne crye
Wepinde wiþ procession & songe þe letanye
& oþer gode orisons to bidde vor hom alle
& vor to se þe bataile stode vpe þe tour walle
Þe heþenemen in hor alf so glade neuere nere
As hii were uor þis bataile in so gret hope hii were


Þo hii were al ȝare in hor half & cristine men come
Þe ssrewen in þe wind half gret plente of hei nome
& sette it aȝen þe cristinemen afure in ech ende
Þat þe smoke þer of ssolde boþe stenche & blende
Ac vr louerd þat aȝen hom was bigan þe winde wende
& þe smoke þat hii made cristinemen to ssende
Riȝt in hor owe teþ bigan hom euene sende
So þat it was hor owe harm þat hii it lete tende
Þe cristine Men vpe hom come mid god ernest ynou
& vor þe smoke so euene In hor teþ drou
& vor vr louerd him sulf was þere mid is sonde
Þe ssrewen nadde no poer no wule to atstonde
& a uair compainie al so þer com
Of holimen þat wule þoleden Martirdom


Vpe vaire wite stedes & in vair armure al so
Sein George þe verste was & oþer martir þer to
Of montaines hii come adoun driue vaste inou
In eiþer alf þe compainie vpe þe ssrewene þo drou
Þat hii were to grounde aslawe & hii flowe þat miȝte
Þus vr louerd & seint George hor fon couþe diȝte
Þe cristine men leide euere on & slowe euere to grounde
Al clene þe ssrewen were confounded in a stounde
Of gode hors ne of armes þe cristinemen ne founde
So gret plente neuere as hii founde in þulke stounde
Anon after midsomer þis bataile ido was
A seinte peteres eue ywis as god ȝef þat cas
In þe ȝer of grace aþousend & four score & eiȝtetene
Betere bataile þeraboute nas neuere ido ich wene


An amirail þer biside þat a castel wuste
Ȝeld him vp to cristinemen þo he nuste war to truste
& auenge cristendom & oþer castles al so
Me ȝeld hom vp wel astored þo al þis was ido
So þat þis cristinemen so wel astored nere
Of armes ne of tresorie neuere as hii so were
Þo ȝarkede hii hor ost vorþ uor to wende
Toward ierusalem as god hom wolde sende
Biuore seint andrewes day to Marra atte laste
Hii come wiþ hor poer & asailede him vaste
An quointe tour hii lete make eueridel of tre
Vpe four woeles al so strong as he miȝte be
Vpe þe weoles it was idriue & gode kniȝtes þer Inne
Hii asaylede so þe toun wiþ strengþe & wiþ ginne
Þe endleueþe dai of decembre þe toun hii wonne so
& bileuede þer inne vorte midewinter were ido


Vor þer wax þere a strif bituene þe erl beumond
Vor þe toun of antioche & sire reimond
Weþer ssolde abbe þe cite so þat hii bileuede þere
A monþe & four dawes ar hii acorded were
So muche honger hii adde þer ar hii þen toun lete
Þat hii sode þe saracens & þat fless ete
Þe vourteþe day of Ieneuer vor honger þanne hii wende
& vr louerd wel bitime bote þer of hom sende
Vor hii wonne tueye castles þat muche god was inne ido
& suþþe þe toun of Zephaile þat muche god was Inne also
& In þe valeie of desem an riche castel hii nome
To þe castel of arches In feuerer suþþe hii come
& bisegede him vaste mid strengþe & mid ginne
Þre monþes ar hii miȝte mid strengþe come þer inne


Þer was auncel of ripemond a god kniȝt to deþe ido
& sire willam picard & moni oþere al so
Þere hii helde hor ester & vorþore hii wende þo
Wannc þe castel iwonne was & tounes nome mo
Þe king of camele made pays & an amirail al so
& ȝeue hom gret garison hom non harm to do
So hii wende to triple & þen toun nome
& slowe so moni sarazins þo hii þuder come
Þat alle þe wateres in ech ende aboute þe toun were
& diches & puttes rede of blode þere
Viftene hors of pris þe king of þe londe
& viftene þousend besans he sende hom bi is sonde
Þat hii lete is lond in pes & hii vawe it nome
So þat in þe monþe of Iun to ierusalem hii come


Þe seueþe day of þe Monþe anon hii bigonne
Vor to sette hor folc ariȝt þat þe cite were iwonne
Hii sette Robert courtehese & his poer al so
As hor beste kniȝt in þe est side þe asaut vor to do
Þe duc godefray & tancred In þe west ende iwis
In þe souþhalf sire Reimond as þe hul of syon is
Þe cite hii asailede mid strengþe & mid ginne
Ac so strong he was þat hii ne miȝte so liȝtliche him winne
Hii lete hom ginnes make as verst of þe toure
Of tre imad strong inou vpe weoles foure
A gyn þat me sowe clupeþ hii made ek wel strong
Muche folc Inne vor to be boþe wid & long
In roberdes side courtehese & þe duc Godefray
As it vel of þe monþe of Iun þe vifteþe day
Hii asailede þe toun mid þis tour wel uaste
& wilde fur wiþ pich & grece wiþ ginnes In caste


& vorbarnde hous & oþer & muche folc al so
& god sende wind gret inou þat þe bet it was ido
Þat wiþinne was sorwe inou hor poer wanede vaste
Þe cristine were riȝt atte walle so þat atte laste
Mid laddren hii clomme vp & þen toun nome
& slowe þe ssrewen to grounde þo hii in come
In þe temple salomon ten þousend hii slowe
In eche stude ware hii were monie & ynowe
& some adoun of þe walles velle vor fere
& debrisede oþer adreinte so þat hii ded were
So þat godes kniȝtes made þo as at ene
Ihesu cristes cite of þe deueles limes clene
Þo hii were alle aslawe þat hii ne founde quic non
Þe bodies hii gaderede & vorbarnde hom echon
Vor stenche wanne hii rotede so þat hii were
Wiþoute soylure in clannesse al out maisters þere


Þo wende hii to þe sepulcre þat god was on ido
& to oþer gode holi studes þat hii miȝte come to
Vor wan so muche trauail hii adde isoffred er
& onourede þe gode holi studes wiþ gode wille þer
Wiþ wop & deuocion so þat man aliue
Ne ssolde telle þe teres þat hii lete so riue
Þo hii adde iwonne þo as wo seiþ þat lond
Hii þoȝte uor to make it vast in cristinemonne hond
& among hom alle hii bigonne an king to chese
Þo chose hii as uor þe beste bodi Roberd courtehese
To be king of þe holi lond & chef of cristendom
& me wende þoru godes wille such grace hom to com
Roberd him biþoȝte þo & gan him vnder stonde
Þat it was wel gret trauail to be king of þulke londe
& somdel toward engelond he ber al so is þoȝt
War þoru he sede al out þat he nolde be it noȝt


& vorsoc it al out in luþer time ich drede
Vor gode wate afterward he nadde in none dede
Vor þe beste kniȝt of þe world he was iholde þo
& god hap þer afterward ne com him neueremo
Vor wanne god wolde þat he were þer in is seruise
& he vorsok it vor trauail he ne dude noȝt as þe wise
He was willames sone bastard as ich abbe ised ilome
& wel iwoxe ar is fader to engelond come
Þikke mon he was inou bote he nas noȝt wel long
Quarre he was & wel ymad vor to be strong
Þeruore is fader in a time isey is stourdi dede
Þe wule he was ȝong & bihuld & þes wordes sede
Bi þe vprisinge of god Robelin me ssal ise
Courtehese mi sone her stalwarde kniȝt be
Vor he was somdel ssort he clupede him courtehese
& he ne miȝte neuereft afterward þulke name lese


Oþer lak nadde he non bote he nas noȝt wel long
He was quointe of conseil & speke & of bodi strong
Neuere ȝut mon in cristendom ne miȝte ne in painime
In bataile bringe adoun of is hors none time
Vor þe prowesse of is bodi & uor he kinges sone was
Ichose he was þe hexte prince in þe world in þes cas
& he it vorsok vnhendeliche & in vaire manere none
To segge he was vnwurþe þerto bote uor trauail one
Þeruore vr louerd it vnderstod as ȝe ssolle sone ihure
& sende him reste in prison þe wule is lif wolde dure
Þet folc þo in ierusalem þe duc godefrai tok
& made him king of þe lond þo Roberd it uorsok
In þe ȝer of grace a þousend & nientene & niene
Þis stalwarde cristine volc þis worre broȝte to fine


After þe duc godefray baldewine was king
& after him þe oþer baldewine god kniȝt þoru alle þing
& after him gaufrid duc of aungeo
& Gaufrid is sone after him þat god kniȝt was al so
& helde euerich after oþer þe boru & þat lond
Mid strengþe & mid chiualerie in cristine monne hond
Ac Roberd courtehese & þe erl Roberd of flaundres
& þe erl Reimond wende hom hom to grete sclaundres
Ac roberd courtehese þo he hom com
Willames doȝter conuersance in poile to wiue nom
& nom wiþ hire gret garison to bringe hom out of tene
An sone þat het willam hii adde hom bituene
Uillam þe rede king of wan we abbeþ ised
Bileuede here in engelond luþer euere & qued


Vor abbeyes & priories al to gronde he broȝte
& holi chirche & þat lond he destruede al to noȝte
Vor wanne eny bissop oþer abbod deide in engelond
Hor londes & hor rentes þe king huld in is honde
& oþer wile to ferme tok vorte þerafter longe
Þat is gode wille com vp an heued vor to auonge
Wo so were of take mid hert oþer hinde
Me ssolde smite of is heued ȝif me him miȝte finde
Þikke mon he was ynou round & noȝt wel long
Þoru out red mid grete wombe wel iboned & strong
Renable nas he noȝt of tonge ac of speche hastif
Boffinde & mest wanne hii were In worre oþer in strif
God sende uor is luþernesse moni deoluol cas
In þis lond & wonderuol þe wile he aliue was


Vor in þe secunde ȝer as it vel of is kinedom
Þoru out al engelond so gret erþgrine com
Þe enlefte day in heruest þat it caste adoun
Hous & chirchen monyon & in mony a toun
Frut failede al þulke ȝer & heruest late al so
Þat it was seint andrewes tid ar heruest were ydo
Þe verþe ȝer of is kinedom so gret liȝtinge þer was
& þondre aboute sein lukes day þat wel grislich it was
& a wind a sein lukes eue at londone in þe toun
So gret it com þat it fulde moni hous adoun
Ȝe mo þan six hondred & chirchen þerto
& seinte Marie chirche of þe arches gret arm it dude also
Vor þe rof it ber al awei & tueie men it slou
& þoru out al þat lond it dude sorwe inou


So gret liȝtinge was þe vifte ȝer so þat al to noȝte
Þe rof of þe chirche of salesburi it broȝte
Riȝt euene þe vifte day þat he ihalwed was
Þe sixte ȝer þer com also a wel wonder cas
Vor so gret rein Me ne sei vale ȝer ne flod
& so gret forst in winter þer com al so god
Þat þer nas non so heuy charge of wayn ne of oþer þinge
Þat me ne miȝte ouer grete wateres boþe lede & bringe
Gret wonder & dere of þing þe seueþe ȝer me sai
& so gret manqualm þat monimon al vnbured lay
Þe teþe ȝer a sterre þat comete icluped is
At alle halwen tid him ssewede viftene niȝt ywis


Þat þe taylede sterre men clupeþ mid riȝte
Vor þer comþ fram hire a lem suiþe cler & briȝte
As a tayl oþer a launce as me may ise
Þulke sterre is selde iseye bote it bodiinge be
Þe tuelfte ȝer temese moni toun aseincte
Vor so heye þat flod aros & mony mon adreincte
In a toun in barcssire þat hamstede icluped is
In somer out of þe erþe pur blod sprong ywis
Viftene dawes & wende aboute brode & wide
Þat it made blod red þet water þer bi side
Wanne me sede him of suche wondres þat god on erþe sende
Þat it was vor is luþernesse to trufle he it wende


Vor þe luþernesse of him no tonge telle ne mai
Vor so cruel ne so tirant ich wene no mon ne say
Vor þe worste men of þe lond & mest cruel al so
He wolde make is conseilers & bi hor red al do
Þe erchebissop of kanterbury anselin þat was þo
Fleu out of engelond vor is vnriȝt and wo
So þat þe king þo he deide þulke erchebissopriche
Of kanterburi adde in is hond þat so god is & riche
& þe bissopriche of salesbury & of winchestre al so
& abbeies in engelond enleuene þer to
Ech riche clerc þat deide is eir he wolde be
Bote More vnriȝt þat he dede ne miȝte nomon ise
Atte laste ihesu crist nolde hit þolie noȝt
So þat þei it late were to deþe he was ibroȝt


A monek þe niȝt þerbiuore þat he aslawe was
Matte as he lai aslepe bi hum a wonder cas
Þat þe king com in to an chirche as fers mon & wod
& wel hokerliche bihuld þe folc þat þer stod
To þe rode he sturte & bigan to frete & gnawe
Þe armes vaste & þies & mid is teþ to drawe
Þe rode hit þolede longe ac suþþe attelaste
He pulte him mid is vot & adoun vpriȝt him caste
Þe king me tolde þis ac he ne tolde þer of noȝt
Ac naþeles sone to soþe þe tokninge was ibroȝt
Vor anon amorwe þe king adde wille best
Vor to wende an honteþ in þe nywe forest
Þat was in souþhamptessire & naþeles he was in drede


To wende uor such auisions & is luþerhede
Vor þe deuel was þer biuore þer aboute yseie
In fourme of bodi & spek al so mid men of þe contreye
So þat þe king was adrad & bileue vor such cas
To wende er anhonteþ þe wule he vastinge was
Ac after mete þo he adde iete & idronke wel
He nom on of is priues þat het water tirel
& an vewe oþer of is men & nolde no leng abide
Þat he nolde to is game tide wat so bitide
Vor he was somdel hait as is herte was best
He wende him vorþ an honteþ to þe niwe forest
So þat he vond sone an hert he sset him sulf anon
& þe hert vorþ wiþ þe arwe bigan vaste awei gon
He prikede after vaste inou toward þe west riȝt
His hond he huld biuore is eien vor þe sonne liȝt


So þat þis water tirel þat þere biside was ney
Wolde ssete an oþer hert þat as he sede he sey
He sset þe king in atte breste þat neuereft he ne spek
Bote þe ssafte þat was wiþoute grisliche he to brek
& anowarde þe wombe vel adoun & deide wiþoute speche
Wiþoute ssrift & hosel anon þer was godes wreche
Þo water tirel isei þat he was ded anon
He at arn as vaste as he miȝte þat was is beste won
In þe endleue hondred ȝer as in þe ȝer of grace
Þus was þe king willam issote in þulke place
& ȝut he adde king ibe þrettene ȝer biuore
& more þan a fourtiȝer it was þat he was ibore
In a þoresdai it was & þe morwe al so
After lammasse day þat þis dede was ydo


To winchestre he was ilad al mid is grene wounde
Þat euere as me him ladde þe blod orn to grounde
Amorwe anon he was ibured In þe munstre ywis
Riȝt biuore þe heye weued as is bodi ȝut is
At is buriinge was moni a mon ac wepinde vewe
He adde endinge as he wurþe was & such it is to be ssrewe
Þe erchebissop auncelin þat biȝonde se þo was
He tolde þat in auision he sei bi him a cas
Þat he was biuore god ibroȝt is dom vorto auonge
& þat he was þere idemd to þe pine of helle stronge

henricus primus

And þat was to leue wel wanne þe godemon it adde ised
Sone þer after me tolde þat þe ssrewe was ded


Henry king willames broþer þe ȝongost of þe þre
Anon after is broþer deþe as þe barons gonne bi se
Ymad was king of engelond at winchestre in þe place
At is broþer buriinge þoru oure louerdes grace
In engelond he was ibore henry þis noblemon
Þe þridde ȝer þat is fader engelond biwan
He was þulke of alle is sones þat best bicom king to be
Of vairost fourme & best maneres & mest gentil & fre
Vor þat he ȝongost was to boc is fader him drou
Þat he was as to him biuel god clerc ynou
So þat neuereft afterward þo he king was
He nolde is clergie bileue vor nobleye ne oþer cas
A time þe wule he ȝong was is o broþer him smot ywis


And he wep & is fader stod & bihuld þis
Ne wep noȝt he sede leue sone vor it ne comþ noȝt to þe
Vor þou ssalt ȝute be king & þat me ssal ise
His fader him made at westmunstre kniȝt is owe honde
In þe nienteþe ȝere of is elde & ladde him out of londe
Mid him into normandie & bileue mid him þere
Riȝt ney vorte he deide in þulke sulue ȝere
Noþer of is breþeren þo is fader was ded
Nas nei him bote he one as ich abbe er ised
Þeruore he ȝef him is blessinge & al is tresour þer to
& he adde is moder eritage al clene of ȝifte al so
So þat he was riche ynou wiþoute þe king & is broþer
& nadde none nede to þe on ne to þe oþer


Ac þe king vor is vnriȝt wel ofte wiþ sede
And more he louede roberd vor is more mekhede
At winchestre he was ichose king of þe heyemen monion
Þo is broþer was ibured & þo wende he anon
To westmunstre & was icrouned king þe verþe day
Of þe bissop of londone as to him bilay
Mid þis gode crouninge þe suiþor hi gonne hye
Vor roberd courtehese was icome to normandye
Þeruore monie heyemen ne dude him none manhede
Some feynede a delay & some al out wiþ sede
Þo he was ycrouned king at westmunstre ywis
He bihet god & þat folc an biheste þat was þis
To alegge alle luþer lawes þat iholde were biuore
& þe betere make þan hii were suþþe be was ibore
Maister willam gyffard he ȝef þe bissopriche


Of winchestere & maister anselin þe erchebissopriche
Þe soneday he was ycrouned & of heruest þe vifte day
& þe verþe after is broþer deþ as is conseil bi say
He let grede þoru al þe lond þe vnriȝte lawes vndo
Þat is fader & is broþer helde & prisons deliueri al so
Þer was Ioye in to al þat lond þo men miȝte abbe lawe
& libbe in Ioye & in riȝte þat er were al to drawe
Special loue þer adde ibe er ich vnder stonde
Bituene him & þe kinges doȝter Mold of scotlonde
So þat he willede hire to wiue & þe bissopes al so
& þe heyemen of þe lond radde ek wel þer to
So þat sone so he was king a sein Martines day ich wene
He spousede hire þat was icluped Mold þe gode quene


Þat was kunde eir of engelond as ichabbe itold biuore
Vor er was þe kunde eritage of engelond vorlore
Vor edward was þe kinges sone þat me specþ of wide
Þe stalwarde king þat was Edmond yrene side
& þo was edwardes doȝter Margarete ich vnder stonde
Þe kinges wif Macolom king of scotlonde
Þo was mold þe gode quene hor doȝter ywis
& kunde eir of engelond as ich abbe ised ar þis
& so com þoru hire engelond in to is kunde More
After seint edwardes deþe as ich abbe ised biuore
& pais al so verst mid hire vor arst nas þer non
Bi þis þre kinges daye þat vnkunde were echon
Seint edwardes auision of þe tre þat was so hey
Was þo to soþe icome þat biuore is deþe he sey
Monie were þe gode lawes imad in engelonde
Þoru Mold þis gode quene as ich vnder stonde


Hit ne likede noþing wel Roberd courtehese
Þoru is ȝongore broþer so engelond to lese
& monie heiemen of þe lond mid roberd hulde al so
Vor he was þe eldore broþer & god kniȝt þer to
& naþeles henry adde þo best riȝt vor þe cas
Þat þe gode mold was is wif þat kunde eir þo was
So þat in þe verste ȝer þat king henry ber croune
Roberd him biþoȝte to bringe him al þer doune
Biuore lammasse þe tuelfte day at an hauene her bisouþe
Mid is ost he ariuede þat me clupeþ portesmouþe
King henri al so god aȝen him vaste drou
Mid is kniȝtes & barons & poer ynou
Gode kniȝtes þat þere were bet hom vnderstode
Þat bituene tueie breþeren batailes nere noȝt gode
An fourme hii made þat eiþer helde is owe lond in is hond
Roberd normandie & henry engelond


& vor roberd eldore broþer was þat henry to rente him bere
Al is lif þre þousend Marc fram ȝere to ȝere
& weþer of hom also lengore were aliue
Were oþeres eir bote he adde eir bi is wiue
Her of was god sikernesse in eiþer alf ido
& þus mid gode loue hii departede a tuo
& roberd was vorte Misselmasse mid is broþer þe kinge
Suþþe he wende to normandie to is owe þinge
Þis king henry & is wif þe gode quene Mold
So wel diȝte engelond þat it was wide itold
Pouere hous of religion þat luþer kinges ssende
Þat were biuore hom hii gonne vaste amende
Þe abbeye of redinges & of cirencestre al so
Hii rerde verst of smeþe ground & ȝut mo þerto


In þe enleue hondred ȝer of grace & in þe vifþe itold
Vr louerd hom sende an doȝter þat icluped was mold
Hii nadde nammo children bote þe king adde biuore
An sone þat het roberd þat was abast ybore
Þe acord þat was er ymad bituene vr king so vaste
& roberd is broþer courtehese lute wile it laste
Vor vr king þe verste ȝer þat vr louerd a child him sende
Mid gret ost & poer to normandie wende
A lute biuore heruest & vpe roberd is broþer
Vaste bigan to worri & hor eiþer aȝen oþer
So þat a Misselmasse eue mid hor ost hii come
To gadere mid gret strengþe & þe bataile nome
Þe king adde wel þe more folc ac roberd þat was so god
In batailes in þe holi lond þere it vnderstod


Vor so wel he vaȝt & is men hardissede echon
Þat he drof verst þe king aȝen & is oþer fon
Ac þe king adde so muche folc & he so lute alas
Þat is men bigonne to fle þo mest ned was
So þat atte laste he was vaste inome inou
Moni was þe gode bodi þat he arst slou
Oþer kniȝtes þer were inome þat mid him were al so
& ilad in to engelond & in strong prison ido
In prison was roberd al is lif & ȝut ich vnderstonde
Him adde betere abbe ibe king of þe holi londe
Þat he vorsoc uor he nolde in gret trauail be
Þo adde he reste inou wanne he ne miȝte fle
Awey seli Robelin seli courtehese
In vuele time þou miȝt sege reste þou dust chese
& þe hexte prince of cristendom vor to be vorsoke
Vor trauail þat god wolde & to reste toke


Þo þou vorsoke such trauail to be in godes seruise
& wraþþedest so muche god þou ne dust noȝt as þe wise
Wat was þi strengþe wurþ & þi chiualerie
Þo þou lore grace of god ywis noȝt wurþ a flye
Ech mon be bi þe ywar be wuch so he be
Ȝif he leseþ godes grace he ne ssal neuere iþe
In þe endleue hondred ȝer & six ȝer þer to
Of þe ȝer of grace was þis roberd inome so
In þe ȝer þat he was inome men iseie iwis
Þe tailede sterre þat gret bodiinge is
Þo was vre king henry þoru out king alone
& nadde in neuere a side destorbance none
Biuore alle oþere god him ȝef þre þinges as richesse
& wisdom & maistrie & þis was gret heinesse


In þis þre þinges þer nere none him iliche
Ne none of is eldore neuere biuore him so riche
Wisore king biuore him þer nas iseie non
Mek he was to Mildemen & cruel to his fon
Sparie he wolde Mildemen & harde chasty þe proute
So hard he was vpe þeues þat hii ne durste nour at route
Mid is wisdom þat was so muche he hom out drou
& false serians of assise & dude hom ssame ynou
False elnen & mesures he broȝte al clene adoun
Ȝif enie of is men misdude þe pouere in eni toun
Oþer eni richemon þe pouere vengance he nom stronge
& ne sparede noȝt ȝif he were wurþe to ben an honge
Vor in trauail he was gret inou of þoȝte day & niȝt
Vor to saui poueremen vram richemenne vnriȝt


