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Ane Dialog or Mutuall talking betuix a Clerk and ane Courteour concerning foure Parische Kirks till ane Minister, Collectit out of thair mouthis, and put into verse be a young man quha did then forgather with thame in his Journay, as efter followis


Ane Dialog or Mutuall talking betuix a Clerk and ane Courteour concerning foure Parische Kirks till ane Minister, Collectit out of thair mouthis, and put into verse be a young man quha did then forgather with thame in his Journay, as efter followis

Vnto Dundie as I maid way,
Nocht lang afoir Sanctandrois day,
At Kingorne ferrie passand ouir
Into þe Boit wes thre or four
Of gentillmen, as did appeir;
I said, “Schirs, is thair ony heir
Quhais Iornay lyes unto Dundie?”
Twa of thame answerit courtaslie:
“We purpose nocht for to ga thidder,
Bot ȝit our gait will ly togidder
Quhil we be passit Kennewie.”
“Than I sall beir ȝow companie,”
Said I, and with that we did land,
Syne lap vpon our horse fra hand,


And on our Iornay rudelie raid.
Thir twa vnto Sanctandrois maid.
The tane of thame appeirit to be
Ane cunning Clerk of greit clergie,
Of visage graue and maneris sage,
His toung weill taucht, but all outrage
Men micht haue kend that he had bene
Quhair gude Instructioun he had sene.
The vther did appeir to me
Ane cumlie Courteour to be,
Quha wes perfyte and weill besene
In thingis that to this land pertene.
Be we had riddin half ane myle,
With myrrie mowis passing the quhyle,
Thir twa, of quhome befoir I spak,
Of sindrie purposis did crak,
And enterit in amang the rest
To speik how that the Kirk was drest.
And thus began the Courteour:
“Quhat think ȝe of this new ordour?
Ȝe that are Clerkis and men of wit,
I wat weill ȝe will speik of it
Amangis ȝour selfis quhen ȝe conuene:
I pray ȝow tell me quhat ȝe mene,
And gif this ordour ȝe allow,
Or alwayis how it plesis ȝow.”
The Clerk said, “sir, the treuth to tell,
With princes maters for to mell
I think it lyis nocht in our gait:
Lat Courteouris of sic thingis trait.”
The Courteour maid answering:
“Ȝit men will speik, sir, of the King;
Bot this new ordour that is tane
Wes nocht maid be the Court allane;
The Kirkis Commissionars wes thair,
And did aggrie, to, les and mair.


Ȝit men may speik as they haue feill,
Quhidder it lykis thame euill or weill.”
The Clerk said: “haue thay cōdiscendit,
I think our speiking can nocht mend it;
Bot ane thing I dare tak on me,
Gif, as ȝe say, the mater be
That thay of Kirk thairto assentit,
Thay salbe first that sall repent it;
Thocht for thair tyme sum wylie winkit,
The ages efter will forthinkit.”
The vther sayis: “thocht ȝe wes skar,
Me think that now ȝe cum ouir nar;
I feill be the sauir of ȝour end
This ordour, than, ȝe discommend,
Quhairof I meruell gretumlie
That sic ane leirnit man as ȝe
Sa lychtlie suld disdaine, and lak
Ane ordour that wyse men did mak.”
Than said the Clerk: “in wordis plane,
Syr, na gude ordour I disdane,
Bot euer mair will sic approue
As is maid for the Kirkis behufe:
Bot this ordour I sall Impoung,
Sa lang as I haue pen or toung.”
With speid than spak the Courteour,
And answerit with wordis sour:
“Mony men speikis without all Law,
And dois condempne befoir thay knaw,
And cheifly the ȝoung men in scuilis,
Thinking all vthers to be fuilis:
Quhen ȝe ȝourselfis ar daft and ȝoung,
And hes nocht but ane Pyat toung,
Ȝe knaw als mekill as ane Guse,
That callis this ordour ane abuse.”
The Clerk said: “Schir, ȝe do vs wrang
We spend our tyme in scuilis ouir lang,


Gif that we leirne na Knawledge thair,
Bot only babling without mair.
Giue we may preif the thingis we say,
I think that bauldly speik we may;
Thocht in all thingis we be not sene,
The veritie we may mantine:
At leist in thay things that we knaw,
Sa far as ressoun may or Law;
Bot he that mellis with thingis vnkend,
And stubburnely will thame defend,
Quhidder he be of Court or Scule,
In my Iudgement is bot ane fule;
Thairfoir, befoir ȝe me condampne,
My resounis first ȝe sall exame,
And gif they haue validitie,
Than think ȝour self to be gyltie
Of that same cryme quhairwith ȝe charge
Ȝoung men and Clerkis in talking large.
Than, that ȝe may perfytlie knaw
That not but caus sic thingis I schaw,
I sall rype vp the mater haill,
Syne ȝe sall Iudge gif that I faill.
And first, this ordour, as ȝe ken,
Prescryuis sic burdingis vnto men,
That na wayis thay dow for till beir;
Four Parische Kirkis to ane Preicheir,
Quhairas ane only Kirk wald craif
Four Preichouris rather for to haif:
It will defraude syne, secundlie,
The present age of this Countrie
Of the maist hailsum word of lyfe,
And steill it from vs, man and wyfe:
And thridly, will preclude the way
Till our Posteritie, I say,
To mak ma seruandis of the Lord,
Quhen thir ar gane, to preiche his word;


