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ASPHODEL ........ In Heaven I bloom for Thee!

For I would wreath my path below
With lowlier flowers of lighter glow,
And save the sacred, golden bloom
Of Love, with all its pure perfume;
Nor let th' ignoble cares of earth
Profane my bud of heavenly birth,
I'd hide it in my soul and keep
It fresh, with tears that Truth would weep,
And all its incense, light and dew,
I'd fondly hoard for Heaven and you.
Then, till we meet in holier bowers,
Where radiant seraphs tend the flowers,
Wilt thou not keep—through grief and glee—
Love's peerless blossom pure for me,
And wreath with mine, where angels dwell,
Thy spirit's golden Asphodel?
F. S. O.