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There is a form more light and fair,
Than human tongue can tell,
It seems a spirit of the air.
She is a flower si belle!
The lovely cheek more faintly flushed
Than ocean's rosy shell,
Is like a new-found pearl that blushed,
She is a flower si belle!
Her glossy hair in simple braid,
With softly curving swell,
Might well have crowned a Grecian maid.
She is a flower si belle!
Her serious and dove-like eyes
Of gentle thoughts do tell;
Serene as summer ev'ning skies.
She is a flower si belle!
Her graceful mouth was outlined free
By Cupid's magic spell,
A bow for his sure archery.
She is a flower si belle!
And thence soft silv'ry tones do flow,
Like rills along the dell,
Making sweet music as they go.
She is a flower si belle!


Fairer still is the modest mind,
Pure as a crystal well,
In mountain solitude enshrined.
She is a flower si belle!