University of Virginia Library


Promotions recommended by the President, were approved in the following resolution,
unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED, by the Board of the Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the following promotions be and they are hereby authorized to become
effective as of July 1, 1940.



Frederick L. Brown,  Associate Professor to Professor of Physics  $4250 to $4500 
Armistead C. Gordon, Jr.,  Associate Professor to Professor of English  4250 to 4500 
Arthur Kyle Davis, Jr.,  Associate Professor to Professor of English  4250 to 4500 
James Shannon Miller,  Associate Professor to Professor of Electrical
4250 to 4500 
Charles Henderson,  Associate Professor to Professor of Experimental
4250 to 4500 
George T. Starnes,  Associate Professor to Professor of Commerce and
Business Administration 
4250 to 4500 
Dr. Davic C. Wilson,  Associate Professor to Professor of Psychiatry
and Neurology 
(No change in salary) 
Earl Godfrey Mellor,  Associate Professor to Professor of Romanic
4000 to 4500 
Thomas H. Evans,  Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of
Civil Engineering 
3200 to 3750 
Joseph Lee Vaughan,  Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
of English in the Department of Engineering 
3400 to 3750 
Leland B. Snoddy,  Assistant Professor to Associate Professor of
3000 to 3750 
Alfred Burger,  Acting Assistant to Assistant Professor of
(No change in salary) 
Julio S. Galban,  Instructor to Assistant Professor of Spanish  2300 to 2800 
Lawrence Lee,  Instructor to Assistant Professor of French  2000 to 2800 
Lawrence R. Quarles,  Instructor to Assistant Professor of Electrical
2000 to 2800 
Matthew Volm,  Instructor to Assistant Professor of German  2300 to 2800 
E. R. Slaughter,  Assistant Professor ot Physical Education, transferred
from Intercollegiate Athletics to the Department of
Physical Education, at the same salary