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Britain's Remembrancer

Containing A Narration of the Plagve lately past; A Declaration of the Mischiefs present; And a Prediction of Ivdgments to come; (If Repentance prevent not.) It is Dedicated (for the glory of God) to Posteritie; and, to These Times (if they please) by Geo: Wither

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Surely, there is a spirit in mail; but the inspiration of the Almighty giveth understanding.

Great men are not alwayes wise, neither doe the aged alway understand judgement.

Therefore, I say, heare me, and J will shew also my opinion.

For, I am full of matter; and the spirit within mee compelleth me.

I will not accept the person of man, neither will I give flattering titles to man.

For, J may not give flattering titles, lest my Maker take me away suddenly.

Iob 32. 8, 9, 10, 18, 21, 22.

Reade all, or censure not:

For, He that answereth a matter before he heare it, It is shame and folly to him. Prov. 18. 13.