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“I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.”

[I. “I shall be satisfied!” The chaffy taste]

“I shall be satisfied!” The chaffy taste
Of Dead Sea apples me hath sickened long.
Sweet drops from Siloa's fountain on my tongue
Have turned to bitter; for, in feverish haste
I've drained the Circean bowl beside it placed;
To that mixed draught no healing could belong.
Seeking my soul's ideal, all the throng
Of showy phantoms I have wildly chased,
To find them pallid ghosts beneath their paint.
From earthy shallows gladly now I glide
To shores where Truth and Beauty know no taint;
Where dross shall be exchanged for silver tried;
Where substance shall replace these shadows faint,
And this in-burning thirst be satisfied.

[II. “When I awake.” In truth, 'tis like a dream]

“When I awake.” In truth, 'tis like a dream,
All that hath passed before these eyes of sense;
Yet Love, thy dearer name, Omnipotence,
Hath pierced the veil with many a golden beam,
Else, dark and wearisome the night would seem.
The dawn of heaven—in radiance pouring thence,
Vain dreams will hide their candles of pretence.
I have been sleeping. How shall I redeem
Those earthly hours bestowed for heavenly deeds—
These rusting talents from my bosom bring?
No longer will I lie in flowery meads.
I will awake and follow Thee, my King;
That, when my death-sealed ear the archangel heeds,
I, blest, may join the saints' awakening.

[III. Blest “with thy likeness!” This is all my prayer]

Blest “with thy likeness!” This is all my prayer,
To that high goal my ardent wishes tend,
Seeing thee, shall I love thee, Father, Friend,
And, loving thee, shall thy pure image bear.
When I the white robes of the ransomed wear,
And in thy Perfect Presence humbly bend,
Thy owning smile to my heart's brim will send
A well of joy thenceforth unfailing there.
Thy likeness, Thine, Immortal Purity,
No sensual blemish evermore will hide.
All worlds shall but reflect thy light to me;
My soul, by gazing on thee, glorified,
Serenely from its depths shall mirror Thee,
And then, O God! I shall be satisfied!