With mony Incommoditie,
That I haue not schawin presentlie,
As at mair lenth I sall declair.”
“I think, my freind, ȝe haue said mair
Nor ȝe will preif to me this hour,”
Maist schairply said the Courteour;
“I meruell mekill quhat ȝe mene,
That dois sa raschely contrauene
The ordour that is thocht sa gude.
Perchance, gif that ȝe vnderstude
The gude respectis hes thame mufit
To mak this ordour, ȝe wald lufe it,
And not engrege the cace sa hie.”
The Clerk said, “Schir, say on, lat se,
And I sall abill answer mak.”
The Courteour began and spak,
Sayand: “ȝe se out throw this land
How mony waist Kirkis thair dois stand
But outher Prayers or Preiching,
Or ony vther Godly thing:
Ȝea, thair is mony Parochinis
Of richt greit Congregatiounis,
That neuer ȝit has hard the word;
And sum the Supper of the Lord
This seuin ȝeir had not thame amang:
Luik ȝe and se gif that be lang?
As Mynnie Goff, in Galloway,
Can testifie, and mony ma,
Quhilk Parochinis þair teindis dois pay
Als thankfully as ony of thay
That dwellis in Fyfe or Louthiane.
Suld their pepill Preiching haue nane?
Quhairfoir suld vthers mair than thay,
Seing thair teindis sa weill thay pay,
And als to God thay ar als deir
As ony in the inland heir?


And syne the Preichouris, as ȝe ken,
Ar far within twa hundreth men;
Quhilk number, ȝe knaw, is sa small
The Kirkis can not be stakit all,
As thay wer placit heirtofoir;
The Counsell hes thocht gude, thairfoir,
As lufe and cheritie dois craif,
With Preiching for to staik the laif;
And sa this new ordour did tak,
Four kirkis till ane Preichour to mak;
That as weill thay of Mynnie Gof,
And rest of kirkis that ar far of,
May haue the comfort of the word
Throw all this land, as dois accord,
As hes the burghis and Inlandis men,
Now weill Instructit, as ȝe ken;
That all get part, baith greit and small,
And, as it wer, ane get not all.
Sa sall the Gospell be enlargit,
And als the kirkis also dischargit:
With mony ma commodities
That wyse and prudent men foirseis;
Quhilks I think all gude men will mufe
This new maid ordour till apprufe;
And als mak ȝou with me consent,
That thay that did this way Inuent,
And did the mater Interpryse,
Hes baith bene Godly, gude, and wyse,
And full of lufe and Cheritie
Thair nichtbouris for till edifie.
Thairfoir declair quhat ȝe think now,
Gif ȝe think as ȝe thocht richt now.”
The Clerk maid answer modestlie,
Sayand: “Schir, ȝe haue said trewlie


Thair is ma kirkis into this land
Voyde of the word of God that stand,
Nor hidderto hes stakit bene
With Ministeris, as may be sene;
Quhilk kirkis, I think, dois also pay
Thair dewtie alsweill as thay,
That hes had preiching and prayers
With Reidars and thair Ministers.
All this, I say, I grant be trew:
Than ȝe say, of this suld ensew
That all be stakit equallie
That payis alyke thair dewtie;
Quhilk can na vther wayis be had,
Except this new ordour be maid.
It followis not necessarlie,
Albeit that all suld stakit be,
That thay can be na vther way
Bot this new ordour, as ȝe say.”
The Courteour grew sum thing hetter,
And said, “Schir, will ȝe schaw ane better?”
The Clerk answerit: “that sall I sone,
Gif ȝe will heir quhill I haue done.
Gif thay that did this way Inuent
Dois all this of sa gude Intent,
As ȝe declair, of Cheritie,
Thair nedie brethren to supplie,
And to enlarge the word ouir all,
To sempill pepill greit and small;
Gif for the weill of Christis Kirk
Sa busilie, I say, thay wirk,
As presently thay do pretend,
They suld haue socht ane vther end
Till haue begun, as I tell ȝow,
Nor this they haue Inuentit now:
Ma Preichouris suld haue chosin bene
The Ministrie for till sustene,


