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Terra Pacis

A true Testification of the spirituall Lande of Peace; which is the spirituall Lande of Promyse, and the holy Citee of Peace or the heauenly Ierusalem; and of the Holy and spirituall People that dwell therin: as also of the Walking in the Spirit which leadeth therunto. Set-foorth by HN: and by Him newly perused and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-almayne [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Depart out of thy Lande, and from thy Kindred, and out of thy Fathers Hovvse: and trauayle into a Lande that I vvil shevve thee. Gen. 12 a. Act 7 a.

I vvil leade thee on the right Path, that the Course; vvhen thou goest; be not paynfull vnto thee: and that thou stumble not, vvhen thou runnest.

Take the Informacion to heart: leaue it not: keepe it: For it is thy Lyfe.

Go not in the Path of the Vngodly: and vvalcke not in the VVaye of the VVicked: Leaue thesame, and go not therin & Depart therfrom, and pas by it. Pro. 4. b.

Now goeth the Iudgment ouer the World: How becometh the Prince of this World cast-out. Iohn. 12.

Now is the Saluation/the Power/and the Kingdom/becom our Gods: and the Might his Christes. Apoca. 12.