Lengore man he was somdel þan is breþeren were
Vair mon & þikke inou & of broune here
Ballede he was & þikke of breste of bodi vat al so
So hende þat he ne ssolde In so gret anuy be ido
Of tiþinge ne oþer anuy þat he ssolde is corteisie
In eni dede bileue & he were in compainye
Worri he wolde watloker mid worde þan mid arme
Wiþoute blode ȝif he miȝte & wiþoute harme
Entempre he was of mete & drinke & of slep þerto
Abbeyes he rerde in normandie & in engelonde al so
Bituene tueye wateres he rerde redinge
Bituene kenet & temese & let þer inne bringe
Monekes of cloyni þat hende were wel longe
Þeruore hom come mo gistes þat vaire were vnderuonge


An sone he adde an wis child bi Mold is gode wiue
Þat was willam icluped þat to lute was aliue
Vor ar he were vol woxe In þe se adreint he was
& þat was to al engelond a wel deoluol cas
King henry in þe seueþe ȝer of is crouninge
& enleuene hondred ȝer & seuene of ur louerdes aliȝtinge
Þo he adde ido is broþer in siker warde inou
& is doȝter was an tuo ȝer old to conseil þo he drou
In a witesonetid a gret parlement he nom
At westmunstre noble inou þat muche folc to com
Alle þe bissopriches þat deliuered were
Of normandie & engelond he ȝef al clene þere
& alle þe abbeies þer to so þat iȝiue me nuste
So vale neuere at o tyme as me þo wuste


Engelond & normandie in god point he broȝte
& holi chirche þoru out al þat eode er to noȝte
Þer was þo in engelond a suiþe gret louerding
On of þe grettost þat þer was wiþoute henri king
Sire roberd le fiȝ haym þat let verst arere
Þe abbeye of teoskesbury & monekes broȝte þere
He deyde aboute þulke tyme & ibured was ywis
In þe abbeye of theoskesbury as is bodi ȝut is
Mabile is doȝter was eir of al is londe
Þe king vor ire eritage him gan vnderstonde
To bringe roberd is sone abast in is warison þere
Þoru spousinge of þis mayde þat he avanced were
He sede þat heo ssolde is sone to hire spousinge auonge
Þis mayde was þer aȝen & wiþ sede it longe


Þe king of soȝte hire suiþe ynou so þat atten ende
Mabile him ansuerede as god maide & hende
Sire heo sede wel ichot þat ȝoure herte vpe me is
More vor min eritage þan vor mi sulue ywis
So vair eritage as ich abbe it were me gret ssame
Vor to abbe an louerd bote he adde an to name
Sire roberd le fiȝ haim mi fader name was
& þat ne miȝte noȝt be his þat of is kunne noȝt nas
Þeruore sire uor godes loue ne let me nomon owe
Bote he abbe an tuo name war þoru he be iknowe
Damoysele quaþ þe king þou seist wel in þis cas
Sire Roberd le fiz haym þi fader tuo name was
& as vair tuo name he ssal abbe ȝif me him may bi se
Sire Roberd le fiz rei is name ssal be


Sire quaþ þis maide þo þat is a vair name
As wo seiþ al is lif & of grete fame
Ac wat ssolde is sone hote þanne & oþere þat of him come
So ne miȝte hii hote noȝt þer of nimeþ gome
Þe king vnderstod þat þe maide ne sede non outrage
& þat gloucestere was chef of ire eritage
Damaisele he sede þo þi louerd ssal abbe an name
Vor him & vor is eirs vair wiþoute blame
Vor Roberd erl of gloucestere is name ssal be & his
Vor he ssal be erl of gloucestre & is eirs iwis
Sire quaþ þis maide þo wel likeþ me þis
In þis fourme icholle þat al mi god be his
Þus was erl of gloucestre verst ymad þere
As þis Roberd of alle þulke þat longe biuore were


Þis was endleue hondred ȝer & in þe niþe ȝer riȝt
After þat vr louerd was in is moder aliȝt
& of þe kinges crounement In þe niþe ȝer
Þat þe verste erl of gloucestere þus was ymad þere
Roberd þat sposede þe riȝt eir king henryes sone
Þat vor is gode dedes worþ ich wene euere in Mone
& bristowe þoru is wif was þo al so his
& he broȝte in gret stat þe toun as he ȝut is
& arerde þer an castel mid þe noble tour
Þat of alle þe toures of engelond is iholde flour
Þe priorye of seint Iames In þe norþ side a lute
He rerde of blake monekes as is bodi liþ ȝute
Vor he is biuore þe heye weued ibured þere iwis
& of þe hous of theoskesburi þulke couent is


& is sone after him þat het þe erl willam
Bigan verst & arerde þe abbey of keynesham
Þe emperour of alimayne willede to wiue
Mold þe kinges doȝter & to riȝte liue
Heo nas bote of vif ȝer old þo heo was to the emperour
Ispoused þat hext was & of al cristendom flour
Wiþ gret nobleye & richesse to alimayne heo com
& þe king of al engelond gret raunson nom
Vor to marie is doȝter vor he nadde nammo
Of eche hide of engelond þre ssillinges he nom þo
Hit was ido in þe teþe ȝer of þe kinges kinedom
& enleue hondred & þe tiþe þat vr louerd anerþe com
Þe godnesse þat þe king henry & þe quene Mold
Dude here to engelond ne may neuere be told


Vor þis Mold þe wule heo was ȝong to norisy was ido
In þe abbeye of rameseye & of willtone al so
& lernede þer clannesse & of godes seruise
So þat hire fader ire wolde Marie an alle wise
In diuerse studes ofte & heo clanliche it vorsok
& uor to be siker of ire stat þe abit of nonne heo tok
Ac me nolde hire profes noȝt make anone wise
Vor cas þat miȝte come vor hire gentrise
& þat was wel iproued & ech cas of ire liue
Biuore þe erchebissop auncelin þat spousede hire to wiue
Vair womman heo was inou & þoru out al pur clene
Vor me ne miȝte hire neuere ise vnclannesse do ene


Bote on þat heo nede moste to hire louerdes bedde go
& siker ȝif heo it miȝte bileue hire was þeruore wel wo
Godes seruise he hurde al out & werede harde here
& bareuot eode alle lente bote it vor ssame were
Poueremen wel ofte in to hire chambre heo drou
Boþe meseles & oþere & greiþede hom vaire inou
& wess hor vet & clene þe quiture out soȝte
& kuste þe sore limes & to þe mete hom broȝte
Some time as þis gode mold in to halle com
A kniȝt þat hire priue was In to chambre heo nom
Þo sete þer in þe chaunbre meseles monyon
Þo caste þis gode mold hire mantel of anon
& gurde aboute hire middel a uair linne ssete
& wess þe meseles vet echone ar heo lete


& wipede is nessce afterward & custe is wel suete
Hire maidens broȝte hire clene water euere wanne heo lete
Hou miȝte of an quene be a more milsfol dede
Þe kniȝt stod & bihuld & an vewe wordes sede
Madame he sede uor godes loue is þis wel ido
Þat þou þes vnclene limes handlest & kust so
Vil wolde mi louerd þe king telle wanne he þi mouþ cusste
Þat so villiche isoiled is me þincþ ȝif he it wuste
Sire sire quaþ þe quene be stille wy seistou so
Vre louerd him sulf vs ȝef ensample such þing vor to do
Þeruore ich clupede þe ek vp þat þou it ssost ise
To nime ensample afterward milsfol & mek to be


Þis was lo a god leuedi as it was þere isene
Heo was wurþe to be icluped Mold þe gode quene
Vor alle þe godnesse þat heo dude here to engelonde
Ne mowe noȝt alle be here ywrite ne of o mon vnderstonde
Þo deide mold þis gode quene enleue hondred ȝer
& eiȝteten after þat god an erþe aliȝte her
At westmunstre heo was ibured a sein philippes day
And seint Iacob as it valþ þe verste day of may
Hit biuel þer aboute þat þe erl thebaud þe bleys
Þat was king henries soster sone destourbede þe peys
& þoru king henries rede made destourbance
& bigan to rere worre vpe þe king of france


Ware vore þe king of france & þe erl of flaundres al so
Were alle at one rede & þe erl of aungeo
To make þe king henry normandie to lese
& saysi þer wiþ willam Roberdes sone courtehese
Þo king henry wuste þis he passede attelaste
Þe se & ȝarkede is ost vpe is fon wel vaste
Wiþ him he adde in is poer þe erl of brutayne
& sire tebaud de bleys al so mid al is mayne
Þo hii were to gadere icome þis bataile to do
Þe king of france verst is ost partede atuo
Willam courtehese he made of þe verste wardein
& in þe oþer bihinde he was him sulf mid al is main
Ac þe king henri is ost a þre delde þere
Vor þe erl of flaundres & aungeo in þe verste were


& him sulf in þe oþer was as wo seiþ amidde
& þanne is tueie sones were wardeins of þe þridde
Vor is sones were ȝut aliue þat adreint were atte laste
Þo hii adde hor ost iset hii smite to gadere vaste
Þe vantwardes hom mette verst as riȝt was to done
Hii smite to gadere & foȝte vaste ac oure ost al to sone
Bigan to sprede & eode adoun ac oure middel ost ywis
As oure king Inne was ne likede noȝt þis
Hii smite vorþ ar hor time were & þis oþer ost mette
& slowe & broȝte hom to grounde & veirore hor wei vette
To þe kinges owe ost of france so þat hii come
Þo þe smite of lance was ido to þe suerd hii nome


& slowe to grounde vaste inou & dasste mony a sseld
Þat longe it was ar oþer alf miȝte winne þe feld
Willam crispin þat hatede vr king of engelonde
Vor to sle him ȝif he miȝte vaste bigan to fonde
He smot vpe þe heued tuye luþere inou
Þat þei it ne percede noȝt þat yre þat blod vaste adoun drou
Þe king was þo wroþ inou is mede he him bihet
He smot him vp on þe helm þat he vel doun to is vet
Þere he was inome anon & monye oþere al so
Þo com þe þridde ost al verss bataile uor to do
As þe kinges sones Inne were & smite to grounde anon
Þo þe frensse iseye þis hii ne couþe oþer won
Bote turnde hom þe rug & bigonne to fle echon


Ac ynome & aslawe þer was arst monyon
Þer was ioye þat þe king of france was ouercome
& so monye of is kniȝtes islawe & inome
Þo þe frensse were al bineþe mid Ioye & blisse ynou
Þe king henry mid is poer to engelond drou
Ac hom com a deoluol cas in þe se þere
Vor boþe willam & Richard is sones adreint were
& is paniter & is chamberlein & is botiler al so
& sire Richard erl of chestre & monie oþer þerto
In þe tuentiþe ȝer of is kinedom þis dede was ydo
Ac wreche of god & sunne hom broȝte þer to
Vor mid þe vile sunne of sodomye yproued hii were echon
Þeruore þoru wreche of god þer nas ybured non
Ne miȝte be founde in þe se Of al þat hii were isoȝt
Vor god nolde þat such sunne were vnder erþe ybroȝt


Þe king held at bromtone þer after al in pes
Is feste at midewinter mid tebaud þe bles
His ester suþþe at berkeleye & at windelsore iwis
His witesonetid he huld þat so noble stude is
Þat he let bulde him sulf & wodestoke al so
& þe parc of wodestoke & der þer Inne do
King henry þes tueye studes verst bulde iwis
Suþþe he weddede anoþer wif þo ido was al þis
Þe witesonetid at windelsore a womman of gret fame
An hei dukes doȝter adelyne was hire name
Me nuste womman so vair non in þe middel erde
He spousede hire at windelsore þat he him sulf rerde
Þo was þoru þe king arerd þe abbey of redinge
In þe tuo & tuentiþe ȝer of is crouninge


Suþþe wende þe king aȝen in to normandie
To sousteine aȝen þe king of france is noble seignorie
Þat he adde er ywonne & þo deide bi cas
Þe emperour of alimaigne þat is oþom was
& þo þe king al adde iconfermed vaste ynou
Bituene him & þe king of france aȝen to þis lond he drou
& is doȝter wiþ him þat widewe was he nom
In þe sixe & tuentiþe ȝere of is kinedom
He louede hire vor heo was eir & hei emperesse
He broȝte hire þo to engelond aboute Mielmesse
Þo spousede ire sire geffray þat was erl of aungeo
In þe endleue hondred ȝer of grace & seuene & tuenti þer to


& in þe seueþe & tuenti ȝer of þe kinges crouninge al so
Mid nobleye & prute inou þis spousinge was ydo
Hous of religion as ich sede er ich wene
King henry louede muche as it was isene
Vor þe ordre of greye monekes þoru him me broȝte
Verst here in to engelond as par auntre me him bi soȝte
As in þe abbey of wauerle þat it verst to com
As in þe eiȝte & tuentiþe ȝere of is kynedom
& þe verst hous þer after founteins me let rere
As it vel of is kinedom tuo & þrittiþe ȝere
& it vel enleue hondred ȝer as in þe ȝer of grace
& tuo & þritti þat me rerde founteins in þulke place
Vr leuedy in decembre þer biuore was
Þoru þe aungel verst bifounde as ȝe witeþ þat cas


As in þe endleue hondred ȝer & tuenty & nyne
After þat god anerþe com to bringe vs out of pyne
Ac þe ordre of greye monekes was bigonne er
At cisteus ar he hider come nyene & tuenti ȝer
As in þe tuelfte ȝer of willames kinedom
Þe ȝer þat cristine folc ierusalem nom
Mold þe kinges doȝter þat emperesse was also
Þat ispoused was to geffray Erl of aungeo
God hom sende a child bi tuene after hor spousing
Þe sixte ȝer þat het henry þat was suþþe oure king
In þe endleue hondred ȝer þat oure louerd an erþe com
& þre & þritti þer to & of vr kinges kinedom
In þe þre & þrittiþe ȝere þis child ibore was
Þoru wan was suþþe ymartred þe godemon sein tomas


Glad was þe king henry þo þe tiþinge him com
Of þulke child to ben is eir of is kinedom
Nobliche is ester feste he huld vor þis cas
In is vaire halle at oxenford þat þo nywe was
An bissopriche he made þo & an bissop þer
Biside scotlond at cardoil as nas non neuer er
Þo wende he to normandie & al þe nexte ȝer
Vor loue of þis ȝonge child he bileuede þer
Suþþe þoru som heye herte þer wax a lute strif
Bituene þe erl of aungeo & þe emperesse is wif
Þe king adde gode wille hider to wende ich wene
Ac he bileuede uor is doȝter hire to soustene
Heo was to prout aȝen ire louerd vor ire heyenesse
Vor heo was eir & kinges doȝter & eke emperesse
Þe king hire fader was old mon & drou to feblesse
& þe anguisse of is doȝter him dude þe more destresse


& akelde him wel þe more so þat feble he was
So þat he wende an honteþ aday to abbe solas
& þo he com he willede of an lampreye to ete
Ac is leches him vorbode vor it was vnholsom mete
Ac he nolde it noȝt bileue vor he louede it wel ynou
& et as in luþer cas vor þulke lampreie him slou
Vor anonriȝt þer after into an ague he drou
& deide vor þis lampreie þoru is owe wou
He sede ofte mid deþ vuel ar he were ded
Alas alas of engelond ne can ich nanne red
Vor ȝif ichim bitake mi soster sone steuene þe bleis
Vor he nis noȝt riȝt eir it ne worþ neuere peys


& ȝif ichim bitake þe riȝt eir henry mi doȝter sone
Þat nis noȝt ȝut þre ȝer old hit worþ him sone bi nome
& naþeles al engelond & steuene þe bleis al so
To þe emperesse & ire sone holde oþes adde ido
Þe verste day of decembre king henri þen deþ nom
In þe sixe & þrittiþe ȝer of is kinedom
& in enleue hondred ȝer & sixe & þritti al so
Of vr louerdes burtime deþ com him þus to
Ac roberd courtehese as god wolde let þat lif
Aboute þre ȝer biuore at prison at kerdif
& biuore þe heye weued in þe abbeye of gloucestere ibured is
& willam þe gode kniȝt is sone was also ded ywis


& aslawe biȝonde se ar king henri ded were
So þat of þulke kunne þer nas þo no fere
[S]teuene þe bleis þat god kniȝt & stalwarde was al so
Þo þe king was ded is vncle an oþer he þoȝte do
He vorȝet al þe stronge oþ þat he adde biuore
To þe emperesse & to henry hire ȝonge sone isuore
Ac wende vorþ hasteliche to late him crouny anon
Þe heiemen of þe lond helde wiþ him echon
Boþe bissopes & oþere þat þe oþ suore al so er
A seinte steuenes day anon þe croune verst he ber
& þe erchebissop of kanterbury willam þat þo was
Sacred him as was riȝt wel sunuolliche alas
Vor he was þe verste as riȝt was & wone
Þat holde oþes to þe emperesse suor & to ire sone
Þeruore sone þerafter wreche of god him com
Vor in þe verste ȝer is lif god binom
& þe bissop roger of salesbury after him suor anon
& preched vaste þat folc þen oþ to holde echon
& þo was þe principal þe sacringe vor to do
& vor ensample of hom oþere encentede þer to


Ac þe king sulf ȝef him suþþe is mede vor he nom him vast[e]
& in prison him huld wrecchedliche he deide atte laste
Bote ssortliche alle þo þat þen oþ suore biuore
To þe emperesse turnde þo to king steuene & were vorsuore
& wonder it was þat al þe lond In a stounde anon
Turnde to him so verliche & were vorsuore echon
King henryes brain & gottes & eyen ibured were
At reins in normandie & suþþe þe bones hii bere
Wel iselt & isode to þe abbeye of redinge
& bured is þere vaire inou as vel to an kinge
Ȝut biuore tuelfte day king steuene as þe hende
Fram is crouninge of londone aȝen is vncle gan wende
& þe erchebissop of kanterbury & þe hext of þe lond al so
& þe bones burede vaire inou as riȝt was to do
Þo wende þe king þanene to oxenford anon
& þe gode lawes þat he bihet confermede echon
As ȝif bissop oþer abbod in þis lond ded were
He grantede þat þoru king no destorbance nere
Þat me ne chose in riȝte fourme an oþer anon
& þat wanne he were vnderuonge is londes alle echon


& oþer monye luþer lawes þat is eldore adde ywroȝt
He bihet þat he wolde abate & naþeles he ne dude noȝt
Þe wule he was þus at oxenford tiþinge him com
Þat dauit king of scotlond mid treson nom
Þe cite of karloil & þe nywe castel al so
Ȝe quaþ þe king þo an oþer we ssolle do
Þat he aþ inome wiþ trayson we ssolle wiþ maistrie
Anon he wende þuderward wiþ vair compainie
Þo þe king of scotlond it wuste aȝen him he com
& grantede him al is wille & þe acord nom
Ac is mon nolde he noȝt bicome vor he was biuore
As monye oþere in engelond to þe emperesse isuore
So þat þe verste tuo ȝer god cas & hap inou
In ech alf com to king steuene ac suþþe it wiþ drou
Vor in þe þridde ȝere þe king of scotlonde
Worrede him bi norþe & orn vpon is londe
Þe erl roberd of gloucestre as mon wiþoute fere
Þe stronge castel of bristowe þat he let him sulf rere
Astorede wel inou & al so þe slede
& huld hom boþe aȝen þe king to þenche on kundhede


Vor þe emperesse was is soster & he louede ire wel wel
& þe castel of caryl held on willam louel
& þe castel of lodelowe held sire paynel
& sire roberd of lincolne held of waram þe castel
& þe castel of donsterre held sire willam de Moun
Þat þe priorie as ich wene rerde of brentoun
Eustas le fiz Ion held þe castel of Miltone
& þe castel of ssrofsburi held willam aleines sone
Alle þes were aȝen þe kinge as veruorþ as hii couþe
So þat he adde fon bi norþe & bi souþe
He bigan to be luþer inou vor verst holichirche
He bigan to worri & made him þe worse wurche
Vor he wende to oxenford & þo he þuder com
Þe bissop of salesbury & of lincolne he nom
Þe bissop of Salsbury he ladde mid gret wo
To þe castel of diuises þat þe bissopes was þo
An rop me dude aboute is nekke he suor honge he ssolde
Anon bote he þe castel anon vp him ȝolde
Þe bissop him tok þe castel þo oþer bote nas
He nom þere al is tresour þat wiþoute noumbre was


& held him vorþ in prison ȝut & ȝeld him is godnesse
Þat he dude him & was vorsuore aȝen þe emperesse
Aȝen wende þe king to oxenford & þe bissop vette
Alisandre of lincolne þat he in prison sette
& ladde him to nywe worc to a uair castel & god
Þat þe bissop was þat vpe trente stod
Þer he suor þat þe bissop neuere ete ne ssolde
Ne drinke naþemo ar þe castel him were iȝolde
Þe bissop was wo inou vor he wuste wel þei he wolde
Ȝelde him vp þe castel is men wiþinne nolde
He bed hom & criede on hom ac al it was vor noȝt
So þat þis bissop was ney to grounde ibroȝt
Mid honger þat me adde reuþe þat him iknewe
He wep & cride on is men þat hii ssolde on him rewe
Þat he nere to deþe ipined as hii seye wel he ssolde
So þat to saui is lif þe castel vp hii ȝolde
Þe king nom þer inne þe bissopes tresorie
& in þis manere lo bigan is worre mid robberye
Þat laste here in engelond boþe gret & strong
Wel an seuentene ȝer & þat was al to long
Þe erchebissop of kanterburi & oþer bissopes al so
So sori were vor þis dede þat hii nuste wat do
At winchestre a parlement hii hulde of þis þinge
So þat wel pitosliche hii wende alle to þe kinge


& velle adoun to is vet & pitosliche bede
Þat he ssolde vor godes loue amendi suche dede
Ac al it was þo vor noȝt vor to worse euere he drou
Þe bissopes ne couþe oþer red bote were wo inou
Þe bissop of salesbury deide sone þo
Of wan we abbeþ er ispeke in pur meseise & wo
Vnder þat þe emperesse to engelonde com
To calangy after ire fader bi riȝte þe kinedom
In þe castel of arundel verst he gan abide
To loke wat were best to do & to conseili in eche side
Þo king steuene it wuste þuder sone he com
Mid poer gret inou & þen castel nom
& þis leuedy þer inne so þat for franchise
He let ire go ware heo wolde & ne dude noȝt as þe wise
& heo wende to bristowe & bileuede þere
In ire broþer castel strong inou vor te betere cas were
Sire rauf erl of chastre adde ispoused iwis
Þe erl Roberdes doȝter of gloucestere of wan we tolde ar þis


So þat he huld mid þe emperesse vor elles it were amis
& ladde ost gret ynou aȝen þe king & his
He wende & nom lincolne & þe kinges men out caste
& sette þer Inne folc ynou & wende aboute vaste
Þe king þo þe sixte ȝer of is kinedom
Mid is poer to lincolne to midewinter com
Vor to nime þen toun vpe hom þat were þer Inne
& asayled hom vaste mid strengþe & mid ginne
So þat þe erl of chestre & þe erl Roberd al so
Of gloucestre hom ȝarkede & moni god kniȝt þer to
& wende toward lincolne bataile vor to abide
So þat hii ȝarkede hor ost in eiþer side
Þe erles ordeined hor ost þo hii were isuore
Þe erl of chestre hii made wardein of þe ost biuore
Hii sette þe deserites In þe middel ost þo
Þat þe king adde binome hor lond & ido so muche wo
Þe erl roberd of gloucestre of þe þridde was ido
& ȝut þer was of welssemen þe verþe ost þer to
Iordeined wel inou in a place biside
Þat liȝte were & hardi muche folc to abide


Þo þis compainie was þus idiȝt þe erl of chastre anon
Spec toward þe erl of gloucestere & þe kniȝtes echon
Sire noble erl he sede & ȝe noble kniȝtes al so
Wiþ gode wille ich þonke ȝou as ich wel aȝte do
Þat ȝe me so muche loue sseweþ & kundhede
& syweþ me in such peril & in deþes drede
& wanne ich am encheson of such peril ywis
Verst icholle þer inne do mi sulue vor riȝt it is
& verst asayli þen false king & bringe him to ȝoke
Þat þe grete oþ þat he suor so villiche aþ to broke
On mi sulue ich truste muche & þe more vor is vnriȝt
My wei icholle make sone as a stalwarde kniȝt
Sywet me þat go biuore & smiteþ al so
After me vor ich ise al hou icholle do
Hou icholle percy þe ost & kniȝtes adoun caste
& bete wiþ þis suerd þen false king vaste
Þe erl roberd of gloucestere spec þo þus ywis
Sire ȝonge bacheler he sede wel we witeþ þis
Þat þou art strong & corageus & noȝt vnwurþe al so
Þe verste chiualerie in þe bataile to do
& naþeles þou ne miȝte it esse noȝt bote vor þinges tuo
Oþer uor nobleye of heye kunne oþer vor prowesse ido


