University of Virginia Library

[O the merry wind, and the merrier rain]

O the merry wind, and the merrier rain,
And welcome indeed is the spring again!
Though fierce from the north the swift gust flies,
And the drops fall cold from the cloudy skies,
And the snow-streaked fields lie still and dead,
And harshly the crow calls overhead,—
The willows are bursting their shining buds,
And the roadsides gleam with their silver studs,
And down by the river their boughs they hold
To the gray sky, glowing like ruddy gold;
And the alder catkins are swinging free,
And toss like the children's locks in glee.
Look up at the maple's crimsoning tips,
Red as the children's cheeks and lips!
O merry the wind and merry the rain
That blustering brings us the spring again!
Celia Thaxter.