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June 16-17, 2000

Election of the Executive Committee  5828 
Establishment of the Centennial Distinguished Professorship in Nursing  5831 
Establishment of the Robert J. Roberts Professorship in Pediatrics  5831 
Naming of the New Residence Hall on Alderman Road in Honor of Mr. T. Braxton Woody  5832 
Resolution Congratulating Joseph E. Wolfe  5833 
Blue Ribbon Commission Resolution  5833 
Approval of Pratt Fund Distribution for 2000-2001  5834 
Approval of the Appointment of a Public Member to the Board of the University of Virginia Investment Management Company  5835 
Approval of the Blue Ridge Hospital Property Transfer  5835 
Adoption of the Return of Title IV Funds Schedule and Revision of the Policy on Refund of Tuition, Fees and Room and Board Charges  5836 
Conflict of Interest Exemption  5837 
Approval of Architect Selection for the Campbell Hall Addition Project  5838 
Approval of Architect Selection for the Hospital Expansion Project  5838 
Approval of Architect Selection for the Medical Research Building #6 Project  5839 
Approval of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Campbell Hall Addition Project  5839 


Approval of Architectural Design Guidelines for the Medical Research Building #6 Project  5839 
Approval to Remove Vyssotsky Cottage Garage  5840 
Approval to Remove the Faulkner Carriage House Garage  5840 
Approval of the 2000-2001 Operating Budget for the Academic Division  5841 
Approval of the 2000-2001 Operating Budget for The University of Virginia's College at Wise  5842 
Approval of the 2000-2001 Operating and Capital Budget for the University of Virginia Medical Center  5842 
Authorization to Increase the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Endowment Income Distribution  5842 
Approval of Bond Issuance  5843 
Approval of the Creation of a College Foundation  5848 
Approval of the Audit Schedule  5849 
Approval of Preliminary Design for the Monroe Lane Student Residence Project  5849 
Approval of VDOT Agreement, Emmet Street Bridge  5849 
Approval of Allocation from the Fiscal Year 2000 Operating Margin of the Medical Center  5850 
Approval of Revisions to the Board's Bylaws  5850 
Appointments to the University of Virginia's College at Wise Board  5851 
Memorial Resolution for Belva T. Dunn Jones  5851 


Elections and Re-elections to the Miller Center Governing Council  5852 
Approval of Property Purchase  5852 
Approval of Summary of Audit Findings  5852 
Faculty Personnel Actions 
Elections  5853 
Actions Relating to Chairholders  5854 
Promotions  5855 
Resignations  5865 
Re-appointments  5866 
Deaths  5867 
Change in the Appointment of Ms. Sally N. Barber  5867 
Change in the Election of Associate Professor Emeritus of Mr. J. David Deck  5867 
Change in the Election of Mr. Charles R. Marsh  5868 
Approval of Reporting Relationships and Supervisory Structure for Dual Employment Situation  5868 
The University of Virginia's College at Wise 
Resignation  5869 
Appointment  5869