Ȝif þou seist it vor noble kunne þou nart noȝt wel vnderstonde
Vor ich was þe kinges sone þou wost wel of þis londe
Vor þi prowesse ne worþ it noȝt vor kniȝtes her beþ some
Þat mid oþer prowesse of kniȝtes nere neuere ouercome
Ac an oþer reson wel ver meueþ more me þer to
Þat þe king aȝen þat oþ þat he adde mi soster ydo
Mid vnriȝt halt þis kinedom & destourbeþ þat lond ywis
& of monie þousend monnes deþe encheson he is
He binimþ men hor riȝtes & hor kunde eritages al so
& deliuereþ it oþer men þat no riȝt nabbeþ þer to
Ac o þing ich ȝou segge soþ þat þoru þe luþer weye ywis
Þat ȝe come vnneþe hider þoru non hope þer ne is
Vor to fle he is so luþer as ȝe alle iseye
Þanne ne beþ þer bote tueye weyes oþer her riȝt deye
Oþer ouercome vr fon as we ssolle & bringe hom þer doune
Make we þanne mid vr suerdes vr wey to þe toune
Vor min herte seiþ þus to soþe þat we worþe maisters here
Vor as muche as we ne mowe fle in none manere


Vor vre prowesse we mote nede ssewe to day ywis
Wanne me mote oþer day vor non oþer wey þer nis
Ac nimeþ atte biginninge among alle oþere gome here
Aȝen wat men ȝe ssolle fiȝte & wuch is hor manere
Alein erl of brutaine aȝen ȝou iarmed is
Of falsnesse & of tricherie in þe world is per nis
Þe erl of meles is al so þat fol is of luþerhede
Maister he is to bi traye is word is al falshede
In word he is god inou & coward in dede
Slou to fiȝte & quic to fle & þat nis no manhede
Þe erl hue comþ ek aȝen ȝou þat fals is & vorsuore
Þat luþer trichour aþ ibe suþþe he was ybore
Þe erl symond of hamtone com aȝen ȝou al so
Þat muche wole segge & bihote & lute þer to do
Þe erl of amarle comþ ek & þe kinges kniȝtes þer to
Þat robbeors beþ & manquellers & vorsuore al so
Nou ȝe stalwarde kniȝtes þat þe king henry vp broȝte
& honourede & þes king vondeþ bringe to noȝte
Ȝoure herten hebbeþ vp & ȝoure stronge miȝte
Hopieþ al on god & eke on ȝoure riȝte


& nimeþ þe wreche of ȝoure fon þat vr louerd ȝou bed nouþe
Þat ȝoure dede mowe be couþ bi norþe & bi souþe
Þat it be onour to ȝou & to ȝoure eirs al so
& ȝif ȝe abbeþ herte god þis noble dede to do
Ȝoure riȝt honden holdeþ vp to god & ȝoure þoȝt
& bihoteþ him to be stable & þat ȝe ne fleþ noȝt
Hor honden hii helde vp alle þo & bihete god to be
Trywe & stable in bataile & neuere vor to fle
Þe king steuene aȝen þis dede to holi chirche drou
& is masse hurde verst mid deuocion inou
Þe bjssop of lincolne is masse song þo
& at tyme as he wolde to offringe go
& is taper þat he offrede in þe bissopes hond do
Bodiinge as it were þe taper berst a tuo
Þe box þat heng ek ouer þe weued Mid godes fless & is blod
Þe streng brac & he vel adoun such signe nas noȝt god
Me Iuggede wat it ssolde be to tokni þis cas
Þat þe king ssolde be ouercome & al so it was
Þe king after masse wende toward þe batayle sone
He ordeinede is folc & is ost as he þoȝte to done


Þo bed he on sire baldewine þat folc ariȝt rede
Vor he spec wel & couþe al so & he þes wordes sede
Louerdinges jȝe wute wel þat wo so wole do such þing
Þre þinges he mot bi se atte biginning
Verst þe riȝte of is cause & suþþe þe nombre al so
Of is men & suþþe þenche hor prowesse þer to
Riȝt of men þat peril of þe soule me ne se
Þe noumbre þat vor defaute hor fon aboue ne be
Of prowesse me mot take gome þat me bineþe ne go
Vor pur meseise & vor hope þat þer beþ mo
Þes þre þinges beþ mid vs vor þe riȝte al oure is
Wanne we abbeþ isuore holde oþes to þe king ywis
Riȝt is aȝen is vorsuorene þat we wiþ him gon
Vr noumbre is ek of oure men as muche as vor vr fon
Þe prowesse of þis noblemen wo miȝte telle mid mouþe
Þat in armes iproued beþ binorþe & bisouþe
Þe prowesse verst of oure king is as wiþoute ende
Vor setteþ him one hardeliche aȝen an hondred to wende
& wanne vr lige louerd þat yeled is
& ismered to ihesu crist þat such bodi non nis


Is here amidde us alle to susteini is riȝte
Muche þonc were it vs of god mid him vorto fiȝte
We trewe & in soþnesse aȝen hom þat false beþ
Aȝen wat men ȝe ssolle viȝte wel ȝe seþ
Of þe erl roberd of gloucestre ȝe ne dorre noþing drede
Mid word he þretneþ muche & lute deþ in dede
Is mouþ is as a leon is herte arn as an hare
Al so of þe erl of chastre ȝe ne dorre abbe no care
Fol hardi he is inou ac al wiþoute rede
Hastif wiþoute proveance oþer wisdom in dede
Vorþ he wole as him þincþ ac mid lute manhede
Is brayn & wit is so feble þat þer nis of him no drede
Vor wat he aþ Manliche bigonne he it aþ bileued
Wommanliche as vor defaute of wit in his heued
Of þe welsse þat mid him beþ ne dorre ȝe noȝt drede
Vor fol hastif hii beþ ek inou & al so wiþoute rede
Lepe hii conne as naked men no dunt bileueþ wiþoute
We ssolle as so monye ssep to driue al þe route


Oþer kniȝtes þat þer beþ lute beþ worþ ywis
Vor euere þe mo þer beþ of hom þe betere to vs it is
Nou ȝe noble kniȝtes of wat ȝe abbeþ ido
Of prowesse vnderstondeþ & of ȝoure elderne al so
Cuþeþ to day ȝoure manhede þat it mowe wende
To ȝou & to ȝoure children to honour wiþouten ende
Þe wone & hus þat ȝe abbeþ euere ibe aboue
Þat aȝte make ȝou abbe to fiȝte þe betere loue
& þat ȝoure fon abbeþ euere bineþe ybe
Þat ssal him bringe sone in wille vor to fle
Ichot inam noȝt bigabbed þat it ne of þincþ hom bi þis
Wel sore þat hii here com vor hii biþencheþ hom iwis
Hou hii miȝte best fle ȝif hii wuste in wuche side
Ac wanne hii nute ware fle ne hii ne dorre abide
Wat miȝte hii þanne more do bote ȝelde hom al stille
& hor ors & hor armes beþ & hom sulue at oure wille
Þanne ȝe noblemen anhansieþ ȝoure þoȝt
& auongeþ nouþe godes grace þat god ȝou aþ ibroȝt


He ne miȝte of is reson noȝt come to þe laste
Þat hor fon toward hom ne come prikie vaste
Þe erþe dunede vnder hom vor stapes þat harde were
Þe hors neyde & lepte þat it was gret fere
Þe bataile gon strong inou þe deserites gonne chese
Raþer þan to lese hor lond hor lif þere to lese
Hii pulte hom vorþ biuore þe oþere as godemen & aȝte
Hii asailede þe verste ost & broȝte almest to naȝte
Þat þe erl alein of bruteine as chef was Inne ido
& hue þe erl of estangle & þe erl of meles al so
& þe erl of wareine ek alle þes in a stounde
& hor folc deserites broȝte iwis to grounde
In þre partie hii were to deld vor þer flowe some
& some iwonded & aslawe & some were inome
Þe secunde ost of þe kinges alf þat þe erl inne was
Of ammar & willam of ypre ne likede noȝt þis cas
To þe welsse ost hii smite & to grounde slowe vaste
& hii velle here & þere & flowe atte laste
Þe erl of chestre mid is ost þo he sey þis
Þat is walssemen eode adoun he smot vorþ iwis


& to drof hom al to noȝte þat hom adde ouercome
Vor þer slowe monion & þer flowe some
So þat þe king steuene bileuede al one þere
Mid an vewe of is men þat wel stalwarde were
To gadere hii turnde hor rugges & fouȝte vaste aboute
& ne þolede noȝt þat hor fon percede hor route
Þe oþere wende al aboute vaste wiþoute faile
As it were aboute a castel þat me wolde asaile
Duntes þer were strong inou þat þet fur out sprong
Of þe helmes al aboute & some velde among
Þer me miȝte of o body ise gret prowesse
Þe king þat so defended him as in such destresse
Þo þe erl of chastre him isei to him anon he drou
Mid al þe power þat was his & asailed him inou
Þere bigan a niwe bataile al vpe þe king one
& he him sulf wiþ vewe mo as wo seiþ aȝen echone
Tueye suerdes þe king adde þe beste of eni lond
Þe on bi is side þe oþer in is hond
Here to gronde men he slou & here he woundede al so
Atte laste þoru stronge duntes is suerd berst a tuo


He drou out is oþer sone as stalwarde kniȝt inou
Moni was þe gode body þat he þerwiþ slou
Atte laste it barst a tuo as it nede moste ywis
Sire willam de keines þo he sey þis
He sturte to & hente him bi þe suere anon
Loude he gan to grede comeþ uorþ echon
Vor þe king ichabbe anhonde ich im holde vaste
Þe folc com þikce abouten him & nom him atte laste
& sire baldewine al so þat is conseiler was þere
& sire richard le fiz ourz þat gode kniȝtes were
& alle þe oþere afterward hii slowe oþer nome
In to lincolne mid þe king atte laste hii come
Þo þis bataile was ido & hii were al out of howe
Hii sende þe king mid gode warde to þe tour of bristowe
Þere as þe emperesse was þat was is meste fo
Þere hii wuste him uaste inou & somdel in wo
Þe emperesse huld ire þo boþe king & quene
& wende aboute in þe lond & ire poer made isene
Of þe bissop of winchestre & oþer bissopes al so
As prince heo was vnderuonge & of þe londreis þer to


& so þoru out al engelond bote of þe contreye of kent
Vor sire willam of ypre was þuderward iwent
& þe quene al so þe kinges wif & oþere of þulke side
& þulke contreye hulde vaste betere vor to abide
Þo þe emperesse was in such poer ibroȝt
So luþer & prout heo was þat me ne miȝte it þolie noȝt
Heyemen heo let nime vaste & in strong prison do
Þe londreis heo dude ssame inou & monie oþere þer to
Þe king in strong yre heo het sette vaste
So þat heo wende mid poer to winchestre atte laste
& king dauid of scotlond þat was ire moder broþer
& roberd erl of gloucestere & al so moni an oþer
& þe bissopes castel bisegede þat wende be al hor owe
Wanne wimmen al maistres beþ hii beþ vuel to knowe
Þo þe godemen of þe lond hire luþerhede iseye
Hii gonne turne aȝen hire boþe lowe & heye
After sire willam of ypre & þe quene poer al so
Þe bissop sende þat hii come socour him to do


Hii come þo mid gode wille & heyemen monion
& þe londreis mid hor poer & hor ost greiþede echon
& smite þere an bataile & monie broȝte to deþe
Þe emperesse bigan to fle & of scaped vnneþe
Monye of hire godemen fleinde inome were
& þe erl roberd of gloucestre was ek inome þere
Vor ire luþerhede þe emperesse al bineþe þo was
Heo miȝte wanne heo come hom segge si haut si bas
Of þe kinges crounement as in þe sixte ȝere
Boþe as ich abbe itold þis bataile ido were
Þe erl deliuerede þo þe king & þe king him bi god oþe
Bi such vorewarde imad þat hii were deliuered boþe
Þo king steuene was deliuered he fondede is prowesse
Ȝif he miȝte eni time hente þe emperesse
At oxenford þe emperesse was þo in þe castel
Þe kinges poer & is ost ȝarkede þo vol wel
& wende vorþ to oxenford aboute mielmesse
& vorte midewinter ney biseged þe emperesse
So gret vorst þer com in auent þat men miȝte of agrise
Þat me miȝte boþe ride & go In temese vpe þe yse


& gret snou þer was al so þeruore an quointyse
Þe emperesse biþoȝte & dude as þe wise
Wite cloþes heo dude hire on as wo seiþ ilich þe snowe
Þat me ne ssolde hire uor þe liknesse ise ne iknowe
& vpe þe ise of temese wende vorþ & so out of oxenford
Al souþward in to þe med & so to walingford
In þe seueþe ȝer of is kinedom þe king þe castel nom
Ac þe emperesse ne fond he noȝt þo he In com
Muche robberie me dude aboute in euerich toun
& bounde men & enprisonede vor te hii finede raunson
Hii ne sparede nammore clerkes þan lewed men iwis
So þat þe bissopes vorto amendi þis
In þe eiȝteteþe ȝere of þe kinges kinedom
At londone hii hulde a parlement þat monion to com
& þe king him sulf was þerate hii amansede þo
Alle þulke þat clerkes such despit dude & wo


Þat no mon bote þe pope one hom asoyli ne miȝte
So þat me huld clerkes þer after bet to riȝte
& king stefne is luþernesse wiþ drou an ȝeres vewe
Ac ar vif ȝer þer after he bicom eft a ssrewe
Vor he wende aboute & robbede & þat lond to grounde broȝt
& þe toun of wircestre brende al to noȝte
In endleue hondred ȝer of grace & vifti ȝer al so
Wircestere was þus ibarnd and oþer harm ido
Roberd erl of gloucestere of wan we speke er
An alle halwe eue deide þulke sulue ȝer
& in þe priorie of seint iame at bristowe ibured was
King stefne was þe boldore & þe prottore uor þis cas
Ac god sende an oþer cas vor in þe nexte ȝer anon
In endleue hondred ȝer of grace and vifti and on
Deide geffre plantaginet erl of aungeo
Henri is sone and is eyr erl was imad þo
Of aungeo & duc of normandie þo was it muche is munde
To come & winne engelond uor he was next of kunde


And to helpe is moder þat was her ofte in feble chaunce
And he was aquointe muche to þe quene of fraunce
And somdel to muche as me wende so þat in som þing
Þe quene louede as me wende more him þan þe king
So þat it was uorþ ipult þat þe king and heo
So sibbe were þat hii ne miȝte leng to gadere beo
Þe kunrede iproued was so þat king lowis þere
& elianore is quene vor kunrede departed were
Some were þo glade inou as it was isene
Vor henri þe emperesse sone spousede þo þe quene
Þe quene richesse inou hadde vnder ire hond
War þoru þis henri miȝte þe bet winne engelond
Endleue hondred ȝer and fifti & tuo
After þat god an erþe com þis spousinge was ido
Þe nexte ȝer þer after henry is poer nom
& mid sixe & þritti ssipes to engelonde com
Biuore seint hillaries day and wiþ ioye inou
Aȝen him þe erl of wareine wiþ gret power drou
And in þe castel of wareine wiþ gret ioye him nom
Muche hey folk of þe lond sone to him com
As to hor kunde louerd so þat king steuene
Vor lute poer & feblesse huld him al an euene


Hii nadde iworred bote a lute þat hii acorded were
At winchestre & king steuene in þe nexte ȝere
Þer after deide sone Endleue hondred ȝer it was
Of grace & foure & fifti þat among hom vel þis cas
Ac þe croune ne leuede he noȝt þo hii acorded were
Bote þat henry þe croune after is daie bere
Vor þe acord was so imad & henri þe lasse strengþe
Made uor þat he isei is lif of lute lengþe
Nintene ȝer king steuene of þis londe was king
And þis was al þulke time in worre & striuing
[H]enri þe emperesse sone þo king stefne ded lay
At westmunstre let him crouny king þe nexte soneday
Biuore midewinter day wiþ nobleye ynou
& þe heyemen of þis lond vaste aboute him drou
Þo wende he mid gret poer aboute here & þere
& nom castles & tounes þat his mid riȝte were
Castles þat were nywe ymad he broȝte alle to grounde
& out of londe drof is fon wan he eny founde
& nameliche hom of flaundres vor hii were mest is fon
Henri is eldoste sone ibore was þo anon


Þe laste day of feuerer ac endleue hundred ȝer
& fiue & fifti vr louerd an erþe aliȝte her
At londone he was ibore ac an eldore broþer þer was
Willam þat deide sone as god ȝef þat cas
Mold was after henry & suþþe þe gode kniȝt
King richard þat ibore was in septembre riȝt
Geffray þo & suþþe Ion & elianore last
Þat to þe king de chastles was suþþe ispoused vast
& to þe king of sesonie mold ispoused was
Þis was lo a uair tour ac newe hadde god cas
Þe king let henri is sone as god ȝef þe cheaunce
Lowis doȝter spousi þat was king of fraunce
King henri wondede muche to abbe men in offis
Mid him þat of conseil were god & wis
Ercedekne of kanterbury sein tomas þo was
Þe king him made is chaunceler at is wille it nout nas
To him þe king truste mest ne þer nas non so hey
Þat so muche wuste is priuite ne þat him were so ney
So muche he truste on him þat in is warde he let do
Henri is eldoste sone & is eir al so



Þat he were his wardein & al is ordeinour
To is wille to wissi him & to þe kinges honour
Þe king wende to normandie to soiorni þere
& mid sein tomas dude is sone þat he is wardein were
Þo tebaud þe erchebissop suþþe ded was
Þe king & monekes ek chose seint tomas
Þo he was erchebissop he huld ȝut in is hond
Þat child uort þat þe king come in to engelond
Þe child louede him inou more nas neuere iseye
Ne he nadde of no man more loue ne eye
Þo þe king to londe com sein tomas nom is sone
& vel vawe aȝen him wende to souþhamtone
Þer was ioye & blisse inou þo hii to gadere come
Hii custe hom & bi clupte & herede god ilome
It was enleue hundred ȝer & sixti & tuo
Of grace þat sein tomas was erchebissop þo
Þe nexte ȝer þer after as it wolde be
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & sixti & þre
He halwede as þe king him bed þe churche of redinge
Þat verst ifounded was þoru henri þe oþer kinge
He ssrinede þulke sulue ȝer seint edward iwis
Þat was king of engelond at westmunstre þat is
Þe king ȝef þulke sulue ȝer henri is sone aungeo
Tours & al normandie & richard is sone al so


He ȝef gascoine & aquitaine so þat hii dude homage
King lowis of france þeruore wiþoute outrage
Geffray is sone he made erl of brutaine al so
Þe wule is children ȝonge were al þis was ido
Noman ne miȝte þenche þe loue þat þer was
Bituene þe king henri & þe gode man sein tomas
Þe deuel adde enuie þer to & sed bituene hom seu
Alas alas þulke stounde vor al to wel it greu
Vor þer adde er ibe kinges of luþer dede
As willam bastard & is sone willam þe rede
Þat luþer lawes made ynou & helde in to al þe lond
Þe king nolde nouȝt bileue þe lawes þat he fond


Ne þat is elderne hulde ne þe godeman sein tomas
Þouȝte þat þing aȝe riȝte neuere lawe nas
Ne soþnesse ac costume mid strengþe vp iholde
& he wuste þat vr louerd in þe gospel tolde
Þat he him sulf was soþnesse & costume nout
Þeruore luþer costumes he nolde graunti nouȝt
Ne þe king nolde bileue þat is elderne adde iholde
So þat contek sprong bituene hom mani volde
Þe king drou to riȝte lawe mani luþer costome
Sein tomas hom wiþsede & grantede some
Þe lawes þat icholle nou telle he grauntede vawe
Ȝuf a þuman haþ a sone to clergie idrawe


He ne ssal wiþoute is louerdes [wille] icrouned nouȝt be
Vor þuman ne may nouȝt be imad aȝen is louerdes wille fre
Anoþer þing he grauntede ek as ȝe mowe nou ise
Ȝuf a man of holichirche halt eni lay fe
Person oþer wat he be he ssal do þeruore
Kinges seruise þat þer valþ þat is riȝte ne be uorlore
In playdinge & in asise be & in Iugement also
Bote war man ssal be bilemed oþer to deþe ido
He grantede ek ȝuf eni man þe kinges traytour were
& eni man of is chateus to holi churche bere
Þat holi churche ne ssolde nouȝt þe chateus þere lette
Þat þe king þere oþer is as is owene is ne vette
Vor al þat þe felon haþ þe kinges it is
& ech man mai in holi churche is owene take ywis
He grantede ek þat a churche of þe kinges fe
In none stede ene & euere ne ssolde iȝiue be
As to hous of religion wiþoute þe kinges leue
& þat he oþer þe patron þe ȝifte verst ȝeue
Seint tomas grantede wel þes & oþer mo
Ac þis oþere he wiþsede þat dude him wel wo
Ȝuf bituene tueie lewedemen were eni striuing
Oþer bituene a lewede & a clerc vor holichurche þing


As vor voweson of churche weþer ssolde þe churche ȝiue
Þe king wolde þat in is court þe ple ssolde be driue


Vor as muche as a lewed man þat þe o partie was
Clanliche was vnder þe king & vnder no bissop nas
An oþer was þat no bissop ne clerc naþemo
Ne ssolde wiþoute kinges leue out of þis lond go
& þanne hii ssolde suerie vpe þe bok ywis
Þat hii ne ssolde purchasy non uvel þe king ne non of his
Þe þridde was ȝuf eni man in mansinge were ibrouȝt
& suþþe come to amendement ne aȝe riȝte nere noȝt
Þat he ne suore nouȝt upe þe boc ac borewes finde ssolde
To stonde to þat holichirche þer of him loky wolde
Þe verþe was þat no man þat of þe kinge hulde ouȝt
In chef oþer in eni seruise in mansinge nere ibroȝt
Bote þe wardeins of holichirche þat broȝte him þer to
Þe king sede oþer is bailifs wat he adde misdo


& lokede verst wer hii wolde to amendement it bringe
& bote hii wolde bi hor leue do þe mansinge
Þe vifte was þat bissopriches & abbeies al so
Þat vacauns were of prelas in þe kinges hond were ido
& þat þe king ssolde al þe lond as is owe take
Vort atte laste þat him luste eni prelat þer make
& þanne þulke prelat ssolde in is chapele ichose be
Of is clerkes wuche he wolde to such prelat bi se
& þanne wan he were ichose in is chapele riȝt þere
Homage he ssolde him do ar he confermed were
Þe sixte was ȝuf eni play to chapitle were idrawe
& eni man made is apel ȝuf me dude him vnlawe
Þat to þe bissop fram ercedekne is apel ssolde make
& fram bissop to erchebissop & suþþe non herre take
& bote þe erchebissopes court to riȝte him wolde bringe
Þat he ssolde fram him bi clupe biuore þe kinge
& fram þe king non herre mo so þat atten ende
Plaininge of holi churche to þe king ssolde wende
& þe king amendi ssolde þe erchebissopes dede
& be as in þe popes stude ac sein tomas it wiþsede


Þe seueþe was þat plaidinge þat of dette were
To ȝelde wel þoru treuþe ipliȝt & nouȝt iholde nere
Al þei þoru treuþe it were þat ple ssolde be ibroȝt
Biuore þe king & is bailifs & to holi churche noȝt
Þe eiȝteþe was þat in þe londe citacion non nere
Þoru bulle of þe pope of rome ac clene bileued were
Þe niþe was þat peires panes þat me gadereþ manion
Þe pope nere nouȝt on isend ac þe king echon
Þe teþe was ȝuf eni clerc as felon were itake
& vor felon iproued & ne miȝte it noȝt uorsake
Þat me ssolde him uerst desordeini & suþþe þoru pur lawe
& þoru Iugement of þe lond honge him oþer to drawe
Vor þes & vor oþer mo þe godemon seint tomas
Fleu verst out of engelond & suþþe ymartred was
Vor he sei þer nas bote o wey oþer he moste stif be
Oþer holi churche was issent þat mid riȝte was so fre
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & foure & sixti þerto
It was þat sein tomas of londe wende so


