A Commemoration on the life and death of the right Honourable, Sir Christopher Hatton Knight, late Lord Chauncellor of England. Wherin triumphant Trueth reuiueth his memorie from the graue: exhorting Nobilitie, Gentrie, and duetifull Subiects, to continue their obedience to God and her Maiestie, and to preuent by pollicie the perillous practises of euery ciuil and forrain enemy. Published by Iohn Phillips |
A Commemoration on the life and death of the right Honourable, Sir Christopher Hatton | ||
Sir VVilliam Hatton Knight, Sonne adopted
and Heire to the right honourable Sir Christopher
Hatton, late Lord Chaunceller of England,
Iohn Phillips wisheth the feare of
God, cōtinuance of helth,
with increase of worship
& vertue.
A Commemoration on the life and death of the right Honourable, Sir Christopher Hatton | ||