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Il pastor fido

or The faithfull Shepheard

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To the right worthie and learned Knight, Syr Edward Dymock, Champion to her Maiestie, concerning this translation of Pastor Fido.
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To the right worthie and learned Knight, Syr Edward Dymock, Champion to her Maiestie, concerning this translation of Pastor Fido.

I do reioyce learned and worthy Knight,
That by the hand of thy kinde Country-man
(This painfull and industrious Gentleman)
Thy deare esteem'd Guarini comes to light:
Who in thy loue I know tooke great delight
As thou in his who now in England can
Speake as good English as Italian,
And here enioyes the grace of his owne right.
Though I remember he hath oft imbas'd
Vnto vs both, the vertues of the North,
Saying, our costes were with no measures grac'd,
Nor barbarous tongues could any verse bring forth.
I would he sawe his owne, or knew our store,
Whose spirits can yeeld as much, and if not more.