And beir the burding of that ȝok,
To keip and feid the Lordis flok.”
The Courteour said, “quhair ar tha?
Quhair will ȝe get me ony ma?”
“Quhair socht thay ony?” quod þe Clerk.
The vther said, “thay maid na werk
To seek ony, becaus thay knew
Thay wald be found bot nane or few.”
The Clerk said: “I culd find the way
To get ȝow, within ȝeir or day,
Ma Ministeris in this countrie,
Besyde thame that ar presentlie,
Nor ar thair number that is ellis;
Gif thay that with the Kirk Rent mellis,
Without all ordour, as ȝe knaw,
On sic sort wald [not] to thame draw
The Patrimonie of the Kirk,
Bot it apply to thame that wirk;
That leuingis micht be modifyit
To Preichouris that war qualifyit,
Quhairon thay micht leif without cair,
To cure thair office, and na mair.
And this in deid war the richt way,
Quhilk being done, wald be, I say,
Ma Preichouris schortly nor is now:
Also I suld find out to ȝow
Of lernit and sufficient men
This day beȝond thre scoir and ten:
Howbeit, I grant thay wald not be
Sa perfite at the first entrie
As thay that enterit hes befoir;
Vse wald perfytnes mak but moir.”
Than loudlie leuch the Courteour;
“Sufficient men!” said he, “blak hour!
Thair is skarse twentie of thame all
Sufficient men that I can call,


That are alreddy in thay rowmis.”
The Clerk was like to byte his thowmis,
And said, “in deid, Schir, now ȝe wrang þame,
For thair is mony ma amang thame,
Baith of gude lyfe and doctrine sound,
Quha in the treuth can pepill found,
And bring thame vp in Christ Iesu,
Perchance asweill, I tell to ȝow,
As sum that haldis thame for na Pages;
And sa it hes bene in all ages
That all the corne of the Countrie
Be kempis hes not bene schorne, we se;
Sa I call them sufficient
With quhome S. Paull can be content:
That is, that abill ar to teiche,
Syne practisis the word thay preiche,
Thocht all alyke can neuer be.
But gif Ilkane in thair degre
Do put thair hand vnto the Pleuch
With faithfulnes, it is aneuch.
And mairattour, als we maun grant,
That sic ane number can not want
Fals fenȝeit Iudasis at fouth,
In till all airth, baith North and South,
Sen amang Christis awin twelf we se
Ane tratour was in Companie.
Men cannot peirs unto the hartis,
(Tyme will thē try that playis þair partis,)
Bot man euin chuse the lyklyest,
Syne call to God to wirk the best.”
“For all that,” said the Courteour,
“Ȝe will not find me out this hour
The number that ȝe spak be far,
And that war lytill, thocht sa war.”
The Clerk answerit, “Schir, as I said,
Let gude prouisioun anis be maid


For men to leif in that vocatioun,
Ȝe sall not mis into this Natioun
To find thame flock [to] ȝow als fast
As did the Preistis in tymes past;
For ȝe ken, honos alit artes,
Thairfoir non agunt suas partes,
That gude Stependis dois not prepair,
And thairof gude payment all quhair
For to be maid with expeditioun;
For quha will cum but sic conditioun
To tak the charge of ane Preichour?”
“I meruell,” quod the Courteour,
“That ȝe na better vnderstand
How that thair leuingis to thair hand
Ar weill prouydit in all place.”
The Clerk said, “Schir, I pray ȝow, ceace;
Thay leuingis will be bot deuydit,
As this new ordour hes prouydit,
And will not be ane caus quhairfoir
The Preichouris number sall grow moir.
Of sic prouisioun I not mene
That dois my purpois contrauene;
As efterwart I sall mak plane
All that prouisioun to be nane.
Sa laik of leuing, I conclude,
Dois mak the laik of multitude
To serue into the Ministrie,
As all the warld may cleirly se;
For, wer thair Stependis anis prouydit,
The mater micht be esie gydit;
Thair wald be mony in this land,
Euin at this tyme, I understand,
That micht be chosin, weill I wait,
The Lordis word to Ministrait;
As in Sanctandrois presentlie
Thair micht be gottin neir twentie,


And in the countrie, far and neir,
Wald be far ma than dois appeir:
Our countrie Clerkis beȝond the seyis
Wald draw thame hame frō all countries
Of Ingland, France, and vther partis,
Quhair thay ar scatterit in all airtis:
Becaus at hame thay will not giue
Sufficient quharon thay may liue,
Quhais number, as I vnderstand,
Is greiter nor is in this land
Of Ministeris—ȝea, be sic thre—
Giue thir men wald do gude, ges ȝe?
Ȝea, strangers alswa wald draw neir,
Giue thay hard of gude treitment heir;
Sa I think now ȝe may persaue
That skant of men we wald not haue,
And sa that can not be ane caus
Quhy thay suld make vs thir new Lawis,
As ȝe say, of necessitie.
Ane vther Moyane we may se
To haue the word preichit ouir all
Into this land, to greit and small,
As heirtofoir I did declair:
Bot ȝit lat vs cum farthermair,
Giue (as thay said) thair purpois be
The Kirk of Christ to Edifie:
Quhairfoir, I speir, do thay neglect
The meanis that seruis to this effect?
Thair is sum Colleges, we ken,
Weill foundit to vphald leirnit men,
To teiche the ȝouth in letters gude,
And vtheris also that ar rude:
Amang the rest foundit we se
The teiching of theologie,
With Rentis sum Studentis to sustene,
To that Science to giue thame clene.


