University of Virginia Library



The attribution of this poem is questionable.

From the Rhamnusian goddesse am I sent,
On sinne t'inflict deservèd punnishment
All-seeing sunne, lend me thy searching eye,
That I may finde and scourge impietie,
And pull from vice, which hath beguilèd sence,
Disguisd' like vertue, brasse facd' impudence.
For now this age, this worse then iron age,
This sincke of synne, this map of hell, this stage
Of all vncleannesse, whose disease is ease,
Wallowing in worlds of pleasure, swallowing seas
Of sensuall delightes, is whollie growne
A huge impostume of corruption,
Whose swelling tumor (well I am assur'de)
Must needs be launcd', or ne'er will be recurde:
To the which act my genius prompteth me,
Though it passe Æsculapian surgerie.
Be stout my heart, my hand be firm and steady,
Strike, and strike home, the vaine worlds veine is ready;
Let vlcerd limbes and gowtie humours quake,
Whilst with my pen I doe incision make.