University of Virginia Library

[Pastyme wt good companye]

Pastyme wt good companye
I loue & schall vntyll I dye[!]
gruche who lust[,] but none denye
so god be plesyd yus leue wyll I[!]
for my pastāce
hūt syng & dānce
my hart is sett
all goodly sport
for my cōfort[!]
who schall me lett[?]
Youthe must haue sū daliance
Off good or yll sū pastance[!]
Company me thynkes ther best
all thoughtes & fansys to deiest.
ffor Idillness is cheff mastres
of vices all [—] then who can say
but myrth and play
is best of all[?]


Company wt honeste
is vertu [—] vices to ffle
Company is good & ill
but euery man hath hys fre wyll[!]
the best ensew
the worst eschew
my mynde schalbe[:]
vertu to vse
vice to refuce[,]
thus schall I vse me.