Lat anis the Counsell send and se
Gif thir places weill gydit be,
And not abusit with waist rudis,
That dois nathing bot spendis þai gudis
That was maid for that haly vse,
And not to feid ane Crusit Guse;
And gif that thay fundatiounis auld
Wantis Rentis sufficient to vphauld
Ane gude number of sic Studentis,
As (that thay want) lat eik thair Rentis;
And than I dout not ȝe suld se
Greit entres in theologie;
And Preichouris ȝeirly to proceid
Furth of the Scuillis to serue our neid,
In sic aboundance that fra hand
Thair suld be plantit throw this land
At euerie Kirk, as dois affeir,
Ane Preichour at the leist but weir:
For quhy the Scuillis suld Mother be,
To mak our Preichouris multiplie.
And quhen the Scuillis ar not prouydit,
How can the Kirk be bot misgydit?”
The Courteour, with wordis wyde,
Said, “I heir nathing bot prouyde,
And get now that, and get now this;
Ȝour talk is all of Expensis;
Gif leuingis heir, and found sum thair;
Ȝe big gay Castellis in the air.
Quhair is that geir for to be had,
That sic prouisioun may be maid?”
The Clerk said, “Schir, luk ȝe and se
Gif that the teindis of this countrie
May not do all that we have tauld,
And als the pure and Scuillis vphauld;
Quhilk teindis dois Iustly appertene
To sic thingis as hes talkit bene.”


“Ȝe ar far large of Leueray,”
Agane the Courteour can say;
“Apperandly ȝe wald gif all
The teindis of Scotland, greit and small,
Vnto the Kirk for till dispone,
And to the Court for till giue none;
Quhilk wald make thame bot proud and hie,
As in the tyme of Papistrie.
Quhat wald ȝe than bestow on vs?”
The Clerk said, “tak the superplus,
Quhen Kirk and pure ar weill prouydit;
And let the mater sa be gydit,
That thay of Kirk do not abuse it,
Bot be controllit how to vse it,
Becaus thay ar bot mortall men,
That na wayis thay thair selfis misken.”
The Courteour answerit fra hand,
“It will be countit to thair hand;
The teindis will not cum in thair neuis,
Sa lang as ony of vs leuis.”
The Clerk said: “Goddis curs þairfoir
Sall not depart quhill thay restoir
The Kirk agane to hir awin right;
Thocht of the mater thay pas licht.”
“Ȝe say far,” quod the Courteour;
“Now ȝe haue maid ane gay ordour,
Vnto quhilk gif all wald aggre,
Quhat better wald the countrie be
In till our tyme that leuis now?”
The Clerk said, “I will answer ȝow:
I wait weill, Schir, ȝe haue hard say,
Rome was not biggit the first day;
Sic thingis man haue tyme and proces,
Or thay cum till ane perfytnes.
And ȝit the Kirk suld soner get
Comfort ouir all withouttin let,


Be this ordour foirtauld be me,
Nor be this new Enormitie.
For, quhen the Kirk sa ȝe haue wrakit,
Ȝit all the Kirkis sall not be stakit;
Quhen ilk Preichour hes gottin four,
How mony, trow ȝe, will be ouir,
That Preiching than wald get no moir
Nor thay had done in tymes befoir?
Quhairfoir, ȝe se, this vane pretence
Is full of fenȝeit diligence.
Thairfoir, for my purpois to conclude,
Prouyde me weill anis claith and fude,
And neidfull thingis, na neid wald be
Of Ministeris in this countrie,
Quhilk doutles were the reddy gait
The Kirk of Christ for to debait,
And caus preiching to be ouir all,
To riche and poor, to greit and small;
Quhilk, gif thay mynd as thay pretend,
Thay wald haue begun at this end;
For he sall neuer mak me trow
That he makis North, I tell to ȝow,
That to the South dois swyftlie rin:
Bot now I will returne but din,
And my first Propositiounis preif.”
The vther said, “I gif ȝow leif;
For I persaue, speik quhat I will,
Ane answer ȝe will find thair till.”
The Clerk said, “I will say nathing
For quhilk I sall not ressoun bring.
And first, I said this ordour makis
Far greiter burdingis on mennis bakis
Be laid, nor thay dow for to beir,
As I sall schortly let ȝow heir;
For ane man cannot satisfie
For to do four mennis dewtie;


