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A New Brand of Cigars


“La Marie Jansen” is a new brand of cigars that has been devised, manufactured, and uttered by an enterprising Boston man named Horace S. Woodbury. The vivacious lady who gives her name to these delectable weeds has honored us with a box of them, and we desire to testify to the superior quality of the same (the cigars). The Jansen has no equal among domestic goods, nor have we seen any foreign article that we prefer to it. It is of medium size, of proper heft, is well filled, and it imparts a singularly pleasing flavor to one's mouth. We know not how better to express our approval of this paragon of home industry than in these eloquent words of the inspired poet:

“The weed that's imported is commonly courted,
But I claim that the home-made will do, sir;
So I hullaballoo f'r th' indigenous two-f'r,
And stand for the red-white-and-blue, sir.
The Jansen's the smoker for this jolly joker—
It draws well, is fragrant and dapper;
It is so much the best that I'd swap all the rest
For just one—in a cute little wrapper.”