Þe nexte ȝer þer after þe amperesse mold
Wende out of þis liue as þe boc aþ itold
Þe king let crouni to kinge an vif ȝer after þis
Henri is eldoste sone at westmunstre ywis
As endleue hundred ȝer of grace & sixti & tene
& sixtene ȝer he was old þo he was icrouned ich wene
Þe erchebissop of euerwik & þe bissop of londone
& of salesbury him crounede aȝen riȝt & wone
Vor þe erchebissop of canterburi mid riȝte it ssolde do
Þo sein tomas it wuste gret deol he nom him to
Þat þe churche of kanterbury in such vnriȝt was ibroȝt
He nolde vor to þolie deþ leng þolie it noȝt
He drou him toward engelond to is martirdom
As godes kniȝt he bigan þo he hider com
He amansede alle þulke þat such vnriȝt adde ido
To þe churche of canterbury & þe king icrouned so
Þe þre bissopes wroþe were & nome hom to rede
& wende vorþ to normandie & þe olde king it sede
Þe king was nei vor wraþþe wod & sede ȝuf þat he
Amanseþ alle þulke men þanne amanseþ he me


He acorsede alle þulke men þat he adde uorþ ibrouȝt
Þat of an false preste ne abbe eke him nouȝt
Þat word he sede ofte in hastinesse ywis
Foure of þe deueles limes is kniȝtes hurde þis
Sire Reinaud le fiȝ ours sire roger brut al so
Sire hue de moruile sir willam traci þer to
Hii nome hom to rede & uor to paye is wille
Wende uorþ to engelond hasteliche & stille
Þo þe king com to is mete & is kniȝtes mid him were
He bihuld & nuste þulke foure þere
Is herte him ȝef anon wuderward hii wende
In anguisse & sor ynou after hom he sende
Toward þe se hasteliche þat hii come aȝe
Ar þe messager come hii were in þe se
Hii wende hom vorþ to kanterburi & in þe churche riȝt
Hii martreden sein tomas an tiwesday at niȝt
Þis godeman sat adoun akne & is heued buyede adoun
& wel softe as some hurde sede þis orison
God & seinte marie & sein denis al so
& alle þe avowes of þis churche in was ore ich am ido
Ich bitake min soule & holi churche riȝte
Ȝut he bed vor holi churche þo he nadde oþer miȝte
Sir reinaud le fiȝ ours mest ssrewe of echon
Vor to smite þis holi man is suerd drou anon


Ac edward grim þat was is clerc of grantebrugge ibore
To helpe is louerd ȝuf he miȝte pulte is arm biuore
He wounde is arm suiþe sore þut blod orn adoun
Mid þulke dunt ek he smot sein tomas vpe þe croun
Þat þut blod orn bi is face in þe riȝt half of þe wounde
Loude gradde þe luþer kniȝt smiteþ alle to grounde
In þulke sulue wounde an oþer him smot þo
Þat he abuyde is face adoun vort þer come mo
Þe þridde in þulke sulue stede þer after smot anon
& made him aloute al adoun is face vpe on þe ston
In þulke stede þe verþe smot þat þe oþere adde er ydo
& þe point of is suerd brec in þe marbreston a tuo
Ȝut þulke point at canterbury þe monekes lateþ wite
Vor honour of þe holi man þat þerwiþ was ismite
Wiþ þulke stroc he smot al of þe scolle & ek þe croune
Þat þe brain orn al abrod in þe pauiment þer doune
Þo þis holi man imartred was þe kniȝtes gradde echon
Þis traitor is to deþe ibroȝt wende we henne anon
Syweþ vs þe kinges men & alle þat mid him beþ
Of þis traitor we beþ awreke as ȝe nou iseþ
He þouȝte be herre þan þe king & binime him is croune
& to nouȝte bringe al engelond & nou he liþ þer doune
In endleue hundred ȝer of grace þis godeman sein tomas
& sixti & endleuene þus imartred was


Þo þe king it wuste he made deol ynou
So þat vor anguisse nei him sulue he slou
In þe castel of argentein vourty dawes he was
In a chaumbre al one wiþoute eni solas
In wop & sorwe & deol inou & confort non him nas
Ac euere on þe holiman criede sein tomas
So þat tueie cardinals þe pope him sende iwis
& hii him asoilede of þat was ido amis
& he vndude þe luþer lawes & grauntede alle þe gode
Þat sein tomas esste as hii vnderstode
Of forest & of oþer þing þat is elderne nome amis
He vndude & þer to is chartre made iwis
Ac after is daye iholde febliche it was
Of king Ion & of oþere & naþeles þer nas
Non of hom þat some time Mid wille þei it nere
Ne grauntede & confermede it þei it lute wurþ were
Vor mani is þe gode bodi þat aslawe is þeruore
To betere ende god it bringe þat vor vs was ibore
After sein tomas deþe aboute an ȝeres to
Þer sprong contek suiþe strong þei it luþer were ido
Bituene king henri þe olde & þe ȝonge mid wou
Vor þe sone aros aȝe þe fader & dude him ssame ynou


Þoru þe king of france was doȝter was is wif
Vor þoru a vowe of him þe sone bigan þat strif
Vor þe king of fraunce & þe erl of flaundres þer to
& sir roberd erl of leicestre & sire hue bigod al so
& þe king of scotlond ek & manie oþer kniȝt
Wiþ þe sone aȝe fader hulde wiþ vnriȝt
Hii destruede & robbede þe fader londes mid wou
Þe fader was in normandie & deol made ynou
He huld it al wreche of god vor sein tomas martirdom
& naþeles wiþ gret poer to engelond he com
Þe erl willam of gloucestere huld mid him vaste
& mani oþer trewe kniȝt so þat atte laste
Ac þe olde king at canterbury mid gode herte & wille
Hurde is masse of sein tomas & cride him merci stille
Is ost & is sone ost þe wule masse ilaste
Smite an stronge bataile so þat attelaste
Þoru grace of sein tomas is men ouercome
Hor fon & þe king of scotlonde nome
& sir hue bigod ek & þe erl of leicetre
Inome was þoru willam erl of gloucestre
Manion þer was aslawe so þat þis uair cas
Þe king it þonkede eueridel þe godeman sein tomas


So þat þe fader & þe sone acorded were þo
Ac þe sones herte aȝe þe fader was euermo
& þe breþeren hulde al so aȝen hor fader vaste
Vorte þe ȝonge king henri deide attelaste
A sein barnabes day & as it wolde be
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & eiȝteti & þre
In normandye he deyde & þulke ȝer al so
Seint egwine at euesham in ssrine was verst ido
Glastingburi was þer after and to ȝer ibroȝt to grounde
Vorbarnd & of king arþure þe bones uerst ifounde
Þe king after is sone deþ þe croune aȝen nom
& in contek muchedel huld þe kinedom
Vor vnkundede of is sones muche to harm him com
& sunne vor he leuede muche in hordom
& huld vnder þe quene rosemounde ywis
Þat so vair womman was & at godestowe ibured is
A bourgeis at bristowe Roberd Harding
Vor gret tresour & richesse so wel was mid þe king
Þat he ȝef him & is eirs þe noble baronie
Þat so riche is of berkele mid al þe seignorie
& þulke roberd harding arerde suþþe ywis
Þe abbeye at bristowe þat of seint austin is


In þe holi londe þo gret worre þer sprong
Bituene cristine & heþene & bataile suiþe strong
Þe king of ierusalem sir guy was þer inome
& þe patriarc aslawe & þe cristine ouercome
Þe heþene king saladin mid poer gret inou
Wende aboute in sirie & cristine vaste slou
& hii þat were of ierusalem gret raunson him ȝeue
In þraldom as vnder him þere to bileue
& saladin nom þe holi croys & to heþenesse it ber
& let witie þe sepulcre þat no cristine ne com þer
So þat cristendom þere ibrouȝt to naȝte was
& þer was þoru al cristendom gret deol þoru þat cas
Heþacli þe patriarc fram ierusalem þo drou
& com here in to engelond mid deol & sorwe inou
& bisouȝte þe king oþer is sones þat som þe warde toke
To be king of ierusalem & hii it alle vorsoke
& naþeles hii croicede hom þuder vor to wende
Þe king & richard is sone & manion in ech ende
& þe emperour freþeric & freþeric is sone al so
& king filip of fraunce & mani bissop þer to
Ac hii sende þuder muche folc & hom sulue nolde wende
Þerwiþ nas noȝt god ipaid oþer þing he gan hom sende


& worre hom bituene vor þe king of fraunce
Cudde vpe þe king of engelond gret destourbance
& richard þe kinges sone þat so god kniȝt was
Aȝen is fader turnde to þe king of france alas
& dude him omage anon alas alas þe stounde
& fondede mid worre to bringe is fader to grounde
Þe olde man in normandie worrede aȝen hom vaste
& slou & barnde vp is fon þe wule is lif ilaste

Ricardus rex

Ac he deide in þe worre sone in anguisse & in pine
As endleue hundred ȝer of grace & eiȝteti & nine
Þe sixte day of Iul he deide & mid gret onour & prute
At founte ebraud he was ibured as he liþ ȝute
Ac gefray erl of brutaine is sone þre ȝer biuore
Deide þat bituene richard & king Ion was ibore
& bileuede bihinde him is sone þat het arþure
& is doȝter elianore as ȝe ssolle her after ihure
[R]ichard king henries sone to engelonde com
And after is fader deþe aueng þe kinedom
Þe verþe day of septembre he let him crouny iwis
At westmunstre hasteliche as þe riȝte crouninge is
Of þe erchebissop of kanterbury baldewine þat was þo
In a sonenday as it vel gywes to muche wo


Vor among alle þe noble þat to suiche feste drowe
Of erles & of barons & of oþere heyemen inowe
& of noble presauns þat þer come al so
Þe wrecche luþer giwes wende wel to do
& a riche presant ȝarkede wiþ gret prute
& sende þis noble kinge ac hor þonc was lute
Vor þe king was somdel awlated & to gret despit it nom
Þat fram so vnclene þinges eni mete him com
& het it do out of is court & þe wrecches ssame do
Þer was mani a wilde hine þat prest was þer to
& wende in to þe gywerie & woundede & to drowe
& robbede & barnde hous & manie of hom slowe
Ac sone in þulke sulue ȝer in to þis kinedom
Hunger & deiinge of men & muche wrechede com
Richard þo he was king he ȝef is broþer Ion
Þe erldom of gloucestre & let him spousy anon
Isabel þat was eir & grete londes þer to
Ȝef him here in engelond & biȝonde se al so
Þer was þo in þe holi lond a strong bataile ido
Bi tuene þe luþer saladim & cristine men al so
A sein leonardes eue in þe ȝer of grace ywis
Endleue hundred & ninty ydo was al þis


Þe maister of þe temple was aslawe & sir willam de breus al so
& sire ingerard de fenes & oþer cristine þer to
Saladines eldoste sone þat het mirasalin
Islawe was & is neueu þat het goekedin
& migenal is mareschal & no noumbre nas
Of cristin folc & heþene þat þere aslawe was
Me prechede of þe croyserye wide ich vnderstonde
& þe bissop willam of ely here in engelonde
King richard him ȝarkede to þe holi lond to wende
& bitok þe bissop of eli þis lond in ech ende
To wardi uor he trewe was & þe erchebissop al so
Baldewine of canterburi & mani wende þer to
As roberd erl of leicetre þe erl willam de ferers
Sir richard de glanuille & mani oþere heye & fers
Þe aumperour frederic & þe king philip of france
Alle hii wende to ierusalem to do gode chaunce
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & ninti & on
Hii wende to þe holi lond þis noblemen echon
Som of king richardes folc to þe lond of cypre com
& þe prince of þe lond anon hom vaste nom
& in strong prison hom caste & king richard as man wod
Þo he it wuste wende þuder mid wel stourdi mod


To þe hauene al bi watere he com mid poer god
Þe prince mid al is poer vaste aȝen him stod
& nolde noȝt deliuery þe men þat were inome
Þe bataile was sone ido & þe prince ouercome
Þe nobleman king richard sturede him þer so vaste
& þe mare of hor rugge wiþ kene suerd agaste
So þat al out þe lond he wan atte laste
Some he slou & some of hom in strong prison he caste
So he dude þulke time as ich vnderstonde
Þat cipre is euereft iholde of þe king of engelonde
Gode wardeins he sette vor to wite þut lond
& adde at is owe wille al cipre in is hond
& þe prince he nom wiþ him ibounde vet & honde
Wiþ veteres of seluer toward þe holi londe


So þat to sir philip king of france hii come
& as stalwarde noblemen þe toun of acres nome
King Richard & king philip vpe þe heþene men þere
Mani was þe gode dunt þat king richard ȝaf er
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & ninti & to
King richard þis noble kniȝt acres nom so
& harlede so þe sarazins in eche side aboute
Þat þe ssrewen ne dorste in non ende at route


So þat king philip was anuyd þor alle þing
Þat þer nas of him word non bote al of richard þe king
Vaste he let trossi to france uor to drawe
Sori was þe king richard to lese is felawe
He bed him ȝerne vor to abide þoru him al to do
Ac þe oþer nolde vor no þing ac to fraunce wende so
King richard bileuede þer & so nobliche he wroȝte
Þat al þut lond þer aboute In is poer he broȝte
Me nuste longe þer biuore neuer eft in heþenesse
Of so noble kniȝt ne prince ne do so muche prowesse
Me ne mai noȝt al telle her ac wo so it wole iwite
In romance of him imad me it may finde iwrite
So þat þe deuel adde þer to gret envie
& in is broþer herte Ion broȝte an tricherie
Vor he esste of heyemen of þis lond sikernesse ilome
& homage to be king bote is broþer aȝe come
Þe bissop of eli þat þis lond adde to loke
& þe triwemen of þe lond vaste it vorsoke
& sede þat arþure of brutaine is eldore broþer sone
Kundere eir was þan he bi pur lawe & wone


Þe erl Ion worrede vpen hom þat aȝen hom were out
He wuste þat þe king of france ne louede is broþer noȝt
Þeruore he wende ouer se & is man he bicom
To helpe him aȝen is broþer to winne the kinedom
So þat þe king & he king richardes lond
Destruede vaste in normandie & here in engelond
Þis word com to king richard in sirie as he was
He suor he wolde awreke be of þis vil trespas
He bileuede is noble dede of þe holi lond alas
& triwes nom of saladin vor þis luþer cas
Þre ȝer þat ech þing were in peis hom bituene
& wende him toward engelond to awreke him of is tene
Alas alas þulke stounde uor he ne dude neuereft note
In þe holi lond ne com aȝen ar he was issote
Sir Marchion de mount ferre a gret louerd islawe was
In alimaine þer biuore in a wonder cas
Þer uore as king richard þoru alimaine com
Þe duc of ostrich anon mid is poer him nom
& sede þat sir Marchion aslawe was þoru is rede
To þe king of alimaine vaste he let him lede
Þe beste bodi of þe world in bendes was ibrouȝt
Ac þe king of fraunce ne þe erl Ion it ne of þoȝte noȝt
Vor hii destruede in engelond is lond þoru alle þing
& in normandie also vor Ion wolde be king


King henri of alimaine bed king richard þo
To deliueri him ȝuf he wolde be is man euere mo
& bere him truage eche ȝer ac uor none þinge
King richard nolde is lond ne him sulue in þraldom bringe
Oþer vorewarde he bed him ek ac he it euere vorsok
So þat atte laste þe vorewarde me tok
Þat an hundred þousend marc & vifti þousend þerto
King Richard ssolde ȝiue of prison to ben ydo
Þe hundred þousend marc were ipaid biuore hond
& wel narwe igadered here in engelond
Vor broches & ringes & ȝimmes al so
& þe calis of þe weued me ssolde þerto
& greye monekes þat newe come & pouere þo were
Ȝeue al hor wolle þerto of one ȝere
Þo þe hundred þousend were ipayd biuore hond
King richard of þe oþer del god ostage fond
& deliuered was of prison & hiderward wende bliue
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & ninty & fiue
Ac god sende wreche gret in þulk sulue ȝere
Vpe þe duc of ostrich uor verst vorbarnd were
Þe hexte tounes of is lond & suþþe maniman
& no man ne miȝte wite war of þat fur bigan


Þat water suþþe heye aros & muche is lond asencte
& mo þan ten þousend men wonderliche adrencte
Þe þridde time þo grene corn in somer ssolde curne
To foule wormes muchedel þe eres gonne turne
Þe heiemen suþþe of is lond bigonne deye vaste
& þe meste miscas com to him sulf attelaste
Vor he vel of is palefrey & brec is fot bi cas
So suart so eni crowe amorwe is fot was
Þo þat is leches sede þer nas red bote on
Oþer smite of is fot oþer he was ded anon
He het it do hasteliche ac non me ne fond
Of alle is men þat wolde sette þer on hond
A kene ax him sulf he huld þerto atte laste
& mid strengþe het is chamberlein þer on smite vaste
Þer on he smot þrie þe wrecche to gret pine
So þat he smot of þan vot mid gret wo atte fine
Þer after he adde sorwe ynou ne miȝte noman more
& attelaste deide in sorwe ynou & sore
Ac þe vifti þousend marc he uorȝef er
Of king richard & is ostages deliuerede þer
Þo king richard com to engelond þer was ioye inou
Mid ioye & procession þat folc aȝen him drou
He pleyede nywe king at ome þo he hom com
Verst þe castel of notingham vpe is broþer he nom


& suþþe is oþer londes & deseritede him al clene
& alle þat wiþ him hulde hii nere noȝt to bimene
& nom wuche he miȝte finde ac biȝonde se
Erl Ion was sore adrad & ne dorste come aȝe
Þo þe king adde al ido & ibroȝt is fon þer doune
Is estre he huld at winchestere & nobliche ber croune
& tok þe erchebissop of canterburi þis lond to wardi her
& wende to normandie mid al is poer
Vor þer was þe king of france & dude him ssame ynou
Ac þo he wuste he was icome to fraunce sone he drou


Erl Ion is broþer bisende him al so
& bisouȝte is grace of þat he adde misdo
So þat þe king þoru gode men is grace him ȝef þere
& in gode fourme acorded hii were
Þo þe king adde normandie in god stat ibrouȝt al
Þut lond he tok to loke willam þe mareschal
Þat was erl of penbroc & is broþer erl Ion
& wende wiþ is poer to aquitayne anon
Þere he broȝte al bineþe hom þat were is fon
So þat he adde al in peis is londes echon
& nobliche wuste is londes & nobel kniȝt was
Atte laste he deide in a pitous cas
Vor as he wolde at limosin bi sege þe castel
& he com þer aboute Iarmed nouȝt uol wel


Þe morwe after seinte marie day in leinte wiþ a quarel
Issote he was þat he ne et neuereft a god mel
Þe tuelfte day he deide of aueril þe sixte day
Bi is fader he was ibured as is fader lay
Riȝt at is fader uet in þe nonnerye
Of fount ebraud richeliche þat is in normandie
Endleue hundred ȝer of grace & ninti & nyene
Þus þe noble king richard broȝte is lif to fine
I on king richardes broþer after is broþer deþe
Ne abod noȝt wel longe seue wouke vnneþe
Ar he let him crouni king an holi þorsday iwis
At westmunstre in þe abbeye as þe riȝte crouninge is
Of þe erchebissop of kanterbury hubert þat was þo
Þer after deide sein hue an half ȝer & nammo
Þat was bissop of lincolne & þer after þe werste ȝer
Þe ordre bigan of frere prechors þat nas neuere er
Sein dominic it bigan þo in þe ȝer of grace ywis
A þousend & tuo hundred ȝer vor nammore it nis
Þulke ȝer þe king him let vor sibrede to dele
Fram is wif þe contesse of gloucetere ysabele
& spousede anoþer wif Isabele het ich wene
An grete erles doȝter & let hire crouni quene
Þe ȝonge erl of brutaine arþure hadde riȝte
To be king of engelond þeruore mid al is miȝte


He orn vpe þe king ion bi ȝonde se vaste
& he & sir hue de brun come atte laste
& sire geffray de limesi & þre hundred kniȝtes al so
& elianore þe olde quene bisegede in peyto
In þe kinges o castel it com þe kinge to ere
He wende to is moder to deliuery ir þere
& nom þere þis arþure & þe hexte þat mid him were
In tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & þe secunde ȝere
Þo þat king arþure ne com nammore aȝe
Me sede uor is eritage þat þe king him let sle
Vor þis slaȝt þe king of france orn vpe þe king Ion
& is londes biȝonde se seisede anon
Aquitayne & normandie so þat hii ne come nammore
To þe croune of engelond & þat was to rewe sore
Þis sunne & oþer mo king Ion sore aferde
So þat þe abbeye of beulu of greye monekes he arerde
& þe baronie of farendone & oþer londes ȝef þer to
In tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & foure þis was ido
Þe nexte ȝer þer after deide þe olde quene
& hubert þe erchebissop of canterbury ich wene
& peres de la roche was bissop of wincetre ywis
& þe king made peni chaunge In o ȝer was al þis
Þo þis peris was ichose he wende uor þis cas
To rome & of þe pope þere isacred was
Fram rome he broȝte an heste þat me here nome
Petres peni of ech hous þat smoke out of come
Ac þe king & heyemen wiþ sede it ilome
War þoru þe king adde þe worse grace at rome
Of þe erchebissop of kanterbury þer wex a striuing
Weþer him ssolde chese þe couent oþer þe king
Þe sousprior of hor hous þe monekes chose echon
& þe king ches þe bissop of norþwich þat het Ion


To rome hii were boþe isent þis louerdinges tueye
To be isacred of þe pope ac he vorsok hom beye
Ac maister stefne of langetone ibore of engelonde
He made erchebissop & sacrede wiþ is hond


Þe couent was wel ipaid ac þe king nouȝt
Vor he suor in engelond he ne ssolde ariui nout
Ne erchebissop be bi is daye þei he ssolde þeruore deye
Þo þe pope þis ihurde he nom it wel heye
He sende to alle þe bissopes of þis lond is sonde
Þat entredit in is name hii dude in al þis londe
Þe king was þo he hurde þis wroþore þan he was er
Þe monekes of canterbury alle þat he vond þer
Þat miȝte go he drof out of is kinedom
& al þe erchebissopriche in is hond he nom
Henri is eldoste sone ibore was in þis wo
As in tuelf hundred ȝer & eiȝte & nammo
At winchestre at alle halwetid þat suþþe was vr king
Þe king vorbed ek in þis lond al þe popes playdinge
Of bullen & of oþer þing þat he nadde poer non
Þe bissops wende ek ofte to þis king Ion
& lettres þat þe pope hom sende him ssewede monion
& felle adoun to is fet wepinde echon
& criinde pitosliche þat he ssolde hom vnderstonde
& abbe reuþe of cristendom & of engelonde
Ac al ne miȝte it helpe noȝt so þat atten ende
Þis bissopes to londone echone gonne wende
A lute biuore candelmasse & abbodes al so
& conceil made general þis entredit to do
Ac þoru bisokne of þe king delayed it was ȝute
Vorte wiþinne leinte ac it was wurþ lute
Vor þe king was euere þe leng þe wors & þo it ne miȝte oþer be
Þe bissopes as hi nede moste bi gonne hom bi se


& þe sonenday of þe passion amansede alle þe
Þat avilede so holichirche þat mid riȝte was so fre
Þe morwe as þe monenday an seinte Marie eue
Þe holi time þat þo was hii nolde leng bileue
Þis bissopes wende to churche as to nime þer hor leue
& ef sone pitosliche þis mansinge ȝeue
& entreditede al þis lond & walis al so
Þat noþing of cristendom þer inne nere ido
Vort of is luþer dede þe king him wiþdrowe
Out of churche men hii driue wepinde ynowe