For euerie Kirk at leist craifis ane,
And this bindis four till ane allane.
Suld not the Pastour knaw his scheip,
Ȝea, be the heid, that he dois keip?
Agnosce vultus gregis tui
Est maxime officii sui.
Bot quhen ane man hes vnder cure
Sa mony thousandis, riche and pure,
Skarsly will he ken Ilkane,
Quhen twentie ȝeiris ar cum and gane;
Becaus he may not daylie be
In all thir pepillis companie;
And sa cannot do thame all gude,
For laik of daylie consuetude.
How can he Ilk mannis vice reprufe,
Vnder his cure, as dois behufe,
And comfort in particular
Sic as in conscience troublit ar,
Quhairin thair bodyis hes distres?
On force they man be comfortles,
Becaus he knawis not be the face,
And als for distance of the place.
Thay that knawis this to be thair cure,
To veseit, comfort seik and pure;
And that into particulair,
As it salbe found necessair:
Thir men, I think, sall vnderstand,
Aneuch to thame to tak on hand
Ane Parochin for till discharge;
Bot they that hes ane conscience large,
And thinkis they haue na mair ado,
Bot only Preiching to luke to,
And that bot perfunctorie
Anis in four Oulkis and able ma,
Perchance threttene or thay cum thair;
God wait, sa weill that flock will fair!


The Commentaris tunde ouir perqueir,
Syne soung into the pepillis eir,
Sa rawly, caldly, and far of,
That na man can tak frute thairof;
Nouther the proud contemnar heir,
Be maist scharp threitning and seueir,
Him self till Hell their beatin doun,
For his stubburne Rebellioun;
Nor ȝit the hart, syching for sin,
Can thair fynd comfort mair or min:
Bot all tauld ouir in Generall,
But mufing outher greit or small.
For, as weill sayis Augustine,
The thing to all that spokin bene
To nane is spokin, as we knaw
Experience dois daylie schaw:
Sa sic Preichouris as I haue tald,
Bot not in deid sic as I wald,
That thinkis thame selfis dischargit weill,
Quhen thay haue run ouir with ane reill
Thair sairles Sermone, red ȝistrene:
The hour sa spendit, thay ar clene;
Euin as the Preistis, thair Matynis said,
To serue the tyme ane stra syne laid,
Schir Celebrasti speid ȝow sone,
And sa Goddis Seruice thay haue done.
Sic Hyreling belly goddis, I say,
I will not quyte in deid, bot thay
Vnto this Ordour will consent,
And for thair belly be content.
Ilkane ten Kirkis will tak in cure,
Sa of thair Stependis thay be sure:
Bot gif thay folkis sall be weill fed,
Or to gude Pastoring be led,
The warld may Iudge: I say na mair,
But fordwart to my purpois fair.”


The Courteour replyit agane,
Saying, “that ressoun is bot vane,
To say a man may do na mair,
Bot serue a kirk vntil his skair:
Wes not all the Apostillis men?
And also Paull himself, ȝe ken,
At a kirk did not ay remane.
We reid not that thay did disdane
To preiche at sindrie kirkis all quhair,
Passing from place to place, but mair;
Thay socht not eis, as men dois now,
To byde at a kirk, I tell ȝow;
And I think, gif it had bene wrang,
To sindrie kirkis thay wald nocht gang.”
The Clerk said, “ȝe ar versit, I se,
Richt weill in Court theologie;
Bot ȝit ȝe mon reid ouir agane,
And wey the Circumstances plane.
The Preichouris than, ȝe ken, was skant,
And als the Gospell was to plant
Ouir all the eirth, baith far and neir:
Thay wer bot twelf that tuke the steir;
Quha to that Office chosin wer
To mak all Natiounis pertaker
Of thay glad tythingis of saluatioun;
And, for to mak new Reformatioun,
Thair proper office was, but mair,
To preiche the Gospell euerie quhair.
Bot sa the mater dois not stand
Amang vs now into this land,
Quhair Reformatioun hes hed place
Thir XV. ȝeiris, or sic ane space,
With quyetnes for to prouyde
For Preichouris at Ilk Kirk to byde,


As the Apostillis did with speid,
In euerie Ceitie, as we reid;
Thay creat Ministeris all quhair,
Quhair euer quyetnes wald spair.
And sa into thair tyme, we se,
Thair was men in the Ministrie
To seuerall Kirkis appointit plane
To Preiche, and thairfoir to remain,
And wer not made Apostillis all,
For Christ thay twelf did only call
To beir that Office Speciallie,
Quhilk was not ordanit ay to be;
Quhen that the Kirk efter at lenth
Had growin vntill ane greiter strenth;
Syne God gave to þame giftis mair large
Thair Legacie for till discharge,
Nor efter he gaue ony vther:
And thairfoir that exampill, brother,
That ȝe from the Apostillis bring,
Aganis my purpois makis nathing;
Becaus that thay of Speciall charge
Did Preiche the word in boundis large,
And till ane Kirk was nocht addict;
Thairof na wayis ȝe may conuict,
That ony Preichour now suld tak
The charge of four Kirkis on his bak;
For nouther dois the tyme aggre,
Nor hes men now thay giftis, we se,
Nor ȝit the Office for to Preiche
Ouir all the warld, as thay did teiche.
Than, to conclude, but proces moir,
As I haue cleirly prouin befoir,
Ane Parochin may richt weill gane
Ane Minister thair to remane;
And sa followis, Consequentlie,
Four Kirkis ouir greit burding to be


