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The excusation of the prentar.

The excusation of the prentar.

Ingyne of man be inclinatioun
In sindry wyse is geuin, as we se.
Sum men ar geuin to detractioun,
Inuy, displeseir, or malancolie,
And to thair nychbouris hes no cherite.
Sum ar so nobill and full of gentilnes,
Thay luf no thing bot Ioy and merynes.
Sum ar at vndir, and sum maid vp of nocht.
Sum men luffis peace, and sum desiris weir.
Sum is so blyth in to his mery thocht,
He curis nocht, so he may perseueir
In grace and fauour of his lady deir.
Sum boldin at othir in maist cruell feid
With lance and dagar rynnis to the deid.
Ane hes that mycht ane hundreth weil sustene,
And leiffis in wo and pennance at his table.
And of gud fallots comptis nocht ane bene.
His wrechit mynd is so insaciable.
As heuin and hell wer no thing bot ane fable
He birnis ay but sycht to gud or euil.
And tynnis with all his baggis to the deuil.
And I the prentar that dois considir weil
Thir sindry myndis of men in thair leuing,
Desiris nocht bot on my laubour leil
That I mycht leif, and of my Iust wynnyng
Mycht first pleis god, and syne our noble kyng.
And that ze reders bousum and attent
Wer of my laubour and besynes content.
And in this wark that I haue heir assailzeit
To bring to lycht, maist humely I exhort
Zow nobill reders, quhare that I haue failzeit
In letter, sillabe, poyntis lang, or schort.
That ze will of zour gentrice it support.
And tak the sentence the best wyse ze may,
I sall do better (will god) ane othir day.