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The Flovver of Fame

Containing the bright Renowne, & moste fortunate raigne of King Henry the viii. Wherein is mentioned of matters, by the rest of our Chronographers ouerpassed. Compyled by Ulpian Fulwell. Hereunto is annexed (by the Author) a short treatice of iii. noble and vertuous Queenes. And a discourse of the worthie seruice that was done at Hadington in Scotlande, the seconde yere of the raigne of King Edward the sixt

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To the ryght honorable and his singuler good lorde, sir William Cecill Baron of Burghleygh, Knight of the moste noble order of the Garter, Lorde high Treasorer of Englande, master of the courtes of Wardes and Liueries, Chauncellour of the Uniuersitie of Cambridge, and one of the Queenes Maiesties priuie Counsaile, Ulpian Fullwell wisheth long health with encrease of honor.