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“If I could hear that laughing voice again,
But once again! how oft it wanders by,
In the still hours, like some remembered strain,
Troubling the heart with its wild melody!”

The fragment of a pleasant song
Is murmuring in our ears,
And we would fain the sounds prolong,
Though much they move our tears.
They breathe a low and pensive lay,
But one we love full well,
For oh! it sends our thoughts away
To many a bright and happy day
In that lone quiet dell.


The simple voice that warbled then
Is hushed, and all is still:
And notes that echoed through the glen,
Are dying on the hill,—
Yet sometimes Fancy wakes the strain,
And floats on Memory's waves
The music of that voice again,—
But ah! we linger all in vain
Among the village graves!