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The Life and Death of William Long beard

the most famous and witty English Traitor, borne in the Citty of London. Accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie histories, By T. L. [i.e. Thomas Lodge] of Lincolns Inne, Gent

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Ah little Laddes
Giue ceaselesse sorow end with lullabie,
Suck vp my teares
That streame from out the fountaines of mine eie,
Feed, feed on me
whom no good hope or Fortune glads,
Oh set me free
From those incessant and pursuing feares
which waken vp my woes and kil my pleasure.
Weepe, weepe no more
But let me weepe, and weeping weepe life hence,
That whilst you want,
I may not see false Fortunes proud pretence.
When I am dead
My God perhaps will send you store.
Oh smile in need,
Poore hungry babes let smiles be nothing scant
I teares, yow smiles; both haue no better treasure,
To bring these woes exceeding meane or measure
To Lullabie.