& pitosliche hom sulue wende out atte laste
& þe doren after hom wepinde loke vaste
& binome al cristindom þe holi time alas
Hou miȝte be of cristinmen more wo þan þis was
Þe king þo as vor wraþþe wod let nime in is hond
Alle þe erchebissopes god þat he vond in þis lond
Maners & oþer þing & is medes let mowe
& vorbed þat me ne ssolde non of is lond sowe
Persones þing he solde men þat mest wolde þeruore ȝiue
Þat hii nadde þer of nout bote vnneþe hor biliue
& hor bernes dores acelede & al clene out hom caste
Þe bissopes þo in hor alf amansede vaste
Alle þat suich dede dude king & quene boþe
& hor Iustizes ek þo were þer manie wroþe
Þe bissop of londone of eli of roucestre
& þe bissop of hereuorde & þe bissop of wurcestre
Of þis mansinge were principals & susteinede it vaste
& wende uort it betere were ouer se atte laste
Alle clerkene lefmen in prisoun þe king brouȝte
Vort at is owe wille hor maistres hom out bouȝte
So þat in ech half sorwe ynou þer com
Ac þe meste was alas þat þer nas no cristendom
Þe king þo he sey þe wo þat was in his londe
To þe erchebissop he sende over se is sonde


Þat he come in to þis lond ac as erchebissop nout
To speke so þat þut lond in þe betere were ibrouȝt
Ac þe erchebissop nolde come vor it ne ssolde amounti noȝt
Ac þre bissopes wende vor to fondi is þoȝt
Þe bissop of wurcetre of eli of londone
Ac þo hii come hii nadde of him bote is olde wone
Glosinde wordes & false so þat hii wende aȝe
& hor wey hulde uorlore & bileuede biȝonde se
Þe king of alimayne sende specialliche inou
To king Ion þat he wiþdrowe him of is wou
& vnderuenge þe erchebissop & holichurche al clene
Lete abbe ir franchise & al nas wurþ a bene
Þe king suþþe mildeliche to þe erchebissop sende
Þat he bote he verrore wolde to douere to him wende
To vinde him gode borewes & sauf condut al so
To bringe him sulf eft aȝen so þat it was ido


& after sein Micheles day þe þridde day he com
To douere & þe bissop of londone wiþ him nom
& þe bissop of eli & þe king sone wende
To a maner þer biside & to hom anon sende
Is heye Iustice of is lond sir G le fiȝ peris
Þat ȝuf þe erchebissop oþer eni of his
Wolde eni þing toward him þat hii sende him libel
& esste ek articles þat nere noȝt to graunti wel
Ac vor it nas bote al þe mase þe erchebissop sone
Wende aȝen ouer se as best was to done
Þo was richard ibore þe kinges sone ich wene
As in þe ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & tene
Þat suþþe was king of alemayne þat at hailes ibured is
Þe ordre bigan of frere menors þulke sulue ȝer ywis


Þe king bigan þo more wo vor he harlede vaste
Þe gywes verst of þis lond & in prison caste
Vort sixe & sixti þousend marc hii paiden him atten ende
He bigan ek greye monekes vaste aboute ssende
Vor gret raunson he esste of hom to helpe him spene
Vor defendi is lond & is worre to soustene
Hii ansuerede alle at o word þat no tresour hii nadde
Þat hii adde poer of bote as godemen hadde
Bitake hom in warde uor hor soule to do
In almesdede & orisouns & to sousteini pouere al so
& nouȝt to sosteini worre & þo þe king hurde þis
Vor wraþþe he let in al is lond þat alle hor chartren ywis
Þat adde of is fader & of oþere heiemen al so
Of franchise & of oþer þing al clene were vndo
& alle þat wolde him ssame do aday oþer aniȝt
Robbi oþer quelle þat nomon ne dude hom riȝt
Ne þat bailif ne forester ne soffrede hom nower come
To sowe ne to oþer þing þat hor bestes nere inome
So harde hii were iharled þat hii ne miȝte at om abide
Bote wende to purchasy hor mete aboute ech in is side
Þe erchebissopes wodes ek þe king het echon
Þat me morede al clene vp þat þer ne bileuede non
Þat ech tre were vp mored þat it ne spronge namore þere
He het ek alle þe bissopes þat biȝonde se were


Þat ar missomer day in to þis londe come
Oþer þat his bailifs hor londes hom bi nome
And asailede al in his hond & rentes þer to
So þat al þis atte daye & wel worse was ido
Vor þer nas bissopriche non in is lond
Bote winchestre & norþwich þat he ne huld in is hond
& abbeyes monion so þat cristindom
Was as clanliche al uor ȝite in is kinedom
& þer nas oþer red as alle men iseye
Bote holi churche go adoun oþer som god man þeruore deie
Þer on þoȝte tueye men legates of rome
Pandulf and þe duraund & to engelonde come
As godes kniȝtes baldeliche at gemes tid iwis
Vor to deie vor holi churche oþer amende þat was amis
Þun wei in heruest to þe king baldeliche hii nome
& to him at norþhamtone biuore is conseil come
Sir king hii sede we beþ icome fram verre londe iwis
Vor þe pais of holi churche & þis lond þat þin is
Vorto wite þin ansuere hou þou it wolt bi se
Inot nout quaþ þe king wat ower demande be
Commune riȝt quaþ pandulf we esseþ & nammore
Þat þou suerie vpe þe bok clanliche to restore
Holi churche þat þou hast him binome mid wronge
& þat þe erchebissop in þis lond in pes þou auonge
Nou icholle quaþ þe king þat ȝe min wille ise
Ȝe mowe me makie suerie wat owe wille be
Ac inel neuere þe erchebissop in engelonde auonge
Þat inelle wan he comþ late him heye an honge
Woltou sire quaþ pandulf eni oþer telle
Ichabbe ised quaþ þe king & non oþer segge inelle
Þou hast nou quaþ pandulf þe pope bisout
Þat he relesi þe entredit ac me þincþ it is uor noȝt


Ac it is to holden vp & vastore more to do
Nai sire quaþ þe king ine willi noȝt so
Ac vor loue of mi louerd þe pope icholle do þis
Ȝiue þe erchebissopriche wan so is wille is
& icholle wan so he it ȝifþ vawe auonge þerto
An Maister steuene of langetone may so wel do


Her after þat par auntre ich may him ȝiue ȝute
Anoþer uor þe popes loue & þat nis noȝt lute
Holi churche quaþ pandulf so riȝtuol is & was
Þat he ne ssal no prelat sette adoun wiþoute apert trespas
Ac he ssal princes chasti þat hom doþ eni wou
Nou sir clerc quaþ þe king ȝe mowe þretni ynou
Ower dede ne may be no wors þan ower word is
Nou sir king quaþ pandulf þou sedest vs ar þis
Þe priuete of þin herte & ich þe segge iwis
Þe priuete of oure & wat oure erinde is
Þe pope þe amanseþ & alle þat serueþ þe
Is þer more quaþ þe king pandulf sede ȝe
Þe pope of alle hor sunnes asoileþ alle þe
Barons & kniȝtes þewemen & fre
Clerkes & lewede þat fram þi seruise wol fle
Of sunnes þat hii abbeþ ido ȝuf hii wolle gode be
& to sywi þis mansinge & þe asoylinge al so
We asigneþ þe bissop of winchestre þer to
& of norþwich here in engelond & in scotlonde þer to
Of roucetre & of salesburi þe siwinge to do
In walis þe þre bissopes þat beþ of þe londe
Þoruout al cristindom þe pope send er sonde
To erchebissops & bissops & ȝifþ ech poer
In is bissopriche þe & þine to amansi ver & ner
& of hor misdede to asoyli alle þo
Þat aȝe þe vaste beþ as godes fo


& siker þou be þat kinges & dukes al so
& erles & barons & kniȝtes þer to
Habbeþ bi souȝt þe pope croiserie biginne
Vpe [þe] & þine & hii wolle þi lond winne
& deliueri it vp þe pope þat he is wille ssewe
& make king wan he wole vor þou ast frend vewe
& we hoteþ in is half & he deþ in his ende
Alle þat cristine beþ þat hii vpe þe wende
& asoileþ hom clene of alle hor misdede
Wat miȝte ȝe more ssame do me þe king sede
& in soþnesse we segeþ þe pandulf sede þo
Þat þou ne berst neuereft croune ne þin eir naþemo


Ich ise wel quaþ þe king þat ȝe ne louieþ me nouȝt
To binime me mi kinedom me þincþ ȝe abbeþ iþouȝt
Ac bi him þat made al þe world ȝuf ich adde iwust þis
Þo ȝe verst come in þis lond ich ȝou wolde iwis
Habbe imad heie ride al þis ȝer longe
As wel þou miȝt segge quaþ pandulf þat þou vs wost abbe an honge
Wan þou seist quaþ þe king þat þat was mi þouȝt
So gret louerd as þou art Ine wiþsegge þe nouȝt
Ac ich sende to rome to abbe help of þe
& of þe pope & is poer & ȝe beþ aȝen me
Þine cause quaþ pandulf in riȝte & nouȝt in wou
We auauncieþ as in god & louieþ þe inou
& vor þi loue hider we come þe bet uor to lere
Þat þou to god & to holichirche obeysant were
& þou seist þat þou vs wost habbe ilate an honge
Siker we ne weneþ of þe non oþer mede auonge
Ne in non oþer entente we hider ne come
Bote þat we vor holi churche þun deþ of þe nome


Þe king anon in wraþþe let prisouns vorþ bringe
Þat uor þufþe were inome & uor oþer þinge
& demde hom biuore pandulf & let hom honge heye
As him vorto afere riȝt biuore is eye
A clerc þat was among hom þe king het anon
Þat me ssolde him honge hecst of echon
Pandulf þei he wende wel himsulf to honge sone
Ne sparede he noȝt þeruore to do wat was to done
In þe popes half he sede ich uorbede vpe mansinge
Þat no man ne touchi þulke clerc to him to deþe bringe
He esste boc & candle þe sentence to do bliue
Þe king þo him wiþdrou & let him gon aliue
& vewe wordes þer were mo & þo al þis was ido
Mid such loue þe king & pandulf departede a tuo
And þe king bileuede amansed & ech þat mid him was
Pandulf wende to rome & tolde al þis cas
Þe pope & is cardinals In þe ȝer of grace ywis
Tuelf hundred & þretene ido was al þis
Þe pope ȝut him biþoȝte ar he verrore nome
& alle þe bissops of engelond let someni to rome


Bote tueie oþer þre & abbodes al so
& grete clerkes to loki wat were best to do
Þe verste day of octobre þis conseil bigan
Vor to trety of is lond þer was mani a man
Þe pope & þe bissopes amansede verst þere
Ion king of engelond & alle þat mid him were
Fram daye to daye hii dude þe mansinge
Ȝuf hii miȝte þer þoru in amendement him bringe
A croiserie þo ȝut hii ne made vpe him non
Vor ne adde enchesoun ibe of manslaȝt manion
Ac þe king of france mid poer inou
Þoru leue of þe pope hiderward him drou


So þat drede in eche half was vpe þis king Ion
Of mansinge & entredit & al so of is fon
Peris þe wise was a man of poumfreit ibore
Muche þing þat suþþe vel he sede ofte biuore
So þat he sede þat þe king ne ssolde king leng be
Þen holi þorsdai at non bote he wolde him bet bise
& aȝe god & holi churche amendi is misdede
Vor þis word þe king was wel in þe more drede
At corf he let þis peris in strong prison bringe
Vorte he wuste of þis wo wat were þe endinge
To rome gode messagers to þe pope he sende
Vort aȝen holichurche is trespas amende
Anon after easter toward douere he drou
To wite þe hauene mid poer inou
& gaderede of al engelonde þe beste of ech toune
& were uorte holi þoresday vpe berhaundoune
To kepe þe king of france vor king Ion adde drede
Of mansinge & of þe word þat peris þe wise sede
In þe monþe of aueril is messagers come
& pandulf þe legat wiþ hom fram þe court of rome
Pandulf him sede anon þat he amansed was
Þis lond to lese he & is vor is vile trespas
Þe king was nei for drede wod vor wowe in ech ende
Laste þe king of fraunce & mansing him ssolde ssende
& vor holi þorsday was ney þouȝtes he adde inowe
Leste þe deuelen of helle al quic to helle him drowe
Þe king suor vpe þe boc & caucion vond god
Þat he al clanliche to þe popes loking stod


To amendi aȝen holichirche al þat he adde misdo
& to vnderfonge þe erchebissop & to ȝelde aȝen al so
Him & oþer bissopes al þat he nom of hore
& al þat eni clerc adde þoru him oþer his ilore


& grantede alle þe franchises þat hii adde biuore
At douere biuore al þut folc þis oþ was isuore
& ȝe heyemen of þis lond vpe bok suore also
Þat ȝuf he wolde aȝe þis oþ eueremor out do
To turne alle aȝen him vort he to betere come
Þe king made ek is chartre to þe court of rome
To bicome þe popes man & homage him do
& eche ȝer him bere rente & is eirs al so
Eche ȝer a þousend marc & nouȝt a verþing lasse
Half to paye at estre & half at misselmasse
Seue hundre[d] marc to paye uor engelond
& walis & þre hundred marc to paye vor irlond
Al wiþoute petres peni so þat he nom
Þe croune of is heued þo holi þorsdai com
& tok is pandulf þe legat to ȝelde him sulue ywis
To þe pope innocent al clene & alle his
Of seinte peter & of him & of is successours of rome
To holde euere engelond & is eirs þat of him come
& ȝuf eni king it wiþsede þat after him com
Anon vor þulke trespas lore þe kinedom
& þus pleide þe king Ion to him & alle his
Verst to lese normandie & suþþe to paye þis
Þo it was al siker inou þat nouȝt nas bileued
Pandulf nom þe croune aȝen & sette vp on is heued
& pur was þe pes ymad he lokede arst wel rowe
More uor eye þan vor loue maniman serueþ howe
After þe erchebissop hii sende þo anon
& after þe oþer bissop ek þat hii come hom echon
At winchestre at sein swithines þo þe erchebissop co[m]
Þe king was & pitosliche aȝen him þun wey he nom
& riȝt atte churche dore he vel adoun akne
To þe erchebissopes fet as þut folc miȝte ise
& sede leue fader wel come mote þou be
God wot wuch is herte was vor he nolde him noȝt vnwr[e]
Þe erchebissop him asoilede at is vet as he lay
& wende vp & song þe masse a seinte margrete day


Þe king offrede him a marc & anoþer gywel þer to
Ac þe entredit of þis lond nas noȝt þo ȝut vndo
Vor þe pope nolde it nout vndo ar þe king ȝolde
Al þat he of clerkes nom wolde he so nolde
As he bi is lettres sende & ȝuf eni clerc vorȝeue out
Þe king of suich mis niminge þat it were al uor noȝt
So þat at sein bartelmewes tid þe bissopes come
& þe erchebissop to westmunstre & conseil þer of nome
Þere hii made ech clerc segge wat him binome were
& þe king enquerede of is men al wat hii awei bere
& þo hii were al at on he suor is oþ iwis
To ȝelde at sein nicholas tid at redinge ech man his
Ac ferlich it was iholde vor þe hexte þer was ibrouȝt
Somwat as uor hore del & þe pouerore nouȝt
Peris þe wise þat at corf in prisoun þo lay
Vor þe king of scapede holi þorsday
Harmles me him nom & mid hors to drou
& suþþe anhunge him & is sone at warham as mid wou
In þe ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & fourtene al so
A gret conseil at londone of bissopes was ido
& of þe legat of rome so þat þe king & he
Were þere so at on as hii miȝte bise
Þat hii vndude þe entredit a sein swithines day þer
Wodnesday as was þo þat adde ilast er
Six ȝer & þre monþes þer was ioye inou
Me rong bellen in al þe toun & vaste þe ropes drou
Þo þe king hadde pays aȝe þe pope iwis
Þe baldore he was uor to do is barons amis
As in þe ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & fiftene
Contek bigan bi tuene hom & noȝt vor noȝt ich wene
Vor hor wiues & hor doȝtren þe king ofte vorlay
& hangede men gultles vor wraþþe al longe day


& to drou & bileuede þe barons in o þouȝt
Nome hor conseil & sede þat hii nolde it þolie noȝt
Ne þe luþer lawes þat he huld ac bede him wiþdrawe
Is luþer wille & granti hom þe gode olde lawe
Þat was bi seint edwardes day & suþþe adoun ibroȝt
Þoru him & þoru oþere þat were of luþer þouȝt
Þe king glosede her & þer & made it somdel touȝt
Ac þo it com to þe strengþe he nolde it graunti nouȝt


Þe contesse isabel þat þerl mareschales douȝter was
To gileberd erl of gloucestre ispoused was in þis cas
Maister alixandre nequam þat canon was er
Imad was of cirencestre abbod þulke ȝer
Þe barons orne vpe king mid hor poer so vaste
Þat he made of þe olde lawes is chartre atte laste
To holde uor him & uor is eirs & aselede is vaste inou
Ac suþþe as vnstable man wiþ sede & wiþ drou
& wanne him muche strange folc of biȝonde se
& some as god it wolde ne come neuere aȝe
& largeliche hom ȝef inou of is barones londe
& is castles aboute tok hom vaste an honde
In diuerse contreies & þut lond to bitraye
Ordeinede þat hii ssolde alle in one daye
& in one time wende out ech in is side
& robbi so an oniwar þe contreie aboute wide
Riȝt al so it was ido þat in one time riȝt
Hii smite out of hor castles Iarmed wel apliȝt
& robbede þe contreies al an oniwar
& of [orf] & tresour made is sone bar
& wo so nolde aȝen hom at hor wille fine
Hii barnde hous & oþer god & defoulede louerd & hine


Some at hor horsetaile villiche hii to drowe
& some hii nome and tormentede in diuerse tormens inowe
Ȝe þat vil it is to telle some hii lete honge
Bi hor membres an hey in pines wel stronge
Vort hii adde fin imad some deide vaste
& þulke in priue chaumbres villiche hii caste
& al a ȝer largeliche þis wrechede ilaste
& þe baron was wo inou so þat atte laste
Hii wende & nome londone þe boldore hii were þo
Þe king robbede bi norþe & dude wel muche wo
So þat þe barons sende to þe king philip of france
Þat he hom sende socour in þis luþer destance
& bote he wolde oþer do þat he sende wiþ poer
Lowis is sone & hii wolde make him king her
Þis forewarde was vaste imad so þat lowis com
Wiþ poer gret inou in to þis kinedom
Þe barons him dude homage & some mid suikedom
So þat of roucestre þe castel verst he nom

Iohannes Henricus

& worre was in to al þis lond þat longe worþ in mone
Þe sone was aȝe þe fader þe fader aȝen þe sone
Þe þorsdai þe witesonewouke to londone lowis com
& þat folc of þe toun wiþ gret honour him nom
Þe castel he nom of ferham þe friday þat is
Next after þe trinite & suþþe he nom iwis
Winchestere aboute missomer & suþþe he nom iwis
Þe castel of odiham & þo he adde ido al þis
Þe tour he nam of londone & wan al þis souþside
& euere robbede þe king Ion in þe norþ contreie wide
& dude þe londe wo inou & more bihet
He ne brouȝte noȝt al to ende ar here þat lif let


At newework he deide a sein lukes day
He was ihasted þat vnneþe þre dawes sik he lay
Ȝuf eni man þer to help god it him vorȝiue
Vor he adde er þis lond to muche wrechede idriue
In þe ȝer of grace he deide tuelf hundred & six tene
& seuentene ȝer he was king & fif monþes ich wene
& fif dawes & þat þouȝte mani man longe iwis
At wircetre in þe munstre vaire ibured he is
Henri was king imad after is fader Ion
A sein simondes day & sein Iude at gloucestre anon
Nye ȝer old he was þo & in warde he was þere
& me nolde nouȝt þat is crouninge leng delaied were
Þer was þe legat of rome & þe bissop of winchetre
Þe bissop of chestre & of baþe & þe bissop of wurcestre
& þe erl willam þe marschal & þe erl of ferers
& þe erl of penbroc & þe erl of storgoil þat was so fers
Þes crounede þe ȝonge king þere as he founde was
Ac þe kinges home at gloucestere & so mid glad pas
To þe abbeie churche hii bere him þat of sein peter is
& offrede him as vor hor king to þe heie weued iwis
Þe oþer erles & barons mid lowis þo ȝut were
As hii vaste him bi hete þeruore hii nere noȝt þere
Þo bigan þer in þis lond a newe destourbance
Vor men louede bet hor kunde louerd þan lowis of france
Þoru conseil of holi churche vndo ȝut hii þoȝte
Þe uore warde þat hii made him þo hii him hider broȝte


Þeruore þe legat galon & þe barons of þis londe
A conseil hii made at martinmasse at bristowe ich vnderstonde


Þe legat þere asoilede heye & lowe al so
Of homage þat hii adde þis lowis ido
He made ek seue bissops vor nammo þer nere
& erles & barons & kniȝtes suerie þere
Holde oþes þe ȝonge king þat hii him treuþe bere
& amansede alle of engelond þat aȝen him were
Manie in hor bare fless hom lete croici vaste
To libbe uor him & deie lowis out to caste
Heyemen of engelond þat mid lowis were
Vor kundede hor herte to king henry bere
So þat anon to somere hii gonne to vrne vaste
& þe eue of þe trinite hii mette hom atte laste
A sein dunstones day at lincolne iwis
& smite þer an bataile þat wel couþ is
Ac so it was þat englisse þat mid Lowis were
Toward king henri & is muche hor herte bere
& þo it com to þe strengþe hii fouȝte feinteliche
& inome were of hor frend & hii ȝolde hom liȝtliche
So was þe erl of winchestre sir saer de quinci
Inome & of hereforde þe erl sire henri
& sir Roberd le fiz water & mani oþer al so
& mani was þe gode bodi þat þer was to deþe ido
Vor þe ȝonge erl of peithes þun deþ þere nom
Þat was iholde ȝong kniȝt þe beste of cristendom
He nas þo bote of þretti ȝer þe erl marchal him slou
Wan tueye stronge comeþ to gadere it is somdel tou
Þo lowis hurde telle þat is men bineþe were
He wende him to londone & huld him vaste þere


Socour fram biȝonde se to abide in þulke place
Tuelf hundred ȝer & seuentene þis was of ȝer of grace
So þat gret poer of france dude hom in þe se
Aboute an hundred ssipuol ac hii ne come noȝt alle aȝe
Vor sir Richard fiȝ le rei þe kinges sone Ion
& sir huber de boru & oþere kniȝtes manion
& þe sink pors scarseliche mid ssipes eiȝtetene
& ȝeue hom bataile in þe se þat was sone isene
Vor sir Eustas þe moine was þere to deþe ido
& mani oþer of france & þer were inome al so
Ten grete louerdinges & oþere manion
So þat inome oþer aslawe oþer adreinct hii were echon


To þe castel of douere me ladde þat were inome
Þo was þe frensse poer as here ouercome
Þo þouȝte lowis þat is poer him moste nede faile
& þe englisse preste were londone vp him asaile
So þat me spac of acord vor þe baronie
Vor loue him broȝte hiderward & þat was cortesie
& þe king him ȝef ten þousend marc vor is meschaunce
& he as in gode leue wende hom to fraunce
Sir Richard fiz le rei of wan we speke biuore
Gentil man was inou þei he were abast ibore
Vor þe erles douȝter of wareine is gode moder was
& is fader þe king Ion & biȝete him a porchas
Sire morisse of berkeleye weddede suþþe bicas
Is doȝter & biȝet on hire þe kniȝt sir tomas
Þo þis lond þoru godes grace to god pays was ibroȝt
Vor to abbe þe olde lawes þe heiemen turnde hor þoȝt


