University of Virginia Library

Suggestions Welcome

"I will be very glad to have
suggestions from anyone in the
University community, and the
committee will have student

Mr. Williams, who came to
the University in 1957 as a
history, instructor, was
appointed as the first Vice
President for Student Affairs
during the summer of 1968.

He will take a leave of
absence next December on a
Sesquicentennial Fellowship.
Mr. Williams will return to the
University the following
September to each a full
course load.

Mr. Williams, an Assoc.
History Prof., indicated that he
wants to use the extra time
afforded by his leave to "catch
up on what I have missed in
Colonial Virginia History
during the past seven years."

In addition he plans to revise
a manuscript on Virginia
politics between 1690 and
1750. He also said he hopes to
write a book about Virginia
history, 1607 through 1783.

"I enjoy teaching, I enjoy
the classroom work, it's what I
originally intended to do," Mr.
Williams said. "It's a good
time to break."

The Vice President for
Student Affairs felt some
regret about his decision to
leave. He said he would miss
working with student leaders.
"I enjoy the day-to-day
contact; watching students
grow, and working with them,
trying to anticipate some of
the problems they'll run into,
and letting them learn from
their experience," he reflected.

"I think that the students
and the University as a whole
can benefit from new and fresh
input from time to time." he
added. "I came to teach and I
love teaching. If what you
want to do is teach, in the long
run you go back to it."