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Poems of John Stewart of Baldyneiss

From the MS. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh: Edited by Thomas Crockett

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[Sir, haifing red ȝour maiesteis maist prudent]
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[Sir, haifing red ȝour maiesteis maist prudent]

TO THE RYCHT EXCELLENT RYCHT HICH AND MYCHTIE PRENCE IAMES THE SEXT KYNG OF SCOTLAND His maiesteis most humyll Seruant J. Stewart of Baldynneis wishith long And most prosperous reigne In the continewall fauor And feir of God.

Sir, haifing red ȝour maiesteis maist prudent
Precepts in the deuyn art of poesie, I haif assayit my
Sempill spreit to becum ȝour hienes scholler; Not that
I am onnyvayis vorthie, Bot to gif vthers occasion (seing
My Inexpertnes) to publiss thair better leirnyng. I grant
In deid I haif meikill errit, Not onlie in electing of ane
So small and fectles subiect, As als be the Inept orthographie
And Inlegebill scribling of my Imprompt pen, Bot maist of
All in pithles and vnplesand framyng of the sam, Quhairin
I haif playit the part of ane ȝoung and Imperfyt prentes,
Quho at his first Interprys of schaiping takith not in
Hand the fynnest stuff Bot rather sum slycht cloth to
Susteine the sklents and manks of his cunnyngles clipping;
Remitting all to the courtassie, correction, and protection, of
ȝour maiesteis visdome, Not doutting bot ȝour grace
Vill accept this my vitles vork of ȝour grayt clementie
As my maist gratius Maister And cheifest lod Star;
Quhilk vith all humelitie I present to ȝour Royall
Defens, Quhair vpon I setle my self and firmlie anckers my


Beild, Lewing to trubill ȝour excellens vith tedius
lettir, Because I knaw ȝour Precelling prudence
Nether takith plesour in prolixt and paintit speitche,
Nor ȝit becums It me to pretend thairto vith my litle
langage altogither destitud of onnie eloquence: So,
kissing ȝour maiesteis hands vith maist ȝelus and
Humyle hart, I pray the eternall god to bestow on ȝour
Grace all guid and necessar giftis till his glorie and
ȝour hienes veill and contentment. At Innermey.
ȝour maiesteis most humyll And perpetuell Seruant, J. Stewart of Baldynneis.