University of Virginia Library


The Rector stated that the meeting was called for the particular purpose of considering a
matter that had been discussed by Governor Darden with several members of the Board while at the Capitol
on a recent visit there on other matters pertaining to the University, with respect to the advisability
of discontinuing fraternity houses at the University, and read a letter that he had recently had from him
and his reply thereto. Following a general discussion of the question, the following motion, offered by
Lewis C. Williams, was adopted.

RESOLVED, That the letter from the Governor or Virginia be referred to a committee
to be composed of three members of this Board appointed by the Rector, of which Mr. Stettinius
shall be chairman, to study and report upon the desirability and discipline of fraternity

The Rector appointed on the above committee,

  • E. R. Stettinius,

  • Lewis C. Williams and

  • James H. Corbitt.