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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]
Bastard, Thomas (1565 or 6-1618)
[If I my Pen an higher taske should set]
Liber Primus.
Liber Secundus.
Liber Tertius.
[My Booke is not for learned men nor wise]
Epigr. 2. In Corum.
Epigr. 3. Ad Iohannem Dauis.
Epigr. 4.
Epigr. 5. Ad comitem Essexiæ iam nauigaturum.
Epigr. 6. Ad eundem.
Epigr. 7.
Epigr. 8. In Philonem.
Epigr. 9.
Epigr. 10.
Epigr. Ad Lectorem.
Epigr. 12. Of a pudding.
Epigr. 13. A crossing of that Epigram
Epigr. 14. Of the Lions?
Epigr. 15. Of Ienkin.
Epigr. 16. Of an Ape.
Epigr. 17. Of Bankes horse.
Epigr. 18. Of Pymer which fell mad for the loue of his dogg Talbott
Epigr. 18. Ad Lectorem.
Epigr. 19. In Seuerum.
Epigr. 20. In eundem.
Epigr. 21.
Epigr. 21. Ad reginam Elizebetham.
Epigr. 22. Ad eandem.
Epigr. 23. Ad Do, Mountioy.
Epigr. 24. In Cacum.
Epigr. 25. In eundem
Epigr. 26. Ad Georgium Morton Armig.
Epigr. 27. Ad Richardum Eeds.
Epigr. 28. Ad Guilielmum Suttonum.
Epigr. 29.
Epigr. 30. Ad Cacum.
Epigr. 31. In Libellum.
Epigr. 32. Ad Mathonem.
Epigr. 33.
Epigr. 34. in Thymum.
Epigr. 35.
Epigr. 36.
Epigr. 37.
Epigr. 38. In Seuerum.
Epigr. 39. Ad Essexia comitem.
Liber Quartus.
Liber Quintus.
Liber Sextus.
Liber Septimus
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To the Right Honourable Sir Charels Blunt Knight, Lord
Mountioy, and Knight of the most noble order of the Garter.