Tuelf hundred in þe ȝer of grace it was & eiȝtetene
Þat wiþ þe ȝonge king hii speke þat was isene
Vor to abbe as we sede er þe gode olde lawe
Þe king made is chartre & grantede it wel vawe
Þe gode lawes of forest & oþere þat wule were
Þe legat & þe erchebissop amansede þo þere
& alle þe bissopes of þis lond alle þat þer were aȝe
Þe legat þo it was aceled wende uorþ ouer se
& pandulf com in is stede & fram ȝere to ȝere
Me amansede alle þoru þe lond þat aȝe þe chartre were
Tuelf hundered as in ȝer of grace & nintene ich vnderstonde
Þe eire of iustize wende aboute in þe londe
& sir hubert de boru was hext Iustice of al þe route
& þere þis gode lawes hii despeplede al aboute
Þe olde quene ysabel þe kinges moder henri
Hir let to þe erl of þe march þulke ȝer spousi
& willam marchal deide þo þat longe worþ in mone
& atte nywe temple was ibured at londone
Þer after at westmunstre ar þe baronie bi sai
Hii crounede þe king ariȝt a witesoneday
It was as in þe ȝer of grace & tuelf hundred & tuenti ȝer
& as in þe verþe ȝer þat he verst croune ber
Þe newe worc of wesmunstre þe king bigan þo anon
After is crouninge & leide þe uerste ston
Þe king wende þo to canterbury & þe heiemen al so
To nime vp sein tomas body & in to ssrine do
Arst he adde ileye an erþe vnssrined vifti ȝer
Of engelond & of fraunce so muche folc þer com þer


Þat alle contreye aboute vnneþe auonge it miȝte
Þeruore hii nome him vp priueliche bi niȝte
Þe nexte ȝer þer after as in þe ȝer of grace
Tuelf hundred & to & tuenti in þe vaire place
Of þe noble munstre of salesburi hii leide þe uerste ston
Þat me not in cristindom vairore work non
Þer was pandulf þe legat & as hext of echon
He leide viue þe verste stones as uor þe pope þut on
Þe oþer uor vr ȝonge king þe þridde as me sey
Vor þe gode erl of salesburi willam þe longespei
Þe verþe uor þe contesse þe uifte he leide þo
Vor þe bissop of salesburi & he ne leide nammo
Þe nexte ȝer þer after was Richard of clare ibore
Þat was erl of gloucetre after is fader þat was biuore
Þe ȝongore willam þe marschal þat erl marschal was
Spousede þe kinges soster as god ȝef þut cas
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & foure & tuenti þer to
Suþþe sir simond de mounfort spousede hire al so
Faukes de breute þat in engelond was longe
Mid king Ion & adde of him bedeuorde auonge
He astorede þe castel þulke ȝer wel þoru alle þinge
& sette þer uolk inou to holde him aȝe þe kinge
Þe king & heiemen of þe lond mid strengþe & mid ginne
& bilaye þe castel longe ar hii him miȝte iwinne


Hii nome him þo mid strengþe þeruore as riȝt was
Four score gode kniȝtes hii an henge alas
& sir faukes broþer sir willam de breute
In gibet hii were anhonge as to more vilte
A seinte marie day in heruest þat reuþe it was to se
& so hii miȝte lerni traitour to be


Sir faukes þat fleu aboute wide gan to fle
Atte laste he was ifounde in þe churcde of couentre
Þe churche sauede is lif ac villiche inou
He uorsok þe kinges lond & to is owe contrei drou
Þo was þe king him þoȝte quit of al is fon
Of god stat to þe lond he spek þo anon
Vor þe gode olde lawes of wan we abbeþ ispeke
He confermede vaste þo þat me ne ssolde it breke
& made þer of chartres on ich vnderstonde
Of þe forest & anoþer of franchise of þe londe
& aselede is boþe & þe erchebissop þere
& oþer bissops amansede alle þat þer aȝen were
It was tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & fiue & tuenti þere
Þer uore þe men of þis lond gret raunson him bere


Þe vifteþe peni of al hor god & blake mones iwis
Vnder al to þousend marc him ȝeue uor al þis
& þe giwes vif þousend marc iconfermed it was vaste
& ȝut as me ssal ihure lute wule it laste
King lowis of fraunce & willam þe longespei
Þe eldore deide suþþe as in oȝer ney
& after king lowis com is holi sone lowis
& after him com is sone willam þat was so wis
Þe gode erchebissop steuene broȝte is lif to fine
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of graee & tuenti & nine
& maister Richard þe grant in is stede was ido
& wende uorþ to rome to sacri him þer to
Þe king wende to brutaine mid gret ost þulke ȝer
Vor to winne aȝen þing þat is fader les er
Ac he wende hom aȝen in þe uerste ȝere
& bileuede þe erl marschal & þe erl of chestre þere
Vor to winne is riȝtes uor him sulf lute he wan
In brutaine deide þo Gilebert þe nobleman
Erl of gloucetre & richard is ȝonge sone was þo
In þe kinges warde uor he was of eiȝte ȝer & nammo
& sir peris de roches bissop of wincestre
Þe king ȝef þe warde of him & of þe erldom of gloucestere
Richard erl of cornwaile þe nexte ȝer after þis
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & on & þritti iwis


He spousede þe contesse ysabel þat þe childes moder was
Willam þe erl marschal deide þulke ȝer alas
& at londone was ibured & Richard is broþer
Vnderueng þe eritage vor he nadde eir non oþer
Þe king him vaire vnderueng & þe erldom of penbroc
& al is oþer eritage wel vaire him tok
Randulf þe noble erl of chestre deide suþþe al so
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & þretti & to
Sir hubert de boru erl of kent þe noble iustise
Þat as þe kinges poer hadde an alle wise
Acused was to þe king of mani luþer prise
So þat he was in prison in þe castel of þe vise
& was bitake four erles to witie wiþoute faile
Þe erl of wareine & Richard erl of cornwaile
& Richard þe marschal & þe erl of chestre Ion
So þat hii founde kniȝtes ech of hom on
To witie him in prison & ȝut uor echon
He of scapede to churche as him þoȝte best won
Wiþ strengþe he was out idrawe & suþþe to þe castel
Of scorgoil he was ilad & iwust þere wel
Vor he was of churche inome þo clergie bispek it vaste
So þat he was þoru þe pope deliuered atte laste


Sire steuene of segraue was imad þo hei iustise
In sire hubertes stude de boru þut lond wel to wise
Þo sprong þer a gret contek & strong þoru out al
Bituene vr king henri & richard þe marschal
& sir gilberd basset & sir richard stiward þer to
Vor to uor sir hubert de boru & uor þe bissop al so
Of winchestre sir peris de roches uor þe king as me sede
Dede þoru is conseil mani luþer dede
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & þritti & þre
Aȝe þis þre louerdinges þe king gan luþer to be
Destruede hor londes ouer al & dude hom ssame inou
Ac þe erl Richard þe marsschal soffrede euere inou
& vaire þe king bisende þat he him ssolde wiþdrawe
Bi men of religion & al nas wurþ an hawe
Þo þer nas oþer red he wende to walis
& ber him þere vaire inou & lute dude amis
Vor þe kinges londes þer he miȝte abbe al destrud
Ac vor he ne dude is felawes were wel sore anuid
Ac sire gilebert basset & sir Richard syward
Hii destruede þere vaste inou & suþþe hiderward


Þe kinges conseilors londes hii destruede mid hor tayle
Ac þe bissop of winchestre & þe erl of cornwaile
& nameliche þe bissops vor sir Richard siward vaste
Barnede is courtes oueral & walles adoun caste
So þat maister edmund of abendone was
Erchebissop of canterbury as god sende þat cas
As tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & four & þretti also
Þis holi man seint edmund in suich poer was ido
Þo wende Richard þe marschal þat of penbroc erl was
Into irlonde to worri in luþer time alas
Vor þoru treson of is owe men to bataile he wende adai
So þat þe ost of is fon ouer muche he sai
& muche of is owe folc bigan vor to fle
Sire quaþ þo þo kniȝt þou most þe bi se
Þou sucst þis folc ouer muche þat aȝe þe is
& þin owe ouer lute betere it is iwis
As me þincþ turne aȝe uort god sende betere iwon
Vor vr poer is to lute aȝe þus manie fon
Wat seiste quaþ þis gode erl wan richard þe marschal
Vpe is stede iarmed is & atiled þoru out al
& toward is fon in þe feld haþ is wombe iwent
Ssold he turne hom is rugh he nas neuere so issent
Vor he ne dude it neuere ne neuere iwis ne ssal
Fram such ssendnesse crist ssulde Richard þe marssal


As noble bodi in he smot he nolde longe abide
He slou to grounde her & þer vaste in eiþer side
More prowesse ne miȝte of o bodi be
Þan me miȝte of richard þe marschal þere ise
Hii ne miȝte him one felle al þat to him drowe
Ar hii mid som felonie is stede vnder him slowe
& ȝut ne miȝte hii him ouercome ar on him smot bicas
In aboute þe fondement as he vnarmed was
& so vp toward þe gottes & þus was of lif dawe
Richard þe marchal ibroȝt & þoru treson aslawe


At kildar he was aslawe þat in yrlonde is
& at þe frere prechors ibured at kilkenni iwis
Þo vr king henri hurde of is deþ telle
& of þe prowesse þat he dude ar me him miȝte quelle
& he vnderstod of is wit & of is wisdom
Him þoȝte it was a gret lere to al is kinedom
Vor is deþ he made deol inou & vor is soule he let do
Almesdede manion & mani masse al so
Is broþer sir gileberd þat eir was of þe lond
He bitok mid gode wille þe eritage an hond


Sir steuene de segraue þat is hey Iustise was
He let nime & in prison do vor he wuste of þis cas
& concentede as me sede to þe luþer treson
He let al so uor is loue deliueri of prison
Sir hubert de boru & oþere þat in prison were ido
& hom þat iweiued were is pes he ȝef al so
& hii a sein swithines eue of Iun þe verste day
To him come at gloucetre as mani man isay
Vn hosed & bareuot & vngurt al so
Hor armes to þe elbowe naked hor heued bar þer to
Hii velle to þe kinges fet & merci him criede vaste
Þe king ne miȝte þo uorbere þat he ne wep atte laste
& bigan nei vor pite isuowe vpriȝt toumbe
Bote as þe erl of hereforde him huld & sir geffrey of crancoumbe
Þo he it miȝte uor deol do he nom hom in is hond
& custe hom wiþ milde herte & ȝef hom al hor lond
Þo was þe bissop of winchestre & sir peris doriual
Remued þoru seint edmund out of þe court al
& to late þouȝte mani man uor god is wel to do
Maister roberd groce teste þulke ȝer w as also


Isacred bissop of lincolne of seint edmund at redinge
Seint edmund þo at canterburi spousede to vr kinge
Þe erles doȝter of prouence elianore to wiue
Tuelf hundred as in ȝer of grace & þretti & fiue
Sir henri of alimaine þe erles sone of cornwaile
Þulke ȝer ibore was al so wiþoute faile
Sir simond de mounfort of wan gret munde is
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & seuene & þretti ywis
Elianore þe kinges soster willames loue þe marschal
Contesse of penbroc spousede god womman þoru out al


Þe erl of gloucestre þulke ȝer Richard þat was so bold
Þe erles doȝter of lincolne spousede þat het mold
Þo com þe legat sir otes to engelond fram rome
& made a conseil at londone to wan þe bissopes come
& suþþe he wende to oxenford to þe abbeie of oseneye
& þere clerkes him made climbe somdel heye
As tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & eiȝte & þritti þer to
To him hii wende to oseneie hor nedes uor to do
So þat on of is men a sein gregories day
Caste broþ up a clerc as þut folk it sai


Clerkes come þikke þo in gret wraþþe inowe
& asailede þe legat & on of is men slowe
In to þe stepel of oseneye þe legat fleu vor fere
Is men mid strokes flowe al so & of þouȝte hii come þere
Suþþe þo it com to pes & folie bileued was
Þe legat esste amendment of þe vil trespas
So þat vor þe manslaȝt & uor þe oþer wou
Þe clerkes finede wiþ him gret raunson inou
Þat ech clerc in þe toune him ȝef atten ende
As muche as he in þe wouke in is commune spende
Þe king sir simond de montfort þe erldom ȝef & his
A candelmasse day þo of leicestre iwis
In þe kinges chaumbre at wodestoke atte welle was
A clerc ifounde wonderliche þulke ȝer bi cas
He made him as bi wit so þat it was ifounde
Þat it was bi speke to sle þe king wan he sei stounde
To couentre he was isend todrawe he was þere
& a four half engelond is quarters isend were
Þe kinges eldoste sone sir edward ibore was
A seint botulfes tid as god ȝef þut cas
Tuelf hundred as in ȝer of grace & nine & þritti riȝt
Þat suþþe vr king was & so noble kniȝt


Sir Richard erl of cornwaile þulke ȝer wende al so
At missomer to þe holi lond & mani god kniȝt þer to
Þer after in Ieniuer Isabel is wif
Contesse of gloucestre let at bercamstude þat lif
Ibured heo was at beulu & ir herte ibured is
At teukesburi & ir gottes at messendene iwis
Þo sprong þer gret contek bituene henri vr king
& þe erchebissop seint edmund & noȝt vor lute þing


Vor þe king þo he adde iwiued & an eir adde al so
He drou to oþer conseil þan he was iwoned to do
& of þe riȝtes of holichurche & of þe gode olde lawe
Þat he adde of is chartre ymad he him gan wiþ drawe
Seint edmond pitosliche wel ofte him bi souȝte
Þat he wiþdrowe of is dede & bet him bi þoȝte
Ac it was euer þe leng þe wors so þat atte laste
Seint edmond him huld stedeuast & amansede vaste
Alle þat holichurche in suich vnriȝt broȝte
& wende uorþ ouer se vort þe king him bet biþoȝte
& deide ar he come aȝe & ibured was ek þer
As in ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & fourti ȝer
Þo Richard erl of cornwaile to þe holi lond com
Þe soudan somdel uor fere Triwes wiþ him nom
& alle prisons & sarazins þat in heþenesse were
Inome & in prison ido he deliuerede him þere


At þe torment of wareine sir gilebert þe marschal
Defouled was þoru mesauntre & debrused al
& deide as tuelf hundred ȝer & fourti & on
Of grace & þo were dede þe four breþeren echon
As þe tueie willames & richard & gileberd atten ende
& god nolde non of hom eir of is bodi sende
Ac to four sostren & hor eirs þe eritage was þo
To deled & to gadere ne comþ neuer eft mo
Elianore of brutaine deide ek þulke ȝer
Þat was arþures soster þat king Ion let sle er
Suþþe was gileberd ibore þat richardes sone was
Of clare erl of gloucestre as god ȝef þut cas
As tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & þre & fourti þer to
Þo was is fader verst of elde & out of warde ido
Erchebissop of canterburi imad was þulke ȝer
Boneface & þe erl of cornwaile of wan we speke er
Weddede dame ssenche þat vr quene soster was
& þe quene soster of france as god ȝef þut cas
& þe erles doȝter of prouince & ir moder þe contesse
Brouȝte hire hider in to þis lond & was her in gladnesse
Fouke basset was suþþe imad bissop of londone
& sein Richard of chichestre & edmond þe kinges sone


Ibore was amidde Ieneuer & in ȝer of grace iwis
Tuelf hundred & foure & fourti idon was al þis


Suþþe deide þe olde quene biȝonde þe se wiþoute faile
Þat vr kinges moder henri was & þe erl of cornewaile
Hir sone bigan to rere þe abbeie of hailes
As in ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & six & fourti iwis
Þe erles sone of gloucestre beues was suþþe ibore
& newe peni chaunge imad & þe olde bileued biuore
& erþgrine strong inou aboute leinte al so
Tuelf hundred as in ȝer of grace & seuene & fourti þer to
Þe nexte ȝer þer after þe gode king lowis
Of france to þe holi lond wende & þoru paris
Bareuot eode & open heued & þen holi wey bigan
Wiþ procession of freres & of mani god man
& þe nexte ȝer suþþe as me telle can
Þe stronge cite of damiet vpe saracens he wan
As tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & fourti & nine
Þulke gode lowis is nou seint & ileid in ssrine
Þe erles douȝter of gloucetre ibore was þulke ȝer
Margrete & dame ssenche of wan we speke er
Þe nexte ȝer þer after a seinte steuenes niȝt
As tuelf hundred & fifti in ȝer of grace riȝt


An sone adde ibore þat edmond ihote was
Þat spousede þulke margrete suþþe as god ȝef þat cas
& was erl of cofnwaile þulke ȝer al so
Þer was in þe holi lond strong bataile ido
At seinte marie tid in leinte & þe beste kniȝtes þat þer were
Of cristinmen alas aslawe were þere
As sir willam de longespey & þe erl of artois al so
& þe king lowis was inome & in prison ido
Vort he was out ibouȝt mid raunson of is lond
& damiet i ȝolde aȝen in to heþene manne hond
Þe king ȝef sir edward is sone gascoine suþþe al so
As in tuelf hundred ȝer of grace & fifti & tuo
Þulke ȝer was þut somer so druye & so hot
Þat ȝut to þis daye of none hattore me not
Sein Richard of chichestre & roberd iwis
Groce teste deide þe nexte ȝer after þis
Suþþe vr quene of engelond & ir sone sir edward
& þe bissop water of wircetre ȝarkede hom ouerward
& to makie mariage wende hom ouer se


& sir edward spousede ar hii come aȝe
Þe kinges soster of spaine elianore iwis
As in ȝer of grace ido was al þis
Tuelf hundred & four & fifti & þere þis noble king
Made sir edward kniȝt þo nobliche þoru alle þing


Þe nexte ȝer þer after giwes a child in drowe
At lincolne þat het hue & in þe rode him slowe
Þe erl Richard of cornwaile suþþe was imad king
Of alemayne & þer icrouned nobliche þoru ech þing
An holi þorsdai in alimaine & made so noble feste
Þat of alle þat me wuste it was þe richoste & þe meste
As tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & seuene & fifti riȝt
Þulke ȝer he made sir henri is sone kniȝt
Bituene vr king & lowelin gret worre þer was þo
In walis & me dude in eiþer half gret wo
& gode kniȝtes of engelond of wan was gret pite
Aslawe were þer alas þe eue of þe trinite
As sir steuene bausein & sire patric de chaus also
& mani oþer god bodi was þere to deþe ido
Þe meste wo þat here vel bi king henries day
In þis lond icholle biginne to telle ȝuf ich may
He adde þre breþeren þat is moder sones were
& þe king of alimaine þe verþe þat to heie hom bere
Ac sir willam de valance & sir eimer þer to
Elit of wincetre & sir gui de lisewi al so


Þoru hom & þoru þe quene was so muche frenss folc ibrouȝt
Þat of englisse men me tolde as riȝt nouȝt
& þe king hom let hor wille þat ech was as king
& nome poueremenne god & ne paiede no þing
To eni of þis breþeren ȝuf þer pleinede eni wiȝt
Hii sede ȝuf we doþ ou wrong wo ssal ou do riȝt
As wo seiþ we beþ kinges ur wille we mowe do
& manie englisse alas hulde mid hom al so
So þat þoru godes grace þis erles atte laste
& þe bissop of þis lond & barons bispeke it vaste
Þat þe kunde englissemen of londe hii wolde out caste
& þut lond bringe adoun ȝuf hor poer ilaste
Þer of hii nome conseil & to þe king hii sende
To abbe pite of is lond & suiche maners amende


So þat atte laste hii broȝte him þer to
To makie a porueance amendement to do
Imad it was at oxenford þut lond uor to seyte
Tuelf hundred as in ȝer of grace & fifti & eyȝte
Riȝt aboute missomer fourten niȝt it laste
Þe erles & þe barons were wel studeuaste
Vor to amendi þat lond as þe erl of gloucetre
Sir Richard & sir simond erl of leicetre


& sir Ion le fiz geffray & oþer barons inowe
So þat atte laste þe king her to hii drowe
To remue þe frensse men to libbe bi ȝonde se
Bi hor londes her & þer & ne come noȝt aȝe
& to graunti gode lawes & þe olde chartre al so
Þat so ofte was igraunted er & so ofte vndo
Her of was þe chartre imad & aceled vaste þere
Of þe king & of oþere heye men þat þer were
Þo nome tende taperes þe bissops in hor hond
& þe king him sulf & oþere heyemen of þe lond
Þe bissops amansede alle þat þer aȝen were
& euereft vndude þe lawes þat iloked were þere
Mid berninde taperes & suþþe atte laste
Þe king & oþere sede amen & hor taperes adoun caste
To confermi þe mansinge & þo þoute it stable ynou
Þer after ech as in pes toward is owe drou
& þe kinges þre breþeren & oþer frensse þere
Flowe & þoȝte al to longe þat hii in þis lond were
Þe newe churche was of salesburi ihalwed þulke ȝer
Þoru giles of brute post þat bissop was þo þer
A sein Misseles dai of þe erchebissop boneface þat was þo
Þer was boþe king & quene & heiemen mani mo
Þe quene ssenche deide suþþe of alemaine iwis
At bercamstede in nouembre & ibured was & is


In þe quer of hailes an hey in a vair place
Tuelf hundred & on & sixti as in ȝer of grace
Al þis time was sir edward biȝonde se aboute
& hauntede torneimens wiþ wel noble route
Wiþ gascoine þat was his & gode kniȝtes adde
As sir warin of bassingbourne þat him aboute ladde


& sir hamond þe strange & sir gemes of audele
Sir roger of clifford & oþere uort he com aȝe
Þe quene was ek biȝonde se & þe kinges breþeren al so
& euere þoȝte hou hii miȝte þe purueance vndo
Hii porchasede þat þe pope asoilede iwis
Of þe oþ & of þe mansinge þe king & alle his
Þo was it þe kinges wille & is conseilers also
Al out ȝuf hii miȝte þe purueaunce vndo
It was euere þe quene þoȝt so muche so heo miȝte þenche
Mid conseil oþer mid sonde oþer mid wimman wrenche
& þo sir edward was iproued hardi kniȝt & god
Aȝe þe porueaunce al so he turnde al is mod
So þat þe erl of gloucetre Richard deide þo
Þo was þe baronie wel in þe more wo
Þe king gaderede is poer & sir edward al so
& þe king of alimaine his & mani oþer þerto


In þis manere þe barons bigonne hor vrning
A freinss kniȝt was at gloucetre þe sserreue þoru þe king
Sir maci de besile and constable also
Þe barons it bispeke þat it nas noȝt wel ido
Ac aȝe þe pourueance vor hii nolde frenss man non
An oþer sserreue hii made þoru commun conseil echon
A kniȝt of þe contreie sir willam traci
& of þulke poer clene pulte out sir maci
Ac sir willam ssire huld in a monenday
Sir maci com iarmed as mani man isay
Wiþ poer isend fram þe court iarmed wel inou
& euene as þe ssire sat to þe tounes ende him drou
Hii aliȝte wiþ drawe suerd wiþ macis manion
& wiþ mani an hard stroc rumede hor wey anon
Vort hii come vp to þe deis & þe sserreue vaste
Bi þe top hii hente anon & to þe grounde him caste
& harlede him vorþ villiche wiþ mani stroc among
In a foul plodde in þe stret suþþe me him slong
& orne on him mid hor hors & defoulede him vaste
& bihinde a squier suþþe villiche hii him caste
& to þe castel him ladde þoru out þe toun
Þat reuþe it was vor to se & caste him in prison


Þo þe tiþinge her of com to þe baronie
Hii þoȝte in time amendi suich vileinie


So þat sir roger de clifford & sir Ion giffard nome
Gret poer in somer & to gloucetre come
Hii sende to sir maci þat he þun castel ȝolde
To hom & to þe baronie oþer hii him nime wolde
Sir maci hom sende aȝen þat þe king him tok biuore
Þun castel him to loki mid trewe oþ isuore
Ne þat he nolde traitour be ne þen castel neuere ȝelde
Bote þe king oþer is sone þe wule he him miȝte welde
He adde wiþinne lute folk þun castel to defende
Arblastes sone & ginnes wiþoute me bende
& ssote inward vaste inou atte laste hii sende
Al þe brutaske wiþoute & þe brugge brende
Vor he was al of tre & sir maci & his
Flowe in to þe tour an hey þo hii seye þis
& defendede hom vaste þe wule hii miȝte iwis
Ac vor defaute of helpe mani man issend is
Wiþ an quarel on wiþinne an squier þer oute slou
Sir Ion giffard uor is deþ made deol inou