Till ane man for to tak on hand.
And sa, I think, ȝe vnderstand
The first absurditie of thingis,
That this new ordour with it bringis.”
“That,” said the Courteour, “I grant;
Bot I trow ressounis sall be skant
To prufe in plane, and mak patent
The secund inconuenient,
That ȝe said come of this Ordour.”
The Clerk, with courtes behauour,
Said, “I sall preif Incontinent
That self same Inconuenient:
To wit, gif this Ordour preuaill,
The pepill salbe houngerit haill
Of Spirituall fude into this land.
Than, for this caus, first vnderstand,
That, as the body can not dure,
Except in sesoun men procure
Fude in dew tyme it to sustene,
To nourische it as dois conuene,
Na mair can mannis Saull Indure
In gude estait, I ȝow assure,
Except that nurischit it be
Be fude that feid it spirituallie;
And as the body Naturallie
At certain tymes, as we may se,
Maun haue refreschement but delay,
Or ellis it will faint and decay;
Euin sa the Saull hes the awin tymes
Quhen it wald be releuit of crymes,
And comfort[it] with Consolatioun,
And put in mynd of Saluatioun
That Christ hes purchest with his blude;
It suld be nurischit with his fude:
And thairfoir God hes in his law
The seuint day ordanit, as we knaw,


As tyme meit and convenient
To gif the Saull his nurischement,
That euerie Oulk, anis at the leist,
It may feid on this Spirituall Feist.
Than, sen God, quha knawis all thingis be[st,]
Appointit the seuint day for rest,
To feid the Saull as tyme maist meit,
I think the Law that wald retreit
This ordour, maid be God himsell,
Of ouir greit arrogance dois smell;
And the Law makeris wald appeir
Wyser nor God, quha seis maist cleir
Quhairof mannis Saul hes greitest neid,
And how and quhen men suld it feid:
Bot thir Law makers, that ar now,
Thinkis that the Saull will be sa fow
Anis in four Oulkis, it will neid nane
Quhill the fourt Sonday cum agane.
It is ane takin, I ȝow tell,
Saullis hounger thay feill nane þame sell,
And thairfoir dois the word disdane:
Thay ar sa fow now thay need nane;
And sa of it beginnis to tyre,
And now wald flit it ouir the myre.
Quhair God appointit Oulklie anis
At leist, this Law agane ordanis
Anis in four Oulkis, and sumquhair seuin,
Our Saullis fude to cum from heuin.
Luik ȝe and se gif it growis skant,
And gif oft Preiching we will want,
And houngerit be of Saullis fude;
As dois declair this multitude.
Gif seruandis of ane Familie
Had daylie meit sufficientlie
Prouydit for thame, and na mair,
Than, gif the Stewart sa wald spair,


And in this sort thair meit dispone,
Of ane dayis meit mak four dayis none,
Wald not thay seruandis houngerit be,
And leif in greit Penuritie?
Euin sa fairis of this new Law,
Gif it cum to, as ȝe foirschaw,
Quhair Oulklie Preiching wes befoir,
Anis in four Oulkis now and no moir;
Gif than men sall not houngerit be
Of Saullis fude, luke ȝe and se.”
The Courteour said, “then, I wene,
Sair houngerit hes thay pepill bene
That to this day Preiching gat nane:
I think thay haue caus to complane.”
The Clerk said, “wyte þame hes þe wyte,
That did not mak Prouisioun tyte,
As ȝe hard me declair befoir,
And add not euil vnto euil moir:
For now sum Kirkis ar weill prouydit,
And than suld all be clene misgydit;
For it is better till haue part
Weill stakit into euerie airt,
Nor to haue all spilt and ouirsene;
As it is far better, I wene,
Gif that ane man had stedingis ten,
Quhilk requyrit mony beistis and men,
And greit expensis for to cure thame;
Gif that this man had till manure thame
Bot aucht Oxin into ane pleuch,
Quhilk to all wald not be aneuch:
Quhidder were it better, think ȝe,
Till labour ane of thame onlie,
Quhair Ilkane wald ane uther hane,
And quhilk to teill his beistis miche gane;
Or in Ilk steding teill ane Rig,
Quhairto ane saifgard he must big;


Ane bit teillit heir, ane vther thair,
Quhilk he micht not keip lait and air
From wickit beistis wald cum amang it,
For till destroy and clene ouirgang it;
I think na wayis man will deny
Bot it wer better verraly
Ane steding for till laubour weill,
And in dew sesoun it to teill,
That in proces, sa being drest,
It micht bring forth to help the rest,
Nor for till spill all ten atanis,
Quhilk he may not gyde be na meanis.
I leif it to ȝow to conclude
Quhat I mene by this similitude.
Mairouir, þai Kirkis, þat preiching wātit,
Thristis not mekill till haue plantit,
For the maist part, as I beleif;
Than quhy suld ȝe thay pepill grief,
That hounger of thair Saulis dois faill,
And ȝarnis for fude with sa greit ȝeill?
Trow ȝe thay folkis will be content
To want thair Pastouris permanent?
As schortly in Fyfe micht bene sene,
Quhat hubbilschow thair maist haue bene
For the displacing of ane Pastour,
According to this new maid Ordour;
And how the pepil wald not grant
Thair awin auld Pastour for till want,
Quhais lyfe and doctrine weil thay knew,
And him to be ane Pastour trew.
Bot to return vnto our taill:
Gif this new ordour sall preuaill,
This present age sall houngerit be
Of Spirituall fude maist certanelie.”
The Courteour said, “Schir, ȝe knaw,
This raritie will be ane saw,


