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O deep brown eyes,” sang gay October,
“Deep brown eyes running over with glee;
Blue eyes are pale, and grey eyes are sober;
Bonnie brown eyes are the eyes for me.


“Black eyes shine in the glowing summer
With red of rose and yellow of corn;
But cold they close when the still late comer,
Silvery frost, creeps over the morn.
“Blue eyes shimmer with angel glances,
Like spring violets over the lea,
But O my grapes, my wines, and my dances;
What have angels in common with me?
“Go, Grey Eyes! What know ye of laughing,
Giddy with glee from the mere sunshine?
Go to your books! What know ye of quaffing
Luscious juice from the riotous vine?
“All the earth is full of frolicking;
Growing is over, harvest is done,
All the trees are ready for rolicking,
Glowing scarlet with rustical fun.
“Stay, Brown Eyes, in the purple weather,
A crown of oak leaves with maple blent
Shall deck your brow, while gayly together
We two will wander to heart's content.”
Thus October's wild voice was singing,
While on his pipe he cunningly played;
All the red woods with music were ringing,
And Brown Eyes listened with footsteps stayed,


Waited to hear the song beguiling,
Listened and laughed through the sunny day;
And earth and sky fell to merry smiling,
As hand in hand they wandered away.