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Philoparthens louing Folly. Wherevnto Js Added Pigmalions Image. With The Loue of Amos and Lavra. And also Epigrammes by Sir I. H. and others. Neuer before imprinted

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VEL, Epistola ad Amicam.

To thee Alcilia, solace of my youth,
These rude and scattered rimes I haue addressed:
The certaine witnesse of my loue and truth,
That truely cannot be in words expressed;
VVhich if I shall perceiue thou tak'st in gree,
I will from henceforth write of none but thee.
Here may you find the wounds your selfe haue made
The many sorrowes I haue long sustain'd:
Here may you see that Loue must be obey'd;
How much I hop'd, how little I haue gain'd:
That as for you the paines haue beene endur'd,
Euen so by you they may at length be cur'd.
I will not call for aide to any Muse,
It is for learned Poets so to doe:
Affection must my want of Art excuse,
My workes must haue their patronage from you,
VVhose sweet assistance if obtaine I might,
I should be able both to speake and wright.

Meane while vouchsafe to reade this, as assignde
To no mans censure, but to yours alone:
Pardon the faults, that you therein shall finde,
And thinke the Writers heart was not his owne.
Experience of examples daily proue
That no man can be well aduis'd, and loue.
And though the worke it selfe deserue it not,
Such is your worth with my great wants compar'd:
Yet may my Loue vnfained, without spot
Challenge so much, (if more cannot be spar'd,)
Then (louely Virgin) take this in good part,
The rest vnseene is seal'd vp in the hart.
Iudge not by this the depth of my Affection,
VVhich farre exceedes the measure of my skill:
But rather note herein your owne perfection,
So shall appeare my want of Art, not VVill.
VVhereof, this now as part, in lieu of greater
I offer as an insufficient debter.