To mak the word estemit moir
Nor euer it was heirtofoir;
For Rarum carum ay, ȝe ken,
And Quotidianum tyris men.”
The Clerk said, “ȝe haue ressounis fell,
I se, for to begyle ȝour sell;
Ȝe sall tak this a thing of me,
That quha feiris God vnfenȝeitlie,
Of that sweit word will neuer Irk,
At dew time preichit in thair Kirk,
Bot will lament with hart full sair,
Quhen euer that thay miss it thair;
Ȝea, mairattour, in mynd Imprent,
That thay, that vse that argument,
Of Goddis word neuer tuke greit cure,
Nor ȝit delyte thairof, be sure.
Bot in this heid I byde to lang:
Vnto the nixt now will I gang;
For ȝe haue hard, tak this Law space,
It will defraude this present race
Of Christis Euangell in this land,
As I trow now ȝe vnderstand;
Ane schaddow than wald only be
Of Preiching in the Ministrie.
Sa now to ȝow is maid patent
The secund Inconuenient.
The thrid restis than for till declair,
Quhilk suld mak all our hartis sair,
That our Posteritie behind
In Ignorance suld be left blind,
Without all comfort of the word
In publict places, as dois accord;
For how can Ministrie indure
Gif thay of leuingis be not sure?
Quhair sall thair tytill be to schaw
That thay haue richt be ony Law


Till ony Stependis moir or les,
Gif that this Ordour tak succes?
For quhair befoir thay had sum Rent
Be ane plane act of Parliament,
That was, the thriddis of all and haill
Of beneficis to thair daill,
Vntill the tyme the teindis all
Come in thair hādis, baith greit ād small,
Quhilk is thair awin Iust Patrimony;
Thir thriddis, I say, but stopping ony,
The Kirkis Collectouris suld vptane,
Syne vnto the Excheker gane,
And maid thair cōptis how þai were spēdit,
Quhilk ordour wes to be commendit.
The Kirk first stakit, than the rest
Vnto the Kingis grace vse wes drest;
Sa then the Kirk had of their awin
To serue thair vse, as is weill knawin.
Bot now, quhen that they want þat Law,
Quhat richt sall thay have for till schaw,
Except of Liberalitie
It plesit the authoritie
Sum Pensionis for to gif thame till,
And that Induring his gude will?
This is the greitest ground I se,
Quhilk is na tytill to stik be.
Quhen ony Princes sall succeid
That lytill lufis the Kirk in deid,
Thay will be chappit on the cheik,
And it will be occasioun eik
To mak Princes Iniunctiounis geif
To speik nathing that may thame greif;
And gif that ony wald withstand
Vnto that vennemous command,
And to Iniunctiounis not consent,
Then thay wald bid him be content,


Or ellis he wald get nathing thair
Of his said Pensioun ony mair;
Sa sould not our Posteritie
Get trew preiching, bot flatterie.”
Then said the Courteour, “but mair,
All that greit skaith, that ȝe declair,
Dois not cum of the transportatiounis,
Bot it cumis of the assignatiounis.”
The Clerk said: “Ioyne þame baith togidder,
Bot this Ordour is eldest brother;
I am assurit Tempore,
The vther may be Intentione,
Sa this new Ordour is ane way
To mak the word of God decay;
And not to reache till our ofspring,
Quhilk we suld wis abone all thing;
And, at the leist, ȝe man confes
That it precludis the way expres
The Preichouris number till augment.
Bot as this Ordour dois Inuent,
That is, four Kirkis till ane Preichour,
Quhilk I haue prouin within this hour
To be bot ane dissaitfull wyle,
The Kirk of Christ for till begyle,
And not to feid it Faithfullie,
As thay pretend most craftilie;
For may not the authoritie
Object till our Posteritie,
Quhen Ministeris ma thay do craif,
‘Quhat neid ȝow ma Preichouris to haue
Nor our Foirbears had befoir;
And we knaw weill thay socht no moir
Bot ane till fouir Kirkis in thay days?
Ȝe will get na ma, go ȝour wayis.’
May not this ordour be occasioun,
To mak Princes use this euasioun,


