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Egypts Favourite

The Historie of Joseph, divided into four parts: Together with old Israels Progresse into the Land of Goshen. By Francis Hubert

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THE AVTHORS Invocation.
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THE AVTHORS Invocation.

Nor high Olympus, nor Pernassus hill,
Nor fam'd Pierian Sisters I implore,
(The Poets Patrons) to assist my quill,
A higher pitch my Eagle-Muse doth soare.
Thou that taughtst Ishai's youngest sonne to sing
The Songs of Sion, with thy heau'nly deawes
Inspire my heart, as thou didst Sions King,
And sacred drops into my quill infuse.
Thou that didst loue the voyce of that sweet Singer,
And Davids golden Harpe in tune didst keepe,
Teach me that heau'nly Instrument to finger,
Who Dauid-like now sing to Israels Sheepe.
Thou Sonne of David, Davids Lord and King,
Assist my Muse, for now shee takes her wing.