& þo sir maci was inome & hii wiþinne come
An carpenter þat hii sede þat sset þe ssute hii nome
& ladde him vpe þe tour an hei & made him huppe to grounde
He hupte & debrusede & deide in an stounde
& sir Roger of clifford þo þe castel in warde hadde
& hii nome sir maci & in to marc him ladde
& sir Ion giffard nom to him is quic eiȝte echon
& al þat he fond of is & nameliche at sserston
A freinss bissop þer was at hereforde þo
Sir peris de egeblaunche þat hii dude al so wo
Hii come vor to nime him Iarmed manion
Þe godeman vor drede to churche wende anon
& reuestede him bi þe auter ac sir roger ne sir Ion
Vor honour of holichurche nolde wiþinne gon
Ac sir tomas torbeuille & oþer ssrewen mo
Wende vp & wiþ strengþe made him out go
Þo he sei þat he ne moste habbe churche peis
Par crist he sede sir tomas tu es Maveis
Meint ben te ay fet vor he adde muche god
Þer biuore him ido & he it vuele vnderstod
Hii harlede him out of churche þat lute pite adde
& is god nome vaste inou & to erdesleye him ladde



& him & sir maci ek in god warde dude þere
In þe castel of erdesleye uor te it betere were
So it ferde oueral ware me freinsse fond
Me harlede hom villiche aboute in to al þe lond
& þe kinges men robbede hom þat aȝen hom were
& þe barons ek hor fon þat aȝen hom armes bere
Atte biginninge þer hulde wiþ þe king vewe wel
Bote sir Robert walrond & sir Ion Mauncel
Ac suþþe þo sir edward so wel armes ber
He drou to him manion þat wiþ þe barons were er
Þe marcheis he adde sone as sir Roger þe Mortimer
& sir warin of bassingbourne & of clifford sir Roger
Sir gemes de audele sir haumond þe strange al so
Sir roger of leibourne & mani oþer þer to
Þo was þe castel of gloucetre & þe toun al so
Þoru sir roger of clifford in þe kinges hond ido
& he astorede þe castel wiþ poer inou
& to is castel of brumesfeld sir Ion giffard vaste drou
& astorede him wel inou & goinde adde is route
To driue & to gaderi þuder god of neiȝebores aboute
Þe stalwardeste men þat me fond to him vaste he drou
& of porchas of neiȝebores ssipede hom wel inou


Bituene þe castel of gloucetre & brumefeld al so
Þer was ofte biker gret & muche harm ido
Ac þe constable of gloucetre as mid þe kinges poer
Held ofte in þe kinges name courtes ver & ner
So þat at quedesle wiþoute þe toun to mile
He let someni an hundred & þer he hente an gile
Vor as he huld þis hundred mid gret folk & onour
& Adam of arderne was is chef countour
Hii clupede sir Ion giffard þat siwte ssolde þer to
To come oþer he ssolde in þe merci be ido
He com bi asoyne vor is men inowe
Come out of brumsfeld & Iarmed to hom drowe
& asoynede hor louerd & to grounde slowe
Glad he was þat miȝte fle ar þat suerd is nekk gnowe
Manie flowe to churche & þe constable vnneþe
At arnde aliue & manie were ibroȝt to deþe
Þis luþer bailifs þat poueremen so gret wo doþ ilome
Suich giffardes asoyne icholde hom ofte come


Wel a ȝer & an half þus it ferde aboute
Þat ech heiman dude is fon ssame mid is route
Atte laste þo winter towarde ende drou
At candelmasse ech of hom gret ost nom inou
& sir roger of clifford gloucetre wuste al so
& at ech ȝat of þe toun god warde let do
Sir Ion giffard com aday & sir Ion de balun þere
Ride vpe tueye wolpakces chapmen as hii were


To þe west ȝate ouer þe brugge & þe porters bede
To late in tueie wolmongers hor chaffare in to lede
Biweued hii were boþe mid welsse mantles tueie
Þo þe ȝates were vndo hii hupte adoun beye
Of hor hors & caste hor mantles awei anon
& þo stode hii Iarmed fram heued to þe ton
Þo were þe porters agrise sore of þulke siȝte
& caste hom þe keyen vawe þat hii miȝte
Poer þer was inou atte brugge ende
Þo þe ȝates were vndo hii gonne þuder wende
Sir simondes sone de monfort sir henri þe hende
& mani god bodi ek as god þuder sende
Þo þe barons adde þe toun & þe castel þe king
Þer was ofte bituene hom gret bikering
Sir edward was bi este þo mid poer gret inou
Sone toward leinte toward þe march he drou
Is wei he nom bi oxenford ac þe borgeis anon
Þe ȝates made aȝen him of þe toune echon
He wende & lai wiþoute toun atte kinges halle
& wende vorþ amorwe mid is men alle
Þe ȝates þo he was iwend were alle vp ibroȝt
Sone bote smiþe gate ac þat nas vndo nouȝt


Þe clerkes adde þer þoru muche solas ilore
To pleye toward beumound anuid hii were þeruore
Þe bailif hii bede ofte to graunti hor solas
To pleie & vndo þut ȝat ac vor noȝt it was
So þat an vewe wilde hinen a liȝt red þer of nome
& a dai after mete wiþ axes þuder come
& þat ȝat to hewe & to dasse þere
& suþþe þoru beumond to hare welle it bere
& subuenite sancti vaste gonne singe
As me deþ wan a ded man me wole to putte bringe
Willam þe spicer & geffray of hencsei þat þo were
Portreuen & nicole of kingestone þat was mere
Nome of þis clerkes & in prison caste
& nolde hom nouȝt deliueri ȝut þe chaunceler bed vaste
Þe clerkes were þo wroþe þe burgeis were þo bolde
& þretnede to nime mo & of hor wraþþe lute tolde
Þe verste þorsdai in lente þe burgeis were wel fers
& þe wule men were atte mete arerde tueie baners
& wende hom vorþ iarmed mid al hor poer þere
To defouli alle þe clerkes ar hii iwar were
As hii come aȝen alle halwen mid poer so strong
At seinte marie churche a clerc þe commun belle rong
Þis clerkes vp fram hor mete & to godes grace truste
& seie þat hii were issend bote hii þe bet hom wuste


Hii mette wiþ þis burgeis & bigonne to ssete vaste
I wounded þer was manion ac þe borgeis atte laste
Hii bigonne to fle vaste hom þoȝte longe er
So þat þe clerkes adde þe stretes sone iler
Þe bowiares ssoppe hii breke & þe bowes nome echon
Suþþe þe portereues house hii sette afure anon
In þe souþhalf of þe toune & suþþe þe spicerie
Hii breke fram ende to oþer & dude al to robberie
Vor þe mer was viniter hii breke þe viniterie
& alle oþere in þe toun & þat was lute maistrie
Hii caste awei þe dosils þat win orn abrod so
Þat it was pite gret of so muche harm ido
Þeruore þo þe king com & wuste suich trespas
Alle þe clerkes out of þe toun he drof vor þut cas
Ne vort after misselmasse hii ne come namore þer
Telle we nou of sir edward of wan we bigonne er
Sir edward toward lente toward þe march gan wende
So þat an axwednesdai al bi þe weste ende
To gloucetre he wende mid gret poer inou
& al ouer þe brugge to þe west ȝate he drou
& asailede þen toun ac þe barons wiþinne
Defendede hom so wel þat he ne miȝte hom winne


So þat of þe castel wiþinne com a route
Toward þe ȝat to helpe sir edward wiþoute
Ac grimbaud pauntefot aȝen hom sone com
& mid poer hom turnde aȝen & some of hom nom
Sir edward turnde in to þe med þo he ne sei oþer cas
& a ssip of teuskesburi þat þe abbodes was


Bi seuerne wende þer sone he it nom
& þerinne bi þe water in to þe castel com
Anon so he was wiþinne vpe þe tour an hey
He arerde is baner þat me wide isey
Þo þe baruns þat isei sori hii were echon
In þe toun half þun castel hii asailede anon
& hii wiþinne casten out mid hor ginnes vaste
So þat bituene hom þe biker longe ilaste
Sir Ion giffard fram brumesfeld þuder sone com
To þe castel med wiþoute toun þun wei sone he nom
& þe castel brugge out of þe med he barnde fram þen ende
To þe tubrugge along vor me ne ssolde out wende
Mani was þe vair biker & þe vair asaut al so
Þat bituene þe castel & þe toun ofte was ido
Sir edward & is poer ofte were wiþinne
Vpe þe point to smiten out bataile to biginne


Ac þe bissop water of wurcetre ofte bituene wende
& þe abbod reinaud of gloucetere as god hom grace sende
& destourbede þe bataile ac non acord þer nas
Ac biker & slaȝt & ssetinge bituene hom ofte was
So þat sir edward aday & is men hom lete arme
To wende out & bataile do al mest to grete harme
Þo seie hii out of þe tour þe erl roberd of ferers
Atte tounes ende come wiþ noble men & fers
As framward teuskesburi iarmed wel echon
Hors & men al preste bataile to do anon
Þo sir edward þis isey no þing nas he glad
Vor me sede þat he nas of noman so sore adrad
Vn iarmed out he wende to þe barons wel stille
& anon made acord & graunted al hor wille
& made fourme god inou & suor is wel to holde
Þo hii adde al hor wil þe barons were wel bolde
Þe erl roberd of ferers þo he þuder com
He was nei uor wraþþe wod þat me eni acord nom
He smot stede wiþ þe spore & al is compainie
& wende him vor wraþþe aȝen so quic so he miȝte hie
Ech bar him ek amorwe out of toune drou
& of þe fourme þat hii made wende be siker inou
Þo sir edward & is folc were al maistres þer
Vor þe burgeis of þe toun lete in baruns er
He let crie in to al þe toun þat bourgeis þat wolde
In þe castel come to is peis god pais habbe he ssolde


Gladdore nere þe borgeis neuere in hore liue
Þan vor þis gode word hii hiede þuder bliue
Þo hii were alle icome þe ȝates me made vaste
& brouȝte hom biuore sir edward þo were hii sore agaste
Me acoupede hom harde inou & suþþe attelaste
As þeues & traitours in strong prison me hom caste
Wiþoute mete & drinke þere hii laie longe
In sorwe & care & lokede wan hii were anhonge
Sir roger of clifford þe porters vaste nom
Þat porters were atte ȝate þo Ion giffard in com
As hobekin of lodelowe & is felawes al so
& let hom vpe þe west ȝate anhonge boþe to
Euere lokede þis burgeis wan hii were vorþ idriue
Prestles hom was wel wo þat hii nere issriue
Roberd of caumpedene þat hosebonde was on
Vor he was a lute clerc he ssrof hom echon
Atte laste sir edward of hom gret raunsoun
Nom & let hom go aliue & destruede al þen toun
Ac þe fourme þat he made aȝe þe barons biuore
He bileuede al clene þei þe oþ were isuore
To oxenford he wende vorþ as is fader was þo
& is men bi þe weye dude wel muche wo
Þe king sone in leinte to oxenforde com
& is in wiþ is folc atte frere prechors nom
Aboute an þre wouke þere he gan abide
Vor to gaderi is ost þat isprad was wide


Suþþe seinte freþeswiþe was me nuste king non
Þat wiþinne þe ȝates of oxenford dorste ride ne gon
Þe king was among þe freres & hii manion
Radde him vor to wenden in & nameliche frer Ion
Of balsam & þat he miȝte þoru godes grace hii sede
In wiþ god deuocion go wiþoute drede
Þe king hadde þer to g[o]de wille þoru frerene rede
& hii massen & orisons uaste uor him bede
So þat vastinde a day a uote he dude þis dede
& in eiþer half to sikeri him freres him gonne lede


& he wende to seinte freþeswiþe as no king ne com er
Suþþe seinte friþeswiþe was vale hundred ȝer
& wel vaire is offringe to þe heye weued ber
& suþþe ofte wan he þuder com he offrede þer
So he bileuede in oxenford & is conseil nom
Vort is sone & is folc mid poer to him com
Þo is poer ȝare was wiþinne þe passion
Wiþ is ost he wende uorþ & arerde is dragon
Is ost was gret & suiþe long he wende to norþ-hamtone
& wiþ strengþe nom þe toun & somdel wiþ treson


Aboute seint ambrose day ido was al þis
Tuelf hundred in ȝer of grace & foure & sixti iwis
Sir simond þe ȝonge mountford þere hii nome þo
& sir osebern giffard & oþere manimo
In strong prison sir simon hii dude at windelsore
Vort þe bataile of lewes ac suþþe no leng more
Þo wende þe baruns uorþ & oþere manion
& barnde court & oþer ech man vpe is fon
Sir Ion giffard mid is route nas noȝt þo þe laste
Vor he barnde aboute oxenford þe ester wouke vaste
Curt lincolne & berkele & oþer courtes also
Were aboute in þe lond þo afure ido
Þe king so sone in mai estward euere drou
As toward þe hauenes wiþ gret poer inou
Sir simond de mountfort & sire gilebard
Þe ȝonge erl of gloucetre come euere afterward
& barons ek manion as sir Ion giffard
& mani god bodi þat ne com neuereft aȝenward
At lewes þe king bigan mid is poer abide
Þe barons astunte wiþoute toun biside
& vaire sende in to þe toun to þe king hor sonde
Þat he ssolde vor godes loue him bet vnderstonde
& graunti hom þe gode lawes & habbe pite of is lond
& hii him wolde serui wel to vote & to hond


Þe king hom sende word aȝen wiþoute gretinge þis
Þat he ne kepte noþing of hor seruise iwis
& þat out of loue & treuþe he dude hom echon
& þat he wolde hom seche out as is pur fon
Þe barons ne couþe oþer red þo hii hurde þis
Bote bidde godes grace & bataile abide iwis


Hii wende & auisede hom somdel vp an doun
Þat hii miȝte be war of hor fon & ise to toun
Some radde þat hii ssolde wende in at on hepe
To habbe inome hom vn armed & some abedde aslepe
Þe godemen sede þat hii nolde suich vileinie do non
Ac abide vort hii come Iarmed out echon
Hii houede vnder boskes & newe kniȝtes made
& armede & atired hom & hor bedes ȝerne bade
Sir simon de mountford conseilede hom vaste
Hou hii ssolde hom conteini þe wule þe bataile ilaste
Þo com þe ost smite out vaste out of þe toune
Mani was þe gode bodi þat þer was ibroȝt þer doune
Vor þe londreis þer biuore a gret despit wroȝte
To þe quene at londone sir edward þer on þouȝte
& vor to awreke is moder to hom vaste he drou
& brouȝte hom to grounde & some of hom al fleinde he slou
Þo he adde þis loundreis al ibroȝt to grounde
Wiþ gret Ioye he turnde aȝen ac lute ioye he founde


Vor þe barons were aboue & his alf ouercome
Þe king of alemaine was in a windmulle inome
Vor a ȝong kniȝt him nom kniȝt ymad þo riȝt
Sir Ion de befs icluped þat was suiþe god kniȝt
Þat muche prowesse dude adai & þe king him ȝeld in doute
To þe erl of gloucetre as to þe hexte of þe route
& to þe frere menors in to toun sir edward fleu vaste
& þere as he nede moste ȝeld him atte laste
Manion stilleliche hor armes awei caste
& chaungede hom vor herigaus somdel hii were agaste
& manie flowe in to þe water & some toward þe see
& manie passede ouer & ne come neuere aȝe
Aboute a four þousend & fif hundred me sede
Atte bataile were aslawe þat was a pitos dede
Sir philip basset þe gode kniȝt worst was to ouercome
He hadde mo þan tuenti wounde ar he were inome
Sir simond de mountfort þo ido was al þis
Vorþ mid him þe king huld as in warde iwis
& þe king of alemaine & sir edward al so
In þe castel of walingford in warde he let do



& oþer men þat were inome he let bringe aboute
In oþer castels vaste inou þat þer nas no doute
Tokninge ȝut of more wo þat ȝut to comene was
Vr louerd sende in siȝte bi a wonder cas
Vor a sterre wiþ a launce þat comete icluped is
Aros þo aȝe dai biuore þe sonne iwis
Fram seinte margarete tid vort misselmasse nei
Þat ech man miȝte wondri þat þe sterre isei
Þer wende of him a lem þat toward þe norþ drou
Euene as it were a launce red & cler inou
Þulke sterre is selde iseie bote it be to tokninge
& suþþe þer after com muche blod ssedinge
Hii þat hulde mid þe king & nere nouȝt inome
Wende aboute her & þer as hii miȝte best bicome
In þe castel of bristowe hii come atte laste
Wel an seuene baners & hulde hom þere vaste & sir warin al so
Of bassingbourne & sir Ion de muchegros þer to
Sir pain de chaus & sir roberd tipetot iwis
& oþer mo & hor wiues þat ne likede noþing þis
As to wite hor bodies vort hii betere iseie
Hii hulde hom þere defensables to libbe oþer to deie
So þat þe quene aspide þat bote feble warde it nas
In þe castel of walingford þat aboute hir sone was
To bristowe he sende word þat þe kniȝtes miȝte wel
Wiþ lute strengþe winne him out of þulke castel
So þat þis kniȝtes to rede hom nome
& mid an þre hundred hors to walingford hii come
In a fridai iarmed riȝt as þe sonne aros
Þe castel hii asailede þat mani man agros


Aȝen alle halwe churche þe verste dich hii nome
& brake þe otemoste wal & wiþinne come
Hii þat wiþinne were þe castel wuste vaste
Mid arblast and mid oþer ginnes vaste aȝen hom caste
& sede to hom wiþoute bote hii wolde aȝen wende
Þat hii wolde sir edward vawe out to hom sende
Iliþered wiþ a mangenel hom wiþ hom to lede
Sir edward vpe wal wiþinne com al so & sede


& bed hom wende hom aȝe oþer he was ded iwis
Þis oþer wende þus hom þo hii hurde þis
Þo sir simon de mountfort hurde of þis dede
He let þe king of alemaine & sir edward lede
& sir henri þe kinges sone of alemaine al so
To þe castel of keningeswurþe in betere warde to do
& þe kinges soster þe contasse sir simondes wif was
Þer mid hom & wat he miȝte dude hom of solas
Sir simon de mountfort in castles adde ido
Maistres of biȝonde se & vpe is londes al so
As in þe castel of walingford of douere of windelsore
Wardeins he made of frensse men þat of þoȝte þut lond sore
Þe erl of gloucetre it bi spek so þat þere was
A parlement at londone to amendi suich trespas
So þat þis tueie erles acorded were þere
Þat iremewed al clene þe frenssemen were


At seint hillari tid þis parlement was
Þer was þe erl of ferers ibrouȝt in hard cas
Vor he hadde after þe pais robberie iwroȝt
Þe king wolde in ech manere þat he were to deþe ibroȝt
Sir simon de mountford wisliche dude inou
Vor he wolde in eiþer half riȝt do & no wou
In þe tour of londone in prisoun he let him bringe
Vor to saui is lif & to paye þe kinge
Þo was þe erl of gloucetre anuid uor mani dede
Þat he huld so prisons al wiþoute is rede
Vor suich man as he was me tolde of him to lute
& him þouȝte þat þer was mid sir simon to gret prute
& me sede he was adrad þat me him nome al so
Wiþ treson vor he was hext & in prison him lete do
Sir Ion giffard þo verst aȝe sir simond turnde
Vor he askede prisouns þat me mid riȝte wurnde
Vor he was him sulf at lewes sone inome bi cas
Ac sir willam matrauers a kniȝt þat mid him was
In þe bataile suþþe inome sir reinaud le fiȝ peris
& sir alein de la souche þat barons were iwis
Ac he let hom suþþe go & sir reinaud was þer
In þe bataile suþþe inome Iarmed as he was er



Sir alein was ek inome in monekene wede
In þe priorie suþþe arst he was in drede
& vor sir willam mautrauers hom let so quit gon
Sir simond nolde nouȝt deliueri hom sir Ion
To þe forest of dene sir Ion wende þo
& turnde aȝe sir simond & procurede oþer mo
Lewelin prince of walis robbede mid is route
Þe erles lond of gloucetre in walis aboute
Þo wende þe erl fram londone priueliche & stille
As to socori is lond aȝe sir simondes wille
In þe forest of dene to gadere sone hii come
He & sire Ion giffard & stable conseil nome
To holde aȝe sir simond stabliche hii were at on
& boreforde & beghwurþe þe erl ȝef sir Ion
Wiþ him to holde stabliche aȝe sir simon in ech cas
Sir roger ek de mortimer in is owe londe was
In þe contreie of wigemor & wuste him vaste þere
Prest wan he seie time baner vor to arere
Seue baners also þat aȝe sir simond were
In þe castel of bristowe hulde hom vaste þere
As sir warin of bassingbourne man of gret los
& sir roberd tipetot sir Ion de mussegros
& sir pain de chawurþe & sir patric is broþer
& þe oþer banerets & kniȝtes mani oþer
Þe king sende ofte is lettres þat hii deliueri ssolde
Þe castel vp sir simond & naþeles hii nolde


Atte laste sir edward is lettres hom sende
To ȝelde vp þe castel & þat hii þanne wende
Þo was among hom deol inou vor hii ne dorste leng abide
Hii ȝolde vp þe castel & wende ech in is side
A certein day hom was iset of londe vor to fle
& sir roger ek de mortimer deserited vor to be
Sir simon de Mountfort out of warde nom
Sir edward him to solaci þat to lute þonc him com
He bitok him sir henri is sone to be is compainoun
Wiþ him to wende aboute to sywe him vp & doun
So þat after estre þe king & sir simoun
Wende hom toward þe march to bringe hor fon adoun


& sir edward & sir henri & sir vmfray de boun
To gloucetre hii wende to enfermi þen toun
Þer hii bigonne mid hor ost fourten niȝt abide
Þe erl of gloucetre was in þe forest biside
& sir Ion giffard al so vpe an hei hul lai
Þat me clupeþ erdlond boþe niȝt & dai
Gret fur he made þer aniȝt of wode & of sprai
& tresche ladde þer aboute þat me wide sai
& in to gloucetre al so þat is fon iseie
Ware hii ssolde him finde vpe þulke hul heie


Bi tuene þe erl of gloucetre heiemen ofte wende
& sir simon de Mountford hor herte vor to amende
So þat hii were acorded þe tuelfte dai of mai
Þei it were lute wurþ as in a tywesday
To stonde atte lokinge of þe bissop water
Of wircetre & al so of sir hue þe spencer
Of sir willam de Mounchalsi of sir Ion le fiȝ Ion
Vpe þe lokinge of þes foure to bringe hom aton
Þo wende sir simon be siker & toward þe march wende
Ac vnneþe he of scapede þat is fon him ne ssende
Þat þe erl of gloucetre mid is poer him ne nom
& naþeles þoru godes grace to hereforde he com
Þere he bileuede mid is ost betere cas to abide
Þe erl of gloucetere was þe wule in mani wilde side
Wan me wende he were fer ofte he was ner
& sir Ion giffard mid him & sir Roger de mortimer
Vuele hii were alle þre vorto finde ilome
& messagers bituene hom & sir edward ofte come
So þat þer was bituene hom god fourme inome
Hou sir edward miȝte best out of warde come
Sir simond de montfort wisman þei he were
Het þat me sir edward gret reuerence bere
Vor to pleie vp & doun as in compainie
So þat þer was a gile yspeke as þoru god aspie


Sir edward bed sir simon þat he him ȝeue
To a prikie stedes wiþoute toun leue
Leue him was igraunted god wot to wuch ende
So þat sir edward wiþoute toun gan wende


An stede he gan aprikie wel vor þe maistrie
& wiþ him adde of kniȝtes a vair compainie
& suþþe he nom an oþer & weri hom made anon
& suþþe he nom þe þridde best of echon
As it was er bispeke to wuch he ssolde truste
He prikede it verst softe as him lute luste
Þo he was a lute fram þut folk wiþ spore he smot to grounde
Þe sides orne ablode in a lute stounde
Þere as of stedes a god & quic me fond
Vorþ wende þis gode kniȝt þo he was out of hond
Louerdinges he sede habbeþ nou god dai
& greteþ wel mi fader þe king & icholle ȝuf ich mai
Ise him wel bitime & out of warde him do
Wat halt it long tale he ofscapede so
& to þe castel of wigemor þun wei sone he nom
Þere was ioye & bl[i]sse inou þo he þuder com