That Preichouris number neuer be
Augmentit mair nor now we se?
Thairfoir, Iustlie I may conclude
That this new Ordour dois preclude
The way till our Posteritie
To mak the Preichouris multiplie.
In this case to speik ony mair
At this tyme is not necessair,
Thair friuole foches to repeit,
That this new Ordour wald debait:
Sic as this, befoir this Ordour
Sum Ministers had kirkis four;
And mony vane affectioun,
Indigne of Contradictioun,
I leif as thingis of na auaill;
And heir now will tak in my Saill.
Then ȝe haue hard me schaw at lenth
How that thair ressounis hes na strenth,
And ar nathing bot craftie cloikis,
That sayis it is to feid the flokis
That sic new Ordour thay haue tane,
To knit four Parische Kirkis in ane;
And how þe richt meanis I haue schawin,
Ouir all to haue the Gospell sawin.
Gif that be it that thay do seik,
Ȝe hard how I declarit eik,
That the maist euill and hurtfull thingis,
This new maid Ordour with it bringis,
By mony Inconuenient,
That vnto it is Consequent:
The first ȝe hard, it wald men tak
Far greiter burdingis on their bak
Nor possibill is for till beir—
Four Parische Kirkis till ane Preicheir,
Quhen skantlie may ane man gyde ane,
Gif faithfull charge thairon be tane.


And nixt, how it wald mak vs quyte
Of Christis Euangell, our delyte;
Of preiching we suld haue na mair
Bot ane pretence and schaddow bair,
Sa that this age sall be denude
Of trew Preiching and Spirituall fude.
And thirdly, ȝe hard maist patent,
That all our ofspring subsequent
Suld be defraudit, in lyke sort,
Of that maist excellent Comfort;
And haue na facultie to chuse
Ma men the Preiching for till vse,
For to enlarge the word ouir all,
As it suld be, to greit and small.
Sa now I traist ȝe will not say
Bot I haue vsit ressoun ay
To preif my Propositiounis plane,
That this new Ordour is maist vane,
And als maist hurtfull to the Kirk,
Of ony that the Deuill did wirk,
Sen the Euangell publictlie
Wes preichit into this Countrie:
Quhairfoir, gif that the Kirk consent,
Thay will haue caus for till repent,
Perchance soner nor thay beleif,
For als fane as sum wald it preif.
It is the way to put to flicht
The Gospell, and bid Christ Gude nicht;
As sum alreddy dois espy,
Quha did afoir till it apply.”
“I knaw not,” said the Courteour;
“Bot thay that did mak this Ordour,
I trow, sall proue it to be gude.”
The Clerk said, “quha is he will dude?
I wald fane se the Courteour,
Or ȝit the Court flattring Preichour,


That to this Ordour did consent,
Or ony that did it Inuent,
Gif he to me wald Intimat
My ressounis to euacuat;
And, gif I had into ȝour place
Ane leirnit man that wald me face,
I suld declair at greiter lenth,
With arguments of greiter strenth,
The Deuillische draucht of this deuyse,
And ground of all this interpryse.”
“Forsuith, Schir,” sais the Courteour,
“I am assurit, had Ilk Preichour
Into the mater bene als frak
As ȝe haue bene heir sen ȝe spak,
It had not cum to sic an heid
As this day we see it proceid:
Bot I can se few men amang thame,
Thocht all the warld suld clene ouirgang thame,
That has ane face to speik agane
Sic as the Kirk of Christ prophane.
Had gude Iohn Knox not ȝit bene deid,
It had not cum vnto this heid;
Had thay myntit till sic ane steir,
He had maid heuin and eirth to heir.”
“Quhat weill ȝe, brother,” said the Clerk,
“Go [OMITTED] vntil his werk,
Quhilk at the first men dois not spy;
Bot ȝit Preichouris that dois not try,
Quhen they persaue the euill afar,
And dois not warne or it cum nar,
Sall not be gyltles of the blude
Of thame that perische, to conclude.”
With that we come to Kennewie,
Quhair that we tuke ane drink schortlie,


Syne raid a lytill Eist the bra,
Quhair that our gaittis partit in twa.
To part with thame my hart was sair,
Ȝit I tuke leif of thame but mair,
And thay vnto Sanctandrois maid,
And I to Dundie watter raid.
Quhair be the way I did record
Upon thair talking euerie word;
And with my self I said that tyde,
It wer ane pietie for till hyde
This ressoning, gif I culd wryte,
Or had Ingyne that culd Indyte.
Allace! gif Poetis had bene heir,
That culd haue maid the mater cleir,
And set it furth in cunning verse,
The thingis that I hard thame reheirse!
Bot ȝit, or it suld be supprest,
My self to wryte I held it best,
Thocht of all Cunning I be quyte.
Perchance sum Poet will delyte
To put it in mair plesand Ryme,
That I haue blokit at this tyme;
For fault of vtheris that haue skill,
I could not bot schaw my gude will.
Thairfoir, all Poetis, pardoun me,
That wrait this of Necessitie,
And not to stane ȝour plesand style:
Than I fell to, and did compyle
This lytill volume, as ȝe se,
How sone that I come to Dundie.