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TO ---

They tell me that my trusting heart
Thy fondness is deceived in,
They say that thou as fickle art
As others I've believed in;
I heed not, reck not, what they say
So earnestly about thee,


I'd rather trust my soul away,
Than for a moment doubt thee.
I do not in thy presence yet
A former passion smother,
Nor in thy tenderness forget
The coldness of another.
Oh; no, my heart is thine alone,
And memory, can never
Recall a dream forever flown,
My thoughts from thee to sever.
Like mine, thy fondest hopes were crost,
Thy best affections slighted,
Thy peace in Passion's tempest lost,
Thy dearest prospects blighted;
Devotion is most deep and pure
In hearts by sorrow shaded,
And love like ours will still endure,
When brighter ties have faded.
And Dearest, had we sooner met,
Ere both were broken hearted;
Or could we even now forget
The ties which Fate has parted—
Our souls would never be so true,
So tenderly united,
Nor should we feel as now we do—
The bliss of love requited.