Mid þe leuedi of þe castel dam maud de mortimer
Sone þut word was isend to ir louerd sir Roger
To þe erl ek of gloucetre þe lettres sone come
So þat priue parlement bituene hom hii nome
Hou þat hii best miȝte sir simond to grounde bringe
To þe barons deserites me sende ek tiþinge
So þat ech in is half gadere ost vaste
& to sir edward come in þe march attelaste
So þat sir edward & þe erl of gloucetre
& oþer poer inou come to wurcetre
& fram þanene hii wende & hor worre bigonne
At gloucetre & þun toun vpe sir simond wonne
An þre wouke biuore missomer þuder hii gonne wende
& asailede þun toun al in þe norþ ende
At seint oswaldes ȝat & hii wiþinne vaste
Defendede hom wel inou þe wule hor poer ilaste
[A]c bituene seint oswaldes ȝat & þe norþ ȝat iwis
Is a long wal inou as þe abbodes orchard is
& wiþinne þe orchard nas no folk þun toun to defende
Þeruore in þe asaut some wiþoute wende
& breke a pece of þe wal ar me were wiþinne iwar
Sir Ion giffard þe verste was þat in wende þar


Þo smite hii alle in & broȝte manion to deþe
Þe wardeins of þe castel of scapede in vnneþe
As grimbaud pauncefot & is felawes echon
Þe tu brugge hii drowe vp & þe ȝates made anon
Sir edward & is poer wiþoute sette vaste
Stronge ginnes & þer wiþ to þe castel caste
& þe oþer hom defendede & lutel were agaste
Þat aboute an þre wouke þe asaut bituene hom ilaste
& euere hii wiþinne abide of sir simon socour
Vor elles hii moste nede þe castel ȝelde & tour
& þo þat hom non ne com þe castel vp hii ȝolde
To sir edward in a fourme þat hii bere ne ssolde
Vourti dawes aȝen him armes in no place
& sir edward hom ȝef lif & lime & ȝut more grace
Hor armes & al hor oþer þing & hor hors echon
Þo turnde grimbaud pauncefot to sir edward anon
& was imad kniȝt & armes aȝe sir simond ber
Ac þer nas neuereft of him so god word as was er
Þo sir edward & þe erl gileberd hor wille hade also
Hii wende in toward þe march more harm to do
Bruggen hii breke oueral hii ne bileuede ssip non
Bi weye ne bi seuerne þat hii ne remuede echon


Þer boute vor sir simond ne ssolde passe þere
Ne nameliche toward bristowe vor þer of was hor fere
Vor bristowe was al in is hond castel & þe toun
Sir simond þouȝte anoþer red & dradde of tresoun
To þe prince of walis lewelin þat was
He wende after more help in is harde cas
& he tok him of fot men gret poer iwis
Ac þerof come wel vewe aȝen to walis
Sir simondes sone de montfort þat sir simond het al so
Bisegede þo an castel as he longe adde ido
Þe castel of peuneseye & is fader him word sende
Þat he bileuede þulke sege & toward him wende
Sir simond þe ȝonge þis heste vnderstod
He gaderede him of god folc vair ost & god
& þen wey fram peuneseie toward is fader he nom
A sein kenelmes eue to winchestre he com


Þut folc þat was in þe toun þe ȝates made vaste
& wuste þe toun aȝen him þe biker longe ilaste
So þat mid strengþe sir simon þen toun nom
& robbede & slou vaste þo he wiþinne com
Alle þe gywes of þe toun he let sle echon
Þat me in eni stede fond he ne leuede aliue non


Ac after þulke time of wat him was to done
Lute god cas him biuel as messal ihure sone
Fram þenne he wende to oxenford þre dawes he was þere
Vairore folc ne miȝte be þan wiþ him was þere
Þe gywes he let seche uor to quelle echon
Ac me ne miȝte vor no þing in þe toune finde on
Fram þanene to keningwurþe wiþ is ost he wende
& þere as it fel alas is heie herte him ssende
Vor so muche he tolde of him sulf & of is grete miȝte
Þat him ne deinede noȝt to ligge in þe castel bi niȝte
Sir edward & is ost at wircetre þo were
Hii adde gode aspies hou hii hom þo bere
So þat sir edward & þe erl of gloucetre al so
& sir roger de mortimer & mani god kniȝt þerto
In a lammasse niȝt saterniȝt þat was
Out of wurcetre he wende mid wel god pas
To keningwurþe hii come in þe dawiinge
Hii broȝte sir simon & is men an feble tiþinge
In hor bed hii founde hom in toune þo hii come
Of softe awakiinge hii toke lute gome
Vor to wel cloþi hom hii ne ȝeue hom no tome
Manie hii slowe of hor fon & heie men some hii nome


As sir roberd erl of oxenford & sir willam þer to
De mountchalsi & sir adam de neumarch al so
& sir water de coleuile & oþer manion
Ac sir simond him sulf among alle is fon
In to þe castel of scapede an naked man vnneþe
Ac manion þer was inome & mani ibroȝt to deþe
& þus sir simond þe ȝonge was verst to grounde ibrouȝt
Ac naþeles he ne les þo al is poer nouȝt
Ac gret ost huld inou & ȝarkede in ech ende
Him & al is poer aȝen is fader to wende


Þo was sir simond is fader at hereforde iwis
Mid mani god man of engelond & al so of walis
He wende him out of hereford mid vair ost inou
& toward keningwurþe aȝen is sone he drou
& was hor beire porpos to biclosi hor fon
As wo seiþ in eiþer half & to ssende hom echon
So þat sir simon þe olde com þe monendai iwis
To a toun biside wircetre þat kemeseie ihote is
Þe tiwesday to euesham he wende þe morweninge
& þere he let him & is folc prestes massen singe
& þoȝte to wende norþward is sone vor to mete
Ac þe king nolde a vot bote he dinede oþer ete
& sir simon þe ȝonge & is ost at alcestre were
& nolde þanne wende a vot ar hii dinede þere


Þulke to diners deluol were alas
Vor mani was þe gode bodi þat þer þoru islawe was
Sir edward & is poer sone come þo ride
To þe norþhalf of þe toun bataile uor to abide
Þo sir simon it iwuste & hii þat wiþ him were
Sone hii lete hom armi & hor baners arere
Þe bissop water of wurcetre asoiled hom alle þere
& prechede hom þat hii adde of deþ þe lasse fere
Þen wei euene to hor fon a godes half hii nome
& wende þat sir simo[nd] þe ȝonge aȝen hom c[ome]
Þo hii come in to þe feld & sir simond isei
Sir edwardes ost & oþere al so nei
He avisede þe ost suiþe wel & þoru godes grace
He hopede winne a day þe maistrie of þe place
Þo sei he þer biside as he bihuld aboute
Þe erles baner of gloucetre & him mid al is route
As him vor to close in þe oþer half ywis
Ouȝ he sede redi folk & wel iwar is þis
& more conne of bataile þan hii couþe biuore
Vr soules he sede abbe god vor vr bodies beþ hore
Sir henri he sede to is sone þis haþ imad þi prute
Were þi broþer icome hope we miȝte ȝute


Hii bitoke lif & soule to godes grace echon
& in to bataile smite vaste among hor fon
& as gode kniȝtes to grounde slowe anon
Þat hor fon flowe sone þicke manion
Sir warin of bassingbourne þo he þis isei
Biuore he gan prikie & to grede an hei
Aȝen traitors aȝen & habbeþ in ower þoȝt
Hou villiche at lewes ȝe were to grounde ibroȝt
Turneþ aȝen & þencheþ þat þut power al oure is
& we ssolle as vor noȝt ouercome vr fon iwis
Þo was þe bataile strong in eiþer side alas
Ac atten ende was bineþe þulke þat feblore was
& sir simond was aslawe & is folk al to grounde
More murþre ȝare nas in so lute stounde
Vor þere was werst simond de mountfort aslawe alas
& sir henri is sone þat so gentil kniȝt was
& sir hue þe despencer þe noble iustise
& sir peris de mountfort þat stronge were & wise
Sir willam de verous & sir Rauf basset also
Sir [John] de sein ion sir Ion diue þerto
Sir [William] trossel sir gileberd of eisnesfelde
& mani god bodi were aslawe þere in þulke felde
& among alle oþere mest reuþe it was ido
Þat sir simon þe olde man de membred was so


Vor sir willam mautrauers þonk nabbe he non
Carf him of fet & honde & is limes manion
& þat mest pite was hii ne bileuede nouȝt þis
Þat is priue membres hii ne corue of iwis
& is heued hii smiten of & to wigemor it sende
To dam Maud þe mortimer þat wel foule it ssende
& of al þat me him bilimede hii ne bledde noȝt me sede
& þe harde here was is lich þe nexte wede
Suich was þe morþre of einesham uor bataile non it nas
& þerwiþ Iesu crist wel vuele ipaied was
As he ssewede bi tokninge grisliche & gode
As it vel of him sulue þo he deide on þe rode
Þat þoru al þe middelerd derkhede þer was inou
Al so þe wule þe godemen at euesham me slou
As in þe norþwest a derk weder þer aros
So demliche suart inou þat mani man agros
& ouer caste it þoȝte al þut lond þat me miȝte vnneþe ise
Grisloker weder þan it was ne miȝte anerþe be


An vewe dropes of reine þer velle grete inou
Þis tokninge vel in þis lond þo me þis men slou


Vor þretti mile þanne þis isei roberd
Þat verst þis boc made & was wel sore aferd
Louerdinges þer were inome at euesham manion
As sir vnfrai de boun sir Ion le fiz Ion
& simondes sone de mountfort sir gwy
Sir baudewine de wake sir Ion de vescy
Sir henri de hastinges & sir Nicole iwis
De segraue was þere inome & al so sir peris
& sir roberd þat sir peris de mountfort sones were
Þuse & wel mo were inome in þulke morþre þere
Ac þe welsse fot men þat þer were manion
At þe biginninge of þe bataile bigonne to fle echon
& come þoru teuskesburi & þere men of þe toune
Slowe hom al to grounde þat þere hii leie þer doune
So þicke bi strete þat reuþe it was to se
& grace nadde non of hom to fiȝte ne to fle
Þo þe bataile was ido & þe godemen aslawe were
Sir simond þe ȝonge com to mete is fader þere
He miȝte þo at is diner abbe bileued al so wel
As me seiþ wan ich am ded make me a caudel
& þo me tolde him bi þe wei wuch þe ende was þer
He turnde aȝen to keningwurþe wel longe him þouȝte e[r]


He miȝte segge wan he com lute ich abbe iwonne
Ich mai honge vp min ax febliche ich abbe agonne
Þe king of alemaine þat was is moder broþer
& sir reinaud le fiz peris & ek mani anoþer
Þat in is prison were at kenigwurþe þo
Þo he ne sei oþer red he let hom quit go
Þe sixte day of septembre þat þo was sonenday
He let hom go a godes half þo he oþer ne say
Þe king þoȝte þe loundreis bringe al to nouȝte
& hii ofte pitosliche is grace bisouȝte
So þat at misselmasse an fourti of hom come
To him to windelsore & to is grace hom nome
As vor al þe toune þe beste ichose echon
Þe king hom let bringe in strong prison anon


Hii ȝolde þe king vp þo þe keien of þe toune
So þat þe toun was þo al clene ibroȝt þer doune
At þe feste of seint edward þe king huld þo anon
At londone a parlement & heiemen manion
Þere hii lokede þo þat alle þat armes bere
Aȝen þe king in þe worre oþer aȝen him were
At norhamtone at lewes oþer at euesham
Barun erl oþer kniȝt burgeis oþer freman


Þe burgeis of norhamtone & of londone þer to
Were alle deserited & hor eirs al so
Ac manie of þe heiemen ne grauntede it noȝt al
As þe king of alemaine ne þe erl marschal
Ne sir philip basset ne oþer manion
Ne grauntede noȝt þe lokinge ac wiþsede it echon
Þe contesse of leicestre þat sir simondes wif was
De montfort & þe kinges soster þo heo ne sei oþer cas
Þe castel of penneseie heo ȝolde vp þe kinge
At sein simondes tid & sein Iude as wiþoute striuinge
Þat heo hadde iholde er suþþe estre biuore
& þo heo hadde al clene ir ioye al vorlore
Me flemde ir out of engelond wiþoute aȝe coming
Alas ir tueie breþeren þat eiþer of hom was king
& nadde bote ir one soster & hire wolde so fleme
Alas were was loue þo suiche domes to deme
Þo com fram bi ȝonde se to alle halwe tid anon
Þe quene wiþ a legat þat het sir otebon
Wiþ þe popes poer to do þe kinges wille
Þe legat þo he was icome lute wule was stille
Of þe clergie at londone at seint andrewes feste
A conseil he made & ssewede þere þe popes heste


Wuch poer he him ȝef & clerkes anon
Þat hulde wiþ sir simon he greuede manion
Þe bissop of londone & þe bissop of wircetre
& þe bissop of lincolne & þe bissop of cicetre
Wiþoute eni grace he suspendede echone
Þat no man hom ne asoilede bote þe pope one
Þo þer nas oþer red hii wende uorþ to rome
Þe bissop deide of wincestre ar hii aȝen come


Þe oþere were asoiled elles it were wou
& come aȝen to engelond wiþ ioye & blisse inou
Sir simond þe ȝonge huld al awey vaste
Þe castel of kenigwurþe þe wule is poer ilaste
Þe kniȝtes were deserites in þe lond aboute wide
Sir simond him bi þoȝte it nas nouȝt god abide
In þe castel to longe laste he were bi set
Him þoȝte þe wide contreie wolde him liki bet
To þe deserites to an yle he wende
Þat me clupeþ exholm þe bet him to defende
Sir edward wiþ is poer afterward him drou
& to pais vor to come bi sende him vaire inou
As vor kundede of blode & ostage vor him tok
Sir simond him ileuede & is felawes uorsok
So þat atte laste to londone hii come
Þe king & is kniȝtes conseil of him nome
So þat him was iloked out of londe wende
& þe king of is tresorie eche ȝer him sende
A certein summe of sterlings to is liues ende
Þe wule he were aȝe þe king of is dedes hende
Þe wule hii speke her of to confermi þis cas
Of is frend priueliche iwarned he was
Þat it was al gile & þat hii him þoȝte caste
In strong prison to bileue þe wule is lif ilaste
So þat vor drede her of he wende him ouer se
& stilleliche stel awei & ne com neuere aȝe


Sir roberd erl of ferers þat nas noȝt þe ȝut itake
& sir henri de hastinges & sir baudewine de wake
& sir Ion deruile & oþere hor red nome
& to þe toun of chastelfeld in dorbi ssire come
Sir Ion erl of wareine & sir henri of alemaine
& sir warin of bassingbourne wende mid al hor maine
& oþer kniȝt manion toward chaster felde
& a witsonen eue hii come þer in þe felde
Sir baudewine de wake & sir henri de hastinge
& oþere were in hor dedut iwend an hontinge
Sir gregori of caldewelle sir Ion of clintone
Sir richard de mandeuile þat longe worþ in mone


Sir Richard of caldewelle so þat þer were
To & tuenti kniȝtes vnder a spere
& me hontede after hom in þulke manere nouȝt
& hii al an oniwar were to ssame ibroȝt
Þe erl of ferers was ilate blod riȝt þo
& he was al so sik mid goute & oþer wo
Þo sir Ion deiuile wuste in chastor felde
Þat is fon were icome wiþoute in þe felde
Wiþ a lute compainie he smot out of toune
Wiþ a lance he broȝte a kniȝt atte verste saut þer doune
Ȝut he percede þe ost & woundede manion
& aliue & vn nome of scapede among echon
Þo hii come wiþinne toun muche folc hii slowe
Sone to þe sike erl of ferers hii drowe
& nome him as ilate blod he was & fol of goute
& to þe tour of londone hii ladde him wiþ gret route
Þere he lai in prison as he adde ido er
Þe king vor him & vor his he grauntede is lond þer


Vort he him miȝte oþer his of sterlinges paie
To & fifti þousund pound al in one daye
& so he was deliured wiþoute lond & fe
God wite in o dai wan it aquited be
Sir henri de hastinges to keningwurþe him drou
& vond þer vair compainie of god folc inou
Sir Ion de eiuile & mani oþer kniȝt
To wodes & to feldes hulde hom day & niȝt
Of castel of keningwurþe wardeins þer were
Sir willam de la cowe þat constable was þere
& sir Ion de la warre maister of echon
Hii adde of stalewardemen mid hom manion
Hii adde wel astored þen castel in ech side
Of corn & fless igadered in þe contreie wide
Sir henri de hastinges mid hom was al so
& sir Nicole de bois & mani god kniȝt þer to
Maister peris of radenore þat was ich vnder stonde
Þe stalwardeste clerc on of al engelonde
Mani was þe gode bodi þat þer al so was
& leuedies & maidenes þat no þe betere it nas


& hii suore hii nolde ȝelde þe castel man aliue
Bote þe contesse of leicestere sir simondes wiue
So wel hii were astored of eche gode store
& of stalwardemen bold hii were þe more
Þe king anon to missomer mid strengþe & mid ginne
To keningwurþe wende þen castel to winne
He suor he nolde þanne ar he were wiþinne
So longe hom spedde baddeliche þat hii miȝte as wel blinne
Hor ȝates hii wiþinne none closi nolde
Vppe hii stode niȝt & day come in wo so wolde
Out hii smite wel ofte wan me to nei come
& slowe vaste in eiþer half & prisuns nome


& bouȝte hom suþþe wiþ raunson suich lif longe ilaste
Mid mangenels & ginnes hor eiþer to oþer caste
Þe legat & þe erchebissop wiþ hom al so nome
Tueie oþere bissops & to keningwurþe come
To makie acord wiþ þe king & þe deserites al so
& hom of þe castel ȝuf it miȝte be ido
Ac þe deserites nolde noȝt do al after þe kinge
Ne hii of þe castel naþemo ne stonde to hor lokinge
Þe legat mid is rede cope amansede þo
Hom þat in þe castel were & ȝut þer to wel mo
Alle þat hom holpe oþer were at hor rede
Oþer to hom ensentede in wille oþer in dede
Hii of þe castel tolde her of gret despit
Cope & oþer cloþes hii lete make of wit
& maister philip porpeis þat was a quointe man
Clerc and hardi of is dedes & hor cirurgian
Hii made a wit legat in þis cope of wit
Aȝe þe oþer rede as him in despit
& he stod as a legat vpe þe castel walle
& amansede king & legat & hor men alle
Suich game ilaste longe among hom in suich striue
Ac wel god nas it noȝt to soule ne to liue
Sir Ion deiuile & oþere þat deserited were
Nome þe yle of eli & hulde hom vaste þere
& in grauntebrugge ssire of oþer mannes inov
Vette & astorede hom þei it were mid wou


Þe gywes hii slowe ek þat hii miȝte finde
Hor tresor ne hor oþer god hii ne lete nouȝt bihinde
Þe king at sein bartelmeus tid made ich vnder stonde
At keningwurþe a parlement of heiemen of þe londe


To chese six wisemen hii lokede þere
Þre bissops & þre barons þe wisoste þat þer were
& hii wan hiiwere isuore oþer sixe toke
Gode fourme among hom of þe lond to loke
& of þe deserites so þat a voreward
Þe bissop hii chose of baþe water giffard
& maister nicole of eli bissop of wurcetre
Þe þridde was þe bissop water of excetre
Þe þre baruns were wisemen of þe lond
Sir roger de someri sir roberd walrond
Sir alein de la souche & þus sixe iwis
Chose þo hii were isuore sixe oþere after þis
Þe erl gileberd of gloucetere þe erl vmfrai al so
Of hereforde & þe bissop of sein dauid þer to
Sir Ion de bailol sir philip basset
Sir warin of bassingbourne hii ne miȝte chese no bet
& bote hii miȝte acordi þat hii þe legat toke
& sir henri of alimaine riȝt & lawe to loke
& þe tuelf eode to gadere & ofte were ato
It was nei alle halewe tid ar it were ido
Þo let þe king someni aȝe þe tiwesday
Next biuore alle halwe tid as is conseil bi sai
Bissopes & abbodes & priores þer to
Erles & barons & kniȝtes al so
Þat hii were at norþhamptone to hure & at stonde
To þe lokinge of þis tuelfe of þe stat of þe londe
Þere it was despepled þe edit ywis
Þat was þe ban of kenigwurþe þat was lo þis
Þat þer ne ssolde of heiemen deserited be none
Þat hadde iholde aȝe þe king bote þe erl of leicetre one
Ac þat alle þe oþere adde aȝen al hor lond
Oþer hor eirs þat dede were bote þat þe king in is hond
It hulde to an terme þat þere iloked was
Vif ȝer some & some foure euere vp is trespas



& some þre þat lest was & wan al were ido
Þat ech man hadde is londes þat riȝt adde þer to
Þis lokinge was riȝt fol in such destresse iwis
Ac euere þe sege of keningwurþe ilaste vor al þis
In siknesse hii wiþinne velle atte laste
Of menison & oþer vuel þat hii feblede vaste
& þat hom ne com no socour hii seie al so wel
So þat as hii nede moste hii ȝolde vp þen castel
Saue euerich lif & lime & chateus al so
Ne þat non nere deserited ne in prison ido
In þis fourme aboute midewinter þe castel iȝolde was
Meseise men hii come out as no wonder nas
Þo wende þe king al in pes to holde is kinedom
Ac ȝut sone þer after a nywe cas him com
Vor þe erl gileberd of gloucetere somdel mid suikedom
Gret poer & inou priueliche him nom
& þe teþe day of lud in to londone he drou
& made þo he was wiþinne þe ȝates vaste inou
& huld aȝe þe kinge þun toun & alle his
Sore was þe king anuid þo he hurde þis
Þe legat was þo in þe tour him he bilay
& bisegede him þer boþe niȝt & day
Þe legat was sore adrad vor to be inome
Noþer mete ne drinke ne moste in to him come
Manie deserites to þe erle drowe
Þat he adde mid him auȝte men inowe
Þe king wende to londone to helpe þe legat
Ac he ne moste come wiþinne neuer a ȝat
Þe deserites wolde bataile him ȝiue anon
Ac þe erl nolde nout ac destourbede echon
Þe king wende to stratford to abide more miȝte
& aboute londone is pauilons piȝte


Bi a posterne þe legat þoru quointise & gile
Hii broȝte to stratford wiþoute londone to mile
Þe king aboute londone was mid is route
A monþe vorto abbe is toun & euere he was wiþoute
& eiȝte wouke wiþinne þe erl him huld [þere]
Þoru þe king of alimaine acorded suþþe [hii were]


& þoru sir philip basset & þis me huld þo
An ende of a foxes wrenche vor ȝut he couþe mo
Þo was þut lond in pes wiþoute destourbance
& þe worre nas no leng þoru þe pourueance
Þer after sone sir edward as ich vnder stonde
Þe crois nom at norhamptone to þe holi londe
Suþþe þer was at londone a lute destance ich wene
In ȝer of grace tuelf hundred & sixti & tene
So þat þe erl of wareine slou atte verste touche
Biuore þe iustises atte bench sir alein de la souche
Þe king was þer of anuid vor þe grete wou
Þe erl hadde so gret help þat he of scapede wel inou
Vor þe sonendai after lammasse biuore þe king he com
At winchestre as him was iset to avonge is dom
Mid him viue & tuenti kniȝtes þun oþ suore þer
Þat he ne dude it vor non vuel ne malice bi speke er
Ne in no despit of þe king & vor þis trespas
He ȝef þe king tuelf hundred marc & ipaised was
Þo wende sir edward toward þe holi londe
Þulke heruest nobliche as ich vnderstonde
& after þe assumpcion þe vifte day iwis
He dude him in þe se at douere he & his


Þe quene wende vorþ mid him & is vncle þat was
Sir willam de valance & al so sir thomas
Of clare & sir pain de chaus & of clifford sir roger
& sir roberd tipetot & mani oþer þer
Sir henri of alemaine þerafter sone alas
Wende to þe court of rome to make som purchas
In þe monþe of lude as he com hamward bi cas
In þe toun of biterbe aspied he was
Vor in a friday þe morwe vp sein gregories day
As he stod at is masse as þut folk isay
Biuore þe weued in is bedes at þe secre riȝt
Com sir gui de mountfort þat was stalwarde kniȝt
& is aunte sone alas Iarmed wel inou
& comp[ain]ie wiþ him & to him euene drou
& s[mot h]im þoru out wiþ is suerd & villiche him slou
& [[OMITTED]]tat of holichurche me þincþ wiþ vil wou

MS. is torn.